Training agility: trick with rolling a coin. Tricks with coins. Learning the secrets of tricks with a coin How to do tricks with a coin

In this article we will learn how to do tricks with coins. Learning these tricks depends on your patience. It is necessary to repeat these tricks until they become automatic. This is the most important thing in performing these tricks.

Coin and glass trick

You will need: a glass, a coin, a scarf measuring 50 x 50 cm.

Show the audience a glass of water. Glue a coin to its bottom in advance. But it is not visible if you look at the glass from the side. Hold the glass in your hand, cover it with a handkerchief, then remove the handkerchief. Invite any spectator to look into the glass from above, and he will see that a coin has appeared in the glass.

The secret of focus.

The coin must be glued to the bottom of the glass in advance. It can be seen through its walls when the glass is empty. When it is filled with water, the coin is not visible through the water if you look from the side of the glass. It is only visible from above.

Coin and talking bottle trick

You will need: an empty 2-liter plastic bottle, a coin with a diameter the size of the neck of the bottle.

Place an empty plastic bottle in the freezer. After 5 minutes, take it out and close the neck of the bottle with a coin, after moistening the coin with water. The coin will bounce and crackle, as if the bottle is talking.

Unusual coin

You will need: a coin, a scarf measuring 30 x 30 cm, an assistant.

Place the coin on the table, cover it with a scarf, invite the audience to come up and check that the coin should be under the scarf. When several spectators are convinced of this, take the handkerchief, move it from hand to hand and show everyone that the coin has disappeared. Say that it is now in the pocket of one of the spectators. Approach him and take a coin out of his pocket.

The secret of focus.

The secret of this trick is simple: you need to have an assistant partner. He must sit among the spectators. When they come up to make sure that the coin is under the scarf, he should come last and quietly take it with him.

Trick with a coin and a handkerchief.

You will need: a coin, a scarf measuring 30-30 cm, an elastic band.

How to make a magic scarf.

To do this, sew two identical scarves together, sew a coin inside and into the center of them.

Ask the audience for a few coins and choose one from the handful. Take a handkerchief out of your pocket, spread it out and place a coin in its center. Turn the scarf over, the coin remains under it. Take the rubber band out of your pocket and put it on the scarf, squeezing it under the coin. Invite the viewer to place his palm and, stretching the scarf by the corners, make sure that the elastic band comes off the coin. But the viewer's palm will remain empty - the coin did not fall into it. You need to pretend that you are taking it, for example, from a table or cabinet, where it seemed to be during the trick.

The secret of focus.

When, during a trick, you take a coin from a spectator and turn the handkerchief over, his coin imperceptibly falls into your hand. A specially sewn coin remains in the scarf, and an elastic ring is put on it. You discreetly hold the spectator's coin in your fingers during the trick and then demonstrate it.

In this article you will be taught tricks with a coin. Learning directly depends on your patience. You need to practice until everything becomes automatic. This is the most important rule for performing these tricks, and tricks in general.

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    Trick with glass and coin

    You need the following items: a 50x50 cm scarf, a coin and a glass.

    Show the viewer a glass filled with water. Glue a coin to its bottom in advance. But it won’t be visible if you show the glass from the side. Hold the glass in your hand, then cover it with a handkerchief, after a while remove the handkerchief and finally invite the viewer to look into the glass from above. He will see that a coin has somehow appeared in the glass.

    The Secret of Focus

    Glue the coin to the bottom of the glass in advance. When it is empty, it can be seen through the walls. However, when you fill it with water, the coin will not be visible unless viewed from the side. It can only be seen from above.

    Talking bottle and coin trick

    You need: an assistant, a 30x30 cm scarf and a coin.

    Place a coin on the table, cover it with a scarf and ask the audience to come up and make sure that the coin is under the scarf. When this happens, take the handkerchief, transfer it from your right to your left hand and show that the coin has disappeared. Say that it is now in the viewer's pocket. Go to him and take it out.

    The Secret of Focus

    You need a partner-assistant. He must be among the spectators. While they come up to see that the coin is under the scarf, your partner should come last and quietly take it away.

    Trick with handkerchief and coin

    You will need: an elastic band, a 30x30 scarf and a coin.

    How to make a magic scarf

    To do this, you need to sew 2 identical scarves, and sew a coin into the center of them. The coin should be inside the scarves.

    Ask the audience for a handful of coins and choose one. Take a handkerchief out of your pocket, spread it out and place the coin you chose in the center. The scarf should be turned over so that the coin remains under it. Take out the elastic ring from your pocket, put it on the scarf and squeeze it under the coin. Ask the viewer to place his palm, and stretching the scarf at the corners, make sure that the elastic band comes off the coin. However, the viewer's palm will be empty - the coin did not fall into it. You need to pretend that you are taking it, for example, from a closet or from a table, where it somehow miraculously ended up.

    The Secret of Focus

    When you take a coin from the spectator during a trick and turn the handkerchief over, it should fall imperceptibly into your hand. There will be a coin sewn into the scarf, and put an elastic ring on it. And you must hold the spectator’s coin in your fingers during the trick and after the demonstration.

Simple and spectacular tricks with money on video for you. Everyone dreams of wealth.
The more coins in your bosom, the warmer it is.

To have large sums in your bank account, you need to work, sparing neither your time nor your health.

Imagine, even for a second, that money appears out of nowhere. For example, your friend takes a coin out of your ear or an ordinary simple handkerchief. Isn't this a miracle? And you can do this, you just have to wish it.

A little patience and diligence and you can manipulate these alluring, shiny pieces of iron.

Just imagine, at the next cooperative you show? You will appear before your colleagues in a completely different role.
You will immediately win the favor of your employees, and what about the employees, the bosses will be pleasantly surprised.

Instead of boring drinking sessions, song and dance competitions, a real miracle will happen, where you are the most important sorcerer, magician and wizard.

The difference between tricks with coins and other illusionary acts is the simplicity of their execution.

Tricks with various objects

To learn all these simple tricks, you should watch a training video where the magician reveals his secrets to you in the smallest detail.

Our training in magic tricks is free, study the video that is posted on the site for you.

It is better to learn magic tricks in front of a mirror. And do everything on video. Don't leave out any details.

It's better to film yourself. And see what came of it.

Practice, learn tricks, you will get high-quality tricks and no one will know about your secrets.

Once you have learned the secrets of several masters, you will be able to put all these teachings into practice by subtly manipulating the emotions of your loved ones and friends.

Well, do you want to become a magician? Then this educational video on tricks with coins was created especially for you.

How often do parents rack their brains about what to do with their child? It’s no secret to anyone that computer games, which so attract the attention of a small creature, do not lead to anything good, to deterioration of vision, without any mental development, curvature of the spine, a waste of time, obesity and isolation.

To prevent this, to avoid consequences in the future, you need to start doing something now.

Various tricks always hide some simple secret.

In the video we reveal all the tricks of magicians and magicians.

For a child, this is not just an amazing world of fantasy, but an opportunity for real communication with their peers. Tricks for children with coins develop memory, thinking, ingenuity, and imagination.

To be interested enough, you need to show a simple trick, which will result in a question from the young genius: “How”

And instead of answering, you can show a training video in which he will find answers to his questions. Imagine how many guests you will have, and the young magician and wizard will attract with his art many friends, so important at a young age for the development of a person.

Insularity and unsociability go away, and leadership qualities develop.

Sew your child a robe, make a cap, a magic wand.

This is necessary for him to fully integrate into the image. This will captivate him so much that in the future he will independently study new secrets of magic tricks, come up with his own performances and surprise you. Magic tricks are a separate interesting world full of mysteries.

Download the educational video of coin tricks for children and enjoy the time you have for yourself. While your baby is learning the secrets, you can rest easy.

Here are the simplest tricks with coins, there is a lot to learn and little secrets to know.

Are you tired of being an ordinary office plankton, whose personality no one pays attention to? Tired of being a lonely bachelor? Do your relatives invite you to a group of friends or to holidays only because the rules of etiquette dictate so?

Being surrounded by people you don't know, are you afraid to say a word because you think they won't understand you? Stop living as a recluse!

Coin tricks are often the most popular. Even children can do them. In any setting, in any situation, 1-2 coins are enough for a trick.

No preparation required. No need to carry huge props with you. You take a coin out of your wallet. And the trick is ready.

In general, the best collections with clever tricks. Everything related to coins. There are coins with secrets. And there are ordinary ones - with them the most exciting and amazing tricks are obtained. Coins are not often used in their pure form. There are also additional details. In the video about coin tricks and their secrets, it and other objects are used.

You need to live a bright and rich life! We don’t have much time to get excited about processing our old and no longer relevant complexes.

I suggest you become a new sociable person, speaking in public without fear, causing smiles and admiring glances. What I mean? I encourage you to become part of the secret club of magicians.

Having mastered the secrets of even simple tricks. You will become popular. One of the most important things in life, no matter how you look at it, is money. Coin manipulation is in high demand.

Coin tricks are simple and varied.

Each magician has his own 2 - 3 signature tricks, secrets that he will never reveal.

Try and come up with something of your own. First you need to learn the basics. It’s not difficult to learn tricks with coins; if earlier information was passed on by word of mouth, through books, now it is. Thanks to technology, you can learn simple tricks with coins by watching video instructions.

Knowing these secrets, you can figure out any magician who uses coins and can show any trick yourself on video.

You can download a training video, where the master shows in detail, down to the smallest manipulations invisible to the average person, on the Internet. Everyone will find something that is closer to them. Find a teacher. Masters of this art, which will be understandable to him.
Learn and soon you will notice how your life changes for the better.

There is nothing easier than tricks with coins. There is a free video tutorial for these tricks.

Educational literature on this topic can be found in any bookstore; the shelves are simply littered with literature for every taste.

But why buy a printed edition, exhaust yourself by reading dry letters written in black and white and rack your brains in conjectures: “But how does this happen in reality?”

There are many videos demonstrating tricks with coins and their secrets for beginners. You can get training by watching video materials, where the master will show with an example what happens when performing a trick, how your hands should move. The video explains the secrets of this art more clearly.

Tricks can be shown under any circumstances; they will be of interest to everyone, young and old. To carry out such a simple maneuver as the appearance of a coin behind the ear, you need manual dexterity, a small coin, and a sense of humor.

If you are the father of a large family, and you often do not have time to communicate with all members of your family, then it is worth learning a couple of tricks to entertain your children and wife in the evenings. Laughter prolongs life, and laughter also helps to get closer and relax, and to win over your interlocutor.

For all your loved ones, you will appear in a new role. A new facet of your character will interest others, and they will pay more attention to you.

You can learn the secrets of magicians completely free of charge. There are materials on the Internet that interest you. From the first minute of watching this video, you will no longer be able to tear yourself away, plunging more into the wonderful and amazing world of magicians.

Secret after secret, and after just 30 minutes of viewing you feel initiated into something mysterious, something sublime, you feel like you are involved in a certain secret society.

There is no need to buy boring manuals for learning tricks with coins, everything is on our video with a detailed description of all the important details. Anyone can learn.

Good luck, may the coins keep coming to you.

The good news about coin tricks is that you can perform them almost anywhere and you can easily find props (look behind the couch). There's no need for much preparation or explanation, so with just a little training you'll be able to quickly add a dose of fun mischief to everyday events. All magicians must have sleight of hand. Practice it well and you can show it anytime, anywhere.

2. Fold the bottom edge of the paper over the coin, leaving a difference of six millimeters between the two edges of the paper.

3. Fold the right edge of the paper back behind the coin.

4. Fold the left one back behind the coin.

5. Make the last fold by folding the top one back behind the coin. The coin appears to be completely wrapped up, but in fact the top edge is still exposed.

6. Now you turn the envelope over so that the open side allows the coin to slip into your palm, where it remains, while you “prove” the disappearance of the coin to the audience by tearing it apart.

Master of Illusion

Even though you need to carry a lot of coins, you don't actually use any! Your viewers will think that you are throwing a coin from one hand to another, but this is an illusion!

1. Act out a scene, taking a handful of coins out of your pocket - let the audience see that the coins are real. Pick one coin and pretend to pick it up - you'll need to practice this! Put all the coins back in your pocket.

2. Toss an imaginary coin back and forth from one hand to the other, making a soft slap as you pretend to catch the coin each time. Practice with a real coin so that you get a reliable sound. If you relax your fingers and slap them on the bottom of your palm while you “catch” the coin, you should get the right sound.

3. Do this a few times, then stop and pretend to hold an imaginary coin in one of your hands. Ask the audience to guess how it landed: “Heads or tails?” Of course, when you open your hand, the coin won't be there. This is good because the audience will think that it is in your other hand.

4. Slowly open your other hand to show that there is no coin in it either - and bow to the applause of the audience.

Simple and spectacular tricks with money on video for you. Everyone dreams of wealth.
The more coins in your bosom, the warmer it is.

To have large sums in your bank account, you need to work, sparing neither your time nor your health.

Imagine, even for a second, that money appears out of nowhere. For example, your friend takes a coin out of your ear or an ordinary simple handkerchief. Isn't this a miracle? And you can do this, you just have to wish it.

A little patience and diligence and you can manipulate these alluring, shiny pieces of iron.

Just imagine, at the next cooperative you show? You will appear before your colleagues in a completely different role.
You will immediately win the favor of your employees, and what about the employees, the bosses will be pleasantly surprised.

Instead of boring drinking sessions, song and dance competitions, a real miracle will happen, where you are the most important sorcerer, magician and wizard.

The difference between tricks with coins and other illusionary acts is the simplicity of their execution.

Tricks with various objects

To learn all these simple tricks, you should watch a training video where the magician reveals his secrets to you in the smallest detail.

Our training in magic tricks is free, study the video that is posted on the site for you.

It is better to learn magic tricks in front of a mirror. And do everything on video. Don't leave out any details.

It's better to film yourself. And see what came of it.

Practice, learn tricks, you will get high-quality tricks and no one will know about your secrets.

Once you have learned the secrets of several masters, you will be able to put all these teachings into practice by subtly manipulating the emotions of your loved ones and friends.

Well, do you want to become a magician? Then this educational video on tricks with coins was created especially for you.

How often do parents rack their brains about what to do with their child? It’s no secret to anyone that computer games, which so attract the attention of a small creature, do not lead to anything good, to deterioration of vision, without any mental development, curvature of the spine, a waste of time, obesity and isolation.

To prevent this, to avoid consequences in the future, you need to start doing something now.

Various tricks always hide some simple secret.

In the video we reveal all the tricks of magicians and magicians.

For a child, this is not just an amazing world of fantasy, but an opportunity for real communication with their peers. Tricks for children with coins develop memory, thinking, ingenuity, and imagination.

To be interested enough, you need to show a simple trick, which will result in a question from the young genius: “How”

And instead of answering, you can show a training video in which he will find answers to his questions. Imagine how many guests you will have, and the young magician and wizard will attract with his art many friends, so important at a young age for the development of a person.

Insularity and unsociability go away, and leadership qualities develop.

Sew your child a robe, make a cap, a magic wand.

This is necessary for him to fully integrate into the image. This will captivate him so much that in the future he will independently study new secrets of magic tricks, come up with his own performances and surprise you. Magic tricks are a separate interesting world full of mysteries.

Download the educational video of coin tricks for children and enjoy the time you have for yourself. While your baby is learning the secrets, you can rest easy.

Here are the simplest tricks with coins, there is a lot to learn and little secrets to know.

Are you tired of being an ordinary office plankton, whose personality no one pays attention to? Tired of being a lonely bachelor? Do your relatives invite you to a group of friends or to holidays only because the rules of etiquette dictate so?

Being surrounded by people you don't know, are you afraid to say a word because you think they won't understand you? Stop living as a recluse!

Coin tricks are often the most popular. Even children can do them. In any setting, in any situation, 1-2 coins are enough for a trick.

No preparation required. No need to carry huge props with you. You take a coin out of your wallet. And the trick is ready.

In general, the best collections with clever tricks. Everything related to coins. There are coins with secrets. And there are ordinary ones - with them the most exciting and amazing tricks are obtained. Coins are not often used in their pure form. There are also additional details. In the video about coin tricks and their secrets, it and other objects are used.

You need to live a bright and rich life! We don’t have much time to get excited about processing our old and no longer relevant complexes.

I suggest you become a new sociable person, speaking in public without fear, causing smiles and admiring glances. What I mean? I encourage you to become part of the secret club of magicians.

Having mastered the secrets of even simple tricks. You will become popular. One of the most important things in life, no matter how you look at it, is money. Coin manipulation is in high demand.

Coin tricks are simple and varied.

Each magician has his own 2 - 3 signature tricks, secrets that he will never reveal.

Try and come up with something of your own. First you need to learn the basics. It’s not difficult to learn tricks with coins; if earlier information was passed on by word of mouth, through books, now it is. Thanks to technology, you can learn simple tricks with coins by watching video instructions.

Knowing these secrets, you can figure out any magician who uses coins and can show any trick yourself on video.

You can download a training video, where the master shows in detail, down to the smallest manipulations invisible to the average person, on the Internet. Everyone will find something that is closer to them. Find a teacher. Masters of this art, which will be understandable to him.
Learn and soon you will notice how your life changes for the better.

There is nothing easier than tricks with coins. There is a free video tutorial for these tricks.

Educational literature on this topic can be found in any bookstore; the shelves are simply littered with literature for every taste.

But why buy a printed edition, exhaust yourself by reading dry letters written in black and white and rack your brains in conjectures: “But how does this happen in reality?”

There are many videos demonstrating tricks with coins and their secrets for beginners. You can get training by watching video materials, where the master will show with an example what happens when performing a trick, how your hands should move. The video explains the secrets of this art more clearly.

Tricks can be shown under any circumstances; they will be of interest to everyone, young and old. To carry out such a simple maneuver as the appearance of a coin behind the ear, you need manual dexterity, a small coin, and a sense of humor.

If you are the father of a large family, and you often do not have time to communicate with all members of your family, then it is worth learning a couple of tricks to entertain your children and wife in the evenings. Laughter prolongs life, and laughter also helps to get closer and relax, and to win over your interlocutor.

For all your loved ones, you will appear in a new role. A new facet of your character will interest others, and they will pay more attention to you.

You can learn the secrets of magicians completely free of charge. There are materials on the Internet that interest you. From the first minute of watching this video, you will no longer be able to tear yourself away, plunging more into the wonderful and amazing world of magicians.

Secret after secret, and after just 30 minutes of viewing you feel initiated into something mysterious, something sublime, you feel like you are involved in a certain secret society.

There is no need to buy boring manuals for learning tricks with coins, everything is on our video with a detailed description of all the important details. Anyone can learn.

Good luck, may the coins keep coming to you.

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