Logical blocks of dienes description. Card index of games with logical blocks of Dienesh. mathematics card file on the topic. The history of the creation of educational toys

Dienesh logic blocks is an educational and gaming aid created by Zoltan Dienes, a Hungarian psychologist and mathematician. I use them very often when working with children.

Games with Dienesha blocks introduce children to with elementary mathematical concepts -shape, color, size and thickness of objects. Games with blocks develop logical and analytical thinking (the ability to analyze, compare, classify, generalize), creativity, as well as perception, memory, attention and imagination.

The blocks can be used in games with children from 1 year to school.

Since I often use them when working with kids, the necessary simple tasks from the albums that are on sale were not enough for me, so I made my own.

It's very easy to work with them. We place a page from the album in front of the child, to the right or above it the necessary blocks. We invite the child to place blocks on figures of the same color and shape. If I give a child a picture of a steam locomotive, then I suggest putting small animals on the blocks that want to go on a journey, for example, putting a dog in a blue carriage and a squirrel in a red one. Also often, after the child has completed the tasks, I ask him to help me put the blocks back in place, and to do this I ask him to first give me a large red circle or a small blue square. Then I complicate the tasks, asking you to give me something other than a blue circle, or a thick triangle, etc.

This game allows children to consolidate their knowledge of basic colors and geometric shapes, develop spatial thinking, and the ability to complete tasks.

Also, when working with kids, I use other albums for blocks: “For the very little ones” and “Little logicians”.

I will be grateful for your feedback and comments)

Modern parents have access to many teaching aids with which they can develop their children from a very early age. Dienesh's logic blocks are very popular - a game with pictures, diagrams and special albums. This book helps preschoolers learn the basics of mathematics in a fun way. Find out what the material is and how to work with it.

What are Dienes blocks

This is the name of a special didactic manual for mastering mathematics, developed by a famous Hungarian scientist. Zoltan Gyenes devoted his entire life to this discipline. He strove to make it as understandable and interesting as possible for children. For this purpose, he specially developed the author's Dienesh system for the early development of mathematics by children.

The game manual is a set of 48 geometric shapes. They are represented by elements, among which there are no repetitions. The figures are divided according to the following criteria:

  1. Color. Blue, red, yellow.
  2. Size. Small, big.
  3. Thickness. Thick, thin.
  4. Form. Circle, triangle, square, rectangle.


Dienesh's logic blocks are designed for teaching mathematics in a playful way. Classes with them contribute to the development of memory, attention, imagination, and speech. The child develops the ability to classify material, compare, and analyze analytical information. The optimal age to start classes is 3-3 years. Working with Dienesh's logical blocks will teach your little ones:

  1. Identify the properties of objects, name them, explain what the differences and similarities are, and support your reasoning with arguments.
  2. Think logically.
  3. It's better to talk.
  4. Understand color, thickness, shape and different sizes.
  5. Be aware of space.
  6. Solve educational and practical problems independently.
  7. Persistently pursue goals, cope with difficulties, and show initiative.
  8. Perform mental operations.
  9. Develop imagination, creative and intellectual abilities, fantasy, modeling and design skills.

How to work with Dienes blocks

Classes take place in several stages. Dienesh developed his method taking into account the psychological aspects of young children, so there is no need to be afraid that it will be too complex for the thinking of a preschooler. The following stages of development of mathematical abilities are distinguished:

  1. Free play. The goal is to teach the baby to solve unfamiliar problems using the “trial and error” method, trying out different options.
  2. The baby smoothly switches to playing according to certain rules. As classes progress, basic information becomes familiar, for example, “which shapes are the same.”
  3. Discussion, comparison of the content of mathematical games. It is necessary to select different options with related rules, but different game materials.
  4. Familiarization with the content of numbers. It is recommended to use maps, diagrams, tables.
  5. The last stage is the longest and is suitable for older preschoolers. It should offer different cards with definitions of rules that help to come to specific logical conclusions. Gradually, the baby will become familiar with such concepts as theorem and axiom.

Logic blocks

The figures themselves are the basis of Dienesh’s technique. They provide many exciting educational games for children of different ages. The main purpose of Dienesh blocks is to teach a child to understand the properties of objects. With their help, he will learn to distinguish and combine objects, and classify them. The presence of pictures and special albums will significantly diversify the number of games that you can offer your preschooler.


For classes, images are used that contain symbolic information about the properties of the figure. It looks like this:

  1. The color is indicated by a spot.
  2. The size is the silhouette of the house. A small one is designated as a one-story building, a large one as a multi-story building.
  3. The contours of geometric shapes correspond to the shape.
  4. The thickness is two images of men. The first one is fat, the second one is thin.
  5. In Dienesh's set there are cards with denial. For example, a multi-story building with a cross through it means that the desired figure is “not big,” that is, small.

Sets of cards can be used not only together with Dienesh blocks, but also for independent games. Working with them develops logic, the skill of decoding information using symbols. First, the child should be given the simplest game tasks to get acquainted with Dienesh cards, and then gradually complicate them. A set of images can significantly diversify classes and make them much more interesting.


You will need to purchase several such benefits for each age range. They should be selected according to the child’s level of development, and not according to how old he is at the moment. Sometimes at 3 years old a child has the development of a 5 year old, and sometimes vice versa. The albums contain various games with Dienesh figures, diagrams and drawings according to which you can put them together. You can complicate the tasks yourself, add variety to them, focusing on the child’s reaction.

Dienesha blocks for the little ones

Children from the age of two can practice logical figures. Many simple games have been developed for them. Their main goal is to teach the child to distinguish between the properties of an object and to group objects according to certain characteristics. Such activities will not only be useful, but also interesting for every child. Check out some of the most popular game options.


These are the simplest games for kids who are just getting acquainted with the Dienesh set. Example:

  1. Place the elements of Dienesh in front of the child.
  2. Let him group them according to different criteria. First he selects everything of the same color, then size, etc.

Gradually the game becomes more difficult. Invite your child to sort blocks according to two or more criteria. For example:

  1. Choose yellow rectangular blocks and blue square ones.
  2. Get all the flat figures of the same size.
  3. Choose thin round blocks.
  4. Sort out all the blue triangle shapes.


All children, without exception, adore this creative game. It is very simple, but fascinating. The child is asked to put together different figures from the elements of Dienesh, first according to the diagrams, and then without them, gradually complicating the task. Examples of objects you might be asked to construct:

  • house;
  • table;
  • house with windows;
  • herringbone;
  • shop;
  • stool;
  • sofa;
  • chair;
  • steps;
  • armchair;
  • machine.

Continue the series

The game is aimed at strengthening the child’s knowledge of geometric shapes, size, thickness, and color. Thanks to her, he will learn to find patterns. Task options:

  1. Place the elements of Dienesh on the table in front of the baby so that each next one differs from the previous one in one way. The child independently continues this series.
  2. Lay out a chain of Dienesh figures so that there are no objects nearby that are identical in two respects. Invite your child to continue this series.
  3. Place Dienesh figures in front of the baby by color: red, yellow, blue. He will continue the series, alternating shades in a given sequence.

Feed the animals

Place several of his favorite toys in front of your baby. Let him feed each one a pair of “cookies” (blocks). Offer some conditions, for example, the bear cub should be given only red food, and the kitten should be given square food. This game resembles sampling, but children perceive it much better. It’s rare that any child refuses to feed their pets.

Games with Dienesha blocks for the older group

When the child grows up, he will be able to click the exercises for kids like seeds, and the tasks will have to be complicated. Dienesh's method for preschoolers is designed for children 5-6 years old. The exercises are more complex; not only the cubes themselves are actively used, but also cards and game albums. The tasks are aimed at developing logical thinking in an adult child and the ability to explain the decision made. Study a few games as examples, based on which you can come up with many more exercises.


Give your child any figurine of Dienesh or offer to choose one yourself. Then, from the total mass of blocks, he will take out all those that coincide with the first one in one given property. Once he has mastered the game well, make it more difficult. Let the child select blocks that have two identical properties to the one originally taken. Then you can make the game even more difficult. The child must choose those blocks that do not have a single adjacent property with the first one.


This game is suitable even for several children. Rules:

  1. Each player receives an equal number of blocks. The order of participants is determined.
  2. The first one makes a move with any piece.
  3. The second one places a block whose one property matches.
  4. If there is no suitable piece, the participant misses a move.
  5. The first one to lay out all his blocks wins.
  6. The game can be complicated by changing the rules about the properties of the pieces being laid out. For example, you need to respond with a block that has two similar characteristics, etc.

Find the odd one out

The following game will help children learn to group three-dimensional geometric shapes according to various criteria. Rules:

  1. Place three figures in front of the child. One of them should not have a single property in common with the others.
  2. Let the child figure out which block is extra and explain why and how he came to this conclusion.
  3. Make the task more difficult. Lay out 6 blocks. The baby must remove the extra two.

Find a match

This game will appeal to children who have already mastered all the simple tasks well. Rules:

  1. Place several figures in a row in front of your child.
  2. Offer to select a steam room for each according to a specific property.
  3. Make the task more difficult. Let the child try to choose a pair based not on one, but on two or three properties.
  4. You can initially take, for example, 10 paired elements. Place them in a bag. Let the child make the pairs himself, laying out the Dienesh figures in two horizontal rows.


To play the game you will need several large sheets of colored cardboard. They serve as sketches of paintings. To compose the composition, additional cardboard parts are needed. The game teaches you to analyze the shape of objects, compare them, and develops creative and artistic abilities. Rules:

  1. Based on the sketches, the kids must “paint” a picture.
  2. They choose the preparation themselves. It shows schematically where which blocks should be located. Thin ones will only be outlined, and thick ones will be completely painted over.
  3. Let the children select the missing blocks and parts cut out of cardboard to the correct places in the “sketch”.


For this task you need cards with images of objects that will serve as goods, and logical elements. The game “Shop” develops memory, the ability to reason, justify your choice, identify and abstract properties. Rules:

  1. A preschooler comes to a store that has a variety of card products. He has three figures that perform the function of money. You can purchase one item for each.
  2. The child needs to buy an object that has at least one property that matches the money figure.
  3. You can gradually complicate the game by offering new rules.

Let's decorate the Christmas tree

The following game helps develop the skills of ordinal counting and diagram reading. For it you will need an image of a Christmas tree and 15 cards with symbols and blocks. Rules:

  1. The Christmas tree should be decorated with beads in five rows. Each will contain three beads.
  2. The number on the card is the serial number of the position of the thread from top to bottom. The circle painted on it shows which number the bead should go, and below it indicates which element will represent it.
  3. Let the child hang the first row of beads, and then all the lower ones, strictly following the diagram on the card.

This article offers classes with Dienesh blocks aimed at developing logical thinking and the ability to identify a certain property of an object.

Game “Where is more?”

Two rows of figures are laid out in front of the child - one has 4 blocks, the other has 5. The child determines which row has more blocks, and how to make an equal number of blocks in each row (remove an extra one or add another one).

Game “Build a Row”

A row of 5-6 figures is laid out in front of the child. Invite your child to build the bottom row in such a way that under each figure in the top row there is a figure of a different size. Options - different shape, different color.

Game “Fill in the table”

Draw a table of 9 cells - 3 by 3. In each line, fill only 2 cells with blocks, united by a certain feature (shape, color, size). Invite your child to fill in the empty cells.

Game “Build a multi-story house”

A row of 4 figures is laid out in front of the child - these are the “residents of the first floor”. The “second floor” is built in such a way that each “resident” of the first floor differs from its “upper neighbor” in color. The next “floor” - the figures differ from the lower ones in shape, another “floor” - in size, etc.

Game “Build a path”

Draw a diagram - the rule for constructing the track. The child builds a path according to the rule: he alternates blocks based on color or shape: first red, then square, then yellow, and triangular.

Game “Non-property”

Select one block, for example the red big circle. Invite your child to describe the properties of this figure using the prefix “not”, for example:

What block is this?

- Not-yellow, not-small, not-triangular

Invite your child to find all the same blocks - “not-yellow, not-small, not-triangular”.

Guessing game

Hide one block. Invite your child to guess what shape you have hidden by asking questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no,” for example: “Is this shape blue?”, “Is this a triangle?”

Game “Find the dog”

Place 8 blocks in front of the child, hide the image of a dog under one. By analogy with the previous game, invite your child to find the dog by asking questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no,” for example:

The dog under the blue block?
- No.
- Under yellow?
- No.
- Under red?
- Yes.
- Under the big one?
- Yes.
- Under the round one?
- Yes.

Game “Sorting”

Draw 2 intersecting circles. Invite your child to place yellow blocks in the left circle, square blocks in the right circle, and yellow square blocks in the area where the circles intersect.

Option - in the left circle there are round blocks, in the right circle there are square blocks, and in the center there are non-round and non-square blocks, etc.

Game “Separate the blocks”

The game is a variation of the previous game, but here you will need 3 circles. Invite your child to divide all the blocks as follows: for the fox - all small blocks, for the bear - all thick ones, and for the wolf - all round ones. You need to guess that the small round blocks belong to both fox and wolf blocks - they need to be placed at the intersection of two corresponding circles. By analogy, round thick blocks are located at the intersection of the wolf and bear circles, and all small round thick blocks are located at the intersection of all three circles.

There is a wide variety of albums and training manuals with Dienesh logic blocks, which offer ready-made game scenarios. You can purchase them, make them yourself, or download them.

See Dienesh's logic blocks games for the little ones.

See Dienesh's logic blocks using cards.

Share your comments and ideas.

The Hungarian psychologist and teacher has developed wonderful exercises and games that promote the development of mathematical concepts, as well as creative and logical thinking. Work on getting to know the blocks begins again, where kids highlight one feature of an object. The tasks become more complicated, symbol cards appear, with the help of which children select the necessary figures. What games can be used with Dienesh blocks in older preschool age?

Children of senior preschool age are able to operate with several properties of an object at once. Children have developed imaginative thinking and are able to solve riddles, read symbols, engage in encoding and decoding. Preschoolers enjoy playing and doing exercises with Dienesh blocks.

Game "Guess the riddle"

On a field of 4 or 5 parts, depending on the level of preparedness of the children, symbols of the figures are laid out, while the last window remains for guessing. For example, we put signs on the field: thin yellow and triangular. The child must place a thin yellow triangle in the empty window, and the size of the figure is not taken into account. You can make riddles from four symbols, for example: circle, thick, large, blue. In response, the child will put a blue, large, thick circle. The most difficult version of this game is with the negation of 1, 2, or 3 signs. The opposite game, “Make a Riddle,” is an empty tablet on which children, having chosen a figure, place the corresponding signs.

Educational game “Settling the Tenants”

The game “Settle the Tenants” is very exciting and students can play it in whole groups, and then test each other. In each apartment you need to place a tenant based on his characteristics (color, shape, size and thickness). For example, on the first floor there lives a blue, fat tenant, and on the second there is a red, not fat, but square tenant, on the third - not blue, rather large, round and thin. The houses are designed for children with different levels of preparedness, where it is necessary to take into account 2-4 signs and use negatives.

Educational game "Labyrinth"

Children happily respond to games like “Labyrinth”, “Tree”, etc., where they must find a place for their figure. Such games are aimed at developing the ability to classify blocks according to three characteristics and the ability to identify the main characteristics. Draw a tree with branches of different colors without leaves. Each branch has its own symbol indicating shape, size or thickness.

The child with the red large triangle must find a red branch with the “triangle and large” icon (or not a square, large, or a triangle, not small, etc.). It all depends on the level of development of the children and the creativity of the teacher. You can draw labyrinths, roads to garages, garden beds, and encode all information with icons. Such games bring great pleasure to children, and knowing about the “discoverer instinct”, you can achieve great results.

Educational game "Round Dance"

On winter evenings, and even on hot summer evenings, you can play dominoes or do round dances. To do this, divide all the blocks between the children and agree on the rules. The first player places any piece, and the next player must put a piece of a different size, or the same shape, but a different color, or a different shape, but the same size and thickness, etc. Children can come up with rules, and the teacher carefully monitors their implementation.

Games with hoops and Dienesha blocks

A special section in Dienesh’s methodology is devoted to games with hoops, which also begin with completing simple tasks and gradually become more complex, allowing the teacher to develop analytical thinking, mental flexibility and speed of reaction in future schoolchildren.

"Game with one hoop"

There is a hoop on the floor. Each child has one block in his hand. Children take turns placing blocks in accordance with the leader’s instructions. For example, inside the hoop are all red blocks, and outside the hoop are all the rest. Children are asked questions: What blocks are inside the hoop? (Reds). Which blocks were outside the hoop? (Non-red). This is the correct answer, because... the only important thing is that all the red blocks are inside the hoop and there are no others there, and the properties of the blocks outside the hoop are determined through the properties of those that lie inside. When repeating the game, children can choose for themselves which blocks to put inside, outside, and then determine to each other in one word the shapes outside the hoop.

"Game with two hoops"

There are two multi-colored hoops on the floor (blue and red), the hoops intersect, so they have a common part. The presenter invites someone to stand inside the blue hoop, inside the red hoop, inside both hoops, outside the red hoop, inside the blue but outside the red, inside the red but outside the blue, outside the blue and red hoops.

Then the children arrange the blocks so that all the round blocks are inside the blue hoop, and all the red ones are inside the red hoop.

At first, the problem is where to put the red and round blocks. Their place is in the common part of the two hoops. After completing the practical task of arranging blocks, children answer four questions:

  1. What blocks are inside both hoops?
  2. Inside the blue but outside the red hoop?
  3. Inside red but outside blue?
  4. Outside both hoops?

It should be emphasized that the blocks must be named here using two properties - shape and color.

"Game with Three Hoops"

During the game with three hoops, the task of classifying blocks according to three properties is solved, which is more complex than in the game with two hoops. The presenter places three multi-colored (red, blue, yellow) hoops on the floor as shown in the figure, i.e. to form 8 regions.

Once these areas are named appropriately in relation to the hoops (inside all three hoops, inside red and blue, but outside yellow, etc.), it is proposed to arrange the blocks, for example, so that all the red blocks are inside the red hoop, inside blue they are all square, and inside yellow they are all big.

After completing the practical task, children answer eight questions (standard for any version of the game with three hoops).

  • What blocks are inside all three hoops?
  • What blocks are inside the red and blue hoop, but outside the yellow hoop?
  • What blocks are inside the blue and yellow hoop, but outside the red hoop?
  • What blocks are inside the red and yellow hoop, but outside the blue hoop?
  • What blocks are inside the red hoop, but outside the blue hoop and outside the yellow hoop?
  • What blocks are inside the blue hoop but outside the yellow and red hoop?
  • What blocks are inside the yellow hoop, but outside the red and outside the blue hoop?
  • What blocks are outside all three hoops?

The game with three hoops models the partition of a set into eight classes (pairwise disjoint subsets) using three properties (being red, being square, being large).

Games with Dienesh blocks in older preschool age do not require special preparation; you only need to prepare special cards for joint and individual work. You can download an archive with cards for games with Dienesh blocks, which contains symbol cards and negation cards, as well as cards for the games “Guess the Riddle”, “Rest the Tenants”, “Logic Tables” of different difficulty levels.

Valentina Rozputnyaya
Master class for teachers “Dyenesha Blocks”

Master Class

SUBJECT: “Work system for using Dienesha blocks for the development of logical and mathematical concepts in preschool children"

Master teacher: Rozputnyaya Valentina Alexandrovna

Location:G. Kondopoga MDOU No. 20 "Spikelet" building 9

Target: increase the level of competence teachers by mastering the technology of using games with Dienesh blocks in the formation of thinking skills of preschool children.


1. Promote among teachers knowledge of use Dienesha blocks. Introduce basic application techniques Dienesha blocks.

2. Promote learning teachers technology for using games with Dienesh blocks in different age groups.

3. Develop constructive pedagogical abilities.

Equipment and materials: presentation, sets Dienesha blocks, story toys, methodological literature, hoops, exhibition of albums and games with Dienesh blocks.

Dear Colleagues! Today I invite you to get acquainted with the technology of using games with Dienesh blocks.

Using logic games blocks We can collectively form all the thinking skills that are important for mental development and prepare children’s thinking for mastering mathematics.

Because they contribute to the development of such mental operations as classification, grouping objects by properties, eliminating unnecessary things, analysis and synthesis, children learn to guess, prove their answers, remember material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school.

The creator of logical blocks is Zoltan Dienes, world-famous Hungarian professor, mathematician, psychology specialist, creator of a progressive proprietary method of teaching children - "new mathematics".

Didactic set "Brain teaser blocks» consists of 48 volumetric figures. Each figure is characterized by four properties. Let's remember what (name these properties)- color, shape, size and thickness.


a) four forms (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); why is there no green?

b) three colors (red, blue, yellow);

c) two sizes (big small);

d) two types of thickness (thick, thin).

There is not a single identical figure in the set.

Also in logic games blocks cards with property symbols are used. Properties are conventionally indicated on the cards blocks(color, shape, size, thickness) (Show block of this color, this form is a presentation)

And cards with denial of properties, pay attention to the crossed out cards, For example: not red. The use of such cards allows children to develop the ability to model properties, the ability to encode and decode information about them.

In addition to volumetric blocks, in my work I use a set of flat figures.

Detailed application technology blocks you can meet, having studied such literature as.

Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. E. A. Nosova, R. L. Nepomnyashchaya. The book describes the possibilities of using Dienesha blocks and Cuisenaire sticks for children 2-6 years old. A description of a variety of games is provided.

let's play: math games for children 5-6 years old. Edited by A. A. Stolyar The book will help to form in children 5-6 years old the first elementary mathematical concepts and a certain logical structure of thinking. It includes 59 logical and mathematical games with numerous variants of conditions and descriptions of their implementation.

Games and exercises with logic blocks you can offer it to children in classes and during free hours, both in kindergarten and at home. If you supplement them with other educational games and game tasks, "satiate" new game tasks, actions, plots, roles, etc., then this will only help children overcome intellectual difficulties.

There are several groups of games with Dienesh blocks.

1 group of games. These are games for identifying and abstracting properties.

They develop the ability to identify from one to four properties in objects, abstract one from the other, and name them. With their help, children will receive the first ideas about replacing properties with signs-symbols, master the ability to strictly follow the rules when performing actions, and come closer to understanding that breaking the rules does not allow obtaining the correct result.

("Find the treasure", "Highway", "Unusual Figures" and etc)

2nd group of games. Classification, generalization, comparison.

They help develop children's skills to classify, generalize and compare objects according to one, two, three or four properties. First, kids master the ability to classify and generalize according to given properties, and then - according to independently identified ones ( “Where is whose garage?”, "The houses settled"). ("Track", "Find a Pair", "Catch a Three", "Domino").

3 group of games. Logical actions and operations.

These games and exercises are intended mainly for children of older preschool age. They will help children develop the ability to divide sets into classes according to compatible properties, and develop the ability to perform logical operations "Not", "And", "or", the ability to use these operations to construct correct statements, encode and decode information about the properties of objects. As a result, the child will be able to reason freely, justify the legality or error of his actions ( "Help the figures get out of the forest", "Build a house", "Divide blocks» ).

The presented games and exercises, with some exceptions, are given in three versions. Let's look at these options using the example of a game "Highway", another name for this game is "Build a path". In this game, children build a path, the rules of construction are written in the table. The arrow shows which piece goes after which, you can start with any piece. Games and exercises of the first option (I) develop in children the ability to operate with one property. Game highway 1

Using games and exercises of the second option (II) the ability to operate with two properties at once develops. Game highway 2

Games and exercises of the third option (III) form the ability to operate with three properties at once. Game highway 3

Showing game options using an example game "Highway".

Before you start working with children, you should establish what rung of the intellectual ladder each child is on. If a child easily and accurately copes with tasks at a certain level, this is a signal that he should be offered games and exercises of the next difficulty level. However, it is possible to transfer a child to subsequent play exercises only if he has grown out of the previous ones, i.e. when they are not difficult for him. If you keep children at a certain level or give them more complex games and exercises prematurely, then interest in the activities will disappear. Children are drawn to mental tasks when they are difficult for them, but doable.

In our kindergarten we work with blocks has been conducted for 20 years in all age groups, a system of classes using Logical blocks.

Junior preschool age

Since logical blocks represent standards of shapes - geometric figures (circle, square, equilateral triangle, rectangle, they can be widely used from an early age. Children become familiar with blocks in various types of activities. In the process of manipulating children install blocks that they have different shapes, colors and sizes.

In order to more effectively familiarize children with the properties of logical blocks you can offer them the following tasks:

find the same shapes as this one by color (by shape, by size);

find shapes different from this one by shape (by size, by color);

find the blue shapes (triangular, red, square, large)

tell me what color this figure is (by shape, by size). (play)

After such an independent acquaintance with blocks You can move on to games and exercises.

In the first younger group, children operate with one property, at the beginning of the year it is color or size, and at the end of the year we add shape. We use games to group objects, identify and abstract properties.

In the second younger group, children begin to operate with two properties at the same time and divide sets into classes based on one property, using a logical operation "Not" (all round, all not round).

Middle and senior preschool age.

In the middle group, children operate with two, and at the end of the year, three properties simultaneously. The set is divided according to two compatible properties.

In older preschool age, games become more emotional and intense, children show elements of creativity and operate with three or four properties using logical operations "Not", "And", "or".

And now I want to introduce you to one of the games called "Divide blocks» . And although this game is intended mainly for children of senior preschool age, with regular lessons with blocks, we can play it with the children of the second youngest group.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that

I want to attract your attention,

Mathematics is an exact science, therefore, following the methodology for conducting logical-mathematical games, I am based on the stages of activity

Stages: 1-plot (commencement,

the second stage is the development of the plot, during which children become active participants:

Master, transform, change information about the properties, relationships, dependencies of objects, shapes, quantities, numbers;

Master the system of cognitive actions (ways of knowledge): examine objects, abstract, compare, group and classify;

They generalize, draw conclusions, predict the development of the situation, schematize, use signs and symbolic substitutions.

3- summing up

Analysis of a life situation similar to that which took place during the logical-mathematical game;

Focusing children's attention on the most striking event of the logical-mathematical game (plot, actions);

Creating an imaginary situation based on a logical-mathematical game.

14 SLIDE Game "Divide blocks-1»

Target: develop the ability to split a set of one property into two subsets, perform a logical operation "Not".

For this game we need blocks and two toys(bunny and bear).

Let's imagine that you are children. I ask five people to come out.

Guys, the Bunny and the little bear had a fight; they just couldn’t divide the candy. Let's help them and divide the candies so that the bunny gets all the red ones.

What kind of candy does the bunny have? (all red) What about the bear? NOT…

Next time we can share blocks according to shape.

When will children learn to divide? blocks between toys, let's play this game with a hoop.

For example, blocks are flowers, and the hoop is a vase, we put some flowers in the vase, and lay others around.

Please note that we have two places: inside the hoop and behind the hoop.

Target: develop the ability to split a set into two compatible ones, perform a logical operation "Not", "And", "or".

And again we offer to help toys. Let's treat the bunny and the bear with pies. Little bear loves "round" pies, and the bunny - "yellow".

At this stage, it is convenient to use cards indicating the specified properties.

During the game, children find out that there are candies that suit both the bear and the bunny (we put them in a box between the toys, and there are also candies that do not suit anyone (put them in a bucket to the side).

During the game, the candies are constantly moved from one place to another until the children find the correct solution.

I suggest you play and share the candy. Again I invite five people.

After all the candies have been divided,

What kind of candy does the bear cub have? (round not yellow) At the bunny's? (yellow ones are not round) What are the common ones? (round and yellow) Which ones didn’t hit anyone? (not round and not yellow).

If children cannot answer these questions in the first games, do not try to answer them for them. They will do it themselves in the next games.

You can enter a rule: if someone notices a mistake, says "stop" and corrects it. This increases attention and develops mutual control.

First you need to find out how many places you have (four); you can invite the child to jump to any place and name it or place a toy (1st place - inside all hoops; 2nd place - inside red, but outside blue; 3rd place - inside blue, but outside red; 4th place is outside the hoops).

Then we put on the hoops and blocks images and offer game tasks (flowers - flowerbeds, fish - aquariums, birds - feeders, etc.).

A game "Divide Blocks – 3»

Target: develop the ability to split a set into three compatible properties, perform a logical operation "Not", "And", "or", evidence of thinking.

Now we take three toys (wolf, hare, fox) and we will divide between them blocks for building houses.

To begin with, let's designate places for blocks: 1- suitable for all toys, 2- wolf and hare, 3- hare and fox, 4- fox and wolf, 5- not suitable for anyone.

Now let's divide blocks like this so that the wolf's are all round, the hare's are all big, and the fox's are all blue. To make it easier to remember the rule, we will place property cards next to the toys.

What figures were common to all toys? (round big blue ones) What figures did only the wolf have? (round, not big, not blue) Only the hare? (large, not round, not blue) Only the fox (blue not big not round) What shapes are common to a wolf and a hare? (large round ones not blue) For the wolf and the fox? (round blue ones are not big) For the hare and fox? (big blue ones are not round) Which figures didn’t suit anyone? (small (not big) not round, not blue).

If a child, characterizing a group, names only two of the three properties, we draw his attention to other groups blocks, which have the specified properties; then we ask him to name the group again, but so that it cannot be confused with any other.

When repeating the exercise, the division rule children call blocks. Each time a different combination of properties is indicated - the basis for partitioning blocks.

For example, divide the figures so that the wolf has all thin ones, the hare - all triangular, the fox - all small, or the wolf - all large, the hare - all blue, the fox - all thick; the wolf's are all yellow, the fox's are all red, the hare's are all square, etc.

If as a result of unfolding blocks some places(boxes) turn out to be empty, we encourage children to find out and tell why this happened, while doing everything we can to stimulate demonstrative thinking. (Why did certain figures end up here? Why is this or another place without figures? Why can’t certain figures be put together with others)

Further exercises can be carried out as "games with three hoops".

First, we invite the children to put a toy or jump on any of the places in the hoops and name where it is located: 1st - inside all three hoops, 2nd - inside the yellow and red, but outside the blue hoop, 3rd - inside the red and blue, but outside the yellow hoop, 4th - inside the yellow and blue, but outside the red hoop, 5th - inside the yellow hoop, but outside the red and blue hoop, 6th - inside the red, but outside the yellow and blue hoop, 7th - inside the blue, but outside the yellow and red hoop, 8th - outside all hoops .

Then the children solve various game problems proposed adults: plant the front garden with flowers, lay out cakes on the festive table, make a mosaic, etc. Partition rules they offer blocks themselves. For example, put the cakes on dishes so that all the red cakes are on the red dish, all the triangular ones are on the blue one, all the thick cakes are on the yellow one, or make a mosaic so that all the round pieces of glass are in the red window, all the big ones are in the blue window, in yellow - all yellow, etc.

As a result of using Games with Dienesh blocks preschoolers develop logical thinking: the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, generalize, compare, classify, and at the stage of completing preschool education, children not only have elementary concepts of mathematics, but also model the concepts of computer science.

Having used this tool for several years, I would like to note that during games with Dienesh blocks Children develop a strong interest in mathematical games and mental activity in general. Children become more active, proactive and independent in the learning process.

Many years of experience allow us to talk about high achievements in preparing graduates of our kindergarten for school (diagram)


Our meeting has come to an end. So that I can evaluate my work, I propose to provide feedback. Try to answer these questions.

How has your initial knowledge changed?

What was useful? What new have you learned? Will it be useful to you at work? Was this familiar to you? Does the initial knowledge correspond to the new ones? What impression did you get on master class? Will you use it at work? What remains unclear? What can really be applied?

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