Card index "board-printed games" senior preschool age. Didactic games aimed at sensory education of children of primary preschool age card index (junior group) on the topic Purpose of printed board games

Summary of the printed board game for children of the senior group “Loto-Birds”


Strengthen the ability to recognize and name migratory and wintering birds.

Develop the ability to interact with playing partners.

Develop the ability to find constructive decisions when choosing play partners and the driver.

Cultivate friendly relationships.

Vocabulary work: wintering, migratory.

Integration of areas: speech development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with wintering and migratory birds, reading works of fiction, guessing and composing riddles, didactic games: "What changed?", “Who is missing?”, “Which one?”.

Rules games: 6 participants. Participants are given large cards. The driver places small cards in a bag. He takes them out one by one and calls them “Who has a woodpecker?”. The player who has a woodpecker on his map must answer: "I have a woodpecker", after which the driver gives him the picture. The one wins. Who will be the first to cover all the pictures on the big map?

Material and equipment: 6 large cards, 36 small pictures, bag; yellow, blue, red circles.

Progress of the lesson.

Involvement in activities:1 min.

The teacher shows the children a beautiful, wonderful bag.

Guys, your parents sewed us such a wonderful bag for games« Lotto» , now we can not be afraid of losing all the small cards.

Goal setting process: 2 minutes.

Educator: I see that everyone wants to play this game. How should we act so that no one is offended?

The planning process: 6 min.

Children: they offer different options (count; let the girls play first, and then the boys; you can choose who will play first using circles)

Educator: I liked the idea with the mugs. Which clubs will play first?

Children offer their options, each color is calculated and the one with the most votes is chosen.

Educator: I suggest you take a circle. Whoever has red plays first.

The children take their places at the table.

Educator: Well, don’t be upset, we have many others board games, which you can play for now.

Action stage: 18 min.

Participants games Using a counting rhyme, a driver is selected, the driver deals out large cards and the game begins.

At the end game participants change. This way all the children have time to play the game. « Lotto birds»

After games Children, I put all the attributes back in place.

Reflection process: 2 minutes.

Educator: Do you think we managed to play together today? Why?

Yes, guys, you played well today, skillfully found a solution for the distribution of participants games, they didn’t forget how to choose a driver, and that’s why the game turned out to be friendly.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the frontal speech therapy lesson “Birds of Migratory” for children of the older group with OHP Objectives: teach to form and use prefixed verbs; develop the ability to compose simple sentences, exercise the ability to compose.

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Abstract of the educational activity for children of the senior group “Wintering birds of the Saratov region” Abstract of educational activities in the educational field "Cognitive development" for children of the senior group on the topic: "Wintering birds of the Saratov region."

Summary of educational activities on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language for children of the senior speech therapy group “Wintering Birds” Topic: “Wintering birds” Type of GCD: consolidation of new material. Goal: To clarify and expand children’s understanding of wintering birds. Tasks:.

Summary of educational activities for children of the senior group in the field of “Cognition” (Formation of a holistic picture of the world) “Birds” Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about birds. Objectives: to expand children’s understanding of birds (appearance, habitat, etc., their diversity;.

"My house"

Target: teach how to put together a house from parts, tell what it consists of.

Equipment: cards with images of architectural details.

Rules of the game: Children disassemble and arrange the details of the house during their story. It may happen that children will interpret the same pictures in different ways; the presenter, helping the players with “tips,” should encourage their imagination.


“There are stairs in my house. I climb along it to (...) floor. Then I open the door and enter the apartment. In our apartment (...) windows, etc.

"Fold the picture"

Material : 8 cut-out color pictures with views of the city of Armavir.

Rules : find by color, add and name one of the types of the city.


Material: 6 cubes, each of which is covered on all sides with a fragment of a photograph with a view of the city.

Rules: put together one of the views of the city.

"Magical city"

Target: consolidate the formed knowledge and ideas about the architecture of the city of Armavir.

Tasks: recognize different types of architecture in Armavir (bridges, monuments, columns, grilles, palaces, cathedrals, museums) with the help of riddles. To lead to an understanding of the features of architecture (strength, beauty, benefits.)


Rules of the game: Children lay out cards on two fields, then take a working card and match the landmark with the color.

"Make a picture"

Target: 1.improve children’s knowledge about the architectural buildings of the city.

2. Teach children to make an image of a building from parts.

I Make a picture from parts (without a sample) and give the name of the architecture

II Compose a picture based on the model

III Compose a picture based on the model, superimposing it on the image.


Material: two playing fields and cut-out pictures with numbering.

Rules: Plays with 2 or more children; The fields are filled with cards face down, after filling the players change fields and the battle begins, whoever guesses the hidden image first is the winner.

Who moves how?
Target: Strengthen children's ability to systematize animals according to their method of movement (legs, wings, fins)

Material: b Large maps depicting models of animal movement methods, pictures of animals.

The presenter distributes large cards depicting models of animal movement organs (legs, wings, fins), then takes out small pictures depicting birds, fish, animals, children close the empty squares in accordance with the model.

"Who lives in our region"
Target: Strengthen the ability to systematize animals by habitat. Develop skills in using models.

Material: b Large maps depicting different animal habitats, with pictures of animals.


The presenter distributes to all players large cards depicting models of various animal habitats (water, air, earth), then takes out small pictures depicting animals, birds, fish that are found in the Krasnodar Territory, the children cover the empty squares in accordance with the model.

Board games are a special category of games that, unlike others, require from participants not only attention, logical thinking, reaction speed and observation, but also certain skills in using a pencil or pen. The game forces the child to think first and only then draw certain objects on a sheet of paper, since it will be difficult to erase the drawing later.

Printed board games are quite complex, so children can only learn to play them from the age of 5-6. But, despite this, they are very interesting and are always perceived by children with pleasure.

Cheerful pencil

Purpose of the game: develop attention, observation, memory, the ability to quickly find changes and missing elements in a subject.

Equipment: sheets of blank paper, preferably checkered, red and blue pencils for each participant in the game.

Age: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game: children sit at tables in pairs, receive sheets of blank paper and carefully listen to the rules of the game, which consist in the need to give instructions to a partner about drawing a particular line (for example, lead to the right, and now – up).

After this, each person is left with a certain broken line drawn in red pencil on the sheet. Now the participant who gave commands to his partner takes a blue pencil himself and begins to repeat the existing drawing on his sheet of paper. A special rule is that the length of the lines from which the polyline is constructed should be approximately the same.

The next stage is that the participants who played in pairs change roles, and now the other child gives instructions that must be followed. At the same time, children not only repeat concepts such as “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”, but also learn to repeat the drawing on another sheet on their own, which requires certain attention and the ability to navigate on a plane.

Magic wands

Purpose of the game: teach children to group objects according to their properties and belonging to one category or another, improve the ability to generalize, develop memory, attention, and logical thinking.

Equipment: 10-15 counting sticks, a pencil, an eraser and a piece of white paper.

Age: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game: The teacher offers the children the following task: they need to fold the prepared sticks into a certain shape, for example a triangle or a rectangle. He then asks how many sticks it took.

When the guys answer the question, you should invite them to draw the same figure on a piece of paper, and it should be about the same size. If it is still difficult for the children to complete such a task, then a ruler can come to the rescue, which they usually already know how to use.

You can also offer to assemble a square from counting sticks, ask the children to name its distinctive features and show how they can turn it into 2 triangles using only one stick.

When the children complete this task, it is necessary to ensure that they correctly transfer these figures onto pieces of paper using a pencil. During the lesson, special attention should be paid to the rules of using a pencil and an eraser, and show how to use a ruler correctly so that the lines are straight.

Tic Tac Toe

Purpose of the game: develop attention, memory, the ability to focus on a certain subject for quite a long time, teach children to distinguish concepts such as “diagonally”, “vertically”, “horizontally”, and systematize previously acquired knowledge.

Equipment: sheets of paper for each participant, pencils or pens.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: The leader invites the children to learn how to play a very interesting game and begins to explain the rules, which are that it is necessary to line up a series of crosses or toes diagonally, vertically or horizontally.

But first you should explain the meaning of these words, since not all children may be familiar with them.

At the next stage, the teacher shows how to draw the playing field so that it consists of 9 squares. Only then can we begin to explain the game itself. To do this, it is advisable to divide the group of children into 2 teams, one of which will be a “toe” and the other will be a “cross”.

Then the leader shows how the crosses or toes can be placed on the playing field, and which combination turns out to be winning.

It is better to do this on the board so that the children can see everything clearly.

When the children have mastered the rules of the game well, you can play as a whole group several times and only after that invite the children to play independently in pairs. But during a single-player game, the teacher must constantly monitor everyone and help if necessary.

In the summer, if the children have crayons and smooth asphalt on the playground, the game can be organized on the street.

Sea battle (1st option)

Purpose of the game: develop memory, attention, observation, quick thinking, the ability to find small changes that have occurred in objects, develop children’s speech, activate children’s vocabulary and teach the correct construction of sentences.

Equipment: blank sheets of checkered paper with playing fields drawn, pens or pencils, a large sample of the playing field attached to a magnetic board.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to divide into small groups of 4–5 people. He gives each of them a piece of paper with playing fields 10 x 10 cm drawn on them, consisting of 100 cells.

Then the leader explains what the numbers from 1 to 10, located vertically to the left or right of the playing field, are for, as well as the role of the letters written on top of each cell from A to K.

Only now the children begin, with the help of the teacher, to place the ships on the field in such a way that they do not touch each other. There should be: single-deck - 4 pieces, double-deck - 3, three-deck - 2 and four-deck - 1.

The ships can be positioned however you like, the main thing is that they are within the boundaries of the field.

Now you can start the game, which involves two participants or two teams. The rules of the game are to determine the location of the ships as quickly as possible and hit them with a projectile that flies strictly along the specified route, for example A-5 or B-10.

If a player hits a ship, but there are still entire decks left, then the other player replies that the ship is wounded. When all the decks are hit, the ship is considered dead.

If the player hits, then he has the right to one more move, but if he missed, then he passes the move to the enemy. The winner of the game is the participant who can “sink” all the ships before the enemy.

Sea battle (2nd option)

Purpose of the game: develop memory, attention, observation, quick thinking, the ability to find small changes that have occurred in objects. develop children's speech, activate children's vocabulary and teach them how to construct sentences correctly.

Equipment: blank sheets of checkered paper, blue and red pens.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to divide into groups of 2–4 people.

After this, you should take pieces of paper and fold them in half so that the corners coincide with each other. You should unfold the sheet and randomly place 10 small ships in the form of boats (about 1 cm in length) on each half.

One side will be your field, and the other will be the enemy’s field.

Now you can start the attack. To do this, the child must place the mine (draw a small circle and color it well) so that it is located exactly opposite one of the enemy ships.

Then the piece of paper is rolled up again and the same child tries to draw a mine on the reverse side so that a trace of the paste remains on the opponent’s field.

If this trace is superimposed on one of the ships, then it is considered lost and is crossed out. This means that the baby gets the right to take a second turn.

But if the mine does not hit the ship, then the turn goes to the opponent.

There are special rules of the game, which are that you cannot draw a mine on your ship. If this happens, he is considered killed.

The player who is the first to identify all enemy ships wins the game.

Card index of didactic games.

A didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent gaming activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child’s personality.

During the game, the child develops voluntary attention and observation, consolidates knowledge about the quality of toys, the desire to play with them, awakens interest in the process of play, develops a caring attitude towards them, as well as an understanding that toys can be played with in different ways.

Didactic games are also useful for the mental development of a child.

With the help of games to compare objects, children quickly master the ability to find signs of differences and similarities between objects.

Word games are very interesting for children. By playing with words, children learn to communicate and master the rules of behavior. In addition, they develop intelligence, speech, and a sense of humor.

To maintain a positive emotional mood in a child, it is necessary for him to be among other children in order to have friends, good comrades; didactic games will be of great help in this.

Thoughtful content, purposeful definition of the didactic task, game rules and actions will contribute to the education of preschool children.

P/ P

Game name

Purpose of use

For children from 3 to 4 years old

Games with objects

Katya doll woke up

Education of mental activity; consolidation of knowledge about clothing and the sequence of the dressing process

Katya doll is having lunch

Consolidating knowledge about tableware; education of mental activity, caring attitude towards the doll

New doll

Cultivating goodwill, an attentive, caring attitude towards a new toy; development of coherent speech

What changed?

Activation of mental activity, voluntary attention, memorization, recollection. coherent speech

Wonderful pouch

Consolidating knowledge about toys; education of endurance, sensory abilities, speech

Find out what it is?

Education of sensory abilities; consolidation of knowledge about vegetables and fruits; activation of the dictionary

Fly to me!

Consolidating knowledge about plants; developing the ability to compare objects and quickly respond to a verbal signal

Who will collect it most quickly?

Cultivating mental activity, intelligence, and determination

Find an item by description

Education of voluntary attention, correct, coherent speech, intelligence

Choose dishes for the doll

Developing the ability to group objects; consolidation of knowledge about different types of dishes; developing a caring attitude towards the doll

Living domino

Education of voluntary attention; consolidation of knowledge about color; development of speed of reaction to a verbal signal, the ability to strictly follow the rules of the game

More less

Consolidating knowledge about the size of objects; developing the ability to compare objects; formation of concentration and purposefulness

Board games

Paired pictures

Nurturing children’s ability to compare objects, find signs of similarity, activate vocabulary and speech

Assemble the puzzle

Developing the ability to compare, generalize, and correctly name an object; formation of intelligence, concentration

Developing the ability to group objects, quick thinking, and cognitive activity; development of attention, speech, joint play activities

Whose children?

Consolidating knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs; developing the ability to correlate pictures by content; development of voluntary attention, speech

Who needs what for work?

Consolidating knowledge about tools; nurturing interest in adult work; formation of basic career guidance; speech activation

Consolidating knowledge about machines that help people at work; developing the ability to compare objects and find similarities

When does this happen?

Consolidating knowledge about the seasons, developing coherent speech, attention, endurance

Word games

Guess who called

Cultivating auditory attention and camaraderie

Finger games

Education of speech activity and communication

Horned goat

Developing the ability to act on a verbal signal, the desire to participate in joint games

Improving children’s ability to coordinate actions with words; education of goodwill

In the poultry yard

Consolidating knowledge about poultry, developing correct sound pronunciation and speech activity

By the bear in the forest

Developing the ability to act on a signal; developing a sense of endurance and mutual assistance; development of correct sound pronunciation

Education of speech and motor activity, the ability to combine words with action; improving the ability to coordinate actions

Education of speech activity; development of speed of reaction to a verbal signal, correct sound pronunciation


Consolidating knowledge about the habits of a brood hen; development of speech and motor activity

Owl, Owl - big head

Cultivating auditory attention, improving the ability to act on a signal, combine actions with words

Development of dialogic speech, consistency of action in joint play

Improving the ability to coordinate words and actions; activate children's speech

Sunny bunnies

Fostering physical activity and the desire to play together; developing a sense of humor

Sparrows and car

Development of auditory attention, speed of reaction to a signal, coordination of actions

Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of the sound p; learning to speak calmly. but loud

Exercise in dialogical speech, in correct sound pronunciation; strengthening the ability to act on a signal

Chicken - hazel grouse

Development of speech activity; exercise in correct pronunciation

I'm going, I'm going

Developing coordination of actions, speech activity, and the ability to act on a signal

For children from 4 before 5 years

Games with objects

What is it made of?

Developing the ability to compare and group objects; activation of the dictionary; development of attention, speech

Find the same one

Developing the ability to compare objects, find similarities and differences; education of savvy, coherent speech


Cultivating a friendly attitude towards new toys; consolidating children's knowledge about clothes, shoes, dishes, toys; development of coherent speech

Development of coherent, dialogical speech, resourcefulness; consolidation of knowledge about the rules of behavior in the store.

Who needs what for work?

Fostering interest in adult work; consolidation of knowledge about professions and tools

Broken phone

Cultivating auditory attention, intelligence, endurance; activation of the dictionary

What changed?

Development of voluntary attention, memorization; activation of the dictionary

Does the toy tell about itself?

Developing the ability to identify the most characteristic features of an object; development of coherent speech, attention, imagination

Who will collect it most quickly?

Developing quick response to words, discipline, and endurance; consolidation of knowledge about vegetables and fruits

Hot - cold

Cultivating observation and intelligence, developing coherent speech, consolidating knowledge about plants

Run to the tree!

Developing the ability to quickly navigate in space; consolidation of knowledge about trees

Board-printed games

Paired pictures

Paired pictures Developing observation skills, the ability to notice similarities and differences in objects; activation of vocabulary, speech

Who's doing what

Consolidation of knowledge about agricultural work; development of ingenuity, coherent speech, endurance

Make no mistake!

Consolidating knowledge about different sports; nurturing the desire to play sports, resourcefulness, and speed of reaction to a signal

Consolidating knowledge about types of transport; education of attention and concentration; activation of speech, vocabulary

Exercise in the correct use of generalizing words; nurturing intelligence. reaction speed

Hunter and shepherd

Consolidating knowledge about wild and domestic animals; education of voluntary attention, intelligence, flexibility of thinking

What's extra?

Cultivating observation skills and show correctness of your judgment, sense of humor

When does this happen?

Developing the ability to recall, correlate knowledge with images in pictures; consolidation of knowledge about parts of the day

Where can I buy it?

Consolidating knowledge about stores; fostering a desire to help parents shop

Word games

We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.

Cultivating imagination, ingenuity, activating vocabulary

Education of speech and motor activity, speed of reaction to a signal, consistency of action

Sparrows and car

Exercise in correct sound pronunciation; training the speed of reaction to a signal, endurance

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

1. "Developmental lotto" (Geometric shapes)

Target: consolidates knowledge about geometric shapes and colors, develops attention, perception, and logical thinking.

2. "Rules of etiquette"


Formation of a culture of behavior and communication in children

Getting to know the rules of etiquette,

Formation of cultural behavior skills in children in a variety of life situations,

Developing children's communication skills with people around them,

Raising in children the moral qualities necessary in society,

Promote speech development: speak correctly, accurately and beautifully, enrich vocabulary,

Develop attention and memory.

3. “Magnetic mosaic. Hedgehog"

Target: mosaic is a set of elements of various shapes and colors that combine with each other and allow you to create almost any image. Using the details of the game, children can create their own masterpieces on the proposed magnetic board. The set contains 5 colors, 220 elements.

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

7. "Numbers"

This educational and developmental game is dedicated to a very important topic - ordinal counting from 1 to 10. In an entertaining game form, kids will learn to match the number with the number of objects in the picture, and will also practice voluntary attention and fine motor skills of the fingers. The game materials can be used both to familiarize children with the topic and to test knowledge on it.

The set consists of 10 large prefabricated card blocks. Each block in turn consists of five shaped cards equipped with puzzle locks. The central card of each block shows a number and the corresponding number of inflatable balls, and the 4 corner cards show the same number of heroes or objects.

8. "The Snow Queen"

Target: Together with the heroes of the fairy tale, children will move around the playing field and find themselves in various situations of the fairy tale plot.

The game develops voluntary attention, logic, visual perception and memory. An exciting game based on the famous fairy tale "The Snow Queen".

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

11. "Topsy-turvy"

This game will help children select words that are opposite in meaning to concepts, phenomena and properties that are often encountered in everyday life.
The game "Topsy-turvy" is aimed at developing logic and the ability to analyze.
It includes 5 game options of different difficulty levels.
Children will enjoy playing “Hide and Seek” and will also enjoy finding answers to riddles among the pictures. Variants of the game “Say the opposite”, “Chain” and “Quiz” will help children learn to justify their choice and expand the child’s vocabulary.
The games are intended for group and individual activities. They are conducted by the leader - during the training period an adult, and then one of the children.
The game is also aimed at developing attention, memory, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking of the child. They develop the skills of analysis, comparison, classification, as well as the ability to identify significant connections between objects and phenomena.

Board-printed games

(senior preschool age)

15. “Favorite Tales”

Target: This game is to teach the child to correctly compose sentences, texts, and also retell familiar texts. Additionally, the game develops attention, observation, and trains memory. Thanks to simple rules and colorful pictures, learning becomes a fun game.

16. "Emotions"

Target: strengthening the ability to distinguish between feelings;

Strengthening facial skills;

Increasing self-confidence in children;

Develop self-regulation skills.

17. “Zoological Lotto”

Target: fix the names of animals, features of the appearance of animals.

Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction.

18. Lotto “Plants, Animals”

Target: the game introduces you to the animal and plant world of our planet, broadens your horizons, teaches you to identify the common characteristic of objects and group them by characteristic. LOTTO allows you to simulate many different gaming situations. During the game, logical thinking, observation, attention, memory develop, and fine motor skills are improved.

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