Execution of the roadmap. Roadmap: the essence of the concept and the main nuances. The place of the corporate road map in the general taxonomy of road maps

Today in our article we will talk about a concept that has long been well known to everyone and is used in a variety of spheres of human activity. Only most of us know it as an “action plan” or “schedule”. And today we will talk about such a term as “Roadmap”, which, in general, is the same thing, but it’s just not quite familiarly called.

Although, in recent years, the phrase “road map” in relation to the development plan of a particular enterprise has begun to be used more and more often by our fellow citizens. And many of you have heard it more than once. True, this concept in each industry is filled only with its own peculiarities and subtleties, so it would not be amiss to once again become acquainted with its role and significance, but not only in a general sense, but also in relation specifically to the cryptocurrency sector.

At different times, we paid a lot of attention to what the development should have so that the widest possible audience would be interested in it, which, in turn, would ensure the idea’s promotion and successful development. For example, we wrote about such an important component as White paper. The presence of the White Paper not only allows users to get to know the new product better, but also indirectly indicates the team’s serious attitude towards their brainchild (after all, they tried, they spent time).

Roadmap can also be included in the list of attributes necessary for the successful development of a startup. Although road mapping is not always used. Basically, this is done if the launch of a new product is being prepared, which has not yet been presented on the market, but existed only in the thoughts of the authors or, at best, on paper. Or another case - a product has been successfully presented on the market for a long time, but interest in it begins to decline and it is necessary to revive it or attract the attention of users to some new aspect of development.

In short, Roadmap can be defined as a technological map of a product, although, in our opinion, this concept is still somewhat broader. This is, in fact, a list of key steps that the startup team is going to take for its promotion and development, as well as a description of the methods and tools through which the set goals will be achieved. All this is presented with specific deadlines and dates. Having become familiar with such a document, the user clearly sees what the company has already done, what stage it is currently at, and what its plans are for the future.

Unlike WP, which is compiled, as they say, once and for all, the roadmap can undergo changes over time, the need for which arises during the implementation of the project.

Perhaps this aspect may not seem like the highest priority to some, but we would not advise underestimating it. Indeed, depending on who exactly such an “action plan” is created for, its content largely depends.

Basically, documents of this kind are created for project managers, developers, related structures and for you and me, that is, for users. Road mapping, to be effective, must include goals and technologies for achieving them, from the first steps of the project to its completion.

You are mistaken if you think that every crypto startup has only one such “future plan”. As a rule, authors create several of them, of different types and for different purposes.

First of all, of course, it is worth noting the main map, which defines the main development goals, displays a large-scale strategy and forms a list of global tasks. But there may be Roadmaps in narrow areas. For example, there may be some kind of “schedule” for people who attract funding for a project, or for those who are responsible for advertising, etc.

In the case of international projects, Roadmaps are compiled by country, taking into account various national issues, from local traditions to languages ​​supported by the company’s website.

First of all, in order for the team to act consistently, in accordance with clearly defined tasks. The main point here is the specification of the direction of work and its sequence: we solve one problem, move on to the next, or simultaneously work on several points at once.

Such a document helps in making forecasts for the development of an idea, and also allows you to identify risks in advance and, if possible, avoid them. In addition, in the process of creating a roadmap, new ideas may arise regarding attracting the attention of users, faster development of the international market, effective development strategies, etc. And in general, working according to a clear plan is always more effective than chaotic throwing around - there is less chance of something happening miss and make mistakes. And for potential investors, a long-term vision of the project makes it easier to make a decision on investing (or not investing) in it.

To develop a roadmap on your own, you don’t need to be a “best student”, and you don’t have to resort to the help of professional web designers either. We will describe the methods and stages of developing such a document below, and you decide which of them is most suitable for you.

Ways to create a roadmap:

  1. Using spreadsheets. This is perhaps the simplest and most accessible method. All you need is the ability to use Excel, and you will be able to create a table displaying your idea, initiatives, and indicate the deadlines for their implementation. This table will need to be updated from time to time. But this is not its main drawback. The main thing is that you will not achieve the necessary visualization and will not be able to fully imagine your strategy. And since the table is a static document, its control and synchronization are difficult.
  2. Presentation. It's a little more efficient to visualize the Roadmap using presentation software. Here the opportunities are wider and there is more freedom of action. But again you will have to deal with updates manually and the same problems with control and synchronization.
  3. Special services. The ideal option is when updates to the “track” occur synchronously for each team member, and this can only be achieved by using special services for managing the product with the appropriate functionality. In this case, you will achieve high-quality visualization, be able to link processes to a global strategy, establish cooperation with an interested audience, and integrate with other systems.

Among the most popular services of this kind, we can recommend Roadmunk, Hygger, Proofhub, Roadmap planner, etc.

Stages of work on the roadmap:

  1. Define strategy. Each global strategy is based on certain key goals. The main thing is that you and your entire team see your idea both as a whole and, so to speak, in a “disassembled” form, without missing out on details that are important to the target audience and reflect its needs. All this, in the end, should form a clear picture of what you want to get as a result.
  2. Customization of releases. Decide on the functions that you want to highlight. Decide whether or not to present certain data (internal and external) in each release.
  3. Set your priorities. And various assessment metrics or your own scorecard, which is easy to create yourself, will help you arrange them correctly. Remember also the well-known rules in prioritization.
  4. Don't avoid communication. Without feedback and transparency in relationships, no strategy has ever worked. Yours won't work either. So strive to share your Roadmap, share it and keep it updated.

  1. Don’t confuse a “track” with a backlog; they have slightly different purposes and contents. If the backlog reflects specific steps (tasks) that need to be completed by a certain deadline, then the roadmap determines the direction of work on a larger scale.
  2. Your document should be based on the main goals and large objectives, but you can show some flexibility in the details and minutiae.
  3. All changes in the company's strategy and goals should be tracked by you and reflected in the Roadmap.
  4. Priorities can change over time and need to be reviewed with a long-term view. It may turn out that some tasks have lost their relevance.

In other words, as we noted at the beginning of the article, the Roadmap is not an immutable document. Treat it as an effective assistant in your work on a quality product. You can create “paths” for both global goals and small tasks. After all, big things consist of little things and you can’t concentrate only on global stages. But every detail, every little thing, you must align with the end goal and the main strategy, considering what product you should receive at the end of the work.

So, Roadmap is a plan for the development (release) of a product in the short or long term. This could be a completely new product, or it could be a new (updated) version of a product already on the market. Such a map, as a rule, reflects the ways and means by which you can achieve your goals, both intermediate and main.

Road map - this is a visual representation of a step-by-step scenario for achieving the strategic goals of an enterprise, a scenario for achieving efficiency or maintaining a stable state of the production process, which working groups adhere to when performing practical tasks for the implementation of “Hoshin Kanri” (a method of strategic planning and a tool for managing complex projects, a quality management system that allows take into account the requirements and wishes of the Customer).

The roadmap ensures the management and improvement of each process of the production structure through the application Deming cycle, or PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act, i.e. “Plan-Do-Check-Adjust/Act”). PDCA is shorthand for the scientific method:

  • Plan (define a strategic goal, formulate goal setting);
  • Do (identify the main steps (milestones) to achieve your goal);
  • Check (use Lean manufacturing tools to control the actions taken, apply management decisions to check the effectiveness of the selected solutions);
  • Adjust/Act (form a standard based on the results of the actions taken, conduct an audit, make adjustments).

Road mapping connects the expectations from the idea, the strategy and the plan for the development of the process and arranges in time the main steps of this process according to the principle “past - present - future”. Roadmaps allow you to view not only probable scenarios and development paths, but also their profitability, which allows you to choose the optimal paths to achieve in terms of economic efficiency and profitability of enterprises and the process as a whole.

Let's define the reasons why Process Owners should use a roadmapping tool:

  1. Creating a roadmap is, first of all, effective planning of all areas and factors that are involved in achieving the task;
  2. Road maps include such precise characteristics as time;
  3. Creating roadmaps helps Process Owners ensure that when the time comes, they will have the resources and technology needed to implement their strategy and plans;
  4. Roadmaps are the link between the strategy of the Management and Management Process Owners and the overall development strategy of the company;
  5. With the help of roadmaps, gaps (shortcomings) are detected in the planning of development milestones by Process Owners, which allows avoiding, rather than solving, possible problems in the future;
  6. At each stage of the roadmap creation process, emphasis is placed on several of the most important aspects, for example: the need of the enterprise and its development dynamics. Thus, it is possible to use time and resources in the most reasonable and efficient way. With the help of roadmaps, it is possible to set the most realistic goals;
  7. The road map develops a kind of “guide” for managers, thus allowing them to identify intermediate results and adjust areas of activity;
  8. The joint use of several roadmaps allows for the strategic use of technologies throughout the company, for example, the process of delivering gas and mineral products to the Customer’s site; both employees of TMS-Logistics LLC and employees of NKT-Service LLC are involved in this process; the creation of a single roadmap will allow directing the action of two organizations to achieve one goal;
  9. Creating roadmaps involves the exchange of information between representatives of various managed companies, departments, process owners and other parties interested in achieving the goal. Using a road map, it is possible to explain to everyone in a very clear way the direction in which the production process is moving, its potential capabilities and prospects;
  10. The road mapping process forms within the group a common understanding of the development goal and ownership of the development plan;

From the above, it is obvious that the Roadmap makes it possible to predict possible directions for applying the results of the enterprise in general and employees in particular: firstly, from the standpoint of bringing ineffective processes to efficiency (that is, assessing the role of the Process Owner, the effectiveness of the decisions he makes), and in - secondly, from a commercial point of view (to evaluate the possible economic efficiency of implementing this development). Enterprises have practical experience in building a roadmap in

What is a road map or product roadmap? Why is it needed and how to compile it?

Let's look at the 2 most common cases:

  • You are working with a finished product. It functions, makes a profit, the processes are streamlined.
  • You have come to a new product that is just planned to be launched.

For the first case, you need to synchronize with internal processes. Understand what is happening at the moment, what goals and objectives are set, and also what role you will play in all this. In this situation, you need a certain action plan that the team adheres to and this is exactly the road map.

For the second case the situation is somewhat different. If you have decided on your goals and roughly charted your course, then all this needs to be reflected somewhere. A strategy with basic tactical steps is also a road map.

Road map, what is it

Wikipedia says that a product technological map is a road map, but I would expand the definition a little. A road map is an action plan that describes the key stages of product development and the means to achieve them.

What problems does it solve?

  • Reflects the product mission and strategy
  • Is the main document for implementing the strategy
  • Shows the main direction of action for key people and the team
  • Synchronizes all participants in the process, eliminates unnecessary discussions and misunderstandings
  • Helps answer the question “Why are we doing this?”

What does it consist of?

Use the picture below to understand what parts a road map consists of.

– Describe the mission and goals of the product you are working on
– Determine who will use the road map
  • management
  • development
  • related structures (marketing, sales, finance)
  • users

Depending on this, the internal content of the roadmap will be built: goals, objectives, etc. A roadmap for development is not the same as a roadmap for management. Goals and objectives will be completely different.

– Determine the type of road map
  • by purpose
  • by team
  • by country
  • by platform

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Visualization example

I made a roadmap for my latest product (a news site) in Google Sheets, it looked like this.

From left to right: goals, details of tasks, time periods for implementation (highlighted in colors). Breakdown by month. The red vertical line is the date of completion of the work, that is, by the seventh month (July) it is planned to realize all the goals set.

This is only a visual representation of the roadmap, in addition to it there should be a description of the mission and product strategy. This way, you will have a plan in your hands that you can always refer to.

But it is important to remember that a road map is not a rigid guide to action. You can adjust your course, balance between tasks and redistribute resources within the team.

How to make a road map

  • Excel/Numbers/Google Sheets
  • PowerPoint/KeyNote
  • Special services

There is no fundamental difference; the easiest and fastest way, in my opinion, is to display everything in tables. As a fan of Google's cloud services, I prefer Sheets. They are easy to create and even easier to share with all interested parties.

Key Features

  • A road map is not a backlog. If the backlog is specific tasks that need to be completed within the established deadlines/sprints, then the roadmap is more of a direction and larger steps.
  • Base your road map on main topics/epics (large tasks) and be more flexible at the level of small features/tasks.
  • Monitor all changes in the company's strategy and goals. Add them to your roadmap.
  • Re-prioritize for the long term. Perhaps some tasks are no longer as important as they used to be.

Don't isolate yourself

The main thing to remember is that a road map is not a monolithic structure, but your assistant on the path to a better product. You can create a roadmap for both large and small tasks. There is no strict rule that we should only work with global stages. But even for small ones, you will need to answer the question: “How does this fit with our mission and strategy?” - so do not forget to connect your road map to the main directions of the product.

NTI road maps must comply with the form of the action plan (“road map”) of the National Technology Initiative, which is an annex to the Rules for the development and implementation of action plans (“road maps”) of the National Technology Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18 2016 No. 317 with the exception of the road maps specified in paragraph two of paragraph 2 of the Rules.

Road maps are created using the Microsoft Word for Windows text editor in Times New Roman font size No. 12 (for the design of tabular materials), 13 or 14 with 1 line spacing.

The margin sizes in the roadmap text should be determined as follows: left margin – 30 mm, right margin – 15 mm, top margin – 20 mm, bottom margin – 20 mm (these parameters should be applied in both landscape and portrait page orientations).

The pages of the roadmap should be numbered. The page number is printed in the center of the top margin of the sheet in Arabic numerals without heading and punctuation marks in a font of the same size as the text of the document. The page number is not printed on the first page of the document.

Design of title and headings

The “Name of the Road Map” requisite must include the words “Action Plan (“Road Map”) of the National Technology Initiative” and a market designation printed in lowercase in quotation marks, formed by creating a compound word by combining the original word denoting the field of activity in English, and the transliterated component “no” (“Marinet”, “Helsnet”, “Foodnet”, etc.), for example:

The word “PLAN” is printed in one line in capital letters with a sparse character spacing of 2 pt. The words in the remaining lines of the props are printed in lowercase letters (with the exception of the words “National” and the market designation, printed in capital letters), centered relative to the longest line, which is limited by the right margin.

The details are printed with 1 line spacing in bold font, aligned to the center of the page without indentation.

The title of a section (subsection) of the roadmap consists of a number and a thematic part that verbally defines the content of the corresponding structural unit of the text, and is given in accordance with the form of the plan.

A period is not placed at the end of a heading placed on a separate line. In a title consisting of two independent, syntactically unrelated sentences, a period is placed between them, and at the end, as a general rule, the period is omitted.

Sections (subsections) must have serial numbers within the entire document, indicated in Roman numerals with a dot (subsections - in Arabic numerals with a dot), for example:

Headings of sections (subsections) are printed aligned to the center of the page without paragraph indentation with 1 line spacing, separated from the previous and subsequent details by 1.5 line spacing.

When preparing a roadmap for printing, it is recommended not to place headings and subheadings at the bottom of the page unless it can accommodate more than 2 lines of subsequent text.

The text of the roadmap may include structuring into points within sections.

In this case, the items are numbered with Arabic numerals with a dot (if there is a numeral with a dot, the text begins with a capital letter). It is recommended to do continuous (uniform throughout the text) numbering of paragraphs within sections.

Indexing numbering (consists of the numbers of all sections, subsections, etc., to which a certain structural unit of the text is subordinated, for example: 2.11) is possible when formatting the names of subsections (no more than one additional level) and tables (numbering of several levels is possible), and also when preparing applications containing technical information.

Headings are not assigned to paragraphs within the text.

Text decoration

The text of the roadmap should be clear, concise, logical and provide an accurate and unambiguous perception of the information contained in it.

The paragraph indentation of road map text lines (except for tables, illustrations, etc.) is 12.5 mm from the left border of the text field.

“Dangling” lines are not allowed in the text of the document (a “dangling” line is understood as the beginning line of a paragraph that ends a page, or the end incomplete line of a paragraph that begins a page, which are unacceptable according to the general rules of document formatting).

There is no spacing between paragraphs in the text.

Font highlighting in the text (bold, italic, underline, color, etc.) is used only when there is a special need to draw attention to the structural units of the text (sentences, phrases, words, abbreviations).

The text of the roadmap can be presented in the form of coherent text, a table, or a combination of these structures.

If a special system of abbreviating concepts is introduced in the roadmap, abbreviations are given in parentheses after the first use of an expanded concept, for example:

If an expanded concept needs to be structured into several abbreviations, or the presentation of the text does not allow introducing abbreviations for each expanded concept, abbreviations are given in parentheses after the corresponding concept, for example:

If there is a significant number of concepts that require abbreviation, as well as the need to define the concepts and terms used in the roadmap, a List of terms and abbreviations is formed in the order of the Russian alphabet, which is placed in the appendix to the roadmap.

Formatting footnotes and notes

After the footnote sign, the footnote text begins with a capital letter. There is a period at the end of the footnote.

If necessary, notes may be included in the text of the roadmap.

A note is drawn up by indicating the word “Note” and a sentence or several paragraphs continuing after a colon, numbered in Arabic numerals with dots (the text in such paragraphs is printed in capital letters and ends with a dot).

To format the note, Times New Roman font is used, 1 to 2 font sizes smaller than the font size of the main text of the road map.

Design of numerical units

Monetary amounts in the roadmap are given in Russian rubles using the unit of measurement “thousands.” (thousand rubles). If necessary, the roadmap may use designations of other national currencies of the world and units of measurement “million” or “billion” (for example, when analyzing the world economy, etc.).

When listing digital values ​​(if there are fractional numbers), they are separated by a semicolon (for example: “1.2; 5.1; 6.3”).

Amounts in digital form are given in groups denoting thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, etc. (divided into groups of three digits from right to left (except for the fractional part), separated by spaces). There is no dot between the digital groups of a multi-digit number.

The fractional part is separated from the corresponding digital group by a comma.

Registration of details and applications

Details of legislative and other regulatory legal acts are indicated in the text of the road map in the following order - type of act, date of its adoption (approval), document number and name of the act (document title), for example:

It is not allowed to use the sign “N” as part of the details of regulatory legal acts, legal documents, as well as in other cases where it is necessary to designate numbers. The “No” sign is used to indicate numbers.

If there is an appendix to the road map, the text of the road map must provide a link to such an appendix. The link to the application is entered using the words “according to the application”, for example:

If there are several applications, they are numbered with Arabic numerals

with the sign “No”. Links to applications are given in the text as the applications are located. The order of appendices to the roadmap text must correspond to the order in which links to appendices are indicated in the roadmap text.

A multi-line attribute – the mark “APPENDIX” – indicating the name of the road map is located in the upper right corner of the first sheet of the document and is printed from the border of the top margin without quotation marks in capital letters.

The word “APPLICATION” is separated from subsequent lines of props by 1.5 line spacing. The remaining lines of the details are printed with 1 line spacing.

All component parts of the prop are centered relative to the longest line. The length of the line should not exceed 10 cm and is limited to the right margin of the document. For example:

Design of lists

To format the lists (enumerations) contained in the text of the roadmap, subparagraphs are used, which are designated by letters with a bracket (for example: “a), b), c)”) or, if there is a large volume of enumeration, by numbers with a bracket (for example: “1), 2 ), 3)").

Each sub-item of the list (enumeration) begins with a paragraph with a lowercase letter and ends with a semicolon, with the exception of the last sub-item, at the end of which a period is placed.

To indicate list items, dashes, circles, diamonds, etc. are not used as a replacement for alphabetic or numeric rubrication.

Table design

To highlight and designate a table in the text of a document, depending on the structure of the document, thematic and (or) numbering headings (headings designated by a number that determines the serial number of the table) are used.

The tables provided for in the plan form (section I, subsection 3 of section II, sections III and IV) are drawn up in accordance with the officially published text of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2016 No. 317.

As a general rule, tables are designed as open (without rulers on the sides or bottom).

If necessary, tables can be designed as closed (framed with rulers) or combined (the head of the table is framed with rulers).

In the sidebar of the table (the left column of the table containing data about the rows of the table), the text of each position must begin with a capital letter. Punctuation marks are placed only within sentences. In the sidebar there is no colon after the words “Total”, “Total”.

If the table is printed on more than one page, it is advisable to repeat the head (the upper part of the table in which the column headings are placed) of the table on each page. Table columns (a row of data in a table, located vertically and usually placed between vertical rulers) can be numbered, in which case only the numbers of these columns can be printed on the following pages.

It is not recommended to include in the tables a column indicating the serial number (in the form of the symbol “No.” or “Item No.”) in the tables provided for in the action plan form, which is an annex to the Rules for the development and implementation of action plans (“road maps”) of the National Technological initiatives (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2016 No. 317

The text in the table is printed along the left border of the table row without paragraph indentation or in the center of the column (numbers, units of measurement, etc.).

To format the text in the table, the Times New Roman font is used, 1 to 2 font sizes smaller than the font size of the main text of the road map.

Any company whose business is not built on its knees needs competent planning mechanisms. Corporate Roadmap is a similar practical tool for strategic corporate planning. Unfortunately, due to lack of popularity, it is not widely used in Russian business.

What is the roadmap? This is the supporting document for management's work. It describes steps planned over a long period of time in a structured and sequential manner. Usually this is one, three, four or five years. A business roadmap is one of the management tools in a company or group of companies. It is applicable in organizations with more than 200-300 employees with two or more levels of management hierarchy. Attention is drawn to it by its high efficiency, transparency and visibility, as well as the clarity of the criteria for monitoring and motivating both individual employees and individual structures of the company or holding.

The essence of the Corporate Roadmap

A road map is a set of measures to implement the achievement of the planned result, with a clear definition and audit of the starting point of movement. This is a toolkit for identifying gaps in certain processes and self-tuning of the control system during application.

To solve the problems, you can use two models. The first model allows you to build on accepted practice as you achieve results, step by step. It is used when the previous period's performance is positive and the company has used other planning tools. The second model represents the introduction of a new mechanism entirely. It is necessary in startups, in crisis management, and when changing technologies in the industry.

Corporate Roadmap stimulates those areas of management that will give the maximum effect for achieving long-term goals. Directions in company management are stimulated at all levels of the hierarchy from top management to line managers.

The roadmap is very good at building processes and balancing the distribution of attention between solving short-term and long-term problems. In essence, this document links strategic and operational objectives into a single mechanism. It allows you to find solutions that convey the goals and vision of owners and shareholders to all levels of the company, stimulate research and control the development of events in the right direction.

Corporate Roadmap tools are interconnected and include:

  • Development of key technologies and competencies.
  • Risk management and restrictions.
  • Strategic Marketing Toolkit.
  • Political management of human resources.
  • Justification and proper use of investments.
  • Development and mechanism for implementing solutions leading to the success of the company.
  • Support of strategic processes.

Step-by-step planning for roadmap development

The roadmap contains information that is of a basic nature for monitoring and managing the process, as well as indicators of the success of movement along the route and tools for working with deviations (compensations).

Map development can be divided into two large stages:

  • Setting goals and clarifying the real picture of the world.
  • Setting movement towards a goal with clear results and responsibility for the result: what will happen or not happen when the goal is achieved or not achieved, in what areas, with whom, how significant the results will be.

We set goals and clarify the situation in the company

Step one. In terms of KPIs, the company's flagship goals (primarily in the field of marketing) are defined, associated with a new vision of the future. Goals are set by shareholders and management and then adjusted as they are audited and developed based on the Corporate Roadmap tools. At the same stage, additional (side) goals are established.

Step two. An audit during which marketing and management tools are selected to achieve the company’s goals. At this point, it is advisable to evaluate the opportunities that the company has and determine what new tools it would be advisable to introduce into management practice in order to take advantage of them. It is also important to evaluate the work of all management levels, including motivating managers and reorienting them to more effective methods. The audit may also include an assessment of interaction with third-party organizations, but this work is also impossible without an assessment of the company’s internal processes.

The analysis is carried out in different areas: marketing oscillators, commercial analytics, production capabilities, financial and investment assessment. Heads of the main business divisions, areas and departments participate in the audit process and approval of the findings.

After completing the audit, we receive: first conclusions, a list of blind spots, a list of hypotheses and clear target results. Company owners either immediately receive processes that provide the business efficiency they need, or information that allows them to prepare existing processes to be taken to a higher level. The audit allows you not to miss important stages in the implementation of the developed set of measures, without which the stated goals will not be fully achieved.

Step three. Application of recommended tools. Corporate Roadmap tools are applied based on the objectives identified during the audit. The task of this stage is to get an answer to the question through what approaches the set goals will be achieved. What are the best practices that will allow us to do this? Analyzing successful strategies will not only help you find new ideas, but will also help you determine whether business process reengineering is necessary to implement them.

The third stage covers a wide range of issues and areas:

  • Implementation of section planning, setting milestones, automation.
  • Changes in technological processes.
  • Control lever in the area of ​​control points and identified white spots.
  • Attracting and engaging human resources.
  • Implement effective processes for quickly applying incoming data.

As a result, we define the leading three “goals – objectives – approaches” and formulate a concept that will be implemented.

Setting movement towards goals

Step one. Determine the starting position. To do this, we start from the audit results. The starting position is the starting point of the improvement route and the basis for further success. It includes the presence or absence of a necessary and sufficient list of managerial, production, financial and marketing “weapons”. As a result of elaboration, we receive a block of the Corporate Roadmap document that describes the situation now “as is” - a description that is shared by all participants in the implementation.

Step two. We define action steps in various areas with indicators. This section may contain several scenarios. Each scenario (case) describes the structure of the stages and their sequence. Each stage answers the question of what will be done and why. Each stage can be detailed by area of ​​responsibility. For example:

  • Product planning (portfolio).
  • Planning opportunities and identifying implementations in management practice.
  • Segment Capture Planning (panel).
  • Investment calculations.

At the end of the development of this block, we receive confirmation from the responsible persons of the route along which the movement will take place; if necessary, broken down by cases and areas of responsibility (subplans).

Step three. Implementation. This step describes the roadmap implementation plan. This is the main interactive block, for which either an elected official (personally) or a department (collegially) must be responsible. Motivation and demotivation, powers - everything must be described in detail and approved. The task of the stage is to develop a system of interrelated actions.

The action plan provided for by the roadmap can be compiled in the form of a table with the following fields:

  • Stage/substage number.
  • Main activity.
  • Case.
  • Start and end dates (plan / actual).
  • Expected results.
  • Significant control results of the stage.
  • Informing about the result (who, when).
  • Responsible.

In essence, this is a schedule for the implementation of the roadmap, which allows you to control the process and links the timing of results to given points in time with the introduction of rapid response (strategic focusing). It is very important that actions are provided to monitor these indicators, control results and deadlines.

When developing a roadmap, it is necessary to take into account the content of interrelated documents. This will allow the actions envisaged by it to be correlated with other planned actions in order to avoid overlaps, conflicts of resources, duplication, contradictions and other confusions. Which documents should be reviewed first to identify any inconsistencies? First of all, the company’s main documents: the company’s annual report and investment projects. It is also important to study basic documents: marketing and production planning documents, R&D and development data, analysis of capabilities by profile. And it is necessary not to forget about additional documents reflecting the state of existing projects and programs. The accounting of related documents occurs at the end of the “Implementation” stage.

A document that the cleaning lady can understand

Were you able to create a working toolkit in the end? Can the Corporate Roadmap project be formalized into a final document? In order to understand this, we use a simple checklist:

  • Minimum administrative resources, maximum practical results.
  • Clarity, simplicity, clarity, clarity and transparency of the final document. It should be understandable to any employee of the company, from the cleaner to the top manager.
  • Fast movement to the goal. Moving from stage to stage is easy, deadlines are controlled, reports are received on achievements and gaps are eliminated.
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