An overview of the character and test punishing baraka mortal kombat x. Mortal Kombat X gamers have found a way to play as Rain, Barack and other NPCs Passive Ability: Punish Outworld

A character in the Mortal Kombat series who was first introduced in Mortal Kombat II. Baraka is a member of a race of Outworld mutant nomads who are a hybrid of normal Outworlders and demons from the Underworld. He is merciless, angry, unpredictable, and prone to outbursts of anger. Baraka is the most powerful and fierce member of his Tarkata race. This caught the attention of Outworld Emperor Shao Kahn, who made him one of his personal warriors. In the original timeline, after Shao Kahn's defeat at the hands of earthlings, Baraka and his squads of tarkatans began to serve the Deadly Alliance of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, and after their defeat, the resurrected Dragon King Onage. Tarkatan loyalty tends to be with whoever is the most powerful being in Outworld at the moment.

Some of Baraka's moves became the basis for the "Alien" character, which will appear in Mortal Kombat X.

original chronology.

The first time Baraka is mentioned is when he, leading a detachment of Tarkatans, attacked the Shaolin Temple where Liu Kang was raised. The monster squad managed to kill all the monks, with the exception of Kung Lao, who was not at the temple at that moment. This attack was done to anger Liu Kang and force him to go to Outworld for a fake tournament organized by Shao Kahn. Baraka later traveled to Los Angeles with Shang Tsung, Kintaro and the rest of the Outworld warriors to kill Johnny Cage. Cage came to the rescue by Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sub-Zero, and later Jax joined them. All earthly warriors, led by Raiden, went to the Outside World to take part in a trap tournament. During the tournament, Baraka, along with Milina, hatched plans to overthrow Shao Kahn, but they remained unfulfilled. The Earth Warriors managed to defeat the Outworld Warriors, Kintaro may have been destroyed by Raiden and Mileena was killed by Kitana. Realizing that the tournament could not be won honestly, Shao Kahn supposedly ordered his army to attack the earthly warriors, but they managed to escape to Earthrealm. After these events, Baraka was sent to the lower regions of Outworld to quell the rebellion there.

Having completed this task, Baraka returned during the invasion of Earthrealm. During the battle with the earth warriors, Baraka had a chance to fight Kung Lao. In this fight, he lost, and Kung Lao cut him in two with his hat. However, tenacious, like all Tarkatans, Baraka did not die. Baraka's body was held together with metal braces to keep him from falling apart while he healed. After Shao Kahn's defeat at the hands of Liu Kang, Baraka went to roam the various worlds. After a while, he decided to return back to Outworld. During his stay in Edenia, he was approached by Quan Chi with an offer to work for him. Baraka, ready to fight for any reason, agreed, but he also had his own plans for how the war between Shinnok and the Elder Gods should end.

As before, Baraka's plans were not destined to come true - Shinnok lost, and Quan Chi ended up in the Underworld because of the Scorpion. After the return of the necromancer from there and the formation of the Deadly Alliance with the sorcerer Shang Tsung, Baraka and his army of Tarkatans were recruited into their service. It was the Tarkatans who helped the sorcerers deal with the defenders of the Earth Kingdom. After the destruction of the earthly warriors, only Raiden survived from the opponents of the Alliance. He bravely fought the sorcerers and then sacrificed himself to prevent Onaga from reaching Shinnok's amulet. At the time of the explosion of Shang Tsung's palace, Baraka, apparently, was not nearby.

Although another Mr. Baraki fell, he and his mutant squads did not remain idle for long. The Dragon King needed an army to replace his troop of immortal soldiers that had been destroyed in the explosion set off by Raiden. Baraka gladly agreed to serve the new master, believing that Onaga is more powerful than all his previous masters and will not be defeated. By order of Onaga, Baraka freed Milina from the dungeon in Edenia and gave her Onaga's offer to work for him. Mileena was required to play the role of Princess Kitana, forcing the troops of Edenia to chase the scattered squads of Tarkatans around the Outside World. Together with Baraka, they were supposed to distract the Edenian army from the Dragon King until Onaga found a way to make the Kamidoga work and connect all the worlds, thereby destroying all his enemies and becoming the most powerful ruler in the universe.

The combined troops of the Outer World and Edenia, under the leadership of Bo "Rai Cho, successfully defeated the Tarkatan detachments, and much more successfully than planned. After a resounding victory over them, Milina realized that she controlled the most powerful army in the Outer World and Edenia. She decided to continue her masquerade as Princess Kitana until the Edenians were corrupted to the point where she could rule them without hiding behind the disguise of a princess, but in order to continue her plans, she needed to eliminate the only being who knew about the deception "Baraku. Meanwhile, Baraka, realized that Milina had betrayed him, and vowed to kill her. Through the Tarkatan warriors, Milina sent word to Baraka that she wanted to meet him in an abandoned beetle lair. Baraka, feeling a trick, sent another Tarkatan instead Milina could not distinguish him from Baraka and killed him - Baraka found out about this by the smell of blood on her clothes.He decided to personally kill her, sending and the remaining warriors to deal with Sub-Zero, who was nearby. How the battle between Baraka and Milina ended is not known exactly. But judging by the fact that Milina continued to carry out her plan and successfully managed to capture almost the entire Outer World and Shao Kahn's fortress, it can be assumed that this battle did not end well for Baraka, regardless of whether he survived or not.

Like all the other warriors, Baraka died near the pyramid of Argus.

New chronology.

Baraka is the most ferocious of the Tarkatan race, a fearsome nomadic race from the Outworld Wastes. Like all Tarkatan males, he joined Shao Kahn's army after coming of age and undergoing the brutal Blood Ritual. He gained the rank of enforcer after single-handedly defeating a rebel faction. His loyalty and strength made Baraka a favorite of the emperor, and his blades killed many of Shao Kahn's enemies. As a participant in the Mortal Kombat tournament, he will do anything to ensure Shao Kahn's control of Earthrealm.

Baraka became a participant in the tenth Mortal Kombat tournament held in Earthrealm. It can be seen for the first time during the opening of the tournament. He watches the ceremony along with Jade, Kitana, and Shang Tsung. Already in the second round of the tournament, Baraka fought with Johnny Cage, but lost the fight. Shang Tsung ordered Cage to kill the mutant, but he refused.

A little later, Baraka, along with Shiva, received an order to kill Cyrax, after his conversation with Raiden. Shang Tsung believed that Raiden could lure Cyrax to his side and make him a threat to the sorcerer's plans. Baraka and Shiva attacked Cyrax on the bridge over the Pit. After defeating Shiva, Cyrax laughed at Baraka, remembering his defeat at the hands of Cage, and then he himself won the battle with the mutant. After the end of the tournament, which ended with the victory of the earthly warriors, Baraka, Kitana and Reptile brought Shang Tsung to Shao Kahn so that the emperor would decide the fate of the sorcerer after his defeat.

A little later, the Tarkatans attacked the Wu Shi Academy - this was part of Shang Tsung's new plan to provoke Raiden into participating in a tournament in Outworld. This attack was led by Baraka. During it, the mutants captured Sonya Blade and several Shaolin masters. Shang Tsung's plan succeeded, and the earthly warriors went to the Outworld.

Baraka became a participant in the first battle during the tournament in Outworld. His opponent was Jax, who was able to defeat the mutant. After Kitana learned the truth about her past, she was arrested and imprisoned in the Tower, the entrance to which was assigned to guard Baraka. Some time later, Jade came and demanded to be allowed to enter the Tower. Baraka refused, and Jade responded by comparing him to a guard dog, mockingly ordering him to sit at her feet. After that, she defeated the mutant in battle. The loser Baraka said that the Edenians had no loyalty. In response, Jade stepped on the mutant's head, causing him to lose consciousness. Despite his past failures, Baraka could be seen beside Shao Kahn's throne, in the emperor's final battle before being killed by Liu Kang.

After the death of Shao Kahn, Baraka, along with the rest of his closest associates, discussed who was worthy to take the place of the emperor of Outworld. Baraka offered Milina to this post, since she was considered the daughter of the emperor. An end to all disputes was put by Shao Kahn, who appeared in the throne room along with Quan Chi. Baraka and everyone else hurriedly bowed to the Outworld emperor. This was the last time Baraka appeared in the story mode, although his tarkatan can be seen during the invasion of Earth.

After the final death of Shao Kahn at the hands of Raiden and the Elder Gods, power in the Outer World passed to Mileena. Her refusal to help Earthrealm during the war against the Underworld motivated her advisor, Kotal Kahn, to betray her. Baraka was one of the few high-ranking warriors of Milina who remained faithful to her. But on the day of the riot, Kotal's ally, Di'Vora, killed him, tearing out his brain and heart.

Combat abilities.

Baraka, like all Tarkatans, is stronger and much more resilient than a human. He has an excellent sense of smell and is able to smell what creature blood stains on clothes belong to. Also, Baraka is endowed with bestial reaction and ferocity, which makes him an extremely dangerous and merciless opponent. His fighting style revolves around the use of retractable blades in his hands. Using this natural weapon, Baraka can not only attack, but also defend himself by parrying and blocking his opponent's blows with his blades. Baraka can strike a spark from his blades, launching it at the enemy in the form of a kind of projectile.

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Baraka Kara (Punishing) is a Mortal Kombat X challenge character that first appeared in update 1.13. Since then, he has appeared in trials several times, previously appearing in an early access set for 1150 rubles. Each special attack of the Barracks of the Punisher, in addition to damage, inflicts its own effect, compensating for the hero’s not the brightest basic characteristics.

Card Rank- golden.

At level 50 and VII fusion:

Attack 36K

Health 61K

Passive: Baraka Kara performs an additional combo finishing move for each Outworld character in his squad. This strike deals bleed damage over time with increased duration. Bleeding effects can stack.

Punishing Barak's special moves

SP1: "Spark of the Blade" . 24K damage + Power drain.

SP2: "Tarkatan Fury" . 60K damage + Luck.

X-ray: "To nail and pierce" . Baraka stabs the enemy multiple times with her sharp blades, inflicting an additional Bleeding effect.

The second special move is very effective: a portal appears behind the enemy, from which 2 Tartakans come out, attacking the enemy, and after Barak finishes him off with terrible blows to the stomach with his blades.

If there are Outworlders on the team, 1 combo inflicts bleeding.

Trial of Barack the Punisher

To complete the challenge and unlock the Punishing Baraka in Mortal Kombat X, you need the following characters:

  1. Bronze.
  2. Bronze and silver.
  3. Silver.
  4. Outworld characters only.
  5. Any skin of Liu Kang must be present in the squad.

At stage 5, you will be met by the Boss with 5 thousand. attack and 55K health. The difficulty of passing here is that he is immune to damage over time and becomes stronger the more health was taken from him. Otherwise, not the strongest boss, frankly.

After repeating the Baraka Challenge on Hard difficulty, the Tarkatan Kimono becomes the prize: increases the bonus to healing by 45%, as well as the chance to apply bleeding on the active enemy at the beginning of the battle by 30% and by 25% the chance of transferring half of the damage points to health when performing a special move.

The method works for Mortal Kombat X on PC. All you have to do is swap a few files in the game directory where the character files are located. A user under the pseudonym XVermillion explained the modification process:

“There are several files that can be changed to get Rayna. The only files I modified are located in the Assets folder. There should be two files related to Rain here: and another one I don't remember the name of, but you can just search the folder."

“I backed up the files of Shinnok (whose character I was replacing) and renamed the files of Rain, putting them in place of Shinnok in the 1 suit slot ( and another one). I then moved them to a folder, overwriting the old Schinnok files. You can see me playing Rain in practice mode. The game thinks it's Shinnok, but it's actually Rain's model and his hit set."

In the same simple way, you can swap other characters that are not available to players by the standard. Modders warn that it is necessary to make a copy of the game files in advance, in case you need to return everything as it was, the site reports. If something goes wrong, without a backup, players will have to reinstall the entire game.

Passive: Outworld Smite

Baraka performs an additional combo finishing move for each Outworld personnel on his team. This strike deals bleed damage over time with increased duration. Bleeding effects can stack.


First normal combo

Consists of 3 strokes and:
* 1st series of finishing moves if there are no Outworlders in the team;
* 2 series of finishing moves with the "Bleeding" effect, if one Outworlder is on the team;
* 3 series of finishing moves with 2 Bleeding effects if two Outworlders are on the team.

Second regular combo

Consists of 3 hits without finishing.

First Special Move: Blade Spark

Baraka fires a bolt of energy at the enemy with his blade on his arm.

At the end, the Power Drain effect is applied.

Special Move 2: Tarkatan Fury

A portal opens behind the opponent, from which two Tarkatans attack him, and then Baraka performs his classic move, in which he cuts his opponent's stomach with numerous blows of his blades.

During a special move, the Luck effect is applied.

X-ray: Nail and pierce

Baraka inflicts grievous injuries on the enemy, piercing him with his blades.

At the end, the effect of "Bleeding" is applied.


Offering us more classics, Ed Boon decided not to stop only at the classic costumes of the characters, and gave us the beloved Baraka in the mobile version. By the way, the character is in the older version of the game, but it is unplayable, that is, you can fight against him in the story and in a couple of modes, but you cannot play for him. However, the fans knew that, with the model and combat mechanics, the developers would sooner or later add the most brutal Tarkadan to the mobile version, and, frankly, they did not expect to say so soon. Well, let's wait for Rain, Sindel and Demonic Shinnok now.

However, all this joy from replenishing the game roster with a canonical character is overshadowed by the fact that the character is buggy and has some unpleasant disadvantages.

The combat is very inconvenient: in the second combo there is no last hitting, and it’s easy to kill Baraka even for slow characters, so manual combos take a long time to accelerate. This means pressing even with a block breaker is not possible, so you will have to adapt when playing with him and often block.

Well, is there still hope for special moves and passives? But there are tricks here too: Barak's damage deals very little, despite the attack rating of 36k (with the same attack, for example, he deals 24k from the first special attack, and Barak has a maximum of 18k), and the passive, which lies in the fact that the more Outworlders in a team, the longer the finishing of the first combo (which looks fresh and beautiful; be sure to pump the “Accuracy” talent in the attack branch if you play for it), does not work to the full, since the “Bleeding” effect inflicted does not last very very long , and at the same time removes very little hp from the enemy.

Plus, the leader of the Tarkatans is completely non-survivable, and this is with a health of 61k. All these factors do not make it possible to determine the role of a fighter in the team: obviously not a tank, certainly not a damage dealer of the first or even second tempo, by passive he is dependent on the class of other fighters, therefore he is not a support. And what remains? Cannon fodder?

Weapon: The best weapon options are Sai Mileena, Shaolin Bow, Ritual Knife for more damage to characters under bleeding. A block breaker is also good for doing the first hand combo more often.

Armor: native armor is perhaps one of the worst personalized equipment, as it has two completely useless bonuses and one not very in demand, so it's better to increase your health with Lizard Armor, Hockey Mask, etc.

Accessory: standardly any for increasing the charge of strength, i.e. Medallion of Souls, Voodoo Doll, Red Bandana, etc.


Race: tarkatan
Origin: External world
Worldview: evil
Status: leader of the army of tarkatans
Weapon: tarkatan blades
Fighting styles: Silat, Hung Gar
Enemies: Earth Defenders, Kitana, Kotal Kan, Di "Vora, Reptile
Allies: Shao Kahn, Milina, Onaga, Quan Chi, Shang Sung
To date: dead, killed by D Vora (Mortal Kombat X)
First appearance: Mortal Kombat II (1993)
All Appearances: Mortal Kombat-II, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Mortal Kombat Gold, Mortal Kombat: Deception, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (non-playable), Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X (non-playable)

One of the most ferocious and strongest warriors of Emperor Shao Kahn. Baraka is a representative of the Tarkat mutant nomad race - these are hybrids of the indigenous inhabitants of the Outer World and demons from the Kingdom of the Underworld. They were probably created with the help of magic in order to make the Outworld army even stronger.

After Shang Sung and Goro's defeat in the tournament, Baraka led an attack on the Wu Shi Academy on Earth, resulting in the deaths of all the monks of the Order of Light. So the sorcerer wanted to provoke Liu Kang and other Earth Defenders to the second Tournament, but on the territory of Shao Kahn, where the dark side would have more chances to win. Baraka and his squads storm the temple where Liu Kang was raised, leaving no one alive. Only Kung Lao managed to survive that massacre. Together with Liu Kang, they decide to go to Outworld for revenge, where the sorcerer Shang Sung was preparing to settle accounts with him. At this time (and possibly even earlier) Baraka met a half-tarkatan - Milina and they had a plan to overthrow the Emperor, which would give them unlimited power over the Outer World. But soon Milina dies at the hands of Princess Kitana, and Baraka, on the orders of Shao Kahn, is sent to suppress the uprising of the recalcitrant race in the distant regions of the Outer World.

After the overthrow of Shao Kahn's power, Baraka went on the run, spending a lot of time wandering, during one of which he meets Quan Chi. The sorcerer offered Baraka to rule the Realm with him if he agreed to join Shinnok's army. Baraka was the strongest warrior and Quan Chi needed him for the coming battles, just like his army. Eager for battle, the nomad warrior immediately accepted the sorcerer's offer. Apparently, Quan Chi and Baraka planned for the war between Shinnok and the Elder Gods to end with both sides destroying each other, after which it would be time for a new reign. But, this plan did not work - the Earth Warriors defeated Shinnok and eliminated the threat. Shinnok and Quan Chi again found themselves in Unreality, and the resurrected Mileena was captured by Princess Kitana and taken into custody. Baraka had no choice but to run away from the massacre again.

For some time, along with his army, Baraka served Shang Sung and Quan Chi, who escaped from the Unreality. Perhaps, in the absence of Milina, the Tarkatan warrior did not strive for power, being content with serving a strong leader. The alliance with the Deadly Alliance paid off: by joining forces, they were able to destroy many enemies and even kill the Earth Defenders, who threatened the plans of the sorcerers. Baraka and his warriors killed Johnny Cage, Jax, Sonya Blade, and Kung Lao, a feat that many of the Emperor's retinue had been unable to do before.

After the death of the sorcerers, Baraka found himself a new master in the revived Dragon King - Onaga, in whose strength he believed very much. Freeing Milina from the prison of Edenia, Baraka accepted her as another minion of Onaga.

This episode is depicted in the Mortal Kombat: Deception comic:

According to the plan of the Dragon King, Milina was supposed to quietly take the place of Princess Kitana and impersonate her. Her task was to direct the forces of a cohesive army of Edenians and Shokans against a scattered army of Tarkatans, distracting them from Onaga, who was embodied in his plans to capture realities.

From Baraka's biography in Mortal Kombat: Deception:

"I am from Tarkat, a wild race of nomadic warriors, hybrids of the inhabitants of the Outer World and the demons of Unreality. My people served many rulers: Emperor Shao Kahn, the sorcerers Shang Sung and Quan Chi ... All of them fell because they were weak. But our new The master is powerful and invulnerable! We will kill all who oppose him! We will follow him to a bloody victory! ONAGA! The King ordered us to ravage Outworld to distract the close-knit army of Edenia and Outworld and give him time to complete his plans. Milina pretends to be Princess Kitana to confuse and misdirect the Master's enemies.She deceives them and orders them to attack our sabotage units.But our master will not be near us.We will divert their armies from him.When the will of my King is done, they will all will be consumed!"

Then the end of the long union of Baraka and Milina came. Since everyone thought that Kitana had slain her many years ago, no one suspected that Milina had taken her place, hiding her Tarkatan mouth behind a veil. It was not difficult for her to convince everyone that she was their Princess and gain control over the combined forces of the Edenian army and the Shokans. Milina gave the order to Bo "Rei Cho, the army commander, to attack Baraka's soldiers. The Tarkatans fought with all their fury, but could not stop their advance. Milina was surprised that Baraka's militia was defeated, but at the same moment she realized that in her hands is the most powerful army of all realities.

Baraka suggested that Mileena passed on powerful magic to her armies. He swore that she would pay for the betrayal. But the false princess did not even think of saying goodbye to her new status. She dreamed of power for many years and now she had everything - the throne of Edenia and the Outer World, the army, and most importantly - the absence of Kitana, who at that time was subordinate to Onaga and served as his bodyguard. Finally, Milina reached her cherished goal and fulfilled her destiny. But she could not hide her secret forever, because Baraka knew the truth and could reveal her deceit, forever depriving her of everything that she possessed.

Baraka's warriors brought the news that Milina had agreed to meet him in the ancient Bug Lair, but Baraka immediately realized that this was a trap. He sent another warrior in his place. Baraka's scouts reported that the Earth warrior Sub-Zero was nearby. He allowed the remnants of his army to deal with him without his participation and went to meet his former ally alone in order to ambush her. He knew from the smell of Tarkatan blood on her clothes that she had already killed the warrior he had sent to meet her. Mistaking the sent Tarkatan for Baraka, Milina killed him, not understanding the substitution. Her sense of smell was not as sharp as that of a true tarkatan, she did not feel the presence of Baraka, who attacked her. The scene of their battle is very well shown in Mortal Kombat: Deception:

Having become mortal enemies, the former lovers tried to kill each other, but the destruction of Onaga distracted them from the duel. Onaga was destroyed and Baraka lost his last opportunity to gain power and make his people dominant in Outworld. He lost not only the Master, but also his main ally - Milina, who became his worst enemy. There is only one step from love to hate, and the story of Milina and Baraka is another confirmation of this. The last chance for the Tarkatan was to defeat Blaze and absorb his power, which would help him destroy all his enemies and former masters and gain the power he had long sought. But, like the other warriors of that battle, Baraka was killed in a battle in the crater of Edenia. Most likely he was killed by Kung Lao.

Lord Raiden dies at the hands of Shao Kahn, who has absorbed all the power of Blaze, but before his death, the god of Thunder manages to send himself a message in the past that should forever change the future. History rewinds time 10 years ago, at the moment when the last tenth Tournament took place, in which Liu Kang defeated Goro and Shang Sung. We learn that Baraka was at that Tournament, but was immediately smitten by Johnny Cage.

The story tells of him as the most cruel Tarkatan in the service of Kahn. After reaching adulthood, Baraka, according to Outworld tradition, endured a terrible ritual of blood, after which he became one of the commanders of the Emperor's troops. Under his leadership, it was possible to defeat the rebel group. For this merit, as well as for his strength and incredible endurance, he became one of the favorites of Shao Kahn. However, he let him down more than once. After Johnny Cage took him out of the Tournament by defeating him in battle, Shang Sung ordered him and Shiva to eliminate Cyrax, who questioned his loyalty, but in this battle the tarkatan was again defeated.

Despite Raiden's manipulation of time, the assault on the Wu Shi Academy was not prevented. For the first time, we can observe that terrible event, where dozens of Baraka's warriors, led by him, invade the Earthly world through a portal, attacking a temple with peaceful monks of the Order of Light. Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Jax, Sonya and Johnny Cage were there at the time. The Earth Defenders were able to fight back and it is possible that the number of victims this time was less, but what happened again - Sonya Blade was kidnapped. Baraka did an excellent job of forcing Liu Kang and his allies into another Revenge Tournament in Outworld. In this tournament, Jax became Baraka's rival, but the ferocious tarkatan is again defeated by an earthling. The order to guard the Tower where Kitana was imprisoned was also not carried out. He failed to win the battle with the Edenian warrior Jade, and Baraka was again the loser.

As we know, according to the plot of MK-II, Baraka had a hidden plan against the Emperor, which he hatched together with Milina, but not a word was said about the conspiracy, not about the connection with the clone of Kitana in MK-2011, nevertheless, later we again we see them on the same side. The plot of MK-X again brings Baraka and Milina together, but again luck is not on their side. Milina received the throne of the Outer World, which she inherited from Shao Kahn, but soon she was overthrown by Kotal Kahn, and she herself became an exile, not losing hope of regaining power.

Among her retinue was Baraka, who did not accept the new Emperor. Probably, the Tarkatans saw in Milin not only their ruler, but also a chance to be the leading race of the Outer World. Baraka's army repeatedly staged raids, and once one of these attempts became fatal for both Milina and Baraka. Having attacked Kotal Kan in his chambers, Milina once and for all tried to destroy her worst enemy, but that only brought the end of her resistance closer. The attack was repulsed, Milina was defeated and soon she was to be executed, but before that she witnessed the death of Baraka. The fierce warrior of the Tarkatan race, who defended Milina, fought with Di "Vora and was brutally killed by her.

So, on the same day, they were both killed by Di "Vora.


Baraka, like all Tarkatans, has a keen sense of smell, inhuman endurance and bestial dexterity. These creatures were born to fight, for this reason Baraka and his ilk are characterized by outbursts of aggression and rage, which makes them especially dangerous creatures. Most likely, the Tarkatans are long-lived, like the Edenians, which makes their combat abilities even better, because the experience that has been honed for thousands of years in battles gives them tremendous advantages over the enemy. One of the main differences between the Tarkatans is the razor-sharp spiked blades that they hold in their hands and extend like the claws of a cat, becoming a deadly weapon. This is what their martial prowess is based on. Baraka skillfully uses all his skills, causing enemies to tremble in horror as soon as he appears in front of them.

Also, Baraka can strike a spark from his spiked blades, which in the form of an energy strike hits the enemy, dealing damage.

Interesting Facts

✔ The creators of MK wanted to give Baraka a MK-II a finishing move in which he would rip open the opponent's stomach, after which the insides would fall out. However, it was decided that such a Fatality would be too brutal even for a series of games like Mortal Kombat.

✔ For filming Barracks for MK-II a special mask was made, but it had to be urgently replaced due to the difficulties that the working team encountered during filming. At a nearby costume shop, they found a Nosferatu vampire mask and repainted it to accentuate the ugly details + put on false nails repainted silver to look like the long fangs of a tarkatan.

This mask was worn by actor Richard Divisio, who played the role of Baraka in the games of the series. He said that that mask was very uncomfortable and created discomfort, as it fitted the face very tightly and caused sweating.

✔ Baraka had a lot of variations before acquiring the look we are all used to. In early concept art, Baraka looked like a bald man in a mask, armed with two hook swords, like the Cabal (in fact, these hook swords were later "transferred" to the Cabal, who appeared in the next part).

The next visualization of Baraka turned into a huge muscular monster with very long arms covered with spikes. Then the creators of the game thought that such long arms could give the character an advantage in battle, so the idea was born to remove the long arms and equip the character with two spiked blades that he could activate if necessary. There is information that this idea was borrowed from the retractable blades of Wolverine (X-Men). His next variation was similar to what we now call the original, with only two differences: he had his hair tied in a bun on his head, and on his belt was a red dot on a white background, which resembled the flag of Japan.

✔ When in MK-2011 at the very beginning of the story-fashion Johnny Cage meets in battle with Baraka, he is sure that he is not a warrior of the Tarkat race from another world, but an actor or a cosplayer with good makeup.

✔ In an interview with EGM magazine, Richard Divisio said that although Baraka is a cool character, he doesn't really like him, which surprised the fans of the series.

✔ Baraka, barakah, barakat (Arabic بركة) - a word of Arabic origin in translation meaning "blessing", "grace", "heavenly gift", but this was clearly not in the minds of the creators of MK.

✔ There is a movie "Baraka". Picture of 1992, filmed in 24 countries of the world. The film lacks dialogue, voice-over, and the usual plot. Recommended for viewing!

✔ In Mortal Kombat Gold Baraka has a huge scar stretching across his entire body, along the top of which metal staples are attached.

According to the rendering of Baraka and Milina in Mortal Kombat: Deception, this scar was the result of Kung Lao's Fatality, which he did on the Barrack at the end of the events Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Baraka survived this finishing move, and special braces were needed to hold his body together while he was recovering. In an unused biography of Baraka that was published in several game guides, it was stated that Baraka was actually killed and later revived by Shinnok. This created controversy among fans about what really happened to Baraka. However, there are a lot of similar inconsistencies in the plot of MK. On our site, we did not include the episode with staples in his biography at all.

In Mortal Kombat: Deception after using various special moves, Baraka's blades retract into their hands silently, but if the player uses a weapon-style special move, Baraka's blades do not retract. Also, in this part, if Baraka is defeated in the first round, after getting to his feet, he will automatically switch to using a weapon style. He is the only Deception character to have a style switch after losing the first round. All other characters after defeat in the first round automatically switch to the first (hand-to-hand) style.

✔ Baraka appears as a non-playable enemy in story mode Mortal Kombat X, where he received a new design / appearance, however, all his special attacks and animations are taken from the previous part of the game in 2011.

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