Arrangement of short backgammon. Knowledge base for playing short backgammon Short backgammon arrangement on the board

Rules of the game

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The rules of playing Short Backgammon may seem confusing, but they do not cause any difficulties after a few practice games. Therefore, probably, many board game lovers share their results of playing them, preferring to spend their leisure time moving chips along the marked board.

The essence of the game of Backgammon

Two people take part in the game. The player's task is to move all his checkers across the entire playing field in a circle and take them beyond its limits.

It would seem that it is impossible to think of anything simpler. But even such an elementary game as backgammon hides many interesting moments. It is not easy for every participant. The final result of the game depends not only on the random distribution of dice values ​​for subsequent moves.

How to play short backgammon?

Backgammon is played on a board with twenty-four cells called points. The items are grouped into four groups of six cells each. These groups are called - house, yard, enemy's house, enemy's yard. The house and yard are separated by a bar that protrudes above the playing field and is called a bar.

Game summary

Short backgammon differs from other board games in that it does not involve a draw. The winner and loser are always clearly defined.

A game of backgammon is won by the one who first reaches the finish line, namely, takes all his pieces outside the gambling field. If one player is the winner, then the second is automatically considered a loser, even if the difference in the result is only one next move.

You can play online backgammon every time with a new partner, you can also participate in so-called online Tournaments. The result of the competition is determined by the generalized total for all backgammon games played.

All results of games played for each player are entered automatically into an electronic summary table. The winner in the online Tournament is the one who, according to the results of the table, gains the most victories. The loser is the one with the fewest number of wins.

The rules of Caucasian Backgammon differ from the rules of the usual short backgammon:

In Caucasian backgammon, you cannot kill your opponent’s checker in your house and hide. In other words, the checker that hit the opponent’s checker cannot be moved with the same move so that it stands on another checker and is doubled, that is, out of reach for a blow. Killing and covering the hit checker with another is possible. It is possible to kill and move further to a free field, but do not hide. Killing and throwing away (if there is no other move) is possible.

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Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

An extremely interesting game. It's short backgammon.


Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

not bad, not bad

Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

It's good that you have rules with pictures. Otherwise how would it be to play?

Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

Short backgammon is very different from long backgammon. In fact, this is a completely different type of game on the same board and with the same checkers.

Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

Modern society prefers gadgets as entertainment, forgetting about board games. But such games as checkers and backgammon are prevented from disappearing completely by those who like to think logically in pleasant company. Backgammon is considered one of the oldest board games. Further in the article we will understand how to correctly place short backgammon, how to use the rules, exceptions to them, and learn much more.

Backgammon is...

Backgammon is a board game for two players that takes place on a special playing board consisting of 24 triangles alternating in color. The board is divided in half by the so-called bar, and the triangles are called points. Each player has 15 checkers (chips) white or black. The game also uses 2 dice.

There are two types of backgammon: long and short. Different countries use different names for this game, for example: backgammon, tavla, backgammon, kosha, shesh-besh. First, let's look at how to arrange short backgammon.

A little history

In Ancient Egypt in 3500 BC. played a game similar to backgammon in Iran - in 3000 BC. (a playing board similar to a backgammon board was found), but there is no direct evidence of this. The oldest records of the rules of the game were made in Rome by Emperor Zeno (481 BC).

The basic rules by which players move their pieces on the board remain unchanged. The goal of the game was the same as now - to remove enemy pieces from the board. The main two differences from modern backgammon are that previously 3 dice were used, and at the beginning of the game the chips were placed outside the board. The rules for arranging long backgammon appeared before our era, but how to arrange short backgammon was decided thousands of years later.

The appearance of backgammon in Europe

In the 12th century, the crusaders, returning from the crusade, brought with them a new game - backgammon. In Europe it was called “backgammon”, and the popularity of the oriental game was growing. Several centuries later, in 1743, Edmond Hoyle compiled the basic rules for playing short backgammon, using the rules for long backgammon that were known in the East.

Backgammon is still considered a very popular game all over the world, and tournaments and competitions are held among fans of this game. One of the most famous backgammon competitions is the championship - Gizil Zar (in Azerbaijan). The winner receives dice (zaras) made of gold as a prize. Short backgammon is a more modern type of game. Let's try to understand its features.

The purpose of the game of short backgammon

The board has the following areas: the player's house and yard and the opponent's house and yard. The goal of the game is to move the chips to your home and remove them from the board. Whoever is the first to remove all his chips from the board is considered the winner. How to arrange short backgammon? First, they play the number on the dice, and then they move the chips to the free points. We will consider the correct arrangement below.

How to place chips in short backgammon?

Let's analyze the difference between playing short and long backgammon. The most important and obvious difference is that the initial arrangement of short backgammon on the game board is completely different. Therefore, just by looking at the arrangement of chips, a knowledgeable person already understands what type of game the layout is made for.

The more significant differences in the rules of the game are as follows:

  1. Chips are placed throughout the battlefield, namely: 2 chips on the 24th point, 5 chips on the 13th, 3 chips on the 8th and 5 chips on the 6th.
  2. The direction of movement in short backgammon is different in that white chips always move clockwise, and black chips always move counterclockwise.
  3. The numbering of points is different for each player; depending on the direction of the chips, 24 points are counted.
  4. In long backgammon you cannot knock down chips (checkers), but in short backgammon you can.
  5. Unlike short backgammon, in long backgammon there is the possibility of “locking” the chip.
  6. In long backgammon, the segments - the player's house and yard, the opponent's house and yard - are located diagonally, and in short backgammon - strictly opposite each other.

The situation of “locking” in backgammon is as follows: building on the points a strip consisting of 6 chips of one player in front of one chip of the other. If there is not at least one enemy piece at the beginning of the strip, it is prohibited to build a “locking”. A strip of lined up chips is an excellent barrier to your opponent's chips. In practice, everything looks simpler and the rules are easier to remember.

Such minor features make the whole difference between short and long backgammon. Perhaps the differences may not seem so significant to some, but fans of this game try to know all the subtleties in order to be able to fully immerse themselves in what is happening on the board.

How to play short backgammon? Rules and exceptions

The difference between board games and any other games is that knowing the rules does not guarantee victory. Using logic and the ability to think through his moves in advance, the player can create various combinations. Here are some general rules for short and long backgammon:

  1. A chip can only be moved to a free point that is not occupied by two or more chips of the opposite color.
  2. The numbers rolled on the dice indicate the number of moves for each chip.

The main part of the rules in short and long backgammon is the same, but there are some exceptions. Let's say a player rolls a 6 and a 3, his actions will be as follows:

  1. One chip moves 6 points, and the other - 3.
  2. If the player wishes, the drawn numbers can be summed up (6 plus 3) and one chip can be moved by the resulting number of points.

The latter is possible only if the entire intermediate point is free (at a distance of 3 and 6 steps).

If a player rolls a double, he has the right to play each number on the dice twice. For example, if the roll is 5-5, then the player can make 4 moves for 5 points, and the combinations can be whatever the player wishes. The player must use all the numbers that were dealt to him. If a player's turn is closed, he skips a step. The rules of the game have a number of features described above, with their help you can combine your actions, thereby getting a victory.

How to beat a chip?

A blot is a point that is occupied by only one chip. If the opponent's chip stops at such a point, then he is considered beaten, and the blot is placed on the bar. If a player has a chip on the bar, then his direct task is to return the chip to the game, through the opponent's house. When a piece comes into play, it moves to the point shown by the dice.

For example, a player rolls 3 and 6 - he has the right to load a chip into the 3rd or 6th points, provided that they are not occupied by two or more opponent’s chips. The player enters his chips from the bar, and must skip the rest of the turn. A player cannot help but make a move just because it is not profitable for him.

After entering all the chips from the bar, the player can use the remaining dice values ​​to advance any other chips. You may find it confusing how to place backgammon shorts and how to use the chips on the board, but with just a couple of practices, you'll automatically be moving your chips in the right direction.

There are two varieties of backgammon, long and short. This article will focus on the latter.

The history of backgammon is closely connected with the culture of the Ancient East: it is believed that it was invented in Iran more than 5 thousand years ago (it was there that the oldest gaming board was found). Previously, the destinies of both individuals (usually rulers) and entire nations were predicted by the numbers rolled on the dice; later this knowledge was lost.

Game process.

So, to play short backgammon, you will need a board lined with 24 long narrow triangles (usually black and white, colors alternate one at a time), the triangles are called points. The playing field is divided into 4 equal parts, each of which has 6 triangles. The points are numbered separately for players: for black players the numbering is counterclockwise, for white players - clockwise. So, your 24th point is your opponent’s 1st point. And vice versa. The board is divided in half by a bar, it is called a bar.

The items are combined into groups:

  • House – from 1 to 6;
  • Courtyard - from 7 to 12;
  • Enemy court – from 13 to 18;
  • The enemy's house is from 19 to 24.

Each player has his own pair of dice, a glass for mixing them and 15 checkers.

The starting position is the same for everyone:

  • At point 24 – 2 checkers;
  • At 13 – 5 each;
  • At 8 - 3 each;
  • At 6 – 5.

The goal of the gameplay is to move the checkers to your home and remove them from the board. The one who did it faster wins.

The game begins with each player throwing one die. Whoever gets the highest number starts. If the numbers are the same, the procedure is repeated.

The lot determines not only the right to move, but also the first move itself: checkers move in accordance with the numbers rolled on both dice. Suppose the numbers 3 for your opponent and 8 for you mean that you need to move the checkers or checker 3 and 8 points forward (clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the position). You cannot split numbers, that is, instead of three, turn them into two and one.

A few basic rules:

Checkers move only to an open point. Open - either empty or occupied by one of the opponent’s checkers (then the point is called “blot”). In the latter case, the opponent’s checker is “eaten” and sent to the bar.

If a double appears on the dice, for example, 6:6, the player makes four moves of 6.

If a move cannot be made (due to the location of the checkers on the board), the move is skipped. You cannot skip a move without permission.

If the checker is on the bar, the first move is to remove it to the opponent's house. If all points in the house are occupied and there is no opportunity to go, the move is skipped. You can play with other checkers only when there are no checkers of yours on the bar.

Discarding from the board begins when all your checkers are in your home. The player rolls the dice and can either discard the checker or move it a maximum number of spaces in his house.

The game of backgammon has been known for a long time and enjoys deserved popularity.

Unlike chess and other similar games, here victory depends not only on correct calculation, but also on luck, since moves are made according to the combination rolled on the dice.

The proposed material tells how to play backgammon, indicates the types of games, and provides basic rules and concepts.

Elements of tactics and strategy for beginners from scratch to master the basics of the game.

It won't take long to learn the basics.

Before moving on to the rules of playing backgammon, there are several basic concepts accepted among players:

Concept What does it mean
House The extreme quarter of the playing field where checkers are moved to be removed from the board
Blot A cell occupied by one chip
Removing checkers Moving from one's own home quarter to outside the playing field
Dave's Cube Player's offer to double the bet. Executed before the roll of the coin, but not before the first move is made.

If the opponent refuses, the loss is counted and the original bet is paid out. If you agree, the bet is doubled

Beaver The situation with a supported Dove and an instant new doubling. Used by mutual agreement
Double Equal number of points when throwing dice
Mars A crazy loss when you couldn’t remove a single checker from the board. Otherwise, the number of points earned is equal to the number remaining on the playing field for the opponent
Anchor A point occupied by several tiles at the same time
Zary Two dice thrown by players
Match Agreed number of games
Bar Division of the game board, where knocked down checkers are laid out in a short game
Bid Winning amount
Head In a long game - the initial formation of all fifteen chips on one corner cell of the playing field

Long and short rules for beginners

The game is played on a board consisting of four quarters, each with six points. Their total number is twenty-four.

The quarters are called:

  • Your home.
  • Your own yard.
  • The rival's house.
  • The opponent's yard.

The designation of points uses color markings and a number indicating the cell number.

Before the start of the game, each player places fifteen checkers on the board, painted white and black, respectively, in a mirror image with respect to the opponent.

There are many varieties of the game, with different features in the rules. But in classic backgammon there are two: long and short games.

In short backgammon, the order of the initial placement of chips is as follows:

  • Two - in the twenty-fourth cell.
  • Five each - in the sixth and thirteenth.
  • Three - in the eighth.

To win, you need to deliver your checkers to your own house before your opponent and remove them from the board.

They move in accordance with the digital combination drawn at dawn. The right to make the initial move is determined by rolling the highest dice.

During the game, the numbers rolled on the dice indicate the allowed number of steps for a single checker.

You cannot divide the die number into several moves. In case of a double, the values ​​are doubled.

Note! If, when throwing the dice, it flies out of the playing field, you need to repeat the procedure.

When moving chips in short backgammon, the following conditions apply:

  1. It is allowed to move only into a free cell or occupied by no more than one opponent’s checker.
  2. Checkers are moved by partners in the opposite direction.
  3. The numbers on the dice indicate the number of moves for two checkers separately. It is allowed to move one chip to the total value.
  4. When you get a double, you are allowed to move up to four chips per turn.
  5. Be sure to perform all possible moves that appear in accordance with the rules.
  6. If an opponent's chip falls into someone else's blot, the one located there is placed on the bar. The player must first enter it into the game, according to the values ​​​​at the beginning, and only then other actions are performed.
  7. In a situation where the exit cells are occupied, the move is skipped.

When all the chips are in their home, they are removed from the playing field in accordance with the numbers rolled on the dice.

It is allowed to move checkers in the house. If a checker is knocked out by an opponent during a throw, to continue it is necessary to return it to the field and move it back to the house.

The rules of long backgammon are somewhat different from short ones:

  • During the initial placement, the chips are lined up by the opponents in the first and third quarters, respectively, on the leftmost cells.
  • Both players move the chips counterclockwise.
  • It is not allowed to enter a cell occupied by an enemy.
  • No more than one chip is removed from the head per throw, with the exception of getting a double on the initial move.

Game with pictures: placing chips and teaching tactics

Differences in the rules determine the specific tactics for short and long games.

When setting up short backgammon, you must adhere to the following strategy:

  • Occupy as many cells as possible in your house, while simultaneously withdrawing your chips from someone else’s.
  • Do not leave single blots within your opponent’s reach to prevent chips from being thrown off the board.
  • Try to close the cells near the bar as quickly as possible in order to make it difficult for the enemy to withdraw knocked down checkers.
  • A large amount knocked out from the enemy will strengthen your own position.

In classic long backgammon, the checkers are not knocked down, so the first priority is to distribute yourself across the board as quickly as possible.

The main focus is:

  • Occupy cells in the first quarter and the starting point of the second to ensure unhindered withdrawal from the head.
  • Obtaining strongholds in the third and then fourth quarters of the field.

Building a fence from several adjacent pieces will make it difficult for the enemy, especially if the cells where the head removal is performed are occupied.

It is most effective to occupy points from four to six, which will force the opponent to lose moves, weaken his position, and contribute to a quick win.

Videos with pictures of formations and techniques of the game are posted on the Internet.

Anyone who wants to learn by watching or downloading the proposed video lessons will easily understand the nuances of tactics and strategy.

It is better to print out individual step-by-step instructions with pictures for detailed study.

To learn to understand the intricacies of the position well, it is recommended to take lessons in learning the game from an experienced master, consolidating the knowledge in practice.

As can be seen from the presented material, the rules of playing backgammon are simple, but success depends not only on luck, but also on the right choice of tactics. Play and win.

Useful video

Backgammon arrangement

Very often backgammon is confused with chess. Perhaps this is due to the fact that for quite a long time they walked side by side: the inner side of the board was intended for playing backgammon, and the outer side for chess. But chess and backgammon are absolutely two different things. Today, chess can be called a sport, but backgammon remains an amazing and exciting board game.

For those who decide to learn how to play backgammon, you should first familiarize yourself with the rules of the game, as well as study the system for placing chips on the playing field. Even beginners know that there is a huge selection of different types of backgammon. But only two are considered the most common and generally accepted: long and short. Each of these options has its own characteristics of chip placement.

Long backgammon

N Arda placement of chips on the field has its own specifics. In order to more accurately understand how this needs to be done, you first need to get acquainted with the playing field. The backgammon board is divided into two absolutely equal halves. There are 24 narrow andelongated triangles, which are called points and are numbered accordingly. But each player has his own numbering: where one player has the first point, his opponent will have the twenty-fourth. Backgammon is designed for two players, each of whom has 15 chips of a certain color. It is they who need to be placed in one row in the first or thirteenth points along the right side. This is the original arrangement of backgammon. This position is called “head” and the move starts from the head.

Backgammon arrangement in its original form does not give advantages to any other player. All chances of winning are equal. How is this game different from chess? The point is that in chess only logical calculation and the ability to think constructively lead to success. In backgammon there is still a share of luck, which is carried along with the dice. This arrangement of backgammon is typical for a long look. With short backgammon everything is different.

Short backgammon

Short backgammon is also designed for two players and the game board remains unchanged. The triangles we know are called the house and the yard, the bar in the middle is the bar. There are points that are numbered from 1 to 24. The arrangement of the chips changes. Each player has 15 checkers. The initial arrangement of checkers is as follows: each player has two checkers in the twenty-fourth point, five in the thirteenth, three in the eighth and five in the sixth.

The goal of the game in both cases is to determine the number of your moves by throwing dice, moving chips across the field to bring them into the house and be the first to completely remove them from the game. Backgammon arrangement, which differs in long and short varieties, makes the game more exciting and difficult. Anyone can try their hand at one form or another.

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