Games for 2 prison man and a dog. Bob the Robber for two. On opposite sides of the barricades

Do you dream to stand up for the peace and quiet in your city or, conversely, do you want to be a malicious violator (but so that you have nothing for it)? Exciting police games will allow you to be in the role that you choose for yourself - and everything will be absolutely legal! Try on the image of a notorious villain or a noble operative in the police game, and blast your way to the fullest! Pursuit races, flashing lights, risk and adrenaline - all this is available to you on our website for free!

On opposite sides of the barricades

It is interesting that, with what persistence some people strive for pacification and order, with the same others dream of creating universal chaos. Everyone wants to live satisfyingly and well, but they achieve this in completely different ways! Moreover, if some consider it prestigious to earn their living by their labor, walk on the sidewalks and throw garbage only in trash cans, then others find it much more attractive to engage in robbery, trample flower beds and spit under their feet.

Police games allow us to look at this confrontation from both sides and understand what motivates their representatives to behave this way and not otherwise. Of course, each person has his own character! But, in addition to our desires, there are also laws that we all need to observe. And if you don’t want to do this either, then soon a kind uncle, a policeman, will knock on your door and explain in an accessible language that the rules are written for everyone - including you.

Stole it, drank it - to jail! Romance!

Sometimes we all want to put ourselves outside the law and taste the taste of gangster freedom. Experimenting with this live is quite dangerous, because the underworld drags on and once you get there, you can hardly get out. And if you really want to show your bad character and make a real booze, then it is better to do this not in the real world, but in the virtual one. During the game, the police will also chase you, and you too will have to compose all sorts of things to escape from the cops! But the consequences of these events in online entertainment are easily eliminated by leaving the game, while in real life you may never get rid of a bad reputation ... or even something worse.

So, if you really become a gangster - then only in a specially designated place! Don't let these "restrictions" upset you: virtual clashes with the police are much more exciting than live ones. After all, lying with your face on the hood with your arms folded behind your back is unlikely to please you in reality, and although the same event online will not please you, it certainly will not sadden you much.

Our service is both dangerous and difficult

Being a true defender of the rule of law is an incredibly noble and honorable business. It is not for nothing that the competition for the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is higher than for any legal or economic specialties of ordinary universities. TV series and books paint us the image of a policeman like Uncle Styopa: honest, noble, always ready to help.

It is a pity that in real life the work of an internal affairs officer is a constant risk, and therefore, going to work, a policeman can never be sure that he will return home alive. In this regard, serving in the police is even more dangerous than in the army; After all, wars in our country, fortunately, do not happen so often, but here and there it is necessary to neutralize armed gangs almost every day.

In police games, you can try on the noble role of law enforcement and destroy crime in a particular virtual city. Of course, this is not as valuable to society as real operational work, but it is absolutely safe! And you will get the most real emotions from the pursuit of armed bandits.

In a word, no matter which side you take in this confrontation, do not rush to enter the fight offline. Police games will become an important textbook of life for you, try on different looks and demonstrate all the pros and cons of each of them. On our website, you can play online police games for free, and you don't even have to install anything. Anywhere, wherever you are, your favorite entertainment will always be with you - there would be the Internet!

Description of flash games

Dance for money 3

Money movers 3

The game dance for money, will show the real friendship between people and animals. In this game for boys, the main character has a loyal and good dog who helps him to get out of any troubles. But if usually it was small skirmishes with the guys, now he got involved in a really serious story. A lot of money was stolen from the bank, and the main character witnessed this lawlessness, he decided to help and return the money. Therefore, he followed the gang of robbers and decided to deal with them himself. The algorithm is very simple - you just need to set the dog on the offender, and then, while he is in disorientation, handcuff him. Only you should fight the criminals one by one, otherwise they can cooperate together and harm you. After the arrest of the offender, it is necessary to pick up the bags of money. When all the money has been collected, and all the criminals have been neutralized, you can go to the local police station. For such heroism, you should be given a large reward, because you risked your life to restore justice and punish the thieves!

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Our service is both dangerous and difficult

Being a law servant is a very interesting and a bit risky experience, but you can easily try the profession of a cop on yourself. Put on a bulletproof vest and grab your weapons, they will definitely come in handy during your service.

During the chase, you can use different vehicles, choose the one that you prefer for the online police game:

  • machine (the obvious choice is simple, fast and safest);
  • motorcycle (for the strong and courageous, because it takes more skill and effort to control a motorcycle);
  • helicopter (fly over the most dangerous areas of the city, hardly anyone will get you in the sky, however, it is somewhat more difficult to manage such transport).

Policeman - sounds proudly

Real cops have access to a large arsenal of weapons and can choose any, depending on the mission to which they are sent. Rest assured, playing the police is as cool as being a real policeman. In everyday life, cops train a lot to fight crime: they learn to resist terrorism or find a criminal using fingerprints and other evidence. You are more fortunate - training is really a rather boring and long process, and playing a police officer online does not require any special knowledge and skills.

Every day, brave defenders are fighting criminals in all corners of our country, don't you want to join this important and difficult task of maintaining order in the world? Maybe you will eventually realize that your calling is to serve in law enforcement.

Do you dream of serving in government agencies? Do you diligently follow the laws and closely monitor that petty hooligans do not violate public order? So, the police games are invented especially for you! Stand up to defend the rule of law and the safety of citizens, give a decisive rebuff to the malicious criminals, and prove your courage and courage in a harsh confrontation with the most inveterate villains of our time!

Humanity has existed on earth for over a hundred thousand years, and all this time it has been accompanied by crime and criminality. Fraudsters, thieves and especially dangerous repeat offenders are actively sowing confusion and anxiety, and the main task of any game is to pacify and neutralize the roaming criminals.

But there is also a downside to the coin: in our games about the police, you can try on the role of a desperate criminal, and throw down a decisive challenge to the law enforcement officers. Steal the coolest cars, trade in racketeering and banditry, run away from the guards of the law pursuing you and free your accomplices from prison. We guarantee that you will have a great time and experience all the complexities of the policeman profession!

If you want to try to stop the escaped criminals, then launch Robber Bob for two. The fact is that in one colony all the prisoners escaped and now you need to catch each of them on your own so that the authorities do not fire you because of everything that happened. In this simulator you have to control two heroes at once, a dog and a policeman. Each of them performs specific functions. The dog scares the bandits and does not allow them to move. Also, with the help of your faithful four-footed friend, you can press various buttons and open some passages. The police officer must collect the bags of gold scattered across the platforms and arrest the criminals.

The walls of the prison will show you how to go through some difficulties, so you should pay your attention to them. Launch laser alarms to scare criminals and as soon as they put their hands up, handcuff them. In order to jump onto high ledges, stand on one of the characters and climb as high as possible. If you fail to cope with the task, then you will have to try your hand again and start passing the level from the very beginning. The more bags you pick up in an episode, the higher your points will be after it ends.

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