The Fart Brothers: Two. Game brothers bunch for two Game brothers bunch 2 full screen

Today, there are a huge number of them on the network, very different and unusual. In this section, we bring to your attention a series of some of the brightest representatives of the quest or "adventure game" genre - playful games for two Puk Puk. It will especially appeal to fans of adventure in the style of Indiana Jones. Immediately after launch, you will find a tropical jungle, a meeting with an aboriginal tribe, sacred totems, a lot of mystical and not so adventures. There is another interesting detail - the Pook Brothers games are designed for two players, which means it's time to invite your best friend to visit. Together, it is much more exciting to make your way along the paths lost in the thicket than alone, and somehow safer, somehow.

Ancient relics and beneficial flatulence

The plot of each game for two Puk Puk revolves around the life of a tribe of cartoon aborigines living in a village hidden from prying eyes by impassable jungle. They are commanded by a wise leader. He sits all day on a throne woven from vines, giving out valuable instructions to the right and left. The rest of the tribe are busy growing sweet potatoes - yams. You've probably already noticed the strange name of this game for two - Puk Puk.

The thing is that the irrepressible absorption of potatoes provokes increased flatulence in the human body, and simply - the accumulation of gases. It's scary to even imagine what aromas hover over the village when they go outside. But the natives not only got used to their increased gas production for a long time, but also learned to use it in a very original way. After starting any game you like for two Puk Brothers, you will be able to fully appreciate their practicality and ingenuity. The trick is that flatulence helps the natives move faster, and if you urgently need to get somewhere a few kilometers away, just strain a little, release a certain portion of gases, take it up into the air and, after several jumps, be in place.

You will have to use this miraculous property with might and main in the process of passing difficult levels of the game for two Take a Bunch. It should be remembered that without regular ingestion of sweet potatoes, gases are not formed, and therefore, if you are going to leave the magic potato field for a long time, you need to spend them very sparingly.

As for the control, in all the toys in the section it is approximately the same and quite traditional. Players are comfortably seated behind one keyboard using two sets of keys: the arrow buttons on the right and the letters WASD on the left. You can reach the end of the game only together, helping each other to overcome all the oncoming obstacles. By the way, it’s a good way to make peace if you’re at odds with your best friend.

The Puk Brothers games attract first of all with their name. What are these strange names? Indigenous? Or character traits? In the case of the Puk brothers, both answers are correct. The heroes of the game of the same name live in an African tribe and look exactly as the aborigines should. But unique features help them to jump high and move quickly - with the help of bunches, guys can take off high, jump far and solve a lot of problems. Are you interested? Then we invite you to the game!

There are several options for passing the story: brothers a bunch for two and a single game. The choice determines the presence of a friend nearby who would like to share the fun of the original quest with funny characters.

Pay attention to the war paint of the heroes: one line is blue, the other is red. This feature will help in collecting totems and bonuses, some of which are given to only one player. How to choose? By color!

The plots of the game are based on the principles of adventure games. The task is different everywhere, but most often it is expressed in the search for magic totem masks. The further the journey, the more difficult the adventure. But brave users can do all of them. Moreover, the Pook brothers are always ready to share the positive and merrily rush towards new dangers. Catch up!

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Description of flash games

Fart Brothers: Two

Bratxya Puk Na Dvoih

The Pook Brothers: For Two is an exciting adventure game for two, which is ready to surprise from the first seconds. First of all, surprise you with its uniqueness in the gameplay. Explaining. The characters are called Brothers Pook for a reason. After all, they do not move by walking, but using gases and thus flying over different objects. The main task of each level is to fly over obstacles and get to the end point. At each level, you need to get to a certain location, therefore, of course, without obstacles in any way. Each player needs to collect their artifacts. For one hero, they will be, say, red, for another, blue.

Find them on the map, and fly, jump or reach your destination. On the way, as you progress through the game, Phuk Brothers: For Two, various bonuses will appear. For example, a jetpack will allow you to fly to the upper platforms, because on the way there will be different levels, with their own characteristics. Collecting artifacts and reaching the final door is the main task of each level. But it is important that both heroes get to their destination, otherwise the level is considered not passed.

It is hard to imagine something funnier than the game for 2 Brothers Puk 2. After all, where else will you see how the characters for an ultrahigh jump use not technology, not rocket packs, but their own gases?


The gamer will have many levels. They are all very similar to each other. So, if not for the animation of the vertical movement of the characters, users could quickly get bored with everything. Speaking specifically on the topic, this is the case. The heroes of the game for two Puk Puk 2 - this is the name of the dwarf twins. These are brothers-savages with cool mohawks on their heads. Their task is to collect quest items and place them in the totem. Each can carry only one item. Moreover, if one of the Indians approaches the edge of the screen, he will not be able to go further until the second one approaches him. This is the team essence of the adventures of 2 brothers.

One gamer can also control pukalkas if he uses both hands to press the necessary buttons on the keyboard. In order to jump up and pick up an object or just climb an obstacle, you need to hold down the "up" key. The artifact is automatically attached to the back of the savage Pook and automatically occupies its niche in the altar.

For the sake of fairness, it should be said that the passage of the adventure game for two Brothers Puk 2 attracts users not only by the emission of gases. For example, it has good graphics with a detailed drawing of not only the characters themselves, but also the surrounding landscape. The heroes themselves are pretty well animated. While waiting for commands, the Puk brothers not only stand sadly, but periodically throw something into their mouths and chew fervently.

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