What to collect dark seed. Guide to Dark Sira: Learning to live in the moment. How to counter Dark Sira, enemies, friends

The second part of the Dark Seer guide for version Dota 6.80. In the first part of this guide, we already looked at the characteristics, pros and cons, skills and some options for building up this character. Read the rest in this part of the guide

3.3.2) Itemorder (what to collect for Dark Sira damage dealer)

Our high hero-killer potential at the beginning of the game will gradually decrease and we will need to compensate for our shortcomings and increase our advantages. Let's remember our main disadvantages, being like a damage dealer:

A) dependent on manna => in the beginning and mid without manna - we are cannon fodder
B) small agility gain => slow attack speed
IN) spells for intelligence => arts for agility will not give a big increase in damage, which narrows the list of arts for DPS
G) being a DD means being in the middle of a mess, and we don’t have that much HP

A) What will give us both damage and MP regen at the same time?

1) Battle Fury - Why not? Good regen for HP and MP, assembled quite simply and the components (I mean RoH and Void Stone ) help from the very beginning of the game. It will also give good damage and 30% distribution of damage to nearby enemies - which will improve farming and increase the potential of the damage dealer in the late game.
I still recommend Battlefury if you have a weak micro and don’t want to bother with the hero’s additional abilities.

2) Orchid - yes, yes, exactly him. It is very easy to assemble and right on the line, the components are not expensive, it simply gives space MP regen, an increase in attack speed and + active ability.

IMHO Orchid will be better than battlefury, because... gives more MP regen, gives the same increase in damage (since we will have +20 to Int, and we enchant specifically for intelligence, which means +20 additional damage). Orchid does not give a splash, but we only need it (splash) in the deep late game, because... Our farm is already magical, and splash against enemy heroes is quite controversial while our hand damage is not yet high, BUT Orchid also gives +30 to attack speed, which is very important for us.
And a huge plus of this art is its active silence, which gives +20% damage to the target and turns the enemy into helpless meat for 5 seconds (of course, if it’s not devoured
Troll with a butterfly and a Satanic...). It will look great when we, with a Shield hung on the ans, catch up with the retreating enemy at Speed ​​and do not allow him to cast the stun, hitting him from the hand 20% more painfully.
But the correct use of Orchid requires good micro and experience in playing both Dark Seer and Dota in general, so beginners should be extremely careful when collecting it.

So, we take one of these arts, which will give us both damage and MP regen.

B) If we have assembled Orchid, then we have partially resolved the issue with attack speed. What else?

Power Treads (crutch) – will give us attack and running speed, and will also increase either HP or MP (just don’t need to switch to agility!).

Cuirass – will not only increase our attack speed, but will also make us much more durable due to the increase in armor and we will hit harder, because We reduce the armor of all enemies around. A good item for our DD.

Butterfly – will not only give you attack speed, but will also add Dodge, which will naturally increase our survivability in the mix.

Mljonir – will give us not only attack speed, but also increase damage, plus additional damage from the hand and an excellent passive and active. The first one helps to farm and harass enemies, and the second one will often help in mass battles, because we will be at the center of events and we will be the focus.

Q) What else will increase our hand damage?

Radiance – Syrah is often collected because... Radik makes us a mega farmer and, together with the Shield, destroys a lot of HP from enemies per second. The main disadvantage of art is that it is very expensive.

ICD – collect only if there are more than 2 enemy spells with “dodge” or Butterfly. If there are none or there is only 1, then we don’t need art.

Buriza – oh yes, after collecting at least 1 art for damage and 1 for increasing attack speed, crits will fly out often and very significantly! Good art of a late-game damage dealer.

D) We need to survive in the mess, because... We are miles and intend to hit hard and right in the middle of things. What will make us more resilient?

Tarasca – art gives the most HP and good regen. Everything is clear with him.
Cuirass – many people underestimate the importance of armor in the game – you know, the website has all the information about armor. Plus, this art increases our attack speed and reduces the armor of our opponents, which clearly speaks in its favor.

Butterfly - dodges are good... But exactly until the moment the enemy collects the ICD...
Vanguard - cheap and cheerful. It will help us a lot in the beginning thanks to the block and HP regen. After all, we will pursue the enemy and drive him under the tower, and all suitable enemy creeps will aggro on us. Excellent art for the beginning/mid, then you can safely change it to Heart or Satanik.

Satanik – excellent art, with good damage and an active ability, makes us a terrible enemy and does not allow us to die in the mix.

And now a logical question:
“How will all the art described above fit into our inventory of 6 slots?” Answer: “None”

Here the choice will depend on your preferences, on your micro, on the spells of the enemy and allies.
For example:
- if the enemy team contains only casters and magicians, then it is more logical to collect Vanguard instead
Hood (Pipe) and then there is 100% no point in collecting the Butterfly (since the main damage is not from the hand, but from procasts).
- if you have a weak micro and you get lost in the mix, then Orchid and Mljonir are not worth collecting.
- if you are up against a lot of physical damage dealers with bashes, then it would be logical to collect
Blade Mail .
- if there are a lot of disablers or stunners among the enemies, then it is logical to collect linkin or BKB

Here are the pieces of art that I would be careful about assembling:
Desolator is a good damage art, usually collected as 1 art per dmg. Gives an orb that reduces the enemy's armor. Our first art for dmg will be either BF or Orchid, and orb for lifesteal in the late game will definitely be more important.
Manta will make us durable due to illusions and stats, plus it will give us movement speed. But for this money you can think about other art. You can take it again against the Troll and others like him.

You should not take these arts:

Diffuse – gives us an orb and active slowdown. IMHO art is not for us, other orbs and abilities are more important to us.
Basher - although the chance of a bash is great, we need arts with serious damage in order to kill several enemies in a fight. But buying a Basher in order to meet someone alone in the forest is not the best solution.

Midas – will give you attack speed and that’s it... Our farm is already excellent.
Dagon - we must kill 5 enemies at once. If you can kill 5 charms at the same time with the help of 1 dagon, then the flag is in your hands.
Bloodstone - only gives mana regen and increases HP. It's better for us to buy Satanic or Heart, and we already have regen.

As a result, the final Darxir Assassin build will always vary. Here is an example of Sira collected for the late game:

3.3.3) Tactics

It's better to go to the side lines, because... there is a greater distance between our own and someone else’s tower and we will be able to pursue the enemy longer and make early kills. However, Sire can perfectly stand both solo mid and solo against 2. We are generally great! =)

Darksir's tactics when leveling up in DD boil down to constant farming and killing enemies with the permissibility of steals from an ally. We need money and we use all available methods for this. At the beginning, we do not allow the enemies to creep normally, and already from lvl 3 we begin to actively strain them with the Shield. We are active and aggressive from the very beginning, because... our Shield deals very significant damage to enemies.

Note: Enemies often do not fully realize how much damage our Shield is doing to them, so it will be extremely difficult to fight against us under the Shield and you will probably be able to pick up a couple of frags thanks to the enemy’s recklessness.

Having bought a little, we begin not only to kill on our own lane, but also to gank neighboring ones (not forgetting to walk through the forest and farm neutrals). The mid game is under our dominance, because... Our ripening is still quite strong, and in terms of purchases we are ahead of everyone and everything. The goal of this stage is to save up for serious art for the late game. Methods - gank, fast push, tower demolition, jungle, gang...

Leith is a neat and thoughtful game, because... Our Shield is of much less use, and the enemies have become stronger and move in groups. So now there is no need to get into trouble, there is only a team game here. You should already have almost a full supply, so now let's farm your allies too.

3.3.4) Farm and pushFarming is an important component for any hero, fortunately we have something to farm easily and quickly =)

Farming options:
1) Last hit - everyone should master this art, and Sir manages it quite easily. We have a high base damage and finishing off a creep shouldn't be a big problem for us. I would like to draw your attention to the attack animation - the damage is dealt almost at the end of the animation, so a little training is needed for a good attack.


Shield on yourself – we stand in such a way as to hit both the creep’s range and the melee, and then we try to ensure that it’s not our creeps who get the last hit, but us =)


Shield for enemy creep miles– an interesting technique that makes it possible to pick up at least 2 enemy creeps even before meeting our creeps. How to execute: we push the line and see a pack of enemy creeps coming. Next, we throw a Shield at the middle mile creep and get gold for 1 and 3 creeps from the column, and then we finish off the rest ourselves. The advantage of this method is that we get gold faster and do not expose ourselves to any danger, because... We are at a safe distance from the enemy. Also, enemies cannot kill their creeps until they have red lives. This means that the Shield will hang for a long time =)
Note: creeps with Shield can also be eaten or lured away Dominator, Chen, etc. Then the Shield will no longer damage the enemy, but us.4) Shield on enemy hero– for example, for some reason we were left alone on the line, and against us Sven and Leshrac ... Let's approach - we are a corpse, and by hanging the Shield on Sven, although he himself will farm, he will also add gold to us, and soon an ally will come up for a gank.


Shield on your melee creep– this is the most common type of farming, because not only gives us the opportunity to take gold from enemy creeps, but also prevents enemies from approaching the creeps, thus we leave them without gold or they try to creep and then they will punish themselves with heavy damage. The disadvantage of this method is that the enemy can focus a creep with a Shield - quickly drain it and calmly farm further.Rule 1: you need to hang the Shield on the creep that will be killed later than the others.
Those. if there is a pack of your creeps, thenno need to hang a Shield on the first one in the ranks, because enemy creeps will start attacking him first and we will not get the effect we need. We hang a Shield at 2 or 3 miles of creep.

Push is a quick kill of enemy creeps on the lane with the goal of quickly demolishing enemy buildings.

A sire can pick up any number of creeps in 2 seconds. To do this, we run into a bunch of creeps,

hang a Shield on ourselves And we create a vacuum, gathering everyone around our person. You don’t even have to hit anyone with your hand, everything will work out in a matter of seconds.
After a successful gank or simply killing 1-2 enemy heroes, we immediately run to the lane and push it. If pushing is impossible, then we run to the next gank or to the forest, they are already waiting for us there
Gnolls and other animals. 3.3.5) Harass the enemyHarassing an enemy means inflicting serious damage on him in order to further kill him or to prevent him from farming quietly. We will carry out Kharas as follows:


Shield on our melee creep– melee opponents will approach extremely rarely.


The shield is on us – and we run towards the enemy (but you don’t need to immediately attack him, it’s enough just to run next to him, he will receive serious damage anyway). He will most likely run away, and we will kill the range creep and go on farming. Our enemy remains without experience and without money.


Shield on enemy hero– if you are against noobs, then they may not know that a Shield hung not on Sir also causes damage. So one hero can stupidly kill himself against another, without even understanding why.

4) Shield on us or on our mile creep + Vacuum - everything is very clear here,

We use a vacuum to pull everyone towards the unit with the Shieldand thereby not only speed up our farming and push the lane, but also kill the enemy.


Shield on the enemy's long-range creep– if Range is a hero against us, then the Shield will force him to either move away and not scream, or move closer to us and we can hit him from our hand. It works well against beginners, but against experienced players this type of harassment is not the best.Note: you don't need to just do Vacuum, it costs a lot of mana and does too little dmg, which does not justify its thoughtless use. Always do a combination of Shield + Vacuum. Moreover, the center of the Vacuum can be shifted not directly to the unit with the Shield, but slightly behind it, because the enemy will still run by inertia to his tower, which means he will stay longer in the field of action of the Shield, because he will have to run around him. 3.3.6) GangesLet's consider two options for Gang: 1) from the lane; 2) from the forest.

1) On the lane, any Gang begins with preliminary harassment of the enemy, because It’s extremely difficult to kill a hero with full HP without having 2 stuns/disables (you’ve already read about harassment). So, you have knocked out one of the opponents a little and are ready to try to kill: a stunner ally, such as Vengie, is best suited here. You

throw a Shield at yourself, and at this time Venga is camping on the enemy. You stand in front of the enemy so as to block his path of retreat, hit him once and then just block him, damage him with the Shield and it would also be a good idea for your ally to stick him in the back. If he can run away from you, thenreturn it with Vacuum, again trying to get him behind you and you again block his path. If he is still alive thenthrow the Shield again(if it's over)Self speedand we run alongside, finishing off from the hand when the enemy is low on HP.

If there is no stunner ally, then the principle remains the same, it’s just that instead of a stun it goes

Self speedand block the enemy, periodically hit with your hand + Vacuum + again Speed ​​= frag. Note: hit with your hand only when you are slightly ahead of the enemy, so that the Shield ALWAYS deals damage to the victim. If you just click to attack the enemy in the back (when he is running away from you), then even being under Speed, we will hit and stop for a while and the enemy will receive less damage than he could if we were in the correct position relative to his model.2) A Gang from the Forest begins, in principle, similar to a Gang on a line “without a stunner”: wethrow a Shield on ourselves, do Speed and we run out of the bushes, striking with our hands and chasing the villain. Further the same Vacuum, Speed ​​again and again we block and hit with our hands at the right moments.Note: do not forget that at lvl 4 our Shield deals 75 dmg per second, which is only slightly less than our hand damage, but we still have hand damage less than once per second. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to simply run next to the enemy and let him die from the Shield, because... By hitting the enemy, we risk falling behind him.3.3.7) “+” and “-” pumping+ we get +1 late damage in Team
+ we gank and make noise from early lvls
+ we don’t allow opponents to swing normally on the line
- we don’t let our ally swing if we’re standing together
- we will be focused, because we take the main damage => we are always in danger and we are priority for enemy ganks
- if the opponents have a lot of stunners/disablers, then you need a BKB, and this is minus 1 art for damage, and this means you won’t be able to do a triple kill in a mix
- as a damage dealer we are extremely dependent on art, so to be a good late-deader, you need a lot of expensive art for dmg and attack speed, which in turn excludes a lot of art for survivability and so on
Swinging has its place, and in a pub you can easily enslave such a build. In quarter and close, Sir will most likely be a support tank, and other guys will deal damage in the late game...

3.4) Development through SupportAnd finally, build-up for more serious games - through support. Few people like to play like this, and many simply do not know how and do not understand the role of support.

A support is a hero who will contribute in every possible way to the team’s victory through the following things:
- help your ally in farming
- help in the Ganges and earning frags for your ally
- reconnaissance maps: wards
- player mobility: our “Speed” and our Kura (uptight!)
- help in kneading
- depriving enemies of experience: removing creeps, finishing off your own creeps, etc.

Note: If you have 2 strong solo heroes, then we run into the forest according to an already proven scheme.
If not, then we go to a difficult lane with a late ally and please the latter in every possible way =) Accordingly, then we are considering the option of building up on a lane with an ally.3.4.1) Skillbuild 1) Speed
2) Shield
3) Shield
4) +
5) Shield
6) Vacuum
7) Shield
8) Vacuum
9) Vacuum
10) Vacuum
11) Ult
12) Ult
13) +
14) +
15) +
16) Ult

Why speed for 1 lvl and why only 1 time?
- Speed ​​is needed immediately, because... Our priority is to save an ally or ourselves from the Ganges. Once is more than enough in the early stages of the game.
Why Shield? We're kind of support...
- The shield will be needed to prevent the enemy from farming + harass the heroes, which will make it possible for our carry to farm normally or kill an insolent enemy.
Is there any point in pumping up the Vacuum at the beginning?
- MB is... it all depends on the aggressiveness of the enemy and your ally. If we are counting on early ganks/kills, then we can start pumping up earlier. But then you must always carefully monitor the manna so that there is enough for everything.

Note: here the leveling of skills will directly depend on the ally and opponents on the line. If an ally can practically kill 1 of the opponents, then pumping up the Vacuum is possible. For example, if a Troll is standing with us, then we can also pump up the Vacuum as a priority so that it is he who takes the frag, and not you. As always, it all depends on the specific game and the situation as a whole.

3.4.2) Itemorder (what to collect Dark Sira for a supporter)

The purchase, like everything else, will again depend on the spell of the enemy, our allies and the stratum to which you will adhere. In any case, in order to stay on the lane and be useful to the team for as long as possible, our first arts will be:

Kura – not discussed, must have.
Basil – for mana regen for us and an ally, +armor, boosting pushing.
Vanguard – HP regen, survival in a mix and unpunished harassment of the enemy.
Wards - if there is no one else, then go ahead and singly put them in the forests and on the hills.

Bracers/Zeros – intermediate arts, needed both for mana and for increasing survivability in the early stages. We choose depending on the aggressiveness of the game.

Guinza – if you really need +1 disable in your team. They take on powerful and dangerous damage dealers ( Troll, Mortra, Slardar, Balanar, Murloc etc.), or against channeling ults like Enigma .
In addition to the wonderful disable, the art will give us survivability by increasing stats and mana regen.

Shiva – we take it for greater damage in AoE and strengthening the potential of the pusher/anti-pusher. It will also increase our survivability due to armor and give us a good passive.

Necro – if there are a lot of intruders ( Riki, Nerubians, Gondar, Bonik etc.) and for push strategy. It will give us plus HP, MP and wonderful summons that burn mana to the enemy.

Vladimir – a logical continuation of Basil. Gives lifesteal to us and our allies, increases the team's push potential. Very relevant if you have a lot of MILES of allies or have enchantments with summons, such as Enigma, Mama or Furion.

Mecca – if you really need fast HP regen, then take it. Looks good with the same summoning spells as in the previous paragraph.

Pipe – if there are many procasters, then a must have. The team will definitely be grateful to you. In addition to resistance, it will also give us HP regen, which is very good.

BoT – we don’t need to hit quickly, because the damage is small, so we sweep away the PT. We already run fast and, again, we don’t really need damage, Phasics are in the firebox. If we have a lot of money, then we take BoT. Needed for quickly moving along lanes and pushing with an ally.

Tarasca – in order to have time to cast and apply all active spells, we must have a lot of HP, and the Heart is more suitable for this purpose than anything else.

Ribs – we take it when we have already collected Guinsa/Shiva/Necro/Pipe, i.e. after the initial necessary art for Tim. In addition to attack speed for allies, it will greatly increase our survivability due to armor.

Blade Mail – we take it if we are hurt and beaten hard. A lot has already been said about this art, I won’t repeat it.

Which is more unnecessary than relevant for Sire:

BKB - we are support, it’s better to focus on us than on our Carries. If there are a lot of magicians, then we cook Pipe, it will also benefit the rest of the team.

Linken - similar to BKB; we are a team player, not a lone killer. Pipe will be better.

Art for DMG - here we have a different role and, alas, it’s not for us to distribute from hand.

I described the main arts, but depending on the situation of the game, other items may be needed, for example Arcana or Eul. Always analyze what is happening in the game and you will understand for yourself what will be the best purchase.

As an example, I will give an approximate purchase of support:

3.4.3) Tactics

As I already said at the beginning of the point about “support”, we do our best to help our lane ally improve. What is the difficulty here? The fact is that we must suppress our ego and sacrifice everything and everyone for the sake of our teammates and the overall victory. Not many people like to play with subs, and most don’t know how, because... They don’t understand the main task of support - supporting the team.

Our tactics at the beginning The game comes down to finishing off your creeps, harassing the enemy and periodically running into the forest with a possible subsequent Gang on the lane.
Mid game - these are just forest-line dashes, where we do our best to facilitate ganking with our allies and thereby give them the opportunity to calmly level up and earn frags. Also, don’t forget to successfully push the lanes after another beautiful gank.
Leith – here we are a pusher/anti-pusher and we get into the mix carefully and in time to have time to use all our abilities before they merge us...

Tactics for Sappa comes down to understanding a simple truth: “You are part of the team, if the team is good, then it’s good for you. If only you feel good, then you are a lousy support.".

3.4.4) Farm

Our farm for support is sad, because... It’s not us who should be rocking here, but our teammates.

Our main tasks in farming:
- finish off your creeps
- finish off other creeps if an ally definitely doesn’t have time to take this creep
- make a last hit more comfortable for an ally, i.e. if you see that an ally “stops” the attack in order to finish off a creep, and the creep still has yellow HP, then hit this creep once and the ally will immediately finish him off
- taking your creeps to the forest and farming there - this is very useful to do when you have already pushed the line and are at the enemy tower. And to return the creeps closer to your tower, you divert the next wave into the forest
- DO NOT finish off other creeps that are intended for an ally and which he will have time to pick up
- when you drive 1 enemy off the line, we go into the forest so that our ally can take all the experience, and we won’t lose any experience and earn money. The enemy has returned to the line, we are returning too
- from the middle of the game we are either in the forest, or ganking, or pushing after a successful Gang. The only time we farm with impunity is if we are 1 in the lane or if we need a fast push. Then put on the Shield and pull everyone towards us with the Vacuum

Note 1: By the middle of the game you can be very good at helping your ally farm- you run ahead of your creeps, put a Shield on yourself and make a Vacuum, pulling enemy creeps. But after that, we immediately run away from them to the side, thereby you will leave very little HP for each creep and the late ally will be grateful to you. If an ally has an AoE nuke, then you can run straight towards him - he will immediately take the entire wave. If there is no nuke, then take the creeps to the side so that your creeps do not switch to them and move on, and your ally will follow you and calmly take the entire pack “from your hand.”

Note 2: in the forest we farm as written above in the paragraph about “Forest farming”.

Note 3: be careful when hanging the Shield on yourself, because... you can accidentally pick up your ally's creep.

3.4.5) Gang and harass the enemy

In order for an ally to level up well, you need to kill the enemy and give free farm to your teammate. To do this, we harass the enemy by analogy with the harassment from the paragraph about “Boosting through the damage dealer – Kharas”. I’ll just note separately that here harassment will be one of the main tasks for us, because farming takes a backseat, and the main thing is to drive opponents away from creeps. So don't be shyhang a shield on yourselfand run up to the enemy, delivering 1-2 hits and run back to finish off your creeps.

The Ganges are essentially no different from the previously described gangs. BUT! We remember the main task of support and make remarks:
- leave all frags to an ally
- we take the frag only if we are sure that the ally will not be able to finish off the enemy
- carefully block with your model with a Shield, so as not to accidentally finish off the enemy
- We do a vacuum on the fleeing enemy when he does not have low HP, but a little earlier, because it will also end from the Shield (we will correctly return it to our back to make it more difficult to escape) and +1 blow from the hand, the ally will just have 1-2 hits left to take the frag
- We assign speed to an ally so that he can finish off the fleeing villain
- hang a Shield on an ally if he is hit by several enemies and you can defeat them

In a gank, it is important to catch the right moment and let your ally earn a frag. We will earn money in the forest and with pushes.

3.4.6) Rescue of the Allies

I highlighted this point separately, because... We have a lot of abilities to help teammates avoid death:
1) Speed - everything is clear here,hang on a fleeing allyand he, his heels sparkling, runs to the base. You can also assign acceleration to an ally if he simply runs to another place - help your friend save time.
Vacuum - you can pull together the entire horde of opponentsat a decent distance, which is usually enough for an ally to run away to a safe distance. The main thing is not to forget to run away yourself later!
Ultimate - illusions , appeared from enemy heroes even for a mile of a second butwill distract the enemy's attention+ the movement of the pursuers may be blocked.
Active arts abilities– Meka, Pipe, Eul, Hex, Shiva, etc. – buying these items is not enough, it is important to use them on time!Just before the start of the batch, we do Pipe, at the very beginning of the batch, when the first castes fly, we do Meka and Shiva. The most dangerous and nasty in Hex or Eul. Don't forget to use all of the above!

Never forget about your teammates - they are your everything! If you help them, they will help you.

3.4.7) “+” and “-” pumping

We get a pumped-up late-game ally ahead of time
+ we end up with an excellent support tank, useful to the team
+ we get a good ganger
- you won’t be appreciated in the pub
- dull farming, no frags, no godlike...
- requires knowledge of the game and experience

As a result, leveling up is very interesting especially for experienced players who feel the game and can do all the active abilities in time and leave frags to their allies, while staying alive. As I already wrote, in a pub this option will be regarded as: “Oh, Sire’s stat is 1/3, you’re a schmuck, you can’t handle the game at all!” And no one will notice that you have 24 assists... But, as they say, c'est la vie...

Best friends

We will prepare enemies with our vacuum for their ults

Pudge- we put acceleration on it and no one will run away from it

Miner- we can pull enemies neatly onto his mines

Aks- we put a shield on him and draw enemies to him - and the enemies are in his power

- We put a Shield on them, and they calmly run around and damage opponents without leaving invisibility

Worst Enemies

Antimagician- destroying magicians is his calling

Silencer- also a very unpleasant person for all magicians

Nerub- can easily kill us with his procast, and also burns mana, enemy

Darksir plays well on the hardline, you can also go into the forest, playing the role of a core, the hero is designed to play against carries, and for mass fights. You need to take Stout Shield on the lane. At the beginning he plays well in small fights.



Ability: Area Targeted

Affects enemies

Damage type: magical

Vacuum— creates a vacuum in the selected area, pulling all enemies there, while causing small damage. This ability can be combined with almost any ability in the game, giving great potential for tactical maneuvers.

Ion Shell

Affects enemies

Damage type: magical

Due to Ion Shell— you can surround any unit or hero with a shield, the shield deals damage to everyone around the target, the damage is constantly dealt in small portions, you can throw it perfectly at an enemy creep, preventing the enemy from finishing off the creeps, you can attack yourself and drive the enemy away with your body, since the damage is very high to begin with. The short recovery time allows you to hold two shields at the same time, the damage from them is combined - this is why the enemy can be burned in a matter of seconds.


Ability: Unit-targeted

Affects allies

Surge— accelerates the selected hero for a short period of time, after using the ability the target’s maximum movement speed is set, this ability can be used in different ways: catch up, run away, kill, etc.

Wall of Replica

Ability: Targeted

Affects enemy heroes

Darksir's ultimate is capable of breaking any fight and destroying any carry, even if there are 5 of them, the point is that Wall of Replica creates a wall, after passing through which the enemy will receive a little damage and create a copy of itself, which will deal almost the same damage as the original, and if the DS has an Aghanim Scepter in his arsenal, then the damage will be greater than that of the original, namely 140%. That is, the more powerful the enemy is, the more powerful the dark sire will be, it seems like some kind of eastern wisdom when you can use the enemy’s power against him.

Artifacts that are worth buying for Dark Sira are Vanguard and Heart of Tarasque survivability items. Depending on the situation, Pipe of Insight and Aghanim Scepter look good on the hero. If the only hope left is on you and your allies can’t cope, and the enemy carries already have 5-6 items, I would advise you to collect Refresher Orb, this will allow you to create two copies of the enemy.

Skill build

We will be maxing out Ion Shell to harass enemies and beat the creeps. In talents, you can choose additional damage, cooldown reduction, and damage from Ion Shell.

Dark Seer or Dark Seer is a melee hero whose main characteristic is Intelligence. Dark Seer makes a lot of impact in mass fights, especially in the mid and late game. Dark Seer is also considered one of the most powerful offlaners in Dota 2, due to his second ability, with which he deals a lot of damage to his opponents. His third ability allows him to escape from most dangerous situations.


  • Very strong in mass fights.
  • Can create illusions of enemy heroes.
  • Extremely strong early in the game.
  • Satisfiedly tenacious.
  • High mobility.


  • Depends on mana and your abilities.
  • There is no good one-time damage.
  • You are unlikely to be able to kill heroes alone.

Dark Seer's strength lies in his abilities, so without them he will turn into a useless piece of meat. For this reason, we are afraid of various heroes who can impose silence on you: , and the like.

Worth a special mention. Not only can this character silence you for a very long time, but his ultimate will not allow you to escape using your third ability, since you will simply kill yourself.

Dark Sir's Abilities


Dark Seer creates a vacuum point in the specified area, which pulls all affected enemies towards it and deals damage to them. This ability has many uses: interrupting the cast of abilities, stunning, pulling all enemies to one point for the purpose of casting our allies.

Ion Shell

Dark Seer places a magical shield on the selected unit, which deals periodic damage to nearby enemy units around the target with the shield.


When activated, Dark Seer increases the movement speed of the selected friendly unit by 25%/40%/55%/70%, and also removes the maximum movement speed limit, and allows you to pass through other units. For the duration of Surge, the target cannot be slowed in any way, so the only way to stop such a target is to stun it, or remove this effect.

Wall of Replica

Dark Sir's calling card. When used, it creates a transparent wall in front of itself. This wall has no effect on friendly units. If any enemy character passes through it, an illusion of him will be created, which deals 70%/85%/100% damage and takes only twice as much damage. Also, when passing through this wall, the target is slowed down for 0.75 seconds by 50%/60%/70%. These illusions are rightfully considered one of the most powerful in the game.

Can be upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter: Damaged by Illusions Wall of Replica damage increases to 100%/120%/140% damage

  • Level 10 – +90 damage.

The alternative talent to increase evasion chance by 12% is a very weak improvement even for the early stage.

  • Level 15 – +12 health per second.

This talent will slightly increase your survivability in battle. The Vacuum range extension talent comes in handy when your opponents are more spread out.

  • Level 20 – +80 damage from Ion Shell.

This will almost double your shield damage.

  • Level 25 - Parallel Wall.

The obvious choice.

Starting purchase

  • Blocks up to 20 units with a 50% chance. damage from an enemy attack.
  • When used, it cuts down the selected tree and increases the speed of HP regeneration for a while.
  • Increases armor by 3. Makes you even fatter. You will need it to craft Ring of Basilius in the future.

Beginning of the game

  • Increases maximum mana. When Arcane Boots are activated, the owner and his allies replenish a certain amount of mana.
  • One of the most popular items on this character. Greatly increases resistance to physical damage. However, if the enemies are full of magic damage, Crimson Guard alone is not enough.
  • Increases resistance to magic. Great for protection against magical damage. When used, places a shield on the player and nearby friendly units that absorbs up to 400 units of magic damage.

Mid game

  • For Dark Seer, this is one of the best artifacts. In addition to strong healing and mana regeneration, using Guardian Greaves dispels most negative effects.

Shiva's Guard

  • Shiva greatly increases armor and maximum mana, and also reduces the atax speed of all enemies around the hero.

End of the game

  • One of the strongest items in the game. Scythe of Vyse gives a very large bonus to intelligence and mana regen. His active ability turns the targeted enemy hero into a small animal that cannot use any abilities or items.

Situational items

  • If you are constantly ganking with your team, then Urn of Shadows will be a good option for healing yourself and your allies. Can be upgraded to Spirit Vessel if necessary.
  • A good artifact that will help your carry withstand much more enemy attacks. A great way to counter Necrophos and similar characters.
  • With the help of Ion Shell, Dark Seer can act as a very good split pusher; hang 1-2 Ion Shells on your creeps, and they will easily reach the enemy tower.

Aghanim's Scepter

  • Increases the damage from your illusions created using Wall of Replica to 140% at the third level of pumping. You also get a solid increase in health, mana and other characteristics.

Heaven's Halberd

  • Disarm is a very strong disable that prevents one of the enemy characters from attacking for a long time.
  • If the enemy team has a lot of strong, high damage single target abilities, Lotus Orb will do very well. What could be better than Lina dying from her own ultimate.
  • A good buy if the enemy team has a lot of damage and area control. For a while, makes you completely invulnerable to most abilities in the game.

This is a very strong offlaner that deals a huge amount of damage early in the game. When playing as this character, you will always have enough gold to purchase the necessary artifacts. At the laning stage, try not to get close to creeps if you are not sure of your safety. Just hang Ion Shell on other creeps so that they deal damage to enemy heroes and creeps.

In the battle for Dark Sira, we use the following tactics:

  1. Place on friendly melee heroes Ion Shell.
  2. We use Wall of Replica.
  3. We use Vacuum to pull as many heroes as possible to the wall.

History of Dark Sira

In this video you will learn about the history of Ish'Kafel, the Dark Seer and brilliant tactician.

This is what Dark Seer looks like | Dark Seer Ish’Kafel |Hare in the game itself.

Dark Seer / Hare– a very bad 3D-Max model, the result of drug intoxication by Blizzard creatives. All in all Dark Seer, in my humble opinion, is terrible in its portrayal and the discrepancy between the voice acting and the appearance of the character. But that doesn't stop me hare drag the enemy team throughout the game. At the beginning, due to attacking magic that causes a lot of damage, and due to crazy farming and better assembly. In general, Ion Shell decides. If someone needs a solo on line, then with a certain quality and initial purchase Dark Seer can even become a fast forest farmer. I’ll tell you more about this after the description. Item buil Dark Sira And Skill Build.

Characteristics of Dark Seer


This skill build is suitable for standard pub games. First of all, we pump up the shield, it is the most optimal in terms of duration and deals a lot of damage, melee enemies will not be able to farm normally on the line with you, plus it requires little mana and the skill recharges quickly. At the second level, we pump up speed for insurance, for example, to help an ally escape or save our own skin from death, and don’t forget that speed will help us catch up with the enemy. The second skill we prioritize is, of course, vacuum, which can be used to pull the entire enemy team together into one point with creaks, and if there is a mass in the team, well, you get the idea. I advise you to download your ult during the game scenario, if your team is actively pushing or pushing you. If you feel that fast pushes are not expected, it is better not to pump up your ult, it is of little use at the beginning of the game.

With such a skill build, the initial purchase will not play a special role. Let's consider two options for item builds.

Item Build/Item build for Dark Seer/Hare:

Initial purchase for Dark Seer/Initial Item build for Dark Seer


The branches will give us +3 to all attributes, we will then upgrade the ring to Rign of Basilius, and the tango and mana dropper will replenish our spent units of health and mana. At first we spend mana only on shield, acceleration

We spend only for emergencies. We collect PT (Power Threads), then, and if fate gave us successful ganks, then we collect radiation. Radiation + shield give us a lot of coins and the main thing here is to spend it on the right artifacts. If you have one on your team, you shouldn’t stop him from farming the lane and rely only on yourself; with several successful enemy attacks on you, you will easily fall behind in level and generally slow down in your development, and will not be able to kill enemies. A useful item for the Hare is Shivi, she gives us crazy mana regen + mana reserve, also increases our armor and is an active item that helps greatly slow down opponents and deal 300 damage. we buy it only because sire is easy to farm, and everyone knows that there is no such thing as too much, but it also gives us crazy mana regen and adds more than 25 units. to the intellect. we need to collect, because the enemies will want to kill you, you do a lot of damage, at the beginning of the fight it’s not particularly noticeable, but when radiation + shield + shiva passively attacks and, in addition, you collect it in a heap with vacuum, the whole trick usually works on Dark Sira. If we meet a lone enemy seagull, then we turn on Shiva, cast a shield and acceleration, then we run and run nearby until the enemy gets into the tavern. It was not possible to save up for money, pour it - you are DNIWE EBANOE!!! Well, or just buy cheap art from the components, I approve of the silence. I've done this myself a hundred times.

Paired with a plow, collect a push stick for lvl 6. Strug casts an ult, throw acceleration on the same character and push. You are guaranteed to take it even with full HP, unless of course it is Chuck himself.

Sometimes it happens that your team does not have a tank or a DPS player. For such a thing Dark Seer This will also work, all because Dark Seer is not a homeless person and even a noob can quickly farm coins for them without much difficulty.

We buy trees at the beginning. We farm a ring for regen, a crutch and

Guide to dark sire written for dota allstars v6.78

Dark Seer - Ish'kafel

— Has no problems with farming (gaining money and experience).

— Very versatile, he can be anyone on the team.

- Very useful in ganking (attacking enemy lines).

- Looks good as a support hero

- Relatively easy to kill heroes in the early stages.

— A good counterweight to pushers (heroes who demolish towers and bases).

— The level of initial armor is pleasing.

— The initial damage is not bad.

- He will become the most necessary link for the team.

- Weak in terms of health (like all magicians, with an emphasis on intelligence).

— In the early stages of the game, it needs a lot of mana.

— The increase in agility with increasing levels is small, which reduces his potential as a hero killer (a hero who has good abilities to kill other enemy heroes).

— Difficult for beginners.

- A melee mage.

Let's look at the skills (magic) of the hero.


In the future in the guide we will call Dark Sira - DS. DS pulls enemies to one point, causing damage to them, but does not affect allies.

  1. Level - 40 damage.
  2. Level - 80 damage.
  3. Level - 120 damage.
  4. Level - 160 damage.

Cooldown: 24 seconds.

Costs mana: 100/130/160/190 units.

About magic in simple words: all enemies caught in the area of ​​effect of the spell will be pulled to the center, magic is useful in team combat, since when we pull enemies together, allies using magic that hits the area can cause major troubles for the enemies.

Ion Shell

Envelops the target with an energy shield that burns nearby neutral and enemy units for twenty seconds, without causing damage to the target itself.

  1. Level - 30 damage per second.
  2. Level - 50 damage per second.
  3. Level - 70 damage per second.
  4. Level - 90 damage per second.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Costs mana: 70/90/110/130 units.

About magic in simple words: here is our magic, which will provide us with successful development and excess money, by throwing this magic on one of the creeps, which no one is hitting, but he is pushing next to the battle, we can take about three creeps from the flock, and this one is about 120 coins. Now imagine that a large pack of creeps has accumulated, how much gold and experience can we take from it? That's right, quite a lot.


The selected unit begins to move at the maximum possible speed - 522 - for several seconds.

  1. Level - 3 seconds.
  2. Level - 4.5 seconds.
  3. Level - 6 seconds.
  4. Level - 7.5 seconds.

Cooldown: 12/11/10/9 seconds.

Costs mana: 20/30/40/50 units.

About magic in simple words: it saves everyone and everything from imminent death, since an ally under this magic begins to run away very quickly. It will also allow us to quickly move between lines, creating the effect of surprise. Including catching up with the help of this magic can also be quite successful.

Wall of Replica

Creates a wall, when an enemy passes through it, its copies appear, which is controllable and friendly towards us. Can be improved by Aghanim (the value in brackets is the value after assembling Aghanim).

  1. Level - illusions gain 300% and deal 70% (100%), duration 15 seconds.
  2. Level - illusions gain 300% and deal 80% (120%), duration 30 seconds.
  3. Level - illusions gain 300% and deal 90% (140%), duration 45 seconds.

Cooldown: 100 seconds.

Costs mana: 200/300/400 units.

About magic in simple terms: this ult is both complex and simple at the same time. Firstly, its use is quite elementary, we put up a wall and everyone who passes through it receives 150 damage and a copy of themselves on our side. Secondly, the number of different combinations using the wall is huge and you will have to study them yourself, since they would require a separate guide (which may well appear). However, in a team fight, if you throw a vacuum and a wall at the same time, you can sow confusion among the enemies, increasing the team's chances of a successful outcome of the fight.

In what order to pump up magic:

1)Ion Shell
2) +(Stats, yellow pluses)
3)Ion Shell
4) +
5)Ion Shell
7)Ion Shell
15)Wall of Replica
16)Wall of Replica
17)Wall of Replica

When leveling up magic, you need to take into account the features of the game; we have given the most common option. You may have many questions. Where's the ult? At the beginning, it is not relevant, since the enemies are weak and their copies will not cause serious damage. Why do we poop plus signs instead of vacuum? Vacuum does little damage and costs a lot of mana, so it's not profitable in the early game. Why don't we increase the speed? Initially, we need farm, so we take a shield and pluses, and it is unlikely that we will need to run away from enemies in the initial stages of the game.


With his magic causing fat (the inability to cast spells) he will ruin the whole game for us.
Silence (silence) is our main problem.
No nicer than Traxa.
A very unpleasant opponent, since most of us use magic, and Northrom has a good set of anti-magic tricks, it will not be easy against him. Although we can fight with a regular attack, but still.
Under his ultimate we can’t cast spells, plus it takes away a lot of health.
It burns mana and ignores damage from the shield, plus at speed we are unlikely to run away from it, since it has a blink.
Silence combined with high damage from a regular attack will make us really nervous.
He is immune to magic and is very strong in normal combat; we can’t beat him with manual attacks.
It burns mana, and with proper management it will completely destroy all our health with magic.


We throw a shield on him, and he runs around in invisibility and deals damage to enemies.
We pull the enemies towards him, throw the shield, he turns on the first magic and scatters the enemies.
We pull the enemies towards him, and he ults.
We gather his enemies under the dome.
We are preparing the ground for a productive camp with a vacuum.
His ultimate will work most effectively after our vacuum.
We pull the enemies closer to the Tree, and it ultifies.
Our vacuum and black hole combine well, leaving no chance for enemies to escape.

Initial purchase:

Guide todark sirah I consider when playing dota 5x5, i.e. gold at the beginning will be 603.

Forest Dark Seer.

A shield to block damage from neutral animals from the forest, and with the help of a hatchet you will kill them faster and be able to cut down the forest.

Dark Seer - going to the mid lane alone (mid). Stout Shield will be brought by the courier, since at the beginning it is not needed on the middle line (mid), because most often you will be faced with ranged combat, and the shield better blocks damage from melee enemies. A pair of mantles will significantly increase your mana reserve and you will be able to use them more often Ion Shell.

Dark Seer on the top or bottom line. Let the mid player take the courier (well, if no one wants to take it, then you take it). There are often melee heroes on the line, so we definitely take a shield, in extreme cases you can go to the forest or to the diversions, then there will be Vanguard from the shield. The mantle will give a bonus to your mana reserve so that you can cast on yourself, an ally and creeps Ion Shell, Also, twigs will add a little to the characteristics, and tangos are needed in order to stand longer in the line.

Final purchase:

Option #1.

Dark Seer into a Leiter (late game hero). It’s worth getting ready if the game went well at the beginning and you managed to save up to 25-30 minutes for Radiance. Or if there are a lot of magicians in the team who will not be able to play the role of tanks (heroes who take damage) or inflict heavy damage on enemies and by the end of the game they will be of very little use.

Health regeneration, blocking damage in battle, thanks to which we can run into a bunch of creeps under a shield.
Will add damage from a normal attack.
Combined with our shield, it will give just a huge number of killed creeps, plus a good bonus to attack.
It will increase our survivability in battles and give aura for allies and attack speed for us.
It will increase mana and health regeneration and give damage that spreads further, also looks good with a shield.

Option #2.

Leveling up Syrah into a support mage who will always give mana, heal, slow down enemies, throw Surge on an ally so that he can escape or turn the enemy into a harmless little animal. This is the way to go in most cases. Namely, when you have good damage dealers (damage-dealing heroes such as Morta, Troll, Void, Thraxa, etc.) and tanks (Centaur, CD, Ax, etc.) on the team.

Why are we collecting these items?

Very useful for magicians in particular, in addition it will give us additional magic that turns enemies into animals, which will perfectly complement our set of spells, making us an even more useful part of the team.
In any case, we must survive and get money, and how this is done was described in the first version of the assembly.
Adds armor units to us, which increases our overall survivability. As a nice bonus, it gives us one more magic in the form of slowing down enemies and small damage - coupled with the range of the wave, it allows us to leave virtually no chance for enemies to escape. Plus - a constant aura-slowdown.
Improves our ult and gives bonuses to characteristics.
We must bring maximum benefit to the team, right? Therefore, we collect arcana, which, by the way, will be a good increase in mana and its regeneration for us.
If you are going to become a support, hope and support of the team, this should be one of your first artifacts, since used at the right moment, mekanasm can save our comrades from what would seem to be an inevitable death.

Items according to the situation:

We must heroically take on magic as support. And it will be nice to look at if they are trying to finish us off first anyway.
It can be suitable for creating the effect of surprise in order to prevent the enemies from thinking better of it, as you have already flown into their formation with the shield turned on in front of the entire team. Although all this can be done at speed.
If we are beaten often and willingly, then we collect Blade Mail.
If the enemy has a lot of magicians who deal a lot of damage with spells, then it will be more useful to collect Pipe instead of BKB.
Two walls will create even more confusion among the enemies, in addition it will give us good bonuses to mana regeneration and a little to the characteristics.
Could be very useful. Will give attack speed, attack strength and passive and active magic. The passive one will help with farming so that we can instantly destroy creeps, and the active one will be useful in battle, since we must be in the center of it.
It will give bonuses to the characteristics of mana and its regeneration, and a little speed. With the help of active magic, we can turn off dangerous opponents from the battle.
In order for us to have time to pour out all our plans into reality, we need a lot of health, and Taraska is perfect for us.
I think there is no need to describe why all those decent bonuses that this item gives to mana, health, etc. are needed. Plus, even if we die, we will benefit the team.
It is quite expensive, but if the enemy team has someone from the category of strong magicians in terms of damage or casting lard (the inability to cast spells), which are very annoying, then it can be very useful. The benefits fully compensate for the high cost.
It will give mobility, even more mobility, just a hurricane of mobility!
It will give us good damage from a normal attack and periodic crits (increased damage).
It will only be relevant if the enemy has two or more characters with dodge or butterfly on his team.
Will give vampirism to us and our allies. It will look good if we have a lot of melee heroes in our team. But keep in mind that if someone has already collected Vladimir, we do not advise you to collect it too.
It will be an excellent damage artifact for us. It also has a passive ability that reduces the enemy’s armor.
It will give us damage from a normal attack in the amount of mana and its regeneration. As a nice addition, it gives active silence magic, which can shut up the most active magicians.

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