How to make a white door in minecraft. How to make sliding doors. How to make a wooden door

It is not necessary to watch the video on YouTube to understand how to make a piston door in minecraft with or without traps. I offer you a good gift under the Christmas tree in the form of a detailed description with a photo of this process. Works in different versions, including 1.5.2.
Making a piston door is not difficult. Spending a little time, you can get reliable protection from unwanted persons in a house or other structure, including it will be a suitable protection for a secret passage. You can use it at your own discretion, so it's worth being smart and letting your imagination run wild.
Piston door in minecraft: instructions for creating
Construction presupposes 4 sticky pistonsso that the structure works properly.
How to make a sticky piston in minecraft?
The sticky piston in minecraft is made using standard pistons on which mucus is applied. Slime must be obtained from a small slug.

The standard solution involves the use of 4 cobblestones. You also need to take 3 boards (any wood), 1 iron ingot and 1 red dust. When it's ready, mucus is applied to it. Repeat the procedure 4 times.
Minecraft red dust
Without it, you won't be able to make pistons, so you need to get it. It appears in the event of a split of red ore. In this case, an iron pickaxe is used. Approximate output of 4 - 5 dust for one red ore. This element is suitable for both a conductive role and for making a red torch craft and a repeater craft. In total, we make 4 red repeaters.
Red Repeater: Recipe

First of all, we craft torches, which need at least 2 pieces. In addition, one stick and the same amount of dust goes to one torch. We extract 3 stones for 1 repeater and add red dust.
How to make a piston door in minecraft?
To begin with, we install the pistons at a distance of 4 blocks. Faces must face each other. We put a block of stone next to them. We make a hole with a depth of 2, a width of 2 and a length of 5.

Another moat is made on the inner side.

Close to the piston it is necessary place 1 stone block straight into the moat for each part of the structure. After that, we will place red torches near the set blocks, after which we draw out the red dust.

It is recommended to install several pressure plates near the structure and behind it with a distance of one block. After that, dust is supplied to the plates, and the bottom of the assembly should be covered with any of the available materials.

For the sake of safety, the maximum possible delay is chosen for the repeaters. We press on the pressure plate and open the door, and it closes after a given time.

There are several types of doors in Minecraft: wooden and iron. They can be used to make a regular door or a double one.

How to craft a wooden door?

For the wooden door, we need wood, which we can find in the forest. From two pieces of wood, we get eight planks, but for the door we need six. We insert these boards into the workbench, on the left or right side in a row at the cell. And so we get a wooden door.

How to craft an iron door?

First you need to mine iron ore using a stone pickaxe from the cobblestones. The door will need six ore blocks. We put it in the oven. One block of ore produces one iron ingot. We put six iron ingots in the workbench also on the left or right side in the cells. Thus, you get an iron door.

Crafting an iron door in Minecraft looks like this:

The door is inserted into the house, on the block to which it will be attached, with one click of the right mouse button.

Thus, we get a single door. We can make a double door both wooden and iron. To do this, we need to put two doors next to each other, then one of the doors will "mirror" and form an adjacent sash.

No building in Minecraft can do without doors, in extreme cases, a hatch. Your house is surrounded by many zombies and creepers, of course, they will not be able to go through the door. In addition, enemy players will not be able to loot your chests, since the private territory extends to the doors.

How to make wooden doors in Minecraft

There are six types of wood for crafting doors, each of which will give you a different appearance of the mechanism. Follow the instructions to make a wooden door:

  • collect several blocks of wood, for crafting you will need six blocks of planks,
  • create boards: drag your tree blocks to the player's creation inventory and drag the resulting boards with the left mouse button,
  • now go to the workbench,
  • in the workbench inventory, arrange the six blocks of planks in two vertical columns, as shown in the screenshot below,

  • drag the door to the bottom survival inventory. Note that the result is three door units. Take the door in your hand and place it between two solid blocks with the right mouse button. You can open and close it by clicking the left mouse button. See how all kinds of door designs look like. Right to left: tropical wood door, acacia wood door, dark oak wood door,

  • from right to left: oak, birch, spruce door. Choose the one that you like best, collect the desired tree and make boards out of it. Then repeat the steps taken.

How to make an iron door in Minecraft

The peculiarity of this door is that it is the most durable and players will not break it without a pickaxe. It is also a fully automatic door. It cannot be opened with a click of the hand; for opening and closing, you need to put a special pressure plate.

  • To make an iron door, you will need six blocks of iron, which is quite a lot, because you will need as many as nine iron ingots. Arrange the iron blocks as in the screenshot.

  • Take the door and place it between two solid blocks. To be able to open and close the mechanism, place an iron pressure plate in front of the door, both in the front and in the back.

Now your home is reliably protected from outsiders and creepers. Please note that it will not work to put the door near the glass.

Many useful mechanisms can be used in minecraft, but the most necessary, of course, is the door. A house without it can be attacked at any time, riches will be plundered, and the entire interior created by your labor will be destroyed in the blink of an eye by malicious fashions. If there is no obstacle at the entrance to the house, you will not survive the first night - the bloodthirsty monsters crawling out under the cover of darkness will take care of this.

Therefore, the entrances to the dwelling you have created need to be protected. And the best solution is to make a door, although some people in minecraft prefer to simply brick up the entrance at night. Therefore, a novice player just needs to master a fairly simple algorithm (recipe) that allows you to create (craft) a door in minecraft.

Where to begin? All new blocks (and items) must be crafted. It is important to remember that in order to obtain the desired result, the blocks on the craft must be arranged strictly in the same order that the recipe describes (as shown in the figure).

The mechanism we need can only be made on craft with a 3x3 window. If you still have crafting with a 2x2 window, you must create a workbench - this way you will get a window increased to 3. A workbench is created using any four boards.

Now that we have everything we need to work, let's look at how to make the mechanism we need. There are only two types of doors - wood and iron. The wooden one is opened by hand (if there is no tool in it, otherwise this mechanism can be destroyed) or by pressing the right mouse button.

The iron can be opened only with the help of other mechanisms - a button or a lever (or a redstone signal). You can destroy it by destroying the block located at the base. In doing so, it will again turn into an item that you can pick up.

In minecraft, liquids (water and lava) cannot pass through an open door, just as they cannot wash them off. Another positive point - from the inside through it you can fire at approaching dangerous mobs. Also, this mechanism will not burn. A villager can open, and a zombie (under certain conditions) can break down a wooden door.

Material - wood

A classic wooden door is the most affordable solution for any, even a beginner, minecraft player. It is undoubtedly cheaper to make than iron, but it is less durable. The creation of this mechanism is very easy. The correct recipe includes any wood and a constant workbench, the type of wood does not matter. Wood blocks are used to craft planks (one block equals four planks). A total of six boards are needed, they must be placed vertically in two rows on the craft.

The mechanism created in this way in minecraft is dragged into the inventory, then we take it in our hands and set it in the right place by pressing the right mouse button (it should be an opaque full block). Since the installation takes place with the front facing the player, this means that during installation, he must be outside the room (for example, outside the house). What to do to open this mechanism is described above.

Our short video on how to make a simple door (channel for beginners and not only, subscribe!):

Material - iron

If you need a higher level of security and have iron ore at your disposal, you can craft an iron door. She needs iron ingots. In minecraft they are obtained by melting iron ore or crafting iron blocks (one block will give you exactly 9 ingots). Smelting in minecraft takes place in a furnace, which can be done using 8 cobblestones mined with a pickaxe.

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