How to lock a friend to a region. How to add a friend to a region in Minecraft

Minecraft is a game that provides its users with a lot of opportunities: build their own houses, demolish, privatize and protect their real estate from intruders, and perform many different actions. Also, communication and cohabitation with your friends is possible here. To make this possible, you need to know how to add a friend to private in Minecraft. Let's figure out what commands can be sent to the server to privatize objects and invite a friend to your location. There shouldn't be any difficulties with this.

Creating your own location and privatizing objects

The Minecraft game server provides its users with a truly huge set of commands that are related to privatization and any other private-related activities. Let's consider the most popular and affordable ones.

In the game, you can add or remove a member of your location. A new person can have the same rights as you - to be the owner of the territory or just a resident. It will depend on which command you enter. But adding a member requires the creation of a private area.

Why add your location to private? Everything is very simple: if you do not do this, buildings in your location can be easily destroyed by other players who will have unhindered access to the region. To privatize property, take a wooden ax (enter the command "// wand" in the console) and select the extreme points on the diagonal of your region (do it alternately with the left and right mouse buttons).

In the console, enter the command "/ region claim" (you need to specify the name of the future region). The presented team creates a new location - your own, where you can do whatever you want. If you did everything correctly, then soon an inscription will appear in the console line stating that your location has been saved. Now your property is reliably protected from ill-wishers.

You can invite a friend to your location using the "/ region addowner" or "/ region addmember" commands. In the first case, you add another owner of the location, in the second - a resident.

Privatizing other things

The game server provides the ability to set passwords for your property. The command set is as follows:

  • "/ Cprivate" - By using this command and then specifying the names of the players with a space, you are establishing protection on your property. The players you have marked will have access to the items.
  • To set a password for items, use the "/ cpassword" command. You can unlock password-protected items by entering "/ cunlock" into the console

For all residents or owners of your location, you can disable or restore access to the privatized property by entering the appropriate commands into the console.

The safety of the player and his property inside Minecraft is quite an important issue. Many players are deciding how to seize territory in Minecraft. Most often, they will privatize the territory to protect themselves from griffing.

About griefing and private

Unreliable players are found everywhere, Minecraft is no exception in this matter. For those who like to profit from the misfortune of other players and their insults and humiliation, even a special term is assigned - griffing.

If you can refrain from moral harm by simply ignoring the chat, then it is much more important to protect yourself from material harm. This is where the ability to hide and protect your territory and possessions from the eyes of scoundrels comes to the rescue.

As practice shows, in unprotected areas, doors to a house break and all things are taken away.

How to privatize territory on the server in Minecraft

Protect your territory.

Everyone can make their own region in the region when the need arises. Usually this function is used to protect your home and surrounding area.

  1. Open a chat and enter the command: // wand.
  2. After that, an ax appears in the inventory, with which you can select and highlight the protected area cube by cube.
  3. Next, you can set a name for the new region with the command: / region claim *, where the name of the region is written instead of *.

The resulting ax cannot be wielded to perform other actions.

Thanks to this, the region will be completely protected from the actions of other players. None of the outsiders will be able to build or destroy anything on this territory, unless the owner himself adds another player to private in Minecraft.

How to add a friend to private

You can add another player or friend to the private territory in Maine using various commands. For example, / region addmember *, where * is the name of the region, the player's nickname. To remove access, use the removemember codeword.

  1. Those who want to see all their guests in private should write the code word info.
  2. If the owner of the private wants to delete his region, he prescribes delete.

In addition to code commands, you can use special flags using the flag word, each of which has its own purpose.

Three main purposes:

  • default settings (none);
  • prohibitions (allow);
  • permission (deny).


Video: How to remove from private in Minecraft.

The game "Minecraft" has a wide variety of entertainment. For example, you can build a large house and furnish it however you like. However, after you have built a house, you definitely need to protect it, as unscrupulous players can harm your structure.


Securing a building in the game is called "private". Many users are aware of this. But if the question arises of how to add your friends and loved ones to private in Minecraft, difficulties begin, since not everyone has had to deal with this. Surely you know that the game is multiplayer, and accordingly, everyone can give all the necessary rights to friends. Naturally, if you add several friends to private, the process will become much more interesting. You can also do more damage to your opponents who want to get into your domain.

So let's move on to solving the question of whether in Minecraft. As a rule, the game has a large number of a wide variety of teams that, in general, are associated with this function, and today we decided to talk about them.


With the code "/ region addowner [Region name] [Player name]" you can add one new user, or rather your friend, to the region. Remember that the specified friend will have the same rights as you, and accordingly, he will be able to make any changes to your buildings, etc. There is also a command "/ region addmember [Region name] [Player name]", with its help you can add a new inhabitant to one of your regions. The function also makes it possible to add several players at once, and for this it will be enough to enter their nicknames separated by commas.


As you can see, the question of how to add a friend to private in Minecraft is simple. The most important thing is that you should correctly indicate the teams, regions, as well as the logins of your friends, then problems should not arise.

Private in Minecraft is the imposition of a ban on the use of an item or visiting the territory for all players on the server. Naturally, this feature only works in multiplayer mode, because in single player you don't need to guard your belongings so seriously. You can build a fence, put a door in the house, and no mob will get through to you. However, this cannot be guaranteed in multiplayer, where your opponents are not only mobs, but also real people who can climb over the fence and open the door. Privat helps you prevent them from doing this. With the help of special ones, you can lock both an entire region where other gamers cannot enter, and specific objects, such as a chest or a door. However, there is one important aspect here. It often happens that you are not playing alone, but with your friends, but the private functions apply to absolutely everyone. And along with your opponents, your friends also receive a ban on visiting your territory. How to fix it? How to add a person to private in Minecraft?

Adding to private in the region

In "Minecraft" there are two types of private, which have already been described above. With the help of one, you protect the territory, and with the help of the other, specific items that can be opened. And if you are wondering how to add a person to private in Minecraft, then you should figure out which restrictions you are going to remove, since everything has its own commands. If you are dealing with a region, then here you need the region addmember command, after which you will need to specify two values. The first is the name of your region, and the second is the nickname of the player you are going to give access to the specified region. As you can see, everything is very simple. However, many gamers are wondering how to add a person to private in Minecraft so that he gets extended rights.

Adding an owner

The person who creates the region is its owner and can do absolutely everything: add, remove members, and much more. Participants are only able to enter the territory and use the objects located on it. However, in "Minecraft" there is an opportunity to expand the rights of your friend, whom you have already added to private in the region. This will require a completely different team. If you are wondering how to add a person to private with advanced features in Minecraft, then you need to replace the above command with region addowner. In this case, further values ​​must be preserved: it is necessary that the name of the region is indicated, as well as the nickname of the player who will become your co-owner of the territory in Minecraft. How to add to private in the region is now clear. But what to do with objects?

Add to private for things

It is very easy to add a friend to private ("Minecraft"). To do this, you need a slightly different team and some knowledge. The fact is that you can set all the permissions at the stage of activating the private. In order to restrict access to an item, you need to select it, and then type the cprivate command. It is able to function autonomously, without additional values. But you can also add the nicknames of those players after it, whom you want to allow to use the item. This is a fairly simple method, but if you did not know about it when you set up private, then you will not be able to use it. There is another command for this.

Change private things

So, if you already have a locked item, but you want to add permissions to it for other players, then you need another command - cmodify, after which, of course, you need to register the nicknames of all players who will get access.

Minecraft is a game that, despite its simplicity, unpretentiousness and graphics, which were present in applications back in the distant 90s, won the hearts of a great many users. Both adults and children play it with pleasure. Despite its simplistic design, it is filled with many features that allow you to explore vast locations. Her inventory contains a huge number of things. Each user can invite friends to their locations, communicate and fully enjoy the capabilities of the application. In this article, we'll take a look at what features Minecraft provides for your region and how to add your friend to a region in Minecraft.

Add and remove friends from your location

Today there are several ways to add and remove friends from your location. Let's consider the simplest and most affordable ones. To invite a friend, you first need to have your own region. To build it, you need a wooden ax. There are two methods to get it:

  • Craft - in other words, do it yourself.
  • Enter a simple command "// wand" into the console.

Using an ax, you need to mark two points at the ends of the diagonal of your region. Do not cover too much territory, as the game server has limitations.

After you have built your house, filled it and created a region, feel free to add a friend. There are two ways to invite a new participant to your location:

  • Add a friend to the region and give him the same rights as for yourself. In other words, he can create new buildings in the location, perform any actions and even delete the region without your consent. To perform this operation, use the "/ region addowner" command.
  • The second option is to add a friend who will be able to build, destroy, use all objects, open chests and perform many other functions, but will be regarded as an ordinary resident. The "/ region add member" command will allow you to add a limited friend.

Now let's look at all the currently existing ways to remove a friend from a private (region) that you are going to implement for some reason. Depending on who lives in the territory of your location, you will need to enter the following commands into the console:

  • For a common resident, use the combination "/ region removemember". For the deletion to be successful, indicate the exact name of the region that you specified when creating it, and the exact nickname of your friend.
  • For the same rightful owner of the location as you, use the "/ region removeowner" command. Enter a valid location name and your friend's name.

The above commands are simple enough that any Minecraft user can execute them.

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