How to play well Dota 2 training. Communicate with the team. Ranged or melee

Hello, dear readers, today we will tell you where to start and how to play Dota 2. Teaching everything at once in one article is, of course, unrealistic, but it is quite possible to talk about the basics and give useful basic tips.

Let's start with the menu. After Dota 2 switched to a new engine, the menu has changed a lot and you can easily get confused in it.


When you enter the game, you see the main page, there is a little bit of everything on it. In the middle, the main news, and below them is a chat where you can chat with your friends or team. Your profile is shown on the left, and below it is a list of your Steam contacts. To the right of the center, statistics in the last game and friends' news (their achievements or just their statuses) are shown.

You may have noticed 5 tabs, what is there?

  1. The first tab is "Heroes" and, accordingly, you can see there all the heroes of Dota 2. All of them are located in the table, which is divided into 3 parts: strength, dexterity, intelligence. Below the table you can see filters that will help you sort them and choose the one you need. Filters such as Carry and Support have 3 priority levels each. Previously, there were more different filters for the character, such as: Tank or Initiator, but in Reborn it disappeared somewhere. Further, if you choose a hero, then you can immediately try it out with bots and cheats.
  2. Next, there is the "Store" tab, and this is not the store that is in the game itself. The items purchased here will be for beauty purposes only and will not change anything on the battlefield. Here you can buy items or a whole costume for a hero, or buy a chest, from which only 1 item from a set can drop. Sometimes they sell passes to tournaments, for example: The International, or they now sell the Winter 2016 Battle Pass.
  3. In the third tab "View", you can watch live matches, tournaments, perhaps some of your records. The live broadcast is very interestingly implemented, from the menu you can see only the statistics of the characters and their movement on the map, but if you go to the viewing itself, then you will be shown absolutely everything. You can see all the units on the map and the full statistics of the heroes, up to the fact that you can see how much gold and experience was received at a certain minute. And on top of all this, you can include a commentator who will clearly and clearly explain what is generally happening in the game.
  4. "Learning" is a very important tab for all newbies. If this is your first time in Dota 2 and do not know what to do in the game in general, then you should definitely go through the training. There are 3 types of practice: teaching the mechanics of the game, training matches and just matches with bots.
  5. The last tab of the "Game Library", which presents all the modes created by the community. Custom games are the main difference between Dota 2 on Sourse 2 and the Sourse version. Before the major update, they were not officially in Dota 2, although they could be played through third-party programs and sites, but no one knew about them. In the current version, custom modes are an integral part of Dota 2, the same feature that distinguishes it from all MOBA games.

What are custom games?

They are all different from each other, but one thing we can say for sure - they will not be bored with them! It has everything you want: classic Warcraft, fighting off waves of zombies, creep races, ship battles, and this is just the beginning. Any gamer can create and upload mods on Steam, because it's completely free. The only problem is that writing the game mode itself is quite difficult, there is little documentation on this topic, and the very language in which all this is written is not easy, but you can always learn it.

Valve also recently decided to support such developers and created the Custom Game Pass program. Now, in some especially popular modifications, their own shops with donation may appear, the money from which will go into the pocket of the creators of the regime. Well, we hope that it will not work out like with paid mods for Skyrim and this whole system will work properly.

Directly to the game itself

Scrolling through such different tabs, you might have noticed something the same in them, namely the "Play" button. She never goes out of sight. After clicking on it, a list of online game modes will open, start the search and you can continue going about your business, because the menu does not overlap the tabs. You can find or create your own lobby, but if you play through the lobby, the game will be counted as a regular practice. There are also two trainings with bots, regular and rating.

There are 2 types of rating, group and solo. If this is the first game, you will have to play 10 calibration games to get a rating. Further, the pumping of your rank is already underway, for each game won you will be given 23-26 points, and the same amount will be deducted for a defeat. It happens that a gamer leaves the game and if he does not return, then after 10 minutes his rating is taken away, and for some time it is forbidden to play in some modes.


There are many game modes in Dota 2. Each is interesting in its own way. And now we will describe each mode in order:

  • The most popular and simple one is All Pick. Each player chooses any character for himself.
  • Ranked All Pick is almost the same as All Pick, only the teams choose 1 hero in turn and the player has the right to re-select, only for some time.
  • In Single Draft, the player is given a choice of only 3 random heroes: strength, agility and intelligence. A very good mode for those who have already played Least Played for a while. Let's say you already have some worked-out heroes, but the mode does not give you the opportunity to play for very often selected characters. You have to constantly choose something new, improving your skills on various characters.
  • All Random. Each player gets a random hero that can be re-selected, but again in a random way.
  • Random Draft. The game randomly chooses 50 heroes and the players take on a character one by one.
  • Tournament mod, Captain's Mode. Each team has a captain, who is chosen at the beginning of the game. His task is to recruit heroes to his team and ban some for selection. All this happens alternately and in a certain sequence. First, 4 bans (prohibitions) by 2 per team, then 4 picks (choices), etc. This mode is best played with a full roster, 5 people, because when choosing characters, the captain must listen to the opinion of each player.
  • Captain "s Draft. The only difference from Captains Mode is that not all heroes are given to choose, but only 27 random ones, 9 pieces of each characteristic, as in Single Draft.
  • Reverse Captain's Mode is the same as Captain's Mode, only the captain chooses heroes not to his team, but to the enemy.
  • Limited Heroes is very good for newbies. Everyone is given a choice of 20 of the simplest characters especially for those who are just getting acquainted with Dota 2.
  • In Mid Only, only center lines work, creeps on other lines will not move. The mode is distinguished by the fact that you can choose the same characters.
  • 1vs1 Solo Mid, as you might guess, a 1 on 1 fight. The conditions of defeat are either to fall 2 times, or to lose one tower. You can give up earlier by texting gg.
  • Still crude, All Random Deathmatch mode. At the start of a match, each player gets a random hero. Further, after each fall, the hero changes to a random one. Items, gold, level do not disappear and this is not entirely correct, as it may turn out that you have a hero with gold, experience, but items that are useless for him. Each team has 40 falls in reserve, after the counter is equal to 0, the match is over.
  • The most interesting thing remains - Ability Draft or simply the most fun thing in Dota 2. You are given a random hero, then the players take turns choosing 4 abilities for themselves, and you can take whatever you want. In each match, you can create a unique hero, while the second time playing on the same assembly will be almost unrealistic.

Choose your mode or try everything in turn. We have no doubt that you will especially like some mode, but if you still find nothing special for yourself in them, there is always a game library. We believe you have already mastered everything regarding the launch of the match, it remains to find out what kind of heroes are waiting for you there. You can find out about them in the next article.

This concludes our small guide. Subscribe to blog updates and share this article with your friends on social networks. Goodbye to everyone.

Among the fans of computer games, special attention has been recently paid to "Dota 2". You have probably heard about this toy more than once and perhaps even tried it. But not all newbies get the results they want right away. It is very difficult for some to understand the basic principles of the game, as well as to master what the initial actions should be. Learn how to learn how to play Dota 2 from scratch.

To get started, read the detailed step-by-step description, then open the game on your computer and try using each of the tips.

How to learn to play Dota - step by step instructions

1. The first thing you need to do is choose a hero. Each character has its own specific properties, many of them have multiple roles. In the game, you can choose between two main categories: carry and support characters, as well as various subcategories. In this case, the carry hero serves mainly to kill the enemy, bringing victory to the team. And the support character usually helps the carry, protecting him from enemy attacks.

2. It is very important that your hero accumulates gold quickly enough. One simple tip is to try not to die, otherwise you will lose some of your gold, as well as time to farm. Play as safe as possible.

3. Exercise a lot. For starters, you should play alone, trying to kill a large number of creeps. You can also practice by playing with bots. Once you master the easy levels, move on to the harder ones.

4. Move around the map constantly, do not stand in one place.

5. At low levels, you do not need to be very zealous with magic, wasting manna.

6. Avoid unnecessary spending of money, you still need it.

7. Play as a support, killing enemy wards, exercising map control and other important actions. Of course, for this you must have the appropriate skills, for example, treatment. Professional players are advised to carry mana and healing with them in order to be able to gank and roam.

8. It is also very important to learn how to gank, because ganking is one of the foundations of this game. To do this, you will need the support of allies and the use of various tactics. One of the most popular assassination methods is the back gank. You can also try going to kill the enemy directly, using different skills. Also, know how to wait for the right moment to gank.

9. You also need to learn how to properly navigate the map.

10. Don't forget to help your allies when they are in trouble. You can teleport to them.

Now you know the basic principles and imagine how to learn how to play Dota 2. For a girl, of course, this task can seem incredibly difficult, especially if she has not played such games before. You can read the tips yourself online or watch a video, but it's best to invite a friend. No matter how trite it may sound, guys learn such toys faster, so they can be excellent mentors in this matter. You should not deal with all the complexities of the game itself, let your friends show you how and what to do.

In addition, you can be sure that if a nice girl says to a guy: “I want to learn how to play Dota,” he will be happy to help her. Guys can also ask friends for help. If this toy is very difficult for you, just meet up with acquaintances on the weekend and try to play together. We are sure this will help you improve your skills and knowledge.

Watching videos is another great way to learn. By the way, many advise beginners to follow specific professional players. The principle is this: when you watch a certain video, pay attention to one character and study in detail what exactly he does and how he behaves. This will help you better master tactics and different ways to deal with unpredictable situations.

A few tips for beginners:

  • do not try to play against people if you still cannot defeat the bots, this will only interfere with other players;
  • play a little for each of the heroes, so you better understand their strengths and weaknesses, and also be able to predict what they can do;
  • if possible, finish off creeps and opponents;
  • exercise a lot;
  • analyze what is happening, try to think tactically;
  • watch others play.

These are the top rules and tips from professional players. Of course, this is only a small part of the basics and secrets of this game. It takes a lot of practice to master it better. Only in this way, from your own experience, you can deal with it and start playing better and better.

The active development of various types of games has led to the emergence of truly delightful examples of exciting tests, participating in which, each player discovers something new and useful. One of the leaders among such unique projects is the famous Dota and Dota 2. But this game is so difficult that most beginners do not even know how to learn how to play Dota. Therefore, this article was created specifically to collect together various useful information for neophytes.

Before we start to understand how to learn how to play Dota, let's look at the factors that make this question not so easy. Thanks to the bold decision of the creator of Dota, any player has the opportunity to test their management and command skills on more than a hundred unique heroes.

Each fighter presented has a number of combat, defense, healing and other abilities that actively influence the change in the situation in their favor. There are ten heroes on the battlefield at the same time, which, of course, generates an incredible number of possible outcomes for each skirmish between players. Therefore, in order to really learn how to play Dota, you should first get acquainted with all the available characters. You will find out how an ally can support you or stun an enemy.

If you still don't know how to start playing Dota (after all, there are several game modes that set a number of restrictions and rules), then first try your hand and hone your skills in a fight with the computer. The so-called bots are a kind of artificial intelligence used to control the actions of heroes, use their abilities, move around the map, and so on. However, playing against the computer is meant to get you started with the basics. You can only reach the top by playing against other people who use sudden tactics and use powerful bundles of combinations of skills and items of a number of heroes.

On some themed forums, beginners asking about how to learn how to play Dota are advised to watch live broadcasts of matches between professional teams. On the one hand, you can gain a lot of useful information after watching such videos, but on the other hand, if you are not familiar with the key provisions and designations, some points will simply be incomprehensible.

Considering all of the above facts, it becomes clear that there is simply no clear answer to the question of how to learn how to play Dota. Each representative of the professional Dota and Dota 2 scene used a different method to gain the necessary knowledge. But remember: there is no teacher better than personal experience. As you play more and more matches, you will have a better understanding of the various subtleties.

And if you decide to become a really good player, there is one truth you need to grasp. Dota is first and foremost Despite the importance of personal skills, the ability to work together with your partners is the key to victory. In the history of Dota's existence as an esports, there are many cases when a team consisting of potentially strong players could not achieve significant success. The fault was the simplest misunderstanding arising from or other conventions.

Of course, the greatest responsibility lies with the captain, who not only determines the team's play style, but also sets the pace. At different stages, players are in contact with each other in constantly changing conditions, therefore, the similarity of styles and the ability to understand a partner is of considerable importance in the formation of a team that can give stable positive results.

Anyone can learn to play Dota 2, another question is how long it will take. Usually, time is spent on mistakes, which are inevitable. But why learn from your mistakes when you can just read helpful tips to help you learn quickly. If you are a completely newbie and have no idea what Dota 2 is, this article is for you.

Basics of the game

You can read about the basics of the game on our website, and it is best to learn them in practice with bots. You should not play with real people on the very first day, practice on bots, take the training course that is in the game. Bots have four difficulty levels, if you already feel tolerable in the third, then you can try to play in matches with people. What are the signs that tell you that you are ready? In our opinion, these are:

  • You stopped thinking for a long time about which item to buy;
  • By the end of the match, your hero's level is at least 6-8 than that of bots;
  • You know the map like the back of your hand, finding a secret shop or Roshan is not a problem;
  • You already know at least a few heroes very well.

The basics of the game are the foundation that needs to be laid first, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to learn how to play Dota 2. So feel free to read the guides, learn slang and play terms.

Team play belongs to the basics of Dota 2, and that is why you should not immediately get into real battles. Unfortunately, the community in the game is not the most tolerant of newcomers, so if you don't know how to do anything at all, the team will lose the battle in 9 cases out of 10. Well, if they still swear at you, do not pay attention to it, you should not answer rudeness to rudeness. It's just that not everyone knows how to restrain emotions, and you probably deserve reproaches.

Choosing the right hero

Any beginner's eyes run wild when he chooses a hero for the game in the first (and even in the tenth) one. There are more than 100 characters in Dota 2 and you need to learn how to play for each of them (or at least 30-40). Usually they choose according to the principle “I liked the picture”, which is completely wrong. We recommend reading the articles:

You shouldn't change a hero to another after each match, so you won't quickly learn how to play Dota 2. It is best to play several games for each character and play until you learn to manage it confidently. We are, of course, talking about relatively simple heroes that are best suited for newbies.

It will be a mistake to choose characters for certain roles, new players usually prefer carries or nukers, but this is not only part of the roles in the game. You need to learn to play as junglers, supports, initiators, and disablers. In matches with people, you need to pick heroes correctly, so you need to learn several roles.

Before you start playing for any character, it will not be superfluous to read the guide about him (available on our website). Without practice, it's still nowhere, but after reading the guide, you will learn how to play for different heroes in Dota 2 much faster. There are itembuilds (orders for purchasing items), tips on how to use a particular character best of all, and other interesting information.

Dota 2 is interesting in that even one player can "help" the team to merge the fight, while this can be one stupid action, and not a disgusting game during the whole match. Absolutely everyone makes such mistakes and you need to be prepared for this, especially since you are just planning to learn.

Take failures calmly and perceive them not as a tragedy, but as stages of learning. These stages are necessary and they will make you stronger, but only if you draw the right conclusions. Your mistakes will help you learn how to play Dota 2, but it is worth paying attention and reading about the mistakes of others.

  • In Dota 2, attacking an alien hero is a deliberate action that must be prepared. A typical mistake is to immediately throw yourself at someone else's character, you cannot do this;
  • Until you learn how to play, try to die as little as possible, do not risk on the lines once again. Your death will make the enemy team stronger;
  • Pay as much attention as possible to the team play, do not hesitate to communicate with your partners;
  • Watch the games of professional teams (at least sometimes), read manuals and guides;
  • Set realistic goals and don't try to learn as quickly as possible, exercise self-esteem.

If you want to learn how to play Dota 2 to the level of a professional esports player, then the approach must be appropriate. And this is constant training and a huge amount of time that will have to be devoted to Dota 2 every day.

Dota 2- continuation of the famous multiplayer game, which is very popular among many fans of mythical battles. The essence of the game as a whole is no different from the first part. The plot is outrageously simple - one team of players engages in battle against another team of players. The task of each of them is to destroy the opponent's base, while there are many different kinds of nuances that simplify or complicate the overall task. That is why this article will consider the answer to the question as to whether how to learn to play Dota 2.

A few simple rules for beginners

  • Playing against people. It is best to start playing against people, so you will quickly get on top of things, because bots act completely differently than people, moreover, you can stupidly watch how more experienced associates behave and take an example from them. If you have a familiar doter, then invite him to the computer club - to run together, in this case the training will be greatly accelerated.
  • The emphasis should be on heroes, not heroes. Many novice players wanting learn to play Dota 2 make a huge mistake - from the very first seconds of the gameplay they are trying to destroy the rival hero. In no case should this be done. Focus your attention on creeps - strangers and friends. Killing an enemy mob - you will receive a certain amount of gold, finishing off yours - reduce the experience gained by the enemy player.
  • One for all and all for one. Dota 2 is a multiplayer game, and therefore you need to act accordingly. You should not try to prove something to someone, you play as a team, and behave correctly. That is, you need to act together, only then will there be a result, as in such a sports game as football. As one famous person said - Argentina has Messi, Portugal has Ronaldo, Spain has Torres and only Germany has a team. In the Dota 2 game, this principle works 100%.
  • Don't get hung up on one hero. There are many of them in the game, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages - the balance of the game is equal, but here they can surpass the rival discord. Having studied at least briefly each character represented by the game, you will know what he can do and what he is “afraid” of. That is, in the future you will be able not only to play for him, but also against him. There is no need to rush, each character needs to be given at least a few game parties.
  • Correct purchase. In addition to the fact that each hero has his own "technical" features, he also needs a separate set of all sorts of things that are sold for the gold earned. Moreover, most of the good clothes are typesetting. To assemble one of such sets - you need to know what is included in it, it takes a lot of time to study the relevant information, so it is more advisable to study game recipes outside the game - by looking at various kinds of guides and instructions on thematic blogs and forums.

What else?

It only remains to add that learn to play Dota 2 will not work in a day or even a week, regularity is important in this matter. You need to constantly hone the features studied in theory in practice, this is the only way you will achieve what you want. And, of course, you need a desire, without it you won't be able to reach your goal, as in any other niche or industry.
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