How to grow a dragon in minecraft. Own dragon without mod installation. Ender Dragon Facts

In minecraft, starting from version 1.0.0, a world called "End" was introduced, this world was supposedly the end of the game. In minecraft, you can only get there through the portal. And this world is protected by a fearsome boss - a dragon. It is also called - "The End of the World", and the "World of Enders", and the monster is called "The Dragon of the Edge". Before you go to another Minecraft world, we advise you to watch a couple of educational videos and make yourself a good preparation.

The Ender Dragon is a hefty black winged creature with large, square (no surprise, huh? :)))) purple glowing eyes. This is the largest mob in the game (of course, apart from plugins, mods and cheats). Its wings are dark gray in places. Just like the spider and the Enderman, his "all-seeing eyes" are visible everywhere, so you can see them from anywhere in the Minecraft Lands world. The question arises - why the hell do we need to raise such a monster? But that's okay, the main thing is how to get out of the Edge?

But you can make everything easier - kill a couple of dozen Enders, and after receiving the Eye of Ender, start them by right-clicking. In which direction the eye will fly, there you will need to go. To fight the dragon, you need to prepare in advance. There is also a video about the methods and tactics of defeating the dragon.

To "make" a villain, you will need to stock up on a lot of food, a bunch of arrows, and also take good armor and, of course, a diamond sword. Best of all, if you enchant it all. So, remember - in order to get back into our world, we will need to "make" a dragon, that is, to kick it /

The portal to the "End World" looks like this:

How to kill a dragon and get an egg

After entering the portal, you will find yourself in the world of "Enders", where the first thing that catches your eye is a bunch of "Enders" and everything consists of "Endernyak". It is immediately clear that the ordinary world of Minecraft and the "Ender World" is very different.

So, how do you actually kill the dragon. The main thing is to destroy his sources of life. They are on posts at different heights. When he flies next to such a pillar, he restores his life energy. Therefore, before killing him, we first demolish all the pillars. After that, he will no longer be able to regenerate life.

Well, now the matter is small - we shoot at him with our powerful (better enchanted) arrows and that's all, it's in the bag. When it falls, you will receive:

  • a lot of experience
  • an egg that needs to be taken and from which we will grow our dragon
  • a portal to return home will open under the scene of the murder

How to raise a dragon

Now we will tell you how to grow a dragon in minecraft. When we got the egg and got home to make ourselves a dragon, firstly we need a warm place. After finding a suitable place, you need to take the egg and press RMB. It will take some time for it to hatch. The warmer the place, the faster it will be born. You can, for example, place lava around it. It hatches pretty quickly.

After the appearance of this miracle, we will need to feed him raw fish. The pet will run after you everywhere, protect you and delight the eye. It is quite simple to tame it, you can give commands with the help of a bone. When it gets bigger, you can use it as a mount - you will fly it. It's a thrill. By the way, it is better to do this in the saddle.

But in ordinary Minecraft, a dragon cannot be tamed. For this we need a mod called Dragon Mount. You can download it on our website. Also, for a complete study of this mod, you can watch the video so that unnecessary questions do not arise.

Minecraft 1.0.0 has a new world called "The End". Immediately, we note that in this world you can only find yourself with the help of the portal. Well, there is a real monster on guard here - a dragon.

How to survive a fight with a monster?

In order to find the monster and win the battle, you need to do a lot. First of all, you need to find a portal that leads to this world. There is another way - kill several dozen Enders and get the Eye of Ender for it.

You need to carefully prepare for the battle with the monster. Don't forget to take plenty of food, lots of arrows, sturdy armor, and a diamond sword. The last type of weapon is mandatory, because without it, it is almost impossible to defeat the dragon. Please note that you cannot get back to your world without killing the dragon.

In the battle with this monster, the most important thing is to destroy its sources of life. They can be seen on posts of different heights. At the time when the dragon is next to such a pillar, it restores its strength and energy. Therefore, at first you need not to kill him, but to demolish the pillars. Thus, you will deprive him of the opportunity to regenerate life.

Now it remains to hit it several times with the help of our powerful arrows and that's it, the dragon has fallen. After his death, you can get:

  • A huge amount of experience;
  • The egg with which we will make the dragon;
  • Portal for returning home.

So now we have a dragon egg. Now let's figure out how we can make our own dragon. First of all, you need to find a warm place. Now we take out the egg from the inventory and right-click it. Of course, a certain time must pass for the dragon to hatch. Note that the warmer the place you find, the faster your monster will hatch.

After your pet has appeared, we begin to feed him with raw fish. The little dragon will follow you everywhere, protect you and make you happy. It is not very difficult to tame such an animal - you can give almost any command using a regular bone. After he grows up, you can use him as a mount. This animal can also be saddled - it is safer to fly this way.

Most importantly, there is no way to tame a dragon in regular Minecraft. To do this, you must use the Dragon Mount mod.

What is the correct way to summon a dragon?

If you are the kind of person who wants to have everything at once, then you can get a dragon without making any effort. However, for this you need to have your own server. Now we just call the dragon using a special mod or plugin. We register a command in the chat and get our own dragon - an adult animal on which you can immediately start flying.

Thus, we have learned how to make a dragon in Minecraft. This animal is very useful as it can provide your safety and become a great way of getting around.

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Full information about Ender Dragon: How to spawn, how to get an egg, VIDEO! Instruction Facts you did not know about.

Spawns in the world as soon as it is created. This only happens once, at the start of the game. After his death, in the Downworld, along with the portal to Normal, an egg spawns, which does not hatch by itself. The dragon must be revived.

Spawn Ender Dragon in the Normal World:
Called by commands. The following command is written in the line: / summon ender_dragon (DragonPhase: 0)
Disadvantages it does:

1. Breaks blocks that get in his way.
2. Breaks through the ground, making a hole in the mountain.
3. Convert buildings to dust!

Therefore, if you want to summon it in the Ordinary World, then be careful!

How to grow an Eder Dragon egg

You can only grow an Egg in a regular World with mods. But it is possible to bring the monster back to life and fight it again.

To do this, you need 4 Crystals of the End, which we place on each side of the portal to the Normal World. After which the portal itself will disappear. In this case, do not forget to remove the egg, as it will simply disappear. After the crystals have been placed, in the Downworld there will be a renewal of buildings and, accordingly, a spawn of a new Dragon.

Ender Dragon Facts

  1. The initial kill will award 12,000 experience. Subsequent times - 500.
  2. When he appears in the Ordinary World, he flies to Zero coordinates, and only then he will fully fight the player and chase wherever the player leaves.
  3. After death, it flies up 128 blocks and then finally disappears.
  4. The experience given, after the death of Ender Dragon, increases the level of the player without experience, to 36.
  5. In Creative Mode, it does not attack and will not directly damage the user.

Watch a video on how to resurrect the Ender Dragon:

After the Ender Dragon appeared in Beta 1.9, many users began to notice that after defeating this creature, a mysterious object often appears at the very top of the mountain, where the boss himself lives.

At present, the scope of its use is not completely clear, however, interesting areas of application may appear in the future. Users have repeatedly written about how to grow an egg on the official form of this amazing game, but the developers do not say anything specific on this issue. The reason is clear, Notch simply did not come up with an application for the egg. In future versions, the ability to grow your own dragon will also appear, but this will require spending a certain amount of resources. So why do you need it? At the moment it is practically useless. By itself, it is a solid block that can be easily destroyed with an ordinary pickaxe.

It is also able to teleport after defeating the dragon boss, not only to the ground, but also in the air, a few blocks from the place of murder of the wyrm, at the very top of the cliff. However, there are a number of other distinctive features inherent in this in-game object. You cannot chain a chain through an object using red dust. Many gamers immediately began to conduct various experiments with the object, the results of which will be given below, in the course of the text. The question of where and how to take a dragon egg in Minecraft worried many users, but there is simply nothing interesting and complicated about it, it can be taken in the same way as any other object in the game's universe, and it should be done as quickly as possible. , otherwise it has a bad property to quickly disappear at the most inappropriate moment for this.

If the user is still interested in how to use the dragon egg, then it is best to simply save it in a secluded and inaccessible place for everyone else to use in the future, in various situations. Over time, the developers will surely come up with something interesting with it. If necessary, you can use the ID of the dragon egg in Minecraft in order to immediately call this object, placing it as close to the player as possible. You can teleport several similar blocks to yourself at once to make a whole warehouse out of them. For crafting and construction purposes, it is also still useless, it remains to wait for further actions from the developers. Currently, this block is the rarest in the entire game, if you do not use third-party modifications - it will appear only once in the entire game. The block visually has an obsidian texture. Several custom modifications, due to a developer error, initially changed their visual appearance, but later this was corrected.

Notch, the main developer of the game, probably has clear plans for the near future, but there is no one to confirm this yet, all fans of the original project can only hope that the story will definitely be continued in the future. At maximum settings, and even with the HD textures mod enabled, Skyrim requires a very powerful video card. Like a monster GeForce GTX 680. Undoubtedly, such a card requires an equally cool cooler, in particular, the review of GTX 680 Twin turbo 2 considers one of the top models of a cooler for video cards, if you are an avid gamer, I recommend reading. Everything is very clear, and the abundance of photographs taken by the author of the article himself makes reading pleasant and easy.

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