What is the maximum cp for pokemon. List of maximum CP for all Pokemon. Which Pokemon to improve in Pokemon GO to get the maximum increase in Combat Power

Any captured Pokemon has a whole set of characteristics that determine its success in battle. CP- This is one of the most important parameters of a Pokemon.

combat power(from Combat power or Combat Points, further in the text - CP ) is a key parameter that a Pokémon has in Pokemon GO. In addition to the standard indicators of resistance and weakness, there are fundamental characteristics in Pokémon games that determine the outcome of the duel.

CP directly shows how strong your Pokémon is.

Just like in games for handheld consoles, CP can be modified, maximized to make the Pokémon as strong as possible. SR is the strength of a pokemon and helps to determine how much damage your Pokémon will do in combat for the stadium.

Each Pokémon has a base CP level, and the maximum value of this indicator varies depending on the type, size and level of your character.

As your trainer level gets higher, you start to face stronger Pokémon.

What is CP and how is CP calculated?

CP is a measure of whether How strong will your Pokémon be against another Pokémon?, and in fact is a combination of several hidden characteristics. Each Pokemon in Pokemon GO has a set of basic attack, defense, and stamina attributes. As well as a hidden level and a hidden modifier for base stats. This modifier is called IVs».

It is not worth spending too much time analyzing how all these parameters work, but they can be briefly explained by analogy with dogs:

Borzoi is a breed of dog that is often used for dog racing. Naturally, this is a very fast breed. Bulldogs, for example, are less fast. Just like a Greyhound with natural speed Dragonite, as a Pokémon species, has a naturally high attack stat. That is, this parameter is better considered in comparison. , for example, although it has a decent attack stat, it still loses when compared to Dragonite.

Despite the given example, it is always possible to find a hound that will be slower than the rest, and the fastest bulldog. And if you arrange a competition between them, the dogs will have equal chances, or the bulldog may be faster. You can always find individual representatives of a particular breed that stand out from the total number.

Likewise in PokemonGO: You can catch a specific Dragonite that is weaker than a single Machoke. The stats of both Pokémon matched in such a way that Machoke has a higher overall attack than Dragonite. The individual parameters of a single Machoke turned out to be significantly stronger than that of Dragonite.

And, of course, Don't Forget the Pokemon Level. The level indicates how hard a Pokémon has been training. Therefore, a higher level Machoke can have a higher attack stat than an untrained Dragonite.

Leveling up a Pokémon is easy enough - every time you when you use the Power Up function in the game, it improves the Pokémon by half the level.

You can get a detailed level score on the white curved panel that is located above the Pokémon's head.

If the scale on this panel is in the extreme left position, then the Pokémon is at the very beginning of its development. And if the scale is filled to the very end, then the Pokemon is at the maximum level of development.

Thus, the combination of all the parameters that a Pokémon possesses determines its strength. But don't forget that if you caught Drowzee who has a higher CP than your old Drowzee It doesn't mean he's stronger. Maybe he's just a higher level.

Video: Increasing the CP of a Pokémon

The question arises: how to find the Pokémon with the best characteristics, and what is the most efficient way to increase the level of this Pokémon?

In the fight against third-party apps, Pokemon GO developer Niantic has added the ability to assess the strength of the captured Pokémon by key phrases that are spoken by team leaders. A whole series of phrases, which hints at how powerful the Pokémon will be in combat.

To get a rating for your Pokémon, tap the menu in the lower right corner and select the "Appraisal" function(grade). After that, your team leader will give you a hint about the strength of the Pokémon.

How should the evaluation function be used?

Grade- this is a very convenient way to find out how big a "fish" you have caught. The rarity of the Pokemon plays an important role here. For example, if you have Snorlax- This is one of the best creatures in the game that you can put in the gym for protection. Snorlax has a very high level of health. But, as described above, a single, specific Snorlax can be slightly worse than another. And to determine the best candidate to defend the stadium, you can use a hint from the team leader.

Exists several types of evaluation. Each leader has his own line, but below are the lines of the leader of the Mystic team:

  • Great(82% - 100%) - Overall, your Pokémon is wonderful! What an amazing creation!
  • Good(67% - 80%) - Overall, your Pokémon certainly caught my attention.
  • OK(51% - 49%) - I think your Pokémon is above average.
  • Bad(0% - 49%) - This Pokémon is unlikely to make much progress in combat.

The percentage range in each phrase shows the approximate location of the Pokémon on the scale of its potential.

Ultimately, these hint phrases are specific enough to give you a sense of the Pokémon's power, but vague enough to encourage you to do more research before you decide to invest in your candy and stardust.

Remember, the general phrase "great" means that a Pokémon is between 82% and 100% of its potential, so a hint like this is helpful.

Video: Guide to CP, IV and other Pokemon statistics

Sep 29, 2016 Catherine

How to use the Pokemon table with pictures and data:

In this table of Pokemon for the game Pokemon Go, all characters are sorted in order of decreasing combat power, which means that you can easily determine which Pokemon should be downloaded first and which should not be downloaded at all.

Before the image of each Pokemon there is an icon (or two icons) with its type, so if you see such an animal in the arena, you can pick up a worthy opponent for it.

You can also use this material as a Pokemon evolution table, as it shows the previous evolution of the animal (if any), as well as the number of candies needed to transform. By clicking on the previous evolution, you will instantly go to this Pokemon and you can see what animal it comes from, its maximum CP and CP growth per level.

If you are interested in what Pokémon can be obtained from eggs, then use our Pokémon hatching table. Opposite each animal that has the opportunity to emerge from the egg in the column "Egg, km" indicates the distance that you need to go to hatch. Please note that the selection of the Pokémon that will appear from the egg is carried out randomly.

We are glad to announce that we have launched on the website pokemon development CP calculator, which may be useful to many players . It is located on the right and will always be at hand. Enjoy! 🙂

What is CP in Pokemon GO?

CP (Combat Power) is a characteristic of the strength of your Pokémon. This indicator is the main one in the game.

A Pokemon's CP is initially calculated from a combination of many of its characteristics, including height, size, hitting power, HP (Hit Points). Pokémon with the same amount of CP will have the same power, respectively. At the same time, you may well catch two Pokemon of the same type, for example, two, and their CP will be different.

You can sort your captured monsters by CP and keep mostly those Pokémon with the most CP or close to it. Thus, you will concentrate all your strengths and efforts on how to quickly create an army from and be less distracted by small ones.

If you look at in your collection, you can see a scale there that displays the maximum CP points allowed. When it fills up, it will no longer be possible to increase CP further, but the Pokémon itself can continue to be developed.

Pokemon CP Calculator in Pokemon GO

To find out how much CP your Pokemon will have after development (evolution), you need to select the name of this Pokemon from the drop-down list and enter its current CP value. Then click the "Calculate" button and below you can see the results.

How to raise (increase) CP

To raise a Pokémon's CP, you need stardust and candy. Stardust is awarded for each Pokémon caught, and Candy is awarded for capturing the same type of Pokémon.

As your level increases, you will come across stronger and rarer Pokémon in the game and, accordingly, more opportunities to increase CP.

Combat Power (CP) is the average of all of a Pokémon's stats and shows its power and attack potential. In other words, it's the average of his health, height, hitting power, and more. The scale of this strength is located above the image of the Pokemon and is curved in an arc. It also shows how much the Pokémon's CP can be improved to at that level of play.

You can increase the CP of a Pokemon by clicking on the button. In order for it to be active, you must have a certain amount of stardust (Stardust) and . The icons for these values ​​are located above the CP increase button, and look like a flask with purple pollen and balls of the same color as the Pokémon.

Stardust (pollen for Pokémon) can be obtained for capturing Pokémon, as well as special candies. But if pollen is given to everyone, then candy is only given when catching a Pokémon of the same species.

Max CP in Pokemon Go

The highest maximum CP level for a Pokémon Mewtwo is 4144 units. But so far there is no reliable information that he, like the Pokémon Mew (Mew) with 3299 CP points, is present in the game. The most powerful and accessible Pokémon, Dragonite, has 3500 CP.

He is followed by Moltres with 3240 points, Zapdos with 3114 points and Snorlax with 3112 CP points.

The maximum you can raise your Pokémon to depends on its species and abilities. So, at first glance, the useless Pokemon Magikarp (Magikarp) with a maximum CP of 262 points turns into Gyarados (Gyarados) with 2688 units of strength.

Catching a pocket monster with the maximum level of power will not work: the limit is only half of the final CP.

How to correctly calculate the power of Pokemon

If you have collected a rich collection of the same Pokemon, you can give extra copies to the professor and get additional candies for this. But always consider the coefficient. For example, you found his second evolution. In your case, their CP is almost the same - 50 and 59. Do not rush to send Charmander to the professor. The evolution of a weak Charmaleon will lead to a low CP of Charizard (the third evolution is Charizard). But if you improve Charmander with 50 power points, you will get a stronger second evolution and, as a result, a third one.

CP and Player Level

The level of the trainer directly affects the ability to improve the combat strength of the Pokémon. And the level itself reflects the activity of the player. Thus, the more time you devote to catching pocket monsters, the more you can upgrade your pets. It should be noted that the increase in CP is optimally distributed and it is possible to reach the maximum only after reaching the last level.

The highest known level in the game at the moment is 40. And this does not mean at all that players who reach level 20 in a week will be able to conquer level 40 just as easily. The total number of action points at this level is 25 million. Fans of the game have estimated that it would take over 50,000 Pokémon to collect. So the maximum CP of the pet will have to be achieved with great and long efforts.

In any case, do not delve into the game. Pokemoh Go was created to activate the generation, so the measured gameplay will give more positive emotions than the obsessive pursuit of pocket monsters.

Today we will talk about Pokemon CP in Pokemon GO - you will find out what it is and what it affects. You can also find the maximum CP for the Pokémon you are interested in.

The amazing world of Pokemon GO continues to captivate players of the real world. The first wave of Pokemon capture has passed, and now the players are busy pumping and evolving their "animals". It is necessary to increase the level of Pokemon in order to win future battles. The main characteristic of the power of a Pokemon is the value of its CP and HP. Many asked the question: “What is CP and what does this characteristic affect?”.

What is a Pokemon's CP?

Combat Points (CP)- this is the combat potential of a pokemon, it is a total characteristic of power, strength, attack, defense and trainer level. For each pokemon, the maximum CP is different.

Based on the above, we can conclude - the higher the CP value, the more powerful your animal. In general, Pokemon GO has changed the approach to determining Combat Points. In previous Pokémon game franchises, CP included separate values ​​for attack, special attack, defense, special defense, and speed.

Full list of max CP

Foreign game resource game press prepared a list of maximum Combat Points for all Pokémon. The conclusion of the final values ​​of the SP was derived taking into account the highest level of the coach (40), as well as with the full individual values. Most base Pokémon (Zubat, Caterpie) have a maximum below 1000. Water type Magikarp has the lowest value of 262.70, while its evolution Gyarados is the 12th largest in the list - 2,688.89. Surprisingly, but Mew ranks third 3,299.17, after the second strongest Dragonite - 3,500.06.

In general, here is a complete list of all Pokemon (starting with the first number in the Pokedex):

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