New system of clan positions. Responsibilities of clan members, in addition to the official ones indicated above Ranks in wot clans

In update 9.3, the clan position system will be redesigned. In particular, three new positions will appear, and existing ones will be renamed and partially changed in their powers.

Renamed positions

Three new positions are being introduced: staff officer, junior officer And reservist. The position “recruit” retained its name.

Why are changes in powers needed?

1. The old position system did not fully satisfy the needs of players. Some positions had a limited range of possibilities: for example, only the commander and his deputy could fully manage a clan on the Global Map, which inevitably led to the appointment of insufficiently verified players to the position of deputy, who could embezzle funds from the clan treasury.

2. The second reason for these changes was the introduction of the “Fortified Areas” mode: clan players were required to perform new functions and tasks, and combining them with responsibilities on the Global Map became undesirable. Now the staff officer you appointed will not be able to destroy buildings in the Fortified Area.

3. There was no social elevator in the clans: it was impossible to assign a certain rank to a player performing any duties in the clan, since along with it the player received unwanted opportunities. For example, a fighter who is involved in a clan forum or attendance tracking does not need to be given the right to place chips on the Global Map or distribute the treasury.

What do the new positions mean?

A staff officer is essentially the same as the current deputy commander and future senior officer, but without the ability to distribute the treasury. Now you can give a fighter the opportunity to control the Global Map without fear that in case of any problems a person will take the treasury with him - and this happened often.

Junior officer is a position that emphasizes that a person plays some role in the clan, but at the same time has not yet matured to become a castle commander or company commander. This could be a deputy company commander or simply a “field officer” who commands from time to time. Perhaps a junior officer will monitor the clan's online or forum.

Reservist is a symbolic position. It often happens that players go on vacation or stop playing constantly, but for one reason or another they remain in the clan. Usually such people are given the position of recruit, which is not true. In general, you can make a reservist a veteran who has retired, or a player who is in the clan for the sake of a chip.

Complete list of positions and powers

Job titleAuthority
  • Editing clan data.
  • Personnel management.
  • Changing the conditions of recruitment.
  • All actions with the Fortified Area.
  • Dissolution of the clan
Senior officer
  • Editing clan data.
  • Personnel management (except for the appointment of a commander).
  • Changing the conditions of recruitment.
  • Distribution of treasury funds among clan members.
  • All actions on the Global Map.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • All actions with the Fortified Area, except for creating/deleting the Fortified Area, managing the defense period, neutrality period and weekends, and choosing a home server.
Staff Officer*
  • Management of personnel (except for the commander and senior officer).
  • Changing the conditions of recruitment.
  • View treasury statistics.
  • All actions on the Global Map (except leaving the map).
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
Combat officer
  • Changing the player's position (except Commander, Senior Officer and Staff Officer).
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Decisions to plunder provinces.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • All actions on the Global Map (except for leaving the map and actions with agents).
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in Fortified Areas and distribution of players.
  • Editing the lineup of players in the pre-battle room.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a building in the Fortified Areas.
  • Organizing and participating in outings
Intelligence officer
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Actions with agents on the Global Map.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in Fortified Areas and distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a building in the Fortified Areas.
  • Organizing and participating in outings
Supply Officer
  • Distribution of treasury funds among clan members.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in Fortified Areas and distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a building in the Fortified Areas.
  • Organizing and participating in outings
Recruiting Officer
  • Editing call conditions.
  • Sending invitations to the clan.
  • Consideration of applications to join the clan.
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in Fortified Areas and distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a building in the Fortified Areas.
  • Organizing and participating in outings
Junior officer*
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in Fortified Areas and distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a building in the Fortified Areas.
  • Organizing and participating in outings
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • View treasury statistics.
  • Selection of players to participate in battle (battle room).
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in Fortified Areas and distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a building in the Fortified Areas.
  • Organizing and participating in outings
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Selection of players to participate in battle (battle room).
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in Fortified Areas and distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a building in the Fortified Areas.
  • Organizing and participating in outings
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Creation of a pre-battle room in Fortified Areas and distribution of players.
  • View the current and next maps associated with a building in the Fortified Areas.
  • Organizing and participating in outings

* New position.

Example of a clan structure

  • The commander is the leader and most authoritative player in the clan.
  • Senior officer - the most trusted and closest officers of the clan to the commander.
  • Staff officer - manages chips on the Global Map, maintains any documentation.
  • A combat officer is a company commander who leads in battles.
  • An intelligence officer is the equivalent of a diplomat and also has access to intelligence and counterintelligence.
  • Supply Officer - distributes clan treasury.
  • Recruiting officer - recruits members for the clan.
  • Junior officer - performs some small tasks or is a deputy company commander.
  • A private is just a clan fighter.
  • A recruit is a newly arrived fighter on probation.
  • A reservist is an inactive veteran or a “trick.”

It is important to remember that titles are not a reason to boast in front of your fellow humans or to amuse your feelings of distress. Assignment to a position is a great responsibility placed on the player. Each clan member appointed to a position must meet the requirements and have the skills corresponding to his rank.


Clan leader. His responsibilities include control over all aspects of the clan and at all events held by the clan, protecting the interests of the clan as his own, some organizational responsibilities and much more.
This is the face of the clan. Must set an example for other clan fighters, be their closest friend and establish contact with any recruit. He is the head of the command staff.
But do not forget that the clan leader is not a big and evil guy. No. This is the same player, just burdened with more responsibilities. You can always turn to him for help, he will always answer you (if the question is in a PM, where there is no mountain of flooding) and support you.

Deputy Commander

The second person after the commander, his right hand. His duties are the same as those of a clan leader, but are less strict. Obliged to report to the commander about all incidents in the clan or other information that may serve the benefit of the clan.
The castle must also be an example for any other fighter and must interact with the clan personnel.
And yes, he is also made from the same meat as you)


The recruiter's responsibilities include replenishing the ranks of the clan with new fighters. during selection, the recruiter must check the fighter’s skills in battle and his ability to join the clan team. Must account for each recruit to the deputy commander or the commander himself.
The recruiter must be ready to answer all the recruit's questions about the clan. The recruiter must have voice communication. If you don't have it, then your chances of getting this position are greatly reduced.

Recruitment procedure.
Currently, the recruitment procedure adopted in the Division has the following structure:
Questionnaire – Preliminary decision – Run-in/interview* – Decision making.
1) Questionnaire: any player who wishes to join the Division must submit a Questionnaire to the special section of the Questionnaires. The Questionnaire provided by the player contains the information necessary to make a preliminary decision. Before submitting the Questionnaire, the Player must study the Clan Charter.
2) The preliminary decision is made by the Commander or his Deputy and only by them. When making a preliminary decision, the Commander or his Deputy is guided by the information given by the player in the Questionnaire.
3) Run-in/interview: if the verdict is positive, recruiters “catch” the player online for a run-in and interview. This procedure is double, it is carried out in a platoon game and its parts do not interfere with each other at all. During the Run-in, the recruiter looks at the Player’s skill, his behavior, perception and execution of orders. During the Interview, the Recruiter finds out the Player’s motivation for joining the clan, his goals in it and explains to the Player the prospects for participation in the Division.
4) Decision: At the end of the procedure, the recruiter posts a report on the results to the Commander or his Deputies. Based on the results of the report, they make a decision on entry.
* - When recruiting a Player from a company, participation in this company may be a substitute for the Run-in, thereby making it optional.

Field commander

The person in charge of all aspects related to the clan's battles. His responsibilities include command on the battlefield, drawing up combat tactics, and monitoring order in the battle itself and in the company. The field commander participates in discussing the timing of training and clan landings.
Has the right, if necessary, to demand the participation of a specific player in company battles. The regiment has the right to replenish the clan company with players who are not members of the Playground clan. Has the right to appoint a person responsible for company No. 2, 3, etc. in case the number of online players allows you to assemble more than one company composition. This rank also obliges the person bearing the rank to work with fighters individually. The field commander must be able to answer any question regarding combat operations to any other player in the clan.
If a field commander conducts company battles, then after they have taken place he must report in a special topic where errors in team play and the mistakes of each player individually will be discussed, after which work will be carried out to eliminate them.


The face of the clan in the “political” arena. Responsible for contact with other clans in order to make life easier for his clan on the Civil Code. Must maintain adequacy in his work and be competent both in expressing his thoughts and in writing them.


An ordinary clan fighter. It is subject to all rights and obligations specified in the charter. Has no special privileges.


A player who has just joined the clan and is on probation. Or any other player who has been subject to punitive measures (fine list, probation) can get into this rank.

Promotion in rank occurs only at the request of the player. Any clan fighter has the right to nominate himself or someone else for promotion. The candidate for promotion will be checked by the command staff, after which its members, through discussion, will make one single decision and publish it in a separate topic. The player will also be notified of the promotion personally.
Demotion occurs both at the personal request of the player and due to numerous complaints.

After accumulating a certain number of complaints, the command staff will take appropriate measures (survey, personal observation of the accused). If the complaints are justified, the player is demoted in rank. An official may also be demoted due to violation of the charter, in which case punitive measures will be applied to him.

It is important to remember that titles are not a reason to boast in front of your fellow humans or to amuse your feelings of distress. Assignment to a position is a great responsibility placed on the player. Each clan member appointed to a position must meet the requirements and have the skills corresponding to his rank.


Clan leader. His responsibilities include control over all aspects of the clan and at all events held by the clan, protecting the interests of the clan as his own, some organizational responsibilities and much more.
This is the face of the clan. Must set an example for other clan fighters, be their closest friend and establish contact with any recruit. He is the head of the command staff.
But do not forget that the clan leader is not a big and evil guy. No. This is the same player, just burdened with more responsibilities. You can always turn to him for help, he will always answer you (if the question is in a PM, where there is no mountain of flooding) and support you.

Deputy Commander

The second person after the commander, his right hand. His duties are the same as those of a clan leader, but are less strict. Obliged to report to the commander about all incidents in the clan or other information that may serve the benefit of the clan.
The castle must also be an example for any other fighter and must interact with the clan personnel.
And yes, he is also made from the same meat as you)


The recruiter's responsibilities include replenishing the ranks of the clan with new fighters. during selection, the recruiter must check the fighter’s skills in battle and his ability to join the clan team. Must account for each recruit to the deputy commander or the commander himself.
The recruiter must be ready to answer all the recruit's questions about the clan. The recruiter must have voice communication. If you don't have it, then your chances of getting this position are greatly reduced.

Recruitment procedure.
Currently, the recruitment procedure adopted in the Division has the following structure:
Questionnaire – Preliminary decision – Run-in/interview* – Decision making.
1) Questionnaire: any player who wishes to join the Division must submit a Questionnaire to the special section of the Questionnaires. The Questionnaire provided by the player contains the information necessary to make a preliminary decision. Before submitting the Questionnaire, the Player must study the Clan Charter.
2) The preliminary decision is made by the Commander or his Deputy and only by them. When making a preliminary decision, the Commander or his Deputy is guided by the information given by the player in the Questionnaire.
3) Run-in/interview: if the verdict is positive, recruiters “catch” the player online for a run-in and interview. This procedure is double, it is carried out in a platoon game and its parts do not interfere with each other at all. During the Run-in, the recruiter looks at the Player’s skill, his behavior, perception and execution of orders. During the Interview, the Recruiter finds out the Player’s motivation for joining the clan, his goals in it and explains to the Player the prospects for participation in the Division.
4) Decision: At the end of the procedure, the recruiter posts a report on the results to the Commander or his Deputies. Based on the results of the report, they make a decision on entry.
* - When recruiting a Player from a company, participation in this company may be a substitute for the Run-in, thereby making it optional.

Field commander

The person in charge of all aspects related to the clan's battles. His responsibilities include command on the battlefield, drawing up combat tactics, and monitoring order in the battle itself and in the company. The field commander participates in discussing the timing of training and clan landings.
Has the right, if necessary, to demand the participation of a specific player in company battles. The regiment has the right to replenish the clan company with players who are not members of the Playground clan. Has the right to appoint a person responsible for company No. 2, 3, etc. in case the number of online players allows you to assemble more than one company composition. This rank also obliges the person bearing the rank to work with fighters individually. The field commander must be able to answer any question regarding combat operations to any other player in the clan.
If a field commander conducts company battles, then after they have taken place he must report in a special topic where errors in team play and the mistakes of each player individually will be discussed, after which work will be carried out to eliminate them.


The face of the clan in the “political” arena. Responsible for contact with other clans in order to make life easier for his clan on the Civil Code. Must maintain adequacy in his work and be competent both in expressing his thoughts and in writing them.


An ordinary clan fighter. It is subject to all rights and obligations specified in the charter. Has no special privileges.


A player who has just joined the clan and is on probation. Or any other player who has been subject to punitive measures (fine list, probation) can get into this rank.

Promotion in rank occurs only at the request of the player. Any clan fighter has the right to nominate himself or someone else for promotion. The candidate for promotion will be checked by the command staff, after which its members, through discussion, will make one single decision and publish it in a separate topic. The player will also be notified of the promotion personally.
Demotion occurs both at the personal request of the player and due to numerous complaints.

After accumulating a certain number of complaints, the command staff will take appropriate measures (survey, personal observation of the accused). If the complaints are justified, the player is demoted in rank. An official may also be demoted due to violation of the charter, in which case punitive measures will be applied to him.

Which anyone can do. But not all clans are used for their intended purpose, so every 4th player simply has an inscription attached next to their nickname. Good clans have certain rules that were created by its leader.

What is a clan in WOT?

A clan can consist of up to 100 people. There are officers, privates and recruits.

All officers are separated for individual purposes.

There is a person who is responsible for recruiting new players, a junior officer, a unit commander, etc.

Each clan has its own area on the map where a fortified area is built.

Depending on the activity of the group, the fortified area will grow. Each building is responsible for its own resources.

The clan leader distributes players among all buildings as he sees fit.

The importance lies in the fact that the more players are attached to any structure, the greater the coefficient of its value for certain tasks.

The fortified area may be attacked by other clans in order to take away valuable resources.

The task of the headquarters is to gather tankers at a set time, while the defense regulations will be specified in advance, where all players will be able to familiarize themselves with the map and develop their own tactics.

There is a so-called global map on which a clan can capture provinces. These provinces contain resources, so when they are captured, the clan will receive valuable items.

Clans have a budget that is controlled only by the commander. The most active players are rewarded with all sorts of bonuses, including gold.

Clan battles

All clans have a separate connection between players; experienced clans use external programs to improve the quality of communication.

Often, community players organize training sessions on the desired maps and practice their invented tactics in order to apply them when meeting with a real opponent.

All actions of the players are controlled by the commander. Such battles are much more interesting, since the team is always grouped, and each tanker carries out his own order.

Being a member of a clan means not only having an emblem next to your nickname. Clan battles are much more interesting than random battles, since all team players can coordinate their actions and listen to hints. At the same time, you can actively take part in the life of the clan, communicate and share opinions about the game, etc.

The most significant currency in the game is gold.

And this award is regularly received by active participants, however, in order to get into a clan with experienced players, you yourself need to have good performance, since no one will teach the game to beginners.

5 years and 3 months ago Comments: 0


These innovations are related to the development of the game, especially the addition of the Stronghold mode. It was the new regime that became the main reason for such changes.

New positions

Staff officer- personnel management, all actions on the Civil Code and changing the conditions of conscription.

Junior officer- has access to secret information on the Civil Code, viewing treasury statistics.

Reservist- participation in battles on the Civil Command and fortified areas.

In addition, all these positions have the following common functions:

  • creation of a pre-battle room in Fortified Areas and distribution of players
  • Viewing the current and next maps associated with a structure in Fortified Areas
  • Organizing and participating in outings

Renaming positions

In 0.9.3, most positions were renamed.
Here is the table with the changes:

The recruit remained a recruit.

Example of a clan structure

  • Commanding- leader and most authoritative player in the clan.
  • Senior officer- the most trusted and closest officers of the clan to the commander.
  • Staff officer- manages chips on the Global Map, maintains any documentation.
  • Combat officer- company commander, leading in battles.
  • Intelligence officer- an analogue of a diplomat, and also has access to intelligence and counterintelligence.
  • Supply Officer- distributes the clan treasury.
  • Recruiting Officer- recruits members to the clan.
  • Junior officer- performs some small tasks or is a deputy company commander.
  • Private- just a clan fighter.
  • Rookie- a newly arrived fighter on probation.
  • Reservist- an inactive veteran or a “chip”.

The staff officer is the same senior officer, but he does not have access to the treasury.
The position of junior officer can be given to a person who has his own role in the clan, but he is still far from being a senior or combat officer.
The position of a reservist can be given to a player with poor online service or who is in the clan only for the sake of a chip (his opportunities in the clan are very limited).
I believe that these innovations will have a positive impact on the formation of the clan and will add more comfort to commanders and ordinary players.

Prepared by: CaptainUniverse

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