Star wars battlefront ii system requirements. Single story campaign

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017) is a first-person shooter in the Star Wars setting. This game is a new part of the famous Star Wars: Battlefront series. The developer was the Swedish company DICE, which is known for such hits as the Battlefield series, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and Medal of Honor (2010), and the publisher was Electronic Arts. The game is available on the following platforms: Xbox One, Windows, and PlayStation 4.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017) tells the story of an elite Imperial Special Forces soldier. The plot of the game covered the thirty-year period from the destruction of the second Death Star and the founding of the First Order. In this story, the main character is Eden Versio. She is the commander of the elite Inferno stormtrooper unit, which is deadly both on planets and in space. You will be able to meet such famous Star Wars characters as Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren, and even play as them. Players will take part in space battles, as well as large-scale multiplayer battles, playing both as an ordinary fighter and as legendary characters from the famous saga.

This game has a mode with really large-scale space battles. A new battle system was developed from scratch, taking into account the intricacies of controlling combat vehicles. You will take part in heated space fighter battles, where you will be able to control the most famous ships in the galaxy. Weave between asteroids and fly over the empire's docking docks. Multiplayer mode supports up to 40 participants. You will find a large number of locations from the sequel, the new trilogy, as well as the classic saga. There are also many air and ground transport available in the game.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017) release date set for November 17, 2017 of the year.
Pre-order of the game is available: access 3 days earlier, 4 ability upgrades, bonus card, etc.

  • Game engine: Frostbite Engine
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC (Win)
  • Developers: Motive Studios, EA Digital Illusions CE, Criterion Games
  • Game designers: John Stanley, Niklas Fegreus
  • Genre: Action, First and Third Person Shooter

System requirements


  • OS: Windows 7 SP1/8.1/10 64-bit
  • CPU: AMD FX-6350 or Intel Core i5 6600K
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Video card: AMD Radeon HD 7850 (2 GB video memory) / nVidia GeForce GTX 660 (2 GB video memory)
  • DirectX v11.0
  • Free space on HDD: 55 GB
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • CPU: AMD FX-8350 Wraith or Intel Core i7 6700
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Video card: AMD Radeon RX 480 (4 GB video memory) / nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 (3 GB video memory)
  • DirectX v11.0
  • Free space on HDD: 55 GB

A 1st/3rd person perspective set in a Star Wars galaxy far, far away.

"In 2017 we will see Star Wars: Battlefront with a better, bigger world because we now have a new movie to tell a new story, not just the classic Star Wars movies that were used before,” said EA CFO Blake Jorgensen.

Judging from the short debut trailer game Star Wars: Battlefront 2 it has already become clear that the 2nd part should become a real hit, affecting all eras of Star Wars across all 7 episodes. In the video we see such famous characters as: Darth Maul, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Ray And Kylo Ren.

Single story campaign

Coming to Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) full single player campaign. The Star Wars Battlefront universe will be even larger, taking players to even more places and allowing them to play as more heroes and characters spanning multiple eras of Star Wars.

The main story campaign, apparently, will be dedicated to the period between Star Wars: Episode VI (Return of the Jedi) And Star Wars: Episode VII: (The Force Awakens), because we see clearly post-Endor; and we play as Eden Versio, a soldier of the elite imperial special forces unit “Inferno”.

After the explosion 2nd Death Star, she, as a warrior loyal to the Emperor, will try to take revenge on the rebels for such serious damage.

This is quite unusual, because... We almost always play as positive characters, but now we have to learn the history of Star Wars from the side of our enemy.


The maps will also cover all 7 episodes including Teed(capital of Naboo) Hot(the planet where the rebels set up their base), Endor(planet near the 2nd Death Star), Mos Eisley(city on Tatooine) Takodona, Yavin 4, Starkiller Base And Camino.

Multiplayer battles

Online battles have 6 modes games:


In this mode, players will be divided into teams of 8 players and will carry out assigned combat missions. For example, one team needs to protect an important artifact from being stolen, repelling all waves of attack, and the other team, therefore, needs to break through the enemy’s defenses, steal it and deliver it to a designated point.

Starfighter Battle

Star Wars literally 2 teams of 12 players will board their 3 types of spaceships (fighter, interceptor and bomber) and fight in a space battle, completing a series of quests. There will also be a team of attackers and defenders. The goal of the mission can be not only the destruction of all enemy players, but also the defense or attack of important objects, such as generators.

Galactic battle

Huge large-scale team battles 20 vs 20 on a large map. Players will be able to choose different heroes, weapons, and use ground and air equipment.

Heroes vs Villains

The confrontation between good and evil. Players will be able to fight 4v4 teams, using legendary characters from all Star Wars episodes.


Fast dynamic battle on a small map.


A training battle in which players will have to fight computer bots to improve your skill in various aspects.


This all sounds fantastic and very intriguing. In the second part of Battlefront, EA DICE wants to gather the largest audience possible from fans of the famous movie saga, as well as attract new players. The graphics in the game are very good and realistic.

New heroes, characters, classes, maps, modes, story campaign - the developers have collected everything from all the Star Wars episodes to create a good game, as worthy as the entire Star Wars film epic.

When will Star Wars: Battlefront 2 be released?

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 release date on PC, PS4 and Xbox One is scheduled for November 17, 2017.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a long-awaited shooter that takes the player to the battlefields of a galaxy far, far away. The ability to switch from first person to third person has pleased many gamers, allowing fans of different reviews to get the most out of it. Released in 2017 for PC, Xbox One and PS4, it gathered a huge audience of fans. The presence of single-player, multiplayer and cooperative modes pleased even the most persistent skeptics. Now you can play not only against the computer, but also against friends, as well as against artificial intelligence, teaming up with friends. Of course, this can be called a reasonable decision.

Game Features

  • Four combat classes: officer, sniper, machine gunner and infantryman. Each of them has important advantages, and with coordinated work, the squad is capable of defeating the most powerful enemy;
  • For a successful game, the gamer receives points that can be spent to temporarily gain the opportunity to control a Jedi, a cool droid, or even a fighter pilot;
  • Several game modes (single-player, co-op, multiplayer) allow each player to choose exactly the one that will allow them to get the most out of the experience;
  • Complex ballistics and serious recoil make the game more complex and interesting - you can’t mindlessly shoot anywhere, you need to control your weapon.

general review

Star Wars Battlefront 2 takes place during the battles between the Empire and the Republic. Moreover, in single-player mode you will have to fight specifically for the Empire - some will like it, but others will not. Also controversial was the developers' decision to include ballistics and recoil when shooting in the game. On the one hand, this is not very realistic - such rules apply to firearms, but not energy weapons. On the other hand, thanks to this, the blasters became more different from each other, and the game itself became more interesting. However, the single-player mode here has become more of a tribute to tradition. Players will enjoy the multiplayer mode much more.

Good balance

There is no universal class that can outshine or replace others in the game. Each of them is good in its own way. For example, a machine gunner can put up a shield and suppress the enemy with fire, not allowing him to lean out - single-handedly he can paralyze half a dozen enemy soldiers holed up in cover. The officer will be able not only to heal allies, but also to install turrets that can cause a lot of problems for the enemy. Well, in a well-played team, where each of the fighters fulfills the duties assigned to him, all classes will be useful. Moreover, with good teamwork and tactical skills of the commander, even a small squad can easily defeat the superior forces of experienced players; if they forget about tactics, everyone will act on their own. This is what makes the game so interesting and exciting.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is the second part of the “new generation” of Battlefront, developed, this time, by three studios at once: DICE, Motive and Criterion under the auspices of Electronic Arts. Of course, in gameplay, the project differs from the cult SWB 2 from 2005, but this does not mean that it is bad, it is just different.

What's interesting about the "other" Battlefront 2? Firstly, the graphics. Graphically, the game is ultra-realistic and has all the latest technological advances, including support for DirectX 12 and 4K resolution. Secondly, missions have appeared on new planets, modes and new heroes, since the game takes place between the sixth and seventh episodes of Star Wars. And thirdly, space battles were finally added to the 2015 series.

Other features of the project include: more settings for customization, a redesigned weapon system, improved class balance, and the cherry on the cake - free content updates that will be released every six months to whet the interest of players. How Electronic Arts condescended to such mercy is unclear, but this fact cannot but rejoice.

In general, it seems that the publisher of the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront 2 has decided to correct itself and prepare for players something more or less similar to the classic SWB 2, but with its own characteristics. We will find out whether he will be able to please the fans on November 17, 2017.

At the last event dedicated to the cult Star Wars universe, many announcements were made for the newly “resurrected” franchise.

Over the next few years, the film industry will receive one new Star Wars installment every year; The gaming world will be replenished with a sequel from Electronic Arts - Star Wars Battlefront II, in which the developers decided to closely address the errors of the original.

According to executives, three studios are working on the second part: DICE, Motive and . The first, as usual, will deal with the technical component and multiplayer, the second with the plot, and the third with control physics and space battles.

Motive, by the way, is working on the game script together with writers from Lucasfilm, and their game story will be completely canonical and will touch on those elements of the universe that were missed in the cinematic adaptation.

The protagonist will be the girl Iden Versio, who is the leader of a special detachment of stormtroopers of the Empire under the telling name “Inferno”. And if the fact that you have to play as an imperial soldier is not enough for you, then get something else: the story will unfold within the framework of the thirty-year history of the entire new film saga, touching on the events from “Return of the Jedi” to “The Force Awakens”.

Naturally, during the passage you will be able to meet the most famous heroes of the universe like Luke, Kylo Ren and so on.

As stated by the scriptwriters of Star Wars Battlefront II, their main task is to create a unique story that will tell about events previously unknown to fans. A new perspective, believability and even more epic emotions - that's what Motive Studios is guided by.

For the first time, you will be able to walk in the shoes of the enemy and understand how the imperial machine works from the inside. The war will be shown from a completely different perspective.

What players expected most from the first part, but never received, will also appear in Battlefront II. We are, of course, talking about space battles that will take place in huge 12 vs 12 arenas. Criterion Games, which gamers may know about from the excellent racing series Burnout, is responsible for this aspect of the game.

The management of stellar equipment was created from scratch; moreover, the company began to develop both the armament of the vehicles and their modernization.

DICE, having directly prepared the base for Star Wars Battlefront II, focused on improving classic multiplayer confrontations. Multiplayer will unfold in three time eras of the universe, covering the prequel story, the original and even a modern reboot!

Starkiller Base, Mos Eisley, the Thickets of Yavin IV - you will see this and much more in the upcoming sequel, as well as cult heroes like the already beloved Rey, as well as Luke, Yoda, Darth Maul and so on.

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