Color: how to choose a palette for your game. Color learning games at home

Tanya Shramko

Dear colleagues! To your attention, I want to offer a series of didactic games on color science. The idea of ​​creating these games arose after studying the manual "Didactic games and activities" by I. A. Lykova. After analyzing the author's games, I decided to create them to design them, adding my developments.

Didactic game

"An artist named nature"

Age: middle, senior group

Purpose of the game: continue to teach children to draw analogies of the seasons with the colors of paints. Determine the nature of the color "cold", "warm" "Gentle" (pastel).

Game progress: to the participants of the game, the presenter offers cards with the image of the seasons, as well as palettes with color spots characteristic of one of the seasons. The task of children is to correlate the seasons with the most suitable color spot. Determine the colors and shades on the palette, their character (cold, warm, gentle).

Didactic game

"Seasons and Colors"


Target: match colors and shades with the characteristic color features of the season. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of color (character, saturation, brightness, composition).

Game progress: the game offers a landscape depicted by the artist in spring, summer, autumn and winter, with a characteristic color scheme of each season, as well as palettes and paint chips of different colors and shades. The task of the participants in the game is to pick up for each season of the year advising chips - colors, to determine the saturation, character, shade, composition of each color (delicate - bright, cold - warm, basic - composite, shade of which color).

Didactic game

"Talking Colors"

Age: senior, preparatory group.

Purpose of the game: to acquaint children with a shade of color, to clarify the concept of "color" and "hue". Develop associative thinking, expand vocabulary.

Game progress: the participants of the game were offered cards with the image of objects whose names are associated with certain shades of colors (raspberry-raspberry; rose - pink, etc., as well as cards - shades. The task of the game participants is to correlate the cards-shades with their subject names. Determine to what color do these "talking" shades belong to.

Didactic game

"The berries are ripe"

Asc ast: junior, middle group

Purpose and game: to consolidate the ability to make a gradation series of colors from light to dark, according to the sample and without it.

Game move ry: the game consists of a card - a sample on which a row of berries is depicted, with a gradual increase in color hue. The task of the game participants is to be able to arrange cards with berries in a certain color order from lighter to darker according to the pattern, and then without it.

Didactic game


Age st: middle, senior group

Purpose and game: continue to get acquainted with the concept of "color spectrum", compare with a natural phenomenon (rainbow). Determine the colors included in the color spectrum and their sequence.

Game move ry: the game consists of a didactic field, which depicts the silhouettes of seven balloons, as well as individual multi-colored cards-balloons. There are several game options available:

Option 1. The task of the game participants is to arrange seven colored ball cards in the correct spectral sequence, using a popular speech phrase-hint (Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits), in which the sequence of words and the first letters correspond to the color of the rainbow.

Option 2. In addition to seven cards-balls, additional colors and shades are offered to the participants of the game. The task of the children is to choose those cards-balls that are part of the rainbow and arrange them in the correct sequence.

Option 3. The host lays out the balls in a spectral sequence, breaking the sequence of two or more colors. The task of the children is to find the error and correct it.

Didactic game

"Colors and Magic"

Age st: senior, preparatory group

Purpose and game: to acquaint children with the concept of "color tone", to give an idea of ​​​​obtaining saturated and light tones, how to obtain them. Make a gradation series (from light to dark and vice versa).

Game move ry: the game consists of a set of shades of three colors - silhouettes (blue, yellow, red, as well as cards depicting colored and white drops. The task of the children is to arrange the shades of colors in an increasing sequence from light to saturated color and vice versa, while playing, find out what " tint of color" as it turns out.

Didactic game

"Color Transformation"

Asc ast: middle, senior group.

Purpose and game: to consolidate the ability of children to get new colors in paints. Identify primary and secondary colors.

Game move ry: children are offered silhouettes of paints with primary (red, yellow, blue) and compound (orange, green, purple, blue) colors. There are several game options.

Option 1. The leader adds two paints of primary colors and invites the participants in the game to determine the composite color that will turn out.

Option 2. The host chooses one of the composite colors of the paint and asks the participants in the game to find those paints (primary colors, when mixed, the color chosen by him is obtained.

Option 3. The participants in the game independently determine which primary colors of paints need to be added in order to get composite colors.

The development of color perception is one of the most important components of sensory development. Color, along with the size and shape of objects, is a sensory standard on the basis of which knowledge about objects and phenomena is based. The sooner these standards are formed, the more useful information the child will be able to understand and assimilate, which will affect development in general.

The game "Beetles on flowers". This game will help your child learn the basic colors, as well as better distinguish between shades of the same color. Invite the child to seat bugs of different colors on the petals of a flower of the same color. Do not forget to say the names of colors with the child during the game.

Flowers of the same color will help teach the child to better distinguish between shades of the same color.

Templates for printing:

The game "Sun and snowman".

For this game, I took palette sets from Obi's store and cut them into cards. At first I tried to explain to the child what warm and cold colors are.
cold colors are those that give the impression of coolness, and warm- joy, cheerfulness, warmth. to warm colors include - red, orange, yellow. They resemble fire, the sun. A to x cold - blue, blue, purple. They are like ice and water. Green color can be both warm and cold, about what it can be said by the ratio of blue and yellow in it. If there is more blue in green, then this color is cold, and if yellow, then warm.
Then I suggest that the child choose warm shades of color for the sun, and cold shades for the snowman.

Game "Find a couple". The task is to find cards of the same color.

Game "Rug for a cat". The task is to collect a mat for a cat of the same color from the darkest shade to the lightest or vice versa.

Game "Caterpillars". In this game, the rules are the same as in the game "Collect a Bouquet" - you need to collect 2 caterpillars of warm and cold colors.

For younger children, you can simplify the rules and collect caterpillars of just the same color.

The game "Colorful caterpillars". With caterpillars, it will be very interesting to play another game to fix the names of colors. To do this, you need a cube with flowers. Players take turns throwing a die, what color fell on the die, the player takes this color circle for his caterpillar. It is very important that there will be no winner in this one, and the baby will not be upset.

For older children, the game can be complicated and throw 2 dice - one colored and the second with dots. Then the player attaches to his caterpillar as many circles of the dropped out color as dropped out on the die with dots. The winner is the player who has the longest caterpillar.

With a caterpillar, you can also perform tasks for the development of thinking. The adult begins to lay out the caterpillar in alternating circles of different colors, and the child must continue.

Game "Collect a bouquet". This game will also help introduce children to the concepts of cold and warm colors. For the game you will need 2 vases - red and blue and flowers of warm and cold shades. An adult offers the child to collect 2 bouquets - one for the Snow Queen, the other for the Sun.
From the first days of a baby's life, a diverse multi-colored world surrounds him, but in infancy he is not yet able to distinguish all colors and shades, a person's color vision changes gradually. To make the child's life brighter and more colorful, so that he learns to recognize and memorize colors, play "color" games with him.

The knowledge about color received by children contributes to sensory and mental development, helps to form new skills. Color, like shape and size, is for a child one of the standards on which he can base knowledge about certain objects and phenomena. And the sooner these standards are formed, the more useful information the baby will be able to understand and assimilate, the faster, more consciously and accurately he will navigate in the world around him, and the better he will develop in general. In addition, the ability to distinguish colors is an excellent training for observation, attention and artistic taste. Improving in the study of colors, the baby learns that colors can be divided into warm and cold, pastel and contrast.

Even without buying aids, you can easily find the main colors in everyday life: draw your child's attention to the rich colors of greens and fruits, the rich colors of toys, the multi-colored patterns on fabrics. In order to introduce a child to various colors and their names, you do not need to wait for a special age. You can play “color” games from birth, just telling the baby about the multicolor around him. When dressing a child, name the colors of the clothes: “Which shirt will we wear - red or blue?”. When doing homework, draw your child's attention to the color of the plates and cups, to the different shades of the laundry that you take out of the washing machine “Here is our yellow blanket!”. Assembling a pyramid with your baby, pronounce the names of the colors: “Let's put a red ring on the rod. And this ring is blue. During the walk, you can also discuss the colors and shades of everything around. It just seems to us that these are simple conversations between times, and the baby pays attention to color, learns speech, learns to hear and understand you.

All colors are divided into two groups: chromatic (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo, violet) and achromatic (white, black, and shades of gray). Each color has thousands of shades. In addition to these characteristics, there is a color tone, lightness, brightness, saturation. How can the baby not get confused and learn to feel the beauty of the colorful world? Artists consider the main three colors - red, yellow, blue, from which you can get all the others when mixed. Let's add green to them, and we will get those four primary colors, with which the acquaintance of the kids should begin. After the child learns to easily recognize and distinguish these colors, you can introduce him to the white, black, orange and purple colors of the spectrum.
You should not learn colors in turn (we will separately remember red, then yellow, etc.) and designate them with diminutive words (red instead of red). It is important not to name several colors with the same name, for example, purple, blue and cyan are just blue. The child perfectly distinguishes shades and will not understand why different colors are denoted by the same word. In the future, it will be difficult for him to explain why the color blue has always been blue, and now it suddenly needs to be called blue.

Learn colors with children in stages:

The first stage is the formation of color perception. Acquaintance with color in newborns occurs during the third or fourth month of life, when cones begin to work hard - cells that "see" colors in bright light. Therefore, it is from this time that you can purposefully introduce color into games (you can try from two months, in some children the cones ripen earlier).
Games: hang objects of different geometric shapes over the baby's cradle and periodically change their color and size. To fix the color alternately (with an interval of 30 seconds), show the baby two pictures with a simple silhouette image that differ only in color (the shape and size should be the same).

The second stage is the identification of objects. Teach your baby to choose from objects in front of him of the same color, while pronouncing "such - not so, same - different." At this stage, children often put objects close to each other to compare and find pairs. Name the colors, but don't demand repetition.
Games: find paired socks, pick up cups to saucers, help fish swim in lakes of their own color, colorful butterflies - sit on flowers of the right color, collect paper circles "droplets" of a certain color in a glass of the same color, arrange colored toys in colored boxes, pick up according to the color of the patch to the clothes, populate the house with colored windows with residents, feed the toys with colored bagels (rings from the pyramid), play flying carpets (seat colorful toys on colored cardboard leaves according to colors. If the passenger is selected correctly, the flying carpet takes off), or in the “train” (colorful passengers can be seated in cars, which will be rings from the pyramid. If someone took the wrong car, the train does not budge).

The third stage - finding an identical object by color - "Give the same", color perception at a distance, choosing a color according to the sample. To start, take two colors, gradually add all the primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green.
Games: find objects in the room of the same color as the color of the card or the shown toy. You can add an element of competition to this game, and look together for who is more (if you accidentally make a mistake, and the baby notices this, it will be great), repeat the given sequence with colored circles, first in a row, then randomly, the complexity can be repeatedly increased by adding the quantity circles, repeat the sequence of colors with toys of the same colors. Sort objects of different colors into groups using counting sticks, mosaic details, large buttons, etc. (sorting can be made more difficult, for example, by laying out mosaic berries on colored plates not with your hands, but with a spoon, or adding a shape sign to the color feature). Plant colored butterfly clothespins on petals of the same color or make colored fish tails from clothespins, and colored hedgehogs - clothespin needles that match the color. Pick up clothes for dolls by color - hats, coats and boots of the same color as dresses, and send them for a walk. Build multi-colored houses from cardboard squares and roof triangles, then let the wind blow off the roofs, and the kid will need to choose the right colors and fix the houses.

The fourth stage is the consolidation of ideas about color in a word. At this stage, children distinguish colors by name, without applying objects to each other and without comparing them with a color sample.
Games: give the baby mugs of different colors, then name the color and ask them to find mugs of the same color, “feed” the toys with colorful cubes - “candies” (“The doll loves red candies, and the tumbler loves yellow ones”), melt colored ice cubes in warm water alternately, observe how the water turns. You can play dynamic role-playing games, for example, the buyer in the store decided to buy all the red goods or the doctor was called to the blue house, and the bus driver must drop toys of different colors at the colored stops: a bear on the blue one, a bunny on the green one, etc. .

The fifth stage is the formation of the child's ability to verbally designate color. To begin with, help the baby: name the color yourself and ask to repeat the name, suggest the beginning of the word, ask a leading question.
Games: give the baby mugs of different colors, and ask them to name each, play colored dominoes, where instead of dots there are different colors, while pronouncing the color. Cut out stencils from cardboard (vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers) and apply them to various sheets of colored paper and things in the house, naming the color. On the street, draw colorful circles on the pavement with crayons and guess each other what color circle to jump on.

The sixth stage is learning to generalize and classify objects based on color.
Games: build colored fences by choosing “boards” of the same color, find extra red carpet bricks (add green and blue bricks), “Collect a collection” (put items of the same color in a box), arrange pencils in jars, arrange cars in garages by color . You can arrange colored days - let all clothes, food, toys and even water in the bathroom be green on Wednesday, and red on Thursday, look for objects of the selected color on the street.

It is very important to teach the child how to convey the color of an object in productive activities (draw green grass, make a red flower, stick a yellow sun, etc.).
It is productive visual activity - drawing, modeling, appliqué - that perfectly introduces color. Here acquaintance begins with chaotic scribbles, strokes, spots. The kid still cannot hold the brush and makes the first drawings with his finger, palm. Such activities not only develop coordination of movements, but contribute to the accumulation of color experience. At an early stage, children are attracted to the most pure colors. Later, the baby becomes interested not only in the process of painting, but also in the perception of the spot, the child has associations in color and shape. The associative drawing differs from the first scribbles in that the baby already gives a color characteristic. At the beginning and at the end of the third year of life, the process of drawing is significantly different. This indicates the development of perception, ideas, figurative and semantic side of activity. Children have a desire to find as many color shades as possible and come up with names for them. For example, red color - brick, tomato. Thus, a typical association is assigned to each color. Of course, it can be different for all children. But the most popular ones stand out, such as red - Santa Claus, tomato; Orange Orange; yellow - the sun; green - frog, grass; blue - sky, water; blue - sea; purple - beets, eggplant.
Many color names are themselves associative. For example, lilac (like lilac), lemon (like lemon). It will not be difficult for a baby to remember such names if you think together why this or that color or shade is called that way. This game will not only help you learn new colors, but also expand your vocabulary and train your powers of observation. Here are more examples of such colors: chocolate, pistachio, raspberry, cornflower blue, straw, olive, gold, turquoise, sea green, plum, steel, peach, cherry, etc.
Sculpting and applique perfectly complement the lessons with paints. After all, the baby not only sees, but also feels with his hands koloboks of multi-colored plasticine, crumples colored paper.
Play "picture" games. For the smallest, “hide and seek” is suitable: hide the yellow mice from the cat by painting them yellow. Let the child continue to draw the lines you started in the same color or return the confused caps from the felt-tip pens to their place. Play "Magic Water", for this, prepare transparent jars of water in advance, apply a little colored gouache on the lids and carefully close. Let the kid shake them and see how the water turns. Give your child a black sheet, let him draw a colored salute in the sky, or a field of flowers on green paper.
Children's books with good illustrations develop color perception remarkably. There are special editions dedicated to different colors. But for the study of color, art books with large drawings on each spread are also suitable - for the smallest readers. Without turning reading into a didactic process, sometimes note the color of several items on the page, after a few days choose other items. There are stories for kids that are specially written about different colors, for example, “Rooster and Colors” by Vladimir Suteev. There are literary works for getting to know the colors of the rainbow, from the well-known saying "Every hunter ..." to wonderful poems: A. Wenger "Colors of the Rainbow", L.B. Deryagin "The Tale of How Paints Came to the World", N. Efremova "Colored Country".

After the child learns to recognize and distinguish between primary colors, you can proceed to the study of shades. Games for the difference of shades help to acquaint the baby with the generally accepted system of color tones, including both transitional phases from one color tone to another, and variants of one color by saturation, and also allow you to classify colors depending on their properties: light - dark, warm - cold .
Matching games for colors and shades: match the colorful circles of cardboard with the closest objects and furniture in the house in color. Make a sensory box with dyed rice and toys of the same color but different hues. You can prepare special cards of different shades for classes or use ready-made designer pantone fans. It's already summer, which means - pantone in hand and go out into the street - pick up shades of cards for flowers in flowerbeds, greenery in parks, etc. There are a great many shades in nature!
Games for the difference between light and dark shades: draw a street in the daytime and evening, select dark and light jerseys for two teams of football players. Pour the same amount of paint solution into several transparent cups, add a different amount of water to each cup, and see how the shade changes from dark to light. More complex game options are exercises for selecting shades of the same color with a gradual transition from dark to lighter and vice versa. For example, the game "Caterpillar", in which you need to select samples of the desired shades from the proposed circles and make a color stretch from the light head of the caterpillar to the dark tail with a gradual transition.
Games for the difference between cold and warm colors: make a bouquet of paper flowers of cold shades for the snow maiden and warm ones for the sun. Older children can be invited to draw the Firebird and the Snow Queen, the desert and the North Pole.
Games to distinguish shades of one: make stencils with images of plants that are similar in color: tomato and carrot, poppy and wild rose, forget-me-not and plum, rose and lilac, cornflower and eggplant. Or play color bingo with objects of different shades of the same color. Choose a belt of a suitable shade for paper dresses (dresses of the same color, but in different shades, it is convenient to cut out from clothing catalogs or fashion magazines).

You and your baby are having a wonderful time playing with color, but how do you know if your child has developed color perception? The answer is yes if he can:
- match the colors with the sample;
- find colors and shades by name;
- correctly name colors and shades.
And if something doesn't work yet, keep playing!

List of used literature:
1. Wenger, L.A. Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers: A guide for kindergarten teachers / L.A. Wenger, E.G. Pilyugina, Z.N. Maksimova, L.I. Sysuev; ed. L.A. Wenger. - M.: Enlightenment, 19737. - 110s.
2. Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for the development of speech - Moscow: Education, 1983 - p.64
3. Bashaeva, T.B. The development of perception in children. Form, color, sound: A popular guide for parents and educators. / T.V. Bashaev. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997. - 240s.
4. Dubrovskaya, N.V. Color and features of its perception by children of preschool age: / N.V. Dubrovskaya // Journal of Preschool Pedagogy. - 2003. - No. 6 (15) - S. 21 - 26.
5. Deryagina, L.B. Rainbow-arc: We remember colors, develop speech and artistic taste: a guide for children, parents and educators / L.B. Deryagin. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2005. - P.32.

Colors can be studied not only, but also at home!

We select cups for saucers.

Looking for pair of socks.

We help colorful fish swim in the lakes of their color.

We plant butterflies on flowers of the desired color.

We repeat the given sequence of colors.

We collect "droplets" of a certain color in a glass of the same color.

Sort the Denesh blocks by color. You can add a form attribute.

We play flying carpets. We seat multi-colored toys on leaves of colored cardboard. If the passenger is picked up correctly, the flying carpet takes off.

The wind blew off the petals of the seed flower, we return the missing ones. We plant clothespin bugs on the petals of the desired color.

We lay out the mosaic-berries on colored plates. The task can be complicated by using a spoon.

We select clothes for dolls by color - hats, coats and boots of the same color as dresses, and send them for a walk. Meet Amanda and Caroline, two of the Top Reader's favorite dolls.

The wind blew off the roofs of the houses, we select the ones that are suitable in color and repair the houses.

We arrange the cars in the garages of the desired color (according to the color of the cabins).

We feed the toys with multi-colored cubes - “candies” (“The doll loves red candies, and the hare loves blue ones”).

We play "find it in the bottle". We take a lot of small objects of the same color (Lego parts and Kinder surprises will do), prepare a card with the image of these objects (you can draw or photograph), paint the rice in the color of the objects, put everything in a transparent plastic bottle, twist and glue the lid, hang it on the neck card on an elastic band, and the game is ready. Now it remains to shake the bottle to find all the items shown on the card. I usually do this when I travel.

We collect colored puzzles.

We select caps from bottles of suitable colors and fasten them. For this game, you need a cardboard blank with plastic bottle necks, interchangeable cards and colored caps.

We dress Amanda (you already know her :)) in dresses of different colors. You can prepare the same game by printing 2 photos of your baby, then he can dress himself.

Let's play Color Shop. For goods of a certain color, you can only pay with money of the same color.

I buy tomatoes. The seller counts red bills, issues a check and packs the goods.

I order yellow, orange and green products, the seller chooses them himself. Then we switch roles.

The bus driver drops passengers (toys of different colors) at colored stops. There are many variations: the postman delivers letters of different colors to colored streets, or the captain of the ship delivers pirates to colorful uninhabited islands, etc.

We play "Colored Dominoes", where instead of dots there are different colors.

We cut out stencils from cardboard (vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers) and apply them to various sheets of colored paper and things in the house, naming the color.

Stencils can be parts of a drawing.

And you can also choose not only the color, but also the shape - insert cut objects into the cells.

We solve "color examples".

We play visual games. Hide-and-seek is popular with us (for example, we hide yellow mice from a cat by painting them yellow). We return the confused caps from felt-tip pens to their place. We draw colored fireworks on black paper, yellow dandelions on green, etc.

For clarity, you can hang such a poster.

To get printed materials for games, you can

For children, the study of colors and shades in a playful way is more fun and easier. In order for the child to quickly learn to group objects by color and name colors, organize a variety of games for him.

  • You can start learning colors from a year old, but kids will be able to distinguish and memorize only when they reach 2-3 years of age, when an active cognitive interest appears.
  • At the beginning of acquaintance with colors, focus the child's attention on the main ones - yellow, blue, red and green. Gradually add new colors. Do not start entering the next color until the baby begins to confidently name the previous one.
  • Draw analogies - a red pencil, a red car, a red ball - so that the child does not associate color with only one object.
  • Do not distort the words, do not say that the toy is "yellow", - it is yellow.
  • For kids, training should be carried out in a playful way, changing activities at the first sign of fatigue.
  • Teach your child to distinguish colors through creativity with the help of paints, colored paper, plasticine and pencils. We recommend the most "clean" and simple.

Educational games for learning colors

Color Sorting Games

With the help of sorting, the child will learn to highlight objects by color and divide them into groups. Parents will need to voice the colors so that the baby remembers them. What can be sorted? Here are some educational games that you can easily make with your own hands:

Colored cars game


Necessary materials:
  • colored cardboard;
  • wooden wheels for toys or large:
  • a template for a car or other vehicle with wheels;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • scissors.
How to do

Line A4 cardboard into four equal parts and cut 1/4 of each sheet. Draw cars with a stencil.

Coat the wooden wheels with acrylic paint and let dry. Match the colors of the colors so that the colors of the wheels match the colors of the cardboard.

How to play

Arrange the colored cards and wheels in front of the child in a random order. Invite the child to choose the color of the wheels and arrange them according to the pictures. Comment on his actions, name the colors.

This game is suitable for both home and outdoor use. Using a hole punch, make holes in the cards and connect with a ribbon or ring. Put the wheels in a bag. Take the game with you to a cafe or clinic. The game will help to keep the child busy for a while.

Playing with plasticine "Learning shapes and colors"

The game helps to learn colors and shapes, develops fine motor skills, teaches counting. Suitable for children from one to three years old.


Necessary materials:
  • Play-doh plasticine in different colors (, in) or make colored salt dough (recipe);
  • multi-colored curly buttons corresponding to the colors of the plasticine (c).
How to play

We chose plasticine in 6 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Place 1/2 of a can of plasticine of each color on the table. Place a container with colored parts nearby.

Invite the child to play, explain and show how to sort by colors.

When the child starts the lesson, comment on the actions, naming the colors and shapes. For example, with such phrases: "We put a blue star on blue plasticine."

At the end of sorting, count the number of objects of each color.

Game sorter "Monsters"

DIY educational game of sorting by colors and constructing simple objects for toddlers. The game promotes the study of color and counting, develops fine motor skills and logical thinking.


Necessary materials:

  • constructor Lego Duplo (in, in);
  • brown paper bags or boxes;
  • scissors:
  • glue;
  • colored cardboard;
  • markers;
  • puppet eyes (in, in)
How to do

Cut out the bodies of the monsters from colored cardboard and stick them onto paper bags. Give shape and stability to each item by folding the top edges of the bag outward. Make incisions in the mouth area. The resulting hole should be slightly larger than the Lego blocks. Draw faces on the monsters with felt-tip pens and glue on the eyes. The monsters are ready to eat!

How to play

Place the monsters near the child and lay out the colored parts of the Lego Duplo constructor in front of him. Tell your child that the monsters are hungry and need to be fed. Everyone loves food of the corresponding color.

After sorting by color, invite your child to choose their favorite color, count the number of blocks in the package and create a design out of them. Be sure to praise your child for a job well done!

Sorting colored stickers

Toddlers love to stick stickers. This activity is useful for improving fine motor skills of the hands. Also, with the help of colored stickers (in, in), you can study colors.


We sort colored pompoms, buttons, mosaics, small toys.





Looking for a couple

For example, look for a pair of multi-colored socks or felt-tip pens for their caps.


color lotto

A small lotto from Lisa Chernikova (download), where the child has two tasks at once - to determine the color and identify the object.


Shade Games

The palette cards from the paint department of the hardware store are a great tool for learning color shades with your child.

Using them, you can quickly learn the concept of “dark” and “light”, and master “lighter” and “darker”.
Take the palette outside or walk around the apartment in search of a similar color, apply, try on.
Cut the pantones into pieces and explore the variety of shades within the same color.

Color sensory boxes

Put small toys and household items of the same color in the box and invite the baby to explore them (see how to fill the sensory box). For older children, you can use colored cereals in sensory games (read how to color rice). In the process of playing with such a box, children memorize colors very quickly, because. the name of the color is repeated many times.

Outdoor color learning games

We are preparing a large box with multi-colored compartments for the game. Take a shoe box, make partitions out of cardboard and paste over the cells with multi-colored self-adhesive paper. A simpler option is to take a paper egg tray and paint the cells with paints.

We go for a walk with a box, collect colored pieces of natural materials - flowers, stones, twigs, leaves, etc. Arrange the finds in cells by color.

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