Winter games in kindergarten. Winter games in kindergarten (description of games). Research activity "Snow-water"

Winter outdoor games: more than 20 winter outdoor games for walks with children from toddlers to schoolchildren.

Winter outdoor games

Winter holidays are time for walks and outdoor games with children. What to play with children in winter? What folk games and relay races can be organized and thought of for toddlers and older children? In this article you will find more than 20 options and ideas for outdoor games with children on the street, from the smallest children to schoolchildren.

Game 1 "Blizzard"

Game options

For toddlers: players stand in pairs (adult and child) facing each other, arms spread apart, holding each other's palms (boat pose)

For older preschoolers and schoolchildren: Players (adult and child) stand in pairs sideways to each other, grappling under the elbow.

When children have learned to play a game in pairs with an adult, they can play in pairs with each other.

How to play

Everyone starts spinning in place, saying the words:

Blizzard, blizzard,
Snow is spreading across the field!
Who is spinning, spinning -
He will be swept away!

After these words, the couples continue to spin in place. The task is to spin for a long time and not fall.

Players are dizzy until they feel dizzy.

The game develops the vestibular apparatus and a sense of balance, teaches to listen to the player in pairs.

Game 2 "Santa Claus"

We choose Santa Claus by counting. Santa Claus stands in a circle drawn in the center of the round dance. He is surrounded by other participants in the game and dance around him to the words:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Overgrown the oak
Overgrown the oak
Rolled up a cart of gifts:

Crackling frosts
Loose snow,
The winds are windy
Friendly blizzards
Cold - let the cold out,
He paved a bridge on the river.

After these words, the players scatter, and Santa Claus catches them. If Santa Claus touched the player, then he "froze" him. The frozen player walks into a circle and stands there. Other players can help him - "unfreeze" him. How to unfreeze: you need to make a snowball and throw it into a circle for the "frozen" player. He must hit Santa Claus with this snowball. Santa Claus is trying to dodge the snow.

Complicating the game:

If Santa Claus caught and "froze" three players, then they prepare a gift for him - they make a snowman.

Everyone stands around the snow woman and leads a New Year's round dance.

Game 3 "Salki with snowballs"

We draw a large square with lines - a playground. You cannot run outside the site (if you run, you will become a driver in this game). We prepare a lot of snowballs for the drivers in advance.

All players run inside the court, the two leaders run outside the court. The task of the presenters is to throw snowballs at the players, trying to hit them. If a player is hit by a snowball, he is out of the game. The game ends when two players remain inside the court. They become drivers in the new game.

Game 4 "Vorotz"

This is a roller coaster game. Together with adults, children make a "collar" - from sticks without sharp ends, gymnastic plastic sticks, spruce branches, ski poles, which are stuck into the snow with a sharp end and stand upright. You need to try to drive down the hill (on an ice, a sled, or even ... on a broom!), Hitting the gate and not hitting them.

If the player managed to drive through the gate, he gets a chip. At the end, congratulations are given to the cleverest player who received the most chips.

Helpful idea: Circles cut from the packaging can be used as counters. For this purpose, you can find milk or juice bags covered with foil from the inside. You will get "silver chips" and even a big "silver medal" for the most dexterous!

Game 5 "Icicle"

Everyone is in a circle. In the center of the circle, the driver jumps on one leg and moves the piece of ice to her like a bat. With this piece of ice he is trying to hit the leg of one of the guys standing in the circle. All players dodge the piece of ice. If a piece of ice touches someone (touches the sole of his shoes), then he becomes a driver in the game.

Game 6 "Snowball"

This game is a winter competition in strength and dexterity for boys. Everyone is making a huge snowball. Two boys stand opposite each other so that there is a lump between them.

The guys take each other's hands and pull each other towards them so that the enemy falls on someone. The task of each player is not to touch the coma with the chest or stomach. If one of the players "lay down on someone" i.e. touched him with his stomach, chest, then he gives up his place to another participant in the competition. The winners are awarded with silver medals for strength and dexterity made of foil.

Game 7- for toddlers»

Children get up in a round dance and pull their mittens forward. An adult stands in the center of the circle and tries to touch the kids' hands with his hand. Children should quickly hide their hands behind their backs. If someone was touched by an adult, he was “frozen”.

Game 8- for the smallest "Bear"

Take a toy - a bear for a walk. Place the bear on the bench as if the bear is asleep. Go with the child (with children) to the bear and say:

Once we were walking in the forest
And they met the bear.
He lies under the tree
Stretched out and snoring.
We walked around him,
Clubfoot was woken up:
"Come on, Mishenka, get up,
And catch up with us faster "

An adult takes a toy bear in his hands, and the bear catches up with the kids, who run away from him to the appointed place ("to the house").

Game 9 "Mitten"

The game requires a large number of participants - invite everyone who walks with the children next to you! If you are going to play in cold weather, take an additional mitten with you, with which we will play. If the weather is warm and players can take their mittens off their hands, let them play with their mittens.

We choose two drivers. The first driver stands in the center of the circle, the second driver follows him at a distance. All other participants in the game stand around them in a big round dance, holding hands. Everyone stands up so that the first driver is in the circle, and the second is behind the circle.

The first driver must throw the mitten and hit it ("stain") the second driver. The players in the circle prevent him from doing this by raising their hands and knocking the mitten back into the circle with them, their task is to protect the second driver.

If the second player is knocked out, then he becomes in the center of the circle and becomes the first driver. To find him a pair - the second driver - the former first driver invites someone from the circle of his choice. He throws his mitten up - whoever catches it will play the role of the second driver. And the game is repeated again.

If the second player is not knocked out with a mitten, then the first driver continues to play his role.

Game 10 "Two Frosts"

We draw two lines, there should be a large distance between them. Two Frosts are selected. They stand between these lines.

All other players stand along one of the drawn lines facing the Frosts.

First Frost says: "I am Frost Red Nose!"

Second Frost says: "I am Frost Blue Nose!"

Two Frosts say together: "Well, who of you will decide to go - to start the path?"

All the players unanimously answer them in unison: "We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost"

Two Frosts command in chorus: "One, two, three - run!"

The task of the players after this team is to run across the field to the next line, running behind it. Morozov's job is to tarnish the running players. Those who have been stained are "frozen" and must stand still.

Again Frosts shout to children: "One, two, three - run!" Everyone runs back. Running players can "unfreeze" their friends by hitting them while running. And Frosts at this time are trying to "freeze" new players.

So they run until Frost freezes most of the children.

If a large group of children (25-30 people) is playing at the same time, then not two, but three or four frosts are chosen.

The child must necessarily run across the field to the opposite line, even if he is afraid. Since someone does not walk around the city, he immediately leaves the game!

Game 11 with sledges "In places"

We put the sleds in a circle. They should be one less than the number of children playing. Children run around the playground, spinning. At the command of an adult "To places" children quickly run to the sled and must have time to take a seat on them as quickly as possible.

Those who did not have enough space - he becomes the driver in the next game and gives the signal "To places".

Game 12 "Bell"

Hang a bell on a bright ribbon on a horizontal bar in the yard. The task of the players is to throw snowballs at the bell so as to hit it and it will ring. If it succeeded, we put a stick or a cone to this player on the "counting field". Then we consider who managed to hit the bell the most times.

Game 13 "Fifteen on a sled" (winter Karelian folk game)

Draw a large square on the ground for the playground. Several pairs are playing. In each pair, one player carries the other on a sled. A pair of drivers is selected (in it, one player also carries the second player on a sled).

A signal sounds and the game begins. The drivers try to catch up with any of the pairs and tarnish one of the players. Only the player sitting on the sled spots in a pair of drivers. He does it with the touch of his hand.

If a pair of drivers managed to kill someone, then this pair starts driving in the game, and the game continues.

They play only within the outlined area. If a couple broke this rule and drove out of the playground, then they immediately become the driver (let the children loudly announce: "We are driving!" And begins to catch up with other players). You cannot play off the players of the pair that was just leading.

Game 14 "Who will throw the snow next"

Children make snowballs. We draw a line along which all players stand. At the command of an adult "Throw snowballs!", Children throw snowballs at a distance. To guide the range, put flags or colored cubes. Whose snow flew the farthest? Which cube (flag) did he fly to? Let's try to roll even further - to the blue dice?

Game 15 "Snowball Race"

We sculpt all together large snowballs. We draw the starting line. In front of each player is his big snowball. At the signal of the game leader, the players begin to roll their ball from start to finish (at a distance of 3 to 5 meters). The winner is the one who rolls his lump to the finish line first, and the lump remains unharmed.

Game 16 "Ice, Wind and Frost" (winter game of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East)

An adult is leading the game.

Players stand in pairs facing each other, clap their hands and say:

Cold pieces of ice
Transparent pieces of ice
Sparkle, ring
Dzin, dzin.

One clap is made in his own hands, the other - in the palms of the player in his pair, and this is how the claps alternate.

The game leader gives a signal: "Wind!" Children - ice floes scatter in different directions and quietly negotiate who will build a big ice floe with whom. At the signal of the presenter "Frost", everyone line up in a circle and join hands (hold hands as agreed).

After the "wind" signal, the ice floes can not only run or spin, but also jump or jump.

Game 17 Forest Landmarks

This game can be played in the forest or in the park.

We begin to play in the clearing. All players are divided into pairs. Each pair has a number one and a number two. The presenter of the game - an adult - gives the first numbers some objects (a pine cone, a stick, a piece of tree bark, a ball, a small rubber toy, etc.). The presenter takes the first number away to the side (200-300 meters). There they hide, together with the leader, their items in hiding places. And the second numbers remain at this time in the clearing under the supervision of another adult. The first numbers return to the clearing.

In each pair, the first number tells the second number how to get to a conditional place and find a cache in it. You can draw a plan, you can explain it in words. As soon as all pairs are ready, a general signal is given: “One, two, three - look!”, And then the second numbers run to search for hiding places. The second numbers need to run to the agreed place, find a cache, take a surprise and return back to the clearing.

Then the game is repeated with a change of roles in each pair.

For the first time, it is convenient to play in pairs "an adult and a child", when the children learn to clearly explain the way, they will be able to play in pairs with each other.

Game 18 "Flags on the icy track»

On a compacted snow path, a segment of 4-6 m long and 40-50 cm wide is flooded with water. Landmarks are placed along the path - colored flags or toys, along which we can show the child how far he has traveled along the icy path.

Children run vigorously and slide along the ice path, trying to ride along it as far as possible. Using the landmarks, we mark who slid further along the path - for example, "Olya slipped to the red flag, and who will try to the green one?" For kids, the version of the game is different: “Vova got into the wolf's house, came to him along the path. Let's go into the house. Knock knock who lives here. It's me, the gray wolf. And who are you? And I'm a boy Vova! " Let's try to slide along the path until the chanterelle. Who will get to her house?

Similarly, you can play on the slope of the slide, placing colorful flags or toys along the slope.

Game 19 "Fifteen with snowballs"

We draw a large square on the ground with lines - this is a playground that should not be run over. All together we prepare snowballs. We choose the driver with a counting rhyme.

The driver tries to hit the players with snowballs, who dodge the snowballs and run around the court in different directions. The one who was hit with a snowball by the driver becomes his assistant and helps him to spot the players with snowballs. The winners are those players who have not been stained with a snowball for the longest time.

Game 20. Obstacle Course: Sledding Game

Draw a large circle. Make a collar at four points of this circle (their width is about 70 cm).

Place more cubes between the gate.

You will get an obstacle course of cubes that you need to go around, and gates that you need to drive through.

Play in pairs. In each pair, one child carries the other on a sled, going around the blocks and getting into the gate. The task is not to knock down the dice and get into the gate. Then the players change places.

Game options:

Idea 1: The same collar can be made from sticks when skiing (gate width -30 cm), The child tries to go through the collar without hitting them.

Idea 2: You can put the cubes so that you have to ride a snake between them.

Idea 3: You can complicate the task by additionally placing rubber toys between the gates, which the player sitting on the sled collects "on the way".

Snowball game 21 "Snipers"

We put several objects on the snow shaft (for example, you can use pins).

Draw a line at a distance of 3-4 meters from the shaft. Children stand on the line and try to knock objects on the snow shaft. The game ends when all items are knocked down.

Winter games are a lot of different ventures with sledges, snowballs, skis, skates. They can not only be used as ready-made options, but also come up with yourself! I wish you all an interesting winter vacation!

If you and your children have a favorite winter game on the street, I will be glad if you share it in the comments to this article.

You will find more interesting games for the New Year holidays with children in the articles of the site:

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Game-situation "Frosty days"

Software content. Give an emotional charge of vigor, joy of perception of the coming winter; involve in a game situation, encourage improvisation.

Materials. Doll Varya in winter clothes.

Music, speech development.

Game progress

The teacher brings the doll Varya in winter clothes; in a fur coat, a hat, boots and says to the children: “Varya is going for a walk. It's frosty outside, so Varya dressed warmly. What games can Varya play on the street? " (Answers of the children.) Invites the children to go for a walk with Varya. Children line up one after another ("ride on a sled") and move to the fun music.


This is how the sleigh runs

And the blizzard followed.

Children in sleigh singing

Fun and loud.



The sledge is racing


Can't keep up.

The children “came to a snowy meadow”. In the clearing, Varya invites them to play to keep warm. Finger gymnastics is performed.

Finger gymnastics "Finger, finger, hide"

The finger hides in the palm (Children beat with clenched fists.)

Like this, like this.

You warm him a little (They blow into folded palms.)

Like this, like this.

If the fingers are cold (Children clench and unclench their fingers.)

Like this, like this,

You can always warm them up (Clap their hands.)

Like this, like this.

Varya offers to play snowballs. Children play with imaginary snowballs: they pick up snow in their palms, mold lumps, throw.


Winter Games

Pours white snow

Come out to play, buddy.

It's time to sculpt wet snow,

The kids are building the hill,

Snow women are everywhere.

It's snowing - what a miracle!

To the music, children imitate different games with snow: "in snowballs" - they pick up snow in their palms, make lumps, throw; "Into a snow woman" - they roll big comas, put them on top of each other; "Up the hill" - they build a hill with a shovel, tamp it, fill it with water. The teacher says out loud the real meaning of the movements performed.

At the end, Varya and the children "go on a sled" to the kindergarten.

Game-situation "Fir-trees in the forest"

Software content... Encourage children to solve problem situations; involve in motor improvisation; encourage people to enter the role using imaginary objects.

Materials. Decorations of a snowy forest, a squirrel (toy), shovels for staging, cuckoo hats, bears.

Relationship with other occupations and activities... Music, speech development.

Game progress

The teacher invites children for a walk in the winter forest. Children "sit on the sleigh and ride" to the cheerful music.

Educator... So we arrived. There are many trees in the forest. In the middle of the meadow there is one beautiful Christmas tree. It would be nice to have a round dance around her. But it is difficult to approach the Christmas tree - there is a lot of snow, what to do? (Answers of the children.) It is necessary to take the shovels and clear the paths around the tree.

A warm-up game is held.

Warm-up game "A lot of snow"


There is deep snow near the tree.

It is difficult to approach the tree.

Snow covered the paths

Do not pass, do not pass.

Children(hold the shoulder blades).

We took the shoulder blades

And let's go dig

Let's get snow deep

Clean up friendly.

(Simulate snow removal.)


Here are the paths dug.

The kids stood by the tree.

Olya, come on, come out,

Dancing near the Christmas tree.

(Olya dances, children clap their hands.)

Children(knocking with shoulder blades).

We knocked with our shoulder blades.

Together we removed the snow.

Misha, come on, come out

Dancing near the Christmas tree.

(Misha dances, the children clap their hands.)

The teacher invites the children to admire the Christmas tree. Children examine the branches, crown, trunk and talk about the Christmas tree: beautiful, green, tall, prickly, etc. The teacher says that the Christmas tree asks to sing a song about it. Children stand in a circle and sing a familiar song about a Christmas tree. Then the teacher notices someone's footprints under the Christmas tree: “These are squirrel footprints. The squirrel has provisions for the winter in the pantry. We must call her, give her some presents, the squirrel will be happy. "

Children call the squirrel. (The teacher brings out the toy squirrel.)

Educator... Squirrel, our guys want to meet you, they brought you presents. (Children give the squirrel imaginary nuts.)


My home is a spacious hollow

It is both cozy and warm.

Mushrooms and nuts

I like to eat without haste.

The squirrel invites the children to play. The game is being played.

The game "Belkina exercises"

Children-"squirrels" jump around the tree, sticking out their socks.

Once gathered under the tree

Squirrels at the edge

Jumping from the tree from top to bottom,

The cuckoo sang to them.

(A cuckoo enters the circle and flaps its wings.)

Ku-ku, ku-ku, she sings

A song early in the morning.

Ku-ku, ku-ku, she calls

Protein in the clearing.

(Squirrels run in small steps one after another.)

The proteins were arranged in a row.

Deftly squatted

Wave your tail together

The squirrels are not tired.

(Squirrels mimic tail wagging.)

One-two, one-two-three.

They squatted dexterously.

One-two, one-two-three

The squirrels are not tired.

(A bear comes out and waddles about.)

Here cheerful and barefoot

Club-toed bear,

Seeing the people of the forest,

I went out into the clearing.

(Stops, growls.)

Ry-ry, growled

A song early in the morning

Ry-ry, scared away

Squirrel in the clearing.

(The squirrels run to the side.)

The squirrels started to run.

Teddy bear following the girlfriends:

(The bear shouts.)

- I didn't mean to offend you.

Girly squirrels!

(Releases its claws and growls.)

Ry-ry. ry-ry-ry,

Teddy bear following the girlfriends

Ry-ry, ry-ry-ry,

Squirrels are girls.

The teacher and children thank the squirrel for the hospitality and say goodbye to her; sit on sleds and go to kindergarten.

Game-situation "New Year's show"

Software content. Introduce children to the tradition of celebrating the New Year; encourage the use of familiar art material, to self-reliance in role-playing.

Materials (edit)... Room decorated for the New Year; equipment for showing a fairy tale on a flannelgraph; toys and elements of costumes for dances and songs.

Relationship with other occupations and activities... Music, speech development.

Game progress

The teacher points to the toys sitting in the toy corner, and asks the children if their toys are bored, if the children want to arrange a New Year's performance for them. Encourages children to remember what happens on a New Year's holiday. Children remember that for the New Year, Santa Claus is decorating a Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden comes, music sounds, everyone is having fun. The teacher proposes to arrange a party for the toys and invites the children to dress up as artists.

The first number "Song about the Christmas tree"

Children put on animal hats, get up in a round dance and sing a song with the teacher, for example, to the poems of M. Klokova "Fir-tree".

Staging of the song "Herringbone"

Come on, herringbone, brighter

Shine with lights.

We invited guests

Have fun with us.

Along the paths, in the snow,

On forest lawns

He rode to our party for a holiday

Long-eared bunny.

(A bunny enters the circle and dances with the children.)

And after him - look everyone! -

Red fox.

The fox also wanted

Have fun with us.

(The fox comes out and dances, the children clap their hands.)

He walks

Club-toed bear.

He carries honey as a gift

And the big shot.

(The bear waddles along with the children.)

Come on, herringbone, brighter

Shine with lights.

So that the paws of the animals

We danced ourselves.

(Children walk in a circle holding hands.)

The second number "Dance with toys"

(Children stand holding toys in their hands.)

Near the tree at the edge

The toys began to dance. (2 times)

(The girls walk holding dolls in lush dresses.)

Dolls - queens

In new white dresses. (2 times)

(Boys come out with parsley.)

And then came the parsley

With bells on top. (2 times)

(Children come out with nesting dolls.)

Stumped nesting dolls

In patent leather boots. (2 times)

Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta,

In patent leather boots. (2 times)

The third number "Merry Theater"

The teacher invites the children to play any familiar fairy tale on the flannelgraph as they remember it. Children sit in a semicircle "in the theater" and take turns telling the story and showing pictures at the teacher's request.

After the performance, the children clap each other, the artists and wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Game-situation "Fairy Tales of Mother Blizzard"

Software content... Involve children in a game situation in motor improvisation, encourage them to enter into a dialogue; train to listen attentively to a new fairy tale and monitor the development of its content.

Materials. Two snowflakes, a blizzard costume (cape and hat); equipment for a fairy tale on a flannelegraph, pictures: in the summer the sparrow Yashka pecks at larvae sitting on a tree; a furry hungry sparrow sits on a birch; grandfather and boy hanging food boxes; the sparrow Yashka watches the birds peck at food; Yashka and other sparrows peck at food.

Relationship with other occupations and activities... Ecology, speech development.

Game progress

The teacher brings the children to the window, draws their attention to the beauty of winter nature, then picks up two snowflakes and says:

Snow covered all the paths

Snowflakes are quietly falling.

Look how beautiful it is!

Snow falls on aspens

Decorates a quiet courtyard.

The snowflakes had an argument:

Whose dress is whiter.

Whose pattern is more elegant?

The teacher invites the children to play with snowflakes. Music sounds, children-"snowflakes" dance freely. Then the teacher conducts a dialogue with the “snowflake” children.

Dialogue game "Snowflakes"

Educator... Snowflake, tell me, where did you come from?

1st Snowflake... From a snowstorm, I flutter everywhere!

Educator(refers to another snowflake). Where did you get your beautiful outfit?

2nd Snowflake... Blizzards give snowflakes outfits!

Educator... Is there no snowstorm more important to you in the world?

2nd Snowflake... The blizzard is our mother, and we are her children!

Children are calling a blizzard. The teacher puts on the elements of the costume behind the screen (a cape and a hat) and appears in the role of a blizzard.


I came to visit you,

Stay, talk,

I start quietly: oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo!

And then stronger: oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo!

I'll blow it with the wind: oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo!

Yes, I will conquer like a wolf: oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo!

But the blizzard subsides: oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo!

The wind falls silent: oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo!

A blizzard is not scary: oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo!

Nobody in the world!

Now I, a blizzard, have become soft, quiet, affectionate. You are my snowflake children - smart, beautiful. What are your outfits? (Beautiful, white, silvery, etc.). Where are you flying to? (Answers of the children.) Dance with me. (Music sounds, children dance with a blizzard.) You are probably tired of flying and spinning all day, sit down in the clearing, I will tell you a winter story.

Winter story at the "Magic Box" flannelgraph

Once upon a time there was a sparrow Yashka in the park. He was very funny. The whole day Yashka flew about his bird business: he swayed on a lilac branch, then he jumped on a birch, then he flew to see what was happening in the far corners of the park. Yashka always had a lot of food in the summer. I looked for bugs and worms in the trees, drank water from puddles. So he lived until winter.

The cold winter has come. Yashka's fun diminished. I had to take care of the food. There was almost no food. The bugs and worms disappeared - they crawled deep into the bark of trees and fell asleep. Don't get them. The puddles in the park were frozen and covered with snow. Yashka ate small seeds and berries that were still in the trees and bushes. Sparrow became sad. How to live further? Then he saw that grandfather and boy Andryusha had come to the park. The boy and his grandfather took some boxes that looked like houses and hung them in the trees. We stood aside and began to observe.

Yashka was curious what kind of boxes they were. But he decided he had to be careful. He sat down on a high birch and began to see what would come of it. Then he saw his friend fly to the boxes. The gray sparrow looked around, buried its beak in the box and began to peck at something. Yashka stomped on a branch and saw that while making a flock of birds flocked to the boxes that grandfather and the boy hung on the trees. Yashka thought it’s probably not dangerous, he could try it too. And he flew straight to the box.

At the bottom of the box, Yashka saw barley grains. Yashka was delighted and began to peck quickly. The sparrows, who had flocked to the stern, quickly pecked it up and flew away to a nearby bush. Andryusha came up, took out more food from the bag and poured it into the box. The birds flew in again and began to peck. Yashka also ate food from the box and was very pleased. Now he understood what these magic boxes were. So Yashka's life became more satisfying.

The blizzard asks the children if they liked the story and says goodbye to them.

Teplyakova Olga

Outdoor game "Snowflakes and Wind"


Attributes: paper snowflakes.

Game progress: children stand in a circle with snowflakes in their hands. To the music, children scatter in different directions, sway, spin. The music stops, the children stand in a circle again.

Sedentary game "Find a Pair"

Tasks: improving the ability to make pairs of snowflakes on assignment, developing attention, observation.

Attributes: paper snowflakes of different sizes.

Game progress: children stand in a circle, in the center there are snowflakes (their number is according to the number of children and they are selected so that you can make pairs). Children walk in a circle with the words: "One, two, three - take the snowflake quickly!" Everyone takes a snowflake. An adult says: “Find yourself a pair - a snowflake of the same size. Or make a pair - a small and a large snowflake. "

Sedentary game "Count"

Tasks: development of the ability to make up groups of 2, 3, 4, 5 subjects, development of attention, observation, improvement of knowledge about counting within 5.

Attributes: paper snowflakes or homemade snowballs.

Game progress: children stand in a circle, in the center - snowflakes or snowballs (their number is according to the number of children and they are selected so that you can make pairs (or triples, fours, fives). Children go in a circle with the words: “One, two, three - Take the snowflake quickly! "Everyone takes a snowflake (snowball). An adult says:" Create a group of two snowflakes (snowballs! " “Create a group of 4 snowflakes (snowballs).” Children stand by 4 people, pulling snowflakes (snowballs) forward so that they can be counted.

Didactic game "Complete the drawing"

Tasks: the formation of the ability to lay out an object from homemade snowballs, the development of imagination, memory.

Attributes: homemade snowballs.

Game progress: a group of children of 3-6 people are invited to lay out a simple object from homemade snowballs: the sun, geometric shapes, a house, etc.

Outdoor game "Snowfall"

Tasks: improving the ability to act on a signal.

Attributes: homemade snowballs.

Game progress: in the center of the circle there are snowballs. Children walk in a circle with the words: "One, two, three - fly the snow to us!" Children take one or two snowballs and throw them up.

Relay "Hit the Target"

Tasks: development of dexterity, purposefulness of movements.

Game attributes: homemade snowballs.

Game progress: 2 teams are involved. You need to hit the bucket with a snowball. The team with the most snowballs wins.

The article contains examples of winter games that will make a walk in kindergarten interesting and exciting, and will also keep children from freezing! Winter games in kindergarten will help diversify outdoor physical education, counting, memory training, development of imagination and ingenuity in young preschoolers.


Going for a walk, read the tale about Winnie the Pooh, who hunted down an unknown beast, but in the end it turned out that he was walking in his own footsteps. Invite the children to become trackers themselves for a while. To begin with, teach preschoolers to leave clear footprints in the snow, then offer to guess which of the children left which trace.

For children of the nursery group, completely uncomplicated winter games in the kindergarten are suitable. For example, leave cube prints of different sizes in the snow, and have the children sort out the cube prints.

On the next walk in kindergarten, teach the children to identify bird tracks. Ask them to dream up and, perhaps, come up with a hitherto unknown beast with traces inherent only to him.

This game can be transferred to kindergarten classes - together cut out stencils from paper in the form of traces and come up with various tasks: draw traces through a stencil around the house, and so on.


In the winter games in kindergarten, you can add learning to count and a little ... adventurism. Practice walking with the children according to the prompts: two steps to the right, three steps to the left, 5 steps to the tree. Once the children have mastered these exercises, offer them a treasure island-like game.

Hide and seek

Take various white items from the group and lay them out on the site. Tell the children what items are disguised in the snow and ask them to find them.

Treasure Island

Before the walk, hide the treasure on the site and prepare a map describing the route to the treasure. During the search, invite the children to perform mobile exercises: for example, only by knocking down all the pins, the participants are allowed to the next point on the map.

Smart snowflakes

Show your imagination in a seemingly ordinary game: invite the children to help the mouse get over the ravine. To do this, you need to throw snowballs from a certain distance and fill a bucket or hole in the snow with them. Older children can guess the words that the teacher has guessed. Moreover, each successful hit with a snowball on the target allows you to recognize one letter from the hidden word.


Create a winding path in the snow, and have the children walk along it without stepping outside of it. A reward is awarded for successfully completing the maze.

For older children, you can make a real labyrinth and offer to independently find their way to its center, where the preschoolers will receive a well-deserved prize.

Summary: Winter games for children. Winter outdoor games. Winter games for girls. Winter games in nature. Winter games on ice. Winter games at the dhow site. Winter games in kindergarten. Winter fun for children. Winter fun for children. Winter fun in kindergarten. Winter fun photo. Winter activities for children. Winter outdoor activities. Winter fun in kindergarten. Winter walks with a child.

Remember in childhood this joyful excitement, when, upon waking up, you suddenly find that everything around is white and white? Try to make your kids enjoy the winter too, so explain as early as possible that if it snows, it doesn't mean they should stay at home - but of course they should have suitable outerwear for their walks so that they did not freeze and always remained dry. Items such as jackets, waterproof pants, hats and boots can be bought in stores, and preferably not in a single copy. When the first set of clothes gets wet and the children start to freeze, a supply of dry clothes will help so that, after resting, they can run outside again. It is especially helpful to have a box of gloves and mittens. Spend some money on the same warm clothes and shoes for yourself and go to play with your child.

Ice slide and sledding

Sleds and snow are as inseparable as ice cream and waffle cones. Come up with different fun ways to ride.

You can ride down the hill not only on sleds - for this purpose, for example, tires from cars are perfect, a piece of linoleum glides very well down the mountain, allowing you to develop a decent speed.

You can also make a kind of toboggan. To do this, you need to take a large piece of cardboard and cut it in such a way that there is enough space to sit, lift the front end and wrap it up so that the child can grab onto it. These are very light "sleds", and it will not be difficult for a child and friends to carry them to the nearest slide, where they can take turns to ride. And when these sleds or children are so wet that they can no longer ride, the "toboggan" can be sent to the nearest trash can and with free hands it is fun to run home, playing snowballs.


Perhaps there is not a single adult who in childhood would not play the snow angel. Show your child how to rest on the ground, so that then fall back into a snowdrift and slam in the snow with your hands and feet, as if you were flying; the snow will stick around the baby, and his clothes will be snow-white-angelic, and his hands will look like wings. Then help the baby to stand up carefully without destroying his "angelic" form. Newly fallen snow is a wonderful fluffy bed, and children love, lying on it, as if to soar in the freshness of a sunny winter day.

If the game of angels is no longer new to your family, try creating other snow images with your child that resemble different animals. Perhaps your son will be able to figure out how to lie down on one side and bend his arm so that the trail from him resembles an elephant trunk, or the child can get on all fours in the snow and imagine that it is not him, but horse legs in the snow, but himself he is a horse.


Children love to look at their own footprints in the freshly fallen snow. Do not be lazy to find information on the Internet about how the footprints of different animals and birds look like. After that, go to the forest or park and try to find and decipher traces of some living creatures.

Bigfoot footprints

Bigfoot paws can be made from cardboard and thick rope. Slip them over your winter shoes and go for a walk to create Bigfoot footprints.

Tractor track

It turns out that not everyone knows how to make tractor tracks in the snow.

Trace in trail

Tell your child about how wolves walk in a pack (track in track). And after that, offer to play catch-up, but with one condition: the one who is catching up must chase the fleeing trail in the trail.

Stick drawing in the snow

If you like to draw with a stick on wet sand in the summer, then in the winter you can try to draw with it in the snow.

New Year and winter finds

Findings is an educational game in an unusual format. She introduces children to the world around them, develops perception, attention and visual memory. Anyway, what could be better than outdoor games?

Rules of the game. Print out the form with pictures, put it in a hard folder. Now dress warmly and go with your child for a walk around the winter, New Year's Eve city. Your child will have to find everything in the pictures and mark the finds with a tick. Or you together take pictures of all the finds and make a detailed photo report at home. Download the game form.

Snow flowers

Prepare for the experience:

- solution for inflating soap bubbles

When a cloud forms at very low temperatures, instead of raindrops, water vapor condenses into tiny needles of ice; the needles stick together and snow falls to the ground. Snow flakes consist of small crystals arranged in the form of stars of amazing regularity and variety. Each sprocket is divided into three, six, twelve parts, symmetrically located around one axis or point.

We don't need to climb into the clouds to see how these snowy stars are formed.

It is only necessary to leave the house in severe frost and blow out a soap bubble. Immediately, ice needles will appear in a thin film of water; before our eyes they will gather in wonderful snow stars and flowers.


Snow itself is very unique! If there is suitable snow outside, consisting of individual snowflakes, then give the child a magnifying glass so that he can see how different and beautiful they are.

A snowflake can be photographed in macro mode against a dark background and you get a great photo!

Snow creatures

Making snowmen is a common thing. But do you make snow maidens, little snowmen, snow dogs, cats or turtles? It's good to do this if several people are involved in the creative process, then you can sculpt a snow family or a whole zoo of snow inhabitants.

If you want people passing by to admire your creation even more, then dress up your snowmen. The hat and scarf are quite traditional decorations for snowmen, but what do you think about tying a scarf on your Snow Maiden's head or wearing a large ladies' hat? Perhaps a kitchen apron and a wooden spoon will come in handy. If you love shopping, then buy some inexpensive items specifically to use for your snowmen after the next big snowfall. You can also prepare a carrot nose, plastic bottle caps for eyes or buttons and other accessories for a snowman in advance. If you play in the snow with very young children, make the snowmen small too, so as not to tire the child. Then these kids can be put in the most unexpected places: on a bench, a tree branch, a slide, a balcony. Let other little ones rejoice when they accidentally discover them on a walk.

The snowy beauty will be delighted with the crown of icicles.

You can also try to make a turtle, for this you need to sculpt a dome-shaped shape out of the snow, reminiscent of a turtle's shell, and attach four small legs, a head and a tail to it.

Snow sculptures

Not only snowmen can be molded from snow. Tell your child that snow is the same sculpting material as clay that can be used to create a variety of creatures and objects.

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