Detailed map of La Coruna - streets, house numbers, districts. Detailed map of A Coruña - streets, house numbers, areas In which country is the city of A Coruña

Detailed map of A Coruna in Russian. Satellite map of A Coruna in Spain. Where is A Coruna located on the map:

Examine the schematic map or switch to the satellite map in the lower left corner. Schematic map- city plan with street names and house numbers in Russian. The schematic map shows sights and tourist attractions, the location of train stations, shops, restaurants and shopping centers, a map of the city's highways. Satellite map will allow you to view satellite photos of the city thanks to images from the Google Maps service.

You can zoom in on the online map by scaling it to streets and house numbers. To change the scale, use the “+” (zoom in) and “-” (zoom out) icons located in the lower right corner of the map. You can also zoom in or out on the map using the mouse wheel. The left mouse button zooms in on the map, the right mouse button zooms out. With the mouse, you can move the interactive map in all directions by grasping any place on the map with the left mouse button.

Interactive map is a very convenient and modern travel guide for exploring the city, its districts and attractions, hotels, places of recreation and entertainment. An online map on the site site can become an indispensable assistant for you in an independent journey. The interactive map is provided by Google Maps.

La Coruña (La Coruña or in Galician A Coruña) Is a city on the northwestern coast of the Iberian Peninsula and the capital of the province of the same name. The city center is located on a peninsula connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus. it the most important seaport with a rich military history, which definitely affected the formation of the cultural life of the city. We offer you a selection of the best attractions in A Coruña with photos and marks on the map for easy search.

Attractions A Coruna

(Torre de Hercules) is a unique and very valuable historical landmark in A Coruña. It is the oldest ancient Roman lighthouse in the world and the only one, which is still used for its intended purpose. It was built in the second half of the 1st century, and tells us that the ancient Romans at the beginning of the millennium actively used lighthouses to navigate the vastness of the ocean. In 2009, the Tower of Hercules was included in the UNESCO heritage list. It is one of only three active lighthouses in Spain.

The Tower of Hercules is in the shape of a prism with a square base, its height reaches 57 meters. The walls of the lighthouse rise above the Bay of Betanzos, which is part of the Atlantic Ocean. The tower is built on a hill, so a magnificent panoramic view of La Coruna. A beautiful green park is laid out around the lighthouse; there are always a lot of tourists here. A visit to the museum and the tower interiors is 3 euros (free on Mondays)... Run inside in small groups.

(Monte de San Pedro) is a popular holiday destination and one of the main attractions of A Coruña. Located on the hill of the same name, from where a chic panoramic views of the city, the bay, the Tower of Hercules and the Atlantic coast. You can safely hold photo sessions here. The climb to the top of the mountain will take you half an hour, but it will be a pleasant walk accompanied by a cool breeze from the ocean.

There is a battery of cannons on the mountain (Cañones del Monte de San Pedro), which was part of the old military installation of the Coast Guard. They were acquired in 1929, but practically not used, so it was decided to convert Monte de San Pedro into a park, and exhibit military facilities as exhibits. Now Mount San Pedro is place to rest and enjoying the landscape views. However, the presence of cannons allows us to assess the importance of the city from a military point of view.

In order to quickly climb the year of San Pedro, you can use a special panoramic lift (Elevador del Monte de San Pedro), which can be called a separate attraction of A Coruña. It was opened in April 2007 for communication between the city's waterfront and Monte de San Pedro park. The lift is a huge glass sphere, the ascent to the top is achieved by moving the lift along the cable car. The sphere has a capacity of 24 people. The cost of the trip is 3 euros.

The Finisterra Oceanarium, also known as the House of Fish (Casa de los Peces), was opened in 1999 near the main attraction of La Coruña, the Tower of Hercules. The Oceanarium was created specifically to disseminate academic knowledge about the ocean, foster a positive attitude towards the marine environment, scientific advocacy in biology and oceanography. A visit to the House of Pisces will be useful not only for children, but also for adults.

The Oceanarium consists of several large rooms. The main exhibition hall includes a variety of Atlantic Ocean marine animals, more than 600 types. In the next room, marine animals from other seas live. There are also expositions dedicated to octopuses and seals, a botanical garden with rare plants from Galicia, Captain Nemo's submarine, an exhibition of photographs of wildlife. The Oceanarium is open from 10.00 to 18.00, the cost of a visit is 10 euros.

(Campo de la Rata) is a large open space near the bay, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the Tower of Hercules. The monument built here is another attraction of A Coruña, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The history of this monument is very sad.

After the suppression of the military uprising in July 1936, the site was used to shoot hundreds of prisoners who participated in the rebellion. The shootings, which were organized by the followers of Francoism, continued until March 1937. In 2001, a monument to the victims of repression was unveiled at this place. The monument is 12 megaliths- large granite blocks with spots of red paint, symbolizing the blood of the victims.

House of Man (Domus or Casa del Hombre)- This is another interactive science museum, which is located very close to the Oceanarium on the promenade of A Coruña. This is the first museum in history that is completely dedicated to man, his structure and evolution. It covers an area of ​​1,500 m² and includes 200 interactive modules that are activated using various mechanisms. The museum is called entertain visitors, stimulate their interest and curiosity. No boring expositions! You will be fully involved in the learning process.

This makes the learning process easy and interesting, it is not for nothing that the organizers of the museum created it under the motto "Know yourself"... The exposition reveals the issues of the cardiovascular, respiratory and motor systems, the structure of human tissues and cells, the development of the embryo in the womb and the birth of a person. The building of the museum itself also deserves attention, its walls are made of granite and faced with many slate boards (more than 6 thousand!). For the construction of this monumental building, 30 thousand tons of stone were used. The museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00. The cost of the visit is 2 euros.

(Castillo de San Antón) was built in the 16th century to protect the city from attack from the sea. The fortress is a valuable historical landmark of A Coruña; in 1994 it became a national cultural heritage site. Since 1968, the fortress has housed the archaeological and historical city museum. Here are collection of items found during archaeological excavations in Galicia. Of particular value are exhibits from the Bronze Age, which are known by archaeologists far beyond the borders of Spain. The cost of visiting the museum is 2 euros.

The construction of the castle of St. Anthony began in 1587, according to the inscription on the facade of the fortress. During the attack by the English Navy in 1589, the fortress effectively contributed to the defense of the city, even though it was not completed. After the successful defense of the city, construction of the castle continued until completion in 1590. After the fortress became obsolete and ceased to be of military interest, it turned into a prison until 1960, when it was transferred to the possession of the city council.

A small and very pretty garden of St. Charles (Jardín de San Carlos) is located in the heart of the Old Town next to the fortress of St. Anthony. There are more than 6 centuries ago an old bastion was erected, known as the Old Fortress. Its powerful stone walls protected the city for a long time, but gradually the bastion lost its defensive significance. After the explosion of a powder keg, the fortress was abandoned, and only in 1834 the administration turned the place into a green city garden in a romantic style. A walk in the garden will give you a magnificent view of the city's port and the embankment.

The garden contains numerous types of trees, both local and exotic, of which two giant trees stand out. centenary elm... Under the shadows of ancient elms there is a funerary monument to the English general John Moore, who died in 1809 in the battle of Elvinia with the Napoleonic invaders. Another tombstone is located at the entrance to the garden with the words of the English General Wellington, praising the courage and heroism of the Galician soldier. The park is very clean and well maintained.

(Iglesia de Santiago) is located next to Piazza Maria Pita, and will also become part of your itinerary to the sights of A Coruña, even if you decide to stop by the city for one day. The church is considered the oldest Christian building in the city, according to historical data, it was erected in the XII century. In 1972, the temple was declared a national monument.

The church was built in Romanesque style. Over the centuries, the building has undergone numerous changes due to fires and constant renovations. For example, originally the church consisted of three naves, but today you can see only one of them. In addition to the nave, it is worth paying attention to the doors located on the side and the entrance at the main facade, which are of historical value. An ancient sculpture of St. James is kept inside.

(Plaza de Maria Pita) is located in the center of the city of A Coruña. The landmark was designed in the middle of the nineteenth century and covers an area of ​​over 10,000 m². The main building of the square is the Municipal Palace of the city (Palacio municipal). Luxurious monumental building eclectic style was erected at the beginning of the XX century. To the side of the palace we will see the Church of São Jorge, built in the Baroque style at the end of the 17th century.

In the center of the square there is a monument to Maria Pita (Monumento a Maria Pita), who led the defense of the city from the attack of the British army in 1589. Legend has it that Maria Pita urged the population to join her squad with the words: "Whoever has honor follows me.", which demoralized the English detachment of 20,000. The bronze sculpture is presented with the spear with which she killed the English lieutenant. In her other hand she holds the lifeless body of her husband Gregorio de Racamonda. The total height of the monument is 9.3 meters, and the weight is about 30 tons.

(La Colegiata de Santa Maria del Campo) located in the center of A Coruña. It was built between the 13th and 15th centuries by order sailors, which at that time formed one of the most powerful guilds in the city. Sailors often came to church with requests for a good voyage or with gratitude for the successful completion of a sea voyage.

The temple got its name due to the fact that it was erected outside the city walls. (campo in Spanish means field) ... The cathedral was built in the Romanesque style, its facade is very similar to the Church of Santiago. Inside the temple is located museum of religious art... This landmark of A Coruña is not exceptional, but its convenient location in the city center makes it a popular tourist destination.

One of the most interesting and symbolic sights of A Coruña is the city embankment (La avenida de la Marina). Its peculiarity lies in the unique architecture of the buildings that overlook the embankment and stretch along the entire street. For the decoration of houses, a durable glass, which was initially used only for military purposes. The goal was to protect the dwelling from the cold winds from the sea, while keeping the sunshine from entering. The glazed white facades of the houses have become a real decoration of the city.

Curiously, in 1875, a municipal architect drew up a negative report claiming that the facades had simply ruined the beauty of the city. Now the Galleries of A Coruña (Galerías de La Coruña) is one of the most special sights of A Coruña. If you walk here on a sunny day, the houses will sparkle like crystal, therefore, the embankment is very fond of tourists and has become the face of the city. It is for this reason that La Coruña is often called "City of glass".

(Jardines de Mendez Nunez) is located near the port and is one of the most old gardens in the city. The park was opened in 1868 on the site of a sandy wasteland and is named after the famous Galician sailor, Casto Mendez Nunez. The park is decorated with bronze sculptures in honor of prominent figures of Galicia: the writer Emilia Pardo Basan, the politician Fernandez Latorre, the journalist Manuel Murguya, the poet Edoardo Pondalu, the politician Fernandez Latorre, the mayor of the city Alfonso Molina, the writer and journalist Curros Henriquez.

For 150 years of the park's existence, its own unique ecosystem with rare species of trees and plants has been formed here. There are small paths in the park, along which it is pleasant to walk in the shade from the scorching Spanish sun. Note the elaborately crafted flower clock and the fragrant garden, which has up to five hundred rose bushes all possible types of shades.

The Parque de Santa Margarita has long been one of the most large in A Coruña, its area was 51.723 m². The park surrounded by the city is a wildlife corner. 70 different types of trees grow here, including representatives of nature from different continents: eucalyptus, pines, Spanish fir, oaks, cypresses, elm, ailanthus, yew, as well as plants such as mimosa, thuja, magnolia, juniper ... Thanks to the rich vegetation, the park is home to many species of birds: woodpeckers, blackbirds, finches, blue tit, tits, goldfinches, magpies .

In the park there is a small hill 60 minutes high, where once were built windmills that we managed to save. Also in the garden of Saint Margaret there is a small pond for waterfowl, a playground for children, an artificial waterfall and an outdoor amphitheater. The park is also decorated with various monuments and sculptures of famous people of Galicia.

(Casa de las Ciencias) is located in the center of Santa Margaret Park, so these sights of A Coruña can be combined. The House of Sciences is part of a network of interactive science museums, which also includes the above Domus and Oceanarium... Their purpose is to disseminate and promote scientific knowledge, as well as scientific and technical education of citizens of all ages. The House of Sciences was opened back in 1983, becoming the first public interactive museum throughout Spain. It occupies the building of a luxurious palace with an octagonal floor and huge columns.

The exhibition area of ​​the museum is 1,000 m². The building is three-storey, the rise to the floors is carried out using a central round staircase. There is an exposition dedicated to the physical laws of nature, an incubator where chickens hatch, a visual Foucault pendulum showing the rotation of the earth. The hemispherical dome of the building contains planetarium with 30 special projectors illustrating how the solar system works.

(Playa de Riazor) is a city beach located in the heart of A Coruña. Despite its crowded population and high popularity among locals, Riazor Beach has Blue flag, which speaks of its cleanliness and good landscaping. Therefore, visiting the sights of A Coruña can be fully combined with a beach holiday.

But even if you don't plan on swimming in the cool Atlantic Ocean, a stroll along the coastline will be a pleasure. There are many restaurants, bars, cafes, various festivals and celebrations are held here. Riazor beach is a kind of entertainment center of the city.

Next to the Riazor beach, there is another popular place among the townspeople - the Orsan beach (Playa de Orzán). Both city beaches are separated by the Monument of Heroes Orsan (Monumento a los Héroes del Orzán)... The monument was unveiled in 2012 after the tragic death of three police officers who rushed into the sea to rescue a Slovak student.

Orsan beach is equipped, safe, clean, well-groomed and is in great demand among beach lovers. It is especially popular among surfers because it is very easy to catch a wave on this part of the Atlantic coast. Surfing championships are held here throughout the year. Orsan beach is longer than Riazor and is 780 meters long. It is also awarded the Blue Flag.

Walking along the promenade, pay attention to the interesting modern landmark of A Coruña - (Fuente de Los Surfistas). The fountain is a bronze sculpture of two surfing men. The fountain commemorates the surfers who practice this sport on the beaches of A Coruña.

Attractions of A Coruña on the map

To make sightseeing of the city easy and convenient, use our ready-made map, where all the sights of A Coruña are marked:

If you have seen all the sights of A Coruña, then you can go to the neighboring cities. For example, to the capital of Galicia Santiago de Compostella 62 km south of A Coruña, where the famous Cathedral of St. James is located. You can visit the medieval city Betanzos, which is located 20 km from A Coruña. Or to Cape Finisterre 100 km on the Atlantic coast, which is considered the westernmost point of mainland Spain.

Here is a detailed map of La Coruna with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or by clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the "+" and "-" signs located on the map to the right. The easiest way to adjust the size of the image is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In which country is the city of A Coruña located

La Coruna is located in Spain. It is a wonderful, beautiful city with its own history and traditions. La Coruna coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on big map).

Virtual walk

Interactive map of La Coruna with sights and other tourist sites - an irreplaceable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the "Map" mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan, as well as a detailed road map with road numbers. Also you can see the railway stations and airports of the city marked on the map. Nearby you see the "Satellite" button. Turning on satellite mode, you can see the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you can explore the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the "little man" from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk through La Coruña. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out on the image.

Here is a map of A Coruna with streets → community Galicia, Spain. We study a detailed map of A Coruña with houses and streets. Search in real time, weather today, coordinates

More about the streets of A Coruña on the map

A detailed map of the city of A Coruña with street names will be able to show all routes and roads where st. Bolivia. Located close to.

For a detailed view of the territory of the entire district, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the page there is an interactive scheme-plan of the city of A Coruña (Spain) with the addresses and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find Palomar street now.

Possibility to plot a route through the territory of the country and calculate the distance - the "Ruler" tool, find out the length of the city and the way to its center, addresses of attractions, transport stops and hospitals (type of "Hybrid" scheme), see the train stations and borders of the Galicia community.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of urban infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways.

Accurate satellite map of La Coruna in Russian with Google search is in its own heading, panoramas as well. Use Yandex search to show the desired house on a city map in Spain / world, in real time.

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