Competitions for children 10 years old at home. Guess who am I! "The Fisherman and the Goldfish"

Here comes the first big anniversary of your child: he turns 10 years old. Every parent wants to make this holiday unforgettable. If you do not have the opportunity to go somewhere in nature, birthday games for a child of 10 years old can also be played at home, indoors. You just need to take care in advance that there are no furniture with sharp corners, as well as fragile and easily breaking objects.

How to prepare and celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years

First of all, you will need to find a room in which you will celebrate this holiday. If you don't have a spacious enough room at home, then it makes sense to consider renting a room in a nearby children's cafe or play club. In addition, in such institutions, as a rule, there are professional animators on staff who can be entrusted with organizing games and competitions for children. But in any case, wherever you decide to organize a birthday celebration, you will need to decorate this room accordingly. To do this, use balloons, multi-colored paper garlands, holiday posters that you can make yourself. Also, to hold games for the birthday of a child of 10 years old, you will probably need some kind of inventory, which means that you need to think in advance about what kind of games and contests these will be and stock up on everything you need. The preparation of the celebration can take from several hours to several days, so do not leave everything to the last moment.

However, it would not be superfluous to ask the child himself how exactly he sees his birthday for 10 years. Otherwise, all your efforts will be wasted and they will not bring joy to the birthday man. Indeed, at this age, children already have their own character and their own desires and preferences, which must be reckoned with. Especially on a birthday. Surprises may be out of place here.

Active games for the birthday of a child 10 years old

  • Divide the children into two teams. The players of each team receive a balloon, preferably the same color for each team. For example, one is red and the other is blue. In addition, they will need pins or darts for darts, since the task of the players is for a certain time, for example, while the music is playing, burst as many balls from the opponent as possible. The team with the most balloons left wins.
  • Give each child a box of regular paper clips. The music turns on, and the children begin to quickly make a chain of the paper clips that they have. The music then turns off and the players stop. The one with the longest chain wins.
  • All children, holding hands, form a circle, inside of which is one of the players. This is a mouse. The player who has the role of a cat is outside the circle. He needs to somehow catch the mouse, which means getting into the circle. To do this, the cat can do anything - try to break the clasped hands, climb over them, or vice versa - crawl under them. The task of the other players is to prevent this by all means and protect the mouse. If the cat still got into the circle, the children should quickly unhook their hands and let the mouse out. At the same time, they need to quickly clasp their hands again in order not to let the cat out. It turns out a very funny bunch of small ones, which continues until the cat still manages to get to the mouse. After that, you can choose a new cat and mouse and continue the game.
  • Divide the children into two teams. Each team must come up with a word, and then choose one participant. He will have to, without uttering a sound, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, explain to the opposite team which word was intended. After one team guesses the word correctly, it is the turn of the player of the second team.
  • All players stand in a circle. The leader is in the middle. He prompts the players to perform some action, for example, to raise their hands. But the trick is that, according to the rules of the game, this action must be performed exactly the opposite. In other words, in this case, hands should be lowered. The player who makes a mistake is out of the circle. As always, the most attentive wins.

Calm logic games for the birthday of a child of 10 years

Do not forget that although children are very fond of having fun. They get tired quickly, and therefore fun outdoor games should be alternated with calm ones, in which players are invited to compete in their erudition and ingenuity. Here are a few similar games that you can play for a 10-year-old child's birthday.

  • Have the children answer some tricky questions.

1. What note is in the soup? (Salt)

2. Can I bring water in a sieve? (You can if you freeze it)

3. Which wheel does not spin in the car while driving? (Spare)

4. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)

5. What is the name of an equilateral rectangle? (Square)

6. What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (Alphabet)

7. What is the paper bag called? (The envelope)

8. Why do children in the village like to walk barefoot? (On the ground)

9. What will happen to the crow when it is 10 years old? (The eleventh will go)

10. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

11. How do day and night end? (soft sign)

12. What clock shows the correct time twice a day? (Those that are broken).

  • Seat the children one after the other, so that the person sitting behind him can see only the back of the player sitting in front of him. Give everyone a piece of paper and a pen. The player who sits behind everyone quickly draws some kind of icon on his piece of paper, and then, with his index finger, draws a copy of it on the back of the player sitting in front. He must draw on his piece of paper what he felt and draw the same figure on the back of the player who sits in front of him. So the game continues until the player who is ahead of the whole chain. He also draws his figure, and then the first and last piece of paper are compared.
  • Divide the children into two teams. Give each team a piece of paper. She must think of a five-letter word. But on a piece of paper write only the middle three letters of this word. For example - like this: -your-. Then this piece of paper is passed to the opposing team, whose players must add one letter to the right and left of these letters, so that a whole word is obtained. In this case, it could be the word "broth". The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
  • For the next game, you will again need two teams. And again, you will need to give each a piece of paper and a pencil. The host calls a word, the teams write it down on paper. Then, at the signal of the leader, they begin to write a chain of words in such a way that each new word begins with the last letter of the previous one. The winner is the team that, in a certain time, for example, in three minutes, will be able to write more words.

All children love candies, but they are used to unwrapping them. In this competition, the opposite is true, sweets will need to be wrapped in candy wrappers. The guys are divided into teams of about 4 people. For each team, heaps of sweets and candy wrappers of the same number are prepared. At the start command, the guys start wrapping candies in candy wrappers. The team that completes the task faster will win.


Children are divided into teams of the same number of people. At a certain distance from the teams are piles of sticks. The leader gives the “start” command and times the time, for example, 5 minutes, and the team members one by one run to their bunch of sticks using the relay method, one participant takes one stick and runs with it to his team. The team folds the sticks in the form of an anthill pyramid. Whoever gets the anthill more will be declared the winner.

Line up, one, two

The guys are divided into 2 teams with the same number of people. The host gives commands, and the guys line up accordingly, for example, Line up in a circle! Form a triangle! Line up with a heart shape! Form a square! Form a semicircle! Line up in two straight lines! And so on. The team that will be faster and more agile to cope with the formation will receive a prize.

Arrange alphabetically

Children are divided into two teams with the same number of people. Captains are chosen in each team, who, at the “start” command, begin to arrange the guys in their team alphabetically, for example, Anna, Borya, Vitya, Olya, Sergey, Tanya, Yasha and so on. The team whose captain completes the task faster and, most importantly, correctly, will win.

squat racing

Children are divided into 2-3 teams with the same number of people. The guys of each team are in the “squatting” position, holding each other with one hand according to the “train” pattern. There is a chair at the same distance from each team. On the “start” command, the teams begin the race: the guys must get to the chair, run around it and return to their starting position, while not throwing their hands away from each other and not getting up. The team that squats the fastest to cover the distance wins.

Crab Run

Children are divided into teams with the same number of pairs. At a certain distance from the teams are carved flower petals. Each couple is in the "back to back" position while taking each other's hands in the lock. At the command of the leader, the first pair of “crabs”, that is, they run sideways, get to their petals, grab one and back, then the second pair starts the race, and so on. The team in which the guys collect the whole flower from the petals faster than the rest will win.

Name your profession

For this competition, you need to prepare the appropriate pictures in advance. The host takes turns showing a certain combination of pictures, and the guys guess the profession from these pictures. Who guessed - raises his hand and is responsible, for the correct answer - a point, and whoever has more points in the end, he receives a prize. And examples of pictures can be absolutely anything: a brick, a concrete mixer and a trowel (builder); microphone and stage (singer); stethoscope and white coat (doctor); handcuffs and a police cap (police officer); broom and urn (janitor); scissors and hair (hairdresser); pots and white cap (cook) and so on.

Chupa Chups

Chur, do not cheat and do not gnaw. Each participant receives a Chupa-Chups and, on the “start” command, begins to dissolve it. The participant who sucks the candy faster than the rest and shows an empty stick from under the Chupa-Chups will win.

Fruit for speed

The guys are divided into 2 teams. The game is played on a relay basis. At a certain distance from the teams, there are plates with fruit cut into equal slices (according to the number of participants), for example, an apple or a pear. Each participant runs up to the plate, eats a piece and runs back, then the second participant runs and so on until the last one. The team that finishes the relay faster and eats their fruit will win.


Each child is a frog who must catch as many mosquitoes as possible - balloons. They launch into the hall, pour out a lot of inflated balloons, and which of the guys can collect the most balloons and hold them in their hands, in their bosom, in their legs, he will win.

Children - of different interests and unfamiliar with each other - at the age of 10-12 were invited to the holiday. Now at this age, if children are already adults, if teenagers, then they are still very young. I was faced with the task of finding such a holiday scenario that would be interesting for both the first and second categories of children. So that the holiday will be remembered for a long time, first of all for my daughter and, of course, for her friends. Using the materials of children's entertaining leisure and scenarios for children's morning performances, I decided to summarize them and come up with my own. The script is very simple, it does not take much time in preliminary preparation, it does not require special material costs. The hosts at this event were me - (mother) and my daughter Angelica.

Preparation for the holiday

  1. Be sure to decorate the room. These can be balloons, a Christmas tree garland (electric), mark "10" on the wall with large numbers (you can use foil or Christmas tree "rain-hedgehog")
  2. Cardboard cards with the names of guests.
  3. Tokens. They can be made of colored paper or cardboard. Awarded to players for correct answers.
  4. Prizes, such as school supplies, that will be awarded at the end of the evening when the number of tokens is counted.
  5. Cards with letters for the contest "Domovoi Tricks".
  6. For a comic lottery: a candle, a calendar, a felt-tip pen, chocolate, cream, a handkerchief, a comb, a mug (or a tea bag).
  7. A postcard with the text of congratulations for "Comic congratulations" and small leaves with adverbs: boldly, quickly, carefully, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly.
  8. For "Self-portrait" prepare sheets of paper and pencils according to the number of participants.
  9. Prepare tasks-notes for the game of "forfeits".
  • do not start the holiday with complex contests, take the simplest ones first;
  • rehearse each number (game, rally, tricks);
  • take the role of the host very seriously: connect the numbers with each other with some kind of stories, jokes;
  • if you don’t rely on your memory, it’s better to have a printout of your holiday on hand (from the host’s words to assignment questions).

Holiday script

Leading mother:

"Every person in life has a reason at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those who are always glad to see, on their personal holiday - Birthday. Today is Angelica's birthday. Today she turns 10 years old. This is the first round date in your life. This is the first date of years, consisting of two digits. 10 years! Infancy and early childhood have passed. Ahead of childhood, but already "adult", ahead of all life, and I want to say:

I wish you ten years
Live cheerfully, brightly, without troubles.
Useful gifts, surprises,
Less resentment and whims!
Let everything be fine at school:
Nice, clear and cool!
I wish you a good laugh
More luck and success!"

All guests congratulate the birthday girl, get to know each other and sit down at the table. To avoid confusion at the table, my daughter and I prepared cards with the names of the invited children, and put the cards on the table. On the spread of each card, they explained what the name means, and wrote a comic rhyme with it. For example:

Nadezhda: "hope" is a Russian name.
Always shine the gentle dawn
Above the world, clever Hope!
Gayane: "earthly" is an ancient Greek name.
You are like a star in the night window
O stranger Gayane!
Victoria: "victory" is a Latin name.
Vicki has her own approach to clothes,
Since Vika is a trendsetter.

After eating salads and a hot dish, the host again takes the floor.

Leading mother:

"I draw your attention to the content of the inscription in the middle of the cards. Let's read it one by one." Each of the guests reads comic poems about himself and the designation of the name. Thus, if the children meet for the first time with each other, another opportunity to remember the names.

Host - Angelica:

"And now we are starting our holiday program. I invite you to actively participate in it. Because for each correct answer, my assistant (this is my mother or younger sister) hands over a token. At the end of our evening, points will be counted and prizes will be awarded according to their number So, a riddle contest.

Both adults and children love to solve riddles. Thanks to riddles, a person thinks about new, previously unnoticed properties of an object, learns to find the right answer. To make it easier to answer, I divided the riddles into groups: about nature, about a person, about a house and household utensils.

About nature:

  1. He lives in the forest, hoots like a robber, people are afraid of him, and he is afraid of people. (Owl)
  2. There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. (Sea)
  3. Not fire, but burning. (Nettle)
  4. It flies - a long nose, a thin voice, whoever kills him will shed human blood. (Mosquito)
  5. A blue scarf, a red bun rolls on a scarf, smiles at people. (sky and sun)

About a human:

  1. Five brothers are equal for years, different in height. (Fingers)
  2. All their lives they go after each other, but they cannot overtake each other. (Legs)
  3. Two Yegorkas live near the hill, live together, but do not look at each other. (Eyes)
  4. What is the most precious thing in the world? (Health)

About the house, household utensils:

  1. It knocks, spins, walks the whole century, and not a person. (Watch)
  2. A small dog lies curled up, does not bark, does not bite, and does not let it into the house. (Lock)
  3. It hangs in the house, there is no language, but it will tell the truth. (Mirror)
A token is awarded for the correct first answer.

Host - Angelica:

“Imagine if a brownie suddenly came and mixed up the letters in the words, we would no longer understand each other. This cannot be allowed! So, each of you needs to break the spell of the brownie and restore the words.”

Further competition "tricks of the brownie". Cards are distributed, each with one set-word. You need to lay out the cards with letters so that you get a word:
monk - cinema, kevi - eyelids, ointments - winter, riag - game, kera - river, role - eagle and so on. Tokens are awarded to those who correctly and quickly collected words.

Leading mother:

"You are probably already tired of mental work. Let's play joke lottery. In one box are both prizes and folded notes with the names of the prizes. Each of you approaches, takes a note, reads what prize he got, and takes it himself.

  1. I'll have to live, studying grief,
    Don't forget about calendar days. (prize - calendar)
  2. Do you understand what the purpose of the gift is?
    Life will be joyful and bright. (prize - felt-tip pens)
  3. And you will not be bitter - it will be sweet,
    Because you got chocolate. (prize - chocolate)
  4. And big love is waiting for you
    And kisses all year round. (prize - handkerchief)
  5. Walking with a haircut will be beautiful,
    Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (prize - hairbrush)
  6. While the teacher "removes shavings" from you,
    Quietly make a cup of tea. (prize - a mug or tea bag)
  7. To the one who receives this candle,
    You have to travel the world. (prize - candle)
  8. Although this cream is inedible,
    But the smell is just amazing. (prize - cream)

Host - Angelica:

"I want to show you some funny and funny magic tricks. Focus "I am a clairvoyant". I learned to read minds. I suggest you write down your plans on pieces of paper (for example: drink a glass of juice, look at the ceiling, etc.), seal these sheets in an envelope and hand them over to me.

For the uninitiated, the following looks like this. The magician takes the envelope, puts it on the table, covers it with his hand and says: "They ask me to look out the window. Was there such a request?" The magician at this time opens the envelope and reads the contents of the note not aloud. Someone answers: "Yes." The session continues. The magician takes the next envelope, and so on. What is the secret? At the beginning of the session, the magician asks his sister (mother, grandmother) to join the prank, having previously agreed with her about the contents of the note in the envelope, and it is also necessary that she somehow mark the envelope (for example, she folded the corner). The magician will take this envelope last. And taking any envelope, he "reads thoughts" not from the envelope that is in his hands, but from the agreed agreed upon phrase written by his sister (mother, grandmother). When the magician appears to be comparing what he has written with what he has "read," he is actually memorizing the contents of the note in order to "read" it while guessing at the next envelope.

Host - Angelica:

"Now I want to show you a small draw "at least three times". Who wants to take part? Here's a piece of paper for you. I bet you can't break it three times?"

The participant replies that he will cope with such a trifle and will now show how it is done. He really breaks the line. The host raises his eyebrows in surprise and says: "But I told you - from three ..."

Host - Angelica:

"The next competition is game "believe - do not believe". I ask a question, you answer yes or no. Do you believe that:

  1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)
  2. Was the fountain pen invented in ancient Egypt? (Yes)
  3. In a Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to waltz? (Not)
  4. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, they can't fly)
  5. If you put a flounder fish on a chessboard, will it become checkered? (Yes)
  6. A ballpoint pen was used only by military pilots? (Yes)
  7. Can bats use radio signals? (Not)
  8. Do spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)
  9. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who have a habit of chewing on anything? (Yes)
  10. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)
  11. Can a rainbow be seen at midnight? (Yes)
  12. Do the Eskimos dry the capelin fish and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
  13. In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)

Leading mother:

"I suggest you play game "forfeits". The children are given a hat in which there are forfeit notes (for example, tell a joke, dance an oriental belly dance, sing the song "Let them run clumsily ...", etc.)

Host - Angelica:

And now competition "Questions for ingenuity"

  1. Which month is the shortest? (May - 3 letters)
  2. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, can't speak)
  3. What can be cooked but not eaten? (lessons)
  4. What etiquette hand should be used to stir tea? (tea is better with a spoon)
  5. Which tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (for wet)
  6. What dishes can not eat anything? (from empty)
  7. Which European capital stands on mowed grass? (Paris, on the Seine)
  8. What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)
  9. What key would you not put in your pocket? (violin)
  10. What state can be worn on the head? (Panama)
  11. What are we eating for? (at the table)
  12. What stones can not be found in the sea? (dry)
  13. What word belongs to you, but is pronounced more often by others? (name)

Tokens are awarded for the first correct answers.

Leading mother:

"Guys, you are great: clever, resourceful, smart. Have you forgotten who the holiday is dedicated to today? Of course, the birthday man. Let's congratulate him. So, "joking congratulations". The birthday boy gets up, the guests are given a box with notes-words (boldly, quickly, neatly, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly). The facilitator reads the text, and the children take turns taking out notes, completing sentences and sticking words on the card. The more ridiculous, the more fun. Then everyone puts their signatures. Sample text:

Dear birthday girl! Happy Anniversary!
We wish you to
I got up in the morning ..........
Washed ..........,
Charging .......................
I had breakfast ..........,
Went to school..........
Answered in class..............
Behaved at the change ................,
Doing homework..........
And still studied well.

Next, a birthday cake with candles is brought in. The birthday boy makes a wish and blows out the candles. The birthday girl thanks all the guests and asks to leave her self-portraits, and each must draw himself blindfolded, and then sign with his name. It turned out very interesting and funny.

Then the number of tokens is counted and prizes are awarded.

Everyone liked the holiday: both my daughter and her guests. Talk about an interesting holiday did not stop for several days.

Elena and Angelica.

Well, who didn’t love their own birthday as a child? This is the day when all the closest and dearest gather, friends come, give a bunch of gifts, cut a delicious cake. These are the most fun and vivid memories of childhood, and to make them even brighter, parents need to work out a script for a children's holiday, birthday contests. The main thing is not just to meet guests and sit at the table, but also to entertain them, giving the child and his friends the opportunity to unite even more, have fun to the fullest and remember this day as the best in life. But what contests are needed for a children's birthday? We will offer you many options, and when choosing, be sure to consider the age of the children, and choose the most interesting games for everyone present.

Competitions for children 3-6 years old

Mind games

Intellectual competitions at the table are good because they help save parents' house from the mess and destruction that naughty preschoolers threaten him with. Of course, children will not be able to captivate such fun for a long time, but for a while they will be “neutralized”, at the same time, watching their games will help parents learn something new about their child.

The simplest birthday contests for children can be represented by riddles that can be selected for any age:

"Guess What I See"

An adult verbally describes the object, and the children must understand what is at stake and find this object in the room.

An adult or a child portrays something or someone, and the rest of the children must understand what or who it is.

"What's gone?"

Several objects should be laid out on the floor, sofa or chair, which the children should look at for a while, after which they should turn away, and the adult removes one of the objects. After that, the children again look at the “exposition” and must remember what has disappeared from here.

fairy tale quiz

The fairy tale quiz is also one of the interesting competitions for children's birthday. Here you need to come up with a series of questions on famous children's poems, cartoons and fairy tales, and for the correct answers provide prizes - toys, chocolate medals, etc.

Board games

Mini competitions for children can be represented by favorite board games, which the whole family likes to spend their leisure time. Although in our time they have been supplanted by tablets and cartoons, they can easily find a place at a children's holiday:

Action games

Particularly interesting are the "walkers", where each player has a chip, with which he walks around the playing field for the number of steps that is thrown out by a dice. These games are good for companies, children of different ages can participate in them. In addition, in modern games, the chips are made unusual, and the manufacturers accompany the games with exciting tasks.


Now on sale there are exciting and colorfully designed games for children of all ages. With them you can play Shuffle, Dobble, Doubles, Memory and many other games - everything that can be found on the Internet.

"Guess What You Eat"

This delicious game is suitable for all ages. Children are asked to close their eyes and taste something edible that an adult puts into their open mouths. This is a very funny contest, because it turns out that it is not so easy to determine the taste of a dish without seeing it.

Outdoor games


The game is a kind of classic hide and seek. An adult hides some toy in the room, and the task of the children is to find it, following the clues from the words “cold” and “hot”.

"Magic Tunnel"

For this game you will need a children's tunnel, but it may well be replaced by a small table or chair under which a child can crawl. His task is not just to climb into the tunnel, but to get out of there in a new guise, portraying someone: an animal or a fairy-tale character. Other children must guess who it is that got out of the magic tunnel. The one who guesses correctly goes into the magical tunnel himself.

ball games

Children's birthday contests for 4 years include good old fun, in which tasks for erudition, ingenuity, fun and moving elements were combined. So, in the game “edible-inedible”, the leader seats the children in a row and, in turn, throws a ball to each child, pronouncing the word. If the word means an edible object, then the ball must be caught, and if it is inedible, then push it back with your hands. In another version, the children stand in a circle, and the leader throws a ball to one of them and asks them to name a color, fruit, vegetable or flower. Children need to simultaneously catch the ball and remember the appropriate object.

Role-playing games

Children most of all love it when contests for a 6-year-old children's birthday contain role-playing games. In order for the company of children to have plenty of fun, you can offer it to temporarily become brave Indians, overcoming obstacles, fighting hostile tribes and performing funny dances. You can transform into brave knights, beautiful princesses or fire-breathing dragons, characters from fairy tales or cartoons - the choice here is unlimited. Of course, such contests are made with their own hands, so parents will have to try hard by creating costumes and attributes. In addition, they themselves can participate in entertainment together with the children, releasing a child hiding in the depths of their souls for a short time.

Competitions for children 4-12 years old

It is most convenient to think about holding contests at a children's birthday if all the children present at the holiday are of the same age. However, often, especially for the birthday of preschoolers, not only peers are invited, but also relatives with their children, sisters and brothers - then a variety of children's ages can be represented at the celebration. This happens because the child himself still lacks his peer friends, so relatives of all ages come instead of them, who know the birthday boy from a young age and are happy to congratulate him. In this case, birthday contest ideas for kids will just require a bit more effort from the parents, but in the end, the kids themselves will find ways to start interacting better, and such contact between them will bring invaluable teamwork experience to the younger ones.


Pairs of players participate in this game, each of which is tied around the waist with a rope so that a small “tail” hangs from behind. The task of the players is to be the first to catch the opponent by the tail and prevent him from doing the same. This fun competition is good to spend with fervent music. The game trains reaction and dexterity.

Want to see even more fun and interesting contests? Then go and read our other article about children's competitions.

"Collective Art"

To play this game, children need to be divided into 2 teams. The first members of each team draw the head and neck on the top of their sheets, while the rest of the participants do not see what exactly is drawn. Then the presenter wraps the top of the sheet, covering the image, and only the lower part of the neck remains visible. After that, the second player approaches the sheet and continues the drawing. Then the host wraps this part of the sheet as well, leaving only the lower part of the lines of the drawing. So gradually the drawing grows down, and all team members take turns putting their hands on it. At the end, the presenter unfolds both sheets and everyone looks at the resulting image with surprise. Such contests for children at the birthday of 6 years old perfectly develop their imagination.

"Artistic Relay Race"

This game, which develops creative imagination and thinking, the ability to work in a team, is interesting, but calm. Children are divided into two teams, which are given the task of drawing an animal or other object in a certain time. At the same time, in one approach, each participant can draw one line (straight line, oval, circle, etc.). In the end, that team wins, the drawing of which will more closely resemble the intended object.

"Candy on a Rod"

Instead of a fishing hook, you need to tie a candy to the fishing line. With the help of a fishing rod, you need to bring the candy to your mouth, unfold it without the help of your hands and eat it. The child who completes it the fastest wins. This game develops dexterity and coordination.

"Volleyball with a balloon"

Thanks to this exciting game, children develop dexterity, reaction, coordination of movements. Children need to be divided into two teams, put chairs at a distance of 1 meter from each other, seat all the players on them. A rope stretched between chairs in the middle of the floor indicates a grid separating teams. Then a kind of volleyball begins, in which you need to throw the ball over the rope, and the players are forbidden to take the ball in their hands (you can only push it with your palms) and get up from the chairs. If the ball hits the floor in the opponent's half, the team gets a point. The game can be continued up to 15 points.


When thinking about how to spend a children's birthday at home, it is useful to select contests that develop communication skills, ingenuity and imagination in children, like the next Nesmeyana contest. One of the children is chosen as Princess Nesmeyana and sits on a chair in front of the rest of the children. The rest of the children should try to make the “princess” laugh, while you can’t touch her. The one who succeeds becomes the next Nesmeyana himself.


Before starting the game with children, a specific topic is selected (holiday, animals, furniture, etc.), after which the driver thinks of an object corresponding to the chosen topic. Players must guess what was chosen using clarifying questions, to which the driver can only answer "yes" and "no". The first one to guess what he has planned becomes the leader himself. With the help of this game, children train communication skills, develop thinking.

"Hold the Ball"

Children's birthday parties at home often require a lot of space, but not this one. Two pairs of players take part here. Each pair must be placed in a circle formed by a hoop or a circle drawn on the floor. Each pair is given a balloon. Their task is to try to keep the ball in the air as long as possible by blowing on it, but without touching it with their hands, so that it does not fly out of their circle. The pair that can hold their ball the longest wins. With the help of this game, reaction, agility, coordination, breathing apparatus are trained.

"Eskimo blind man's buff"

Among the children, a leader is chosen, to whom thick mittens are put on his hands and blindfolded. After that, children come up to him in turn, whom he must recognize by touch. If he succeeds, then the identified child becomes the driver, and if he makes a mistake, he makes attempts with the following players. With the help of such a competition, children develop memory and spatial imagination.


Active and fun contests for a children's birthday can train mindfulness, and the game "Blinkers" is the best for this. Children need to be divided into two equal teams and choose a leader. Chairs are placed in a row, on which the first team sits, and opposite a chair is placed, near which the leader stands. The members of the second team stand behind the backs of the players sitting on the chairs. The host looks around at the seated players and winks at one of them. The player who winked should quickly move to a chair near the leader, and the task of the player standing behind him is to grab him in time to prevent escape. If the escape is successful, then this player himself becomes the leader.

"Broken phone"

With the help of the fun game "Broken Phone", children imperceptibly hone their attentiveness and hearing. The host whispers a phrase or word into the ear of the first player, after which he turns to his neighbor and in the same way conveys to him what he heard. So along the chain, the message reaches the last player, who says out loud what he heard, and the leader loudly says what he himself conveyed. After that, the leader goes to the end of the chain, and the first player becomes the leader.


Children love cool contests where you can train your thinking, logic and attentiveness. All children need to be built in a circle, holding hands. Then the driver turns to the side, and the children begin to climb over each other as they like, but without releasing their hands. After that, the driver, also without opening his hands, must unravel this tangle.

"Composing a fairy tale for the birthday boy"

The facilitator opens a book or magazine on the first page that comes across and blindly pokes a finger at a random word. The first storyteller needs to come up with a phrase in which this word will participate. Similarly, words are given to all other participants in the game. You can even come up with not one, but several proposals. As a result, a funny story will be born in the game, all that remains is to write it down on beautifully designed paper and hand it to the birthday boy. Such games develop imagination and thinking, replenish vocabulary.

"Three, thirteen, thirty"

Before the game, the leader explains to the children what number indicates this or that action, for example, 3 - hands on the belt, 13 - hands up, 30 - hands forward. Then the children line up in a line at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. Next, the host calls the agreed numbers in random order, and the children must perform the appropriate movements. Gradually, the pace of the leader accelerates. The one who lost his way and performed another movement stands next to the leader and tries to knock down the rest of the players with incorrect movements. At the end of the game, the most attentive and unprovocative player remains. Such competitions for guests on a child's birthday train reaction and attentiveness.


Each player receives a serial number and stands in a circle. Then they all begin to clap rhythmically, alternating two claps on their hands with two on their knees. One of the players, when clapping his hands, repeats his own number twice, and when clapping his knees, the number of another player. The one whose number has sounded, with the next clapping of his hands, already calls his number, and with claps on the knees, the number of the next player. Anyone who loses this rhythm, forgets his number or calls a number that has already left the game, is out of the game. The last two players left in the circle are declared the winners. This fun trains reaction, memory and attentiveness.

"Liberation Action"

The dynamic game "Liberation Action" promotes the development of coordination, attentiveness, hearing, reaction of the leading player, and the reaction and dexterity of the other players. The participants of the game sit on chairs set in a circle. In the center of the circle, a “prisoner” with his hands and feet tied and a “guard” who is blindfolded are seated. The task of the "liberators" is to untie the prisoner, and the guard is to prevent them. As soon as he touches one of the liberators, he is out of the game and removed from the circle. The one who succeeds, without being caught, to free the "captive", himself turns into a "guard".


Active competitions for holding a child's birthday are able to develop emancipation, dexterity, and coordination of movements. In the game "Hunting", the names of the participants in the game are written down on cards, which are then shuffled and distributed to the players. The player dances to the music and at the same time quietly peeps what name is written on the card he got. At the moment when the music stops, the hunter must catch the prey, whose name is written on his card. But he also hunts for his prey. The result is real chaos! After that, the cards are collected, shuffled again, dealt out and the game continues.

"Waves in a circle"

Make a circle of chairs that are close to each other, the number of which should correspond to the number of players. The driver is in the center of the circle, and the rest of the players sit on chairs. As a result, one chair remains free. The driver tends to sit on a free chair, but the players must prevent him from doing this with their movements. If the driver has time to sit on a free chair, then the player who missed him becomes the driver himself. Players move according to the driver’s commands “right” (clockwise one chair), “left”, or chaos (participants quickly change places, and the driver tries to take any free seat). The driver becomes the player who sat on the chair, which was free in front of the “chaos” command. Children train reaction, dexterity, attentiveness in the game.

"Siamese twins"

All children need to be divided into two teams, in which there will be several pairs. Couples stand side by side and hug each other with one hand. As a result, each "Siamese twin" has one right and one left hand. This creature needs to run to the candy plate, unwrap the candy and eat it, feeding both heads. The winner is the couple that can handle all the candies the fastest. A variant of the task for the “Siamese twins” is to make an envelope out of paper, tie laces on the shoes. This game strengthens teamwork skills.

"The Fisherman and the Goldfish"

The participants of this game line up in a circle, and the leader, who is in its center, twists the rope and the rope with a knot at the end. The end of the rope must pass under the feet of the players, and they must jump in time to avoid touching it. The one who is touched by the rope is out of the game for a while. The game goes on until there is only one player left, who becomes the winner. It develops agility, coordination, endurance and attentiveness.

"Copy of the monument"

With the help of this game, which develops mindfulness in children, they gradually get rid of shyness. Among the children you need to choose two. One will be the "copier", he is taken out of the room and blindfolded. The second will be a “monument”, at this moment he should take an interesting pose in which to freeze. Next, a “blind copyist” is introduced, who must determine the position of the “monument” by touch and take exactly the same.

"Broken Fax"

In this game, children are seated one after another, so that each next one looks at the back of the head of the previous one. The first and last players each receive a pen and a piece of paper. The last player draws a simple figure on paper, and then reproduces it by swiping his finger along the back in front of the seated player. He, in turn, draws with his finger on the back of the predecessor what he felt with his back. The player sitting first transfers his feelings to paper, after which the initial and final drawings are compared. With the help of this game, memory, motor skills of hands, mindfulness are trained.


The floor is divided by a ribbon or rope, on both sides of which two players stand in the starting position - on one leg, facing each other, with their hands folded in a lock behind their backs. Everyone should strive to cross the border to the side of the enemy without touching the floor with the second foot and without disengaging their hands. At the same time, it is still impossible to allow the enemy to enter your territory. You can only push with your chest or shoulder. Anyone who breaks these rules is considered a loser. The game develops strength and coordination.


Players need to be seated close to each other, placing their left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and the right hand on the left knee of the opposite neighbor. If the circle is not closed, then the extreme players put one hand on their knee. In the game, you should quickly clap your knee with your hand, without violating a certain sequence. If someone clapped out of time or even just raised his hand, then he hides this hand. There can be multiple or just one winner. To make the game more interesting, you need to maintain its high pace. It trains reaction, motor skills of hands, coordination, attentiveness.


Players stand one after another and put their hands on the belt of the player in front, forming a "caterpillar". The first becomes the head of this caterpillar, and the last becomes the tail. Then music sounds, and the caterpillar begins to crawl forward, while the head makes different dance steps with any parts of the body, and the rest should try to repeat these movements. Tired, the "head" turns to the next player, strokes his head, and then becomes the tail of the caterpillar. Emancipation, coordination, attentiveness are trained here.

Which competitions did you like the most and which ones did you take note of? Perhaps you have held other children's fun contests - be sure to write about them in the comments!

Time goes by and very soon your son or your daughter is going to celebrate their first anniversary. What contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years old can be offered to little guests so that they do not get bored? The games that you will play with your children should be quite creative, because at this age, yesterday's kids are already beginning to feel that they belong to a serious adult world. Also, try to free up as much space as possible in advance so that the children have room, and some competitions are best held outdoors. And prepare the rewards in advance, or at least the colored tokens that you will hand out to the winners.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years. "The smartest"

Come up with some interesting and tricky questions in advance that will allow children to demonstrate their quick wits. Here are a few options:

  • Which month is the shortest? (May - 3 letters)
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, can't speak)
  • What can be cooked but not eaten? (lessons)
  • What etiquette hand should be used to stir tea? (tea is better with a spoon)
  • Which tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (for wet)
  • What dishes can not eat anything? (from empty)
  • Which European capital stands on mowed grass? (Paris, on the Seine)
  • What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)
  • What key would you not put in your pocket? (violin)
  • What state can be worn on the head? (Panama)
  • What are we eating for? (at the table)
  • What stones can not be found in the sea? (dry)
  • What word belongs to you, but is pronounced more often by others? (name)

This competition is quite simple, you can play it at the festive table. Most importantly, do not forget to give the children a colored token for each correct answer. Then at the end of the game you can easily determine the winner, who will receive a well-deserved prize.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years. "Young Burglars"

Divide the children into two teams. Each team is given an old lock and a large bunch of keys to it. The team that quickly selects the correct key for the lock wins.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years. "Fun bowling"

Bowling. This game can be played both at home and on the street. For him, you only need a set of multi-colored skittles, a ball and some free space. However, skittles can also be made from ordinary plastic bottles. Mark the bowling alley with tape, crayons or regular ropes and start the competition. Not only children, but also adults will participate in this competition with great pleasure.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years. "Freeze-wither"

The facilitator takes the children to the center of the room and turns on the music. The children begin to dance, and the host throws a balloon up. As soon as the ball touches the floor again, all the children should freeze in those positions in which this moment caught them. Anyone who did not have time to freeze or move after that is eliminated from the circle. The game continues until the last winner, who receives the reward.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years. "Sit on a chair"

An old, cheerful and very mobile competition, in which both children and adults equally like to participate. Several chairs are placed in the middle of the room, one less than those who play. While the music is playing, the children move in a circle near the chairs, but when the music suddenly stops, each of them tries to sit on an empty chair. The one who gapes, and who did not have enough space, leaves the circle and takes one chair with him. The game continues until the last winner, who receives the prize.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years. "Guess"

All children stand in a circle, in the middle of which there is one driver who is blindfolded. Music sounds, and the children mix up, change their places in such a way that the driver cannot find out who is standing where. His task is, when the music stops, to touch the player who is in front of him. You can agree in advance which parts of the body can be felt and which not.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years. "What am I doing"

All children sit down or become in a circle, and the leader, or the leader of the children in the middle, begins to portray some actions. For example, “cooks soup” - depicts how he fills a pot with water, puts it on fire, peels and cuts potatoes, salts, and so on. The rest try to guess what the driver is doing. Whoever guesses first receives a prize and takes the place of the driver himself, so that the rest guess what exactly he will do.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years. "Tails"

Several empty glass bottles are placed on the floor, according to the number of participants in the competition. A rope is tied around the waist of each player so that it hangs down with a tail, and a pencil is tied to the free end of the rope. The task of the contestants is, without helping themselves with their hands, to insert the free end of the pencil into the neck of the bottle. The one who can do it first is the winner.

Contests at the birthday of a child of 10 years. "Air, water, earth and fire"

All children stand in a circle, and the leader is in the center. He has a small ball in his hands, which he throws in turn to any of the players and says one of the words: earth, water, air or fire. The player to whom the ball was thrown must quickly name one of the land-dwelling fish or birds, depending on which word the host said. But if the leader said “fire”, the player should not catch the ball, but should quickly turn his back. If he catches the ball, then it is considered that he was “burned”, and then he is out of the circle. This fun competition game can be played both indoors and outdoors. Naturally, the winner is the participant who manages to hold out the longest in the circle.

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