Roadmap for creating more places. Road map. Tactical plan for project implementation. Design of the presentation “Health for children”

NTI road maps must comply with the form of the action plan (“road map”) of the National Technology Initiative, which is an annex to the Rules for the development and implementation of action plans (“road maps”) of the National Technology Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18 2016 No. 317 with the exception of the road maps specified in paragraph two of clause 2 of the Rules.

Road maps are created using the Microsoft Word for Windows text editor in Times New Roman font size No. 12 (for the design of tabular materials), 13 or 14 with 1 line spacing.

The margin sizes in the roadmap text should be determined as follows: left margin – 30 mm, right margin – 15 mm, top margin – 20 mm, bottom margin – 20 mm (these parameters should be applied in both landscape and portrait page orientations).

The pages of the roadmap should be numbered. The page number is printed in the center of the top margin of the sheet in Arabic numerals without heading and punctuation marks in a font of the same size as the text of the document. The page number is not printed on the first page of the document.

Design of title and headings

The “Name of the Road Map” requisite must include the words “Action Plan (“Road Map”) of the National Technology Initiative” and a market designation printed in lowercase in quotation marks, formed by creating a compound word by combining the original word denoting the field of activity in English, and the transliterated component “no” (“Marinet”, “Helsnet”, “Foodnet”, etc.), for example:

The word “PLAN” is printed in one line in capital letters with a sparse character spacing of 2 pt. The words in the remaining lines of the props are printed in lowercase letters (with the exception of the words “National” and the market designation, printed in capital letters), centered relative to the longest line, which is limited by the right margin.

The details are printed with 1 line spacing in bold font, aligned to the center of the page without indentation.

The title of a section (subsection) of the roadmap consists of a number and a thematic part that verbally defines the content of the corresponding structural unit of the text, and is given in accordance with the form of the plan.

A period is not placed at the end of a heading placed on a separate line. In a title consisting of two independent, syntactically unrelated sentences, a period is placed between them, and at the end, as a general rule, the period is omitted.

Sections (subsections) must have serial numbers within the entire document, indicated in Roman numerals with a dot (subsections - in Arabic numerals with a dot), for example:

Headings of sections (subsections) are printed aligned to the center of the page without paragraph indentation with 1 line spacing, separated from the previous and subsequent details by 1.5 line spacing.

When preparing a roadmap for printing, it is recommended not to place headings and subheadings at the bottom of the page unless it can accommodate more than 2 lines of subsequent text.

The text of the roadmap may include structuring into points within sections.

In this case, the items are numbered with Arabic numerals with a dot (if there is a numeral with a dot, the text begins with a capital letter). It is recommended to do continuous (uniform throughout the text) numbering of paragraphs within sections.

Indexing numbering (consists of the numbers of all sections, subsections, etc., to which a certain structural unit of the text is subordinated, for example: 2.11) is possible when formatting the names of subsections (no more than one additional level) and tables (numbering of several levels is possible), and also when preparing applications containing technical information.

Headings are not assigned to paragraphs within the text.

Text decoration

The text of the roadmap should be clear, concise, logical and provide an accurate and unambiguous perception of the information contained in it.

The paragraph indentation of road map text lines (except for tables, illustrations, etc.) is 12.5 mm from the left border of the text field.

“Dangling” lines are not allowed in the text of the document (a “dangling” line is understood as the beginning line of a paragraph that ends a page, or the end incomplete line of a paragraph that begins a page, which are unacceptable according to the general rules of document formatting).

There is no spacing between paragraphs in the text.

Font highlighting in the text (bold, italic, underline, color, etc.) is used only when there is a special need to draw attention to the structural units of the text (sentences, phrases, words, abbreviations).

The text of the roadmap can be presented in the form of coherent text, a table, or a combination of these structures.

If a special system of abbreviating concepts is introduced in the roadmap, abbreviations are given in parentheses after the first use of an expanded concept, for example:

If an expanded concept needs to be structured into several abbreviations, or the presentation of the text does not allow introducing abbreviations for each expanded concept, abbreviations are given in parentheses after the corresponding concept, for example:

If there is a significant number of concepts that require abbreviation, as well as the need to define the concepts and terms used in the roadmap, a List of terms and abbreviations is formed in the order of the Russian alphabet, which is placed in the appendix to the roadmap.

Formatting footnotes and notes

After the footnote sign, the footnote text begins with a capital letter. There is a period at the end of the footnote.

If necessary, notes may be included in the text of the roadmap.

A note is drawn up by indicating the word “Note” and a sentence or several paragraphs continuing after a colon, numbered in Arabic numerals with dots (the text in such paragraphs is printed in capital letters and ends with a dot).

To format the note, Times New Roman font is used, 1 to 2 font sizes smaller than the font size of the main text of the road map.

Design of numerical units

Monetary amounts in the roadmap are given in Russian rubles using the unit of measurement “thousands.” (thousand rubles). If necessary, the roadmap may use designations of other national currencies of the world and units of measurement “million” or “billion” (for example, when analyzing the world economy, etc.).

When listing digital values ​​(if there are fractional numbers), they are separated by a semicolon (for example: “1.2; 5.1; 6.3”).

Amounts in digital form are given in groups denoting thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, etc. (divided into groups of three digits from right to left (except for the fractional part), separated by spaces). There is no dot between the digital groups of a multi-digit number.

The fractional part is separated from the corresponding digital group by a comma.

Registration of details and applications

Details of legislative and other regulatory legal acts are indicated in the text of the road map in the following order - type of act, date of its adoption (approval), document number and name of the act (document title), for example:

It is not allowed to use the sign “N” as part of the details of regulatory legal acts, legal documents, as well as in other cases where it is necessary to designate numbers. The “No” sign is used to indicate numbers.

If there is an appendix to the road map, the text of the road map must provide a link to such an appendix. The link to the application is entered using the words “according to the application”, for example:

If there are several applications, they are numbered with Arabic numerals

with the sign “No”. Links to applications are given in the text as the applications are located. The order of appendices to the roadmap text must correspond to the order in which links to appendices are indicated in the roadmap text.

A multi-line attribute – the mark “APPENDIX” – indicating the name of the road map is located in the upper right corner of the first sheet of the document and is printed from the border of the top margin without quotation marks in capital letters.

The word “APPLICATION” is separated from subsequent lines of props by 1.5 line spacing. The remaining lines of the details are printed with 1 line spacing.

All component parts of the prop are centered relative to the longest line. The length of the line should not exceed 10 cm and is limited to the right margin of the document. For example:

Design of lists

To format the lists (enumerations) contained in the text of the roadmap, subparagraphs are used, which are designated by letters with a bracket (for example: “a), b), c)”) or, if there is a large volume of enumeration, by numbers with a bracket (for example: “1), 2 ), 3)").

Each sub-item of the list (enumeration) begins with a paragraph with a lowercase letter and ends with a semicolon, with the exception of the last sub-item, at the end of which a period is placed.

To indicate list items, dashes, circles, diamonds, etc. are not used as a replacement for alphabetic or numeric rubrication.

Table design

To highlight and designate a table in the text of a document, depending on the structure of the document, thematic and (or) numbering headings (headings designated by a number that determines the serial number of the table) are used.

The tables provided for in the plan form (section I, subsection 3 of section II, sections III and IV) are drawn up in accordance with the officially published text of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2016 No. 317.

As a general rule, tables are designed as open (without rulers on the sides or bottom).

If necessary, tables can be designed as closed (framed with rulers) or combined (the head of the table is framed with rulers).

In the sidebar of the table (the left column of the table containing data about the rows of the table), the text of each position must begin with a capital letter. Punctuation marks are placed only within sentences. In the sidebar there is no colon after the words “Total”, “Total”.

If the table is printed on more than one page, it is advisable to repeat the head (the upper part of the table in which the column headings are placed) of the table on each page. Table columns (a row of data in a table, located vertically and usually placed between vertical rulers) can be numbered, in which case only the numbers of these columns can be printed on the following pages.

It is not recommended to include in the tables a column indicating the serial number (in the form of the symbol “No.” or “Item No.”) in the tables provided for in the action plan form, which is an annex to the Rules for the development and implementation of action plans (“road maps”) of the National Technological initiatives (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2016 No. 317

The text in the table is printed along the left border of the table row without paragraph indentation or in the center of the column (numbers, units of measurement, etc.).

To format the text in the table, the Times New Roman font is used, 1 to 2 font sizes smaller than the font size of the main text of the road map.

Road map as a tool for planning and monitoring the strategic development of the machine-building complex of the Samara region

Deev Alexander Anatolievich
Senior Lecturer

departments of public and

Municipal Administration
Russian Economic University

named after G.V. Plekhanov
[email protected]


The development of industry road maps for the development of the mechanical engineering complex assumes that the administration of the Samara region can provide the necessary conditions for the effective development of mechanical engineering in the region, managing a wide range of resources and the development of economic structures to increase the investment attractiveness of mechanical engineering enterprises of various clusters in the region.


Working out of branch road maps of development of a machine-building complex assumes that the administration of the Samara region can provide necessary conditions for effective development of mechanical engineering in area territory, operating wide scale of resources and development of economic ways for increase of investment appeal of the machine-building enterprises of various zones in area territory.


Scenarios, roadmap, economic effect, clusters, scenario methodology, mechanical engineering, processes, modernization, program-targeted and project-oriented management.


Scenarios, road map, economic benefit, zones, scenary methodology, mechanical engineering, processes, modernization, the programmno-target and design-focused management

A road map is a visual representation of a step-by-step scenario for the development of a certain object: a separate product, a class of products, some technology, a group of related technologies, a business, a company combining several business units, an entire industry, an industrial cluster, an industry, and even a plan to achieve political, social and other strategic goals.

Examples of different roadmaps to support management objectives are presented in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1.- Examples of “Road Map”

The proposed examples of roadmaps can be used to solve a wide range of management issues within the administration of the Samara region. In particular, they can be used to visualize the results of planning and monitoring of project-oriented activities.

The roadmap is recommended to be used to present and discuss the execution logic and generalized schedule of the Portfolio/Project/Program. At the same time, the roadmaps themselves make it possible to present a general picture of project activities, which can be used both in planning tasks and in monitoring and control tasks. This high-level overview presents the main stages, milestones/results and the Projects/Programs themselves as a whole. Such diagrams contain critical tasks and the logic for their implementation, and also represent the main results of the target activity.

The "road map" is:

The most important events on one page;

Simple, clear symbology for major milestones, activities and critical work;

Arrows showing the logic of performing work and presenting results.

Road maps allow you to visually link the vision, strategy and development plan of an object, arranging in time the main steps of this process according to the principle “past – present – ​​future”. Roadmaps allow you to view not only probable scenarios, but also their potential profitability, and also select the optimal paths in terms of resource consumption and economic efficiency. In general, road maps are aimed at providing information support for the decision-making process for the development of a management object.

For roadmaps, it is possible to formulate invariant principles for formation and implementation in practice:

1. All road maps include a forecast plan for the development of an object for the long term - usually about 10 years - broken down into smaller sub-periods (horizons), the duration of which depends on the specifics of the object - be it a consumer product characterized by a relatively short life cycle , or an entire technological field or industry that has been developing for decades under the influence of a wide variety of factors. At the same time, the planned or forecast state of the object has already been specified by an expert; the road map only clearly reflects the path to achieve it.

2. Everything Roadmaps are quite expensive management tools. Since the preparation and implementation of any long-term plan is always associated with risks of a very different nature, to create a roadmap it is necessary to form an entire working group, which should include specialists of the most diverse profiles and the highest competence, and depending on the scale of the object, the number of specialists can vary significantly.

3. The process of forming a roadmap itself is a kind of revision of the existing development potential of the object being studied, the detection of bottlenecks, threats and growth opportunities, support needs, etc.

4. The road map is an interactive tool that allows you to immediately make any changes and clarify scenarios for the development of the object. At the same time, it is important that the roadmap becomes a necessary management tool, used not only in planning tasks, but also in monitoring and decision support tasks. This will make the roadmap itself an effective and efficient tool for managing the implementation of the facility’s development strategy.

5. The degree of elaboration of the road map over different horizons can be different, from detailed blocks and milestones for the near future, to the general setting of target results for the long term.

In Russia, roadmaps are not yet a generally applicable management tool. Therefore, as such, unified methodological approaches and algorithms for the formation of roadmaps have not yet been formed, the structure and form of this document are not strictly defined, and the entire construction process is distinguished by a high degree of creativity.

Taking into account the specifics of the object under consideration - the machine-building complex of the Samara region, it is inappropriate to consider individual structural and logical elements and subsystems separately. Therefore, the road map should reflect a “comprehensive picture” that allows the various components of the engineering complex and its environment to be coordinated and interconnected within the framework of targeted development.

An example of a possible template for presenting a road map for the development of the mechanical engineering complex of the Samara region is presented in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2. - An example of a possible template for presenting a road map for the development of the mechanical engineering complex of the Samara region

The following structural and graphic elements are used within the presented template:

Structural elements:

1. Target areas of strategic development - the main areas of activity with which the successful implementation of strategic transformations of the machine-building complex of the Samara region can be associated. The following areas are highlighted:

1.1.Legislation – combines activities in the field of creating favorable legislative conditions and provisions;

1.2. Taxation – combines activities in the field of tax regulation;

1.3. Related clusters - records milestones and key points that are necessary for the interconnection and coordination of ongoing development activities of the mechanical engineering complex in conditions of close interaction with other socio-economic subsystems;

1.4.Market – records the conditions and states of development of markets for the sale of mechanical engineering products, as well as, if necessary, other “related” sales markets;

1.5.Products – fixes target dates for the creation of new products/services within the framework;

1.6. Technologies – records the composition and timing of the deployment of new technologies that are critical for the implementation of the strategy;

1.7.Research and Development - fixes the directions and tasks of conducting applied research for the innovative development of the industry.

2. Time horizons of strategic planning are key stages in the implementation of measures for the development of the machine-building complex of the Samara region. The following can be used as such horizons:

2.1.Operational horizon (Horizon 1) – the interval for achieving “quick victories”.

2.2.Our strategy (Horizon 2) is the period of formation of reserves and potentials for achieving long-term goals.

2.3. Perspective (Horizon 3) – the range of strategic perspectives and ambitious goal statements.

Graphic elements:

– a legislative act or other regulatory document;

– tax breaks or other preferences for taxes and fees;

– milestones or target controlled results;

– market conditions;

– introduction/production of new products, product lines;

– deployment and implementation of technology;

– conducting research and development.

Also among the graphic elements are directional arrows indicating logical, technological and other relationships between the elements of the network diagram that interconnects the various structural components of the roadmap. At the same time, the structural components of the roadmap themselves represent specific activities (usually programs and large projects), as well as key results for these programs/projects or milestones that make it possible to clearly assess the progress of the strategy.

The placement of a particular graphic element on the “track” indicates a semantic, technological or other classification assignment of the corresponding program/project or its results to a specific direction.

In cases where the proposed division into areas may be ambiguous due to the high complexity of programs and projects implemented within the framework of the strategy, more simplified road maps can be formed, displaying only the composition, relationships and “temporary” parameters of the objects of the road map, or use other forms of semantic grouping of objects (for example, by territorial basis, or by the person responsible/supervising), or other formats for displaying planning information and monitoring the implementation of the adopted strategy.

Among the possible effects of using roadmaps, the following are usually noted:

With the help of roadmaps, it is possible to set more realistic goals and formulate the most effective ways to achieve them.

Roadmaps are the link between strategy, data about the market, technology, society and other aspects of the object’s environment.

The road map develops a kind of “guide” for managers, thus allowing them to identify intermediate results and adjust activities. As a result, a “balance” is formed between short-term and long-term problems, strategic and operational tasks related to technology, resources, finance and other aspects of activity.

With the help of roadmaps, gaps (shortcomings) in plans are identified, which allows them to be avoided rather than solve possible problems in the future.

Accounting for time and temporal relationships. Creating roadmaps helps leaders ensure that when the time comes, they will have the resources, technology, and capacity needed to execute their strategy and plans.

The creation of road maps involves the exchange of information between representatives of the administration, business, society and other parties interested in the development of the facility. Using a roadmap, you can very clearly explain in what direction the object is planned to be developed and in what direction it is actually developing.

The formation of a roadmap requires the development and improvement of the management system, which should inevitably lead to an improvement in the overall state of management decision-making processes.

To build a road map of the machine-building complex of the Samara region, it is first advisable to form a hierarchical structure displaying the main directions and activities within the framework of the strategic development of the machine-building complex of the Samara region, indicating target results, and then display the resulting tree on the “time” axis indicating logical, technological and other relationships between planned activities and key results. A possible version of such a structure is presented in Figure 1.3:

Figure 1.3.- Structure of the decomposition of the main directions, activities, target results and milestones for the roadmap for the development of the mechanical engineering complex of the Samara region

The presented diagram contains the main directions and blocks of work indicating key results. In the process of discussing and implementing Roadmap technology into the management processes of the administration of the Samara region, this structure can be supplemented, clarified and adjusted accordingly. An option for displaying the proposed activities and their results on the time axis is presented in the figure (see Figure 1.4.)

Proposals for a roadmap for the mechanical engineering complex of the Samara region can become the basis for the introduction and development of effective and efficient methods of program-targeted and project-oriented management in the implementation of targeted changes in national economic and socio-economic systems, subsystems and complexes in the Samara region.

Particular attention should be focused on the development of appropriate principles and management systems in the Samara region, which should form a systemic basis for the implementation of program-targeted and project-oriented management.

The proposed structure of decomposition of the main directions, activities, target results and control points for the roadmap for the development of the machine-building complex of the Samara region and the roadmap for the development of the machine-building complex of the Samara region itself are “open”, i.e. allow expansion and adjustment both “vertically” (adding new areas recognized as essential for the implementation of the strategy) and “horizontally” (carrying out a decomposition of work and target results within the framework of the proposed areas and activities).

Drawing 1.4.- Roadmap for the development of the mechanical engineering complex of the Samara region


  1. Kozlov A.S. Program and Project Portfolio Management: processes and tools. Monograph. – M.: JSC “Project PRACTICE”, 2010. – 350 p.
  2. Kozlov A.S. Methodology for managing a portfolio of programs and projects. Monograph. – M.: JSC “Proektnaya” PRACTICE", 2009. – 194 p.
  3. All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.
    OKVED. OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1). OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1).
  4. Directory of enterprises and organizations of the machine-building complex of the Samara region / Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology of the Samara Region. www .minprom. samara .ru, accessed 11/10/2010. – 15 s.
  5. Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Samara region for the period until 2020. Appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Samara Region dated October 9, 2006 No. 129. – 329 p.
  6. Forecast of socio-economic development of the Samara region for 2011 and the planning period of 2012 and 2013. Appendix 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Samara Region dated October 21, 2010 No. 506
  7. V. Artyakov. Speech with a budget message to deputies of the Samara Provincial Duma. accessed 12/08/2010
  8. State and business: institutional aspects - M.: IMEMO RAS, 2006
  9. Savransky P.V. Public-private partnership in the implementation of promising areas of innovative development of the Russian economy. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Cherepanov M.A.

In a dynamic external environment, companies that are focused on the future development of their activities need to introduce modern methods of organizational management. These methods allow you to most accurately imagine, evaluate and predict the future development trend of the company, develop probable scenarios for the development of objects and their potential profitability, and also make optimal management decisions in terms of resource consumption and economic efficiency.

Domestic management theory does not attach sufficient importance to many modern methods that could not only facilitate the management of modern organizations, but also create a detailed scenario plan for the development of any object.

One of the little-studied methods, which represents a scenario for the development of a certain object, is the “Road Map”. This method is based on the deductive decomposition of the process of achieving a goal into steps, this process is called “Road Mapping”. In general, road mapping serves as the basis for information support of the management process, and in particular, this technique serves to develop stages of development of an object and determine the time for making management decisions, as well as to provide a logical basis for cause-and-effect relationships between various stages of the project.

The theme of road maps is reflected in the publication of K.L. Lidin “The variety of roadmapping”, which describes the essence of the roadmapping method and its application in real organizations. The work “Road maps of Russian business: Analytical research report” by the team of authors Manchulyantsev O.A. and others, is devoted to the practical use of road maps. This work is based on original research, which includes a questionnaire survey, expert and in-depth personal interviews with executives and top managers of 50 largest Russian companies. Analysis of these works allows us to identify the reasons for the productivity of using this method, which distinguishes road mapping as an effective method of project management. Based on the presented sources, it is possible to identify limitations and barriers to the use of the road mapping method, as well as predetermine methods for overcoming these negative circumstances.

The purpose of this article is to determine the content of the road mapping method and its application for the development of an organization.

The author includes a comparative analysis of road mapping and other organizational development tools as the objectives of the study; exploring the benefits and limitations of road mapping; consideration of the possibility of creating project portals based on the road mapping method.

Nowadays, there are many tools that contribute to the development of an organization. Such tools are used to form guidelines and priorities for making management decisions. A comparative analysis of these tools is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Comparative analysis of management decision-making tools


Essence of the method

Result of application

Delphi method

Using a series of sequential actions - surveys, interviews, achieve maximum consensus in determining the right decision

Determining a solution to a specific problem that satisfies all participants in the method

SWOT analysis

Assessment of factors and phenomena affecting a project or enterprise. Based on a description of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment, and the opportunities and threats of the organization’s external environment

Identification of activities based on a combination of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment and the opportunities and threats of the organization’s external environment.

Brainstorming method

An operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which discussion participants are asked to express as many possible solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones.

Selecting from the total number of ideas expressed the most successful ones that can be used in practice.

Scripting method

The method is based on a repeated sequence of scenario construction in order to select the appropriate option.

Obtaining a logically and scientifically based forecast for making management decisions

Goal tree method

A method of structuring tasks, problems, goals for their disaggregation and specification in the form of a hierarchical system (tree), in which a level-by-level decomposition of more general goals into specific ones, those into goals of the next level, and so on is carried out.

Allows you to present a picture of the relationships between future events, obtain a list of specific tasks and information about their relative importance.

Road Mapping Method

A visual representation of a step-by-step scenario for the development of a specific object

Presentation of information on possible alternatives for the development of the facility and simplification of management decisions. Audit of the existing development potential of the object under study, detection of bottlenecks, threats and growth opportunities, resource requirements.

All of these methods, when used correctly, create an information base that facilitates management decision-making:

Using the Delphi method results in several informed decisions based on a survey of a group of people.

SWOT analysis provides a structured description of the situation regarding which a decision needs to be made; conclusions drawn on its basis are descriptive in nature without recommendations or prioritization.

The brainstorming method results in a list of solutions to a specific problem expressed by experts, and then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice.

The scenario method is a text that allows you to create a preliminary idea of ​​the system in quantitative parameters and their relationships, however, the scenario, like any text, is subject to ambiguity in its interpretation, so it should be considered as the basis for the further development of a model for solving the problem.

The goal tree method allows you to present a complete picture of the relationships between future events, up to obtaining a list of specific tasks and obtain information about their relative importance. The construction of a tree of goals and objectives ends at the level of identifying executors. In the process of constructing a tree of goals, algorithms for the collaboration of experts are often used, but, nevertheless, the method is based not on group work as such, but on a special logic of reasoning.

As a result, building a roadmap provides a graphical plan-scenario for the dynamic development of the organization, taking into account alternative paths and possible identification of areas of reduced productivity (bottlenecks), as well as a detailed description of such important components of the organization as resources, technology, product, market, customer, strategic goal, and creates a coherent system of communicative interaction between all organizational structures.

All the methods presented cannot fully provide the results that are achieved through creating a roadmap, but they can act as a basis for using the roadmapping method.

One of the main features of roadmaps is their appearance, namely, they look like a variant of analysis based on the selection of possible solutions for individual parts of the main task - building a graphical network consisting of “nodes” (stages of technology development, or points for making management decisions) and “connections” (cause-and-effect relationships between “nodes”).

As a strategic method of project management, road mapping has two main functions:

foresight and planning for the development of the situation, including technological, social, economic and political aspects (future forecast);

managing the development of the situation depending on the set strategic goals (designing the future).

Road maps imply the long-term development of an object for a period of up to 10 years, and reflect the resulting economic effects and determine the effectiveness of alternative options for using resources.

Based on the purposes of road mapping, the following types of road maps are distinguished:

Corporate roadmaps;

Scientific roadmaps;

Technology roadmaps;

Product roadmaps.

Any type of roadmap represents the evolution of a product, technology, scientific component of a company, or a corporation as a whole, and creates a graphical representation of various options for the development of an object in time space. Various types of roadmaps are interconnected and interdependent, which is due to the need to simultaneously take into account product, technological, industry or corporate components.

Types of roadmaps are divided by relevance depending on specific goals and time periods. The relevance criteria are based on the versatility of roadmaps; the more components a roadmap includes, the more informative it is for the organization. The absence of strict regulation distinguishes the mapping process with a high level of creativity, which makes it possible to make road maps a simple, visual and adaptive tool for making management decisions.

At the initial stage of development of an organization, it is of particular importance to create a corporate roadmap that includes scientific, technological and product aspects. The next most important goal is the scientific goal, which includes technological and product components. In the future, the organization no longer requires the development of global roadmaps, because at subsequent stages of development only concentrated methods of organizational management are needed, which are aimed at researching production technologies and products.

The optimal form of a roadmap is a schedule that provides answers to questions about: what exactly, how, in what period of time and why will lead to the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals.

Table 2 - Advantages and limitations of using roadmaps



A good tool for collecting information, involving all experts in the creative process of its construction and subsequent discussion.

Complexity, high cost and time-consuming development due to the need for knowledge in many specific areas of management.

A good marketing tool for analyzing which product has key value for the company.

The need for coordinated work of a large number of specialists from different fields and areas of management.

Shows which areas of R&D are the most significant, what technological solutions can be developed on their basis, what promising products can be created as a result, and what social changes can occur as a result.

The method may not take into account all aspects of the layers being developed.

Allows you to assess the market prospects of products and opportunities to enter new markets.

The method does not answer the question “who will do all this and how?”

Allows you to set clearer and achievable goals.

Lack of required data, information and knowledge.

Allows you to identify priority areas for investment

A large volume of current tasks that does not allow you to concentrate on strategy.

A good tool for visualizing developed strategies and plans and identifying logical inconsistencies and “gaps” that may not be visible in a “smooth” text.

Lack of a clear methodology for developing roadmaps.

An effective communication tool that explains the company's needs to its employees, management, customers and all stakeholders, allowing them to understand what needs to change in the company to achieve overall success, and to participate in these changes.

Lack of educational literature, seminars and training in the field of roadmaps.

Established planning practices in the company.

Provides employees with clear guidance on what to do if conditions change.

The design process allows you to prepare company employees for upcoming changes and form proactive teams.

The creation of a roadmap involves many companies, united in a consortium or simply belonging to the same industry. At this level, through a roadmap, joint development of new key technologies and products is possible, which avoids unnecessary funding of the same research area.

To overcome the limitations and barriers to using roadmaps in organizations, various authors propose the following activities:

Creation of a strategic planning department.

Creation of organizational and regulatory support for road mapping within the organization

Training employees of the strategic planning department on road mapping;

Creation of a strategic monitoring system.

Barriers to the implementation of road mapping include established planning methods in organizations, which is caused by conservatism and the lack of a generally accepted road mapping methodology.

Table 3 - Universal methodology for constructing road maps



1. Stage of defining the problem and setting a strategic goal

  1. Identifying the problem that needs to be solved;
  2. Objective justification of the relevance of the problem;
  3. Formation of strategic goals
  4. Objective justification of the profitability of achieving strategic goals

2. Provision stage

    Creation of a working group, selection of a leader;

    1. Material support for the group;
    2. Regulation of the group's work;
    3. Ensuring the team has access to all relevant information within the organization.

3. Information collection stage

  1. Analysis of customer needs;
  2. Analysis of the list of available and necessary resources;
  3. Analysis of possible technologies for creating a product or providing a service;
  4. Analysis of possible options for goods produced or services provided.

4. Information specification stage

  1. Designation of a specific list of available resources;
  2. Identification of specific technologies;
  3. Identification of specific products produced or services provided;
  4. Identification of target market segments;
  5. Definition of specific types of clients;

5. Graphic design stage

  1. Arrangement of roadmap elements in order of importance;
  2. Creation of chains, namely:

    establishing connections between elements that show what resources, using what technologies, create a certain product, which, in turn, is sent to a specific market segment for a specific buyer, and what specific strategic goal this whole process realizes.

6. Presentation stage to management

7. Discussion stage

  1. Highlighting the positive and negative sides of each chain;
  2. An approximate definition of the benefit indicators for achieving each goal, in value terms.

8. Joint decision-making stage

  1. Identification of one or several chains as the most effective methods of achieving strategic goals.

Based on the developing external environment, changes in stages and activities can be made to the algorithm proposed by the methodology, which will allow the most effective construction of a road map in relation to a specific organization.

The essence of creating project portals is to organize an electronic space that allows you to track the progress of a specific project in real time, as well as carry out electronic document flow for the project. That is, the project portal is an effective system for storing and accessing internal corporate information necessary for project management and project communications by absolutely all project participants. The interaction diagram of project participants through the project portal is presented in Figure 2.

Rice. 1. Scheme of interaction between project participants through the project portal

The project portal contains a list of ongoing programs, which consist of projects. Inside each project there is a roadmap, which is divided into 3 scenarios: optimistic, optimal, and pessimistic. Each of the scenarios involves its own chain of project implementation.

Each project begins in an optimal implementation scenario, since the project input data is always known. Further, as the project progresses, scenarios may change as risk events occur and their results.

When planning a roadmap for project implementation, all scenarios must be carefully planned, namely: what initial data is present in the project; what risk events may occur as the project progresses and what their consequences are; what actions should follow after the occurrence of a particular risk event; and what is the final result. As the project is actually implemented, its scenario is marked in red. A graphic example of a project roadmap is shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 2. Project roadmap

The main elements of the roadmap are:

Start of the process;

Risk event;


The result of the process.

In general, each element of the roadmap must contain source documents or other objective grounds on the basis of which a management decision is developed. In particular: the element “Start of the process” contains information about the available resources at the beginning of the project; “Risk Event” contains information about scenarios that must be applied when a risk occurs; “Action” contains technologies and methods; The Process Output element contains information about the final product of the project.

This system will allow you to centralize the management decision-making system, get rid of information distortion, and create a document flow for projects. Also, based on already implemented projects, you can create a standard road map for the implementation of similar projects, this will significantly simplify the process of achieving strategic goals within the organization.

Today, in government agencies, project management methods are just beginning to be implemented. Road mapping based on a system of project portals must also be introduced into the system of interaction of government agencies with each other. This innovation will facilitate the process of interaction in the implementation of identical projects and will reduce both labor costs and, accordingly, material costs. According to the author, the widespread introduction of project portals based on the road mapping method will create a database of projects in various fields of activity.

The project portal allows you to effectively solve organizational, communication and other tasks related to the administration of the organization’s project activities, as well as increase the efficiency and timeliness of management decisions. The project portal is an innovative method of interaction between subjects of any activity, which increases the efficiency of this interaction.

Summarizing all of the above, it is necessary to conclude that road mapping is an effective method used for organizational development, on the basis of which management decisions are developed and implemented. This method, currently, is not widely popular, since most management personnel try to use established management methods, and, due to their conservatism, do not consider road mapping as an effective management method.


Research methods [electronic resource]. URL: (access date 02.20.2014)

Khvoshchin A.A. Socio-economic forecasting. Tutorial. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2007.

Road mapping technology [electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 02/23/2014)

Lidin K.L. Variety of roadmap construction. Irkutsk 2006.

Jemala M. Corporate “road map” - An innovative method of knowledge management in a corporation // Russian Journal of Management. 2008. Volume 6. No. 4. P. 149-168.

Manchulyantsev O.A., Pavlycheva E.Yu., Krauzova E.N., Tkacheva A.V. Road maps of Russian business: Analytical research report. M.: Open Innovation Inc. 2012. 64 p.

SWOT analysis [electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 03/03/2014)

Brainstorming method [electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed 03/10/2014)

Peregudov F.I., Tarasenko F.P. Introduction to systems analysis. M.: Higher School, 1989.

Goals of enterprise management [electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 03/10/2014)


Research methods. URL: (date of access 02.20.2014)

Hvoshchin A.A. Socio-economic forecasting. Coursebook. Tyumen.: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2007.

Road mapping technology. URL: (date of access 02.23.2014)

Lidin K.L. The variety of roadmaps design. Irkutsk. 2006.

Jemala M. Corporate “road map” - innovative method of knowledge management in corporations // Russian Management Journal. 2008. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 149-168.

Manchulyantsev O.A., Pavlycheva E.Yu., Krauzova E.N., Tkacheva A.V. Road maps of Russian business: analytical report on research. M.: Open Innovation Inc. 2012. 64 p.

SWOT analysis. URL: (date of access 03.03.2014)

Today in our article we will talk about a concept that has long been well known to everyone and is used in a variety of spheres of human activity. Only most of us know it as an “action plan” or “schedule”. And today we will talk about such a term as “Roadmap”, which, in general, is the same thing, but it’s just not quite familiarly called.

Although, in recent years, the phrase “road map” in relation to the development plan of a particular enterprise has begun to be used more and more often by our fellow citizens. And many of you have heard it more than once. True, this concept in each industry is filled only with its own peculiarities and subtleties, so it would not be amiss to once again become acquainted with its role and significance, but not only in a general sense, but also in relation specifically to the cryptocurrency sector.

At different times, we paid a lot of attention to what the development should have so that the widest possible audience would be interested in it, which, in turn, would ensure the idea’s promotion and successful development. For example, we wrote about such an important component as White paper. The presence of the White Paper not only allows users to get to know the new product better, but also indirectly indicates the team’s serious attitude towards their brainchild (after all, they tried, they spent time).

Roadmap can also be included in the list of attributes necessary for the successful development of a startup. Although road mapping is not always used. Basically, this is done if the launch of a new product is being prepared, which has not yet been presented on the market, but existed only in the thoughts of the authors or, at best, on paper. Or another case - a product has been successfully presented on the market for a long time, but interest in it begins to decline and it is necessary to revive it or attract the attention of users to some new aspect of development.

In short, Roadmap can be defined as a technological map of a product, although, in our opinion, this concept is still somewhat broader. This is, in fact, a list of key steps that the startup team is going to take for its promotion and development, as well as a description of the methods and tools through which the set goals will be achieved. All this is presented with specific deadlines and dates. Having become familiar with such a document, the user clearly sees what the company has already done, what stage it is currently at, and what its plans are for the future.

Unlike WP, which is compiled, as they say, once and for all, the roadmap can undergo changes over time, the need for which arises during the implementation of the project.

Perhaps this aspect may not seem like the highest priority to some, but we would not advise underestimating it. Indeed, depending on who exactly such an “action plan” is created for, its content largely depends.

Basically, documents of this kind are created for project managers, developers, related structures and for you and me, that is, for users. Road mapping, to be effective, must include goals and technologies for achieving them, from the first steps of the project to its completion.

You are mistaken if you think that every crypto startup has only one such “future plan”. As a rule, authors create several of them, of different types and for different purposes.

First of all, of course, it is worth noting the main map, which defines the main development goals, displays a large-scale strategy and forms a list of global tasks. But there may be Roadmaps in narrow areas. For example, there may be some kind of “schedule” for people who attract funding for a project, or for those who are responsible for advertising, etc.

In the case of international projects, Roadmaps are compiled by country, taking into account various national issues, from local traditions to languages ​​supported by the company’s website.

First of all, in order for the team to act consistently, in accordance with clearly defined tasks. The main point here is the specification of the direction of work and its sequence: we solve one problem, move on to the next, or simultaneously work on several points at once.

Such a document helps in making forecasts for the development of an idea, and also allows you to identify risks in advance and, if possible, avoid them. In addition, in the process of creating a roadmap, new ideas may arise regarding attracting the attention of users, faster development of the international market, effective development strategies, etc. And in general, working according to a clear plan is always more effective than chaotic throwing around - there is less chance of something happening miss and make mistakes. And for potential investors, a long-term vision of the project makes it easier to make a decision on investing (or not investing) in it.

To develop a roadmap on your own, you don’t need to be a “best student”, and you don’t have to resort to the help of professional web designers either. We will describe the methods and stages of developing such a document below, and you decide which of them is most suitable for you.

Ways to create a roadmap:

  1. Using spreadsheets. This is perhaps the simplest and most accessible method. All you need is the ability to use Excel, and you will be able to create a table displaying your idea, initiatives, and indicate the deadlines for their implementation. This table will need to be updated from time to time. But this is not its main drawback. The main thing is that you will not achieve the necessary visualization and will not be able to fully imagine your strategy. And since the table is a static document, its control and synchronization are difficult.
  2. Presentation. It's a little more efficient to visualize the Roadmap using presentation software. Here the opportunities are wider and there is more freedom of action. But again you will have to deal with updates manually and the same problems with control and synchronization.
  3. Special services. The ideal option is when updates to the “track” occur synchronously for each team member, and this can only be achieved by using special services for managing the product with the appropriate functionality. In this case, you will achieve high-quality visualization, be able to link processes to a global strategy, establish cooperation with an interested audience, and integrate with other systems.

Among the most popular services of this kind, we can recommend Roadmunk, Hygger, Proofhub, Roadmap planner, etc.

Stages of work on the roadmap:

  1. Define strategy. Each global strategy is based on certain key goals. The main thing is that you and your entire team see your idea both as a whole and, so to speak, in a “disassembled” form, without missing out on details that are important to the target audience and reflect its needs. All this, in the end, should form a clear picture of what you want to get as a result.
  2. Customization of releases. Decide on the functions that you want to highlight. Decide whether or not to present certain data (internal and external) in each release.
  3. Set your priorities. And various assessment metrics or your own scorecard, which is easy to create yourself, will help you arrange them correctly. Remember also the well-known rules in prioritization.
  4. Don't avoid communication. Without feedback and transparency in relationships, no strategy has ever worked. Yours won't work either. So strive to share your Roadmap, share it and keep it updated.

  1. Don’t confuse a “track” with a backlog; they have slightly different purposes and contents. If the backlog reflects specific steps (tasks) that need to be completed by a certain deadline, then the roadmap determines the direction of work on a larger scale.
  2. Your document should be based on the main goals and large objectives, but you can show some flexibility in the details and minutiae.
  3. All changes in the company's strategy and goals should be tracked by you and reflected in the Roadmap.
  4. Priorities can change over time and need to be reviewed with a long-term view. It may turn out that some tasks have lost their relevance.

In other words, as we noted at the beginning of the article, the Roadmap is not an immutable document. Treat it as an effective assistant in your work on a quality product. You can create “paths” for both global goals and small tasks. After all, big things consist of little things and you can’t concentrate only on global stages. But every detail, every little thing, you must align with the end goal and the main strategy, considering what product you should receive at the end of the work.

So, Roadmap is a plan for the development (release) of a product in the short or long term. This could be a completely new product, or it could be a new (updated) version of a product already on the market. Such a map, as a rule, reflects the ways and means by which you can achieve your goals, both intermediate and main.

UDC 65
BBK 65.291.23

Target. Studying the content of the road mapping method, its application and effectiveness in modern organizations.

Methods. The popularity of road maps among young professionals is analyzed; the completeness of road mapping as a tool for making management decisions and developing an organization, in contrast to other tools, has been determined.

Results. The main advantages of road mapping as a method of project management are revealed. The scope of application of road maps in modern organizations has been determined.

Scientific novelty. A universal methodology for creating road maps has been developed. A new method for applying road mapping based on project portals has been identified.

Keywords: relevance, roadmaps, decision-making tool, development, organization development, development, implementation.

In a dynamic external environment, companies that are focused on the future development of their activities need to introduce modern methods of organizational management. These methods allow you to most accurately imagine, evaluate and predict the future development trend of the company, develop probable scenarios for the development of objects and their potential profitability, and also make optimal management decisions in terms of resource consumption and economic efficiency.

Domestic management theory does not attach sufficient importance to many modern methods that could not only facilitate the management of modern organizations, but also create a detailed scenario plan for the development of any object.

One of the little-studied methods, which represents a scenario for the development of a certain object, is the “Road Map”. This method is based on the deductive decomposition of the process of achieving a goal into steps, this process is called “Road Mapping”. In general, road mapping serves as the basis for information support of the management process, and in particular, this technique serves to develop stages of development of an object and determine the time for making management decisions, as well as to provide a logical basis for cause-and-effect relationships between various stages of the project.

The theme of road maps is reflected in the publication of K.L. Lidin “The variety of roadmapping”, which describes the essence of the roadmapping method and its application in real organizations. The work "Road maps of Russian business: Analytical research report" by the team of authors Manchulyantsev O.A. and others, is devoted to the practical use of road maps. This work is based on original research, which includes a questionnaire survey, expert and in-depth personal interviews with executives and top managers of 50 largest Russian companies. Analysis of these works allows us to identify the reasons for the productivity of using this method, which distinguishes road mapping as an effective method of project management. Based on the presented sources, it is possible to identify limitations and barriers to the use of the road mapping method, as well as predetermine methods for overcoming these negative circumstances.

The purpose of this article is to determine the content of the road mapping method and its application for the development of an organization.

The author includes a comparative analysis of road mapping and other organizational development tools as the objectives of the study; exploring the benefits and limitations of road mapping; consideration of the possibility of creating project portals based on the road mapping method.

As part of the study, a survey of young professionals was conducted regarding the popularity of the road mapping method as a tool for organizational development. This experiment was a survey of 52 respondents with an age range from 20 to 25 years, who were either final year students at various universities in Yekaterinburg, or had recently completed their studies. The author of this article posted a survey on a popular social network, which was answered by various groups of people, which allows us to judge that the survey results can be extended to the entire population of people aged 20 to 25 years who receive a liberal arts education at a higher educational institution . As a result, the sample consisting of 52 people is representative. The results of this survey allow us to judge the presence or absence of an understanding of road mapping. Also, the survey offered an option about indirect awareness on this topic. The results of this survey are presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Results of a survey on the popularity of road mapping among young professionals

Considering the results of this study in percentage terms, we can say that 67.3% of people and the total number of respondents. Next come respondents who are aware of the method of constructing roadmaps, but they are only 19.2% of the total number of respondents. This is followed by the number of people who have ever heard of such a method of project management, only 13.4%.

Based on the results of this survey, we can conclude that the vast majority of young professionals do not even have an idea about the road mapping method.

Nowadays, there are many tools that contribute to the development of an organization. Such tools are used to form guidelines and priorities for making management decisions. A comparative analysis of these tools is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Comparative analysis of management decision-making tools

Essence of the method

Result of application

Delphi method

Using a series of sequential actions - surveys, interviews, achieve maximum consensus in determining the right decision

Determining a solution to a specific problem that satisfies all participants in the method

SWOT analysis

Assessment of factors and phenomena affecting a project or enterprise. Based on a description of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment, and the opportunities and threats of the organization’s external environment

Identification of activities based on a combination of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment and the opportunities and threats of the organization’s external environment.

Brainstorming method

An operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which discussion participants are asked to express as many possible solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones.

Selecting from the total number of ideas expressed the most successful ones that can be used in practice.

Scripting method

The method is based on a repeated sequence of scenario construction in order to select the appropriate option.

Obtaining a logically and scientifically based forecast for making management decisions

Goal tree method

A method of structuring tasks, problems, goals for their disaggregation and concretization in the form of a hierarchical system (tree), in which a level-by-level decomposition of more general goals into specific ones, those into goals of the next level, and so on is carried out.

Allows you to present a picture of the relationships between future events, obtain a list of specific tasks and information about their relative importance.

Road Mapping Method

A visual representation of a step-by-step scenario for the development of a specific object

Presentation of information on possible alternatives for the development of the facility and simplification of management decisions. Audit of the existing development potential of the object under study, detection of bottlenecks, threats and growth opportunities, resource requirements.

All of these methods, when used correctly, create an information base that facilitates management decision-making:

  • Using the Delphi method results in several informed decisions based on a survey of a group of people.
  • SWOT analysis provides a structured description of the situation regarding which a decision needs to be made; conclusions drawn on its basis are descriptive in nature without recommendations or prioritization.
  • The brainstorming method results in a list of solutions to a specific problem expressed by experts, and then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice.
  • The scenario method is a text that allows you to create a preliminary idea of ​​the system in quantitative parameters and their relationships, however, the scenario, like any text, is subject to ambiguity in its interpretation, so it should be considered as the basis for the further development of a model for solving the problem.
  • The goal tree method allows you to present a complete picture of the relationships between future events, up to obtaining a list of specific tasks and obtain information about their relative importance. The construction of a tree of goals and objectives ends at the level of identifying executors. In the process of constructing a tree of goals, algorithms for the collaboration of experts are often used, but, nevertheless, the method is based not on group work as such, but on a special logic of reasoning.
  • As a result, building a roadmap provides a graphical plan-scenario for the dynamic development of the organization, taking into account alternative paths and possible identification of areas of reduced productivity (bottlenecks), as well as a detailed description of such important components of the organization as resources, technology, product, market, customer, strategic goal, and creates a coherent system of communicative interaction between all organizational structures.

All the methods presented cannot fully provide the results that are achieved through creating a roadmap, but they can act as a basis for using the roadmapping method.

One of the main features of roadmaps is their appearance, namely, they look like a variant of analysis based on the selection of possible solutions for individual parts of the main task - building a graphical network consisting of “nodes” (stages of technology development, or points for making management decisions) and “connections” (cause-and-effect relationships between “nodes”).

As a strategic method of project management, road mapping has two main functions:

  • foresight and planning for the development of the situation, including technological, social, economic and political aspects (future forecast);
  • managing the development of the situation depending on the set strategic goals (designing the future).

Road maps imply the long-term development of an object for a period of up to 10 years, and reflect the resulting economic effects and determine the effectiveness of alternative options for using resources.

Based on the purposes of road mapping, the following types of road maps are distinguished:

  • Corporate roadmaps;
  • Scientific roadmaps;
  • Technology roadmaps;
  • Product roadmaps.

Any type of roadmap represents the evolution of a product, technology, scientific component of a company, or a corporation as a whole, and creates a graphical representation of various options for the development of an object in time space. Various types of roadmaps are interconnected and interdependent, which is due to the need to simultaneously take into account product, technological, industry or corporate components.

Types of roadmaps are divided by relevance depending on specific goals and time periods. The relevance criteria are based on the versatility of roadmaps; the more components a roadmap includes, the more informative it is for the organization. The absence of strict regulation distinguishes the mapping process with a high level of creativity, which makes it possible to make road maps a simple, visual and adaptive tool for making management decisions.

At the initial stage of development of an organization, it is of particular importance to create a corporate roadmap that includes scientific, technological and product aspects. The next most important goal is the scientific goal, which includes technological and product components. In the future, the organization no longer requires the development of global roadmaps, because at subsequent stages of development only concentrated methods of organizational management are needed, which are aimed at researching production technologies and products.

The optimal form of a roadmap is a schedule that provides answers to questions about: what exactly, how, in what period of time and why will lead to the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals.

Table 2 - Advantages and limitations of using roadmaps



A good tool for collecting information, involving all experts in the creative process of its construction and subsequent discussion.

Complexity, high cost and time-consuming development due to the need for knowledge in many specific areas of management.

A good marketing tool for analyzing which product has key value for the company.

The need for coordinated work of a large number of specialists from different fields and areas of management.

Shows which areas of R&D are the most significant, what technological solutions can be developed on their basis, what promising products can be created as a result, and what social changes can occur as a result.

The method may not take into account all aspects of the layers being developed.

Allows you to assess the market prospects of products and opportunities to enter new markets.

The method does not answer the question “who will do all this and how?”

Allows you to set clearer and achievable goals.

Lack of required data, information and knowledge.

Allows you to identify priority areas for investment

A large volume of current tasks that does not allow you to concentrate on strategy.

A good tool for visualizing developed strategies and plans and identifying logical inconsistencies and “gaps” that may not be visible in a “smooth” text.

Lack of a clear methodology for developing roadmaps.

An effective communication tool that explains the company's needs to its employees, management, customers and all stakeholders, allowing them to understand what needs to change in the company to achieve overall success, and to participate in these changes.

Lack of educational literature, seminars and training in the field of roadmaps.

Established planning practices in the company.

Provides employees with clear guidance on what to do if conditions change.

The design process allows you to prepare company employees for upcoming changes and form proactive teams.

The creation of a roadmap involves many companies, united in a consortium or simply belonging to the same industry. At this level, through a roadmap, joint development of new key technologies and products is possible, which avoids unnecessary funding of the same research area.

To overcome the limitations and barriers to using roadmaps in organizations, various authors propose the following activities:

  1. Creation of a strategic planning department.
  2. Creation of organizational and regulatory support for road mapping within the organization
  3. Training employees of the strategic planning department on road mapping;
  4. Creation of a strategic monitoring system.

Barriers to the implementation of road mapping include established planning methods in organizations, which is caused by conservatism and the lack of a generally accepted road mapping methodology.

Table 3 - Universal methodology for constructing road maps


1. Stage of defining the problem and setting a strategic goal

  1. Identifying the problem that needs to be solved;
  2. Objective justification of the relevance of the problem;
  3. Formation of strategic goals
  4. Objective justification of the profitability of achieving strategic goals

2. Provision stage

  1. Creation of a working group, selection of a leader;
    1. Material support for the group;
    2. Regulation of the group's work;
    3. Ensuring the team has access to all relevant information within the organization.

3. Information collection stage

  1. Analysis of customer needs;
  2. Analysis of the list of available and necessary resources;
  3. Analysis of possible technologies for creating a product or providing a service;
  4. Analysis of possible options for goods produced or services provided.

4. Information specification stage

  1. Designation of a specific list of available resources;
  2. Identification of specific technologies;
  3. Identification of specific products produced or services provided;
  4. Identification of target market segments;
  5. Definition of specific types of clients;

5. Graphic design stage

  1. Arrangement of roadmap elements in order of importance;
  2. Creation of chains, namely:

    establishing connections between elements that show what resources, using what technologies, create a certain product, which, in turn, is sent to a specific market segment for a specific buyer, and what specific strategic goal this whole process realizes.

6. Presentation stage to management

7. Discussion stage

  1. Highlighting the positive and negative sides of each chain;
  2. An approximate definition of the benefit indicators for achieving each goal, in value terms.

8. Joint decision-making stage

  1. Identification of one or several chains as the most effective methods of achieving strategic goals.

Based on the developing external environment, changes in stages and activities can be made to the algorithm proposed by the methodology, which will allow the most effective construction of a road map in relation to a specific organization.

The essence of creating project portals is to organize an electronic space that allows you to track the progress of a specific project in real time, as well as carry out electronic document flow for the project. That is, the project portal is an effective system for storing and accessing internal corporate information necessary for project management and project communications by absolutely all project participants. The interaction diagram of project participants through the project portal is presented in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Scheme of interaction between project participants through the project portal

The project portal contains a list of ongoing programs, which consist of projects. Inside each project there is a roadmap, which is divided into 3 scenarios: optimistic, optimal, and pessimistic. Each of the scenarios involves its own chain of project implementation.

Each project begins in an optimal implementation scenario, since the project input data is always known. Further, as the project progresses, scenarios may change as risk events occur and their results.

When planning a roadmap for project implementation, all scenarios must be carefully planned, namely: what initial data is present in the project; what risk events may occur as the project progresses and what their consequences are; what actions should follow after the occurrence of a particular risk event; and what is the final result. As the project is actually implemented, its scenario is marked in red. A graphic example of a project roadmap is shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Project roadmap

The main elements of the roadmap are:

  • Start of the process;
  • Risk event;
  • Action;
  • The result of the process.

In general, each element of the roadmap must contain source documents or other objective grounds on the basis of which a management decision is developed. In particular: the element “Start of the process” contains information about the available resources at the beginning of the project; “Risk Event” contains information about scenarios that must be applied when a risk occurs; “Action” contains technologies and methods; The Process Output element contains information about the final product of the project.

This system will allow you to centralize the management decision-making system, get rid of information distortion, and create a document flow for projects. Also, based on already implemented projects, you can create a standard road map for the implementation of similar projects, this will significantly simplify the process of achieving strategic goals within the organization.

Today, in government agencies, project management methods are just beginning to be implemented. Road mapping based on a system of project portals must also be introduced into the system of interaction of government agencies with each other. This innovation will facilitate the process of interaction in the implementation of identical projects and will reduce both labor costs and, accordingly, material costs. According to the author, the widespread introduction of project portals based on the road mapping method will create a database of projects in various fields of activity.

The project portal allows you to effectively solve organizational, communication and other tasks related to the administration of the organization’s project activities, as well as increase the efficiency and timeliness of management decisions. The project portal is an innovative method of interaction between subjects of any activity, which increases the efficiency of this interaction.

Summarizing all of the above, it is necessary to conclude that road mapping is an effective method used for organizational development, on the basis of which management decisions are developed and implemented. This method, currently, is not widely popular, since most management personnel try to use established management methods, and, due to their conservatism, do not consider road mapping as an effective management method.


  1. Research methods [electronic resource]. URL: (access date 02.20.2014)
  2. Khvoshchin A.A. Socio-economic forecasting. Tutorial. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2007.
  3. Road mapping technology [electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 02/23/2014)
  4. Lidin K.L. Variety of roadmap construction. Irkutsk 2006.
  5. Jemala M. Corporate “road map” - An innovative method of knowledge management in a corporation // Russian Journal of Management. 2008. Volume 6. No. 4. P. 149-168.
  6. Manchulyantsev O.A., Pavlycheva E.Yu., Krauzova E.N., Tkacheva A.V. Road maps of Russian business: Analytical research report. M.: Open Innovation Inc. 2012. 64 p.
  7. SWOT analysis [electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 03/03/2014)
  8. Brainstorming method [electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed 03/10/2014)
  9. Peregudov F.I., Tarasenko F.P. Introduction to systems analysis. M.: Higher School, 1989.
  10. Goals of enterprise management [electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 03/10/2014)


  1. Research methods. URL: (date of access 02.20.2014)
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Road map as a tool of organizational development management

Purpose. Examination of content of the road mapping method, its application and effectiveness in modern organizations.

Methods. The young professionals’ awareness of the roadmaps is analyzed; the completeness of road mapping as a tool for management decision-making and organizational development in contrast to other tools is identified.

Results. The basic advantages of road mapping as a method of project management are revealed. The scope of the roadmaps in modern organizations is identified.

Scientific novelty. Universal methods of road maps creation are elaborated. A new method of mapping application on the basis of road design portals is revealed.

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