Outdoor games. We consolidate knowledge about traffic rules. Didactic game on traffic rules for the second junior group. Cubes "Road signs Games on traffic rules in the 2nd junior group

"Sparrows and a cat"

Children portray sparrows. One is a "cat", he sits on a chair. "Cat" alternately names the colors of the traffic light. On green - "sparrows" scatter through the trees (scatter in different directions), on yellow - they jump in place, on red - they freeze in place. Those who are inattentive, who do not obey the traffic lights, become the prey of the "cat" - they are eliminated from the game.

"The fastest"

Everyone draws a circle for himself (with green, yellow, red crayons) and stands in it. The leader stands in the middle of the platform. At his command: "One, two, three - run!" - the children run away. The host says: “One, two, three - run to the traffic light!” - and he tries to take a circle. The one who did not have time to take the circle becomes the leader.


The box contains a disassembled model of the car. At the command of the leader, the players begin to assemble the model. The team that collects the car first wins.

"To your flags"

The players are divided into three groups. Each group stands in a circle, in the center of which is a player with a colored (red, yellow, green) flag. At the first signal of the head (clap), everyone, except for the players with flags, scatter around the site. At the second signal, the children stop, crouch and close their eyes, and the players with flags move to other places. At the command of the host, “To your flags!” children open their eyes and run to the flags of their color, trying to be the first to line up in a circle. Those who are the first to line up in an even circle and stand holding hands win.

"Let's Draw a Road"

A road is drawn on the ground. Children jump over it. The width of the road is gradually increased. The one who jumps over the road at the widest point wins.

"Running traffic light"

The children follow the leader in all directions. From time to time, the leader raises the flag up, then turns around. If the green flag is raised, the children continue to follow the leader, if it is yellow, they jump in place, if the red one, everyone should “freeze in place” and not move for 15-20 seconds. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The most attentive wins.

"Skillful Pedestrian"

At a distance of 60 cm, 5 m of cord are placed parallel to each other. It is necessary to go blindfolded between them along the path.

Option 2. Two circles are made from two cords: external and internal. The distance between them is 1 meter. It is necessary to go blindfolded in a circle between the cords.

"Ball in the Basket"

2-3 steps from the players put 3 baskets: red, yellow, green. At the signal of the host, you need to throw a red ball into the red basket, yellow - into the yellow, green - into the green. The host can call the same color several times in a row or call green after red, etc.

"Run to me"

In the room or on the site of the kindergarten, there are chairs on one side on which the children sit. The host invites the children: "Run to me." When the children run up, they walk together with the leader, walk calmly. The host then says, "Run home." The children run to their chairs. To complicate the game, you can place leaflets of different colors (green, yellow, red) on the chairs, and when the children come back, they sit on the leaflet that was originally given to them.

"Birds and car"

Birds (children) “fly” around the room, flap their arms (wings). The host says: “The birds flew in, small birds, they all flew, everyone flew, they waved their wings” (children at this time run and flap their “wings”), “So they flew, they waved their wings, they flew onto the path, they pecked grains. (Children sit down, tap their fingers on their knees.) The host puts on a car mask and says: “The car runs along the street, puffs, hurries, blows the horn: “Tra-ta-ta, beware, beware, tra-ta-ta, watch out, stay away." Children run from the car.


Children stand in a column in pairs. With their free hands, they hold onto a cord, the ends of which are tied. The leader has three flags. The leader raises the green flag and the tram moves; if the leader raises the yellow or red flag, the tram stops.

"Sparrows and the Car"

The boundaries of the site are delineated. At one end of the site, sparrows are placed on chairs, at the other, a place for a car is indicated - a garage. The host says: “Sparrows, fly!” (Children fly, frolic.) A horn sounds, and a car appears. The sparrows must return to the nests, and the car makes a circle and does not drive close to the bird houses, and then goes to the garage.


At a distance of 10-15 steps from the border of the site, a line (initial) is drawn, on which the players stand close to each other. At the opposite end of the site, a circle (with a diameter of 2-3 steps) is outlined by the place of the driver. Turning his back to the players, the driver says loudly: “Walk fast! Look, don't yawn! Stop!" With these words, the children begin to move towards the leader, if yellow - they jump in place, if red - everyone should “freeze in place” and not move for 15-20 seconds. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The most attentive wins.

MBDOU Beloyarsky kindergarten "Teremok"

Conducting didactic games according to traffic rules

(MO in the second junior group "A")


Starovoitova L.V.

Target: creation of conditions for teaching children the rules of the road through didactic games


to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules for crossing the street, about the operation of a traffic light;

to expand children's ideas about different types of transport, the ability to recognize transport by description (riddle); develop ingenuity, speed of thinking and speech activity.

educate a conscious attitude to the implementation of the rules of behavior on the street.

Visual material:

Stripes of white and black color "Pedestrian crossing";

Traffic light layout;

Orange cardboard paper, chips (red, green, yellow, blue) for all children;

Illustrations - cars that are in a hurry to help (fire engine, police car, ambulance, truck, bus, car, tram, trolleybus);


Stroke: 1. Organizational part.

Educator: Hello! Guys, a lot of guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them and listen to me carefully. You guys have already learned to play with cars, drive them. Drivers, adults and children must know the rules of the road so that there are no accidents on the roads. Guys! Where are the cars going? (on the way to). Where do people go? (On the sidewalk)

Guys, tell me, where can we cross the street?

Children: Through the pedestrian crossing.

Educator: That's right guys.

Child: The people are gathering

At the "Transition" sign.

Pedestrians are not disturbed

Shine of lights, cars flow -

Go help them all


D/M "Pedestrian crossing" (children alternately build a pedestrian crossing, alternating color - black white)

Educator: Guys! And what is the rule when crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing?

Children: Look left, then right, make sure there are no cars, you can go.

Fizminutka "How are you?"

(knock on door)

Educator: Who's there?

I only have three eyes

They are colorful

Which eye wink

I'll tell you what to do"

Educator: Guys, who is this?

Children: Traffic lights.

Traffic light: I am a wonderful traffic light

You guys, I'm a friend!

I really want to know.

How do you like to play? "Hello guys!"

Educator: Hello Traffic light, our guys have prepared verses-rules.

Three brothers come out.

Child: Our house is a traffic light,

We are three brothers

We've been shining for a long time

On the road to all the guys.

Red: the most severe is the red light.

If it's on fire

The path is closed for everyone.

Yellow: So that you calmly pass

Heed our advice:

Wait! See you soon yellow

Light in the middle.

Green: And behind it is a green light

Flashes ahead.

He will say - there are no obstacles,

Feel free to go on your way...

Traffic light: Well done boys!

D / I " Who will assemble the traffic light faster ”(children lay out red, yellow, green chips in the sequence of traffic light colors).

Educator: And also Traffic Light, our guys know which cars are always in a hurry to help and they are let through without a queue on the street.

Child: The fire truck is let through without delay because the firefighters need to put out the fire as soon as possible.

Child: The police car is in a hurry to call if someone is in danger.

Child: The ambulance is always in a hurry because the doctor has to help the patient urgently or the patient needs to be taken to the hospital urgently.

Educator: The life of a person very often depends on the speed of the arrival of an ambulance.

Fizminutka “I knocked down, knocked together, here is the wheel ...”

D / I "Guess the transport"

I am a work machine

Here is my body and cab.

I'm heavy, I'm big

You know how powerful I am!

I'm used to carrying loads.

Who, tell me, am I? (Truck)

Just buy a ticket!

The driver is driving

And the engine hums in me

Headlights round like a globe

I am called ... (Bus)

I'm so shiny

And of course light

On the road I rush with an arrow -

Don't chase after me!

I have a steering wheel and tires

What is my name? … (The car)

Ding! - I'm rolling along the rails,

And then I'll stop:

Passengers! All attention!

The journey is over, goodbye!

Come out, don't yawn!

What is my name? (Tram)

What is - guess: No bus, no tram.

Does not need gasoline, although the wheels are on rubber. (Trolleybus)

Traffic light: Thank you guys for your knowledge of the rules of the road

Card file of didactic games according to traffic rules

senior preschool age

"Guess what sign?"

Goals: To teach children to distinguish road signs, to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Material: Cubes with traffic signs pasted on them: warning, prohibition, index and service signs.
Game progress:
1st option. The host invites in turn to the table where the cubes lie. The child takes the cube, calls the sign and approaches the children who already have the signs of this group.

2nd option. The leader shows a sign. Children find this sign on their cubes, show it and tell what it means.

3rd option. The players are given dice. Children carefully study them. Then each child talks about his sign, without naming it, and the rest guess this sign from the description.

"Traffic lights"

Target: Familiarize children with the rules for crossing (moving) an intersection regulated by a traffic light.

Material: Red, yellow, and green circles, cars, children's figures.

Game progress:

One of the players sets certain colors of the traffic light (by overlaying red, yellow or green circles), cars and figures of children walking in different directions. The second leads cars through the intersection (along the roadway) or figures of children (along footpaths) in accordance with the rules of the road. Then the players switch roles. Various situations are considered, determined by the colors of the traffic light and the position of cars and pedestrians. The player who accurately solves all the problems that have arisen during the game or makes fewer mistakes (gaining fewer penalty points) is considered the winner.


Goals: Teach children the rules of the road; develop thinking and spatial orientation.

Material: Several playing fields, car, toys.

Game progress:

Several options for simple playing fields are being prepared in advance. Each field is a drawing of an extensive system of roads with road signs. This will make it possible to change the traffic situation. For example: “You are a car driver, you need to take the bunny to the hospital, collect gasoline and fix the car. The drawing of the car indicates the garage where you left and where you must return. Think and say in what order you need to visit all these points so as not to violate the rules of the road. And then the two of us will see if you have chosen the right path.

"Who is an excellent pedestrian?"

Goals: To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road (traffic signals, pedestrian crossing); cultivate perseverance, attention.

Materials: 2 chips and a die with numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. Playing field.

Game progress:

The first pedestrian leaves the house number 1, the second - from the house number 2. Throw the dice in turn until the first dice shows the number 1, the second - the number 2. And the dice are thrown again. In this case, you need to carefully look at the multi-colored pictures. In the first picture, the traffic light is red. This means that a pedestrian cannot jump to the circle that stands after the traffic light. He patiently stands still. The second picture is a car. You can't cross the road, you have to wait. On the third - a green signal at the traffic light. You can move the chip as many circles as the cube shows. In the fourth picture - a motorcyclist. You have to skip it, stop. In the sixth picture, a yellow light is on at the traffic light. And the pedestrian can stop right on the picture itself. In the seventh picture - the traffic controller. It's safe with him, you can go straight to grandma's house. Whoever first, without violating the rules of the road, will come to his grandmother, he won.

"Journey by car"

Target: To consolidate with children knowledge of road signs and rules of behavior on the streets.

Material: Playing field, chips.

Game progress:

On the playing field, children begin to play. Passing by road signs, stop, talking about each of them. The one who reaches the sea first wins.

"On the way to"

Goals: To consolidate knowledge about various modes of transport; train attention, memory.

Material: Pictures of trucks, cars, chips.

Game progress:

Before the trip, agree with the children who will collect what type of transport (for clarity, you can distribute pictures of trucks and cars, you can also take specialized vehicles: police, firefighters, ambulance, etc.). On the way, children pay attention to the cars, naming them and getting chips for it. Whoever collects the most wins.

"Find the right sign"

Target: Continue to consolidate knowledge of road signs, means of traffic control.

Material: 20 cardboard cards (puzzles). On one halves of the cards, road signs are depicted, on the other - the traffic situations corresponding to them.

Game progress:

1st option. The host selects cards with signs of one type (or several types, if they are few in number). The leader distributes the halves of the cards with the image of the traffic situation to the children, and lays out the elements with signs on the table face up. Then he names the type of road signs and talks about their general meaning. After that, the facilitator invites the children to find common external features of this type of signs (color, shape, etc.). Children must find among the elements they have a suitable half of the card.

2nd option. Children share all halves of cards with signs equally. Elements with travel situations are mixed and placed face down in the center of the table. Children take turns picking cards and matching them to their own. The first person to find matching halves for all their cards wins.

"Learning road signs"

Target: Continue to consolidate children's knowledge of road signs, traffic lights.

Material: Cards large and small with signs.

Game progress:

The big cards are divided equally among the players. The host takes turns showing cards with road signs, the one to whom it suits takes the sign, puts it in the upper right corner and tells what this sign is called, in what situations it is used. The winner is the one who correctly selects the signs for the situations and can explain it.

"Traffic Laws"

Goals: To consolidate the basics of a road letter; introduce the main road signs, their classification, purpose; promote the development of attention, memory, thinking.

Game progress:

The teacher takes on the role of a traffic police inspector. Participants move around the playing field with the help of a cube. Green color fell out - movement is allowed, yellow - attention, red - stop - the player skips the move. If the chip stops on the field with the image of a road sign, the participant needs to find a sign from this group in the “common bank”. The one who scores the most points wins. 1 card - one point.

"Laws of streets and roads"

Target: Instill rules of conduct on the roads. Ability to navigate in space.

Material: Playing field, large cards - 8 pieces, figures of people and signs.

Game progress:

The game is divided into several options: “Hello, city!”, “How to get there, how to get through?”, “What kind of sign?”, “You go quieter - you will continue.”

"Talking Signs"

Target: To consolidate knowledge of road signs, their classification.

Material: 73 cards depicting road signs, 73 cards describing the meaning of each sign and the positions of the traffic controller.

Game progress:

The facilitator shuffles the cards with drawings and distributes them to the players. Keeps the cards with the text. Then the facilitator takes one card and reads the text. The player who has a card with a road sign corresponding to the read text puts it in the middle of the table. If the numbers match, the player takes the cards. The winner receives a card with a driver's license.

"Driving School No. 1"

Target: To consolidate in children the knowledge of the rules for crossing streets, the importance of road signs.

Material: Playing field, chips, cards with signs.

Game progress:

Players take turns throwing a die and moving around the playing field, on the yellow circle in front of the pedestrian crossing, you must stop and pass the move to another participant in the route. The stop is needed so that the pedestrian can first look, to the left, and then to the right - whether the transport interferes with crossing the street. The one who did not stop at the yellow circle and took a few steps forward must return to the place where he started the last move.

"True False"

Target: To fix with children the rules of safe behavior on the streets and traffic signs.

Material: Playing field, traffic signs.

Game progress:

Children distribute the characters in the picture, and each tells about who is doing what - right or wrong. The winner is the one who more fully and correctly describes the behavior of the selected character.

"We are passengers"

Goals: Clarify children's knowledge that we are all passengers; fix the rules for boarding and disembarking transport.

Material: Pictures with road situations.

Game progress:

Children take one picture at a time and tell what is drawn on them, explaining how to act in a given situation.

"Road alphabet"

Target: To consolidate knowledge of road signs, the ability to correctly navigate them, classify by type: prohibitive, prescriptive, warning, informational and indicative.

Material: Cards with road situations, road signs.

Game progress:

Children choose cards for themselves, the leader has road signs, he shows the signs in turn, the one who has the right card takes the sign and justifies his choice.

"Traffic Light and Traffic Controller"

Goals: Clarify children's knowledge about the work of traffic police officers (regulator); explain the meaning of his gestures; to teach children to correlate the gestures of the traffic controller with the color of the traffic light.

Material: Traffic controller, traffic controller stick, traffic light signs.

move games:

After the teacher's explanation, the children take turns acting as the traffic controller, showing his gestures, the rest, depending on the position of the "regulator", show the desired traffic signal.

"Road signs"

Goals: To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street; recall famous road signs; introduce new concepts: "railway train without a barrier", "safety island".

Material: Road signs

Game progress:

"Know and follow the rules of the road"

Target: To fix the rules of the street with children; repeat the traffic lights.

Material: City street illustrations.

Game progress:

Children are asked a riddle about a traffic light, a discussion is held about the meaning of the colors of a traffic light, an analysis of situations on the road and the correct behavior of the characters.

"Behavior rules"

Goals: To fix the rules of behavior with children; discuss various dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the courtyard of the house, on the street; teach the necessary precautions.

Material: Cut pictures.

Game progress:

On the board are pictures of people in different situations. The teacher invites the children to consider them. Children look at these pictures, choose any and tell, remembering the rules of the road, what cannot be done and what should be done.

"Pedestrians and Vehicles"

Target: To consolidate with children the rules of the road, the rules of safe behavior on the streets.

Material: Cube, playing field, chips.

Game progress:

The playing field shows a road along which players move with the help of chips, they have obstacles in the form of signs in their way.

Getting on these obstacles, the player comes back. Once on the "pedestrian crossing", the player moves forward along the red arrow. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

"Big Walk"

Target: To acquaint children with road signs necessary for a motorist.

Material: Playing field, chips, road signs.

Game progress:

Children on token cars drive through the streets of the city, observing the rules of the road, collecting photos of friends and returning to their homes. Whoever comes back first, breaking the fewest rules, wins.

"Observe the rules of the road"

Goals: To teach children to navigate by road signs, to follow the rules of the road, to cultivate the ability to be polite, attentive to each other.

Material: Game canvas, road signs, cars, figures of people.

Game progress:

Children choose cars and figurines of people, guided by the situation drawn, and guide their characters across the playing field.

"Talking Road Signs"

Target: Teach children to navigate by road signs, follow the rules of the road, be attentive to each other.

Material: Each playing field is a drawing of an extensive system of roads with road signs. Cars, game characters.

Game progress:

Each child has a field in front of them, each task: after driving across the field, following all the rules, without missing a single sign, drive to the named point.

"Cut Signs"

Goals: Develop the ability to distinguish road signs; fix the name of road signs; develop logical thinking in children, an eye.

Material: cut marks; sign samples.

Game progress:

The child is first offered to remember what traffic signs he knows, and then, according to the model, they are asked to collect cut signs. If the child can easily cope, then he is offered to collect signs from memory.

"Pick up a sign"

Goals: Teach children to compare road signs by value; develop observation skills in children.

Material: Cards showing samples of signs that differ in shape, color; road signs of various meanings and types.

Game progress:

Before each child there is a card on which a sample of the sign is depicted, the child needs to select other signs corresponding in shape and color to the sample, then it is necessary to explain the meaning of the signs on the card.

"I'm a smart walker"

Goals: Teach children to analyze situations on the road; to consolidate children's skills of safe behavior on the streets of the city; develop thinking, attention, observation.

Material: Two sets of cards with situations, road signs.

Game progress:

The child is invited to first consider the dangerous situations that can happen on the road; if the child answers correctly, then he is invited to independently find the desired sign in accordance with the situation on the card.

"Road Lotto"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road; learn to find the right road signs depending on the situation on the road; develop logical thinking, memory, attention, observation.

Material: Cards with situations on the road, road signs.

Game progress:

Each child is given a card that depicts the traffic situation, the children are asked to find the right sign that matches the situation on the road.

"Find the right sign"

Goals: To consolidate the knowledge of the road alphabet in children; learn to recognize traffic signs necessary for pedestrian safety on the road.

Material: A cardboard sheet, on which a car is depicted in the corner, and a person in the other; Velcro road signs.

Game progress:

The child is offered a field on which, in the corners, cars are depicted, and in the other a person; the child needs to choose from the proposed signs the ones necessary for the driver and for the person.

Board game "Road to Grandma"

Goals: To develop attention, memory, observation in preschool children; promote road literacy.

Material: A field depicting the path to Grandma with various road signs; chips; cube.

Game progress:

Two or three children are offered to race to get to their grandmother's house, while observing the rules of the road.

"What the traffic controller is signaling about"

Goals: To develop observation in children (on the example of observing the work of a traffic controller); learn to find the right traffic signal depending on the position of the traffic controller; develop children's memory, attention.

Material: Three cards with different images of the traffic controller, which correspond to traffic signals, on the back of each traffic light card without signals.

Game progress:

The child needs to pick up a traffic light signal from memory for each card with the position of the traffic controller.

"Road, transport, pedestrian, passenger"

Game progress:

Children become in a circle, in the middle of it there is a traffic controller. He throws the ball to one of the players, while uttering one of the words: road, transport, pedestrian, passenger. If the driver said the word “Road! ”, the one who catches the ball must quickly name a word related to the road. For example: street, sidewalk, roadside, etc. To the word “Transport! » the player answers with the name of any transport; to the word “Pedestrian! » you can answer a traffic light, a crossing, etc. Then the ball is returned to the traffic controller. The wrong player is out of the game.


Game progress:

The players are holding car steering wheels in their hands - these are trucks. They need to deliver an urgent cargo. On the head of each is a small bag of sawdust or sand. Who will be able to run so fast as to overtake all their rivals and not drop the load - this bag?


Game progress:

5-8 large circles are drawn in the corners of the site - parking lots - garages. Inside each parking lot, draw 2-5 circles - cars (you can put hoops). The total number of cars should be 5 - 8 less than the number of players.

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, to the sound of music. As soon as the music ends, everyone runs to the garages and takes places in any of the cars. Those left without a seat are out of the game.


Game progress:

"Buses" are the teams of children "driver" and "passengers". Flags are placed 6-7 meters from each team. At the command "March! "The first players with a quick step (it is forbidden to run) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they again overcome the same path, etc. The players hold each other by the elbows. When the bus (the first player is the “driver”) returns to its seat with a full complement of passengers, it must blow a whistle. The first team to arrive at the final stop wins.

"Jolly Tram"

Game progress:

We are funny trams

We don't jump like bunnies

We ride the rails together.

Hey, sit down with us, who needs it!

Children are divided into two teams. One team - trams. The tram driver holds a hoop in his hands. The second team - passengers, they take their seats at the bus stop. Each tram can carry only one passenger, who takes his place in the hoop. The final stop is on the opposite side of the hall.

"The Fourth Extra"

Game progress:

1. Name the extra road user: truck, house, ambulance, snowplow.

2. Name an extra means of transport: a car, a truck, a bus, a pram.

3. Name a means of transport that is not related to public transport: bus, tram, truck, trolleybus.

4. Name the extra color of the traffic light: red, blue, yellow, green.

"Word Game"

Game options.

1. Clap your hands when you hear a word related to a traffic light. Explain the choice of each word: three eyes, standing outside, red light, standing at home, crossroads, blue light, one leg, yellow light, pedestrian assistant.

2. Clap your hands when you hear the word referring to the passenger. Explain your choice: bus, route, stop, road, bathing, reading, sleeping, ticket, conductor, air travel, pedestrian, seat, saloon, bed.

3. Make up a story with the words: morning, breakfast, road to school, sidewalk, bakery, pharmacy, crossroads, overpass, traffic light, school.

"Groups of road signs"

Game progress:

1. The teacher invites the children to carefully consider the picture, express their impressions, and jointly analyze the proposed situation. After that, the adult reads out the text (without naming the sign) and asks the children to choose a road sign that matches the given picture and text, and justify their choice.

2. The teacher invites the children to consider road signs, remember which groups they can be divided into. The participants in the game are selected, who, at the direction of the teacher, select the necessary signs, laying them out in prepared hoops. The rest of the children check the correctness of the task. The next participants in the game are offered to choose one picture for a certain group of road signs, to argue their choice.

"Types of transport"

Game progress:

On the table are cards with modes of transport, picture down. Each child chooses a card with a picture of a vehicle. He looks at his picture and thinks about what type of transport what is shown there. At the signal of the educator, those children who have a picture depicting a passenger mode of transport come out. They are called. Then the children come out who have a cargo mode of transport and a special mode of transport.

"Field of Dreams"

Game progress:

The playing field is divided into sectors. On each sector there are pictures with situations on the road, the street. The children take turns spinning the drum. On which picture the arrow stops, that situation is explained by the child. The teacher asks to find a way out.


Game progress:

Children are divided into two teams. The teacher calls the child from the first team and says a word to him, which he must explain to his team without naming him. If the team does not answer the question, then the right to answer passes to the opponents. (For example: a bus - people go to work on it and whether they visit, it happens under a different number).

Example words: road sign, pedestrian crossing, passenger, pedestrian, traffic light, bicycle, sidewalk, tram.

"Recognize the road sign"

Game progress:

Large and small colored cards are mixed on the table. The large cards have colored outlines of road signs. On small cards there are missing fragments of signs. The child chooses any large card. Then, he must pick up and overlay each image of a large card with a small card so that the existing road sign is obtained.

Elena Kuznetsova

A game- the most accessible form for children to acquire knowledge and acquire the necessary skills and abilities. Fascinated by the game, children, without noticing it, easily learn new material for them. Games arouse a natural interest in children, contribute to the development of independent thinking, and most importantly, the development of ways of knowing. Therefore, when shaping children's knowledge and ideas about the rules of the road, along with other forms, we use in our work didactic games, in the manufacture of which we are guided primarily by the following principles: games should be interesting to children and attract their attention with their amusement. Considering this, we constantly we strive to replenish the development environment of our groups, including a corner according to the rules of the road various didactic games. So the kids have fun play these games, as "Assemble the right traffic light", "Crosswalk", "One, two, three transport collect", "Fix car» developed by educators groups. I would like to bring to your attention didactic game« Put the car in the garage» .

The purpose of this game is to consolidate children's knowledge about various types of transport. (car, truck, passenger)



1. To form children's ideas about various modes of transport

2. Reinforce knowledge of sensory color standards

3. Exercise in distinguishing objects in shape and size


1. Develop concentration

2. Develop visual-figurative thinking

3. Develop the ability to combine objects based on certain features (classification)


1. Stimulate in children the ability to negotiate with each other about upcoming joint activities

2. Raise interest in the rules of behavior on the road.

The game set includes 3 game cards. Each card is a playing field of 6 blocks - garages. So card number 1 is represented by blocks - garages 6 different colors, and correspondingly playing with her, children reinforce knowledge of sensory color standards.

Working with cards No. 2 and 3, children exercise in distinguishing objects in shape and size, respectively.

The set also includes silhouettes of different types of transport (motorcycle, bus, truck). car and passenger car 3 types) in the amount of 36 pieces of different shapes, colors and sizes.

During the game, children are invited « put the typewriter» to the relevant garage, matching the silhouettes cars by color(card No. 1, according to size (card No. 2, according to the form (card number 3).

Since this a game intended for children junior preschool age, in working with the game to maintain the interest of children, the teacher, in our opinion, it is advisable to use an artistic word, for example, rhymes.

look what happened

All cars got lost.

Help the cars

And at the right time garage you take them

Working with card number 1

Card number 1 look-

Here are not simple, but colored garages.

Typewriter take the desired color

And at the right time take her to the garage.

(children choose typewriter according to color garage)

Working with card number 2

Well, look carefully

What is different here garages?

Big and small garage

The answer, of course, you will give me.

Typewriter choose the right size

And at the right time take her to the garage.

(children choose typewriter according to the value garage)

Working with card number 3

Look at card number 3

So different here garages.

Each has its own machine lives,

Look at the picture and boldly go ahead!

(children choose typewriter according to the form)

It should be noted that bright silhouettes machines attract the attention of children. They are happy to send cars in the garage, naming them, specifying the size and color.

Both playing cards and silhouettes machines quite practical and durable, which allows the teacher not to worry about the safety of the kids and the breakage of the game.

A game can be used for group lessons with children. Up to 6 people can take part in it. But especially good a game for individual lessons with children.

Publication date

Created on 09/29/2015

Outdoor games as a means of consolidating children's knowledge of the rules of the road

In exemplary educational programs of preschool education in the section "Transferring knowledge to children about traffic safety rules as a pedestrian and a passenger" of the educational area "Safety", it is proposed to give children certain knowledge using various forms of pedagogical work, including outdoor games.

Outdoor games occupy an important place in the life of children. In gaming activities, they gain practical experience in the culture of communication: they develop cognitive activity, develop communicative abilities and verbal communication skills. By organizing outdoor games, the child develops a desire to show initiative and independence, to find a reasonable and worthy way out of various life situations, has an impact on the moral development of the individual, the child's self-esteem, his orientation towards achieving success, as well as on the assimilation of norms and rules of behavior, accepted in society.

In the process of outdoor games, motor skills and abilities are formed, orientation in space, physical qualities are developed, freedom in movements is acquired.

In the process of games, children consolidate and improve their skills and abilities to act in continuously and sometimes unexpectedly changing conditions, to respond in the best way to them. The game teaches the child, when interacting with peers in a team, to subordinate his interests to the interests of others.

The special value of outdoor games lies in the ability to simultaneously influence the motor and mental spheres. The change of game situations imposes increased demands on the mobility of nervous processes and the speed of reaction and non-standard actions. Outdoor games teach to think economically, instantly respond to the actions of partners, develop inner speech and logic.

In these games, knowledge of the rules of the road is consolidated, children's knowledge of vehicles, traffic lights and the meaning of its signals is expanded; skills and habits of proper behavior on the street are instilled; interest is developing in the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, in the transport itself; respect for the work of drivers of vehicles, traffic police officers is formed.

Below are outdoor games aimed at consolidating knowledge of the rules of the road in preschool children

Outdoor games for children of the younger group


Target.Consolidate knowledge of traffic signals; develop collaborative skills; develop mindfulness.

Game progress.Children stand in a column in twos (pairs) and are taken on both sides by the cord. One child is held with the right hand, the other with the left. When the facilitator raises the green flag, the children walk or run forward. If the facilitator raises the yellow flag, the movement slows down. At the red flag, the children stop.


Target.To consolidate knowledge about modes of transport a; develop orientation in space, walking and running in all directions, speed.

Game progress.The players are given hoops - steering wheels of cars. Children walk and run in different directions without bumping into each other, and at the same time turn the steering wheel. Complication. Add a rule - move only when the green flag is raised, stop when the red flag appears

"Birds and car"

Target.Teach rhythmic movements to music; learn to beware of moving cars.

Game progress. "Children - birds "fly" around the hall (platform), flap their arms - wings.


The birds have flown

Birds are small.

Everything flew, everything flew,

They waved their wings.

Arrived on the track

The grains pecked.

Children sit down, tapping their fingers on their knees. The teacher picks up a toy car.


A car is running down the street

Puffs, hurries, blows the horn.

Tra-ta-ta, beware, beware!

Tra-ta-ta, watch out!

Bird children run from the car to the designated place.

"Red, Yellow, Green"


Game progress.Children to the music either stop (when a red card is shown), or squat (when a yellow card is shown), or move in one direction (when a green card is shown).

"Running traffic light"

Target. Atto follow the traffic lights; develop mindfulness, endurance.

Game progress.Children walk scattered around the hall (platform). The leader (adult) has three flags (red, yellow and green) in his hands. From time to time he raises the flag, then turns around. If the green flag is raised, the children continue to move around the hall (platform); if yellow - jump on the spot; if red, they stop where the signal caught them.

"Funny Cars"

Target.Learn to respond to the signal.

Game progress.Players - "cars" are on the site. Each player holds a hoop in his hands - a “steering wheel”. At the command "Cars, in the garage!" children scatter around the playground and “rule” the hoop. At the command of "Cars", to the garage! put the hoop on the floor, stand in it.

Outdoor games for children of the middle group

"Safety Island"

Target.To consolidate knowledge of traffic signals; develop mindfulness and the ability to act on a signal.

Game progress.Children make various movements to the music. When the music stops, they must quickly occupy the "safety island" drawn (or lined with cords) in the center of the hall (platform).

"Jolly Tram"

Target.To fix ideas about transport.

Game progress.


We are funny trams

We don't jump like bunnies

We ride the rails together.

Hey, sit down with us, who needs it!

Children are divided into two teams: one - trams, the tram driver holds a hoop in his hands; the second - passengers, they take their seats at the bus stop. Each tram can carry only one passenger, who takes a seat in the hoop. The final stop is on the opposite side of the hall.

"Colored Cars"

Target.Develop mindfulness; learn to perform the correct actions at different traffic lights.

Game progress.Children (cars) are placed on one edge of the playground. Each is given a flag of some color. The leader stands in the center of the playground facing the children. Holds colored flags in his hand. Raises the flag, and those "cars" with a flag of the same color begin to move. You can hum, imitating cars. If the leader lowers the flag, then the children - cars go to the garage. Then the host raises a flag of a different color, and the game resumes. The host can raise all the flags at the same time, and then all the cars move; thus making the game more difficult. At the beginning of the game, you can voice the color: “Green cars are leaving”, “Reds are returning to the garage”

"Light the traffic light"

Target.To consolidate knowledge of traffic lights, ball passing skills; teach to act in a team game.

Game progress.Children stand in columns. The first player is the captain. He receives three balloons (or balls) of red, yellow, green color, on a signal passes them one by one to the team members. When the ball reaches the last player, he lifts it up - the first, red signal is lit. The captain may pass the next ball. The team that quickly "lights" all three signals wins.

"Pass the Wand"

Target.To consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road; develop coordination of movements.

Game progress.Children line up in a circle. The traffic controller's baton is passed to the player on the left.

Mandatory condition: take the wand with the right hand, transfer it to the left and pass it on to another participant. The transmission is accompanied by music. As soon as the music stops, the one who turns out to be a wand raises it up and calls out any traffic rule (or road sign). Hesitating or incorrectly naming the rule or sign is eliminated from the game. The last remaining player wins.

"Be careful"

Target.To consolidate the ability to act on a signal, knowledge of the rules of the road.

Game progress.Children remember what to do and when. They walk in a circle and carefully listen to the signals of the traffic controller (educator). At the signal "Traffic Light!" stand still; at the signal "Transition!" walk; on the signal "Car"! running around the room.

Outdoor games for children of senior and preparatory groups for school

"Different Cars"

Target.Explain the meaning of traffic controller gestures; develop dexterity and mindfulness.

Game progress.Children are divided into two teams: “trucks” and “cars”. The leader - the traffic controller - exclaims: "trucks!", And they quickly "go" to their line. And passenger cars start after them, trying to overpower them. It is the turn of passenger cars to go to their line, And so several times in a row. It is important that the number of trips for trucks and cars at the end of the game is the same.

"To Your Signs"

Target.Strengthen knowledge of traffic signs.

Game progress.The players are divided into two groups of five to seven people, join hands, forming circles. A driver enters the middle of each circle with some kind of road sign, explaining its meaning. Music sounds, the children disperse around the playground. Drivers change places and signs. On a signal, the players must quickly find their sign and stand in a circle. Drivers hold the sign over their heads.

"Traffic Signals"

Target.To consolidate knowledge of traffic signals, the ability to work in a team.

Game progress.Racks are placed on the site from start to finish. The players stand in columns one after another in a chain at the start counter and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. In the hands of the leader is a bag with balls (balls) of red, yellow, green color. The captains take turns putting their hand into the bag and pulling out one balloon at a time. If the captain took out a red or yellow ball, the team stands still; if green - moves to the next rack. Whose team reaches the finish line faster, she won.


Target.To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior at a pedestrian crossing, the ability to play in a team.

Game progress.All participants in each team, except the last one, are given a strip of white cardboard. The first one puts a strip (“zebra”) on the floor, stands on it and returns to the team. The second walks strictly along the strip, puts his "step" and comes back. The last participant walks along the strips, and when returning, he collects them.


Target.To consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road; develop the ability to work in a team.

Game progress.Children are divided into teams. The first player is the “driver”, the rest are the “passengers”. Flags are placed 6-7 meters from each team. At the signal "March!" the first players with a quick step (running is prohibited) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they make the same path, etc. The players hold each other by the elbows. When the bus (the front player - "driver") returns to the seat with a full complement of passengers, he must blow his whistle. The first team to arrive at the final stop wins.

"Trip to Moscow"

Target.To consolidate knowledge of the names of modes of transport; develop dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress.For the game you need hoops - I play one less than the number. The hoops are laid out in a circle, one next to the other. Everyone occupies an empty seat. The driver does not have a hoop. He walks around the players, holding a flag in his hand, and says: "I'm going to Moscow, I invite everyone." Everyone joins him one by one. The driver continues: “We are going to Moscow by bus (by train, by plane)” - and at the same time speeds up the pace. “The bus is picking up speed” - the driver starts running. “Moscow is already very close,” he announces (Running slows down). "Attention, stop!" - the command is distributed: everyone runs to the hoops. Everyone tries to take any free place. The driver also tries to take a seat. The one who is left without a hoop becomes the driver, receives a flag and repeats the game. The driver can take the players away from the hoops, lead them through the hall, etc., and give the command “Landing!” unexpectedly anywhere.

Physical culture instructor Kasimova D.A.

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