What can be done in minecraft from clay. How to make clay in minecraft and where to look for it What can be done in minecraft from clay

Man is so arranged that he constantly wants to strive for perfection. Therefore, when building a house in Minecraft, most players want to have an ideal building inside and out. Clay blocks will help to achieve a similar result. They are an ingredient needed to craft the required number of bricks or craft flower pots (a feature available in newer versions of the game).

Where to start your search?

So, to make clay blocks, and only then bricks, you first need to find clay. You can find it in different places. In particular, clay generation occurs at the bottom of rivers, oceans, and in swamps. Even in a small puddle, looking closely, you can see deposits of clay.

How to mine?

Clay can be finished off with the tool that is at hand. True, it will be easiest to do this with a pickaxe or a shovel. Moreover, to save time, enchant them with the Silk Touch spell - in this case, the player immediately digs out a block of clay. If this is not done, then the result of the extraction will be clay in pieces. In order to turn a piece of clay back into a block, you need to correctly position them in the cells of the workbench. We take four pieces of clay and perform the procedure in this way:

- leave the first row of the workbench empty;
- in the second, we fill only the first two cells with clay, the third remains unfilled;
- in the third, we place the material in the same way as in the cells of the second row.

Clay in Minecraft is clay balls, or lumps, and clay blocks from which these balls can be obtained. The blocks are painted in gray-blue color. You can find them at the bottom of reservoirs and oceans (there they are present as one of the components of silt), as well as on sandy beaches, on which they are scattered in small groups. Any tool is suitable for finding deposits and extracting clay, but a shovel is the best choice, as it speeds up the extraction process. Water is not the most suitable place for crafters, therefore, in order to work comfortably, it is advisable to use enchanted armor. Building underwater bases in Minecraft is a good idea. Of course, these tips are relevant if you plan to mine serious reserves. The texture of the blocks is similar to sand, they differ in color from sand.

To make clay lumps, you need to destroy the block. Destruction gives four balls. The reverse process in Minecraft is, of course, also possible.

Trying to make a burnt version

Clay in Minecraft, as in life, is mainly used when you need to make bricks.

Bricks, in turn, are used to craft brick blocks. Why they are needed, probably, it is not worth explaining. Thus, clay in Minecraft cannot be overemphasized.

If you make a couple of movements, you can get an improved Ch. Burning lumps in the oven, we get bricks. Burning the blocks, we get a burned ch.

Its advantage over the usual one is increased strength (for example, its explosion resistance is 30, while the usual one is 3) and the ability to paint it. In terms of dyeing, it is similar to wool. To make colored clay in Minecraft, you need to take the right dye.

Its texture resembles the texture of a stone. Those who are too lazy to engage in roasting can be advised to go to the mesas of Minecraft - biomes where you can find a lot of burnt deposits, and of various colors.

A few facts to help make mining easier

Those who decide to devote their lives to the "clay industry" will benefit from additional information.

  • Sometimes ch. in Minecraft can be found right under the farms of the villagers.
  • Sometimes, very rarely, it can be found at low levels in dungeons.
  • When applying the Luck enchantment, you should not count on getting more than four lumps. In this case, the spell does not work, and the specified number of balls always falls out of the block.
  • In v. Beta 1.6 Minecraft has a bug. Clay is generated there exclusively in areas where the coordinates coincide, and then only if the other conditions required for its generation are met. Because of this error, it is almost impossible to find clay on the maps.
  • In the real world, clay also comes in various colors.

If you decide to play Minecraft, then you will hardly be surprised by the fact that you will have to spend an impressive amount of time on construction. In this game, you can always find what to build - the main thing is that you have what to make it from. The building materials here are very diverse, some of them differ in properties, others have only external differences, but you will still have enough options to create full-fledged masterpieces. Some items are worth paying special attention to, as you will need them much more often than others. For example, clay is needed to create most buildings. But how to use it? What can be made from clay in Minecraft?

The search for clay

Naturally, everyone wants to immediately move on to an interesting building process, but everything is not so simple. Before you know what can be made from clay in Minecraft, you will need to find it. But do not be afraid - it will not take you very much time. The fact is that clay can be found almost everywhere - it is a very common material. The main thing is that there is water next to you, if it is, then there will be clay. The bottom of reservoirs is most often lined with different materials, most of it is occupied by sand. But it can also be from clay, which you need to get. It is quite easy to distinguish this material from others - if the sand is yellowish and has a certain texture, then the clay has a gray color, moreover, it is absolutely smooth. So, when you go to the pond, pay attention to these parameters, and you will immediately find the material you need. When you get it, you will have a chance to find out what can be made from clay in Minecraft.

How to mine clay?

Many players, having discovered deposits of clay, cannot advance further. And it's not that they don't know what can be made from clay in Minecraft - they haven't reached this stage yet. They do not even know how to extract clay from the natural environment. The problem is solved simply - since clay is a natural material, you need to mine it like all other materials. Arm yourself with a working tool and start mining, you can even do it with your hands, only here the question arises of how quickly you finish. Each tool has its own mining speed, manual actions will be the slowest. The best tool for extracting clay is a shovel, so it's best to take it with you. When you start digging, ready-made materials will fall out of the blocks of clay, which you need to collect. Now you know how to get clay in Minecraft, so you can move on to the most important thing - to use it.

Making bricks from clay

You have gone through two stages that led you to the final - you just have to find out what can be done with clay. You already know where to get clay in Minecraft, how to do it and what tools to use for this. Now it's time to turn the raw material into a finished product. In Minecraft, the main purpose of clay is to create bricks. This is done through thermal processing. You will need clay itself, a kiln in which you will burn it, and coal, which will act as fuel for the kiln. One unit of clay makes one brick, so you will have to work hard to create enough building materials. Four bricks form a brick block, which can already be used in construction. This is how baked clay in Minecraft becomes the most popular building material.

Clay buildings

But no one is forcing you to make bricks out of it. You may well use it for other purposes. For example, you can turn it back into a clay block, which can also be used during the construction process - it will just have a different color that someone will suit better than bricks. To do this, you will need four units of clay, which you need to combine together. This can be done both at the workbench and in inventory. As a result, you will receive a solid block, ready to use. This process cannot be called unprofitable, as in most cases. Most often, less materials fall out of a natural block than is required to recreate it. In the case of clay, everything is different - four units fall out of the natural block, and that's how much it takes to craft it back.

Clay not a very important resource in minecraft, but without it you cannot make several blocks and objects, thanks to which you can decorate the house and interior.

Unfortunately some players don't know where to get clay in minecraft, and it often happens that this material causes bewilderment and a number of questions about its presence.

In fact, clay is really rare in the game and that's all, because its deposit is difficult to detect.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at what is clay for and how to find it.

Purpose of clay

Clay in minecraft used for crafting clay block and bricks.

Thus, by placing four balls of clay, you can get a block that can be burned and.

To make a brick, you need a stove in which you can burn a ball of clay.

Basically, brick blocks are used in the construction of houses and are somewhat of a curiosity in the minecraft game.

But to make a brick house you really need a lot of clay which is hard to find at first glance.

What you need to take for the extraction of clay

So to get clay you'll need a shovel that speeds things up and potions to breathe underwater.

Of course, it is not necessary to make a potion, but thanks to it, you can quickly get clay in large quantities, but about this in order.

Clay search

After the tools and the necessary potion are ready, you can start searching for clay.

Clay deposits are in four places:

  • Under small reservoirs (oases),
  • lakes,
  • Rivers separating different biomes
  • In the seas
  1. To mine clay in the oases you don't have to use water breathing. Enough to plunge into the water, without lowering his head, and start digging with a shovel. Clay looks like sand, which is why it is quite difficult to detect it. The difference from sand is the grayish uniform color of clay comparable to the color of snow. After breaking the block of clay, four balls will fall out of it, which must be collected. On average, from 10 to 20 blocks of clay can be found in such a deposit.
  2. Get clay from lakes and ponds it will be more difficult, but there is definitely more of it. Just dive into the water, break blocks, collect clay balls and float up to replenish the air. In this way, more than 30 blocks of clay can be mined.
  3. The largest reserves of clay are concentrated in the seas but it takes some ingenuity to get it. Constant immersion in water will not bring the desired result, and the only solution is to build a naval base at a depth. To do this, stock up on blocks of earth or stone and build a 5x5 house. After that, you can dig a tunnel underground and freely collect clay from the depth. Clay reserves in the seas are practically unlimited.


Now you know, where to get clay in minecraft. Clay mining is not only a necessary process for building brick buildings, but also good fun, especially when building naval bases.

Clay ID in Minecraft : 337 .

NID: clay.

Clay is the English name for an emerald in Minecraft. This word can also be translated as clay soil or silt.

Clay in Minecraft (Clay), which is a material, should not be confused with a clay block (Clay Block). Moreover, clay, just, is extracted from these blocks. You can find them at the bottom of the oceans, ponds in swamps, in addition, blocks come across on the surface of sandy beaches. If you destroy a clay block, then 4 units of clay will fall out, which this article is devoted to. Moreover, this amount does not depend on the spell.

Quite rarely, clay can be found:

  • under the farms of the villagers,
  • in dungeons at lower levels.

Clay on the floor, in the player's hand and framed on the wall.

What can be made from clay

If a potter kneads clay, something will come out (Russian proverb).

From clay you can make a clay block and a brick in Minecraft.

A clay block can also be seen as a way to save space. Only the reverse process (from block to clay) is impossible. The block, of course, can be placed and destroyed, but this is no longer craft.

clay block

To make a clay block you will need:

The second crafting recipe shows how to make a brick in Minecraft. To do this, you just need to burn clay in the furnace, using any suitable object as fuel.

The resulting brick can then be used to make a flower pot and/or a brick block.

How to paint clay in Minecraft

Do not crush clay - you can’t see pots (proverb).

"Paint the clay" - this refers specifically to the blocks. So, we have already made a clay block from clay. Now it must be burned in the oven. The result is burnt clay - a block with ID 172.

baked clay

Then you need to use dyes according to the following schemes:

In this way, you can recolor fired clay so that it is transformed into.

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