Dungeons and raids tips for beginners. Underdark How to get into the dungeon of the Second World War

This time you will learn what Dungeon Raids are. Why are they going? Tips on how to behave in raids and the like.

What is Raid? This is a very large group of players (more than five). About to go through a certain dungeon. For what? To get good, unique items.

Raids come from:

  • 10 people.
  • 25 people.

In this case, the raid can choose the difficulty mode for the dungeon. Normal or Heroic mode. In Heroic, the difficulty increases significantly. Therefore, it is better to go into such a dungeon in good, purple equipment.

Tips for beginners

Now a couple of tips for beginners.

  1. The dungeon should be chosen according to your level. Therefore, when searching for a group, be sure to write your class and level in the chat.
  2. Before taking you into a raid, the RL (raid leader) will ask what your “GS” is. GS is the rating of your clothes and weapons. GS is calculated using the addon, so be sure to install it.
  3. Take a second specialization from your class trainer. If this is possible, of course, it costs 1000 gold. A second specialization (second spec) is needed to invest talent points specifically for playing in a group or raid.
  4. Prepare for the raid, distribute your talent points so that they can be of maximum benefit to the group. Which glasses depend on the class. It is best to use the second spec for this.

You should become familiar with the slang used in dungeons by experienced players.

  • RL is the raid leader, this player is the main one in the raid, he assembles the raid and decides who should play in the group and who should leave.
  • Wipe is the second concept you will become familiar with. This is when all participants are killed by mobs or the boss.
  • Trash are monsters that live inside the dungeon.
  • Turnip – reputation with a certain faction.
  • Unrol is when the raid leader takes the best thing from the boss.
  • Roll - RL shows the item in the chat, thereby asking if anyone needs this item. If you need it, write the /roll command in the chat. When the rl sees the results of the roll, he will give the item to the one who lost the most percentage. But he can also give the item to someone else if he sees that it is not suitable for the player’s class.
  • Off-spec is when RL asks tanks and heals to switch to DD specialization.
  • RF – checking the raid’s readiness for battle.
  • Pug – random ed.
  • Chemistry - elixirs, flasks and all sorts of combat bottles. Usually all this is useful on special strong bosses; in a pug it is practically not needed.
  • MT is a main tank or main tank, a player who keeps all the mobs on himself.
  • OT is a backup tank in case the main one dies or loses aggro.
  • Aggro is the rage of the mob, whoever holds aggro is hit by the mob/boss.
  • The ax - the devil knows where the player came from, is stupid and in every possible way sets up the raid.
  • The carriage is a player who just goes to get dressed. Almost useless in a raid.
  • A steam locomotive is the opposite of a carriage, it is very strong and carries the entire raid on itself.
  • Slack is a player who does nothing at all. He's resting stupidly.
  • Sumon or Sum - calling a participant, raid participants into a dungeon.
  • Fist, Helmet, Inta, Paw, etc. - buffs of various classes.
  • Napul – transferring aggro to tanks using special skills of various classes.

Level of things - what is it?

In addition to the GS, which determines the level of things. There are levels of things provided by the developers. Therefore, very often RL looks at the level of individual and the general level of things. This careful selection is explained by the difficulty of completing the dungeon. If anyone in the group is poorly dressed, a wipe will inevitably occur.

They usually look at the level of items when they are going to take you to the Guild and to a team in the Arena.

As a rule, they don’t look at the level when a pogue is going. When you queue for a random dungeon, etc.

It can be useful to look for raids on trash or turnips.

  • Raid on trash– here they don’t look at the level of things, because the group is going to kill only monsters, and will leave the bosses to others.
  • Raid on turnips– the group is going to kill only monsters, because for killing they give reputation points. Always try to get into such raids. And get dressed and improve your reputation.

Where and how to dress

I advise the green clad player to dress first in 5 man dungeons. In such dungeons you can equip blue items up to level 333. If you play in heroic mode, you can dress up to level 346.

By visiting various dungeons as part of a raid, you will receive various points, including justice points. Justice points can be used to buy items of levels 346 and 359. For valor points - level 378.

Quests, on quests you can also dress well. For example, for reputation in Hyjal and the associated Fiery Front zone, you can get level 365 items. In Firelands raids - level 378.

Where it is needed, it strives

Dungeon Fire expanses(OP) To get here, you first need to complete a chain of quests. After you have completed the Hyjal quest chain, you can look for a group.

Dungeon Baradin Fortress(KB) or (TB – Tol Barad) is located in a PvP zone, so before looking for a group there, you need to conquer this zone in a PvP battle. Well, or wait for other players of your faction to do this. The requirements for this dungeon are very high. Try to get dressed in a different place first. Where? More on this below.

Now it’s easier about dungeons. They drop things at a slightly lower level, but the difficulty of such dungeons is lower.

Dungeon Blackwing Descent(TKT) There are as many as six bosses in this dungeon. That's why there is a lot of loot in it. But it is quite difficult to pass.

Throne of the Four Winds(HTV) is a fairly simple dungeon, in it you can find two bosses, a conclave of winds and Al "Akir. Again, Al "Akir requires practice and a certain level of things.

Twilight Bastion(SB) is the most difficult on the list. It is home to 4 bosses in normal mode and 5 in heroic mode. Completing such a dungeon requires knowledge of tactics and a certain level of play with your character.

That's probably all! If you have any questions, please leave a comment. I will be happy to supplement the article with your questions and answers.

Underdark(eng. Deepholm) is a massive continent that includes most of the land area of ​​the Elemental Home. This is a world ruled by Therazane the Rock Mother and her descendants, the earth elementals.

In the center of the continent rises the Temple of the Earth, in which the Pillar of the World is preserved - an ancient stone created by the titans and bringing together all the elemental and magnetic energies of the Underdark.


Source of information in this section – board game manuals in the Warcraft universe.

The surface of the earth here is covered with cracks and craters, it constantly shakes due to earthquakes. From the world of fire located below, the troops of Ragnaros break through, then huge volcanoes appear on the surface. Until now, Therazane's servants, the earth elementals, have managed to successfully repel all attacks by the creatures of fire.

The underground is riddled with many caves, tunnels and endlessly long passages. There are many worms, burrowing animals and other underground creatures here. The ore contains all kinds of precious stones, even ones that have never been found in Azeroth. Therazane considers all the treasures of the earth his property and brutally suppresses all attempts to extract rocks. Some scientists believe that some of the gems of the Underdark carry great magical power, but so far no one has been able to prove or disprove this theory.

The surface of the earth is poorly suited for life, but some resilient plants and animals eke out their existence here. Their life is short and hard, but Terazan sometimes helps the few inhabitants of his kingdom. The fastest way to gain her hatred is to destroy those whom she considers her children.

In some places, the surface of the Underdark resembles the deserts of Azeroth, and few visitors to the Elemental Plane can rest here if they can endure the constant shaking of the earth and other dangers that lurk at every turn, such as landslides and avalanches.


The source of information in this section is the supplement Cataclysm to World of Warcraft.

When the dragon aspects defeated Deathwing, he took refuge in the Underdark, where Twilight's Hammer cultists helped him regain his strength. Once healed, the Aspect of Death used the energies of the Earth Temple to return to Azeroth, causing both worlds to shake. After the actions of Deathwing, the pillar of the world was split into three parts, and the Earthen Ring hastened to the Underdark to restore it.

Therazane and her descendants refused to join the black dragon and continued to fight the Twilight's Hammer cultists, later accepting the help of the Earthen Ring, who called upon adventurers of the Alliance and Horde.

The dungeons in the later levels of WoW Classic have a lot of interesting quests and valuable loot, so you'll likely be doing them quite often. But first you need to get there.

Zul'Farrak in Tanaris (levels 44-54) it is quite easy to find. Head west from Gadgetzan. The dungeon will be on the right, along the mountains. If you find yourself in the Un'Goro crater, it means you've gone too far.

Maraudon in the Wasteland (levels 46-55) takes the honorable title of the largest dungeon. As the Horde, go to the Night Stalker Village and run east until you see a rift in the hills where the centaurs live to your left. Now go north, where you will find Maraudon. As the Alliance, run south from Nigel's Heights to the Kodo Cemetery (it will be hard to find the first time). In the southwest corner of the graveyard you will see a pair of centaurs guarding the entrance to the centaur area. You will find the entrance to the dungeon in the west.

Temple of Atal Hakkar(levels 55-60) in the Swamp of Sorrows can rival Maraudon in terms of size. As the Horde, run east from Kamenor and swim to the dungeon entrance. As the Alliance, escape Mirkwood through Deadwind Pass and continue east through the Swamp of Sorrows. The entrance is in the large lake in the eastern middle of the zone.

Blackrock Depths(levels 52-60) are located in (as the name suggests) Blackrock Mountain, which spans Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes. Here you will find a variety of quests, ranging from regular one-time quests to a line of quests to prepare for the campaign on Onyxia. As the Horde, run west from Firecrest in the Burning Steppes, then take the southern ramp. As the Alliance, run south from Cape Thorium. Both factions must learn to climb the chain to reach the central pillar. Once you reach the center, go down and then take the next chain to the entrance. The entrance to Molten Core will also be located here when it becomes accessible.

Lower Blackrock Spire(levels 55-60). Once you're inside Blackrock Mountain, run along the path to the entrance just past the chain you used to get to the central pillar. There you will see a passage that leads to the NCHPG, as well as its companion dungeon, Upper Blackrock Spire(levels 55-60). Along the way you will have to kill a lot of trash. Another way to get to the dungeon is to find the chain that leads down to the central core. You need to climb up it and jump onto the platform at the entrance to the NCHPG.

Scholomance(Levels 58-60). My favorite classic WoW dungeon. It is located in Caer Darrow in the Western Plaguelands. As the Alliance, head north from Chillwind Camp until you reach the river and turn right. Run past the undead into the cemetery. The dungeon will be noticeable from afar. If you move along the southern bank of the river, which turns into a huge lake, you will find a bridge that will lead you to the city. As the Horde, you need to run to the eastern part of Tirisfal Glades through the western Plaguelands. After passing through the Ruins of Andorhal, head south to southeast until you reach the water. You can swim to the island or run along the south side of the lake to the bridge that takes you into town.

Stratholme(levels 58-60) is located in the Eastern Plaguelands. You need to run through the Plague Forest killing the undead until you receive the key to the service entrance. Then head west from Light's Hope Chapel. Here you can turn southwest and join the road. Keep in mind that there are patrols moving along it, encounters with which are best avoided. Walking west along the main road will take you to the Plague Forest. The second right on this road will lead to Stratholme. On the other hand, you can take the same path as to Scholomance, but follow the river that flows out of the lake to the north. On the eastern shore, not far away you will find a cave full of monsters, which will lead you north of the Valley of Terror, from where you can reach Stratholme by heading east. Both options are long and quite dangerous.

Please note that once you enter through the main entrance, you will not be able to return (this feature was added later). You can leave the dungeon by obtaining the key and opening the “dead” side.

After receiving the service entrance key as you head west from Light's Hope Chapel, head around the hills along the north side of the area. The entrance is located west of the elven area (Kel'Lithien Gatehouse) behind a lowering grate.

And finally, Forgotten city in Feralas (levels 55-60). This dungeon will not be available until Phase 2 of WoW Classic. This is another long dungeon with three wings that is easy to get lost in. As the Alliance, use the boat to travel to the mainland from Feathermoon Keep. Go up the hill to the road and go east. The dungeon is so large that you will see its silhouette on the left after entering the area. As the Horde, run west along the road from Camp Mojache. You will see a dungeon on your right. Once you enter the central courtyard, you can enter any of its wings: the Crooked Tree Quarter, known as Dire Maul East, the Central Gardens, also known as Dire Maul West, and Gordok Chambers to the north.

This information will be useful if you started your acquaintance with WoW with the "modern" version of it and do not know where the old dungeons are, or only visited them through group search. Good luck!

Dungeons in classic World of Warcraft are a great place to get yourself some good gear. Now we will tell you where they are and how to get through them.

To get your hands on the best equipment you can find, you need to go into the dungeon. Dungeons (also called “dungeons” or “insts”) in WoW Classic are designed for small groups of players from 5 to 10 people. By killing bosses and completing tasks in them, you will not only receive a lot of experience and money, but you will also be able to get good equipment for your character.

The weapons, armor and accessories that you will find while completing the dungeon will not only help you successfully complete tasks in the open world, but will also prepare you for going to raids (huge dungeons designed for a group of 40 people).

Most WoW Classic dungeons can be completed with five players (one tank, one healer, and three damage dealers). However, some of them, such as Blackrock Depths, Scholomance and Stratholme, will require the participation of more people (they can be completed in a group of up to 10 people). In the classic version of WoW there is no tool for automatically searching and selecting a group, so you will have to look for a group in either the location chat, or (most often) in the trade chat of some capital city.

It is worth noting that battles with classic bosses are much easier than bosses from the latest additions. For example, Cutthroat Redhook from the Siege of Boralus (a dungeon in the BfA expansion) in Classic realities could easily be a raid boss. The mechanics of the battle with him are quite complex, because you need to dodge bombs, get the boss into them when he focuses on you, avoid taking damage from adds, etc. However, getting to the dungeon, taking tasks for them and figuring out how to complete it, WoW Classic is much more difficult than more modern expansions.

Unlike BfA, where you can pick up all the necessary quests at the very entrance to the dungeon, in Classic many of the tasks you need are scattered throughout the map. In order to take some of them, you will first have to complete a large chain of preliminary tasks. And only after you complete the entire chain, you can take on the last task, which will lead you to the dungeon.

By the way, the entrance to the desired dungeon is not always easy to find. Some entrances are hidden within the mountain (such as the Wailing Caverns or Blackrock Depths), or behind areas infested with hostile creatures.

The time required to complete the insta depends on how high the level of your group is compared to the level of the dungeon you are going to. The number of bosses inside this dungeon also plays a significant role. Some instances are relatively short (for example, Scarlet Monastery Cemetery). And for n other dungeons it is better to stock up on food, because their passage can take more than one hour (Blackrock Depths sends greetings to you).

Below we will tell you about all WoW Classic dungeons and the minimum requirements needed to complete them.

Please note: Some dungeons are divided into parts, which are also called “wings”. Dungeon wings vary in the level of creatures inhabiting them, as well as the number of bosses. Additionally, players may need additional items to complete some dungeons. Typically, if one player has such an item, then as soon as he opens the desired gate or door, everyone else can simply follow it.

Minimum level10
OP or RFC (English)
Where isRight in the center of Orgrimmar
Additional itemsNo
Number of bosses and wingsOne wing, 4 bosses
Minimum level10
What do people call this dungeon in chat?MK or DM (English)
Where isThe entrance is inside the hut, in Lunorechye in the Western Highlands
Additional itemsNo
Number of bosses and wingsOne wing, 7 bosses (one additional rare monster)
Blackfathom Deeps (BLACKFATHOM DEEPS)
Minimum level15
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Blackfathom Deeps or BFD (English)
Where isUnderwater in ruins on the coast in western Ashenvale
Additional itemsNo
Number of bosses and wingsOne wing, 8 bosses
Minimum level15
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Prison or Stocks
Where isIn the center of Stormwind
Additional itemsNo
Number of bosses and wings
Minimum level19
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Gnomeregan or Gnomer (English)
Where isIn a gnomish structure in northwest Dun Morogh, north of Ironforge
Additional itemsNo, but the Workshop Key will allow you to enter through the back door, which will speed up the insta significantly. Horde players can complete the quest to teleport from Booty Bay directly to Gnomeregan
Number of bosses and wingsOne wing, 5 bosses + 1 rare monster
Scarlet Monastery (SCARLET MONASTERY)
Minimum level21
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Monastery or SM (English)
Where isIn the large cathedral northeast of Undercity and Brill, on top of a hill
Additional itemsYes, the Scarlet Key opens 2 wings of the dungeon: the Armory and the Cathedral. In addition, this key must be saved to open the door to the Stratholme dungeon in order to complete it
Number of bosses and wingsFour wings: Graveyard (2 bosses, 3 rare monsters), Library (2 bosses), Armory (1 boss), Cathedral (three bosses)
Labyrinths of the Razorfens (RAZORFEN KRAUL)
Minimum level25
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Labyrinths or RFK (English)
Where isNear the southern border of the Barrens west of the Golden Path
Additional itemsNo
Number of bosses and wingsOne wing, 6 bosses + 2 rare monsters
Minimum level30
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Maraudon or Maura (English)
Where isThe entrance is hidden on a hill on the southwest coast of the Wasteland
Additional itemsNo, but if you collect the Scepter of Celebras, you can create a portal to the second part of Maraudon and skip the battle with the final bosses
Number of bosses and wings4 wings: Corrupted Grotto (2 bosses), Fetid Cave (2 bosses), Poison Falls (1 boss and 1 rare monster) and Singing Falls (3 bosses)
Minimum level30
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Ulda, Uldaman or Ulda, Uldaman (English)
Where isThe entrance is hidden in the center of the northern part of the Badlands
Additional itemsNo
Number of bosses and wingsOne wing, 7 bosses + 1 boss only for Horde players
Razorfen Mounds (RAZORFEN DOWNS)
Minimum level35
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Kurgans or RFD (English)
Where isAt the southern edge of the Barrens east of the Golden Path, directly opposite the Razorfen Labyrinths
Additional itemsNo
Number of bosses and wingsOne wing, 5 bosses + 1 rare monster
Temple of Atal'Hakkar (TEMPLE OF ATAL'HAKKAR)
Minimum level45
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Sunken Temple or ST (from Sunken temple)
Where isUnderwater in the middle of the lake in the center of the Swamp of Sorrows
Additional itemsNo, but if you want to kill the Avatar of Hakarr, then you need to have the Scroll of Ye'kinya with you
Number of bosses and wingsTwo floors that can be walked separately from each other. There are 7 bosses on the first floor. and on the second there are 8 bosses.
Minimum level48
What do people call this dungeon in chat?GCHG or BRD (English)
Where isInside Blackrock Mountain in Searing Gorge (climb down the chain to the Sami below and then go through the shaft to find the dungeon entrance)
Additional itemsNo, but the Shadowforge key (which you receive for the task while in the spirit, i.e. when you are dead) will open all the internal doors in the dungeon for you, making subsequent passages of this instance faster
Number of bosses and wingsThe dungeon is divided into sections, in which you will find a total of 22 bosses and one rare monster
Forgotten City (DIRE MAUL)
Minimum level48
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Forgotten City or DM (English)
Where isIn the ancient ruins, inhabited by ogres, in the center of Feralas
Additional itemsYes, you will need the Crescent Key to open the doors in the north and west wings
Number of bosses and wingsThree wings: Eastern (5 bosses), Western (5 bosses + one rare monster) and Northern (7 bosses)
Minimum level48
What do people call this dungeon in chat?UBRS (English)
Where isSame as the lower part of Blackrock Spire, but to open the upper part you will need a special item
Additional itemsYes, at least one member of your party must have the Seal of Ascension ring to open the dungeon entrance
Number of bosses and wingsOne wing, 7 bosses + 1 rare monster
Minimum level48
What do people call this dungeon in chat?Strat, Stratholme or Strath (English)
Where isIn the northern part of the Eastern Plaguelands
Additional itemsNo, but by killing one of the bosses in the Scourge area, you will receive the City Key, which is needed to open the Western Entrance
Number of bosses and wingsTwo wings: Wing of the Living (8 bosses, one of which must be summoned, + 2 rare monsters), Wing of the Dead (6 bosses + 1 rare monster)

This is a complete list of all World of Warcraft Classic dungeons currently available in the game. Going to a dungeon is a serious undertaking, so you should pay due attention to both the choice of the dungeon itself and the selection of your group, especially if you want to go there to level up your character.

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