Lost Handle quest chain. Quel'Delar, Twin Sword. Guide to obtaining. II. What Dragons Know

Many gamers accuse multiplayer role-playing games of being too monotonous and monotonous, as they do not have any clear plot. But this is a big misconception, since, firstly, there is a plot in WoW, and it is quite fascinating, even if it does not develop as quickly as many would like. Secondly, the game itself is filled with a variety of tasks that are not related to the plot, but can give you great pleasure. You will spend many hours completing them, and you are unlikely to get bored. Quests differ from each other in absolutely everything, even in structure. We can use the example of the quest “The Worn Handle” to demonstrate how a chain of quests is formed in WoW, because this is the one you will encounter more often than others.

What is a quest chain?

So, if you play a massively multiplayer role-playing game, you most likely imagine that the tasks in it can be very different. Some quests are completed in one stage, that is, you are given a task, you complete it, and then receive a reward for it. But in most cases, as in the quest “The Worn Handle,” everything is not limited to one stage. Sometimes there are many more. For example, in the above quest there are only eleven stages. How it works? You receive a certain task, fulfill its conditions, but instead of a reward, you go on to the next mission.

You need to continue completing assignments until you reach the end of the quest, and only then will you receive your well-deserved reward. Naturally, it will be more valuable than in the case of one-stage quests. Accordingly, the more stages and the higher their complexity, the more desirable the reward. Now you have an idea of ​​the quest chain, you can move on to the guide, which will walk you through the quest "The Worn Handle" in detail.

Start of the quest

In WoW, you can receive a quest in various ways, such as from an NPC. But the task “The Worn Handle” is activated the moment you receive this quest item from a mob in one of certain locations. The Forge of Souls, the Pits of Saron and the Halls of Reflection are the locations where the Phantom Jailer and Ymiryar Skywalk mobs are found, and it is from them that you can knock out the item you need - a worn hilt. The chance of this, of course, is very small, so you either need to not think about it at all and hope for luck, not concentrating on the drop of the quest item, or throw all your energy into getting it, that is, beat these particular mobs with the maximum number of buffs , increasing the likelihood of dropping the desired item.

When you receive the worn hilt, you can take the first quest, which will have the same name as the item. After this, you need to go to and transfer the found item to Miralia Shine of the Sun. This will end the quest “The Worn Handle,” but the next stage of the chain will begin.

"What Dragons Know" and "Plans of the Silver Alliance"

The next stage is much easier, since you don't have to knock out objects. This had to be done to receive the quest "The Worn Handle". If we talk about the tasks “What Dragons Know” and “Plans of the Silver Alliance”, then here you only need to move between locations. To complete the first task, you should go to the Dragonblight and talk to Krasus there. The next target is Master Hatorel, who lives in the Sun Thief's Refuge tavern - it is to him that you will turn in this quest, after which a new one will appear.

The second quest is a little more dynamic, because in it you will need to go down to the Cloaca and go to one tavern, where you will find the Envoy of the Silver Alliance. He needs to be killed and the papers taken from his body to take them to Hatorel. But at the exit from the tavern, be vigilant - you will be attacked by another member of the union, who also needs to be eliminated - this will advance you in the “Fabricated Handle” quest chain. Horde or Alliance - the tasks will be the same for both factions, so you can safely follow this guide in any case.

"A Suitable Disguise" and "Meeting the Sorcerer"

In the first of these quests, you will have to play a mini-game with Shandi Chic Glitter - you will need to help hang out the laundry - this is required to advance along the Worn Handle chain. Horde and Alliance, as noted earlier, are the same in this regard, so there is no need to worry about the differences. After the mini-game, you can take the camouflage cape and move on to the next task. There you will need to find the Sorcerer Tibalin, talk to him and take the book from him, which you should then take to Hatorel. And again the chain of quests “The Worn Handle” is the same - the Alliance involves the same actions as the Horde.

"Return to Miralium Sunblaze" and "Reforge the Sword"

The next task is extremely simple. You just need to return to the character indicated in the title - Miralius Sunblaze. If you forgot where he is, you need to head to Icecrown. But completing the next task is much more difficult - you need to go to the dungeon, clear it, collect five saronite ingots, kill the boss and take his hammer, and then reforge the very sword that is mentioned at the beginning. After this, return to Miraliy and continue your journey along the chain “The Worn Handle” 3.3.5 (The Horde here is slightly different in its passage from the Alliance, but this is almost unnoticeable).

"Temper the Blade" and "Halls of Reflection"

In the next quest, the tactics are the same - you clear the entire dungeon, get to the boss and kill him, after which you temper the blade in the crucible that appears. Once again you need to return to Miraliy to receive further instructions. You will probably not be surprised, but the next quest is also a journey into the dungeon, only this time you need to pick up a ready-made sword. It's well guarded, so you'll have to work hard to get it. But as a result, you will still have it. After this, you need to return to Miraliy again.

"Journey to and "Talorien - Seeker of the Dawn"

These are the last quests in the "Worn Handle" series - the guide is approaching its logical conclusion. So, in the first task you need to go to the island of Quel Danas to talk with Halduron Brightwing. This quest is limited to visiting an NPC only. But the last order in the chain can be called the most interesting, as it is filled with events. So, you need to go to the south of the island where you communicated with Halduron.

On the Path of the Dead, life will no longer seem like an easy walk, since you will be constantly attacked by representatives of the undead. Fight them off and continue along the path until you spot remains that you can interact with. Make sure you are fully healed and ready for battle, as the most serious battle of the entire quest chain awaits. When interacting with the remains, an event will be triggered - an elf will join you, who will need to be protected from various undead. You must hold out for a certain time without dying or letting the elf die. After this, you can safely head to Halduron to demand a reward from him, since the quest chain is over.


For every quest in the game you receive a reward. Depending on your character class, for completing a certain task you will receive either a rare sword or an equally rare crushing weapon. It's really worth all the effort to get your hands on these items.

In WotLK it was Valanir and in the latest content patch it was the Darkmourne axe. To obtain some legendary items, it was necessary to complete long quest chains and collect spare parts in raid instances. In fact, legendary items were the result of the efforts of entire guilds. But there were no legendary weapons that would be available to ordinary players. Yes, there were some quests in vanilla, completing which you could get something decent, but in WotLK such items appeared only in patch 3.3. This is the legendary (according to lore) Quel'Delar, the Twin Sword.

After the announcement of content patch 3.3, Quel’Delar was called a “poor man’s legend,” meaning that it seems like a good item, but it is far from “orange” things, not only in terms of stats. Yes, indeed, this is a level 251 item, which is the starting level of the drop in Icecrown Citadel. Yes, let’s say the version for hunters is very well itemized for any spec, but most level 264 items for this slot will be a good replacement for a sword. At the same time, there are two factors that still make this item not such a “budget solution”. Firstly, the chance of dropping a quest item is Worn handle- very low. Wowhead gives a figure of 0.1%, but there is an opinion that this figure of 1-2% is closer to the truth and still not very much. The hilt drops from mobs and bosses in the Frozen Halls and since it is a BoE item, anyone can roll it. Calculate how many runs into the instance you potentially need to get it. Secondly, the fact that the BoE hilt makes it an item that you can buy. The cost varies on different servers. On “Gordunni” the price fluctuated between 11-16k gold. Not sour, let's say. But for some, such an item will be more accessible than, say, some fieldarm from TsLK25.

In order to satisfy all classes, the Bleaks made seven versions of Quel’Delar, suitable for almost every existing class and spec. The list is below.

But that's not the main point. Do not forget that WoW is not only the epic mathematics of theorycraft. These are interesting stories about the world. And in these stories we are assigned the role of the main characters. So below you can find out what adventures you will have if you somehow get your hands on the Worn Handle.

Warning #1- below is a spoiler in the pictures, if you like surprises, then it’s better not to watch this.
Warning #2- the description is given for the Alliance, in some parts the passage of the chain for the Horde will be different.

So, the quest item either fell to you, or you were able to buy it from some antiques lover at an auction. By right-clicking on it you will get a standard quest issuing window on the screen. In order to understand what came into your hands, you are sent to where the Silver Tournament is taking place. Near the Tournament, there is a place where the Alliance and Horde are keeping watch near the remains of the legendary Twin Sword.

Arriving at the place, you will see a sword without a hilt that sticks out of the ice. One of the officers keeping watch near the sword, Caladis Shining Spear, will be waiting for you there. He looks at the hilt and finds it difficult to say what it is, limiting himself to advice to go to the Temple of Wyrmrest to Krasus (quest “What Dragons Know”).

I think everyone knows where the Temple is. For those who managed to miss this place when leveling up in the early 70s, let me remind you that this is a tall tower that rises in the middle of the Dragonblight location.

You will find Krasus himself at the top of the tower, standing next to Alexstrasza. Approach him and start a conversation.

Both Alexstrasza and Kalestos, one of the Blue Dragonflight, will take part in the conversation. During the conversation, it turns out that someone has already visited Krasus and asked about the Rainbow Blades. Now we need to look for this someone in Dalaran. The sorcerer Tibalin, to whom Krasus sends you, can help you in your search. You can find Tibalin near vendors who sell badge items. We turn in the quest and receive information that the book has fallen into the hands of the Sun Thieves. Tibalin convinces us to find the Reaver agent in the Cloaca and take away from him the information that will allow them to take possession of this blade.

You can find the agent in Cloaca next to three merchants. Let's attack. We kill. We select the papers.

At the exit from the Cloaca you may be attacked again, so be vigilant. Having got out again we go to Tibalin. He studies the letters he brought and comes to the conclusion that you need to infiltrate the Horde part of Dalaran and make contact with the Reavers. However, in order to do this you need an appropriate disguise in the form of a branded Tabard T-shirt. Tiblin can correct your appearance with spells. In order to get a cape, the sorcerer sends you to the gnome, who runs a laundry and washes half the city. He owes Tibalin something and, as a return favor, he will let you rummage through his underwear, in which you can find clothes that suit your height. The gnome's name is Shandi Shikglisk and his laundry is located on the second floor of the building where the Threads of Fate store is located.

We come to the gnome, but it turns out that in order to take what we need, we need to work a little for him. The next task is to promptly carry out the gnome's orders, throwing things and adding water to the tub. If you are a little careless, then a mini-wipe awaits you and you will have to repeat everything again. After you complete the task you will receive the Sun Reavers cape. We return to Tibalin. A couple of magical passes and you are a member of the Horde. I don’t know who they turned into what, I became this sexy, slender Blood Elf. Now we can freely penetrate the Horde part of Dalaran. It’s funny, you can’t get here playing for the Alliance and you want to look around. True, yawning is also not recommended - masking spells have a short-term effect and when it ends, you again take on your usual appearance - you will be thrown out of the Horde part.

We go to the “Dirty Animal” bar and find Master Hatorel there.

We receive the book from him and go to Tibalin. Tibalin sends us back to Caladis. We fly to the Tournament Grounds. Caladis, without hesitation, leafs through the thick volume and begins to see clearly - the inscriptions on the handle seemed familiar to him even at the first meeting...

The reforging quest can be completed in any version of the instance, both “normal” and “heroic”. The ingots themselves are scattered throughout the quarry; finding them is not difficult. After you collect 5 ingots and kill Garfrost, go to his anvil and click on the quest item. We receive the Reforged Quel'Delar and return to Caladis. In accordance with elven technology, the blade must be hardened. This time our path lies in the Forge of Souls. Everything is simple there - after killing the Devourer, go to the forge and temper the sword again.

Let's return to Caladis. He examines the blade and says that he does not feel the same strength in it. You tell Caladis that you feel something emanating from the blade, which calls you to the Halls of Reflection. In order to prevent the sword from remaining as it is, we must go to the Halls. But what will await us there?...

Entering the Halls, we hear the spirit of Uther, who warns us of danger and does not order us to go further. In addition, he says that since the reforged blade contains saronite, the blood of the Old God, the sword will not be under our control forever and should be purified in the pure energy of the Sunwell. Naturally, we do not listen to what he tells us. Approaching Frostmourne, Quel'Delar comes to life and breaks free from our hands, preparing to give us battle...

I completed this part of the quest chain in the normal version of the dungeon. Quel'Delar (warrior, elite) has 214k health, the battle is not difficult and we did it with four of us, since one of the participants poured out only after entering the instance. After winning the battle, do not forget to loot Quel’Delar’s ​​“corpse”. You will receive the Tamed Quel'Delar item. At the exit from the Halls of Reflection you meet Kaladis, who advises us to follow Uther's advice. Our further path lies to Quel'Danas.

Arriving on Quel'Danas, we go to the entrance to the Sunwell and find Halduron Bright Wing there. He doubts that you have Quel'Delar. In order to convince him otherwise, we must receive the blessing of Talorien, whose spirit can be found on the Path of the Dead. We get to the other end of the island and find the hero’s corpse.

After a short flashback scene where Talorien fights the Scourge and sees you, he recognizes you as the heir apparent owner of the sword. We return to Haladron and he lets us through to the Sunwell. We throw the sword into the Well and... Here the elves will try to stop you, but then, having figured out what’s what, they free you.

After this, take the cleaned sword and return to Kaladis. He once again examines the sword, is glad that the sword has been restored and tells us to fly to Dalaran to Vereesa Windrunner.

You can find Verisa and Ronin not in the Amestist Fortress, as the quest hint says, but in the tower where they usually stand. We approach, turn in the quest and choose the reward very carefully. Be careful, because the quest can only be done once and, for example, the ring of the Ash Union can be changed for a certain amount of money. We receive a sword, an announcement in Dalaran that Quel’Delar has been restored, and an achievement.


To start the quest chain we need an item [Worn Handle], which drops from the trash dungeon of Icecrown for 5 people (Heroic): Forge of Souls, Pit of Sharon And Halls of Reflection
or buy on auction.

The quest is described from the perspective of the Horde.

I. Worn handle

II. What Dragons Know

Arriving at the Temple of Wyrmrest in Dragonblight, we chat with Krasus. We fly to Dalarn and turn in the quest. The agent is located on the territory of the Alliance/Horde side in the bar.

In this picture he is dead))

III. Silver Union plans

We go down into the sewer, find a mob, kill it and loot it. We return to the bar.

IV. Suitable disguise

Now we know exactly who has the book we need. She is right in enemy territory, where it is simply impossible to get there.

You need to change into an enemy uniform. The uniform can be sewn by a tailor located on the balcony next to the tallest tower in Dalaran. But he won’t do anything to us just like that. Having provided him with a service in the form of help in washing dirty laundry, we get a tabard of enemy colors. We return to the bar.

V. Meeting with the sorcerer

We put on the received tabard, go to the tavern in enemy territory, find an NPC, talk to him and get a book from him. Don't go far until he throws you the book and the quest will be accepted. We return to the bar.

VI. Return to Miralium Sunblaze

Having obtained the book, we return to Ice Crown (coordinates 74,31) and watch a scene about the sword.

VII. Reforge the sword

Having learned a little more about the sword, we are sent to the Pit of Saron dungeon (Can be done normally), where we need to collect 5 pieces of saronite [Charged Saronite Ingot] and knock out a blank for the sword - [Forge Master's Hammer], from the boss - Forge Chief Garfrost. After that, looking at the map, we go to fuse it all.

VIII. Temper the blade

Having assembled the sword, you now need to harden it. We go to the Forge of Souls (Can be done normally), kill the last boss Devourer of Souls and behind him, near the glowing thing, use the quest item.

IX. Halls of Reflections

Well, now the third dungeon - Halls of Reflection (Can be done normally). We reach the legendary sword - Frostmourne, meet the ghost of the paladin Uther, listen to him, kill the sword and, in principle, the quest is ready.

X. Journey to the Sunwell

Visit the Sunwell Plateau, the quest says. The best way to get there is from Shatrath, where the portal to the island is located. We run to the entrance to the dungeon.

XI. Talorien Dawnseeker

We are not allowed into the dungeon itself; we are unworthy. And this is after I completed full Sunwell before the nerf, yikes.

From the entrance we are directed to the southern part of the island, find the remains of an elf (map) and fight waves of undead. Not difficult.

XII. Cleansing Kel'Delara

We return to the guard at the entrance to the dungeon. Now he takes us straight to the place where Kil"jaeden crawled out before. At the moment, the demon is defeated and the Sunwell again feeds the elves with its magic. Throw the workpiece into the center of the well and, in fact, the chain of quests comes to an end. We return to Icecrown , back to where it all began.

XIII. Victory of the Sun Reavers

Already in Dalaran, we turn in the quest, choose the weapon you like and get a new achievement: Sword in the head.

In WotLK it was Valanir and in patch 3.3 it was the Darkmourne axe. To obtain some legendary items, we completed long quest chains and collected spare parts in raid instances. In fact, legendary items were the result of the efforts of entire guilds. But there were no legendary weapons that would be available to ordinary players. Yes, there were some quests in vanilla, completing which you could get something decent, but in WotLK such items appeared only in patch 3.3. This is the legendary (according to lore) Quel'Delar, the Twin Sword.

The video version of the guide was made for the conditions of patch 7.3 (Legion add-on).

After the announcement of content patch 3.3, Quel’Delar was called a “budget legendary,” meaning that it seems like a good item, but it is far from “orange” things, not only in terms of stats. Yes, indeed, this is a level 251 item, which is the starting level of the drop in Icecrown Citadel. Yes, let’s say the version for hunters is very well itemized for any spec, but most level 264 items for this slot will be a good replacement for a sword. At the same time, there are two factors that still make this item not such a “budget solution”. Firstly, the chance of dropping the quest item - Worn Handle - is very low. Wowhead talks about 0.1%, but there is an opinion that this figure of 1-2% is closer to the truth and still not very much. The hilt drops from mobs and bosses in the Frozen Halls and since it is a BoE item, anyone can roll it. Calculate how many runs into the instance you potentially need to get it. Secondly, the fact that the BoE hilt makes it an item that you can buy. The cost varies on different servers. On Gordunni the price fluctuated between 11-16k gold. Not sour, let's say. But for some, such an item will be more accessible than, say, some fieldarm from TsLK25.

In order to satisfy all classes, the Bleaks made seven versions of Quel’Delar, suitable for almost every existing class and spec. The list is below.

But that's not the main point. Do not forget that WoW is not only the epic mathematics of theorycraft. These are interesting stories about the world. And in these stories we are assigned the role of the main characters. So below you can find out what adventures you will have if you somehow get your hands on the Worn Handle.

Warning #1 — below is a spoiler in the pictures, if you like surprises, then it’s better not to watch this.
Warning #2 — the description is given for the Alliance, in some parts the passage of the chain for the Horde will be different.

So, the quest item either fell to you, or you were able to buy it from some antiques lover at an auction. By right-clicking on it you will get a standard quest issuing window on the screen. In order to understand what came into your hands, you are sent to where the Silver Tournament is taking place. Near the Tournament, there is a place where the Alliance and Horde are keeping watch near the remains of the legendary Twin Sword.

Arriving at the place, you will see a sword without a hilt that sticks out of the ice. One of the officers keeping watch near the sword, Caladis Shining Spear, will be waiting for you there. He looks at the hilt and finds it difficult to say what it is, limiting himself to advice to go to the Temple of Wyrmrest to Krasus (quest “What Dragons Know”).

I think everyone knows where the Temple is. For those who managed to miss this place when leveling up in the early 70s, let me remind you that this is a tall tower that rises in the middle of the Dragonblight location.

You will find Krasus himself at the top of the tower, standing next to Alexstrasza. Approach him and start a conversation.

Both Alexstrasza and Kalestos, one of the Blue Dragonflight, will take part in the conversation. During the conversation, it turns out that someone has already visited Krasus and asked about the Rainbow Blades. Now we need to look for this someone in Dalaran. The sorcerer Tibalin, to whom Krasus sends you, can help you in your search. You can find Tibalin near vendors who sell badge items. We turn in the quest and receive information that the book has fallen into the hands of the Sun Thieves. Tibalin convinces us to find the Reaver agent in the Cloaca and take away from him the information that will allow them to take possession of this blade.

You can find the agent in Cloaca next to three merchants. Let's attack. We kill. We select the papers.

At the exit from the Cloaca you may be attacked again, so be vigilant. Having got out again we go to Tibalin. He studies the letters he brought and comes to the conclusion that you need to infiltrate the Horde part of Dalaran and make contact with the Reavers. However, in order to do this you need an appropriate disguise in the form of a branded Tabard T-shirt. Tiblin can correct your appearance with spells. In order to get a cape, the sorcerer sends you to the gnome, who runs a laundry and washes half the city. He owes Tibalin something and, as a return favor, he will let you rummage through his underwear, in which you can find clothes that suit your height. The gnome's name is Shandi Shikglisk and his laundry is located on the second floor of the building where the Threads of Fate store is located.

We come to the gnome, but it turns out that in order to take what we need, we need to work a little for him. The next task is to promptly carry out the gnome's orders, throwing things and adding water to the tub. If you are a little careless, then a mini-wipe awaits you and you will have to repeat everything again. After you complete the task you will receive the Sun Reavers cape. We return to Tibalin. A couple of magical passes and you are a member of the Horde. I don’t know who they turned into what, I became this sexy, slender Blood Elf. Now we can freely penetrate the Horde part of Dalaran. It’s funny, you can’t get here playing for the Alliance and you want to look around. True, yawning is also not recommended - masking spells have a short-term effect and when it ends, you again take on your normal appearance - you will be thrown out of the Horde part.

We go to the “Dirty Animal” bar and find Master Hatorel there.

We receive the book from him and go to Tibalin. Tibalin sends us back to Caladis. We fly to the Tournament Grounds. Caladis, without any hesitation, flips through the thick volume and begins to see the light - the inscriptions on the hilt seemed familiar to him even at the first meeting... His thoughts are interrupted by the appearance of the Bloody Queen Lana'thel...

...Many centuries ago, the Night Elves, together with the Dragons, forged the Rainbow Twin Blades. Quel'Serar was given to the kaldorei. Quel'Delar - the people to which Lana'Tel once belonged - the Kaldorei. In recent years, the sword was wielded by the elven warrior Talorien Dawn Seeker, who defended the elven capital of Silvermoon during the wars with the trolls. During the Scourge invasion, he was in the last ranks of the defenders of the Sunwell. Despite all the power of the sword, he died. It seemed that the sword was lost forever. But he was found by one of the elven warriors, Lana'thel. When Sunstrider gathered forces to invade Northrend with Illidan, she followed him. Arthas defeated Illidan and the elves, scattering them across the icy wastes. He scoured Northrend for survivors and finally found Lanathel. She lost the fight, was transformed into the Darkfallen, and moreover, Arthas made her Queen of the Sen’lei. She eagerly began to serve the new master. The sword, which never helped her defeat Arthas, burdened her with its existence. In desperation, she broke it, leaving it in the ice of Northrend.

After the Queen leaves Quel'Delar's Rest, Caladis decides that if parts of the sword have been found, then it cannot be left broken. The sword needs to be reforged. He sends you to the Pit of Saron, where, with the help of charged Saronite ingots and Garfrost's anvil, you can reforge the sword.

The reforging quest can be completed in any version of the instance, both “normal” and “heroic”. The ingots themselves are scattered throughout the quarry; finding them is not difficult. After you collect 5 ingots and kill Garfrost, go to his anvil and click on the quest item. We receive the Reforged Quel'Delar and return to Caladis. In accordance with elven technology, the blade must be hardened. This time our path lies in the Forge of Souls. Everything is simple there - after killing the Devourer, go to the forge and temper the sword again.

We return to Caladis. He examines the blade and says that he does not feel the same strength in it. You tell Caladis that you feel something emanating from the blade, which calls you to the Halls of Reflection. In order to prevent the sword from remaining as it is, we must go to the Halls. But what will await us there?...

Entering the Halls, we hear the spirit of Uther, who warns us of danger and does not order us to go further. In addition, he says that since the reforged blade contains saronite, the blood of the Old God, the sword will not be under our control forever and should be purified in the pure energy of the Sunwell. Naturally, we do not listen to what he tells us. Approaching Frostmourne, Quel'Delar comes to life and breaks free from our hands, preparing to give us battle...

I completed this part of the quest chain in the normal version of the dungeon. Quel'Delar (warrior, elite) has 214k health, the battle is not difficult and we did it with four of us, since one of the participants poured out only after entering the instance. After winning the battle, do not forget to loot Quel’Delar’s ​​“corpse”. You will receive the Tamed Quel'Delar item. At the exit from the Halls of Reflection you meet Kaladis, who advises us to follow Uther's advice. Our further path lies to Quel'Danas.

Arriving on Quel'Danas, we go to the entrance to the Sunwell and find Halduron Bright Wing there. He doubts that you have Quel'Delar. In order to convince him otherwise, we must receive the blessing of Talorien, whose spirit can be found on the Path of the Dead. We get to the other end of the island and find the hero’s corpse.

After a short flashback scene where Talorien fights the Scourge and sees you, he recognizes you as the heir apparent owner of the sword. We return to Haladron and he lets us through to the Sunwell. We throw the sword into the Well and... Here the elves will try to stop you, but then, having figured out what’s what, they free you.

After this, take the cleaned sword and return to Kaladis. He once again examines the sword, is glad that the sword has been restored and tells us to fly to Dalaran to Vereesa Windrunner.

You can find Verisa and Ronin not in the Amestist Fortress, as the quest hint says, but in the tower where they usually stand. We approach, turn in the quest and choose the reward very carefully. Be careful, because the quest can only be done once and, for example, the ring of the Ash Union can be changed for a certain amount of money. We receive a sword, an announcement in Dalaran that Quel’Delar has been restored, and an achievement.

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