Brothers Pilots publisher and developer. Remembering old games: Pilot Brothers: In the Footsteps of the Striped Elephant. How did you get the studio job?

Problem 1 . Carrying out a keyword search With using a search engine Rambler(www. rambler. ru/)

Need to find pages Internet , which contain a given phrase, for example,"School informatics". If the request consists of several words, then Rambler The following agreements are provided:

(1) Several words separated by a space indicate a query corresponding to the logical operation OR (OR). For example, upon requestSchool computer science

Pages that contain either “School” or “computer science” (or both words) will be selected. The number of such documents is very large: they may contain pages that have nothing to do with computer science.

(2) Several words enclosed _in _ quotation marks. are perceived by the system as a single whole. For example, upon request"School informatics"documents that contain this character string will be selected.

(3)Words connected by a “+” (plus) sign correspond to the logical operation AND. For example, upon requestSchool + computer sciencedocuments containing both of these words will be selected (possibly randomly). It is clear that the number of such documents will be no less than the number of documents selected by the second request.

Try all three request forms and find out which one is most effective.

Comment. The effectiveness of searching on the Internet largely depends on the experience and outlook of the user. When you are looking for materials on a certain topic, you should under no circumstances rely on the “intelligence” of the machine: you yourself must take into account the peculiarities of the vocabulary of specialists on this topic, possible combinations of terms, etc.

Task 2. Searching for information by keywords using the Hot Bot web index ( www. hotbot. com ).

Now we will deliberately turn to a topic far from computer technology in order to emphasize the exceptional role of the Internet in providing extensive information on almost any issue. Let's assume that you are going on a business or tourist trip to Finland, and most likely you will be invited to visit the Finnish sauna. It is necessary to take into account that for Finns, the sauna is a matter of national pride and it probably contains traditions unknown to you. Let's try to get acquainted with these customs by using one of the well-known search engines.

After loading the search engine's home page, try to formulate keywords that will help you search for information about Finnish sauna traditions (eg Finnish sauna, tips, traditions).

Select your request language. Let it be English, since most likely the documents you need about the Finnish sauna exist on the Internet in English. Then our chosen keywords will look like Finnish sauna, tips, traditions.

To syntactically correctly set a search expression that combines the selected keywords, we will use the Help section of the Hot Bot search server. We write the search expression in the form:( Finnishsauna) AND ( tipsORtraditions)

The words "Finnish sauna" are enclosed in parentheses to tell the server to look for a combination of two words (otherwise it will search for each word separately). We also added the Boolean operators AND (logical AND) and OR (logical OR) and created a logical expression in order to obtain a list of documents containing the phrase Finnish sauna and at least one of the words tips or traditions.

To enable the action of these operators, select the option Boolean phrase in the drop-down list located below the keyword input field.

We are primarily interested in the document. located on Finnish WWW servers. Therefore, we will indicate the (Finland) as an additional criterion in the “Location/Domain” window.

By clicking on the Search button, we will begin the search process and wait for the results.

When the search server returns you a list of found documents. You can view them by clicking on the document titles or URLs. As a rule, search servers display links to the most interesting documents at the beginning of the list. To return to the main list or set criteria for a new search after viewing another document, click the Back button on the toolbar of your browser.

Task 3. Using the Aport search server (, find answers to the following questions (save the file containing the answer to the question on the hard drive of your computer):

1. What is the place and date of birth of V.V. Putin - the President of Russia?

2. In what year was Aivazovsky’s painting “The Sea” painted? Koktebel Sky Bay"?

3. Real name is Kira Bulychev.

4. Place and date of birth of mathematician N.I. Lobachevsky.

5. In what year and what school did Alla Pugacheva graduate?

6. Name the director of the film and the year the film “Nightmare on Vya Street” was created
call-5. Child of dreams."

7. In what year and where was Michel Nostradamus born?

8. Name the director of the film "Freddy is Dead: The Final Nightmare" and the year
tape exit.

9. Founders of the company Honda and the year of its creation.

10. Name the publisher and developer of the game “Pilot Brothers”.

11. Which king ruled France during the campaign of Joan of Arc on the Eagle

12. In what year did A. Sakharov win the Nobel Peace Prize?

13. In what year did Alla Pugacheva receive the Grand Prix of the Golden
Orpheus" with the song "Harlequin"?

14. When and where was Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn born?

15. When and why did Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn receive the Nobel Prize?

16. When and where was Pyotr Arkadievich Stolypin born?

17. When and where was J. R. R. Tolkien, an English writer, born? application), try to find information on the topic, “Educational educational Internet resources in computer science,” “Technology for creating educational and training Internet resources.” Approximate topics and addresses of some resources are presented in the file, in which another task is formulated.

Present the characteristics of resources in the form of a table

Search subject

Network Address

Summary of the resource

Description and characteristics of the resource

Your resource rating

Everyone must remember the hours spent playing the wonderful domestic game “Pilot Brothers”. Controlling two charismatic characters, the Chief and the Colleague, you could make an incredible journey full of various interesting and exciting mysteries. Until now, it is hardly possible to name at least one Russian quest that would be better than “Brothers Pilots”. Naturally, except for the continuation of the same game. It came out a little later and was called "The Pilot Brothers. The Far Side of the Earth." The passage remains the same as in the first part, but there are still certain nuances. And, fortunately, they are extremely positive. Therefore, it’s worth further considering how the sequel differs from the original version, as well as understanding the passage of “The Other Side of the Earth.”

Successful sequel

As you know, in the gaming industry it often happens that the continuation of a successful project that has attracted millions of fans turns out to be of poor quality. The developers are trying to earn more money as soon as possible by releasing a sequel with a big name. But the result is disastrous. However, this is not about the game "Pilot Brothers. The Far Side of the Earth" - completing this project will captivate you no less than the first part. He also has a few surprises at his disposal that can surprise you. Firstly, you should pay attention to the graphic design - the recognizable style of "Brothers Pilots" remains the same, but serious work has been done on the image quality. As a result, the picture became much smoother and more pleasing to the eye. But this is not the only advantage of the new part - it is worth noting that the developers listened to the feedback from players who complained that the original game was too short. Therefore, in the sequel, the number of chapters has almost doubled. And, of course, you will be able to appreciate the new original plot, which is replete with interesting twists, and will also allow you to enjoy the gorgeous lines of the two characters in the game "Pilot Brothers. The Far Side of the Earth." The passage is almost the same process as in the first part, so it will not be difficult for you to navigate.

Beginning of the game

So, the main task for the entire game is to save endangered animals from extinction. This will be the main goal of the project “Pilot Brothers. The Far Side of the Earth”: the passage will constantly return to this plot basis, but to achieve the goal you will more than once have to complete certain instructions that will open up the passage for you further. It all begins in the city of Berdichev, where you have to assemble a plane on which you will go on that very journey to the other side of the Earth. If you carefully study the initial locations, you will easily find all the necessary spare parts. And then the first mini-game will await you, in which you will need to fly on your plane, dodging clouds, especially thunderstorms. After landing, you will have a rather exciting fight with the bear. You immediately need to understand that your goal is not to defeat the animal, but to climb higher, to the passage further. Therefore, you will need to build a swing, with the help of which the bear will throw the Colleague onto the pole, and from there he will be able to lower the wire to the Chief, and they will move on together. The next chapter is short and simple, all you need to do is not miss the crowbar lying in the middle of the station square, and then head to the control room. Pilot Brothers is a game aimed at all age groups, so you shouldn't expect incredibly difficult and confusing puzzles. But it won’t be an easy walk, that’s for sure.

Control room and beyond

Another riddle awaits you in the control room, which you will definitely have to solve. This time you will need to move cars on the rails to assemble them into three different trains. In some ways, this process is reminiscent of tag, only in a more intriguing and vibrant design. "Pilot Brothers" is a game that will never cease to amaze you throughout your entire playthrough. When the riddle is solved, you need to get to the platform - in this location you could not do anything until you solved the problem with the trains. Now there is a train there that you need to take. But you are disturbed by the conductor, who does not allow passengers without tickets to enter. There is nothing to buy them with, so you will have to look for workarounds. As a result, the Chief ends up on the train in a cage, and the Colleague in a suitcase. At the exit of the car, another task awaits you - this time you will need to climb the wall, pulling out the steps. At first glance, everything is simple, but some steps, with certain combinations, retract or extend themselves, interfering with your progress. On the wall you have to launch firecrackers and jump on them. If you don't succeed the first time, don't be discouraged, a little perseverance will help you succeed in the game "Pilot Brothers". The passage will never lead you to a dead end; there are always alternative solutions to the problem.

Road to Sydney

To save rare animals, you need to go to Sydney. To do this, you will first have to catch a satellite in space, where the Pilot brothers have already managed to fly off on firecrackers. The passage gradually leads you through the plot, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the art, the wits of the characters, as well as impressive riddles and plot twists. So, after playing a mini-game and catching a satellite, you will go to the ocean, or rather, to its surface. And there another mini-game awaits you, in which the characters will have to jump from buoy to buoy to get to the coast of Australia. There you will find yourself in a location in the city of Sydney, where your task is to steal a car. You will have to try hard for this, but nothing is impossible for the Pilot brothers. When the task is completed, you can continue your journey. Completing the game "Pilot Brothers. The Far Side of the Earth" does not yet present any particular difficulties, that is, the gamer gets exactly what he wants from such a game - a fascinating plot, riddles of medium complexity, wonderful characters and thoughtful situations.

Different ways to travel

You have to go to the desert in a jeep, but everything is not so simple, because after a while the car will break down. Passing the game "Pilot Brothers. The Other Side of the Earth" here requires specific actions from you - you need to fill the jeep with fuel, and it can only be made from cacti. When you achieve the desired result, move on. But you won’t be able to drive forever by car, and soon you will have to change to an ostrich - a rather exotic form of transport. But first you need to catch him, which is what you have to do. Well, then you will need to get to the secret base, which is located on a submarine. As you can see, in the game "Pilot Brothers" you will have to travel on the trail of endangered animals for quite a long time, and all this time the tasks become more and more difficult, so get ready for serious problems that may arise in the future.

New Adventures

Naturally, the virtual journey does not end there, and new adventures await you. The game "Pilot Brothers" (full version) will present its fans with a small surprise - it turns out that the submarine you snuck onto in the last chapter is in a large pool. But it will not be easy for you to get out of it, but when you succeed, you will find yourself in a new location, where you will need to climb into the window of the building in a rather sophisticated way. But this will lead the player to even bigger surprises - a dentist will be waiting inside the characters, who will immediately begin treating his colleague’s teeth. Of course, this disgrace needs to be stopped urgently, so you need to act quickly and get rid of the annoying dentist as soon as possible. In the game "Pilot Brothers", the task, whatever it may be, must be done quickly and accurately - this is the key to success. Of course, you can solve all the problems slowly, but the sooner you complete them, the better.

Traveling by bus

Once you've gotten rid of the dentist, you'll have to make another trip, only this time the vehicle will be a bus. As usual, you need to get into it first. The first part was famous for such small tasks; they were also preserved in the game “Pilot Brothers 3”. In principle, there are even more than enough of them here. Once you're inside, you'll need to organize everyone on the bus to get to the border safely. This means that all passengers must sit in their seats, and the driver must be behind the wheel. When you get to the border, you'll have to cross on foot, so have a plan - figure out a way to get past the border guards without them stopping you. All players remember the first part of the game "Pilot Brothers" - the elephant there was simply magnificent! And in the second part, it is this scene that most gamers remember.

Bridge, labyrinth, conveyor

When you cross the border, you will need to cross a bridge that will begin to fall apart right below you. Thus, it is no longer possible to cross to the other side, so all that remains is to destroy the crossing to the bitter end. After several actions, the last of which will be a strong sneeze from your Colleague (after he takes snuff), the bridge will finally collapse and you will find yourself in a maze. It may take you quite a long time to complete it, because first you need to understand the principle. And it is quite simple - this building has no exit at all. But if you get both characters to the extreme part of the passages and stand on the corresponding stones, the doors will open. Without this knowledge, you can wander through the labyrinth for a long time, trying to find a way out that does not exist. Well, after such a serious test, the brothers will have to pack again, only this time the container will be barrels. In them, characters will be able to get on a conveyor belt, which will take them to the next location. The end of the game “Pilot Brothers: The Far Side of the Earth” is already approaching, so you should prepare for the most difficult tasks that you will encounter during the entire passage. Naturally, you should not expect that these will be completely different riddles, which are a level higher than the previous ones - this is not at all the case. The developers have created a completely balanced project in which all the puzzles are within the reach of any gamer, but at the same time do not allow him to solve them without difficulty. Moreover, all the riddles and tasks are made in the same style and correspond to the concept of the entire game, so spending time with this project is a pleasure.

Chasing Karbofos

So, you find yourself on a submarine again. Only this time you will first have to get out of the barrels you fell into in the last chapter. Once you do this, take your time to move on. The submarine currently has an alarm on, and if you do anything wrong, it will immediately activate. Naturally, this will not lead to any negative consequences, but you will not be able to continue trying to get out until you reach the lever that turns off the siren. So think carefully about your actions first, and then get to work to reduce the number of visits to the lever to a minimum. After this, you will be faced with the most important goal in the game - to catch up with the main villain Karbofos. This will be very difficult to do, since along the way you will need to solve more than one complex puzzle, but at the same time the game does not lose a bit of dynamism. The plot remains as exciting as before, the situation is heating up, so you will only have more fun. But when the chase is over, all you have to do is defeat the villain to complete the game "Brothers Pilots 2: The Far Side of the Earth." Naturally, you won’t want to part with your favorite characters, but don’t despair - the third part of this series is still waiting for you. And if you wish, you can always replay your favorite episode about the Pilot Brothers, or maybe the entire series at once.

A little about the developer and publisher

Of course, the publisher and developer played the most important roles in the success of the game "Brothers Pilots", in principle, as in most computer projects. If you are far from gaming and computer terminology, then it is worth explaining in more detail what these terms are and what they are used for. So, a developer is a person, group of people or company that creates a project. These people write the program code, create the visual shell, that is, they make the game itself. And the publisher is the company that releases the finished product to the market, promotes it, and presents it to the public. It's clear that both the developer and publisher play a huge role in the success of a game. In the case of our project, it turned out that excellent teams were selected from both sides. The developer of the game "Pilot Brothers. The Far Side of the Earth" was not alone - two companies worked on it at once. The first is KD Vision. In addition to creating a series about the Pilot Brothers, it became popular thanks to the Perimeter strategy. In general, over the entire existence of the company, more than ten different games have been released, but after 2009 the profile has changed quite a lot, and now this studio is developing more serious projects - unique computer games that help promote the recovery of patients with certain diseases. The second company involved in the creation of the Pilot Brothers is Pipestudio. This studio has been working on games similar to “Brothers Pilots” for several years now, that is, quests, arcades, children's projects, and so on. Among the latest products, it is worth mentioning a series about the currently popular Russian animation characters - Masha and the Bear. Well, now it’s worth talking about the publisher, which is the 1C company. This enterprise is familiar to almost everyone, as it operates in a wide variety of areas, mainly in the business field. But it also has a branch that produces games, and is very successful. This company is a leader in the Russian market, especially now that it has merged with another large domestic publishing house called SoftClub. The joint venture was named "1C-SoftClub", and the portfolio includes projects from both one and the other company.

Such a wonderful team of professionals is behind the project, which has appealed to hundreds of thousands of users. The game has gained popularity even in foreign countries, that is, in those where Russian is not spoken. Therefore, if you are not yet familiar with the “Pilot Brothers”, then you are strongly recommended to try your hand at this quest. Even if you are not an ardent fan of the mentioned genre, the wonderful atmosphere, sparkling humor and fascinating plot will allow you to plunge into this wonderful world, from which you will get a lot of pleasure. Well, if quests are your favorite genre of computer games, then you should under no circumstances ignore this project, because, as mentioned earlier, the domestic game industry has not yet released an analogue that could compete with the Pilot Brothers ". So get ready to go on a journey with the perky and insightful Chef and Colleague! With them you can solve any riddle, get out of any situation and save everyone who needs it. Perhaps someday domestic companies will be able to produce a quest that will actually be of high quality, not inferior in its level to Western analogues. But today, games released at the beginning of the millennium are the best examples of this genre. And all this thanks to two development companies and a large publishing corporation. It is to them that we need to say a huge thank you for the fact that the domestic game industry has a series of real masterpiece quests that are in no way inferior to analogues from America or Europe.

Pilot Brothers: In the Footsteps of the Striped Elephant / Pilot Brothers
Year of issue: 1997
Developer: 1C Wireless
Publisher: 1C Company
Platform: PC
Publication type: License (GOG)
Interface language: Russian, English, MULTi
Voice language: Russian, English, MULTi
Medicine: Not required (DRM-Free)

System requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8;
CPU: 1 GHz;
Memory: 1 GB RAM;
Video card
HDD: 490 MB free space.

Description: A fun adventure game created jointly by 1C, Gamos and Pilot studio based on the popular cartoon. The game's script is designed in the spirit of a parody detective story, in which the Brother-Pilot detectives are forced to look for a way out of any situations that arise during the investigation of the case of the abduction of an elephant from a zoo by the terrible villain Karbofos. You will have to solve a series of puzzles, survive the tension of the chase, plunge into the atmosphere of a “thriller”, and go through a series of comic situations.

Dear fans of cartoons about the Kolobok Brothers, who are conducting the investigation, and simply fans of good Russian humor! You, as professionals, will have to become the head of an investigative team of two amateur detectives, hereinafter referred to as the Pilot Brothers, and free the rare Striped Elephant, stolen from the zoo in the city of Berdichev by the aspiring international terrorist Karbofos. Don't think that everything is very simple, but don't despair in difficult situations.

Game Features:
15 levels with increasing difficulty!

All in pursuit of the thief! Bring back the striped elephant!

Year of issue: 1998
Genre: Adventure, Point-and-click, Detective-mystery
Developer: 1C Wireless
Publisher: 1C Company
Platform: PC
Publication type: License (GOG)
Interface language: Russian, English, MULTi
Voice language: Russian German
Medicine: Not required (DRM-Free)

System requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8;
CPU: 1 GHz;
Memory: 1 GB RAM;
Video card: minimum screen resolution 800x600, OpenGL support;
HDD: 390 MB free space.

Description: Another case is being investigated by the Pilot brothers. Their friend and family ally is in trouble - the cat Arsenic, kidnapped by the test cook Sumo for irresponsible culinary experiments. Throughout the game, be prepared for confusing and difficult situations, otherwise Arsenic with a potato side dish will be ready.

At the beginning of your adventure, you will have to create a sketch of the kidnapper, having previously found a witness to the kidnapping; pass unnoticed past the inspector at the station in order to catch up with the train on which Sumo is leaving with the kidnapped cat Arsenic; cross to the other side of the river without a bridge and many more... many interesting adventures in which you can rely only on your own ingenuity and intelligence...

Game Features:
9 levels with increasing difficulty!
2 characteristic characters: Brother Chief and Brother Colleague!
Arcade mini-games and tons of witty puzzles!
All in pursuit of a serial maniac! Return the kidnapped cat before the merciless rat kills him!

Year of issue: 2004
Genre: Adventure, Point-and-click, Detective-mystery
Developer: 1C Wireless
Publisher: 1C Company
Platform: PC
Publication type: License (GOG)
Interface language: Russian English
Voice language: Russian
Medicine: Not required (DRM-Free)

System requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8;
CPU: 1 GHz;
Memory: 1 GB RAM;
Video card: minimum screen resolution 800x600, OpenGL support;
HDD: 200 MB free space.

Description:"Brothers pilots. The Other Side of the Earth" is a bright, lively game that delights with sparkling humor, magnificent “cartoon” graphics and original puzzles. We have to once again meet with the famous Pilot Brothers Chief and Colleague, who still live and work in the simple Soviet city of Berdichiv.

It's 1957. Tireless detectives and adventurers, the Pilot Brothers learn from the newspaper that on the distant island of Tasmania the population of blue striped elephants is rapidly declining. Considering that Tasmania is the only place on Earth where these rare animals are found, and that in the past the brothers have already had to deal with one of these unique creatures, the Chief and Colleague decide to go on a long journey and find out everything on the spot. Arriving in Tasmania, the detectives find out that everything that is happening to the elephants is nothing more than the machinations of their old bad friend - the insidious Karbofos, who caught the blue striped giants, luring them into distant dark caves. What to do? Like what?! To save the elephants, of course!

Game Features:
14 levels of increasing difficulty
2 Characters: Brother Chief and Brother Colleague!
Arcade mini-games and tons of witty puzzles!
All in pursuit of the animal thief! Save the elephants!

Name: Anthology of the game series "PILOT BROTHERS"
The assembly included:
Brothers pilots. In the footsteps of the striped elephant
Brothers pilots. The case of a serial maniac
Brothers pilots. The Other Side of the Earth
Brothers pilots. Olympics
Pilot Brothers 3D. The Case of Garden Pests
Pilot Brothers 3D. Secrets of the Kennel Club
Brothers pilots. The Mystery of the Atlantic Herring
Brothers pilots. Catch-up
Year of issue: 1997-2007
Genre: Quest
Publisher: Gamos / K-D LAB / PIPE Studio
Publisher in Russia: 1C
Publication type: Rapack licenses from the ReCoding release group
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Not required
Size: 2.08 GB

Description of the Pilot Brothers anthology:

Brothers pilots. In the footsteps of the striped elephant.
A fun adventure game based on the popular cartoon. The game's script is designed in the spirit of a parody detective story, in which detectives the Pilot Brothers are forced to look for a way out of any situations that arise during the investigation of the abduction of a rare striped elephant from a zoo by the terrible villain Karbofos. You will have to solve a series of puzzles, survive the tension of the chase, plunge into the atmosphere of a “thriller”, and go through a series of comic situations.

Brothers pilots. The case of a serial maniac.
The Pilot brothers have a new exciting task ahead of them. Their friend and comrade-in-arms, the cat Arsenic, got into trouble. He is kidnapped by test chef Sumo for irresponsible cooking experiments. Throughout the game, be prepared for confusing and difficult situations, otherwise Arsenic with a potato side dish will be ready.
Exciting adventures await you ahead. You have to draw up a photo identikit of the kidnapper, having previously found a witness to the kidnapping, pass unnoticed past the inspector at the station in order to catch up on the handcar with the train on which Sumo is leaving with the kidnapped cat Arsenic; cross to the other side of the river without a bridge and many more interesting and funny situations.

Brothers pilots. The other side of the Earth.
"Pilot Brothers. The Far Side of the Earth" is a bright, lively game that delights with sparkling humor, magnificent "cartoon" graphics and original puzzles. We will once again meet with the famous Brother-Pilots, Chief and Colleague, who still live and work in the simple Soviet city of Berdichev. It's 1957. Tireless detectives and adventurers, the Pilot Brothers learn from the newspaper that on the distant island of Tasmania the population of blue striped elephants is rapidly declining.
Considering that Tasmania is the only place on Earth where these rare animals are found, and that the brothers have already had to deal with one of them in the past, the Chief and Colleague decide to go on a long journey and find out everything on the spot. Arriving in Tasmania, the detectives learn that everything that is happening to the elephants is nothing more than the machinations of their old, evil acquaintance - the insidious Karbofos, who caught the blue striped giants, luring them into distant dark caves. What to do? Like what?! Save elephants, damn it!
Installer screenshots

Brothers pilots. Olympics.
"Brothers-Pilots. Olympics" is a game that is a series of bright, lively, paradoxical arcade games, delighting with sparkling humor and magnificent "cartoon" graphics. We are about to meet with the famous Pilot Brothers Chief and Colleague, who still live and work in the once simple Soviet city of Berdichev, which has become, no less, the capital of the next Summer Olympic Games. Need I say that the tireless detectives could not stay away from such a high-profile event? Moreover, behind the scenes of the grandiose sports festival, not festive, but very suspicious and mysterious events are unfolding: all, literally all of the Olympians suddenly fell ill. All except one - a certain foreign athlete named... Karbofos!
"Brothers-Pilots. Olympics" - a new arcade adventure of the legendary Brothers-Pilots Chief and Colleague.
Players will find 20 magnificent arcade games connected by a single plot with “increased levels of fun”, bright, original graphics, a detailed plot, atmospheric sound and memorable music.

Pilot Brothers 3D. The case of garden pests.
The Pilot Brothers' serene morning is ruined. As usual, this is just the beginning of troubles and adventures. The boss and Colleague learn that their garden is ruined and decide to expose the pests. During the investigation, detectives plunge into the whirlpool of events and even see the underside of reality (glimpsingly). Everything is not as it seems, especially in such a run-of-the-mill town as Berdichev. The game ends with the reading of a spell in an Egyptian tomb and the hanging question: “But still, who is the villain and what happened?” Of course, it is difficult for one person to take on such a task. But the Pilot Brothers are a stellar team. The Chief, a master of analysis and interrogation, and the Colleague, a man of action, together brilliantly solve problems, no less brilliantly creating new ones.

Pilot Brothers 3D. Secrets of the Kennel Club.
The Chief and Colleague barely had time to rest after completing the case about garden pests, and life prepared a new surprise for them. An honorary resident of Berdichev, an Amateur Historian, turns to detectives for help. He asks to find a historical, eternal value - the diving suit of the famous traveler and explorer Foka Maldyrin. Foka, even before the revolution, made a heroic dive into one of the city’s reservoirs, after which he unexpectedly retired. The Pilot brothers are once again taking on the investigation of another complex and confusing case!

Brothers pilots. The mystery of the Atlantic herring.
Returning from fishing without a catch and in complete bewilderment, the Chief and Colleague find a newspaper and learn from it about a mysterious incident: all the Atlantic herring has disappeared from Berdichev’s stores. Of course, this fact requires a thorough investigation! Let's get started immediately!

Brothers pilots. Catching up.
In ancient times, Karbofos stole the chicken of the Serpent-Gorynych in order to place it in the “Karbofos Collection of Rare Animals”. Everything would be fine, but in fairy tales, familiar from childhood, everything went awry: Ilya Muromets has no one to fight with, and Baba Yaga has no one to plot, and Gorynych-papa in sadness forgot about his fairy-tale responsibilities, and in search of his child went to other fairy tales.
In modern Berdichev, however, fairy tales disappear, and books published with fairy tales turn out to be empty.
The famous detectives cannot stand aside when such a misfortune happens; they go into the fabulous past of the chicken to find the kidnapper and bring him to justice. Baba Yaga (where would we be without her) will help them in this, as well as Ilya Muromets, bored on the stove, and Zmey-Gorynych himself, and fabulous gins.

Features of Repack:
- Nothing was cut
- Nothing is recoded
- Launch the game via a shortcut on the desktop or through the start menu
- Installation of all additional Softa
- Installation time ~ 1-2 minutes
- All games were tested on Windows 7
- RePack by R.G.ReCoding

The anthology is currently available to download for free.
The installation image of the game is packaged in a WinRAR archive; to open it, you must have the WinRAR archiver installed. Download the archive at maximum speed bratja-piloty-antologija.rar. Next, right-click on the downloaded archive, select extract to current folder (depending on where you downloaded the archive, it will be unpacked there) and wait for unpacking. In the unzipped folder, double-click on RUN INSTALLATION.exe with the left mouse button and follow the instructions of the installer.

Videos on games in the series Brothers pilots:

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