Didactic games for the development of speech in older preschoolers (presentation). Presentation "Development of children's speech through didactic and educational games" Presentations of didactic games for speech development

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Goal: Improve your theoretical level, professional skills and competence. Tasks: Development of the speech of older preschoolers in play activities Development of verbal and logical thinking; speech attention, vocal apparatus To support children's interest in dialogical communication in joint games and activities. Month Contents of the work September Choice of topic. Selection of literature October Observation and identification of the level of speech development of children during the use of specialized didactic games November-December Formation of a card index of didactic games aimed at the speech development of children, production of material for games January-February Active use of didactic games exercises for the development of speech. Creation of a speech development center in the group. March-April-May Interaction with parents: filing folders - travel, consultations, conversations, exhibitions and joint activities

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The study of special methodological literature: (during the year) Alekseeva. MM. Speech development of preschoolers [Text] / M. M. Alekseeva, V. I. Yashina. –M.: Academy, 2000. 159 p. 2. Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children [Text]: A book for kindergarten teachers / A. G. Arushanova. -M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2000. 272 ​​p. 3Artemova, L.V. The world in the didactic games of preschoolers [Text]: for kindergarten teachers and parents./ L.V. Artemov. –M.: Enlightenment, 2008. 96s. 4. Bakhtin M. M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity [Text] / M. M. Bakhtin / Comp. S. G. Bocharov, note. S. S. Averintsev and S. G. Bocharov. -M.: Art, 2003. 423 p. 5. Belous, E. The development of speech and phonemic hearing in theatrical and gaming activities [Text] / E. Belous // Preschool education. –2009. -#7. pp. 66-70. 6. Beilina, A F. Froebel: games and gaming tools [Text]: / A. Beilina // Journal of Preschool Education. –2010. No. 3, pp. 56–59. 7. Bondarenko A.K. Raising children in the game. [Text] / A.K. Bondarenko, A. I. Matusik.–M.: Enlightenment, 2002.

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Internet services. The study of articles in magazines: "Educator in a preschool educational institution" "Preschool education" "Child in kindergarten" "Hoop" 8. Bondarenko, A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten [Text]: Book. for kindergarten teachers. -2nd ed., revised / A.K. Bondarenko. –M.: Enlightenment, 2009. 169s. 9. Vetchinkina T. Game activity as a means of correcting speech disorders in a preschooler [Text] / T. Vetchinkina // Teacher. –2009. -No. 3. pp. 14-15. 10. Veraksa N.E. From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education [Text]: / Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. -M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011.

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Didactic games are games of an educational nature with which you can enrich the vocabulary of children. They are also used to consolidate the vocabulary of children (nouns, adjectives, verbs, color names, spatial concepts, prepositions, etc.). Speech, memory, attention, logical thinking, visual memory develop. The culture of behavior, communication skills is fixed.

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desktop - printed. games are diverse in content, learning tasks, design. They can be divided into several types: paired pictures - for example, pick up pictures by similarity: lotto, dominoes, split pictures and folding cubes, on which the depicted object or plot is divided into several parts, labyrinth-type games intended for senior preschool age. word games. They are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn based on their existing ideas about objects, deepen their knowledge about them, since in these games it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. games with objects. games with various toys, games with natural material. Object games use toys and real objects. Playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their features. Types of didactic games

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Games with objects can be carried out in the classroom with the whole group, with a subgroup and individually with each child, they are planned in advance. The program task is determined, the game equipment (handout) is thought out. Vocabulary work is thought out (it is reminded, specified, fixed). The organization of the games is also being considered (at the table, on the carpet, on the street, depending on what material is used). Planting children (strong with weak). Word games in the senior and preparatory groups are held for five minutes - this is the end of the lesson. The teacher does not give an explanation of the game already known to the children. The children themselves can be the leaders. The game is best played in different ways. The teacher should choose words in advance in case of difficulty for children

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GBOU SOSH v. Kurumoch Kindergarten s / p Belochka-1 "The role of play in the development of the speech of a preschooler" Teacher of the first category Nuykina Yu.V.

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Relevance Speech is acquired by the child independently, by imitation, in the process of various speech practices. Faced with misunderstanding, encountering language difficulties on the way and achieving the goal, the child turns to the word as a special object of knowledge, begins to play with the word, thoroughly. Word games stimulate the child’s desire to experiment with the word, contribute to the enrichment of the child’s vocabulary and speech as a whole.

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Tasks Creation of conditions for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. Improving the grammatical structure of speech through the game. Activating children's vocabulary through the use of game techniques and exercises

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Conditions speech corner selection of desktop-printed didactic games in accordance with age subject-developing environment

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Methods and techniques for teaching grammatically correct speech Games and exercises in speech development classes Revealing the meaning of "small words" in phrases (work on understanding the preposition) Correlating the question with the corresponding grammatical form (which? Which? What?) Visual modeling of a literary text during games - dramatizations Compilation of sentences using different grammatical constructions Comparison of the initial and indirect forms of the word (axe-axe, fly-fly-fly) Correction, hint of the correct form of the word.

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Games for the grammatical structure of speech "Blurred letter"; "Living word"; "Complete the offer";

Thus, the most important condition for the full-fledged speech and general development of the child is the timely formation of the grammatical structure of the language in him by means of various game activities, since language and speech perform a leading function in the development of his thinking, speech communication, planning and organizing the activities of his behavior, the formation of social ties.

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Completed by: teacher Chugunova Tatyana Viktorovna

Good speech is an important condition for the development of a child's personality. Speech must be formed and developed in conjunction with the overall development of the child. It is much more successful to do this using games.

Game activity is the leading activity.

creating an interested, relaxed environment; increases speech motivation; encourages children to communicate with each other; the process of thinking is faster, new skills are acquired more firmly. The game teaching method contributes to:

A didactic game is an excellent tool for learning and development, used in the assimilation of any program material.

Development of ZKR, phonemic hearing Enrichment of the dictionary Development of speech creativity Development of coherent, grammatically correct speech Formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity Speech development Speech as a means of communication

Preschool game: Types of didactic games Board games are used as visual aids aimed at developing visual memory and attention. Games with objects or toys are aimed at developing tactile sensations, the ability to manipulate various objects and toys, developing creative thinking and imagination. Word games contribute to the development of auditory memory, attention, communication skills, as well as the development of coherent speech.

Enrichment of the dictionary: "Show me where?" “Who or what is it?”, “Wonderful bag”, “Who is doing what?”, Who moves how?, “Who does what?”, “From what parts?”, “What are they for?”, “Who is like a voice gives?", "Identical words", "Family of words", "The fourth extra", "Say the opposite." Development of coherent, grammatically correct speech: “What will the toy tell about itself” “What do clouds look like”, “Add a word”, “How are they similar, how are they different”, “Make a sentence”, “Hide the toy”, “What is not?” “Who, where is it?”, “One is a lot”, “Name it affectionately”, “Treat” “Whom do I love?”, “Whose baby?”, “Who works with what?” “What juice?”, “Who cares about whom”, “Who dreams of what?” “Whose toy”, “Mine, mine, mine” Development of ZKR and phonemic hearing: “What does it sound like”, “Who screams like?”, “Parrot”, “Soundtracks”. Development of speech creativity: “Make up a story”, “Compose it yourself”, “Think of a riddle”, “What will happen next?”, Formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write: “Find a sound”, “Collect a flower”, “Cheerful train "Collect the beads", "Paired pictures", "Where is the sound?"

For most children, the leading channel for perceiving the surrounding world is visual, which once again emphasizes the need to include techniques and methods for activating the visual analyzer in the work system.

In enriching the child's speech, in clarifying the words he already has, replenishing knowledge about the world around him, ball games are of great importance.

Thus, the use of didactic games and exercises provides great opportunities for the development of speech in preschool children: speech motivation increases, communication skills develop successfully; psychological comfort is provided; children memorize a large amount of speech material; higher mental functions are activated (memory, attention, thinking)

Didactic games are universal and their variety and content depends only on your imagination and desire to work with children in a fun and interesting way.

Thanks for attention!

Prepared Art. teacher MKDOU kindergarten No. 2 Oleinikova E.A. 2016

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According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), speech development includes: possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; -enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; the formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

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Correct speech is an important condition in the development of a child's personality. Didactic games help to solve this problem.

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Good speech is an important condition for the development of a child's personality. The richer and more correct the child's speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in understanding the world around him. Speech must be formed and developed in conjunction with the overall development of the child. It is much more successful to do this using games. Since in preschool age, play activity is leading.

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A didactic game is an excellent tool for learning and development, used in the assimilation of any program material.

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The idea of ​​including a didactic game in the learning process has always attracted domestic teachers. Even K. D. Ushinsky noted that children learn new material more easily in the process of playing, and recommended trying to make classes more entertaining, since this is one of the main tasks of teaching and educating children.

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Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to favorably influence all components of speech.

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All didactic games can be divided into three main types: games with objects (toys, natural material), board games and word games. Games with objects Printed board games Word games Didactic games Didactic games Games with objects Printed board games Word games

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The vocabulary of a preschooler is significantly inferior in terms of vocabulary to an adult. The main task of developing speech through didactic games is to quantitatively enrich the child's vocabulary by increasing the amount of accumulated knowledge about the world around us, to activate and teach how to use it correctly.


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At the age of 2-3 years, the baby must learn the names of items of clothing, dishes, furniture, toys that surround him in everyday life and arouse his interest. During this period, the names of the actions performed with these objects are also mastered.


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At the age of four, the child's vocabulary is further replenished, with a more detailed deepening into the details and characteristics of the surrounding world. This is necessary to enhance differentiated perception and deepen knowledge about the features of objects, their purpose, structure and expand the understanding of qualities and properties.


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The main task of didactic games for development at senior preschool age, along with further replenishment of the vocabulary, is to teach the child dialogic and monologue speech. Game moments are supposed in which the adult and the child change places and the child asks questions.


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Thus, the system of modern didactic games for the development of coherent speech is a practical activity with which you can check whether children have mastered speech skills in detail or superficially and whether they are able to apply them when necessary.

Good speech is an important condition for the development of a child's personality. The richer and more correct the child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities of knowing the world around him, the more actively his mental development is carried out. But a child's speech is not an innate function. It develops gradually, along with its growth and development. Speech must be formed and developed in conjunction with the overall development of the child.

It is much more successful to do this using games. Since in preschool age, play activity is leading.

The game teaching method contributes to the creation of an interested, relaxed environment; increases speech motivation; encourages children to communicate with each other; the process of thinking is faster, new skills are acquired more firmly.

A didactic game is an excellent tool for learning and development, used in the assimilation of any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to favorably influence all components of speech. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate the vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech, expand knowledge about the world around him, develop verbal creativity, and develop communication skills.

The main tasks of speech development

  • Development of sound culture of speech;
  • Formation of the grammatical structure of speech;
  • Enrichment of vocabulary;
  • The development of connected speech.
  • The speech of the child is formed in stages and at each age stage, their own tasks of the speech development of the child are solved.

Games exercises for the development of speech of younger preschoolers

The leading line in the development of the speech of children aged 3-4 years is the education of a sound culture of speech, teaching the correct sound pronunciation, and the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Games and exercises for the development of speech for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old)

The main task of working with children of senior preschool age is the development of coherent speech, the assimilation of the phonetic side of speech. Work is underway to further improve speech hearing, to consolidate the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech. Children differentiate what a sound, word, sentence is.

The use of mnemonics for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the effective memorization, storage and reproduction of information.

The use of mnemonics reduces learning time and at the same time solves the following speech tasks: enriching vocabulary, compiling stories, retelling thin. literature, guessing and guessing riddles, memorizing poetry.

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