How to increase your efficiency. Simple time management tricks. How to raise statistics in World of Tanks?! We raise the WN8 rating and efficiency

Tired of the hustle and chronic lack of time, the most active of us are trying to apply modern methods of time management. And they always start the same way: they read articles and draw signs for themselves, record the duration of each telephone conversation, and so on. And after a while they notice that the process of such “optimization” takes more time than the work itself. Plus the complex "apparently I'm a complete fool if I can't do it." No panic! You just need to find "to assemble" your own picture of Time from known methods, like puzzles. And the parts of the constructor are the tricks. For everything to work out, you need to see the picture, in the language of business they say “what are the prospects?”. And we will start with the prioritization, because this is the only way the picture of Personal Time begins to take shape. Choose 3-5 tricks that you personally understand and sympathize with, and go!

Setting priorities

I will not reveal a secret if I once again quote the principle of strategic management: "From a successful future to a successful present." And we will start - do not be surprised - with drawing. Take a piece of clean paper, a pencil and draw your plans for the next 6-12 months.

Do you think that your life cannot be depicted on one piece of paper? To embrace the immensity, we use the Mind Map method. This is a way to write down thoughts in the form of keywords or images, on one space (a piece of paper). A mental map is like a block diagram: a core (main idea) with various branches.

What is a good method? Light, practical, visual, it is useful at times when chaos reigns in your head, and you need to systematize work areas and create connections between them. In addition, as you know, pictures and symbols are remembered more strongly and easier than words. So covering all your cases on one sheet is easy enough. Moreover, by drawing, you relieve some of the psychological stress.

Well, let's finish it all with a picture called "The Matrix of Time".

Eisenhower's time matrix in the processing of S. Kovey


1. Crises.

2. Urgent problems.

3. Projects on the verge of collapse.


1. Prevention, actions to maintain balance

2. Establishing strong relationships.

3. Search for new opportunities.

4. Planning, rest.


1. Interference - for example, calls.

2. Correspondence, various messages.

3. Meetings.

4. Upcoming events.

5. Popular activities.


1. Little things that take up a lot of time.

2. Correspondence.

3. Calls.

4. Clueless visits.

5. Idle pastime.

Keep in mind, if you write down all the cases in square 1 (urgent and important), then this is a direct path to rush, stress and illness in the very near future. How to prioritize? In military medicine, all the wounded are divided into three groups: those who will die in any case, regardless of the assistance provided to them; those who will survive anyway and those who will survive only if they receive timely medical care.
Divide all your projects according to the same principle.

Projects are divided into:

  1. projects that will not provide meaningful results, regardless of whether you pursue them (focusing on the first group, you will begin to pedal empty, while important things will remain undone);
  2. projects that will succeed whether or not you pursue them (focusing on the second group will waste your energy without getting a meaningful return);
  3. projects that will have a meaningful result only if you complete them on time (if you concentrate on the third group, you will make the best use of time and energy).

Conclusion: In order to focus on the most significant actions, you should forget about the first two groups for a while.
The practice of sorting tasks is very tricky, because it requires constantly saying “no” to tasks that, on an instinctual level, may seem like the right choice to you. It's like refusing the wounded who ask for help. However, if you don't master the art of sorting, then many of the projects you really need will never come to fruition.

Pay special attention to square number 2. This is your investment in the future - education, relationships, recreation, the purpose of life. Otherwise, you just take a step into nowhere, solving and being distracted by urgent matters that behave arrogantly and constantly require attention. And modest important, but not urgent matters humbly wait for their turn.

If you have square #3 filled in, take a close look at whose priorities your actions are based on. If it doesn't matter to you, then who cares? Maybe these are requests, instructions from other people? Why do you spend so much time on unimportant things?

Square #4 often serves as an escape from square #1. Otherwise, a wave of stress will cover you with your head. Indeed, often square No. 1, like a giant tsunami, covers life, and we make every effort to get out of this wave. We flounder, flounder, just to stay afloat. And there is no qualitative improvement of life.

It is in order to realize this that it is worth taking a pen and drawing your own matrix.

Simple Optimization Rules

Setting priorities correctly is the main, but not the only work that we need to do. It is necessary to make sure that each of our days is fully used, and each lesson brings maximum benefit - whether it is drawing up a sales plan or going to the skating rink with a child. At the same time, we must take into account the characteristics of our own body, so as not to bring ourselves to exhaustion or stress. To do this, remember and follow the following simple rules.

Rule 1 Keep a balance between work and rest periods.

A regular lack of strength can accumulate imperceptibly, then appear suddenly, knocking you out of action for a long time with sudden illnesses and ailments. Therefore, a good rest on weekends and vacations are a must. Take long breaks between big tasks. For example: 2 hours of work on a project, drawing up a strategy, then a big break - you can drink tea, have lunch, take a walk down the street, have lunch. The body needs time to recover. If you work non-stop, your productivity and the quality of your ideas will decrease.

And small things - calls, answers to letters - combine into groups so that there are no costs for switching actions.

Rule 2 Switch to other activities throughout the day. The smarter your work, the easier your switch should be. He fell - did push-ups, ran to the 10th floor without an elevator - excellent! This is our physiology, and we need to take it into service: there is nothing better than a walk. It follows from this that a day off on the couch is not our option. Gym, walk in the park with children or a dog. Rollers, skates. Any physical activity. It is also a good prevention of Burnout Syndrome. Remember about square number 2, health belongs there.

Rule 3 Catch kairos, "tamp down" time. I catch kairos during a workout in the gym (I run with headphones - I listen to English lessons). If your activity is connected with frequent business trips - generally excellent! Travel time belongs only to you - you will not be distracted, and therefore you can have time to do a lot. Or just sleep.

Rule 4 Consider your natural biorhythms. I am a lark, so I plan all important strategic matters in the morning, and in the afternoon - meetings and affairs that do not require special involvement. I know that if my brain goes to sleep at 22:00, it makes no sense to think about a sales strategy at 21:00 - I will spend a lot of energy, and the effectiveness is “minus one”.

Rule 5. If you are seriously busy with business, you have entered the "flow", you can not be distracted. You need to be able to calmly and respectfully say “no” to all chronophages. I will talk more about chronophages below.

Rule 6 Make the most of modern means of communication and communication - it's the 21st century! iPhone, netbook, tablet - you can always answer an email with one hand. All issues that can be resolved by e-mail are resolved in correspondence. If you need a business conversation - always Skype, even if you are in the same city, not to mention another country. Modern communication methods allow you to gather several people in one virtual meeting room, moreover, you can upload a presentation, any document, video, all in one virtual space. This is a significant time and resource saver.

Rule 7 Delegate. Delegate work tasks to your subordinates. Leave strategic tasks to yourself. Delegate even if you can “buy” this time, for example, hire an agent to search for air tickets. Do not personally engage in affairs for which time can be “redeemed”.

What are chronophages - "time eaters"

Types and features Ways to fight
Delay. This is a psychological state when a person looks for and finds reasons not to do something. This is a lack of motivation, fear or fear of making a mistake. By postponing, we often wait for the problem to go away on its own. Yes, sometimes this happens, but when your meditation on the topic: “decide on your own” does not give a result, it means that you have entered the Cycle of Procrastination, which will be repeated every time in a regular sequence. 1. "Burn the bridges", cut off the path to retreat. Make an appointment with the investor to bring your presentation. You will have no choice but to make this very presentation, because you have already promised.

2. The procrastination cycle shows that you lack positive motivation. The movement "to ..." does not motivate you. Think about what will happen if you do not do it right now - perhaps your case, this is a movement "from ...", that is, negative motivation. What happens if you don't start this work immediately? Even at school, we did our homework under the fear of getting a “deuce”. It works even now.

3. Reduce your daily rituals - coffee, news in Yandex, conversation with the secretary. Just coffee and go! Chronophages, seeing you as an unstable personality, will appear right then and there: “By the way, how much are tickets to Vienna now, the mailing has just arrived ...”

4. Appoint yourself deadlines - the deadlines by which the task must be completed.

Fuzzy goal setting. For example, if a person goes to business negotiations, based on the logic: “I will orient myself along the way”, then the probability of success of this meeting is sharply reduced. In addition, if a business person does not think through his goal, i.e. does not build an image of the future result, then, most likely, he will waste his time and, moreover, “squander” the time of his business partner. Remember, in business, all impact is target. You can’t even pick up the phone “just like that” - what if there is an important person on the other side of the wire, then your goal is to form a first pleasant impression. Make it a rule to form an image of the desired result. Proactivity is an important quality of a successful person. At least mentally - visually. The ideal option: a written goal of the day - a goal of the week - a goal of the month. Whoever sees the target clearly will always be able to correctly determine whether he is moving there.
personal disorganization. A littered desk, a poorly organized office space, chaos in documentation, exhausting searches for business papers tell others about frivolity and irresponsibility. It is well known that the order on the table, in the portfolio, the prepared business papers before the appointed meeting indicate respect for the partner, contribute to establishing contact and creating a climate of trust. 1. Even if you are not a fan of Feng Shui, clearing the table from time to time is useful. You look, and useful papers will be found.

2. Form your own "order". Usually the table is cluttered with creative people, pedants do not have such a problem at all. Therefore, a creative person needs to come up with his own “system of order”. At least put important folders and documents on the table in piles.

Distracting phone calls. Here is the same option from the time matrix when we confuse "urgency" and "importance". Phone calls, unscheduled visitors burst in beyond our will. These are undoubtedly “urgent” matters, but are they important to you? 1. No one has yet fainted from the words: “I’m uncomfortable talking now, I’ll call you back a little later.” Learn to say "NO".

2. If you can’t avoid visitors in any way, then you need to build a dialogue correctly: “You have five minutes, will you meet it?” or "Tell me in ten sentences what your problem is."

Protracted meeting. People sit for hours, experience stress, conflict, but often nothing is resolved. Time is spent, the situation is not improving. A clearly defined goal, a detailed agenda, distributed roles of the participants and, of course, the desire of the participants to work together - these are the components of saving working time at the meeting. Only in this case, an hour of meetings can give a tangible business result and motivate staff. 1. See paragraph - "purpose".

2. Prepare for the meeting ahead of time. Write an agenda and send it to all participants in advance. So that everyone understands what topics to prepare for.

3. See paragraph - deadline.

4. Hire a moderator or learn how to properly run meetings yourself.

5. Choose a “timer person” who will warn you 5 minutes in advance that the allotted time for the speech is ending.

long waits(for example, an arranged meeting). To be late for a business meeting, meeting, negotiations, to make business partners wait for themselves means to encroach on their time. Expectations can always be used as kairos - call a longtime partner, send an email, view the abstract of the report. Use these precious minutes of waiting.

Good day, tankers and tankers, the portal site is with you! Today's topic of conversation has been raised quite often by players lately. Therefore, we decided to help them with this. So, how to quickly raise statistics in World of Tanks? There are several ways.

The first way to raise statistics. Platoon game

We think many have noticed that players with excellent game statistics do not often play alone. Teammates always play with them - co-platoons. This factor is very important for stats and win rate, because the better you know your allies, the more you will achieve. Platoon play is a powerful argument for victory for your team.

The second way to raise statistics. Choice of technology.

It's no secret that there are tanks in World of Tanks that are comfortable when playing them. They can be found at all levels: from the first to the “ten”. It is they who are chosen by tankers, whose task is to raise their statistics. Such tanks, to a greater extent, include medium tanks and light ones. After all, these two classes of vehicles can do quite a lot on the battlefield with a competent game, and therefore your statistics. Let's take a look at which tanks can help you effectively raise your stats and, at the same time, enjoy the game. At level 10, at the time of patch 0.9.17, it is best to take: heavy tanks Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, medium tanks T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We don’t take tank destroyers into account due to the strong dependence on the team, but artillery ... Well, that’s understandable.

The third way to raise statistics. We use premium shells and consumables.

In no case do we encourage tankers to use gold shells as their main shells. Well, what can you do if in 70% of cases they are better than their “silver” prototypes. Therefore, extras, and this is what they call tankers with very good game statistics, they are chosen.

Summing up, we can say that when using all three tips at the same time, you will achieve good results and be able to quickly raise your game statistics in World of Tanks.

All three of the above methods are in themselves a very good help for raising efficiency and are almost mandatory for use. But, there is one more. There are a lot of different vehicles in WoT, and, unfortunately, you can't play them all. There are many reasons: there is not enough silver to buy, unwillingness to download one or another branch of tank development, etc. Therefore, there are units on which the least number of fights are made in comparison with others. It is on this technique that it is best to raise statistics. After all, there is no competition, which means there are more chances to fill a high efficiency per battle. To select a tank, use the site There we are looking for the “Ru server” tab, select Server statistics. The next step is to click on the button All vehicles on the table and select the time For the last 4 weeks. We hasten to add that you need to look for vehicles from level 4 to 8 inclusive, because the main battles on the server are usually played at 10 levels, which means that it will be more difficult to score a rating on such vehicles. But there are also exceptions..

Let's look together at what kind of tanks you will find using the method described above.

Level 5
Throwing away all the premium vehicles, we have in mind the French tank destroyer S35 CA. This device is not, as they say in the common people, a cactus, which means it is quite playable. Good visibility, invisibility, a powerful weapon - all this will help you gain a high amount of efficiency per battle.

6th level.
Here things are even better. The following good vehicles lag behind the statistics on the minimum number of battles played: ARL V39, M36 Jackson, T21 and Churchill VII. All of them are easy to learn, and do their job perfectly at their level.

7th level.
Since the technique of this balanced weight falls into the 9s, you need to look for penetrating tanks. The first one you will find on the list will be the T25AT, the US tank destroyer. Good choice. Penetrates, hits, and often hurts more than 300 damage. damage per shot.

8th level.
At this level, the choice is large, and quite obvious. Indien-Panzer, M26 Pershing, Charioteer, 110, Panther II - these are the forgotten heroes who are able to single-handedly carry difficult battles, give good damage both in battles with “classmates” and with 10 levels.

9th level.
Good “nines” are also enough. New Mäuschen, Type 61, Centurion Mk. 7/1 Conqueror. And of course, the favorites of the public are the M46 Patton and E 50. They were relevant, and now they are able to create something unreal on the battlefield.

Level 10
Getting WN8 and Efficiency Rating at 10 levels is the business of skilled tankers. But, if you are confident in your abilities, then why not. The list of good “farmers” of the rating includes all the same tanks mentioned above, Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We will add AMX 50 Foch (155), STB-1 and FV215b to them.

And the main thing.

In order to successfully and consistently take out a lot of Efficiency Rating and WN8 points in each battle, you just need to do a lot of effective actions in battle: inflict damage, highlight enemy tanks, “put” them on tracks, knock down captures and capture them yourself. In combination, this will give you quite a lot of what you are striving for - high values ​​​​in the Performance Rating column and beautiful WN8 numbers

How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?

The game World of tanks has a huge popularity in the world, especially among the Russian-speaking community of gamers. The game about tank battles has conquered many minds. However, among gamers there are both ordinary casual players and professionals who care about the statistics of wins and losses, account efficiency and the opportunity to participate in competitions. It is these players who are often looking for a way to increase their efficiency in the game.

We will talk in detail about how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks.

You can also read about efficiency in our article.

How to increase efficiency in tanks

First of all, you need to choose from two options:

  1. Raise efficiency on a newly created account.
  2. Or raise the efficiency on the old account.

It all depends on your attachment to the account and the number of battles played. Naturally, on the old account, where more than thirty thousand fights have been played, it will be almost impossible to increase the efficiency. Therefore, if you are not afraid to start all over again, then you should create a new account and start this difficult task.

Below will be given useful tips on how to increase the efficiency in wot.

Buying premium vehicles in WOT

First of all, you need to buy excellent equipment in order to quickly gain experience and efficiency. A premium tank of the eighth level, on which you already had experience of playing, is suitable for buying.

Such a technique will help in pumping and further development in the field of powerful technology. Such a tank will save you from problems with silver and free experience, which will allow you to skip a trifle of 3-4 levels, because you will have a powerful level of damage and protection. By killing small things, you can get a lot of silver from the equipment on them.

Installing mods on WOT

It is necessary to install skins on the penetration zones before the start of the battle, which will allow you to find weaknesses in the enemy. Also, the skin will show your weak points, which will give you the opportunity to hide them behind obstacles in battles.

Over time, thanks to such skins, it will be possible to learn how to shoot accurately at the weak points of various tanks, which will speed up progress and allow you to play more professionally.

You can also install various mods to make the game easier, like the Deer Meter, which will allow you to find out who plays how and correct fights. Do not install mods that will load the computer very much. Usually these are mods like minimap and UGN.

You can see more about mods.

Do not think that mods are installed by players who do not know how to play. Most professionals have almost a full range of different mods for a successful game.

It is also worth remembering that even if you lose, a good efficiency will be awarded if you capture the flags correctly and deal damage. Mods will help a lot in this case.

Game settings to increase efficiency

Regardless of how powerful your computer is, you need to set the game settings so that there are no lags, brakes and other unpleasant things that prevent you from playing and gaining efficiency.

You can also use programs that give a good increase in fps. For example, the Auslogics program.

It is also worth removing the Assault, Encounter and Confrontation game modes. They are too unpredictable. Play in Standard mode and turn off swing in sniper mode.

Many newcomers to World of Tanks are not even aware of the existence of efficiency, efficiency ratings or bending. They play for fun and have a right to it. But it is by efficiency that the player's skills are judged. And if your efficiency is much lower than that of your allies, then you will often hear in battle: “What kind of cancer / crab are you,% username%!” Do not want to have a low stat? Don't know how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?

Before you start downloading your statistics, you need to take a look at your account. If less than 1000 fights have been played on it, and the efficiency is low, then it's better to get yourself a new acc. From the category of beginners, you will move into the class of twinker players, but on the other hand, you will already know how to play correctly and what technique to download.

But if a lot of money has been invested in the account and several tops have been upgraded, it will be very difficult to part with it. Therefore, decide for yourself what is more important: statistics or pumped tanks. Improving the efficiency of an account with a small number of battles is much easier than raising the stat of a game account with 20,000 battles.

To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that several factors affect the efficiency: average damage, the number of frags and battles, as well as the points of capturing and knocking down the base. But the main parameter is the percentage of wins, which, along with the average damage, should be increased.

First of all, regardless of whether you have created a new account or not, you should purchase a top-end premium car. Firstly, a premium tank will get rid of the lack of silver in your hangar. Thus, you will be able to purchase top-end vehicles, modules and equipment, as well as shoot with gold, which is vital for tanks with weak armor penetration of guns.

Secondly, premium tanks are good because when playing them, you do not spend money on expensive repairs and shells, and the average damage is always at a good level, since top premium tanks have good damage guns.

Thirdly, free experience from battles on premium vehicles will allow you to explore low-level vehicles without riding them.

It is extremely important to avoid fighting with Tier 1-4 tanks and research them for Free XP whenever possible. In low-level battles, the teamkill is highly likely, and the average damage is always low, since the guns are rather weak. In combat, you can be killed with one shot, and drains at levels 1-4 of combat are very frequent.

How to increase efficiency in WoT? Many people are interested in this issue, but not everyone knows that mods can help in raising statistics. Before going into battle, be sure to install the following modifications (mods):

  • "Olenemer" will allow you to identify dangerous opponents right in the battle. It is especially important for artillery, which should destroy extras in the first place.
  • Skins with penetration zones will be useful for all beginners, as they mark, in addition to the location of the crew, ammunition storage areas, engine transmissions and critical places, which, if hit, are easy to penetrate the tank. Usually the “vulnerable” places of any tank are the hatches of the commander and driver, machine gun nests and front rollers.
  • Special assemblies of mods that will only improve the game client.

Remember that the quality of the game is directly affected by FPS and ping. The FPS should always be above 30, and the ping for a normal game should “jump” around 30-150 ms. With a high ping, it is simply impossible to play normally.

But most importantly, the player must be able to play well. Otherwise, you will have to create a new account every time, buy a top premtank and try to download new statistics again.

An interesting video on how to pump efficiency in solo random:

Many players who have been participating in World of Tanks battles for a long time eventually come to the conclusion that it would be time to raise their statistics. However, they remain at the same level, because they do not know how to achieve better results. Today we will talk about this topic and try to give effective advice for all beginners.

Success Statistics Rule

What is the meaning of bringing the tank to the field? Of course, in order to remain in a combat-ready state as long as possible and at the same time do something useful, for example, inflict incredible damage, illuminate enemy tanks, prevent the capture of a base, and so on.

You should not immediately merge, even if your nickname is at the end of the list. You need to be patient and wait. As soon as it becomes clear what positions the tanks occupy, you can begin to plan your actions.

If you are a top player, then try to save more HP before the end of the confrontation, because everything is only in your hands.

It also happens that team players merge, and you have to stay one on one with enemy vehicles. Just don't give up right away, even if it seems like you can't handle it, keep playing. Sometimes such tactics help to get the number of unfinished tanks, recapture HP.

Join the Platoon

During the time that you are a "tanker", most likely, you have already met many gamers and even became a member of the clan, where there are those who will be happy to participate in battle with you, regardless of the result - victory or loss. Be sure to unite with your friends and comrades in platoons, but remember that you will only win if the team acts as one well-coordinated mechanism.

If you didn’t find any friends, then go to random and try to join the skilled gamers.

But what about the sandbox?

Another way to increase your stats is to switch to low level tanks where you can use all your skill to its full potential. Many tankers quickly abandon tier 1 vehicles after only driving them once. This error needs to be corrected. However, remember that there will be many such freeloaders on the field.

What will lead to success?

First of all, this skill. Only personal experience will help in the future to win.

In second place is top technology. Experienced gamers do not recommend using stock vehicles, as slow tanks that do not provide effective fire support are too boring. That is why it is important to improve tanks to the top with the help of free experience.

An important factor is. Training and retraining is best done at the expense of gold.

Don't skimp on consumables, as they are the only ones that can help you in decisive battles. It is advisable to purchase an automatic fire extinguisher, a large first aid kit and a repair kit.

In each battle, you should have gold shells with you, which more effectively pierce opponents. The more often this happens, the better the result of the team.

Raising the win rate

This is very easy to achieve - just play every day, but only one session. Of course, not everyone can do this, because the game is addictive, and you enter into another battle again.

Do not try to score a large number of games, because the number of wins is more important here, because the percentage is made up of them and systematicity.

Which tanks do you prefer?

Many are sure that it is better to use imb tanks, which have excellent characteristics. In different periods of the game, such cars were different, but soon the authors themselves nerfed them. Therefore, give preference to those tanks that you like the most. Even if he does not bend, but you get the pleasure of the fight.

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