Minecraft моды aether 2 1.7 10

If you were interested in visiting the Minecraft Nether but had enough of it, installing the Aether 2(II) mod will offer you the exact results that you always wanted. What makes the Aether 2 Minecraft mod interesting is the fact that it provides you with a wide range of new and exciting challenges that are offered as an extra for the Minecraft game, so it’s not added on top of that, something that makes the entire experience more interesting and refined as a whole.

Why choose the Aether 2?

The main idea is simple with the Aether 2 , you have an entire new realm that you can explore, not to mention that this is pretty much like heaven. Gone are the ugly and dark locations, instead you will be able to explore the skies, see a wide range of plants as well as flowers, trees and many other similar tools unlike never before. It’s a place where you can even find winged baddies, angels and an entire range of other baddies, all while being able to engage in ultimate battles with them as well.

Aether (II) 2 is a great mod that successfully manages to offer you some extraordinary, intense moments and a very good set of game ideas, all of which are combined in a very interesting and methodical way.

  • Download and install
  • Open Minecraft one time to allow Forge APi to reate a ‘mods’ fodler in your Minecraft directory
  • copy The Ether mod into the mods folder and close
  • Run Minecraft and enjoy playing in your new magical world called the Ether.

How to install:

  • Download
  • Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you’ve installed Minecraft Forge)
  • Open Start on desktop => Open Run (Or you can use the Windows +R keyboard shortcut)
  • Type %appdata% into Run and press enter
  • Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
  • Put the jar file of modinto mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!
Aether 2 – популярный мод, предлагающий вам испытать себя в новом измерении – Эфире, так же известном как Рай.
Это уже вторая часть данного мода. На этот раз вы получите не только массу оригинальных элементов, но и совершенно уникальный геймплей, разработанный специально для всех поклонников кооперативной игры.


Уникальные блоки и предметы

На широких просторах Эфира вы найдёте несколько новых ресурсов, среди которых руды амброзий и гравитит. Каждая из них обладает особыми свойствами, которые вам предстоит открыть самостоятельно!

Из некоторых ресурсов вы сможете создать волшебные и броню. А особенно мощное снаряжение доступно в сокровищнице!

Система командных рейдов

Мод добавляет в игру лишь один тип сокровищниц – лабиринт Слайдера – но он занимает целый остров и представляет собой серьёзное испытание. Однако вы больше не сможете устраивать беззаботные одиночные рейды, теперь вам нужна команда.

Соберите своих друзей и испытайте новую кооперативную систему. Она позволяет вам создавать группы численностью в 2-10 человек в лучших традициях RPG-жанра. Специальные элементы интерфейса дадут вам подробную информацию о ваших соратниках. К тому же группы могут активировать вход в сокровищницу.

Система рейдов тоже претерпела изменения. Теперь сокровищница может быть доступна лишь для одной команды за раз. Но после окончания рейда, всё сооружение обновляется: сундуки снова заполняются, блок восстанавливаются, а мобы респаунятся.


Среди многочисленных обитателей Рая, вы встретите множество уникальных и полезных существ. Одни из многих:

  • Моа – крупные птицы, яйца которых пригодятся вам для выращивания собственных летающих питомцев. Приручив птенца моа, вы сможете оседлать его и с лёгкостью перемещаться по миру

  • Летающие свиньи – лишь пара прекрасных крыльев отличает их от обычных свиней. Вы можете оседлать этих существ без особых трудов, но они не дадут вам полной свободы передвижения, в отличии от моа.

  • Небесные киты – пассивные мобы, которых можно встретить в Эфире и за которыми приятно наблюдать.

  • Василиски – не более, чем враждебные моа. Могут отравить игрока, если он окажется слишком близко.

Наконец-то, Aether доступен в мультиплеере. Это возможно благодаря использованию Minecraft Forge при создании второй части мода. Таким образом, ничто не помешает вам и вашим друзьям завоевать Эфир.


Клиент мода:

Он берёт бремя установки мода на себя и автоматически обновляется!


I"ve had to do a bit of tinkering to get this to work on my server without crashing and now that I have finally done so I can say it"s been a bugfest for the hour that I played it.

To begin with, something messes with the UI and makes the crosshair have an offset and cuts off the bottom of my screen. That"s pretty aggravating to work around.

The following is my personal opinion of the mod and whatnot, based on my experience. The following may contain SPOILERS!

A lot of questions come to mind when I am playing this mod. Why is this experience separate from my regular minecraft experience? Why do I lose my inventory and progress so that I have to start new in basically a new world? What is the significance of the castle? And why do I have a completely new inventory system and currency?

The first thing I would address is implementation. It seems like you guys have tried to design a game on the minecraft engine, and then plan to "make it work" with everything else. In most aspects this seems to be completely separate from the minecraft overworld (which you guys have renamed), so basically everything I do in my modded experience - all the mod interactions, interdimensional travel, hard work, etc. means nothing in the world of Aether.

If this is your intention, I would suggest making this just a project for vanilla minecraft, not to be played with other mods. It will save you tons of work on compatibility fixes and will also allow you to keep the design you"ve worked hard for.

If this is not your intention and you truly do want this to work with other mods, there is work to be done.

1. Implementation - Equipment

I would wager that at least 50% of modded players use more than 50 mods on average. Personally, my packs almost always have at least 90. Mods that add new worlds, such as yours, are almost always included in the popular packs that people play. In most of these mods, the new world comes as a compliment to the minecraft world. You experience the content across your playthrough and can travel freely between worlds, keeping all your stuff with you. Why is it necessary that you go into Aether with a clean inventory? So that you"re forced to start with low-tier equipment and extend the playtime? If that is the intention, perhaps people should have the option to begin in the Aether? Another solution could be to add a market for selling Non-Aether items to reward players who have a lot of playtime prior to entering the Aether. I can understand not wanting to litter the overworld with even more stuff, but there"s better ways around it.

My guess is you wanted some way to still use that giant castle thing when you switched to the item portal. I feel like there needs to be some explanation as to what to do. Maybe make the path to the glowstone portal thing more intuitive. I ended up running around that castle for a LONG time before I realized what to do. Travelling through a portal to go through another portal also doesn"t really make sense to me. You could make the NPC interaction occur after the player goes through the original portal. After the conversation you could transfer players to the Aether world.

2. Custom Systems:

I"m sure there"s a great reason as to why we have another inventory system, backpack system, and currency system instead of using the baubles inventory (perhaps with a custom module) or a backpack mod, or even one of the currency mods. Hey, custom is great! Problem is that people who want to use other mods are likely also using baubles and backpack and currency mods, so that creates compatibility issues as well as balancing issues (Say a person utilized both inventories and filled them with stat-enhancing gear!) Do you guys plan to add compatibility for all of these mods? Or should this be played on its own without any of those mods? Maybe your system could be written to be used instead of those other mods but it seems like it would have been easier to try and work with the other mod authors to begin with, rather than going to them for compatibility workarounds.

3. Bugs:

The bugs I encountered were mostly compatibility issues, I"m sure. I am putting them here so it can be said "they were reported"

  • Messed up Aspect Ratio, Crosshair Offset, Bottom of screen cut off
    • Makes using JEI difficult because half the search bar is missing
  • Recurrent Complex Error when generating chunks (cascading lag)
  • Severe Lag. Bunnies freezing in the air.
  • Crash when loading dialogue for Angel girl (I saved the log)

4. Mod Compatibility:

I feel like this might need to be stated as your mod doesn"t really WORK WITH these mods, it just doesn"t mind if they exist. Again this is here for the sake of "reporting it."

Not compatible/redundant:

  • Baubles (Or additional inventory mods,)
    • Backpacks!
    • Iron Backpacks
  • Currency Mods are Redundant (not really an issue)

I think it might be better to make this mod standalone, but if you don"t want to then the mod should be implemented to better work with the minecraft world. Some instruction is necessary when you begin the mod in order to know what to do. You should be able to keep your inventory or at least have the option to go to Aether when you start your world.

This mod isn"t really compatible with a lot and setup is a pain. You could have easily used some existing mods instead of writing new content, but if you choose to go with your content then better compatibility efforts should be made, such as disabling functionality to certain mods when using Aether. Perhaps even a dialogue should be placed on this page to let users know the nature of your mod and how the experience will differ from regular minecraft.

There are bugs. See 3. Bugs:

Overall I can see a lot of effort has been made here and I would love to have this as an addition to my world - it just needs to cooperate better!

Сказочное измерение с парящими участками земли. Aether II – это мод на рай, который добавляет в игру новый мир со своими законами, ценными ресурсами и обитателями. Прежде чем приступить к исследованию измерения, нужно построить портал из светового камня.

Основным нововведением является новая система инвентаря с поддержкой устройств наделяющих персонажа умениями. Изучая измерение Aether II, можно обнаружить новые виды руд. Рецепты крафта с новыми ингредиентами дают мечи, броню, гаджеты, щиты, аксессуары и плащи. Обнаружить многие из ресурсов не так просто. Рай состоит из островков земли находящихся высоко в воздухе. Игроки вынуждены строить мосты для перехода между островами. В пещерах встречаются сокровищницы, но новые виды мобов не дадут заполучить сундуки с ценностями. Мир из парящих островов огромен.

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Как установить?

  1. Загрузить и установить необходимый Forge из раздела модов.
  2. Скачать мод на рай для Майнкрафт и переместить в каталог %appdata%/.minecraft/mods.
  3. Запустить игру с профилем Forge (выбирается в лаунчере). Всё готово!
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