Civilization 5 unique units. Units. Civilization V Basics: Melee Naval Units

A unit is any object that can move around the map. There are several types of units: combat units, workers, settlers, great people, and so on. Most of all there are combat units in the game.

Unit construction

Units are built in cities. Each unit has a "price" that reflects the number of units that must be spent to build that unit. In addition, building a unit may require knowledge of the relevant technology (for example, archery is needed to create archers). To create some units, you need access to certain resources (for example, swordsmen require iron).

Unit characteristics

All units have three basic characteristics: movement speed, combat power and promotions.

Travel speed
Movement Points (MP) determine how many squares of open terrain a unit can move through. Most early units have 2 XP. For more information, see the section on movement in the Civilopedia.

Combat power
A unit's Combat Power (CP) determines how effective it is in battle. Warriors, the first combat unit in the game, have a BM of 6. Civilians - settlers and workers - have a BM of zero. When attacked by any troops, civilians are captured or killed.

Special unit skills
Many units have special skills that allow them to perform a certain task better than others or perform unique tasks. For example, settlers are the only ones who can found a new city. Archers can hit the enemy from a great distance, unlike most combat units. To learn about special skills, consult the Civilopedia.

National units

Each civilization in the game has one or more unique "national" units. These units can only be owned by a given civilization, and they are superior to a standard unit of the same type. The Americans, for example, have Minutemen, which are better than arquebusiers, and the B-17, which replaces the bomber. The Greeks have hoplites and hetairas, replacing the standard spearmen and horsemen. Refer to an individual civilization's Civilopedia entry to learn about its unique units.

Moving Units

Typically, when moving to a new cell, a unit must spend an amount of OP equal to the cost of moving for that cell. Co-location restrictions also apply to units - two military or civilian units cannot occupy the same cell, but one military and one civilian unit can. The movement of most units is limited by the terrain: land units cannot move to squares with mountains, sea units cannot move to land squares (except for port cities). Roads and railways speed up the movement of a unit across cells. You can read more about this in the section.

Unit battle

Combat units can engage in combat with other troops or with cities. A significant part of the troops can only conduct close combat, that is, attack enemies only in the next cell. Some units are ranged, they can attack the enemy at a distance of one or more cells. See section for more details.


There are four types of civilian units in the game: settlers, workers, workboats and great people. All of them are important for the development of civilization. Civilians cannot fight. If they are attacked by an enemy unit while they are alone on the cell, they are automatically captured or killed. Therefore, when traveling through dangerous territory, civilians should be accompanied by troops.

Combat units

Combat units come in several categories. These are "melee units", "ranged units", "ships" and "air units".

Ships can move across water tiles. They cannot enter land tiles except coastal cities. Depending on the type, the ship can move across ocean tiles or be limited to coastal waters. All ships engage in long-range combat.

Air units
Air units are airplanes and everything else that moves through the air. They are very important at the end of the game, where dominance in the sky depends
victory in battle. Air units include helicopters, airplanes and missiles. Cm.

This mod is an improved version of the "Promotions Addon" mod I posted earlier.

Promotions+- a mod that adds 10 new promotions and changes about 20 existing ones, and also makes adjustments to some institutions, miracles, and also corrects all sorts of little things.

ATTENTION. The mod replaces existing game files, and does not connect like other mods - and don't say I didn't warn you.
The mod only works with the pure version of the game Civilization 5 - Brave New World. After installing the mod, you can already connect any other mods.
Installation: unpack the archive into the game folder, agree to replace the files.

What the mod changes:
1 . Four new level boosts for ranged units. They increase range, protection against long-range attacks, starting from level 2 they add an additional attack, as well as something else. At level 4 of this boost, any ranged unit is a formidable threat, especially given its excellent defense against ranged attacks. However, melee units can easily take out even these mega-shooters. The promotion is available to all shooting units - including siege units, naval vessels and submarines.

2 . One increase per movement for almost all units (+blitzkrieg and logistics available after it). Removes penalties, adds movement and does something else. Attention: when accepting Autocracy and Blitzkrieg, units will automatically receive two promotions at once - this is Blitzkrieg itself.

3 . Five new level increases for melee units, incl. sea ​​vessels and helicopters. They increase attack and defense proportionally, starting from level 3 they add an additional attack, and at level 4 or 5 they add a full blitz attack, and something else. At the last level of promotion, you can capture enemy units after a victory with a certain chance, and also be healed due to victories.

4 . Many common boosts have been changed and some specific ones have been opened up for selection, such as Bison Horns or Mystic Blade. Logistics, for example, gives extra attack instead of movement. Mostly the most adequate boosts were affected, and all sorts of useless things like +% attacks on hills or plains were left alone.

5 . Several wonders have been changed: Alhambra now gives +15 XP, Bradenburg Gate can be built 1 per civilization and also gives +15 XP, as well as the Pentagon, which also gives +15 XP. In total, if there are all the buildings that provide experience in ONE CITY, Autocracy with its +15 XP, a new unit in this city will receive 105 experience (4th level, up to 5 - another 15 experience).

6 . The Honor Institutes have been changed - their adoption will slightly increase the happiness of the civilization.

7 . Workers now have 4 turns instead of 2.

8 . Something else... a bunch of minor balance tweaks, and yes - the AI ​​will now build its cities at least 4 cells from each other. You can’t put 5 - the AI ​​is extremely stupid, and with 4 at least it won’t sculpt every 3 cells, as in the original.

Attention. Ranged AI units WILL NOT fire more than once. Associated with AI logic, manual editing cannot be changed. Which, in fact, makes the player much cooler simply due to multiple attacks. When developing the mod, this nuance was not taken into account, since the author, that is, I, did not think that smart developers would allow such hackwork. The AI ​​prefers to pump up its units for all sorts of advantages to attack on the hills and plains, so if the player pumps up the mod's enhancements, his units will definitely be cooler.

August 7, 2010 — NeverMind

The effect of all the unique properties of civilizations in Civilization 5. Below they are presented in table form.

Civilization Unique property Effect
1 America Manifest Destiny All ground military units have 1 tile more vision radius. Purchasing tiles is 25% cheaper.
2 England The sun never sets All ships receive +2 movement per turn
3 Arabs Trade caravans +1 gold from each Trade Route. Oil fields provide twice as many resources.
4 Aztecs Sacrifice Destroying each enemy unit gives an increase to culture
5 Germany Teutonic Fury When you defeat barbarians in their camp, there is a 50% chance that they will come over to your side and also give 25 gold
6 Greece Hellenic Union Influence on city-states decreases 2 times slower and recovers 2 times faster
7 Egypt Monumental construction +20% bonus when building Wonders
8 India Population growth Misfortune from the number of cities doubles, misfortune from the population is reduced by 2 times
9 Iroquois Warpath Units only spend 1 movement point when moving through Forests
10 China Art of War Increased efficiency and spawn rate of Great Generals
11 Persia Achaemenid Legacy The duration of the Golden Age has been increased by 50%. During the Golden Age, units receive 1 additional movement per turn and a +10% combat bonus
12 Rome Roman glory +25% bonus when constructing buildings that already exist in the capital
13 Russia Riches of Siberia Strategic resources provide additional hammer (production). The amount of resources from each source of Horses, Iron and Uranium doubles.
14 Siam The father rules the children 50% more food and culture from friendly city-states
15 Songhai River Chief 3 times more gold when capturing barbarian camps and foreign cities. Units at a sea crossing can defend themselves.
16 Türkiye Barbary corsairs When you defeat a barbarian ship, there is a 50% chance that it will come over to your side and also bring 25 gold
17 France Old order +1 culture per turn from each city until Steam Power is discovered
18 Japan Bushido Damage to units does not reduce their strength in battles

15 comments to “Unique properties of civilizations in Civilization V”

    OArtem3 Says:

    Japan: Damage to units does not reduce their strength in battle.
    I didn’t understand something, or like, even if a Japanese with a club is beaten by a Roman Legionnaire, but the Japanese survives, then he doesn’t care?
    It can't be like that. Probably they separated the concepts of strength and integrity (life, HP), and made them dependent on each other.

    Rkt Says:

    Somehow there is a very weak sense of balance. Some have very strong buns (America, Arabs, Russia, Japan), and some have complete garbage (Germany, Songhai).

  1. Avpavlov Says:

    It seemed to me that Rome and America were somehow completely unbalanced. Well, Russia is in the top three to the heap.

    Shukfir Says:

    Ay, Manifest Destiny is correctly translated not as Manifest Destiny, but as Manifest Destiny. This is an expression to justify American expansionism. And this ability really justifies it: if there is money (the United States can’t do anything without money), the area of ​​the states will increase 25% faster.

    Shukfir Says:

    Regarding Japan:
    I think this ability will mean the following:
    Let’s say the samurai has 4/10 units left after the battle. strength.
    The enemy has 7/8 units. strength.
    The enemy, having 7 units. strength, attacks a samurai who has 4 units. The samurai is defeated (7>4).
    At the same time, the samurai, having 10 units. strength, attacks an enemy who has 7 units. strength. The enemy is also defeated! (10>7)
    Roughly speaking, it turns out that there will be battles in which the Japanese, without sparing themselves, kill the enemy and themselves die from their wounds. Real samurai!

    Shukfir Says:

    Regarding imbalance:

    - Germany and Songhai: their features seem insignificant, but this is only because we think that the influence of the barbarians on our empires will be minimal. Somewhere, it seems, there was information that the barbarians would receive a very large increase compared to part 4. (Remember who destroyed the Roman Empire and because of whom the Great Wall of China was built).

    — America: Its advantages seem enormous. An increased viewing radius will provide additional information about the approaching enemy... but, judging by the screenshots, the viewing radius of ordinary troops is also not small and 1 additional tile will not often affect the outcome of the war. Regarding the purchase of tiles, it is 25% cheaper: a large number of tiles only provides more opportunities. This means that if the US has 25% more tiles, it does not necessarily have 25% more food, produce, and gold. After all, it’s not enough to buy hexes; you also need to put population on them for processing and workers for building improvements.

    — Arabs: +1 gold from each trade route... Does anyone know how much gold trade routes will bring in general? Agree, 2+1 and 10+1 are different things. Oil is good, but it is only 1 of 6 strategic resources. What if Harun al-Rashid’s troops find no oil at all? You'll have to buy (by God, it's funny: the Arabs buy oil). And the Trade Caravans bonus does not apply to purchased oil.

    — Russia: with “Riches of Siberia” it seems that the tactics will be simple - seize more resources and territory - and forward to outer space. But it’s not for nothing that the developers completely redesigned the happiness system. The big empires are now very unhappy. Luxury makes people happier, but even 10 gold resources and 20 fur resources will not make them happier than 1 gold and 1 fur resource. And the unfortunate empires, if you remember, have a decrease in combat effectiveness and population growth.

    — Japan: Bushido (if I correctly stated the concept in the post above) is just something. Now there is no need to be afraid of damage - wounded kamikazes will be able to protect the Emperor no worse than healthy ones. In fact, it only changes your tactics in the war against Japan. Now we will have to strive to destroy the samurai completely; it will be useless to attack them only with the aim of reducing their health. Remember: didn’t ordinary healing of units give much greater benefits? It must have been a shame when you reduced the knight’s health to 1 point, and he jumped away and returned safe and sound.

    — Rome: +25% bonus for the construction of buildings similar to those in the capital. So what? Well, you built a building not in 20 moves, but in 16. You will have to pay for its maintenance at 100% of the price. And if we add to this the Roman legionnaires capable of building roads (they are now also expensive), then if we abuse Roman bonuses, we will get the most expensive empire on Earth.

    Many of these bonuses not only give advantages to empires, but also tell the enemy how to deprive them: do not approach America's borders with large armies; do not fight with England at sea; deprive the Arabs of oil, the Russians of horses, iron and uranium, the Egyptians of all production resources; against Japan or the Aztecs it is stupid to go with colossal armies with weak units; do not allow Germany or Songhai to defeat the barbarians - capture the barbarian cities yourself; destroy the city-states near Greece, and cut down the forests near the Iroquois; wars with China should be lightning fast, with Persia - unacceptable during their golden age; do not buy resources from Rome for money - with money Rome will be able to maintain more buildings; don’t wait for France to take over your territories with its culture - destroy it; and India... Give and sell more small towns to the Indians until they completely stop growing due to misfortune!

During the war in Civilization V, we constantly encounter not only the management of the tactical component of troops, but also their training. Each unit can be upgraded using experience gained in battle. And each type of unit has unique perk lines that can be upgraded during battles.

Let's finish with the introductory platitudes and move on to material that may be useful not only to newcomers to Civ. In this article I will try to consider the following points in detail:

  1. The amount of experience required to upgrade units at each available level.
  2. Restrictions on units gaining experience.
  3. Development branches of various types of troops and personal comments on their use.

Amount of experience

The first question a civilizer must ask himself is: how is experience obtained and to what extent?
If the answer to the question “how” is known to most - in combat between units - then the answer to the question “to what extent” is no longer so simple.

  • Attack (melee unit): 5 EXP;
  • Defense against melee unit: 4 EXP;
  • Attack (ranged unit): 2 EXP;
  • Defense against ranged unit: 2 EXP.

The variety is not great, but it is there.

Another way to gain experience and upgrades is through special buildings:

  • Barracks: +15 EXP;
  • Armory: +15 EXP;
  • Military Academy: +15 EXP;
  • Royal Library (Assyria only) with a masterpiece of painting: +15 EXP;
  • Master's Stable (Poland only): +15 EXP for mounted units;
  • Heroic Epic (National Wonder, requires Barracks in all cities): +15 EXP;
  • Brandenburg Gate (Wonder of the World): +15 EXP.

Also keep in mind that social policy "Military Traditions"(left branch in the social institute “Honor”) will increase the amount of incoming experience in battles by 50%.

Note: The bonus applies only to combat experience, and does not apply to experience from buildings.

Once we have learned how to gain experience, a reasonable question arises: how much experience is needed for unit promotions?

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Experience from previous level 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Total experience to level 0 10 30 60 100 150 210 280 360 450

The only exception is the Zulu civilization, which, due to its bonus, reduces the amount of experience for each level by 25%:

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Experience from previous level 0 8 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68
Total experience to level 0 8 23 45 75 113 158 210 270 338

Experience Restrictions

There are only two such situations:

  1. Your unit has reached level 10. Further advancement up the “career ladder” is not provided for by the game.
  2. Your unit has reached level 3 and is attacking barbarians. Barbarians do not give any unit more than 30 EXP, therefore, further leveling is impossible with them. But you can still upgrade your “recruits” on barbarians.

Development of units by type of troops

Now, perhaps, the most interesting thing.
Let's look at all possible perks by unit class. Here we will not analyze special types of upgrades (such as upgrades of the Zulu “Ikanda” or Indonesian swordsmen with kris), only general, typical development branches.

Melee units:

This group is the largest and most extensive in terms of perks.

Most often, in the game we are faced only with pumping for “flat” and rough terrain (the central part of the scheme), plus we often use “Instant Healing”, which gives +50 HP to our wounded squad.

But if we dig deeper, we will see that behind the usual opportunities lie more interesting ones.
For example, when our squad already has 1 upgrade for “flat” or rough terrain, it can:

  • become a medic: allow surrounding units (and yourself) to heal 5 HP more per turn; if you upgrade the Medic ability again, the unit will be able to restore an additional 5 HP outside of friendly territory;
  • become a scout: increase visibility by 1 cell;
  • become a paratrooper: avoid penalties when attacking across the river and when landing from the sea;
  • increase protection against ranged attacks: by +33% for each of the two levels of this upgrade.

If we continue leveling up in one branch, and do not try to make a “universal fighter” on all types of terrain, then at the second level of “flat” or rough terrain the unit will receive even more capabilities:

  • bonus against cavalry: +33% for each of two levels of pumping;
  • bonus against tank units: +33% for each of two levels of pumping;
  • bonus when attacking cities: +50% to strength;
  • bonus against wounded units: +33% to strength.

If we don’t stop pumping up one branch at this point, then at the third level of “flat” or rough terrain the unit will receive the following capabilities:

  • bonus to movement through forests and jungles: double movement;
  • automatic healing every turn, regardless of the unit’s actions (+15 HP);
  • additional OP (movement point);
  • additional attack per turn.

Conclusion on melee units: if there is no need to constantly save units with Instant Healing, then you can get significantly more effective units without increasing the cost of gold for their maintenance; It is recommended to upgrade one type of terrain to level 3 to receive maximum bonuses at subsequent levels.

Ranged units:

As you can see, the variety of upgrades for long-range units is much less. However, their capabilities can still surprise you.

A bonus is available for the first levels of terrain leveling "Cover", reducing damage from ranged attacks against the unit itself. Useful during prolonged firefights between long-range units.

For artillery units at this level, upgrades to +50% damage to cities, which makes them much easier to capture.

At the second levels of terrain leveling it is available healing units regardless of the actions taken (+15 HP per turn).

At the third levels of terrain leveling, it is available "Logistics"(extra attack per turn) and "Radius"(+1 to firing radius). Both of these abilities make your ranged units twice as effective.

Conclusion on ranged units: Since units of this type should be easier to withdraw from the line of fire/attack, pumping them up is even more important and has a higher priority than melee units. With good fire support, you can turn the tide of any battle.

Melee naval units:

A little variability pays off with the high usefulness of most of the perks in this branch. There are no longer upgrades for terrain, they are replaced by specializations for attacking other ships and cities.

Bonus perks for levels 1, 2 and 3 of pumping “to ships” and “to cities” are no different:

  • for the first levels - +1 OP or +1 viewing radius;
  • for the second levels - “Supply” (the ability to be treated outside the borders of your empire at +15 HP per turn);
  • for the third levels - “Logistics” (+1 attack per turn).

Conclusion on melee naval units: if there is no need for constant “Instant Healing” (and such a need may arise due to the fact that ships cannot heal themselves in neutral territory), then increases in “Supply” and “Logistics” will allow you to greatly increase the effectiveness of each melee naval unit.

Ranged naval units:

For this type, the basic upgrades are based on specializations for land and sea units.

At the same time, the variability, compared to melee naval units, increases slightly.

Here you can take not only +1 OP, +1 viewing radius, “Supply” and “Logistics”, but also +1 firing radius (for the second level of specialization).

There are also unique branches for Submarines and Aircraft Carriers.

For submarines preferable to their unique upgrades “Wolf Pack”, which increase attack by +25% for each level of increase.

For Aircraft Carriers additional protection or increased number of aircraft carried is available. The choice here is very situational. If you need to break through the enemy fleet and drop an atomic bomb, then it is better to protect yourself with armor. If your troops need reinforcements from the sea in the form of a large number of aircraft, then it is more effective to increase the number of units carried by each aircraft carrier.

Air Force:

This type of troops is the least likely to suffer from the need to use “Instant Healing”, so the amount of aircraft upgrades can often be the envy of even seasoned land/sea troops.

First of all, it should be understood that all Air Force units are divided into two subtypes: fighters and bombers.
Each of these subtypes has two main specializations, plus two additional ones for naval and tank units.

Fighter Specializations:“Interception” (+33% when intercepting enemy aircraft for each of 3 levels of pumping) and “Air combat” (+33% to “Clearing the sky” - an action against enemy fighters - for each of 3 levels of pumping).

Bomber Specializations:“Bombardment” (+33% to the attack power of ground units for each of 3 levels of pumping) and “Siege” (+33% to the attack power of cities for each of 3 levels of pumping)

Common to fighters and bombers are upgrades for range of action (+2 cells) and automatic repairs (+20 HP per turn, regardless of the actions performed).

Unique fighter perk:“Departure” (additional interception per turn).

Unique bomber perks:“Evasion” (reducing damage from interception by fighters by 50%) and “Logistics” (+1 attack per turn).

General conclusions

Experience is the most valuable resource of every unit in Civilization V.

How to spend this resource is up to each player, since game situations vary. Sometimes you need to save a unit with “Instant Healing”, and sometimes you need to take a wounded person out of the line of fire and upgrade a certain perk in order to return him to battle with double efficiency in a few moves.

The purpose of this article is only to reveal and systematize all the possibilities for pumping up units, because it is impossible to teach everyone how to act in any unforeseen situation.

Unique skill “Manifest Destiny”: Increases visibility of units and gives a discount when purchasing cells.

Unique units: Minuteman (replaces the musketeer), B-17 bomber (replaces the bomber).

The United States of America is a world superpower, which means that if it wants, the United States can destroy the entire planet. This is a relatively young state: it was created at the end of the 18th century, practically destroyed itself in the middle of the 19th century and became the most powerful military, economic, technological and cultural force in the 20th century. Who knows what awaits the United States in the twenty-first century?

Leader: George Washington (1732–1799 AD)

George Washington was one of the prominent people who lived in the American colonies at the end of the 18th century. He was less militant than John Adams, less imaginative than Benjamin Franklin, and less brilliant than Thomas Jefferson. Nevertheless, Washington was a true leader in both war and peace. Under his leadership, the Continental Army was victorious against an extremely powerful rival, and this triumph brought independence and freedom to the United States. Washington faced adversity with great strength and courage, and for his sake people were ready to die.

Interesting fact: American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the surface of the Moon. This happened on July 20, 1969.


Unique skill “The sun never sets on the empire”: +2 XP for all naval units that can move across the ocean.

Unique units: English archer (replaces the crossbowman), battleship (replaces the frigate).

England is located in Great Britain, on a “green and pleasant” island off the western coast of Europe. It is the largest part of the political entity known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. As a seafaring nation, the British have spent the last 500 years extending their power not only in Europe, but throughout the world.

Although the island nation lost most of its colonies after the First and Second World Wars, its inhabitants have not lost their pride. And today, at the beginning of the 21st century, Great Britain remains one of the leading powers in Europe and in the world.

Leader: Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603)

Elizabeth I was an amazing woman who lived in an amazing time. Her unmistakable survival instinct, ability to “go over the head,” personal charm and cruelty put her on a par with the most powerful rulers in history. No words can describe her better than her own: “I know I have a body, and it is the body of a weak and helpless woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king.”

Interesting fact: Before the invention of the mechanical clock in the 14th century, the most advanced and complex device in Europe, and perhaps in the whole world, was the organ in Winchester Cathedral in England. It was created around 950 AD. and consisted of 400 pipes. Air was pumped using 26 bellows, which required 70 people to operate.


Unique skill “Trading caravan”: Gold +2 from each trade route.

Unique unit: archer on a camel (replaces the knight).

Unique building: bazaar (replaces the market).

The Caliphate (Arab Kingdom) arose after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 AD. It was founded by the disciples of Muhammad, who developed the political foundations laid down by him. During its existence, the caliphate expanded greatly, absorbing Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia, the Balkans and Persia. The Arab lands were comparable to the lands of the Roman Empire at the zenith of its power, and perhaps even surpassed them.

Leader: Harun al-Rashid (763–809 AD)

Harun al-Rashid, or Harun the Just (reigned 785–809) was the fifth caliph of the Abbasid dynasty. At this time, the caliphate stretched from Spain in the west to Anatolia in the north and India in the east - it was the largest and most powerful political force in the world. Harun was an excellent ruler, and his reign became an era of scientific and cultural advancement of the country and prosperity of his subjects.


Unique skill “Sacrifice of prisoners”: For each enemy unit killed, the empire receives culture points.

Unique unit: jaguar (replaces warrior).

Unique building: floating gardens (replaces the water mill).

The Aztec Empire was a powerful civilization that existed in Central Mexico for about a hundred years (in the 15th–16th centuries). The Aztecs reached incredible heights in cultural development. Nowadays, the Aztecs are often mentioned in connection with their bloody religious rituals. The incredibly sudden death of their civilization as a result of a collision with an external threat still causes a lot of controversy.

Leader: Montezuma (1397–1469 AD)

A mighty warrior and leader, Montezuma I raised the Aztec power to the heights of glory and greatness. He should not be confused with his unfortunate grandson Montezuma II, who helplessly watched the destruction of his empire by the Spanish conquistadors. Montezuma expanded the borders of his empire, personally leading his troops from victory to victory. He worked hard to improve the lives of his subjects. Under Montezuma's rule, the Aztec Empire truly flourished.

Interesting fact: The Aztec calendar consisted of two cycles that were counted in parallel: the Xiupoualli - a civil cycle of 365 days, and the Tonalpohualli - a sacred calendar of 260 days. Every 52 years, the completion of these cycles coincided, marking the end of one century and the beginning of the next.


Unique skill “Teutonic Fury”: When destroying a barbarian camp, there is a 50% chance of receiving 25 units. gold and a barbarian unit that will join you.

Unique units: Landsknecht (replaces the pikeman), “Panzer” (replaces the tank).

Various Germanic tribes have inhabited northern central Europe for several millennia, but the modern political entity called Germany is quite young: it was formed by the brilliant Prussian chancellor Otto von Bismarck about 140 years ago. During the short period of its existence, Germany had a great influence on the history of mankind. After the First and Second World Wars, which became a disaster for the country, Germany established a strong alliance with its former rival, France, and concentrated its efforts on restoring the industrial, scientific and technical potential of the country. Thanks to these efforts, Germany once again became one of the leading European powers.

Leader: Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898) Nicknamed the Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck was perhaps the most significant figure in German history. During his long political career, Bismarck unified Germany and laid the foundations of an empire. As a result, Germany transformed from a weak and loose confederation of states into a powerful country that occupied a dominant position in continental Europe.

Interesting fact: It’s not for nothing that Germany is known as a “beer country.” On its territory there are almost 1,300 breweries, which brew almost 5,000 types of beer. Germans consume an average of 140 liters of beer per year per person and are second only to the Irish and Czechs in this indicator.


Unique skill “Hellenic League”: the impact on policies decreases twice as slowly and is restored twice as quickly.

Unique units: hetaira (replaces the horseman), hoplite (replaces the spearman).

This country has had a truly enormous influence on Western culture and history. Classical Greece produced many of the world's greatest artists, philosophers, scientists, historians, playwrights and generals. The warriors and colonists of this state spread their culture throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East, from where it began its victorious march throughout the world.

The Greeks are credited with an incredible number of discoveries and cultural achievements. They were the first to hold sports competitions, write poems and build buildings specifically for theatrical productions. When it comes to politics, the Greeks gave the world the concept of democracy and republic. The influence of this country is still felt everywhere: modern doctors take the Hippocratic oath, and architects are guided by classical ancient Greek proportions. Western civilization can largely be said to be a continuation of the civilization of classical Greece.

Leader: Alexander the Great (356–323 BC)

Alexander the Great is undoubtedly one of the greatest military leaders of all times. In just 13 years, he victoriously led his army through Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, conquering all the civilizations along the way. His conquests allowed the Hellenic culture to spread throughout the known world, Greek became the language of culture, science and art for the next few centuries in many states.

Interesting fact: The Greek national anthem consists of 158 verses. At present, no Greek knows them all.


Unique skill “Monument Builders”: miracle creation speed +20%.

Unique unit: war chariot (replaces the chariot archer).

Unique building: tomb (replaces monastery).

Few civilizations have left such a deep mark on human history as the Egyptian one, which arose on the banks of the Nile about 5,000 years ago. No wonder it is considered one of the most ancient on our planet. It was in Egypt that writing was invented. This happened around 3000 BC. In addition, using complex mathematical formulas, Egyptian priests calculated the movement of planets across the sky with great accuracy. And, of course, the Egyptians were the greatest architects of antiquity. They created majestic monuments and temples, which we still look at with reverence to this day.

Leader: Ramesses the Great (1303–1203 BC)

Ramesses II is considered the greatest and most powerful pharaoh of Egypt. Having ascended the throne at the age of twenty, he ruled the country for more than sixty years. Ramesses is remembered for his military talents, as well as for the extensive building program he implemented. He also built a new capital - Per Ramses.

Interesting fact: There are many versions of how the famous Great Sphinx lost its nose. The most popular one attributes the damage to the sculpture to a French cannonball that hit the Sphinx in 1798. However, according to the notes of the Danish traveler Norden, in 1737 the statue was already damaged. The medieval Cairo historian al-Maqrizi accuses the Islamic fanatic Saim al-Dakhra, who was lynched in 1378 for vandalism, of a crime against culture.


Unique skill “Population Growth”: people's dissatisfaction with the number of cities doubles, and discontent with the total population decreases by half. (Build fewer cities, but let their population grow!).

Unique unit: war elephant (replaces the archer on the chariot).

Unique building: Red Fort (replaces the castle).

The Republic of India is the second most populous and largest democratic state. India is a land of contrasts, a land of astonishing wealth and appalling poverty. Developed modern cities coexist here with backward villages, beauty with ugliness, hope with despair. This is the cradle of one of the most ancient civilizations on the planet. Today, India is again striving to take its rightful place among the world's greatest powers.

Leader: Gandhi (1869–1948)

Mohandas Gandhi was an Indian patriot who led the nonviolent movement for Indian independence from British imperial rule in the mid-20th century. He became the founder of "satyagraha", or resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, which had a huge impact on the struggle for Indian sovereignty.

Interesting fact: The Indian film industry is called Bollywood. More films are shot there every year than in the US, France, Italy and China combined.


Unique skill “Warpath”: Units can move through forest and rainforest as if they were roads in friendly territory.

Unique unit: Mohawk warrior (replaces swordsman).

Unique building: long house (replaces the workshop).

The Iroquois League formed around 1579 AD. It was an alliance of five (later six) American Indian tribes. The Iroquois are an amazing people: their population probably never exceeded 20 thousand people, they had no written language and no industrial base, and yet for two centuries they held off the onslaught of the French, English, Dutch and later American colonists.

Leader: Hiawatha (born c. 1450)

Hiawatha (or Aionventa) is the legendary leader of the Onondaga Indians, who, together with the no less legendary Deganavida, created an alliance of Iroquois tribes. Little is known about Hiawatha. He taught his people agriculture, navigation, medicine and art. Hiawatha was also considered a talented speaker: it was he who managed to persuade five tribes - Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Seneca and Mohawk - to form the League of Hodenoshi, that is, an alliance of tribes.

Interesting fact: In 1772, near the settlement of Elizabethton, the first constitution written by Europeans in America was adopted. It was based on the code of laws of the Iroquois League, or the “Great Law of Peace,” formed by an alliance of Indian tribes almost 200 years earlier.


Unique skill “The Art of War”: The effectiveness and speed of emergence of great commanders increases.

Unique unit: zhuge nu (replaces the crossbowman).

Unique building: paper workshop (replaces the library).

The history of China goes back about six thousand years. Modern humans have inhabited this region for at least 18,000 years. The Chinese have always been distinguished by their hard work and inquisitive mind. They gave mankind many inventions, including paper, gunpowder, the compass, and typesetting printing. China has survived centuries of colonial conquest and imperialism to emerge as a powerful, independent industrial nation once again.

Leader: Wu Zetian (625–705 AD)

Like most civilizations, China has been predominantly male-dominated throughout its history. Until very recently, women had practically no rights, and the direct path to power was completely closed to them. It was practically impossible for a woman to achieve the title of emperor and become the most powerful person in China. This has happened only once in the entire history of the Celestial Empire. The exception to the rule was Wu Zetian, one of the most outstanding rulers the world has ever seen.

Interesting fact: Almost four thousand years ago, in the second millennium BC, an exotic dessert was invented in China, later called ice cream. The recipe for a delicacy consisting of snow, ice and pieces of fruit was brought to Europe by the traveler Marco Polo only at the beginning of the 14th century.


Unique skill “Barbarian Corsairs”: When a barbarian naval unit is destroyed, there is a 50% chance that it will defect to your side and give you 25 units. gold.

Unique units: Janissary (replaces the musketeer), sipah (replaces the uhlan).

The Ottoman Empire was founded in Anatolia, in what is now Turkey, at the beginning of the 13th century and lasted for six centuries. Having grown, it extended its power to three continents. At the height of her power, she challenged all of Europe and won. The Ottoman Empire conquered the Middle East, Egypt and North Africa, not to mention the Balkans. She swept away the Byzantine Empire from the face of the earth. Without a doubt, it can be placed on a par with Great Britain, the Arab Caliphate and the Roman Empire.

Leader: Suleiman the Magnificent (1494–1566)

Suleiman I, known by his nicknames the Magnificent, the Lawgiver and the Great Turk, was an Islamic caliph and sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He ascended the throne in 1520 and reigned until his death in 1566. During this time, Suleiman significantly expanded the territory of the Sublime Porte to the fear and envy of the leaders of Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. By the time he passed away, he was known all over the world. In Europe, everyone envied his incredible wealth, and his magnificent treasury contained so many unprecedented values ​​that no one else in history had. He was admired for his military skills and respected for his fair treatment of non-Muslims. Everyone - both Muslims and Christians - agreed that Suleiman was worthy of the title “Magnificent”.

Interesting fact: Even in modern Turkey, the traditions of hospitality are very strong. Any stranger met on the doorstep of a house is considered a “guest from God” for at least three days.


Unique skill “Achaemenid Legacy”: Golden Ages last 50% longer. Units receive bonus movement and +10% attack and defense during the golden age.

Unique unit: immortal (replaces the spearman).

Unique building: courtyard of the satrap (replaces the bank).

Formed in 559 BC. After a successful uprising against the Medes, under the Achaemenids, the Persian Empire lasted about two hundred years, and all this time it was surrounded by enemies on almost all sides. At the height of its power, Persia controlled lands from India to Egypt and the Balkans. Its territories spread across three continents, and its subjects spoke dozens of languages. At best, the kings of the Achaemenid dynasty were legislators who dealt mercifully and fairly with the peoples under their rule and tried not to interfere in the internal affairs of the provinces unless they caused them trouble. Unfortunately, they were destined to clash with Alexander the Great.

Leader: Darius I (550–486 BC)

The son of the satrap (ruler) of Parthia, Darius I came to power as a result of a conspiracy after the death of Cambyses II in 522 BC. An administrative genius, during his reign Darius reorganized the vast Persian Empire, greatly increasing its power and wealth. In addition, he erected many great structures in Persia. He built roads, changed the system of government of the empire, defended the borders of his power and generally treated his subjects much better than other rulers of his time. Darius was not an outstanding military leader, but he led many successful campaigns against internal and external enemies.

Interesting fact: The Caspian horse is one of the oldest breeds of miniature horses in the world and may have been developed by the Persians.


Unique skill “Glory of Rome”: +25% bonus to production when constructing buildings (in another city) that have already been built in the capital.

Unique units: ballista (replaces the catapult), legionnaire (replaces the swordsman).

The Roman Empire is the most prominent and longest-lasting state entity in the West. Rome was founded in the 8th century BC, and parts of the collapsed empire lasted until the 14th century AD. Its inhabitants were a warlike people. At the height of its power, the Roman Empire conquered most of England, all of Western Europe, North Africa, Egypt, Greece, and the Middle East. It was Rome that laid the foundations of Western culture, legislation, art, architecture, religion, language and military affairs.

Leader: Octavian Augustus (63 BC – 14 AD)

Given the name Gaius Octavius ​​at birth, Augustus became the first Roman emperor. It ended the hundred-year civil war in Rome and ushered in the two-hundred-year Pax Romana ("Peace of Rome"), the golden age of Roman literature and culture. During the long reign of Augustus, Rome prospered like never before, and the empire became the most powerful force in the Mediterranean. The reforms carried out by Augustus allowed Rome to rule the entire known world for almost two hundred years without major wars or conflicts. Few leaders in history can boast such success.

Interesting fact: Ancient Rome was famous for its cooks. It was they who first invented a dish reminiscent of modern hamburgers. By the way, after dinner parties in Rome it was customary to take leftover food with you in special bags.


Unique skill “Motherland”: Resources give +1 to production, and stocks of horses, iron and uranium are doubled.

Unique unit: Cossack (replaces the cavalryman).

Unique building: prison (replaces barracks).

Winston Churchill once said: “Russia is a mystery within a puzzle.” It is located partly in Asia, partly in Europe, but does not identify itself completely with either one or the other. Russia is fabulously rich in natural resources, but Russians themselves have lived in abject poverty since time immemorial. Russia survived the invasions of the Goths, Huns, Tatar-Mongols, French and Germans without losing its national character. Russia has been at the zenith of glory and on the verge of collapse; the monarchy gave way to a communist dictatorship, which gave way to democracy - and all in just a hundred years! Undoubtedly, Russia is one of the most mysterious and amazing powers in history.

Leader: Catherine the Great (1729–1796 AD)

Catherine the Great ruled Russia in the second half of the 18th century. During her reign, there was a significant expansion of the Russian Empire: tens of thousands of square kilometers were included in its composition, both peacefully and by force of arms. A beautiful and intelligent woman, Catherine made her court one of the centers of the European Enlightenment. German by birth, she became one of the greatest rulers in Russian history.

Interesting fact: During the reign of Peter the Great, every Russian nobleman who wanted to wear a beard had to pay a special tax.


Unique skill “Father of Nations”: +50% to food and culture, which are given by friendly policies.

Unique units: Naresuan's war elephant (replaces the knight).

Unique building: wat (replaces university).

Siam, now called Thailand, is located in Southeast Asia. It borders Burma (Myanmar), Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia. Over its rich history, this mysterious land of dark forests and ancient mountains has seen occupation and revolution, flood and famine, the birth and collapse of empires. The West has a rather idealized view of Siam, based largely on the entertaining but wildly inaccurate film Anna and the King. However, reality is more interesting than the sweet fantasies of the English governess. In fact, the fact that Siam is the only state in all of Southeast Asia that has never fallen under the rule of Western powers can be considered a unique achievement of the Siamese government.

Leader: Ramkamhaeng (1240–1298)

In 1279, a prince named Ramkamhaeng ascended the throne of the small kingdom of Sukhothai. Over the next twenty years, his military genius and subtle diplomatic sense allowed him to expand state borders, making Siam the most influential power in Southeast Asia.

Interesting fact: Throughout history, beautiful representatives of Thailand have twice been awarded the title of Miss Universe. Apasra Hongsakula won the competition in 1965, and Portnip Nakirunkanok in 1988.


Unique skill “River Pirate Leader”: receive twice as much gold for destroying barbarian camps and sacking cities. Units on board can defend themselves.

Unique unit: mandekalu horseman (replaces knight).

Unique building: clay mosque (replaces the temple).

The Songhai Empire, located in West Africa, reached its peak at the end of the 15th–16th centuries AD. The homeland of the Songhai is the Gao region, which was under the rule of the Mali Empire. At the beginning of the 14th century, Songhai regained independence from Mali, expanded its sphere of influence over the course of two centuries, and eventually became the most powerful empire in African history. Like the Aztec Empire, Songhai fell to relatively few invaders with much more advanced weapons. This is an important lesson for all Civilization players: “Don’t go out with a knife against the machine gunners. Find a machine gun and a bomber."

Leader: Askia (1440–1538 AD)

Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr Toure, also known as Muhammad I Askiya (reigned 1493–1528), transformed the central region of Western Sudan into a single Songhai Empire, the largest in African history. And although he led many military campaigns, he is remembered primarily for the transformations that brought stability and prosperity to Songhai. His reign marked the golden age of religion and science in West Africa.

Interesting fact: According to legend, the Songhai people lived for many years under the rule of the Spirit of the Waters, until a stranger who came from Yemen defeated the monster. He became the first ruler of the empire and the founder of the Dya dynasty.


Unique skill “Old Order”: Culture +1 in every city before the invention of the steam engine.

Unique units: foreign legionnaire (replaces the infantryman), French musketeer (replaces the musketeer).

France borders six (or seven, depending on how you count it) countries, the Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel and the Mediterranean Sea and has long played an important political, military and cultural role in the Western world.

The country reached the zenith of military power under Napoleon Bonaparte, after the cataclysms of the Great French Revolution. For ten years France fought single-handedly against all the nations of Europe, and her armies won many great victories. Although it was ultimately defeated, the Napoleonic Wars still provide many examples of brilliant tactics and strategy.

Today France is one of the leading countries of the European Union. It remains one of the important cultural centers of the world. French wine, cooking and art conquered the whole world, something that Napoleon was never able to achieve.

Leader: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821)

It is impossible to overestimate the military genius of Napoleon Bonaparte. He moved his armies with amazing speed, and always knew exactly where to strike to cause the greatest damage to the enemy army. In domestic affairs, he was an excellent and gifted ruler, under whom France prospered, reaching the peak of its influence in the world (until constant wars exhausted the strength of the people and their will to fight). Always focusing on the army, Napoleon was unable to create a combat-ready fleet, which did not allow him to challenge England's supremacy at sea - in the end, this was his undoing. If Europe and England were connected by land, French would probably be spoken in Piccadilly.

Interesting fact: Every summer, more than a hundred of the world's best cyclists gather in France to compete in the world's most prestigious race, the Tour de France. The total length of the route ranges from 3–4 thousand kilometers, and the duration of the race is 21 days.


Unique skill "Bushido": the original attack and defense indicators are preserved even for a wounded unit.

Unique units: samurai (replaces a swordsman with a long sword), “Zero” (replaces a fighter).

For most of its history, Japan was a multitude of small principalities that spent all their energy fighting each other. Betrayal, deception, backstabbing and murder were common methods of achieving goals in the politics of those times. Violence led to the emergence of the samurai, a class of professional fighters. The wars only stopped after Oda Nobunaga and his heirs unified the country in the 16th and 17th centuries.

In the 20th century, Japan experienced the catastrophic consequences of World War II, the atomic bombings and occupation by Western powers. Today this country is one of the economic and cultural centers of the world.

Leader: Oda Nobunaga (1534–1582)

Oda Nobunaga, a Japanese feudal lord of the 16th century, was an excellent commander and cunning politician, as well as an adherent of new technologies. Nobunaga managed to achieve power over almost half of the territory of feudal Japan. His two comrades - Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Izyasu - completed the work Nobunaga began and united all of Japan. Living in cruel times, Nobunaga was a merciless man. But by helping to unify Japan, he ended the wars that had devastated the country for more than a century.

Interesting fact: Japan is home to the longest suspension bridge in the world, Akashi-Kaikyo, connecting the cities of Kobe and Awaji. It was opened in 1998 and is 3911 meters long. Akashi Kaikyo is one and a half times longer than the famous Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and four times longer than the Brooklyn Bridge.

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