How to defeat the small altar of the game of heaven. Find the oldest altar of heaven in China

Heaven is a unique browser game, the plot of which contains an entire transcendental fantasy world, where unique monsters, magic potions and adherents of various cults reign. Each character has his own flying island, where you can relax, improve your skills, and even find treasure. When visiting a neighboring island, there is always the opportunity to stumble upon a guard and win rare things and resources from him, and another gamer’s store may display goods that one can only dream of. In general, islands are a curious and quite practical point. But we got ahead of ourselves. First you need to figure out how to get into the sky and who inhabits the magical world that is closed to the human eye.

Cult is the basis

Before choosing a “side,” the player participates in a demonstration battle, which clearly shows how the battle takes place and what capabilities the opponents have. In the game Heaven online, battles take place in a magical game form - damage is caused using spells and shards. By putting together a combination of pebbles, mana is replenished, and a set of three or more skulls in a row makes it possible to inflict damage without using magic or spells.

Battlefield Features:

  • Green stone- +1 to mana.
  • Orange stone- +3 to mana.
  • Red stone- +5 to mana.
  • Scull– takes away 5 units of enemy health.
  • Cross– restores 1 unit of character’s health.
  • Spells– give different effects (both defensive and offensive) and require mana costs.
  • Elixirs– jars with health or poison, which can be obtained by defeating a monster or made independently.
And now, when the battle is over, a window pops up in front of the user in which you can study the features of each cult and choose the one that suits your liking.

Cults in the game Heaven:
  • Defenders. They stand for universal order.
  • Holidays. They strive for eternal celebration and fun.
  • Mourners. They believe that suffering is the head and the solution to everything.
  • Terrifying. Fear, for these adepts, is the path to purification and acquisition of strength.
  • Destroyers. And they cannot live a day without destruction and fights.
  • Virgos. True healers and warriors of light.
Each cult in Heaven online has different types of spells that are used on the battlefield for mana: basic - available to all adherents, unique - studied at the school of magic and differ in types of impact and effects.

Additional features

In addition to all of the above, the user can complement his character and develop it in every possible way. Fortunately, the game has all the conditions for this.

Character Development Features:

  • Bonuses and gifts. Every day a player can try once for free to get a bonus from the wheel of fortune. The character will also be rewarded for any achievements: from repeatedly visiting neighbors to exterminating bosses.
  • Scrolls and professionalism. By studying scrolls, you can make for yourself unique health flasks or jars of poisons (which requires materials that drop from monsters). With each elixir made, the player increases the level of professionalism of the Persian, and all subsequent operations of this kind will be easier.
  • Cave altar. While exploring the cave on your island in the game Heaven, you can stumble upon a unique place - an altar. By destroying this rare structure, the character significantly replenishes the reserves of game currency, energy and receives pleasant surprises in the form of bonuses and things.
  • Pets. The dragon is a loyal friend who strongly supports the owner on the battlefield. You can get such a mount from an egg, but you must feed it and remember that it (like any living creature) is not eternal.
There are still a lot of tricks and tricks that the user can use to his advantage. A variety of monsters, guilds, tournaments, medals and skins. You can learn about the intricacies of passing the game Heaven, as well as additional options for the character, from the knowledge base.

Chinese archaeologists have discovered an imperial ritual complex, the Altar of the Firmament, in Shaanxi Province in central China. Scientists date the construction to the beginning of the Qin dynasty (221-207 BC), it was used for sacrifices carried out by the emperors of China.

This is the oldest and largest Altar of Heaven found so far. The discovery was published by, and it was briefly reported in a press release from the Institute of Archeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The ancient Chinese revered the Eternal Blue Firmament as the supreme deity. It was believed that the rulers of China, for their virtue, earned the “trust of Heaven” and each of them received a Heavenly Mandate from the deity, allowing them to rule the Celestial Empire (China) on his behalf, and which served as proof of the legitimacy of the ruling dynasty.

The ruler bore the title “Son of Heaven”, and in order to maintain contact with his “dad”, he had to hold an annual ceremony in a specially designed complex, the Altar of Heaven.

Accompanied by an orchestra playing religious hymns, the ruler walked barefoot up the steps of the Altar, prostrated himself before the deity and prayed to Heaven. Apparently, in ancient times, animals were still sacrificed to Heaven during the ceremony.

The effectiveness of the "Son of Heaven" as a ruler depended on the correct execution of the ritual. If a crop failure or natural disasters occurred in the country in the following year, the ruler who failed to “appease” the deity was considered to be the culprit.

Archaeologists noticed the ritual complex during excavations carried out from April to November this year. The structure is located on a hill 15 kilometers from the ruins of the ancient capital of the country, Qin Yongcheng.

To date, scientists have discovered more than 2,000 objects, including the bones of horses, cattle and sheep, which were apparently sacrificed, as well as artifacts: jade plates, bronze spearheads, and a wooden cart. In addition, pits where cattle were kept, a place for sacrifices, and the residence of the manager of the complex were discovered.

One of the most important finds were concentric spheres of compressed earth, located one above the other; the diameter of the lower one was 31 meters. According to archaeologists, the description in ancient literature and location of the ruins are similar to the Altar of Heaven, where the emperors of the Qin (221-207 BC) and Han (206 BC-220 AD) dynasties whiled away religious ceremonies.

According to excavation director Tian Yaqi, the total area of ​​the complex is about five million square meters. So far, scientists have excavated only a small part of it, an area of ​​2,000 square meters. The researchers also confirmed the presence of more than 3,200 objects belonging to the complex, including houses, roads and sacrifice pits.

Until now, the oldest altar of Heaven was considered to be a structure built at the end of the 6th - beginning of the 7th century in the city of Xi'an (now Shaanxi province), consisting of several concentric platforms about eight meters high. The most famous and well-preserved Altar of Heaven remains the ritual complex in Beijing, built at the beginning of the 15th century.

In 221 BC, the ruler of the Qin kingdom conquered six neighboring states and founded the first unified empire. He credited the name Qi Shi Huangdi ("First Emperor of Qin") and founded the Qin dynasty, which collapsed a few years after his death. The Qin was replaced by the Han dynasty, whose emperors, thanks to wise internal policies, were able to hold out for more than 400 years.

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In the game Heaven, the passage is organized in such a way as to provide the user with a wide field for activity (both peaceful and not so peaceful). This browser the game is built on multiple paths of development for the character (and it doesn’t matter what cult he belongs to). Next, we will look at features that will help players diversify their gaming experience.

Basic provisions of the Heaven knowledge base:

  • Lottery. Every day, players can participate in a free draw for bonuses - energy, game currency or items to improve character performance. If the number of free attempts is exhausted, then the user can play the lottery for diamonds.
  • Guardians. Each island has its own defenders, who obey no one. Such NPCs can be defeated both near their possessions and by visiting other islands. The level of the defender depends on the level of development of the character and his island.

  • Gathering resources. Once a day, the player can collect resources that appear on the island - they will be different for each cult (crystals or energy stones). If a player collects resources on a foreign island, then coupons are removed from him (the number of coupons that the player has is equal to the level of development of the tree on his native island).

  • Images. In the Heavens knowledge base we will look at the appearances that a character can get. For a number of completed tasks, the player can take an individual image for his character, which will not only make him stand out from the rest of the participants, but will also bring useful bonuses.

  • Altar. In the caves of the island, starting from level 3, you can stumble upon a cult altar, breaking which the player receives a treasure or treasure. For the treasure from the broken altar, the player receives crystals: Small altar - 100,000, Medium - 250,000, Large - 500,000. For treasures found after the destruction of the altars, you can get diamonds: Small altar - 200, Medium - 300, Large - 500.

  • Clans. You can create your own clan provided that the character has reached the rank of General and has developed the tree on his island to level 10 (for creating a cult clan, a fee in crystals and energy is charged; when creating a factional clan, diamonds are added to this list). A player can also apply to join an existing clan.

  • Pet. A character of each clan can get a dragon at his disposal (Order or Chaos - depends on the clan). After registration, each user receives a bag from which a dragon egg will appear. Sometimes the dragon's nest, in which you can find a pet, "falls" from a defeated mob. You can release your pet by treating the egg with stardust (obtained during the analysis of obtained items). But do not forget that the dragon egg has a shelf life, so the extraction of stardust must be carried out as quickly as possible. After the pet appears, the player only has to monitor the dragon’s health level (so that it doesn’t disappear) and feed it (Ambrosia improves vital signs and “pumps up” the pet).

  • Professions. During battles (or in the store), the player can receive scrolls, by studying which they can master different professions. Each profession will teach the player how to craft potions, thanks to which you can restore your standard of living in battle or increase the damage inflicted on the enemy. You can create elixirs in the Workshop, which is located in the character window.

  • Field elements. In battle, a character can use destroyed elements on the field to replenish mana, health level, or deal damage to the enemy. Each element is responsible for different functions: red stone - gives 5 units of mana, yellow - 3 units, green - 1 unit, skull - replenishes damage by 5 units, ankh (aka cross) - restores 1 unit of health.

  • Magic. At the school of magicians, the user can teach his character special clan spells that require energy. Or you can use the standard set of magic skills that are activated by mana: Lightning, Magic Square, Magic Cross, Shield of Faith and Berserker. By destroying stones on the battlefield, the character's mana level will always be replenished to use common spells, and the pet will enhance their effect.

Using advice from the knowledge base when passing the game Heaven, the user can not only diversify his activities, but also qualitatively improve the performance of his character.

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