Column in the game of loyalty to knights and princesses. Cheat codes loyalty knights and princesses secrets and free rubies. Why does a lady need a knight?

Location maps in “Loyalty: Knights and Princesses” are very diverse. Their total number is twenty-two, and some of them will be discussed in the article with a description, the main attractions and how to get to them.


In the game "Loyalty: Knights and Princesses", location cards include a variety of points of interest. In the territory called “Battlefield”, the player may encounter the head of a gang of bandits. He is hiding in a lair, which is located in the center on the western side. This will be the main building after the victory, which can be improved after killing the boss. Almost immediately near the entrance on the right side you can free the prisoner, and the captive girl is a few steps diagonally in the forest. To turn the bandit lair back into a huge beautiful estate, you need to bring the “Tron” inside. This item can be found in the upper left corner of the entrance to the area. The development of the building will help in the accumulation of resources, they are also issued for the release of prisoners.

"Magical forest"

If your character has reached level 10, then among all the location cards in “Loyalty: Knights and Princesses” you must first visit the “Magic Forest”. In this area, the main building opens up to the eye immediately after arrival, because it is located not far from the entrance. Also in the vastness of this region you can find lakes and magic gates. For opening the latter, valuable prizes in the form of resources are provided. The main task will be to search for an unknown animal with the body of a horse and a horn on its head. First of all, the player will have to bring the “Magic Rainbow” into working order, then start creating a “Magic Wand” in this area and only then go in search of the secret creature. Among all the cards in the game “Loyalty: Knights and Princesses,” this one can be turned into a real settlement that will begin to pay tribute. To do this, you need to clear the bridgehead from the thickets, do excavations and follow the instructions. Adventures and a lot of work are guaranteed for the player here.

"Lava Craters"

Among the location maps of “Loyalties: Knights and Princesses”, the territory of “Lava Craters” is accessible only from level 20. You can fly here by airship for forty units of fuel. The first attraction here will be the stone statue of the Idol. You can get to it if you go left from the entrance at the first turn and go straight to the other end. You can take this decoration for yourself without restoration. To restore the main building in the form of a water tower, it is necessary to build a water supply through three craters in the corners of the map: two at the bottom and one at the top left. The reference point for the correct solution should be the valves on the ground. If done properly, the craters will become piles of sulfur. From these, you can collect tokens for the ancient machine on your home territory. There are also various treasures scattered throughout the region, but you should be prepared to clash with robbers. They can be killed in normal combat or by spending energy on instant destruction.

"Ancient Temple"

In the game "Loyalty: Knights and Princesses" the "Ancient Temple" card is also available from character level 20. Initially, these lands will be shrouded in fog and will open only as resources are cut down from this region. Then the user will see many interesting things. There are many buildings in the location that can be restored. This list includes "Stonecutters", "Elder's House" and the main building "Ancient Temple". It is the last of them that needs to be restored in order for treasures to regularly fall into the player’s piggy bank. Access to the “Treasury” will open only after all totems are brought into working order. There are a total of twelve types of gifts that a character can receive. There is also a huge amount of vegetation on the map that needs to be removed. Only after this can geological work be carried out on it, malachite and iron can be mined; for this there are three veins.

"Ghost town"

In the game “Loyalty: Knights and Princesses,” the location maps of all territories are unique in their own way, including “Ghost Town.” You can get there by airship, costing fifty units of fuel. If you complete the quests associated with the location, you can learn the story of an ancient city that suddenly became completely extinct. The main building on the territory is the “Abandoned Bungalow”, which can only be restored with the help of pirate amulets or made of gold. Not far from the entrance there is a “Dwarven Camp”, where you can hire future workers for yourself. There are seven more similar places with small creatures, and they are located along the contour of the map. There are treasure chests to the west and east in the central area away from the entrance. This location can also be turned into a gnome settlement and collect tribute from it. There are also many other places in the game that you can visit during your travels. Various missions and interesting stories await the player.

The fantasy game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses was developed by Vizor Games. The official release date of the project is January 1, 2015. It is currently available on the Internet free of charge.

Game process

The first stage is choosing a character. Users can play as a fearless knight or a charming lady. Further gameplay depends on this choice - for boys the main emphasis will be on duels with other knights, for girls - doing household chores, maintaining cleanliness and creating comfort in the estate.

But there is also a main goal - to achieve prosperity of your own land plot. It will not be easy to do this: collect useful materials, build the necessary structures, set up equipment, and establish uninterrupted production.

In addition to all of the above, you also need to take care of your employees, who help develop production. They will need not only a regular, solid salary, but also food, a roof over their heads, and normal working hours.


In addition to living on their own territory, users have access to walks in distant lands. What do Knights and Princesses' journeys into Loyalty contain?

New unexplored territories regularly appear on the main map. They can be both constant and unstable, disappearing after a certain period of time. These locations can only be reached if the player has a special Airship for travel. Please note that when traveling, communication with production and warehouse is lost. Therefore, all found resources will not be automatically sent for storage - they must be transported yourself.

During a trip to an unexplored area, a participant in the game will be able to find new plants and materials for making new items. Also, fearless travelers will be able to receive rewards, bonuses and jewelry.

Star Adventures

There are also stellar adventures in the game Fidelity: Knights and Princesses. This is a temporary location that opens only to players who have reached level 10. Arriving at this area, a knight or a beautiful lady will see only dense clouds enveloping the earth. To thoroughly explore the location, you will need to banish the fog using resources. Here you can get new decorations and materials that fall out when local objects are destroyed.

Bonus links in Allegiance: Knights and Princesses

The most pleasant thing about various projects is... Some creators delight with regular promotions with rewards, others launch various events with ratings and tournament tables. There are special bonus links in the game that allow you to get materials or resources. They are available only once, so using them on an ongoing basis for enrichment will not work. Details and descriptions of bonus links are always available in the official VKontakte group or in the unofficial fan community.

Passage secrets

This section is suitable for both beginners in this virtual Universe and experienced users. Many secrets of passing the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses will help you quickly earn more gold, get items or materials, and explore locations before everyone else.

Earn rubies. To get the coveted gems, many people invest real money, although there are tricks to get rich for free. Although these methods take much more time, they save real money in your pocket. How to get a mountain of rubies?

To do this you need:

  1. log in daily;
  2. earn titles for which stones are awarded;
  3. receive achievements that have rubies as a reward;
  4. place bets on rubies in battles.

The second tip will help save time and money. To clear a location of grass, introduce livestock there. Cows and sheep will happily eat up all the excess vegetation, and you won’t have to waste energy and resources on clearing the area.

Interaction with neighbors. Many people at the initial stages are afraid to add strangers as friends. And this is a fatal mistake. The more friends are on the list, the more free gifts the user receives. All unnecessary resources can be sold for additional profit, and useful things can be used on the farm. Add yourself to everyone, go to visit, give gifts and take back gifts. And don’t forget to help neighbors who send requests. If necessary, they will repay you in kind, helping you with buildings.


The game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses is a small world containing medieval rules and foundations, but not forgetting about modern developments. There are enough standard features to captivate the player, and when this is no longer enough, you can go explore mystical lands and temporary locations. Enter this world and develop your own farm, communicate with other explorers, earn titles, accumulate precious coins, receive unique items and get ready for exciting journeys.



Allegiance: Knights and Princesses is a browser game in which the atmosphere of a fairy-tale Middle Ages reigns. Here, brave gentlemen while away their days in a military camp, and languid ladies maintain home comfort and develop their own plot of land. A special feature of this browser is the radically different gameplay for the hero and heroine.

When you first enter the game, you need to choose the gender of your character and come up with a name for him. In Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, the choice you make determines what you will do in the future. Men will put on iron armor and, on horseback, will try to defeat their opponents in all sorts of tournaments. Women will dedicate themselves to growing crops and taking care of the house with a farm plot.

§ Gameplay specifics Loyalty: Knights and Princesses

Despite all the differences, Vernost: Rycari i Princessy has features that are the same for all heroes:

— interaction with other characters;

— pumping up characteristics;

— receiving income;

— improvement of the surrounding space;

- creation of collections.

For a plot of land to flourish, it will take a lot of effort. In the game Allegiance: Knights and Princesses, even the usual construction of a sawmill can be difficult if you do not have enough stones on hand. They, in turn, are obtained by workers who need to prepare food.

§ Resources and combat system Vernost: Rycari i Princessy

The main source of wood is the Tin Woodman, who needs to be constantly looked after. Otherwise, it will remain inactive and act only as a decoration for the garden plot. In the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, collected collections can help in arranging the estate. For example, a collection of butterflies can be exchanged for nails, which are always in short supply.

In the game, battles look like this: two warriors gallop towards each other on horses and with raised spears. In Vernost: Rycari i Princessy, each of the tournament participants has unique techniques, they can be offensive or defensive in nature. It is important to learn to correctly guess the moment and strike at the enemy’s weakest point. Particularly devastating attacks are also available, for which you need to accumulate rage.

In the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, in order to successfully complete the tournaments, male heroes must spend a lot of time in a military camp. It is there that you can upgrade your weapons and armor, which gradually lose strength and become unusable. There are two ways to obtain new items: forge them at a forge or buy them at the market.

Loyalty: Knights and Princesses is a social game that wouldn't be nearly as fun if it didn't allow for romance. Such alliances are beneficial for everyone: it increases characteristics, brings additional fame, resources and gifts. For example, a lady who is under the patronage of a knight will no longer suffer from attacks from thieving neighbors who used to take chests and bird’s nests for themselves.

Loyalty: Knights and Princesses is an interesting project whose heroes look like cartoon characters come to life. Here you can feel like a resident of the fairy-tale Middle Ages, where men perform feats and women wear magnificent dresses. To achieve success you will need to cooperate with other players, get married or maintain friendships.

§ How to start playing the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses?

Allegiance: Knights and Princesses is a browser game, i.e. does not require downloading the client, and to start the game you just need to click a button "PLAY!", located below. After this, you will be automatically redirected to the official website Vernost: Rycari i Princessy , where you can immediately start playing after going through a simple procedure registration in Game Allegiance: Knights and Princesses .

Video review of the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses

In this VKontakte game, everyone has their own role. If you are a knight, you have to fight with rivals for the glory of beautiful ladies. If you are a lady, you will have to look after the estate. If you play this game with friends and loved ones, you will find it much more interesting. “Fidelity” is an exciting social toy on VKontakte, which you won’t get bored playing.

Game plot

After the game starts, you have to choose who you want to be in the game: a brave knight-squire or a beautiful lady-in-waiting. Both of these characters are orphans and were raised by relatives. But exciting adventures await you ahead. You need to uncover the mystery of why your parents died and find your soulmate, with whom you have a long and interesting journey to go together.

Character selection

begins with your adoptive parents waking you up and informing you that it is your sixteenth birthday. Gifts and surprises await you. Don't forget to clean up! After this you will find yourself near the mirror. First, choose the gender of your character. To select a gender, click on the heart-shaped button on the mirror.

The application gives guys the right to choose too. They too can choose from the cheerful knight, the crisp knight and the daring knight. A vigorous knight inherits the spear of his ancestors - the best weapon for novice knights. A clear knight receives an oakshield - the most reliable and strong shield of novice knights. The Bold Knight receives the Bold Armor - the best armor for aspiring knights.

Vocation, idols and fans

The vocation of young girls is to take care of the estate, its plants and inhabitants, and the culinary arts. A lady who has her own knight succeeds in everything. After all, why do we need men at all if they don’t help with housework?

The calling of men is fights and glory and the hardships that accompany the life of a wanderer and a bachelor. And only those men who have earned the favor of the ladies will be well-fed and invincible.

You can play Loyalty alone, the passage of which will seem much more interesting to you, however, if you play with someone in pairs. If you want to receive some privileges, it is not at all necessary to enter into a long-term relationship. To do this, you can get yourself either an idol or a fan.

Knight-worshippers can dedicate victory over the enemy to the lady of their heart. If the knight wins, then the knight and his lady are rewarded with fertilizers, which reduce the growth time of plants, and glory.

The Loyalty application allows knights-worshippers to appear at the estate of their chosen one and break the black stones, as a result of which the knight receives a reward. And the lady will find a chest of jewelry in place of the black stone. A lady can feed her chosen one with various delicious dishes. This gives the knight additional strength, which will be useful to him during the battle. This is a non-standard social game in which you will not be bored!

Finding yourself in a beautiful medieval castle or taking part in a tournament, feeling the spirit of romanticism and learning about the nobility of gentlemen is now possible, because this is what the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses tells about.

Your role in the game

The creators of the toy not only implemented a plot that was interesting to both sexes, but also forced them to communicate. And the closer the communication while the players play Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, the more tangible the positive result.

Choose who you will be: a prince or a princess. Each character has its own important role in this virtual world:

  • Crowned girls take care of the garden and farm, and prepare food. This contradicts the prevailing ideas about princesses, who are only supposed to be capricious, dance at balls and ask the grooms cunning and harmful riddles, but they do not argue with the authors.
  • Noble young men spend most of their time in a military camp, honing their knightly skills in order to provide protection to a young and beautiful maiden.

Both characters must perform their assigned tasks, but there are also points that unite them:

  • Increase your characteristics
  • Develop the territory
  • Get a profit
  • Collect collections
  • Interact with each other

Becoming better is a matter of honor for your hero

In Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, registration is required because the game is browser-based. After completing a simple procedure, you will become part of a magical world in which pleasant discoveries await you.

The princesses will raise livestock, harvest crops, cook meals, decorate the estate, and even make crafts. But these simple activities will only strengthen the knights’ sympathy, which guarantees them certain benefits.

Knights compete in demonstrations of courage and strength in tournaments, and prefer military camp beds to soft feather beds. Gradually, their armor and weapons wear out, and they need to be updated by buying them in a store or making them at a forge.

Relationship benefits

You definitely cannot do without contact with the opposite sex if you want to advance and achieve something in the game Fidelity: Knights and Princesses iPlayer. This brings both:

  • Financial well-being
  • Increases fame level
  • Gives ladies protection

Income is expressed in the number of coins and rubies. Especially valuable things are exchanged for rubies, and you can get them by completing quests and levels, publishing news on your game wall or exchanging them for votes from friends.

Knights receive coins by completing various tasks and after each victory in battle. And the princesses get rich while working on the farm and also completing tasks.

There is another type of property - collections. Things get into this section from chests or can be found in the grass. The princess receives them after a stone is destroyed, a tree is cut down, or if there is a good harvest of fruitful trees. The prince, in order to become the owner of a chest of gifts, must pay a visit to the princess. She will treat the gentleman to lunch, and after his meal she will clear the table. Only then will a chest appear, which the knight will pick up.

Characters earn the necessary fame by carrying out errands for neighbors, doing some work, or receiving guests. Knights will find a bonus near the tent, and princesses will find it in their mansion. The joint actions of heroes also bring glory. The princess will feed the prince the prepared dish, and he will bring her glory. Then he goes to the tournament and, if he wins, pieces of glory go to both. But this is only if they are engaged or like each other. A princess who has a protector knows that her castle is protected and her neighbors will not steal her chests and bird's nests.

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