Crafting machine for cleaning fossils. Ancient Pokemon: a description of the most powerful creatures

Ancient Pokémon are rare in both the show and the games in this universe. The reason for this lies in their endangered species. At the moment, from the first six generations, only eight pets with their evolutionary forms are known. They differ in strength and have different strong attacks. Getting such a fighter into your collection is the task of every trainer, and therefore you need to know their varieties.

First generation

The initial seasons of the series immediately showed viewers who the ancient Pokémon are and why they are so powerful. The first was Omanayt, a small pocket monster that looks like a snail. Its shell is hard. He, like his evolutionary form Omastar, has attacks of stone and water types.

It is extremely rare and in games is most often grown with the help of an incubator and fossils. The second famous Pokémon in this category was Kabuto, an ancient turtle with a sleek shell. In ancient times, they inhabited the beaches, and there were a large number of them. After reaching level 40 in games, an evolution takes place in Kabutops. This aquatic predator has adapted to life on land, as its prey left the water space. Only a few ancient Pokémon can match him in strength. Its deadly blades on its paws can do a lot of damage in a matter of seconds. The last of this species is considered to be Aerodactyl - a monster that is very similar in structure to the flying dinosaur pterodactyl. Has flying and dragon-type attacks.

Further varieties

Ancient Pokémon were introduced in the next generations. The most primitive of them was Anorite, which looked more like a bacterium, because it could only exist in water and did not take any attacking actions. At level 40, he evolves into Armaldo and is radically transformed. The body is covered with armor, a lot of strength and endurance appears. A similar situation with Cranidos, but he could defend himself thanks to a strong shell on his head. Its evolutionary form Rampardos is capable of frontal attacks to destroy opponents even at long distances. The last of the three is Sheldon, who specializes in protection thanks to his body covered in armor. At 30th level, he transforms into Bastiodon. No ancient Pokémon will be able to break through the defenses of a number of such fighters, not even Rampardos himself.

Last known species

At the bottom of the list are creatures named Tirtuga and Archen. The first Pokemon is included in the list of stone water, and the second is considered the ancestor of all birds. Their second forms - Carracosta and Archeops - are impressive in size as well as strength. The first is capable of destroying a tanker with one blow, while the speed of the second reaches the parameters of sound. All ancient Pokémon in Minecraft are present and can be withdrawn. To do this, you will need to create an incubator that revives them, as well as have an ore with a fossil inside. The player will not be able to find out who exactly he is going to withdraw until the process reaches the end. With a positive result, the user will receive a strong fighter. Certain training and evolution will create from him an invincible monster that can fight on equal terms with legendary creatures.

There are currently 9 Ancients in Pixelmon. But there are 8 fossils in the game, although there are 9 fossils. This is due to the fact that for some unknown reason they did not add Lileep / Cradily.

To get yourself an ancient Pokemon, you first need to dig up the ore (fossil). The ore from which the fossils fall out looks like this and is located in a block of gravel. The easiest way is to look at the bottom of the ocean.

====> Ore

The first row shows the cleaned fossils.
In the second row, non-refined fossils that are dropped from the ore.

To work with fossils, you need two machines:
Fossil Cleaner:

2. Fossil Machine:

First, the unrefined fossil must be placed in this cleaning machine.

Next, the already purified fossil needs to be placed in the reviving mechanism, and any Pokeball should be placed in the same machine so that after revival you can pick up the ancient Pokemon. The whole revitalization process does not last long and will be displayed on the machine panel.

A little about ancient Pokemon

Omastar is a rather slow cn. damage dealer and physical tank, but it can be perfectly used as an alternative to Vaporeon, Blastoise or Lapras. Priority stats for leveling - physical. def and cn. atk. Top characters - Modest, Bold.


Kabutops is a very useful Pokémon for Tim, because if you choose the right ability for him - Swift Swim (Rain swimmer) - he is able to overtake even Aerodactyl and Jolteon. But only in the rain. In addition, it is able to inflict damage with a priority water attack, but with such a speed and ability, this is not at all necessary. Usually taken as physical. damager. Priority stats for swing - physical. atk and physical def / speed. Top characters - Adamant, Impish, Jolly.

Aerodactyl is one of the fastest Pokémon, only Electrode overtakes him, but even that one is not capable of inflicting more damage than Aerodactyl. One of the strongest ancients in attack. Even Archeops cannot compete with him (but only because of a bad ability). Priority stats for swing are speed and physical. atk. Top characters - Jolly, Adamant.

He has no evolution !!!

Armaldo / Anurite are ancient Pokémon. Armaldo is most often used, because he is both a damage dealer and a tank. But anurit is faster, and it does not lag behind in attack. Priority stats for leveling - physical. atk and physical def. Top characters - Adamant, Impish.

Rampardos is the strongest in terms of physical. pokemon attacks. With a powerful stone attack (Head Smash - without STAB 150, and with STAB - 225 power) shoots almost any Pokémon, even those that resist the stone type. The only drawback is the low speed and stats of defaults, but they can also be eliminated, albeit with considerable effort. If you find Hidden Rampardos, he becomes almost immortal, because the recoil from Head Smesha is removed, and Head Smes himself acquires the power of 292.5, if you also pick up a hat - all 380! Priority stats for swing - physical. atk and health. Top character is Adamant.

Bastiodon is a uni-tank. Vulnerable only for combat Pokémon, of which there are very few, most of which are physical. attackers. With the ability Sturdy is almost indestructible, but there is also a drawback. He has only 70 speed and less than 140 attacks, so you have to stuff him with different TMs with status attacks, which is very expensive. Priority stats for swing - physical. def and cn. def. Top character is Impish.

Carracosta - nat. tank, physical damage dealer. Due to an unfortunate combination of types and low speed, it is vulnerable to many Pokémon, but this fixes the ability - Solid Rock. If you didn't manage to shoot him (he also has Stardy's ability, with which it is impossible to shoot purely technically), you better run, but without a normal cn. attacker in team do not attack people with Carracosta at all. Priority stats for swing - physical. def and physical. atk. Top characters - Impish, Adamant.

In this article, we decided to talk about new Pokémon in the currently popular Minecraft game. To date, there are only sixteen species of them, but we decided to devote this article to the most popular of them, or rather, the conversation will focus on the petrified type of Pokemon. Currently, this species can be caught without much effort. However, this action will only be available to those players using a special mod called Pixelmon.

If you have already started using this add-on, then you will probably immediately have a question about where to find fossils in Pixelmon. After all, it is with the help of this phenomenon that you can grow your Pokémon and endow them with special characteristics.

Root Fossil

In order to get a Stone Pokemon, you need fossils in Pixelmon, which are not so easy to get. But with the help of the above article, you can find out a lot more information. There are concepts like Root Fossil. With the help of them, you will not be able to get most of the Pokémon, but there will be eight more fossils presented in front of you, which are not at all difficult to get.


First thing you need to do is get a special ore. It is called Fossil in the game. This ore is known to be found in mines with gravel walls. They are at elevation 20 to 50, under the ocean biome. In Pixelmon, fossils can be obtained by every player who has installed a special mod. But not everyone can get the necessary minerals.


After you get the fossils in the Pixelmon add-on, you need to clean them of the dirty particle. For this you need to use Fossil Cleaner. Once the fossils in Pixelmon are cleaned up, you can start getting your new Pokémon. By the way, some of these creatures can be found in the wild and tamed.

Graudon (Groudon)- one of the strongest Pokemon of the third generation, in ancient times fought with another, no less legendary Pokemon, Kyogrom. This Pokemon is based on the mythical Leviathan. Pokémon records in Pokedex claim that he created continents and islands and saved people from a terrible flood. He sleeps in magma, and when he wakes up, volcanoes begin to erupt. It is believed that if he reaches the Primeval (Primal) forms, it will be able to expand the continents, reducing the amount of water to a dangerous minimum.

Accordingly, Kyogr saved people from a terrible drought, sleeps at the bottom of the ocean, and when he wakes up, a downpour begins. And if he reaches a primitive form, he will arrange a global flood.



Ho-oh - the mythical Phoenix. It flies around the world, flashing colorful wings, and leaves behind a rainbow. But only coaches with a pure heart see him. Ho-oh feathers bring eternal joy and happiness to the owners (try to get hold of such a feather, ha). In later games it is said that eternal happiness is already guaranteed to those who are lucky enough to just see this bird. From the point of view of game mechanics, Ho-oh - the fire Pokemon is so strong that it easily defeats other fire, and even water, Pokemon that are higher in level.


Reshirall, Kyurem and Zekroll

Reshirall (pictured), Kyurem and Zekroll are the strongest Pokémon in the Unova region (5th generation games). Of these three, according to many players, the strongest is Reshiram - an unknown animal with fur, wings, claws, and (really) a turbine in the back of the body. And this turbine is so powerful that its exhaust can change the climate in the surrounding area. Like many on this list, Reshiram is a long-liver, in some places you can find his statues.



Deoxis is a Pokémon designated as “Pokémon-DNA”, capable of taking different forms that change its characteristics (fast-but-dead, healthy, strong, balanced). Deoxis is a mutated virus from space, it can shoot lasers straight from the brain. In its Forms (in addition to the standard one), the corresponding characteristics of Deoxis are increased to the maximum - which, however, is compensated by a decrease in other stats.


Dialga and Palkia

Dialga (left) and Palkia (right) are two Pokémon wielding power over space and time. In particular, Palkia can bend space in every possible way. And for a sweet soul she can move to the other end of the universe and back. Or even other dimensions. Dialga controls time in the same way - it can speed up, slow down, stop. As long as Dialga's heart beats, time will not end.



Darkrey is a powerful dark Pokemon that specializes in dreams in general, and in particular, nightmares. He can make people around him fall asleep while terrorizing them with nightmares just for fun. If attacked, the attackers will fall asleep and suffer from nightmares. There is a mention that Darkray's power is a shard of Palkia and Dialga's power.



Lugia is a Pokemon that sleeps at the bottom of the sea. She is sometimes called the Keeper of the Seas and the rival of Ho-oh, the Keeper of Heaven. It is believed that Lugia is so strong that one flap of her wings generates a forty-day storm or tears off cliffs. Therefore, she mainly rests at the bottom, so that, brushing off a fly, she does not blow away any city. Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres are legendary birds (respectively, Ice, Electric and Fire), and Lugia watches over them, and if they start to fight, Lugia calms them down.



Mew is a Pokemon from a time when to denote power it was not necessary to depict a bunch of thorns, hanging scarves, sparkling crystals and other details all over the body. Before the appearance of all the above (and below) listed Palky, Lugiy, Kiogrov and other evil spirits, he was considered the most powerful Pokemon, but gradually his post-facto was pushed to hell. The Pokedex says that Mew's genetic code contains the genes of all Pokémon in general. And he can learn any move (unlike most other Pokémon).


Mewtwo, created by enthusiastic scientists “Bizarro-Mew”, is an evil and very strong clone (according to another version - the offspring) of the cute and harmless alien Pokemon Mew. In terms of the total number of power points, Mewtwo is second only to Arkay, but bypasses him in some possibilities. So, Arkay, although he is the god-creator of the Pokémon universe, cannot learn some techniques, in particular, related to the use of hands. And Mewtwo can. Arkay can change his type on the go, equipping items, but this is a special ability, and Mewtwo can block such special abilities. Mewtwo is the strongest Pokemon created by humans, and in this he is the opposite of Arkay.

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