Lara croft estate. Tomb Raider Legend. Passage of the Greek Hall and Library

Tomb Raider Lara Croft is the heroine of many interesting computer games. If you want to know more about the highlight of the game Tomb Raider Legend - the passage of the estate, then this article is for you! Here you will learn how to pass this level. This stage of the game is not only the most interesting, but also has its own difficulties. However, the brave Lara will stop at nothing.

Croft Manor in Tomb Raider Legend.

The Croft Manor in this game is an additional mission, the trials of which were invented by the heroine's friends so that she would train well and prepare for new adventures. Some players recommend going through it in between tasks, as you can train additional skills. Others believe that it is better to leave her for "dessert", because all the skills of Lara Croft will be upgraded, and it will be much more interesting to play.

Various artifacts and awards are safely hidden in Lara's home: bronze - 16 pieces, silver - 10 pieces. and one gold. However, finding them will require a lot of effort. Many of them cannot be found without acquired skills. If you are tired of searching, use the tips below. But keep in mind that it is much more interesting to cope with the tests on your own.

Tomb Raider Legend. Passage of fireplace and gym

Lara Croft should carefully look around in the fireplace room. There is a magnetic harpoon in this room, which is hidden in a safe behind Zip. To remove an object, press the "E" key. Two bronze awards are located to the left of the central window (top and bottom), and in the upper right part there is one silver one.

The gym has six bronze medals. You can find them in all corners of this room, on the wall next to the stairs (press "Q" to remove them) and in the water. Look for three silver ones on two platforms under the ceiling and on a platform near the water.

Tomb Raider Legend. Passage of the Greek Hall and Library

On a more distant balcony, binoculars are hidden near the statue of a horse. To the left of the sculpture in the form of a fish and behind the lounge chairs (chaise lounges) there are two bronze awards. Look for a couple more on the springboard and at the bottom of the pool. Carefully inspect the pipe under it, as it hides a silver reward (press "E"). The other two are located behind the previously inspected fish figure and on the side on the right side. To withdraw, you will need to jump from the flower pot and press the "E" key.

In the library, there is a lantern on the table next to Alistair. Three bronze awards are located behind the cabinet on the second tier (you need to press "Q"), in the corner of the room and in the basement drawer. Three silver ones - to the right of the entrance behind the boards (you will have to press "h"), by the closet and in the basement.

Tomb Raider Legend. Passing the bedroom and finding the gold reward

In the room of the main character of the game behind the shield on the wall, pistols are hidden (“E”). Behind the bed you can find one bronze award. Even in this room, the player can choose clothes for Lara from the wardrobe.

Finding the gold reward is the most difficult challenge in Croft Manor. It goes through several stages.

1. Open the basement. To do this, go to the library and drop two bookcases ("Q"), put them on the plates, between which Alistair is located.

2. In the Greek Hall on the very first balcony, turn the two statues away from each other. If everything is done correctly, a video will start with the next clue about the order of the books in the library.

3. Find the displayed books in the room and press on them in the required order: blue, yellow, green and red.

4. In the fireplace hall, have time to push the faces of both lions, moving between them along the lowered spears.

5. Turn the raised sculpture to face the light on the central platform.

Passage of the game Tomb Raider Legend - an exciting pastime filled with secrets, adventure and fighting enemies. Achieving her goals, the heroine travels through the most beautiful and at the same time dangerous corners of nature.

The add-on starts after a short splash screen. The task is to find any proof that Lara has all the rights to the Croft mansion, and prevent her uncle Atlas from taking possession of it.

You need to unlock the safe, but Lara doesn't know the combination. The clue may be in the library, in the father's documents.

The door there is closed, so another way is needed. From the boxes nearby we select a children's drawing - a map of the path of the servants to the library. With the help of intuition, we find the entrance - to the right of the real entrance.

We go to the main entrance to the estate and take the Lantern from the box to the right of the door. We return to the corridor for servants and go down.

From the obstacle, carts and narrow passages are waiting for you blocking the road. Otherwise, the road is quite straight, and it makes sense to look at every corner only if you collect all the documents and relics in the estate.

In the library we read the diary of Lord Croft. The code to the safe is encrypted in various notes and objects scattered around the house. Two of the six are right in the library.

To begin with, next to everything with the same table, from the case, we take out a lighter.

Then you need to climb up. We move the ladder on the racks, then climb, move the interfering boxes, go down, return the ladder to its original position, and climb again. We go all the way to the locked door, next to which we take an empty sheet. We go down to the fireplace, light it, and bring the sheet.

On the manifested sheet we find a cache with a hidden Universal Key. We return to the racks and move the table. We take the key and now the entire estate is available for research without restrictions. It's time to find all the clues.

In the library, you need to study all the notes of Lord Croft, find Lara's children's drawing and decipher the hieroglyphs.

Let's go to the west wing. Here we need to examine the parents' bedroom and the mother's studio. Attention to the box with decorations and paintings (with rectangles). When you get all the clues, return to the office with the safe and open it - the code 549 .

Alas, the document we need is not here. But there is a hint. We go down to the basement, to the wine cellar, we approach the wall, and on the rack nearby we open the cache. The clue was in the safe - the sheet with hieroglyphs needs to be translated into its usual form. Code 142 .

We enter the open tunnel and search everything in the room. But the most important thing is notes, a box with a crowbar (new equipment) and either a star or a compass from the wall. We hollow the wall with a crowbar and get out of the basement.

We return to the main entrance to the mansion and put the star in the hole on the floor. Then, with the help of intuition, we find the way to the answer. We break the wall and go to the final add-on.

Then we watch the cutscene.

Archeology (from the Greek arche - beginning and logos - teaching) is a humanities science that, in cooperation with the natural sciences, studies the cultural development of mankind by finding, documenting and studying historical artifacts.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Tomb Raider: Legend is a classic 3D third-person shooter. Most of the time the player will have to do acrobatics, obeying a strict plot line, regularly distracted by shooting and solving logic puzzles. Both take place in the same acrobatic context, and thanks to the great graphics and physics model, it's a lot of fun.

The events that will be discussed in the game shed light on Lara's past, on her childhood and motives that prompted a person of aristocratic blood and an heiress of a huge fortune to devote her life not to social events, but to archeology and extreme travel. We will witness the tragic events of the past that occurred when Lara was nine years old and, traveling with her mother, crossed the Himalayas by plane. It was after that memorable trip that little Lady Croft forever said goodbye not only to childhood, but also to the dream of a full-fledged and happy family.

Many years later, events begin to occur in Lara's life, strangely connected with that long-standing, but not forgotten tragedy that turned her childhood upside down. The wound in the girl's soul, barely healed after the recent death of her father, begins to bleed with renewed vigor, forcing her to commit one crazy act after another. A seemingly innocent undertaking to search for the famous sword of King Arthur, Excalibur, becomes the cause of a number of misadventures. As a result, Lara will cross the path of rival organizations of archaeologists, meet old enemies and dispel the fog over the secrets of the past.

And again the road beckons after itself ...

Immediately after the introductory movie about the plane crash, we find ourselves in the action of the game. Chatting at ease over a wireless connection, Lara flutters between the sharp mountain ledges of Bolivia.

It's time to remember your glorious past, Lady Croft! The time of tombs and ancient temples is coming again.

Dragon Sword in action!

Fire, water and lead bullets

You have to pretty much drive Lara around the world. The beauty and athlete will use all her physical abilities: she will run, jump, climb. On the way, she will meet numerous traps - moving walls, falling stones, popping stakes and many more interesting things. Even simple swimming can ruin it - here you can easily drown or freeze in excessively cold water.

As a separate item, we note interactive videos, during which the player can influence the events taking place. According to the developers, this should keep the players in suspense throughout the video.

Always in touch

In her wanderings, Lara will not be alone: ​​she will have a friend and assistant hacker Zip with her. Dialogues are not only atmospheric and entertaining, but also meaningful: in Zip's comments, you will often find hints for further passage.

Items needed to complete the game are easy to find. They either glow dimly and entirely, or flicker brightly with their separate part. So often in an impasse, it’s enough just to look around more closely. Maybe with binoculars.

During her dizzying adventures, Lara may notice intermittent explanatory signs.

  • Exclamation mark. Indicates the need to shoot at the specified object. This is usually followed by an explosion.
  • Target. Indicates an object to which you can attach a harpoon and hang. As a rule, for this you need to first jump into the abyss, firing a harpoon immediately after the jump.
  • Palm. Appears after Lara's unsuccessful jump, when she was only hooked with one hand. Need to press immediately E otherwise it will fall.

Collector's Tenacity

In addition to the passage of the main plot, our attention is provided with several additional features:

  • Croft estate. Lara will be able to relax and train at home in between travels. We will also have the opportunity to find family heirlooms cleverly hidden in the secret niches of the castle.
  • Collecting. In addition to simply passing the game, we will be offered to go through it 2 more times: the second time - competing with the inexorable timer in the speed of passing, and the third - trying to collect all the treasures scattered across the levels.

Having done all this, we will open many interesting additional features. For example, three upgrades to pistols: increased ammo, accuracy, and damage. Or the ability to change the clothes of the main character; there will be more than 30 types of dresses in her wardrobe, especially military camouflage, a swimsuit and a gothic outfit. From the extraordinary - the opportunity to go through all the levels in the form of Amanda Evert, Lara's worst enemy.

In addition, it will be possible to consider models of various game objects. And they even give cheat codes in plain text, activated by a key combination. They give a chance to ease and slightly diversify the replay of the game, giving unlimited ammunition for each type of weapon, make Lara bulletproof, enable the death from the first hit function, and also give you the opportunity to indulge in super-weapons in any of the missions: the Excalibur sword and the Soul Reaver ( the famous sword from another game series from Crystal Dynamics - Legacy of Kain). In general, it makes sense to play again.

Archaeologist equipment

The unwritten rules of archaeologists tell us that in those places where a car passes or a helicopter lands, we have nothing to do. This means that we will have to travel light, the equipment should be compact and as efficient as possible.

Needless to say, Lara's professional adventurer's kit meets these requirements quite well.


  • Device wireless communication (Headset) with a built-in video camera for communication between Lara and her team, located at the Croft estate, Zip and Alistair.
  • CPC(PDA), which contains detailed records of all Lara's travels - events, tasks, statistics, descriptions of weapons, equipment and other useful little things. An extreme model, additional hardening and increased water resistance, in general, just right for a professional archaeologist Croft.
  • Weapon- these are necessarily pistols, grenades and another type of weapon that can be changed. You will read more about the types of weapons below, I will only mention that you can shoot from a motorcycle with only one hand, and under water, hanging on a ledge or being in your own memories, you cannot at all. In order to pick up a weapon or change it, you need to press the E key.
  • Electromagnetic harpoon(Magnetic Grapples)

High-tech and absolutely indispensable item in Lara's inventory. A portable device whose standard hook is replaced by a powerful electromagnet. With it, Lara can cross chasms or pull up various objects. You can also stun an enemy with a harpoon for a couple of seconds. Specifications: length 7.62 meters, can withstand weight up to 136 kilograms.

  • Binoculars(Binoculars)

These powerful magnification binoculars, in addition to viewing the environment, can be used to analyze the area for the presence of danger, to fix mechanisms and view the characteristics of objects. To do this, you need to enable the function of remote viewing and analysis.

  • first aid kit(Medkit) standard, military field model. Casting restores Lara's health by approximately 35%. In order to pick it up, just run or drive over it.
  • Flashlight(pls)

The personal light device on Lara's shoulder gives off a bright light. After two minutes of operation, a recharge is necessary.

  • signal fire(Redflare)

Meet us during a trip to Lara's past. At that time, it will replace the standard lamp. The number of signal lights is unlimited, you can safely scatter them around.


Any archaeologist knows that in the ancient ruins he will most likely meet not a mummy, but competitors.

Ever since the days of Colt, it has become customary that the last argument in any dispute is a bullet. And Lara's interlocutors come across, oh, how intractable!

So, we start any journey with a pair of trusty pistols. Four grenades, three first-aid kits, and one trophy barrel are the only loot Lara can carry and store between levels. The choice of weapons is up to you:

  • Pair of pistols

Clip: 15 rounds

Ammunition: endless

Undoubtedly, the best weapon in the game, and in combination - Lara's calling card. They will never let the mistress down during her wanderings, and after three improvements they will become completely uncompromising. All other types of weapons, by and large, are necessary only for aesthetic reasons.

  • submachine gun

Clip: 40 cartridge

Ammunition: 5 clips

It does not represent anything intelligible, its rate of fire is like that of pistols, and the spread of bullets is higher.

  • Assault rifle

Clip: 30

Ammunition: 5 clips

A more powerful and faster-firing version of the previous barrel. You can use it, the only pity is that in our hands the optical sight refuses to work.

  • Shotgun

Clip: 5 cartridge

Ammunition: 5 clips

Powerful, but short-range and with a small clip. In addition, Lara does not look at all. All in all, a losing proposition.

  • Grenade

Ammunition: 4 things.

Extremely useful little friends are crowded on the belt of our heroine. They always ask for a hand at the sight of several enemies inadvertently standing up in a heap, or at the sight of a formidable machine gunner behind his working turret.

  • grenade launcher

Clip: 3 grenades

Ammunition: 2 clips

Attention! It's a grenade launcher, not a bazooka. You can charge it only from other grenade launchers. Shoots grenades that are common in their appearance and action, so you can re-read the previous paragraph.

  • Excalibur

The legendary sword of the English king. On impact, it is knocked back, dealing massive damage and usually killing. Just when swung in the air, Excalibur shoots out a fan of magical energy that knocks out doors and destroys columns, sweeping away everything in its path. The weapon of a true dragon slayer!

Lara will collect it completely at the end of the seventh chapter, and it will not be possible to wave them for a long time. But that's not a problem. If you pass the level in Nepal for speed, having met the allotted time, then we will have the opportunity to use it when re-passing at any time.

  1. Also, do not forget about the possibility kick opponent to knock him down. Several times during the game, Lara will be able to use stationary machine guns, but more on that below. Both actions can be done by pressing the key E.


When adventurers are running out of time or energy, it is not a sin to take advantage of the benefits of civilization.

  • Motorbike Lara will come in handy more than once: on Latin American roads, on Japanese skyscrapers and in the snowy Kazakhstani suburbs. Proudly rushing into the wind, it is worth remembering that a head-on collision with a serious obstacle will kill Lara outright, and incorrectly fitting into a turn, she also risks her health. You can shoot from our indestructible motorcycle only with one hand, respectively, only from one pistol. First-aid kits and exploding cylinders will be scattered along the way, and our brave racer will be pursued by submachine gunners in jeeps and arrows on similar motorcycles. If you do not kill them, they will still fall behind after a while, probably knowing that the track is a dead end.
  • Seeing forklift, do not be afraid! No, Lara did not go to work at the airport, she is in the storerooms of the museum. This machine is extremely entertaining - in addition to its main duty of transporting weights, it turns out that it breaks through walls well, breaks spears and raises gates. It’s a pity they don’t give a steer for a long time.
  • Stationary machine gun you will have to fight off the enemy by force, but this is not always justified: Lady Croft, frozen behind a machine gun, turns into an excellent target for enemy bullets. In general, without knowledge of the matter, it is better not to take it on, but to gracefully jump around.
  • Creators Tesla guns, Soviet scientists from the secret base Karbonek, send warm greetings to America to Mr. Freeman. Their invention is an enlarged prototype of Gordon's gravity gun. She can push H) and attract ( Z) metal objects as well as beings of infernal nature. With her help, Lara will have to solve logic riddles.

Black archaeologists and their henchmen

In search of the fragments of the sword, Lara will run into other archaeologists. But they do not pursue such a noble goal as our heroine, they are driven only by a thirst for power and profit. Grave robbers show themselves to be extremely impolite gentlemen, which makes Lara boil with noble indignation, and she rushes into battle.

Her opponents are not distinguished by a special mind, they scream, fuss, try to attract the attention of a beautiful aristocrat. They are dangerous only if they pile up in a crowd, with shots preventing Lara from getting up, or if they manage to throw our heroine into the abyss. It is worth mentioning separately that they themselves cannot be thrown off the ledge.

Ordinary opponents

  • Various animals: jaguars, snow leopards, pit bulls. Before Lara descends into their area of ​​effect, they usually hide, and then quickly rush to the target, knocking them to the floor with attacks. At the same time, cats still have a rather large supply of health. The safest way to get rid of them is to drop a couple of grenades from above.
  • Soldier with submachine gun. The weakest opponent, found only in Bolivia, sometimes carries first-aid kits.
  • Mercenary with assault rifle. Our main enemy, usually found in groups. The appearance is different - in camouflage, in a business suit, in a bulletproof vest with a helmet, but the essence is the same. Shoots in bursts, often mows down, can hurt his own, if he aims a laser sight at Lara, then she will most likely be knocked down. Sometimes he carries grenades that he can throw, and a first aid kit, for which we especially appreciate our English lady. Able to ride motorcycles and jeeps.
  • Yakuza or Latino, armed shotgun. It shoots rarely and not far, but almost any shot knocks Lara to the floor. An unpleasant opponent, especially if not alone.
  • Bully, armed grenade launcher. An uncomplicated opponent, but he is always found only accompanied by four or five mercenaries.
  • Mercenary with shield And submachine gun. The transparent police shield perfectly withstands any hits, and after the sudden death of the owner, it dissolves, apparently following its owner into the NPC's hell. The best way to deal with it is to either kick it to the floor and shoot it, or throw a grenade under your feet.

Unique Enemies

  • Shogo Takamoto. The meeting with him will occur, of course, in Japan. Armed with a magical spear made from a piece of Excalibur. In his residence, surrounded by automatic machine guns and loyal henchmen, the head of the yakuza naively believes that he is safe.
  • James Rutland. Lara will meet him several times, and will fight only once, at excavations in Ghana. James is armed with an Excalibur blade and is able to regenerate health. But that won't help him.
  • giant serpent lives in the catacombs near the tomb of King Arthur. Experienced diggers say that relic creatures like him are not indifferent to the sound of bells.
  • Demonic Beast we will meet in Peru, Kazakhstan and Bolivia. She is big and scary, can fly and spit fire, and Lara usually chose to wisely avoid a fight with her. But in the last meeting it will be Amanda in demonic form and extremely angry. But Lady Croft will not come to the meeting empty-handed.

sword legend


So, Lara is back doing what she loves the most and what she does best. In the godforsaken remains of ancient civilizations, she is looking for new treasures. And at the same time trying to resolve some issues of a personal nature.

Chapter One: Tiwanaku Temple

Scene: Bolivia

Information from Zip: Lara, it's time to shake the old days! You have already visited this temple in the past, nothing has changed since then. All the same simple riddles of the ancient people and pleasant walks in the wild. Wait, the satellite has spotted an unidentified helicopter in your sector. Be careful!

Part One: First Steps

After a video with beautiful views of the mountains of Bolivia, between the narrow ledges of which Lara flies with apparent ease, and another adventure begins.

After admiring the beauty and sighing, Lara decides to warm up. She collects two figurines and, having made a couple of pirouettes on granite blocks, climbs up. Along the way, Lady Croft discovers that her new PDA pocket computer is completely waterproof. Having trained in handling her equipment and getting the hang of moving stone blocks, she climbs higher.

The first hitch occurs in front of a large boulder blocking the way up the river. But this problem is solved by a couple of accurate shots at the branches that interfere with its free fall. Then, with a series of pole-jumping, the robber gets to her first enemy. After listening to the soldier for a bit, Lara puts him down with well-aimed shots and, having received an SMG and a first-aid kit in her hands, goes on. There is a fairly high waterfall in front of her. Without thinking twice, she makes herself a crossbar, throwing a large boulder onto a tree stuck in the stones, which then lies down at the right angle. Having pulled out a stone with her magnetic harpoon, Lara deals with two more guys without any problems, moves along the edge of the waterfall and up the rock. Here, several mercenaries are already waiting for her. Their patrol was not completed, but Lara went on. Jumping over the gap with her indispensable harpoon, catching it in flight, Lady Croft found herself in front of a small slope. But what is it? A jeep with hostile soldiers drove up to the entrance to the temple. True, a couple of them were lucky to die quickly - they were under a slope, and next to Lara, several large boulders lay very handy.

Descending to the crushed bodies, Lara found three more opponents. After a small skirmish - descent down and jump on a rope. Here is an archaeologist and at the goal of his journey - at the temple. Several mercenaries are trying to prevent the penetration inside, but where can they ...

Throwing a captured assault rifle behind her back, Lara enters the temple.

Part two: In the temple

How wonderful it is to live in your own estate!

Immediately after entering the temple, an abyss appeared before the eyes of the heroine. But this is not a problem when you have a magnetic hook. Jumping over the gap, she sees a system of chains. On them and climbs further. Now it's time to swim. At the exit from the water, a jaguar was already waiting for Lara. Further, her path lay through colliding walls. The second such “gate” was overcome with the help of a box (not) prudently left by someone.

So, in front of Lara is a large hall. It immediately caught my eye three buttons on the floor, which required something to press. With a trained eye, the tomb raider looked around the room in search of crates. One was already upstairs, not far from the buttons, but two more lay below. But not everything is so bad, there was also a lever below. After killing another jaguar, Lara threw the boxes up in the old manner, placing them on one side of the lever and jumping to the other.

This is the advice: the boxes must be pulled onto the lever completely, but not to the very end. If you try to throw it in a different way, it may not fly and roll over, because of which the center of gravity will shift and it will fly worse.

The boxes are placed, the door is open - Lara moves on. After a series of jumps and curbs, a trap awaited her. And to overcome it, I had to try.

It is important: in the corridor of moving blades, you need to press the "down" button, then the "up" button.

Having overcome this obstacle, Lara went down the ledges.

Part Three: An Unexpected Encounter

An unpleasant-looking room with another predatory cat and several creepy devices blocked Lara's path. The cat died, and the spiked mechanisms were used only as poles with turning crossbars, along which she conveniently moved to another corner. Then Lara climbed up and went down the only path that was...

At the suspension bridge, she met her old acquaintance - James Rutland. A few more people were waiting on the other side. Naturally, a cordial meeting was out of the question. And now, running along a collapsing bridge under helicopter fire and shooting with superior enemy forces, of course, only in quantity.

It's time to leave Bolivia. It felt like it wasn't forever.

Chapter Two: Return to Paraiso

Scene: Peru

Information from Zip: Lara, you'll have to visit the excavations again. It's been 8 years, but it seems that with the help of new devices we can get new information.

Part One: Speed

Attention! Lady Croft demonstrates the most effective way to stop a speeding truck.

Deserted Peruvian town. The air is hot, the residents are hiding, it smells like a western-style fight.

Having trained on a dummy in melee techniques, Lara is ready to put these skills into practice. Hand holstered, eyes narrowed... The meeting with Anaya is only a respite for those who are ready to compete with Lara Croft in accuracy and speed. There were a lot of those.

After the last mercenary on the square died, Lara climbed the flagpole to the balcony of a nearby house, then with the help of her harpoon she moved to the neighboring building, where a gloomy Latin American with a shotgun was already waiting for her. He helped the adventurer a lot, leaving behind several grenades and this same shotgun.

And they were very useful to her, because a whole block full of unfriendly armed people was waiting for her outside the door. Among them was a machine gunner in a jeep.

This is the advice: the machine gunner is easiest to remove with a grenade, after which, having captured his place, shoot the soldiers guarding the motorcycle from a machine gun.

Having killed the mercenaries, Lara, riding a motorcycle, rushes in pursuit of those who attacked her and Anaya. Racing with shooting at top speed - what leisure could be more enjoyable for Lara Croft? Don't linger anywhere was all Zip shouted into his headphones. Well, except that he still admired the beautiful jumps ...

The final chord was the impudent entry directly into the back of the truck, followed by a jump from its roof straight into Anaya's jeep.

Part two: Memory haunts

With every free minute, Lara does not stop practicing acrobatics.

Lara Croft returned to places where the irreparable had already happened once ... At that time, she transfers her memory, forcing her to relive that nightmare again ...

So what then, many years ago, happened?

Now in the role of the heroine - a young girl-archaeologist. Yes, this is Lara Croft, but completely different ... She has no flashlight, no weapons, not even a magnetic harpoon. But despite all this, she hurries to Amanda's cries. Creeps under a rock, hurries to where her friend ran away. But the collapse separates them. She has no choice but to rush to the other side. She finds herself in a room from which, at first glance, there is no way out. But, having shown ingenuity, Lara puts the box on the panel, from which it falls a little. She jumps from the box to the pole and from there to the ledge. Next - a jump to the bas-relief and from there - to the ground. But then there is another room. In it, a young girl had to work hard, removing the ball from the recess, and then jump onto the rope from the ledge. But she didn’t see anything good there, where the young adventurer was so torn. Not to be considered good is some kind of terrible half-ghostly monster, which, moreover, would not mind eating a young girl, having already killed another archaeologist before that.

This is the advice: after the video where they show us the monster, the camera switches to the view from the eyes of this very creature. And Lara needs to demonstrate all her speed and agility in order to escape from him. You have to move very fast.

After miraculously managing to get away from the monster, Lara finds Amanda, who, in turn, also tries to escape from him. A consecutive series of jumps (on a pole, from it - on a rope) and - denouement.

Part Three: Hidden Underwater

Throwing away painful memories, matured Lara rushes into the flooded caves of Paraiso. At first, she has no choice but to swim under the water with the flow, with rare opportunities, surfacing to breathe. Once finally in a large hall, also completely hidden under water, the robber quickly activated four spheres, not allowing any of them to go out, otherwise everything would have to start all over again.

Finding Amanda's shoes under the rubble, Lara went further to the breach in the wall. There she had to remember her acrobatic training, climbing ledges and flying over chasms with the help of a harpoon and escaping in a collapsing hall.

It is important: in a collapsing hall, you need to press the buttons in the following sequence: forward - forward - right.

And Lara finds herself in a huge hall with intricate architecture and another mysterious mechanism, to start which you need to put the balls on the buttons. Buttons - 3, balls, respectively - too. One ball is already lying near the buttons, the other Lara found on the left on the column and removed it from there with a magnetic harpoon. She placed the first ball on the left plate, the second on the right. After that, the third ball, which lies at the very top on the right, became available. Running up the open stairs, she took it out and set it in the central recess.

This is the advice: in that order: first the left and right buttons, then the center button. Otherwise it will be impossible to reach the third ball.

After the mechanism worked and the sphinx indicated the direction, Lara climbed the stairs there...

Having received the first piece of the artifact, Lady Croft was forced back on top, again demonstrating excellent athletic shape. Having jumped on ledges, curbs and ropes, Lara returned to where she came from, only there was no more water. But there were mercenaries, who also had to be dealt with along the way. During the absence of our heroine in this hall, a rope appeared there, obviously dragged by the ubiquitous mercenaries. With the help of it, Lara climbed higher, to the stairs, from where, by blocks, to the rope (guarded clearly by one soldier), along which she already got out into the fresh air. It wasn't all that fresh though. Because of the number of enemies fussing around here. Dealing with them, Lara did not forget about Anaya, who was approached by a particularly vile specimen. After there were no more enemies left in the excavations, Lara and Anaya could safely go away from here...

Chapter Three: Meeting Takamoto

Scene: Japan

Information from Zip: I don't like this party under the wings of a yakuza. Be careful, even though you are in the city center, these skyscrapers are like the personal strongholds of their owners.

Part One: Bad Party

It's time for Lara Croft to visit an event worthy of her beauty, not only to climb ancient graves, right? Evening dress, a skyscraper in the center of Tokyo, nice music...

But Lara is here on business. And she has something to ask the bartender. After a brief conversation with him, our lady went to the right hall. There she found the door to Mr. Nishimura's office. The conversation did not last long, but during this time a lot has changed. Returning to the hall, Lara no longer found guests there; their place was taken by a company of yakuza fighters led by Mr. Takamoto. But the evening started off so well! "We'll have to shoot and fight again," the professional adventurer thought sadly.

When the dust, smoke, and bodies of the defeated opponents settled, Nishimura appeared from his office and provided Lara with an access card. With the help of her, our heroine took the elevator, now in the left hall.

So Lara was on the roof. But she had to climb even higher! Which she did, scaring off the surrounding birds along the way with an explosion that resulted from a shot in a barrel. On the roof of the superstructure, the archaeologist lady used her magnetic hook to push back the glass roof block and jump down. Looking sadly at the motorcycle and realizing that she would have to ride on the roofs, Lara saddled it and rushed to the very edge. The jump to the other roof was not very successful, but it ended up there nonetheless.

It is important: while jumping, press the keys in this order: left-up-down. Only then will Lara survive.

Ahead of her was a long promenade through scaffolding. The huge glass blocking the road was knocked down by a well-aimed shot at its mount. Having reached the end of the scaffolding, Lara, without thinking twice, took hold of the steel cable with her bare hands (!) and slid down it to another skyscraper, without grimacing at all. Real lady! Then, with the help of a harpoon and acrobatic skills, Lara, jumping from cradle to cradle, got to the desired skyscraper.

Part Two: The Second Skyscraper

Flying into a small patio, the adventurer stumbled upon outraged inhabitants. A couple of pit bulls and a few armed yakuza fighters remained lying in this very courtyard, and Lara went to where they all ran out. Going down the stairs, Lara opened the door and... again saw a lot of enemies. Having coped with them not without difficulty, the heroine looked around. There was no way out of this room. But then she noticed a huge screen hanging on the wall with some kind of cables. Having shot off the fasteners, Lara, using a magnetic hook, forced the screen to give way to her. Climbing onto the panel, she dealt with two more bad guys. Then I admired the views of the peaceful Tokyo at night and again went for a walk through the cornices, forests and roofs.

Climbing up the poles and crossbars, turning panels and gratings, Lara climbed higher and higher ... In one place she had difficulties: the third turning panel, already in a row, could not be turned with a hook. Thinking about it, the adventurer decided to turn it with the weight of her own body, jumping onto the bar at the bottom of the panel. When she rolled over, Lara jumped back onto the pole and from there back onto the panel. Thus, this obstacle was overcome. Then she jumped to the next platform, from there she climbed up the rope. And an adrenaline rush! The usual crossbars, on which Lara flew so many times this evening alone, turned out to be unreliable. So we had to act faster than usual. But this obstacle was also overcome. She entered the skyscraper. Takamoto would have been better off hiding somewhere...

Part Three: The Death of the Dragon

Jumping over bottomless abysses is Lara's hobby.

Only when she entered the first room, Lara again got into a mess. Three Yakuza fighters with shotguns proved to be serious opponents, but grenades and indispensable dual pistols with infinite ammo did their job. Going out the other door, Lara heard Zip. He told her about the security system - laser beams and a turret that reacts to the touch of these very beams. But they are not visible! Showing quick wits, Lara turned on the fire alarm. The water made it possible to see the rays. After that, it was already necessary to show flexibility and grace, making our way under the rays or above them. Feeling like a noble spy, Lady Croft entered the next room, where she ran into Takamoto again. After a short but heated discussion, Takamoto left, leaving his henchmen to deal with Lara. Common Mistake present villain...

Having dealt with them all, the heroine, using a magnetic harpoon, swung the dragon statue suspended from the ceiling and used it as a battering ram. Breaking the glass and climbing up, she laid down a few more yakuza and made her way to the elevator.

The elevators here are strange, thought Lara. “It looks like a skyscraper, but you can only drive to the next floor.”

So, now the meeting with Takamoto will not end with just words. One on one battle! Although what is it? 4 turrets suspended under the balcony did not comply with the laws of honor at all. Takamoto himself was on the balcony. Without thinking twice, Lara climbed up to him on one of the poles hidden behind the statues. Now everything was easier.

This is the advice: climbing up, it is worth using this tactic: dodging shots with magical charges, approach, continuously shooting, to Takamoto, catching the moment when he stops to fire a series of shots. Grenades will also help in this matter.

Another piece of the sword was in the hands of Lara Croft. It's time to leave Japan for new adventures!

Chapter Four: The Persecution of James Rutland

Scene: Ghana

Information from Zip: The ancient African temple is a good place for a walk. We need to find out what the Rutland mercenaries are doing there.

Part one: "What beautiful waterfalls are here!"

West Africa, a piece of paradise, clear water splashes below, birds soar under the clouds... Lara is ready to stay here to live. Well, except that the termites bother her.

Jumping down from the cliff, the adventurer plunged into the water, having admired and swimming in which she nevertheless reluctantly got ashore. Next, she had to get over to the ruins. But the bridge is up! What is Lara doing? She climbs the ledges to the right of the bridge and jumps from there to the rope, thus removing the block. Then, with the help of his harpoon, he overturns the bridge. Going inside, she pulled the raft towards her with a harpoon and climbed over the ropes to the other side. Having reached the room, the exit from which is blocked by a grate, the tomb raider immediately noticed a panel not far from this grate. Smiling at the predictability of the ancients, she stood on the panel and slipped somersault under the already descending grate. After running a little, Lara found herself in a hall full of mercenaries! One of them stood behind a machine gun on the balcony. She dealt with him in the first place, sending him on a date with the ancestors with a couple of well-aimed shots. Having calmed the others, not without the help of the same machine gun, Lara examined the room more carefully. We had to get to the opposite balcony. Having preliminary adjusted the cradle suspended under the ceiling to the balcony on the right side of the entrance, Lara shot the column on the left, which prevented the movement of a large pancake-shaped slab. Now, with the help of a rope and an already rotating plate with crossbars, she moved to the opposite balcony. Next - a jump onto the cradle, and with the help of a harpoon - Lara is already on the necessary balcony. But the passage is blocked, and the adventurer jumped in the other direction - onto the rope, from there onto the crossbar of the left pancake-shaped slab and, finally, onto the stairs.

Part Two: “How I missed this!”

Climbing the stairs, Lara found herself in a huge hall, where the leopard was delighted with the appearance of the long-awaited food. But the cat made a mistake, and the man continued on his way. The Tomb Raider climbs the ledges and blocks to the top for a better view. Thinking about what's what, Lara began to act. Cautiously going down, she jumps onto the raft, pulls herself up one by one to the columns in front, approaching the shore. Having reached from there along the blocks and cracks in the wall to the button in the floor, Lara stood on it. Nearby, a block fell from an overturned platform. Then, jumping on the platforms, the heroine got to the next button, on which she placed a stone. Returning back and standing on the button again, Lara waited for the platform to make a couple of turns, after which she quickly jumped onto the central platform and activated the mechanism with the help of a harpoon. The dam opened. Lara jumped into the water and swam with the current. Further along the stairs, she returned to the already familiar hall with rotating platforms. Now the path was open, although the traps were activated.

Using her natural agility to get through all the traps, Lara still couldn't stay out of trouble. The boulder nearly killed her.

This is the advice: when the boulder rolls, the camera will switch to a position slightly higher than usual, Lara will be moved exactly to the middle of the passage. Therefore, the easiest way is not to run around obstacles, but to make a series of low somersaults forward (W + F).

Lara broke out of the stuffy caves.

She had to demonstrate the wonders of gymnastic training and balancing act. On the way, she met collapsing ledges, broken crossbars, cradles ... Having reached the entrance to a dark cave and turning on the flashlight, Lara stumbled upon pits with spikes, which she managed to overcome, clinging to her magnetic hook while jumping.

Part Three: Rutland Again

Having met several mercenaries on the way, Lara reached a large hall with a waterfall filled with armed people, one of whom sported a grenade launcher. After killing them all, the adventurer ran into the next room, where she had to hunt a wild cat. Then Lara jumped onto the stairs to the left and, barely managing to dodge the boulder, jumped onto the rope. From there, take the stairs to the right. But even then a boulder rolled! I had to jump back.

By clicking on the panel in the floor, Lara gets inside the next room and finds James Rutland there. Very unfriendly attitude.

This is the advice: Rutland's tactic is simple - shoot him, dodging energy bolts and grenades, until he climbs up to heal. At this time, shoot, and then pull out with a harpoon in turn four marked stones on the balconies where Rutland is being treated. After these places of treatment collapse, you can already calmly deal with a mortal enemy.

But he could not break Lara Croft. The defeated but not killed enemy gives her a third of the sword. Farewell Ghana!

Chapter Five: The Carboneck Project

Scene: Kazakhstan

Information from Zip: Lara, this is a terrible place. The abandoned scientific base is stuffed to capacity with out-of-order military developments and Russians armed to the teeth. Be careful!

Alistair's comment: A frozen Soviet project from the 50s called Karbonek. Apparently, this is the encrypted name of the legendary Russian Little Humpbacked Horse.

Part one: Back to USSR

So, Lara was thrown out somewhere in the snowy expanses of Kazakhstan. Shivering from the cold, she looked down at the base where time had stopped. It was still going on in the 1950s. And there the lover of trouble had to go. Holding her breath, she jumps...

Already in front of the ground opening the parachute.

It is important: just before the ground, when the icon lights up, you must press the "Down" key.

Finding herself on the roof of the barracks and noticing a machine gun in the immediate vicinity, she immediately gets down to business. When you have a machine gun, it's easy to argue! Calmly passing by the corpses, Lara went to the building opposite. There she found a ladder and climbed up to the roof. After a brief but nervous firefight with a mercenary on a tower, she jumped onto that same tower. From there she went downstairs and continued the battle with the people of Rutland.

This time the machine gun was in the wrong hands, so I had to sweat. When the soldiers finally gave in under the pressure of a true English lady, she entered the barracks, where she met with two Ukrainian soldiers and demonstrated her knowledge of Russian. Lara's vocabulary, of course, is not rich, but it was quite enough. With knowledge of the code and further direction, the adventurer went out into the yard. And there, as if no one had been killed a few minutes earlier!

One of the guys who arrived in time for their own death dabbled in a grenade launcher. Having opened the gate with the help of the code found out from the "Russian" soldiers, Lara ran upstairs, dodging the burning barrels. From there - to the tower and along two cables - down. Having quickly run to the large gates near the barracks with a machine gun on the roof, shooting everyone who tried to interfere, the heroine jumps on a motorcycle and rushes after the train, already hiding behind a veil of snowstorm.

Part Two: Research Center

And again racing on motorcycles with gunfights. This time, the enemies moved not only on two-wheeled vehicles, but also on jeeps. However, Lady Croft coped with both of them without any problems. Having finally caught up with the train and jumped onto its roof at the right moment, Lara finds herself in an unpleasant situation. The train burst into flames and flew at high speed to its final destination, nearly killing a woman perched on the roof.

Diving into the pool in the fetal position.

It is important: At the moment when the train flies into the research center, press the keys in this sequence at the time when the corresponding icons appear on the screen: Down-right-left. And Lara, instead of dying ingloriously, will perform a dizzying trick.

Once again avoiding death, Lara looked around and shivered. There was no time left to worry about the jacket burned during the railway adventure, so she set to work. Pulling a beam with a rope to her with a harpoon, Lara jumped on it and further, onto a shield with the inscription "Loading the dock." From it, she flew to the next one with the same inscription, only for some reason turned upside down (apparently in order to confuse the enemy). It has already gone down.

In the same way as the last time, having dragged a beam with a rope, Lara flew to the other side, where she broke the fan with a shot and went on a journey through the ventilation. There, more than once I had to shoot at fans, jump over bare wires, jump over the crossbars and hang on my own magnetic harpoon. Having finally overcome the ventilation, Lara found herself in a room with a large generator. There was no fuel in it, so the heroine had to climb along the transformer shields to the platform behind the generator, from where she jumped onto the rope, thus connecting the pipe to the tank and providing the generator with the desired product.

Lara started the car, hooking the button on the generator with her magnetic harpoon and pulling it all the way. Further, her path lay along corridors filled with poisonous gas and streaked with electrical discharges. Therefore, I had to get over the pipes and platforms above. Jumping down at the end of the corridors and entering the hall with the Tesla cannon, Lara met an old friend who greeted her very warmly. The heroine was able to appreciate all the warmth by going downstairs and finding three mercenaries there. Next, Lara had to jump on vertical poles, avoiding the discharges that coursed along them.

When she reached the great hall, she found there another group of armed unfriendly men. Having dealt with them, Lara moved the cart along the rails closer to the stairs, climbed on it and, jumping on poles, ropes and platforms, reached the control room. Where, without thinking twice, she turned on the largest knife switch. And, wow, everything sparkled and earned! Now Lara calmly dragged the cart with a harpoon along with the discharges beating into it through all the rubble. Then the cart, breaking through the doors, left, leaving Lara to overcome the corridor filled with poisonous gas and electric discharges.

This is the advice: to overcome the discharges, it is necessary to shake the spheres hanging motionless with the help of a harpoon. When both are out of the discharge zone, it is necessary to run.

Part Three: Amanda's Favorite

Now the enemies will have to walk!

Entering the hall, Lara opened the door to the cell with the help of a harpoon, where the electric cart crawled into. Behind her, the doors closed... Something started working somewhere. After that, the heroine slipped through the slamming doors and found an 11th century shield in the room, going out into a familiar hall with a familiar cannon. With the help of it, a hanging platform was moved to the right, in order to be able to go to another platform, to the mercenaries with shields.

This is the advice: Mercenaries with shields are quite difficult opponents. But there is a trick to them too. You have to kick them in a jump. From this they either fall, or at least open up. And in this form they can be shot.

Having dealt with them, Lara went through the doors, which immediately closed behind her. Then she was waiting for a trip on the platforms with the help of a magnetic harpoon and passing entertainment in the form of shooting the beams blocking the road. So the adventurer reached the entrance to the main hall, where she was to meet Amanda and her new pet...

This is the advice: do not try to kill the monster, you need to act more cunningly.

So, first Lara quickly moves in a circle, not forgetting to somersault, and turns on four switches. Four spheres descend around the Tesla cannon and another, black, directly above it. There is an artifact there. Now Lara gets into the Tesla cannon and shoots the beast. The gun has two modes of fire - single shots and a continuous stream. The first is good to use to hook the beast, and the second - to hold it and drag it to the paired spheres against the wall.

There are also targets. When dragged - use the first shooting mode, and the health of the beast will quickly be near zero, and it will disappear for a few seconds. They must be used to swing the four descended spheres, making two single shots at them, and form a protective field around the arena. As soon as this was done, Lara quickly got out and pulled out the artifact with a hook.

So, the Carbonek project is a thing of the past. Lara has another piece of the sword, and she can move on.

Chapter Six: King Arthur's Tomb

Scene: England

Information from Zip: There are some catacombs under this museum. Be careful, if this is indeed the tomb you are looking for, there are many traps waiting for you, and maybe even worse.

Part One: The Magic Loader

Slo-mo at its finest.

This time, Lara Croft didn't have to travel far from home. The next missing part was at home, in England.

This is some kind of museum, now abandoned, where you can, by pressing buttons at special stands, look at scenes from the legends of King Arthur. But this is clearly not an ordinary museum...

So, Lara ended up in a room from which she could not go any further. Noticing a box lying nearby, she compared its dimensions with the lattice seen above, and the decision was made. The lattice was pulled out by a harpoon, and Lara climbed up from the box. Pulling out another grate in the room upstairs, she jumped down into the yard, where she spotted the right switch. Sneaking through a window and a crack in the wall, she gave the house electricity.

Back, to the now open door, she made her way through the pipe and through the windows, since there was a bare wire lying on the wet ground and Lara did not want to test the laws of electrodynamics on herself. To open the next door, it was necessary to click on the sword in the stone. In the next room, I had to jump: from the ground to the crossbar, from it to the next one, and when it moved, I jumped back to the last one. From her, in turn - to the folding bridge and, without waiting for it to fall, - back.

Now it was already possible to safely jump onto the bridge and go further. Having shot the support, Lara moved to the next room, where she again pressed the sword in the stone and pulled the harpoon for the opened cargo. The door opened halfway and immediately, as soon as the load was released, it strove to fall back. Therefore, we had to act very quickly.

Somersaulting into the next room, Lara found a magical loader there, which turned out to be capable of phenomenal things. To begin with, with the help of him, a blockage of boxes was dismantled, and Lara slid down the stairs. Further, not paying much attention to obstacles, demolishing everything in its path, flying into the tomb, where the left wall was broken without any effort, the loader with the dashing lady at the wheel was heading forward.

Raising the grate, at full speed he flew into the wall, breaking through it, and flew into the abyss, completing his machine mission to the end. Lara, by some miracle, was saved again.

It is important: to perform this miracle, you must press the "Up" key at the right time.

Part Two: Riding the Coffin, or How Not to Play Box with the Box

Standing on the edge of the abyss, looking at the single flights of stairs over this abyss, looking closely at the flimsy cornices and listening to the distant echo of the loader that had finished its way down, Lara thought about what a girl from a noble family was doing here? After thinking about it for a moment, she jumped to the left, grabbing onto a miniature ledge. The descent has begun.

Everything is constantly collapsing and strives to throw Lara down. But she still reaches the bottom of this gigantic crypt. Leaping through the gap with fire, the adventurer (on her head) overcame several fire barriers at once with the help of one box and a magnetic harpoon. From the same box, she jumped onto the door and opened it with a lever. The room was bounded on three sides by spinning blades, but Lara needed only one path - in the center. The blades stop well again with the help of a box.

Further, jumping over the fire, Lara reaches a large hall, half filled with water and with a button on the floor. The button must be pressed down with something ... But with what? Leaping into the water on the left and swimming to the next shore, Lara turned around. A chandelier hung in front of her. By swinging it with the help of a harpoon, she ensured that the chandelier broke the grate in the cell with the coffin, and he fell into the water. This is what was required. Having sailed on it, clinging to the lanterns with a harpoon, to the button, the lady left the wooden mackintosh on it, and she herself headed into the opening freed from the grate.

Once in the water, Lara activated the lever under the water and, climbing onto another sarcophagus, swam with the flow. In the middle of the way, Lara jumped onto the grate on the right. From there, having already reached the lever on her own, she opened the grate, and the coffin again entered her full disposal. From it she again jumped onto the grate and into the water. Further behind Lara, the current and the waterfall did everything.

Having swum to the shore, the adventurer saw the goal of her journey - a huge underground temple! On both sides of the entrance to it - signs-beams. With the help of a harpoon, Lara turned them 90 degrees. Then I had to work out acrobatics. Climbing up to the left, she jumped onto an inclined slope, from which she had already flown onto a prudently turned sign. She turned back, after which, catching a harpoon in flight, she flew to another sign, from which she already got to the top of the temple. From there I went down to the temple by rope.

Part Three: Guardian of Excalibur

You can't hide from us!

So, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table existed. But, true, they died long ago, and the grave robber was not going to show any respect for their graves. Paying attention to the bell lying on the floor, Lara set to work. Dragging the broken half of the tombstone to the broken pillar, she harpooned the chandelier as hard as she could and jumped onto the pillar with the tombstone. From there it flew over to a nearby rope.

Lara outweighed the bell, and it rose into the air, meeting the chandelier there. This sound, in fact, was sought by Lara Croft. Not for acoustic pleasure, but for the last (final?) part of the sword. The doors opened and Lara stepped out. There an unpleasant surprise awaited her. Big unpleasant surprise, one might even say gigantic! But he, as it turned out, could be defeated!

This is the advice: defeating her is easy enough. We shoot at the statues, the sounds from the shots in which attract the snake. As soon as she approaches the statue with interest, we immediately turn the lever next to the statue with a harpoon, and the snake gets a large cage on the head. She will not withstand the fourth blow - she will lose consciousness and become a bridge to the exit.

Leaving the corpse (corpse?) From the huge cave, Lara went to the exit. After jumping over the gap using a harpoon, she ran down, jumped over the crossbar, through the gap and again stumbled upon the same monster! But again managed to get away from him.

It is important: To escape from the snake, press the keys at the right time in the following order: up-left-right. Then the snake will get on the nose.

Next is the return. Having shot the rope over the grate, Lara climbed over it, opened the door with a lever and headed for the exit along the familiar road, meeting groups of mercenaries along the way. But this is not serious. Having reached the elevator, she went upstairs, where, having shaken the elevator with a harpoon, she jumped onto the stairs. Further, it was just a matter of running to the exit on the familiar road, simultaneously sending another dozen or two of Rutland's soldiers into the world.

So, the sword is assembled, right? The answer to this question can only be found in the Croft family estate...

Chapter Seven: Key of Galali

Scene: Nepal

Information from Zip: It will be necessary to find a safe way to the Buddhist sky-high temple. Be careful, in this realm of ice and deceit, everything collapses easily, and the water is unusually cold.

Part One: The Lost Piece

Nepal... A soothing place. The most beautiful landscapes, the tranquility of nature itself, the highest mountains on the planet, the place where Excalibur must regain its power.

But Nepal is also distinguished by insane heights and the fact that everything here is constantly collapsing.

So, Lara Croft landed near the crash site, but they still had to get there. Already the first ledge begins to crumble under the hands of a fragile girl, so she had to go through it at maximum speed. The ledge to which she then jumped was also unreliable. Then Lara slid down the slope, climbed onto the tower, ran from there along the slope, jumped, catching a harpoon, then jumped over the icicles, which strove to break off and fall into the abyss ...

Having broken the ice with a shot, she went inside a small cave. From there, with a series of jumps and runs, I finally got to the plane, where I met, among other things, a snow leopard. The fuselage was stuck on the edge, and so Lara had to drag the heavy engine into the back of it to keep it from falling into the abyss.

Cautiously making her way to the instrument panel, Lara found what she was looking for there - the missing part! But the fuselage trembled, unable to withstand the change in the center of gravity, and began to slide. The amulet also crawled towards the abyss. Fear would bind anyone in this situation, but not Lara.

It is important: and so that he still does not fetter it and everything succeeds, it is necessary to press the following keys at the right moments: right-up-down-up. Then Lara will have time to jump out of the fuselage flying into the abyss at the last moment.

Part two: Assembly instructions. Sword Excalibur

Left on the edge of the abyss, Lara followed the fuselage with her eyes. Then she jumped there, forward. From the slope she jumped onto a flimsy crossbar, which collapsed immediately after Lara jumped off it. Then she had to shoot to clear the way into the caves. In the stunning beauty of the ice caves, she again had to practice gymnastics on the shells that strove to collapse.

Having finally reached a more or less solid surface, Lara found competitors there in the struggle for a place on this very surface. Avoiding a thug with a grenade launcher and grenades in general, the heroine was able to deal with this problem. Further, having climbed onto a building of an unclear purpose, Lara slid down the cable from there to a mountain spring, where she had to jump on ice floes and swim in cool water a couple of times, ruining her health.

From there, she got to the temple she was looking for, or rather, to the dilapidated hall, at the other end of which the temple was visible. At first I had to shoot a little, because it is not clear what the snow leopard was doing here, finally waiting for at least something edible, attacked Lara with a roar, for which he paid.

Having moved to the other side with the help of a magnetic harpoon (it had to be hooked three times), Lara found there another crazy cat, which was quite easy to remove from the roof of the temple. On the same roof, she also found a button with a characteristic pattern. And just starting to wonder about the drawing, the tomb raider noticed exactly the same golden box below.

But in order to drag him upstairs, it was necessary to solve the simplest problem with three boxes.

This is the advice: this is how Lara acted: she put a small box on the first bowl, jumped on the second and dragged a large one (not golden) there. She jumped on top of the first one and dragged the golden box there. Now I dragged the small box onto the bowl to the big one. Gold carefully put in the groove, and the doors opened.

The sword is fully assembled! To celebrate, Lara cut the stone entrance doors for them and noticed that the whole hall was beginning to collapse: stones were falling from the ceiling, dragging the columns with them. I had to jump over them and show restraint on the last column, waiting until it lowered sufficiently, and calmly jumped over to a solid stone.

That's all, the sword is in the hands of Lara Croft. Her further path lay in Bolivia, for answers to her questions.

Final Chapter: Magnifying Glass

Scene: Bolivia

Information from Zip: It's time to go back and give the enemies a beating!

The magic circle where Lara Croft's mother disappeared... A sword that can finally be used to find out who, where and why? And the enemies that prevent it from being done.

Lara killed everyone, not inclined to mercy that day.

Only Amanda didn't want to lie down and die. She, upset by the death of James Rutland, turns into the same monster that Lara had to meet a couple of times already.

But now he is not immortal...

This is the advice: in order for the monster to leave this world forever, you need to shoot him with a sword, removing a certain amount of health, and when he falls, run up and press the action key. So repeat four times. After that, the monster will turn back into Amanda.

And the story will end at the most interesting place, as it always happens.


The adventurer is waiting for the road to Avalon, a fairy-tale kingdom, where she will once again try to find her mother...

See you soon, Lara!

Long-suffering sword

Of course, in the world of edged weapons, Excalibur is the most famous of the swords, although not the only treasure of the English king: according to legend, Arthur owned a magic cauldron that could feed an entire army, an invisibility cloak and a scabbard from an invincible sword that healed wounds.

With the development of cinema and computer games, Excalibur was mercilessly replicated and distributed to all kinds of heroes. The sword was presented to everyone in different ways, from a one-handed weapon elegant in its simplicity to an exotic half-meter bulk, decorated with all kinds of monograms and dragons. But before Crystal Dynamics, no one thought to give the sword a curved shape. In the game, Arthur's weapon appears as a strange hybrid of a saber and a scimitar, made from a stone of an unknown, but apparently magical breed.

All the secrets of Croft Manor

Welcome to your native noble nest, Lara!

Your friends have come up with some challenges for you to thoroughly practice before your adventure.

There are shields with the emblem of the Croft family hidden all over the house, find them!

If you get tired of looking, use this hint, but it's better to try to do everything yourself.

If a key is specified after specifying the location of the secret, then this action must be used. Let's start, perhaps.

Fireplace hall

Magnetic Harpoon - in a safe behind Zip, opened with a laptop on the floor ( E).

2 bronze medals - bottom left and top left ( Q) from the central window.

1 silver - top right ( H) from the central window.


6 bronze awards - in the four corners of the hall, in the water and on the wall next to the stairs ( Q).

3 silver - on the step near the water ( Q), on two platforms under the ceiling.

Greek Hall

Binoculars - on the far balcony, at the foot of the horse statue.

4 bronze awards - behind the fish statue on the left ( E), behind the sun loungers on the left, at the bottom of the pool, on the springboard.

3 silver - in the pipe under the pool ( E), behind the fish statue on the far balcony (E), on the ledge on the right, jump from the flower pot ( E).

Lara's bedroom

Pistols - behind the shield on the wall ( E).

1 bronze award - behind the bed.

And here you can try on the entire open wardrobe.


Lantern - on the table next to Alistair

3 bronze awards - in the corner and behind the cabinet ( Q) on the second tier, in the basement box.

3 silver - behind the boards to the right of the entrance ( H), in the basement and by the closet with a clue.

gold award

Stage 1 - in the library, drop two bookcases ( Q), put them on the slabs on either side of Alistair, the basement will open.

Stage 2 - in the Greek hall on the near balcony, turn two sisters with their backs to each other.

Stage 3 - in the library, sequentially press on four volumes: blue to the right of the entrance, green on the second tier, to the left of the stacks of books, blue on the second tier, to the right of the portrait, red to the left of the shimmering cabinet.

Stage 4 - in the fireplace room on the second tier, pull both lions by the tongue, moving between them along the spears lowered ( Q) from the side of the computer room.

Stage 5 - turn the left statue to face the light and onto the central slab.

Friends and Enemies of Lara Croft
  • Zip(zip).

A tech guy from Lara's team in charge of logistics. He helps her wherever she is, and is always in touch, sitting in the van or at Lara's mansion in Cornwall. Zip remains a constant companion for her throughout the adventure, communicating with her using radio headphones. He is funny and badass and, as you might guess, he is obsessed with high technology. In the past he was a hacker, but after he was caught and put in jail, he changed his views on life. Personally devoted to Lara, both as his good friend and as the person who got Zip out of prison.

  • Alistair Fletcher(Alister Fletcher).

Lara's research assistant who provides her with historical information. He is the one who gives out new ideas to the mountain and conducts new research in the field of history and archeology at lightning speed, while Lara thinks what to do. He tests his hypotheses, reveals secrets, and in a way that no one else does. Perhaps because this is the only field of knowledge where his outstanding knowledge is really useful. Alistair is a difficult and sarcastic guy who often takes things too seriously.

  • Smith Winston(Smith Winston).

Butler. Participated in World War II. He was decorated in the Montgomery Campaign and honorably discharged after being wounded in action. Upon returning home with his father, he worked as a forester on a local estate. After arranging hunting trips for Lord Croft, he gives him a commitment and is invited to serve on the mainland. As Lara's parents continue to travel the world, Winston becomes a father to her. The bond that binds them remains strong to this day. Winston waited on Aunt Lara. When she dies, Lady Croft inherits the family estate and Smith Winston as a butler and just a friend.

Alistair Fletcher

  • Anaya Imanu(Anaya Imanu).

She is an old friend of Lara's, from her university days. They met during the tragedy in the city of Segou, which is located in southern Mali. Now she is a civil engineering engineer working in poor areas of Latin America. Successfully pursues his own career, regularly communicates with Lara.

  • Tori Nishimuro(Tori Nishimuro).

Once he was an inquisitive journalist whose path more than once crossed paths with the path of an English archaeologist lady during her dangerous investigations. At the moment, he is already an information tycoon, lives in peace, is good-natured and pleasant in communication, but the passion for adventure and risk has not died out in him. Therefore, he is glad to see Lara every time, but now Nishimuro-san is more careful. The position obliges him to always maintain good relations with the Japanese gangsters - the yakuza.

  • Shogo Takamoto(Shogo Takamoto).

Head of the Yakuza, connoisseur and collector of ancient weapons. He is also a central figure in the underground trade in antiques, slipping fakes among other collectors and adventurers among the originals. Despite his tarnished reputation, he does not leave the game. First of all, due to his ability to play on the feelings of people whose desires overpower common sense, and force them to do what he needs.

His last meeting with Lara was unpleasant. He was reluctant to think about revenge, realizing the possibility of failure and the subsequent "loss" of his face...

  • James Rutland(James W. Rutland Jr.).

James grew up surrounded by wealth and privilege. However, he independently graduated from West Point Military Academy. Despite all the difficulties, he was pleased with his choice, as it taught him the self-discipline and strength needed now that he had left the army.

He is very pleasant in communication and used to getting everything he wants. True, this time the subject of his desires is also wanted by Lara Croft.

  • Amanda Evert(Amanda Evert).

Lara's old friend. She was presumed dead after she went missing under a flooded, collapsing temple. But Amanda has returned and is now bitter towards Lara.

He has a diploma in social anthropology, is fond of metaphysics. Amanda studied all the religious and mystical systems of the world that have ever existed, therefore, at the university she was considered an expert in theology and mysticism.

Amanda's favorite theory is that in the rites and rituals of many religions, witchcraft, shamanism, there are fragments of a long-forgotten mystical belief. Her dream was to restore this greatest knowledge of the past and teach it to people so that they can achieve spiritual enlightenment.

James W. Rutland Jr.

Table 1
Important Control Keys
W Running "deep into the screen", climbing ashore from the water, swinging on a flexible rope and climbing a fixed
S Running to the screen, descending the ropes, braking on a motorcycle
A, D Running left and right in a circle, rather than the usual strafe, as well as turning on a tightrope
Space/right mouse button Up button (jump, ledge jump, float)
F Down button (crouch, ledge jump, underwater dive)
E Action button. With its help, Lara picks up weapons and trophies, pushes boxes and blocks, presses levers, and kicks the enemy in combat mode
G Get/put away a weapon or change the firing mode of the Tesla gun. Attention! With a weapon in her hands, Lara jumps differently and cannot cling.
table 2
Other control keys
Table 4
Keyboard shortcuts in motion
Space Handstand. Press, clinging to the ledge.
W+F Low roll forward
W+F+F "Wheel"
W+ pinch F A series of flips and somersaults in the air
W + space + space A series of flips and somersaults in the air, bending your knees
W+ pinch space Triple somersault in the air with a “candle” (with outstretched legs)
w + f + space Low roll forward, then somersault in the air
W + space + space + F A series of flips and somersaults in the air, bending the knees, then the "wheel"
w + space + space +S + space Somersault in the air and jump back
W + Space + Space + S + F Somersault in the air and "wheel" back
W+ pinch F and space Successive wheel jumps.
W + space + F Jump "swallow" (with arms apart) and a coup.
W + space + F + F Swallow jump and wheel
W + space + F + space Jump "swallow" and somersault
W+F+F+S+F Triple somersault in the air with a “candle” and a “wheel” back
W + F + F + S + space Triple somersault in the air with a candle and back somersault

Rise of the Tomb Raider: Blood Ties - a short adventure in which Lara tries to find her deceased father's will so that her estate does not fall into the hands of Uncle Atlas.

We are at Croft Manor. The game begins by reading a letter from a "caring" relative. When control passes to the player, you need to inspect the safe. Naturally, it is closed, so you first need to find a combination. In the room (as well as throughout the estate) there are a lot of various documents and artifacts. Most of them are not needed for passing, but they are worth reading at least in order to better understand the plot. In this walkthrough, we will not describe the search for all items, but only those necessary to complete the quest.

We leave into the corridor and pull the door to the library. Closed. Take the card on the right side. It shows a workaround to the library. We open the door with handprints. It's dark, you need a flashlight. You can find it in the main hall, in a box near the front door.

Armed with a lantern, we go down to the wine cellar. There you will need to free the passage by moving the bottle rack. Let's go to the next section. Then right and left. Alternately, we push back the objects blocking the passage. We return and turn left. Now the passage is free.

Then we go through the basement until we reach the stairs. We go upstairs and open the secret door to the library. Here we need to take Lara's father's journal, which contains a clue about the code for the safe. Under the magazine is a box with a lighter.

Treasure from Lara's Expedition

First we go to the far table of the library. We find a picture with hieroglyphs. This is the key to the puzzle. Each of the hieroglyphs represents a number. You can always view the leaflet from the menu.

Next, you need to climb up with the help of a mobile ladder. First, we move it all the way to the left, climb up and move the cart towards us. Then we go down and move the stairs to the right. Again upward, to the closed box, located not far from the door. We take an empty sheet. It's actually a map, but written in invisible ink. We go down and light the fireplace. This way we get a map that shows the locations of the master key.

It is necessary to move a small table near the bookshelves. Now that we have the key, we can open the door and chest on the second floor (this key opens all doors and chests in Croft Manor). Inside there will be a paper crown - a treasure from the expedition. The hieroglyph on it means the number 5.

parents wedding anniversary

Lara does not know the date of her parents' wedding, so she will have to look for clues. From the office we go to the opposite wing. straight into the bedroom. We study all the items near the bed. The wedding date is October 9th.

Father's favorite painting

Now we go to the workshop in the same wing. I need to find my father's favorite painting. This is even easier to do: a note nearby has a direct answer to this question. Favorite picture - with red rectangles. 4 are shown.

Opening the safe

Now we have everything to open the safe. We return to the office and enter the code (549). Among the pile of papers we find an empty sheet. We heat it again in the fireplace (you can use it in the main hall). As a result, we get a map showing one of the shelves in the wine cellar and three hieroglyphs.

A long time ago, a friend told me what a cool game that Lariska has a house. While playing in the building editor, I decided: it would be fun to make such a house. In addition, the character (Lara Croft) is quite famous. The mansion is based on the third part of Tomb Raider. In it, on the ground floor there is: a hall turning into a dining room with a gym. Next is the kitchen with laundry room. There is also a bathroom, opposite the living room. Large swimming pool. Second floor: a bedroom with a large bed, behind it is an office and a bathroom.

Entrance to the third floor. living room with TV, piano and entrance to the library. A room with a single bed, a desk. On the third floor there is a library and an attic. It is empty, if you wish, you can expand and equip it. Small basement with an aquarium. Outside there is a garage with a car, a training ground decoration and a makeshift maze. Area 50x50 worth 389908. Various add-ons and catalogs: High-speed mode, Camping, Modern luxury.

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