Fallout new vegas assault on the NKR prison. Fallout: New Vegas, Side quests. “From victory to defeat – one step”

“Blow to the Head”, “Back in the Saddle”, “By the Fire”. I don’t see any point in talking about the beginning of the game, since it has already been shown an innumerable number of times. The only thing I can recommend is to look into the school building and crack the safe, which contains a lot of tasty things, including the caravanner’s shotgun. There are also some useful items in Victor's house and mailboxes.

"Ghost Town Shooting". After Sunny completes your training, she will advise you to visit Trudy, the owner of the Prospector Saloon. Entering the saloon, we find her talking with one of the members of the demolition gang. From their conversation it becomes clear that the bandits want the caravan driver who escaped from them to be handed over to them. After talking with the owner, we have to make a decision: hand over the caravan owner (notorious in Goodsprings) or help the fugitive (graters with demolitionists). I chose the second option, since it is much more interesting and a plus in my karma with a discount in local stores. Before leaving the saloon, ask Trudy about the Khans; in the conversation she should mention that one of them accidentally broke her radio, and she will generously pay the one who returns it to working condition. The radio is on the shelves behind the counter and requires 20 repairs to fix it.

We receive the promised money (if barter is developed, you can bargain) and go to the Poseidon gas station, located there in Goodsprings. We find the caravan driver Ringo there (you can ask him to teach him how to play “caravan”) and offer him our help. Ringo agrees that the bombers need to be fought back, but insists that he enlist the help of Sunny Smiles. Sunny Smiles will not need to be persuaded; she will immediately agree to help and point out several more people who can also support you in the battle with the bombers. Convincing them all is not necessary, but it is helpful. The first is Dr. Mitchell, who will help you with medicine (you can also rummage around in his house and get a couple more steam packs and a 9mm submachine gun (lies at the table, in the room where they were treated, the repair skill is required).

Next is the merchant Chet. If Barter Skill is 25, then Chet will agree to give out armor and weapons. Hammer Pete with developed explosives will help with dynamite. And finally, Trudy. You can persuade her if you have developed eloquence or secrecy (both 25). If you don't have enough points for any skill, use the magazines. Having finished with diplomacy, we return to Ringo and report that we are ready, and suddenly the bombers suddenly attack. After the battle, we examine the bodies of the demolition men and take away their uniforms, which will be useful in the future.
Little things:

  • Not far from the fire where Sunny taught us, you can meet a man begging to save his girlfriend from the clutches of geckos. As soon as you clear the way to the top where she was supposedly dragged, the rogue will run up to you and, declaring that he has cheated you, will attack.
  • In the cemetery, there is a snow globe on one of the graves.
  • All matters in Goodsprings have been settled, you can safely leave it. As soon as we leave the territory allocated for “training”, we will be asked to review the characteristics and perks for the last time. We agree or change and move on to the wasteland. Next stop - Primm.

Part 2: Primm

The roller coaster, the city's symbol, can be seen as soon as you exit Goodsprings onto the freeway. It’s better to get to the city along the same road; there are fewer problems with aggressive animals.

At the entrance to the city, an NKR Soldier will meet us and tell us about the demolitionists who captured it. From the road, Primm can be reached via a dilapidated bridge, which is mined with three anti-personnel mines. In the city itself, a bunch of bandits await us, easily destroyed with a 9mm pistol. I advise you to look into the sheriff's hut (on the left side of the bridge) and the Mojave Express bureau and take everything you like while the owners are not there. After which we boldly head to the Vicky and Vance casino. Local residents have dug in and ask you (in the person of Johnson Nash, the head of the local branch of the Mojave Express) to help get rid of the bandits before they accumulate the strength to storm and save the deputy sheriff. The bandits are located at the Bison Steve Hotel directly across from the casino. The hotel itself has two floors.

Immediately after entering, on the right behind the counter there will be a door to the back room with a bunch of useful things. And on the second floor there is a littered cabinet with weapons, the key to which is in the hands of one of the bandits. The sheriff is sitting tied up in the kitchen (ground floor). The rescued deputy sheriff will tell us where the great khans went and ask us to find a new sheriff for the city.

"The city that I like." We need to find a guardian of the law for Primm. The new government in the city can become either the NKR, or one of the former sheriffs, whom the NKR, for some political reason, sent to a correctional facility. You can also reprogram a robotron in a casino to perform the duties of a sheriff (Science 30). The choice you make will affect the ending. When passing through, I chose NKR. To do this, you need to talk to Lieutenant Hayes (tent camp in front of the city). He will refuse, citing a lack of fighters, and will send for reinforcements to the Mojave checkpoint. We go there, we persuade the major to give soldiers (barter skill 20 is required). We return to the lieutenant and report success.

From little things:

  • The casino has a robotron guide who can tell you the story of the criminal couple Vikki and Vance, and in particular about Vance’s submachine gun. We approach the display case, examine it and, having discovered the absence of weapons, report this to the robotron. With advanced science, we find out that the robot was reprogrammed, and the submachine gun was stolen by a modern couple of followers of their cause. You can find them in a hut approximately in this area.
  • In the Express bureau there is a robotic eye ED-E, which you can repair and make your companion (science 55 and repair 65, or instead of repairing 2 sensors and 2 conductors, electronic waste).
  • As soon as you complete all the tasks in Primm, I advise you to go to the correctional facility or the Mojave checkpoint.

Part 3: Mojave Outpost

“Show compassion.” Ranger Jackson at the Mojave outpost requests that the road be cleared so that caravans can move along it unhindered. It is necessary to destroy several giant ants on a destroyed highway near a dry lake. Reward - a combat rifle, 70 rounds of 5.56 caliber, 2 caravanner's breakfasts, 100 caps and 2 gunsmith repair kits, as well as a plus for reputation with the NKR and 200 OO .

"Chasing the Prize." Ranger Ghost, who can be found on the roof of one of the outpost buildings, asks to find out what is happening in Nipton. We go there, right at the entrance to the city we meet Oliver Swanik, the lottery winner, babbling something incoherent. Moving further, we go into the store and meet the Freight Train, who says that Nipton has been captured by the Legion, the residents of the city, as well as the demolitionists who settled here, have been killed. You can return to the outpost and turn in the quest at this stage, or you can go to the town hall and talk with Vulpes Inculta, the Legion's frumentary, who will tell you more details and give out your quest. Whether to carry it out or not, as well as whether to leave Vulpes alive, is entirely at the discretion of the player.

The reward for completing the quest is modest: 100 XP and a small increase in reputation with the NKR.

Something interesting: having the “convinced bachelor” skill, you can persuade Major Knight at the Mojave outpost to repair all your things for free. At the same time, his repair skill is reduced one-time to 30. NKR Correctional Facility.

"The Path of Correction" Before you go to this location, dress up in a demolition costume to prevent faction members from attacking you. The security guard at the entrance will say that you are not a “local”, since he knows everyone who was sitting here. Having paid him a hundred caps, we enter the territory of the institution and head to the administrative building to talk with Eddie, the local leader of the demolitions. He will give out a couple of simple quests to test our loyalty.

After them, we will receive a task: to find out about the NKR’s plans for the prison. It's worth asking Johnson Nash in Primm about them. He will tell you that troops are going to storm the prison. We have two options for completing the task. We can help the demolitions, causing the wrath of the NCR (temporarily), but gain an endless source of gunpowder for making cartridges. Or, on the contrary, destroy the demolitionists, receiving gratitude from the NKR for their service. Depending on the option chosen, the ending of the game will change.
Little things:

  • When the massacre on the territory of the colony subsides, examine Eddie’s body, take the plasma pistol and the keys to the vault on the second floor of the administrative building, and do not forget to clean out the safe in his office.

Part 4: Nipton

New city - new problems. Already in good tradition, at the entrance we are greeted with bread and salt - another chatty NPC is waiting, fortunately, this time it’s just a crazy demolition man yelling about some kind of lottery. Meanwhile, in the city “the dead stand with scythes.” The reason for this mass execution was the vanguard of the legion led by a certain Vulpes. After talking with him, you can learn about the details of what happened and receive the small quest “Cruel Hearts”.

There is another quest giver in the Nipton General Store. This is a demolition worker whose legs were broken by legionnaires. He can give out the quest “Marathon” to rescue captured demolitionists.

Little things:

  • I recommend checking out your local town hall. On the first and third floors behind the castles there are ammunition depots. Be careful, the building is full of Legion dogs.

Part 5: Novak

Having arrived in this quite cozy city (which got its name from the broken NO VACancy sign at the hotel with the dinosaur), we begin asking local residents about what is happening around us, including our stranger in a checkered suit. It is best to ask around the local psycho Nelay, as his answers will at least make you smile from ear to ear. It turns out that the stranger went to the observation deck inside the dinosaur and negotiated something with the sniper? on duty there.

Manny Vargas, the same sniper, confirms that he met with our would-be killer, and agrees to tell us about his plans if we visit the REPCONN complex and evict all the ghouls from there who are interfering with the prospectors. Manny can also be simply persuaded with eloquence. Additionally, you can learn from him about another sniper Boone, who is on duty at night.

Boone can become our companion. To do this, you must agree to help him find those responsible for the kidnapping of his wife. We ask local residents about the story of Boone's wife and learn from Nelay about the strange people who came to the Dinolight hall.

We go there, break into the floor safe and bring into the light of day a copy of the purchase and sale agreement for the legion of Boone’s wife. It follows from the contract that old woman Crawford is involved in this. We wake her up and ask her to go to the dinosaur under the pretext of looking at something. We stand next to her and put on the red beret (it will remain after the mission, and IMHO one of the best hats: +5% chance of a critical attack, +1 VSP), received from the sniper, thereby giving a conventional sign. We return to the sniper and report to him about our decision. Now you can persuade him to go with you.

Interesting things:

  • The village also has its own Chupacabra, which comes at night and shoots the local Brahmin farmers. You can meet him at night around midnight. Or during the day, here behind a stone.
  • In the hotel rooms you can find Bruce Isaac, a singer from New Reno, familiar from past episodes. Also living there is Daisy Whitman, a former rotorcraft pilot.
  • “71 missions and only one lost aircraft. The engine stalled over the Klamath.”
  • A former NKR ranger lives in a house next to the hotel. If you cheer up the old man and fulfill his request by finding out about the fate of the rangers from Charlie's post, you can learn from him the special grip of the rangers.

Part 6: Repconn

"Let's fly"

We head to the main Repconn complex. Having entered the building, we answer the voice from the intercom. We go up according to the instructions, most quickly through the right side of the premises. At the top of the plant we meet a community of religious ghouls, whose leader asks to help them make a “great pilgrimage to the luminous distances.” To do this, it is necessary to destroy the monsters from the basement that disrupted the preparations for the pilgrimage. We get the key to the basement of the complex and go there. There are several ways to go. The first is to simply break in and destroy all the super mutants of the shadows. Second: we go into the room indicated on the map, talk with another crazy super mutant, and learn from him about the batch of stealth boys for whom he came with his friends. We agree to help.

We go to the room where the invoice for them supposedly lies, and we meet a ghoul there, hiding there from the shadows. There are also two options here: you can simply kill him and take the invoice without unnecessary suffering, or agree to find his girlfriend, and then he will leave the premises himself, opening access to the terminal. His girlfriend was dragged away by super mutants, and her body lies in the depths of the basement. You must get to it secretly, otherwise the shadows will attack the towns. We give the invoice to the mutant and, as soon as the mutants leave the basement, we return to Bright and report that everything is clear. He suggests meeting again in the basement. Having found him, we get the task: talk to Chris (a scientist from the shelter who considers himself a ghoul) and tell him the truth, convince him that he is still a person, and dissuade him from taking revenge on the ghouls (or do not dissuade him). The rest of the quest is linear and not difficult. Don’t forget to adjust the trajectory of the rockets on the remote control on the launch pad before launch. Also in the basements you can find an astronaut suit - +40 radiation protection and a stylish appearance.

Part 7: Boulder City

Last stop before New Vegas. Just one quest. It is necessary to help the NKR deal with the great khans, who captured several fighters. It is best to resolve everything peacefully, through eloquence (a plus in relations with both the NKR and the khans). As a last resort, you can sneak up through the back door, and then depending on the circumstances. The conflict in Boulder City has been resolved, the identity of the unlucky killer has been established - it's time to visit him. True, there is one “but”. Benny is hiding on the Strip, and getting there is not so easy. Therefore, let's not rush, but rather wander around the outskirts of Vegas and help the inhabitants of the wasteland (of course, not for free). Freeside (the slum area around the Strip) can alternatively be reached by the route described below:

Part 8: Trading Post 188

First of all, I suggest you go here. At the post you will meet a girl, Veronica, who is a scribe for the Brotherhood. She herself will ask to be our companion. A group of Gunsmiths is crowding below; with weapons developed to medium, you can persuade him to show his goods. Also sitting under the bridge is a ragged boy with a strange metal device on his head. He calls himself a Foreteller and can think about the future for a small sum (hello to the first Fallout with its fortune telling on cards).

Part 9: REPCONN Headquarters

Next, I recommend stopping by the REPCONN headquarters and getting a Q-35 “modulator” there, a prototype of an improved plasma rifle. The prototype itself is in the storage room on the first floor. To get there, you need to somehow deal with the security robots of the complex. You can hack the terminal at the security post, but the easiest way is to get the employee's ID card. To do this, you must agree to the excursion offered by Mr. Assistant (standing in the reception area). I recommend listening to the entire tour, as it’s simply interesting. And when it comes to the planetarium, you will need to go to the utility room on the second floor.

The map lies on the dashboard next to the skeleton, it’s hard not to notice it. We take it and head to the forbidden area, Mr. Brave will respond with a welcoming speech to your appearance and let you into the complex. In the utility room, located behind the counter, there is a decent supply of plasma weapons and charges for them. The storage itself is locked with a password and a “Very Hard” level lock. Even if you can hack it, don't rush to leave the complex. Go to the third floor and take the report from the bodies of the Brotherhood of Steel members. There is an alternative passage to the vault. We go up to the second floor, go left, to the employee terminals and, having hacked them, add our image to the database.

Also there, in the next room, we print out an admission card to the third floor. In the center of the floor there should be two rooms behind locked doors. Behind one of them is another utility room with medicines. For the second terminal with data on the prototype and some ammunition. Not far from them there should be another blue door on the first floor, leading to the room above the storage. We go into it, jump into the hole in the floor and take away the prototype, as well as ammunition and a textbook on energy weapons (lying on the safe). Don’t forget to pick up the report from the paladins’ bodies (this will be useful later). There are two ways to get to the third floor. In the first case, the robot will stop you and ask you for your password. If you are lucky, 7 years will shout out “Ice cream!” and will be able to wander around the floor without any problems. Otherwise, security robots will turn on. The second option is to use another door and, by hacking the “Very Difficult” security terminal, disable the security systems.

Part 10: Helios

Solar power plant with a skeleton in the closet. It will also be useful to take a look at it.

"Sun glare"

We go into the distant rooms of the power plant. There should be a freak in sunglasses and a scientist follower in the room. First, it’s better to talk to the freak, he will offer to set up the power supply and give you the password for one of the terminals. Then we ask the follower about the Archimedes project and convince him that we want to distribute the energy, as the freak advised us. It will give you the password for the other terminal. We go to the courtyard and restore communication on the terminals. After activating them, we go to the station tower. Immediately after entering, turrets will be waiting for us. You can run to the room opposite (be careful, mines!) and, by hacking the terminal, turn them off. Then we go downstairs and crack the safe with pulse grenades and mines.

We return back and go deeper into the room. We destroy the protectrons (take scrap metal from one of them) and take the elevator up. We repair the generator (repair 35 and 1 scrap metal), redistribute the power supply to Archimedes, go out to the observation deck and adjust the reflectors (from 9 to 3 days). The uber-weapon is ready for battle. The guidance module can be found from the boy Max (East Gate). Persuade him to sell you through barter for 20 caps (or you will have to buy for 1000) or steal it at night.

Part 11: Aerotech Business Park

On the way to the city, I suggest you make a small detour and look into the Aerotech business park. On its territory there is a refugee camp fleeing the legion. Captain Parker will ask you to find a recently missing father and daughter and settle matters with Keith, a drug dealer and a sharpie all in one. A whale can be brought to light through eloquence or barter.


The quest takes place mainly on the Westside. Go there and talk about the missing people with St. James. From his words it will become clear that he is involved in this, but there is no evidence against him yet. We go to the Casa Madrid apartments, where the suspect and his accomplice rent a room. In James's room you can find a teddy bear, and in Dermot's room you can find a diary with records of all their affairs. The doors are locked with moderately complex locks, but you can pay the prostitute for a key at the entrance. With the evidence, you can try to beat the truth out of Dermot and James, but they will only attack you. Or you can just take it to the captain.


The quest is given by Frank Withers, standing in a tent. Frank Withers' family has been kidnapped by the Legionnaires, and he asks for their return. I don’t advise you to rush through it, wait for the quest “The Casino Always Wins II”, then you will be on your way. At this point you will be on neutral terms with the legion, so just talk to the guard and buy them back as slaves. Please note that if you complete the quest “An Eye for an Eye” by dropping nuclear waste on the camp before saving the family, everyone will die. Returning to Aerotech, do not rush to tell Frank exactly where his family is, but rather bargain and demand more caps for information, or influence him, convincing him to change for the better.

Part 12: Sharecropping Farms

"Hard luck"

The quest is given by Morgan Blake. She will complain about the plight of sharecroppers, in particular the constant shortages of water. It is not easy to complete the quest, so it is better not to undertake it without a good supply of medicines (anti-radiation and rad-x) and normal weapons with decent ammunition.

We go to the Eastern Pumping Station and repair the terminal. According to the data obtained from it, it follows that there is an external source of radiation causing interruptions in the water supply. The source is located in the former shelter 34. We go there and find the 34th in a state of complete destruction. According to the residual data from the terminals, we learn that there was a riot in the shelter, during which the main life support systems were damaged. The lower levels were flooded, the reactor was damaged, and most of the inhabitants turned into ghouls. To get to the reactor, you need to open the door from the terminal in the clinic, and the entrance to the clinic is temporarily blocked by water. We go down to the lower rooms, find a flooded room, dive and search the dead ghoul guard for the password. You can simply hack the terminal, but they all require science 100. We turn on the pump from the terminal located in the room in front of the entrance to the armory. The previously flooded passage will open, and we will be able to enter the shelter clinic. On the way, don't forget to examine another dead guard with a password. In the clinic, from the terminal we unlock the passage to the reactor. Also in the clinic there is a Mark 3 autodoc, presumably needed for one of the Legion quests.

In the room near the reactor room there is a very high level of radiation from 2 to 4 rad/s, so you need to act quickly. We clear the rooms near the passage to the caretaker's office. We go into it, having previously armed ourselves with something “heavier”. The passage to the reactor is blocked by a gulified caretaker and several turrets. Having gotten rid of them, we examine the caretaker’s body and take the password from his terminal. In the actions on the terminal, select to open the doors of the armory. We go down the passage to the reactor and play around with the technical terminal. service. We read messages about help on it. We have a choice - to save the trapped residents, leaving the reactor running (the shelter dwellers you saved will appear in the Aerotex business center and thank you) or help the sharecroppers with water by shutting down the reactor (good glory to the NKR). Having finished with the reactor room, we go to the armory and take away everything we can from there: automatic grenade launchers, carbines and a pulse gun that kills robots with one shot.

Part 13: Red Caravan

The once small trading company from the Hub has grown, following the NKR, to the size of a huge corporation. The caravan has its own representative office in Vegas. Alice McLafferty, who heads it, is ready to entrust you with several tasks.

"You can rely on me"

Your first order from the caravan will be to courier deliver the bill to Dr. Hildern at Camp McCarran.

Once you complete this task, Alice will assign you several more simple tasks that can be easily completed with developed eloquence.

Some difficulties may arise with gunsmith drawings. But you don't have to bring them. However, if you still want to, you can try to steal them quietly at night using stealth. Or you can just shoot everyone, ruining your karma a little.


You need to go to the Sunset Sasparilla plant and disassemble the bottle cap press into pieces.

Interesting things:

  • You can buy implants in New Vegas clinics for 4,000 caps. Each of the implants increases one of the special points or adds regeneration and a resistance threshold. You can install as many of them as you have stamina points.
  • I also advise you to look into this house near the clinic. In it you can find a sniper rifle in a locked utility room. Be careful, stretching.

Part 14: North Vegas

"Someone should keep an eye on it"

This quest can be obtained from Credon if you have developed speech and barter skills. First of all, Credon will ask us to deal with the recently arrived squatters. As always, you can persuade, bribe or kill. The latter will worsen relations with the NKR. In the next part of the quest you need to get rid of the bandits in the tunnels in the same way. And the last point we will be asked to resolve the conflict in the Hostetler family.

Mrs. Hostetler wants her daughter and her new friends to be followed. We go to North Vegas and find out that Alice and her friend Andy are often seen in a gray building. There are three thugs on duty in the building, from whom you can steal the keys to Andy's room. In the room itself, we take a note from the bedside table with the TV on top. At the exit from the building you will be met by Eddie himself; talking with him will not affect the further part of the task unless you kill him. We go to the Hostetler house, where Alice was planning to rob her mother. We can provoke her, then we will lose karma, but we can take 1000 caps from her mother’s body, or persuade her to resolve everything peacefully (if you advise her to run away from home, you will not be able to talk Mrs. Hostetler into paying you extra for your efforts).

Part 15: Thorn

Something like an arena for gladiator fights. Located under the West Side

"Take all"

Thorn's owner, Red Lucy, will ask you to get the eggs of the most dangerous creatures of the wasteland. Only a well-equipped character is recommended to undertake her assignments. There shouldn’t be any difficulties, other than strong enemies and the fact that you’ll have to run across the entire Mojave Desert. Please note that when you are asked to bring fire gecko eggs, the marker on the world map indicates the entrance to a cave that is not marked as a location. If you bring the deathclaw eggs, Lucy will declare you Thorn's greatest hunter and invite you to relax with a cup of hot coffee)

Interesting things:

  • In the cave you can find the corpse of the Brotherhood of Steel, and next to it a unique automatic grenade launcher " Mercy».

Part 16: Freeside

The slums of New Vegas, the territory of which is divided by three factions: the Kings, the Van Graffs and the Followers of the Apocalypse, familiar to us from previous parts. There is also a small Mickey and Ralph store and the Atomic Cowboy bar.


At first glance, it may seem that the kings are just another bandit group that abounds in the wasteland. But this is far from true. Settling in a former transformation school, they try to restore order in Freeside. The king is the head of the entire gang and is the main quest giver. To get an appointment with him, you need to pay a few caps at the entrance, or talk to the guard.

"Soldier's Blues"

Right now the king needs such a person, whom no one yet knows on Freeside. He asks you to deal with the mercenary Oris, who recently began to receive almost all orders for security. You need to find out what's going on. To do this, we go to the Northern Gate and hire him. We follow him until he starts shooting at the thugs. Once the shooting subsides, you can try to examine the “corpses” (medicine 40), or, using perception 7, bring Oris to light and, resorting to barter, demand the money back.

We go to the store and say it at the entrance. Inside the building we find Major Kieren and find out her version of the night attack. Without spoilers, in a nutshell - there was a misunderstanding. We go back to the King to tell about what happened. As soon as we enter the building, we will be greeted by Pacer, the King’s closest friend, which is why he turns a blind eye to many of his not-so-good deeds. The pacer will ask that we not mention the misunderstanding when talking to the King. We refuse him and go to the King with a report. During the conversation, a gang member will interrupt you and report a shootout with the NKR in the area of ​​the old railway station. The king will ask to resolve this matter. We go to the station and convince the major to resolve the matter amicably by releasing Peyser. When the problem is resolved, the King will declare himself your debtor. You should not waste this opportunity on any nonsense like money, as it will be useful for the NKR quest.

If you have not completed additional tasks and have not investigated the affairs in the store, then you risk getting into a serious mess with the NKR.

Note: The King can always be found either near the stage or at home on the third floor.

"Dog life"

As a result of this quest, the cyberdog Rex will be among our companions. If you “talk” with Rex, the king’s robotic dog, and then with him himself, you can get this quest. The king will tell you that his dog looks very sick and will ask you to cure him.

We go to the Mormon fort and ask Julie about Rex's treatment. Julie will explain that the Rex's brain is in poor condition and the dog needs surgery, but it can only be performed in Jacobstown, since the followers do not have the necessary equipment. We go to Jacobstown and look for Dr. Henry, a former Enclave scientist. He'll do the surgery if we get him a new brain for Rex. There are three suitable brains: the devil's dog Violet (will increase speed), the legion's dog (could not be obtained due to bad relations with the latter) and the brain from the old lady Gibson's dog (bonus to damage from attacks).

During the quest, the dog must be with you at all times.

Followers of the apocalypse.

They settled in an old Mormon fort and are trying to bring light and goodness to the wasteland.

"It's about time"

Julie Farkas will ask you to cure two local residents of addiction, who could provide technical assistance to followers if they were cured. One of them is sitting in the ruins of a house opposite Mickey and Ralph, the second is in a dilapidated house next to the Silver Rush. First you need to dissuade the pusher from selling drugs to them, and then get them a dozen portions of detoxin (with developed science, you can get by with a can of buffout, psycho, detoxin 2 pcs. and whiskey), or, using eloquence, convince them that the followers will help them (but then one of them will die).

Also, outside of the quest, Julie will ask you to negotiate the supply of supplies for the fort; to do this, talk to one of the twin owners of the Atomic Cowboy.

Interesting things:

  • There is a snow globe in the fort tower.
  • Arcade Gannon can also become your companion.
  • Followers can supply you with antiradin, a stimulant and rad-x of your choice once every 24 hours.

Silver Rush

A store owned by the “dark family” of the Van Graffs. I completed the first two quests for them, since the third one given by Jean Baptiste went against my beliefs.

The first quest we are offered is to be a guard at the entrance - we must take it.

The second is a simple courier.

And the Third offers us to bring Cassidy, obviously not for good purposes.


  • We put on a stealth suit and steal from the display cases everything that is bad. First of all, one of two plasmolivers for the entire wasteland.

Atomic Cowboy

A small drinking establishment owned by the Garrett twins.


At Frances' request, collect debts from the cowboy's visitors. With good persuasion, you can get them to give up everything, even their clothes.

After the first part of the debts has been collected, Francis will send you to the Strip to kill McLaferty, who owes a large sum. It is not necessary to kill, you can force him to give up his hat and demand money for deceiving Francis about his death.

"Atomic Tango"

James Garrett needs specific workers to satisfy his most kinky clients. For fans of “extensive tissue necrosis and whipping,” you need a cowboy ghoul. There is one at the Mormon fort. It won't be easy to persuade Beatrix.

We also need a sexbot for the owner of the damned techno-fetishists. The robot itself can be found in the Robotics complex by walking all the way along the train station and turning left into a small passage through the garbage.

Before you go get the robot, stop by Mickey and Ralph, they will help you write down a program for it (this will take some time). You don't have to do this if science is 80. In the complex itself you need to hack either the terminal, or simply find the access code in one of the cabinets. And yet, the robot can be tested before sending it to the customer;)

The latter, the talkative one, will agree without further questions.

Mickey and Ralph

They don't give out assignments. But you can persuade them to sell you something special from a weapon. Also, if you help Cachino in the quest “How Little We Know”, then in gratitude for the fact that Omerta began to buy weapons from them again, you will be given PIMPBOY 8BILLION.

Part 17: Camp McCarran

"Spy Mania"

Colonel Shue asks for Captain Curtis's help in investigating an information leak. After talking with the captain, we go and question Corporal Sterling and Lieutenant Boyd about the suspicious events. From the first we learn about a strange light at night on the airport control tower, from the second we get the key to the tower by asking about the burglars.

We wait until one o'clock in the morning and watch the entrance to the tower. As soon as Curtis enters it (he is a spy, and he should not notice you), we follow you in and, having caught him transmitting data, shoot him on the spot. We take the deactivation code from the body and return to Colonel Shu. Having learned that Curtis is a spy, he sends us to the monorail to check security. We have about a minute to get to the monorail and defuse the bomb (explosives/science or code) hidden behind the train's ventilation grille. Otherwise, the train will leave with the bomb and blow up the monorail.

The note: In Curtis's office there is a note with the coordinates of the sniper position. There you can find a scout sniper rifle.

"Don't let the grass grow"

Dr. Hildern needs the results of the research carried out at Vault 22. After the doctor talks to you, his assistant will ask you to find another mercenary, Kili, who was sent to the shelter earlier. Let's go there.

In the 22nd something was changed, and now it looks like a botanical garden gone mad. If there is a repair up to 80, then we repair the elevator. Otherwise, we go down to the lower levels and use shamanism with the caretaker and security terminals to open the door to the cave (another “pleasure”). The terminal with information about the experiments is located on the fifth level behind a locked lock (difficult). Kili is also on this level, in a cave. We save her and follow her to the second level. She will offer to destroy the deadly spores in the shelter. To do this, she has already pumped gas into the lower level rooms, and all we need to do is blow it up. We go downstairs, go into the room where we downloaded the files, select a grenade from a weapon (although you can just shoot it), throw it to the place where the gas accumulates and quickly close the door. We return to Keeley and convince her (science) not to destroy the research data.


Major Datri needs the heads of the three most dangerous Devils:


Talk to Little Brat, he'll tell you that Chef-Chief keeps a herd of Brahmins and takes great care of one of them. If something happens to her, he will go berserk and attack everyone indiscriminately. I recommend using a sniper rifle.

Driver Nefi

You can make your task easier by making an agreement with Lieutenant Gorobets. The snipers will sit on the stone crushing plant, and all you have to do is lure the Chief to them.


You can find it at the Poseidon gas station.

"White's Search"

The missing corporal was investigating the disappearance of water from the water supply. Most of the quest is just running from one NPC to another. When sent to the Westside, there will be several options to pin down a follower: intelligence, good relations with followers, or through a boy. We agree not to tell the NKR about the theft of water (good reputation among the followers) and report to the colonel that White has disappeared on the Strip.


Lieutenant Gorobets wants someone (you) to convince Corporal Betsy to undergo treatment for psychological trauma. You need to talk to Betsy herself and try to persuade her with the help of eloquence or medicine. If this does not work, talk to the rest of the squad. Once you have their approval for the course of treatment, return to the corporal and tell her about it.

Quests not noted in the journal.

Help Lieutenant Boyd

The NKR managed to capture one of the legion's commanders alive, and they need help with the interrogation. Requires either Intelligence 8 or Speech.

The Lost Ranger Anderson

Colonel Shu sent one of the rangers to kill the leader of the Devils. We go to the third shelter and save the ranger (a room in the living quarters, not far from the emergency exit to the entrance to the shelter), we persuade him to return to McCarran, and we ourselves go to the technical rooms and kill the Motorcycle Racer. In this shelter you can also save squatters and get hold of weapons by opening the passage to the flooded rooms from the caretaker's terminal.

Problems in the kitchen

The local cook will ask you to repair the food synthesizer (repair 80 or spare parts), and also negotiate with the red caravan for the supply of meat in exchange for surplus vegetables.


Help the quartermaster with a few simple tasks, and he will give you access to a special product.

Part 18: Camp Forlorn Hope

"Medical History"

Dr. Richardson asks you to look into the missing medications. Private Stone is to blame for the whole story. You can prove his involvement using medicine (50), stealing an empty syringe from his pockets, or talking to Private Sexten about the loss (he will refer to Stone’s suspicious behavior). If you have a high eloquence skill, we persuade Stone to surrender and get fame and karma. Otherwise, if we hand over ourselves, we will only get glory. Stone can also give us medicine if we cover up his case.

"Return of Hope"

Issued by Major Polatli. First, the major will ask you to get supplies for the camp. We talk with the quartermaster and learn from him that he sent people to Helios. On the territory of Helios we ask the lieutenant. She will answer that she gave out supplies and installed a tracking beacon in them. We go to the wind power plant area and pick them up. As soon as the supplies are in our hands, the legion detachment attacks.

The next point will be to help Dr. Richardson with the wounded. A medicine skill of 20 to 70 is required. If medicine is not developed, you can use medicines and medical equipment (medicines can be bought, for example, in the New Vegas clinic, and equipment can be found in the tent there).

And in the end we will be offered to participate in the cleansing of Nelson. Just kill all the legionnaires and their dean.


Issued by Sergeant Rice. It is necessary to distribute new radiogram encryption codes to ranger posts. After the codes are delivered, they will be asked to find out about suspicious reports from the posts. When it turns out that the information received is false, we will be sent to Camp Golf to talk with Ranger Henlen. You can talk to him only when he is sitting on the balcony (during daylight hours). We convince him to stop and no longer falsify reports from posts.

"Wherever I wander..."

Issued by Private Reynolds on the way to the Tenachchicap Mine. It is necessary to free the captured soldiers held by the legion in this mine with a difficult to pronounce name. You can simply pick the locks (skill 60) or, after clearing the cave, take the key from the dean of legionnaires.

Interesting things:

  • Private Sexten invites us to compete with NKR fighters in destroying legionnaires and asks us to bring them their ears as evidence.
  • The power armor of NKR heavy fighters does not require the ability to wear it. You can get it by quietly getting rid of one of them.

Part 19: Camp Golf

“From victory to defeat - one step”

Issued by Sergeant McCready (central oblong tent). The sergeant asks you to bring the "trash" squad into combat mode. There are four options for completing this task. The methods proposed by Razz and Pointexter are easy to implement, but the ending will be sad. If you agree to train the trash at the training ground (talk to Meg), then you will need a weapon skill of 50 to complete the task. Another way is to persuade the trash to be more united and respect each other (O'Hanrahan's method). You need to talk to Razz, Pointdexter and Meg, asking them to tell you about themselves. Eloquence 50 required.

Part 20: Bitter Springs

“Mountains, only mountains”, “A little more”, “Hospital blues”

Captain Gilles needs (again, yes) our help. It is necessary to deal with night attacks, get supplies, ask the command for more soldiers to guard the camp and provide the doctor with the necessary medicines.

Behind the nightly attacks is one of the Great Khans, who is still unable to come to terms with the tragedy of Bitter Springs. You can find it in a cave on the western slope. If eloquence is developed, you can raise karma by dissuading him from taking revenge further. In the same cave we pick up a box of supplies. The other two are in the caves behind the camp tents. The doctor needs to bring 3 doctor's bags and psychology textbooks (purchased in the red caravan). We will be given reinforcements only if we solve the problems in those camps or have a good reputation.

Part 21: Camp Searchlight

"We are together"

Sergeant Astor will meet you at the entrance to the city and warn you that the legion somehow obtained nuclear weapons and used them at the camp. Most of the fighters died, but many became wild ghouls. Kill them and bring personal insignia to the sergeant. Also in one of the houses you will find a completely reasonable ghoul fighter; persuade him to give you his token. You can also ask about him in the Forlorn Hope camp and, having learned about the special squad of ghoul rangers, tell him (karma+).

"An eye for an eye"

Once the previous quest is completed, Astor will ask you to take revenge on the Legion and destroy the Cottonwood Cove camp. We go to Cottonwood Heights and, having found a tractor-trailer, open it so that barrels of nuclear waste cover the camp.

"Wheel of Fortune"

Miners settled in the basement of one of the houses. They want to examine the infested houses for anything precious. Their leader will ask you to help him. First you need to hack the terminal and find out where the anti-radiation suits were sent. We go to Nipton and ask the demolitionist in the store. He will tell you about the cave warehouse. We take the costumes from there and go back. Next, I advise you to stock up on antiradin. When you have the suits, go with the prospectors to the police station and fire station (a giant female scorpion will be waiting for you here and rad up to 5 rad/s).

Interesting things:

  • If you urgently need caps, stop by Searchlight Airport. There will be about 8,000 of them in two blue boxes near the planes.
  • Nearby you can find a crashed rotorcraft with a prototype gun. Tesla-Beaton(found in Fallout: Broken steel).

Part 22: Guardian Peak

As you approach the Guardian Mountain camp, you will receive a distress signal. From the radio message it will become clear that the camp was destroyed by mutants from the caves. Go to the very top and find the entrance to the cave, there will be the only surviving ranger in it. He will ask you to avenge your comrades by killing all the monsters. Cure him and send him to the camp (in my case, no matter the outcome of the conversation, he rushed to take revenge on the swampers). You can find a lot of weapons (especially explosives) in the cave.

Part 23: The Strip

The center of New Vegas, ruled by the mysterious Mr. House and three large families who own the casino. Not everyone can get to the Strip; you need to prove your solvency (2000 caps) or have a passport as a citizen of the republic (you can buy it at Mickey and Ralph). But particularly smart inhabitants of the wasteland (science) can “hack” the securitrons and force them to enter.

"The Call", "The Casino Always Wins I"

Once you get to the Strip, Victor will greet you and ask you to go to Lucky 38 to meet the boss. The mysterious Mr. Nobody-No-Home turns out to be in fact an eccentric pre-war millionaire who, seeing the inevitability of a nuclear holocaust, invested all his fortune in the defense of Vegas, and he “mothballed” himself and began to control Vegas through a network of securitrons.

Mr. House will ask you to bring the chip to him. We boldly agree to this, having previously negotiated an increased remuneration for the work. Benny has the chip now, so in addition to the moral satisfaction of revenge, we will also be paid extra. At the exit from Lucky 38, an NKR messenger will run up to us and ask us to go to the mission to talk with Ambassador Crocker. Interesting things: Mr. House's robotic girlfriend will ask us to look for snow globes in the wasteland; for each such ball we will be paid 4,000 caps. One of them can be found in Lucky 38. We go to the bar on the observation deck. Immediately after exiting the elevator, turn left and go along the wall to the cash register next to the green lamp, behind it there should be a ball. There is also another ball on the Strip in Vault 21, in the owner's room.

Benny is a member of the Chairmen and his headquarters, so to speak, is at Tops Casino. At the entrance, all weapons will be taken away from us, except for hidden ones, so a frontal attack will end in death (you can, of course, not give it up, but then the whole casino will be against you). Your best bet is to convince Benny to talk to you alone in a private room. As soon as he agrees, we run into the room ahead of him and, breaking into the wall safe, take the weapon from there. Note: the casino has a theater whose owner is looking for actors for the show. Bring him the ghoul comedian from Atomic Cowboy, the comedian from the Strip (standing next to the gate and trying to make jokes), the singer hiding in Novak, and the guitarist (can be found at the Sunset Sesparillas poster on the Eldorado Dry Lake). The latter is the owner of a unique revolver, which he will give to you if you have a barter skill of about 50.

Having dealt with him, we take the chip to House and get the continuation of the task “The casino always wins II.” House sends us to the legion camp for an audience with Caesar. But the audience is just a cover; House wants us to activate the Secutron army in the bunker under the old weather station. We set off for Cotonwood, from where we will be taken by ferry to the legion camp. Caesar is waiting for us with a task: to destroy the bunker with secutrons. We also agree, go to the room behind the throne and take the slave accounting book from the table. We go down to the bunker, activate the army of robots and return to Caesar. He is 100% sure that we have completed his task, and gives us a reward. House will also be generous and give caps. Now you can go to the ambassador.


The quest is issued by Ambassador Crocker (the embassy itself is located at the farthest end of the Strip). The battle for the dam is coming, and the NCR wants to enlist the help of the bombers. But the whole problem is that they don’t let anyone in. Anyone who tried to get to them was met with howitzer fire. We set off along the road to the airbase to the entrance to the gorge. There must be a certain George standing in the way. He will advise you to turn back. You can bet with him whether we will be able to get through to the bombers (he will give us a passage diagram).

For example, I ran to this wall and, after waiting out the shelling, moved towards the entrance, without any damage to my health.

At the entrance we will not be greeted very friendly and will be sent to the elder. And what a coincidence, but we are again that same person everyone needs from the outside. Elder Pearl is concerned about the future of her people. Since the bombers took up residence at the airbase, they have had no contact with the outside world, and most of them perceive the inhabitants of the wasteland as evil savages who are only suitable as targets. We must gain a good reputation among them, thus convincing them that it is possible to cooperate with the “savages.” First, you can go to the museum of the history of bombers (there is a snow globe on the shelf next to the fresco). After listening to the lecture, we convince the guide of our sincere admiration for the bomber culture. Then you can go to the medical building and heal the injured bombers (medicine up to 60). There are also children running around the base, conversations with some of them can raise your reputation. And one girl will ask you to find a teddy bear (the witch lies between the large light boxes in the hangar with the airplane). The following quests will also raise your reputation:

"Bad Ants"

Raquel is given out (she met us after the shelling). It is necessary to kill all the ants in the generator room. Not difficult.

"Young Hearts"

Jack (local Kulibin) is in love with a girl from the red caravan. True, he only saw her through binoculars and does not know whether she will reciprocate his feelings. Apart from eloquence, nothing else is required.

"Boogie Woogie"

Repair the solar panels at the request of the Adept. If repairs are not developed (40), go to Helios and collect spare parts there.

"Into the sky!"

The last task of the bombers will be to fulfill their cherished dream. The adept will tell you about a bomber that crashed into the lake shortly before the war. He plans to raise it and restore it using parts from the museum. But since none of the bombers left the air base for many years, we must do this. Before you go attach the pontoons to the plane, talk about the breathing mask with Jack. We go to the lake, dive and install two pontoons under the wings of the plane. Having got ashore, we use the activator and go to the elder for gratitude.

"The Queen's Gambit"

When matters with the bombers are settled, the ambassador will ask you to negotiate with the kings. If you have the support of the King, he will simply agree to try to resolve everything peacefully. Otherwise, the conversation with the King will be unsuccessful. In this case, we go to Colonel Shu in McCarran and talk about the situation on Freeside. He will assign us soldiers to accompany us and send us back to the King with a “persistent” offer of cooperation. We convince him to take this step. As soon as the King agrees to this, Pacer will become indignant and attack you and the soldiers. We kill him and return to the ambassador. Crocker will thank us and send us to the Hoover Dam to see Colonel Casandra Moore.

"For the Republic"

We go to the dam (there is a snow globe at the administration desk) and receive a task: to go to the great khans and stop the attempts of Caesar’s legion to lure them to their side. It is best to resolve everything diplomatically. The head of the khans is the Pope. We talk with him and after an unsuccessful attempt to dissuade him, we leave the house, where Regis will be waiting for us. He will express his concerns about an alliance with the legion and advise him to dissuade the Pope. To do this, you need to provide Regis with a slave register (the same one that lies on the table in Caesar's tent). We also convince Jack and Diane (Khan Chemical Laboratory) and Melissa with eloquence. It’s easy to convince Mellisa, but it’s not easy to get through, since her group is holed up in a quarry full of death claws. It is better to make your way to them from the side of shelter 19. By the way, I advise you to look into it and get the quest “why shouldn’t we be friends?” (affects the ending), but before that, dress up as a demolitionist.

As soon as the “signatures” have been collected, we go to the Pope’s house and get rid of Karl by compromising him with eloquence or showing the Pope his diary (which lies in Karl’s chest). Dad agrees to break the alliance, and we just have to convince him to go somewhere far away with the tribe.

As an option for completing this quest, we quietly kill the Pope in his chambers at night (sandman perk, grenade in his pants).

Kasandra's next task will be the Omerta family. The colonel suspects them of conspiring with the legion. We go to Gomora and ask the administrator about gossip, talking eloquently (if you talked with Yes-Man about families, then you can refer to Benny). She will advise you to talk about business with Cachino. He will completely refuse to talk to us. We steal the diary from his pocket and begin to blackmail him. He will split and report that the bosses of Omerta have started a big deal and will send us to two of their assistants. We immediately go to Troika and convince him with eloquence to help us. If eloquence is not enough, then we ask Troika about his contract with Omerta, under what circumstances he came to them. It turns out that Omerta hushed up his case of the murder of a prostitute, but the circumstances of the murder themselves seem suspicious to us. We go to the bosses' rooms and crack the wall safe with a note that Troika was framed.

After this, Troyk will tell us about Omerta's plan to kill everyone on the Strip when the battle for the dam begins. Omerta needed him to deliver weapons to the Strip. Troyk will offer to destroy the warehouse in the basement using thermite, you can persuade him to do it himself, but it is better to personally go down to the warehouse and pick up a sniper rifle there.

Having learned that the warehouse was destroyed by someone, the bosses order to find and bring the saboteur Kachina. He tells us about this and offers us to kill the bosses. We persuade him to help us and go together to the office. The two leaders of Omerta decide to first find out who we are working for. We convince with eloquence that one of them betrayed the other and, when they attack each other, we deliver the decisive blow.

Advice: Before returning to Colonel Moore, we look into “Mickey and Ralph” and, having told them about Omerta, we receive a pimpboy as a reward.

Having learned that Omerta is finished, the colonel will order us to kill Mr. House. We go up to the Lucky 38 penthouse, open a hidden passage with a terminal on the left side of Mr. House. We go down the elevator and, using another terminal, administer “shock therapy” to what was once a person.

Again we go to the colonel and receive a task: to get rid of the Brotherhood of Steel. Their bunker is located in Hiden-Veli. If you have not been there yet, then do not take Veronica with you as a companion - she may simply disappear. It’s better to go there at night, then they will be waiting for us at the entrance and we won’t have to break the door. We will be taken to an elder who wants to make sure that we can be trusted. He will ask us to expel the ranger from the nearby bunker. We go upstairs and convince him that demolitionists have often been seen in these bunkers, and it doesn’t seem to be very safe here. After this, Elder McCnamara will give us the quest “In the Ignorance.” Veronica can also lead you to the bunker through the quest “Too Much Worry,” but there is a chance that the quest will freeze.

"In the dark"

Elder McCnamara asks us to find the missing Brotherhood patrols. The patrol at REPCONN headquarters was mentioned in the previous post, the other two are relatively easy to find. While searching for the squad, not far from Black Mountain, the super mutant Neill will run up to you and advise you to quickly get out of here. If you talk to him, you can get the quest.


The next step is to find scouts. And in the end they will send you in search of filters for air purifiers. One of them is located in the cabinets of the food block of shelter 22 (you can only get there through the caves of the fifth level). The second one is in the technical rooms of shelter 3 (where the Motorcycle Racer sits). And the third one is in shelter 11. When you bring all the parts, the elder will thank us. We inform him that the NKR wants to get rid of the Brotherhood. McCnamara will invite us to act as ambassador and conclude a truce between the Brotherhood and the NKR. On a note:

Do not help the paladin Hardin under any circumstances, otherwise, if he becomes an elder, it will not be possible to agree on a truce.

You can also ask McKnamara to accept himself into the Brotherhood. He will agree, but on the condition that we install a radio bug on Black Mountain. We go there and clear the path to the mountain from super mutants. Once at the top, we head to the utility rooms and repair the robot Rhonda (science). Tabitha (the super mutant, the culprit of all the madness) will thank us and, without eating, give us the key to the warehouse. In the closet of the next room you can find a Mexican ghoul named Raul, who can become our companion (the password to the terminal from the door is in his electronic diary). The key to the radio tower room under the stairs. We install the radio bug and return for a set of power armor.

"You'll feel it coming"

President Kimball plans to arrive at the dam soon to boost the morale of the soldiers. We must ensure his safety. We go to the head of the rangers responsible for protecting the president and ask him to give us full access to all premises. After which we talk with the girl in the reception area and find out that her engineer boyfriend did not come to see her. We go to the ranger and report that we are fully prepared for the visit, after which we climb the tower and defuse the bomb mounted on the rotorcraft. We go down and steal a spare detonator from the “engineer” and take it to Ranger Grant. He will order the speech to be curtailed and the president will be safely evacuated by rotorcraft. While the President is fleeing, a Legion sniper will try to kill him, but misses and hits one of the Rangers. From his body you can pick up a suit and a 12.7mm pistol. You can also try to neutralize the sniper in advance, for example, by climbing a guard tower during the president's speech.


The final quest of the game for NKR. Before you begin, I advise you to enlist the support of former members of the Enclave by completing Arcade Gannon's personal quest.

The legion attacks the dam, and we are tasked with driving them off the dam and breaking up the legate's camp. The task can be greatly facilitated by eloquence and science. To begin with, we reactivate the turbine from the terminal (science 60) in the dam premises in order to flood the tunnels through which the legion troops make their way. Then we go up to the top of the dam and simply go towards the camp (at least we should be supported by the Bombers, the Brotherhood of Steel, black rangers and old men from the Enclave). Having reached the camp, we enter into a debate with the legate and, with eloquence of 80, convince him to go out to fight one on one. If Speech is 100, then you can convince him to surrender without a fight.

The game will be completed, all that remains is to sit back and watch the end credits about the fate of the heroes and cities.

Thank you for your attention. I hope these tips were not superfluous and helped in passing.

In Goodsprings, a dangerous situation has arisen - prisoners escaping from the NCR Correctional Facility attacked Red Caravan merchants passing nearby (the location of the attack can be found east of the village) and the only survivor of them, Ringo, found shelter at the Goodsprings gas station. Since Ringo managed to shoot several Powder Gangers before escaping, their leader Joe Cobb wants to get even. However, Cobb does not dare to attack openly, given the obvious reluctance of the townspeople to hand over the merchant, and simply guards Ringo, who also does not risk leaving his hideout. You can intervene and side with the townspeople or the demolitions and thereby change everything.

The quest begins after a conversation between Trudy and Joe Cobb in the Prospector Saloon - you can slow down Cobb and arrange a meeting (he will be standing at the house farthest to the road south of the saloon), and also ask Trudy about Cobb and Ringo . From her you will learn that Ringo is hiding at the Goodsprings gas station, and if you decide to speak out for the residents of Goodsprings, then go to him and offer help (note, after this you will no longer be able to go over to the demolitions). Ringo will ask you to try to get the townspeople, at least Sunny Smiles, to participate in the fighting. Sunny will agree without persuasion and will even offer some practical advice (implementation is optional):

You can also convince the securitron Victor to help the townspeople if the science skill is over 25, but he will not appear at the showdown, because someone unknown will forbid him...

If the above skills are not sufficiently developed in your character, you can try looking for skill magazines ("Therapist Today", "Patriot's Cookbook", "Trade. Weekly", "People and Communication", "Phantom", "Programmer's Digest") in mailboxes , premises, etc. When you feel ready for battle, go to Ringo's gas station, during your conversation Sunny will come running there with the news of the attack of the bombers and you will only have to deal with six bombers on the road near the saloon.

Rewards and Consequences: 100 caps from Ringo after the shootout and another 150 upon arrival at the Red Caravan company, 50 XP, various loot, good fame in Goodsprings and an extremely negative attitude from demolitionists throughout the Mojave Wasteland.

Streams flowed... (Run Goodsprings Run)

Quest ID: VMS16b

This quest is a different version of the development of events in Goodsprings (see above), in the event that you suddenly decide to take the side of the demolitions. Listen to the conversation between Trudy and Joe Cobb in the Prospector Saloon and learn from the barmaid that the wounded merchant is hiding at a gas station, then find Cobb near the house farthest south of the saloon to the road and talk to him about the looting of the city (after which you will you will not be able to go over to the side of the townspeople). Cobb will say that he needs to deal with Ringo first, but he himself will not do this, because... he's afraid of getting shot in the forehead before he sees the merchant. So you will have to go to the gas station and eliminate Ringo, after which Cobb will offer to get hold of medicine and equipment before attacking the city (doing this is optional):

If the above skills are not sufficiently developed in your character, you can try to find skill magazines ("Therapist Today", "Trade. Weekly", "People and Communication") in mailboxes, rooms, etc. When you feel ready for battle, go to Joe Cobb and speak, the decisive battle will take place in the same way at the saloon.

Rewards and Consequences: 50 XP, various loot, good reputation among demolitionists and extremely negative in Goodsprings (although this does not have far-reaching consequences, but still, in my opinion, it is not worth devastating the city for the sake of the gratitude of demolitionists).

Note: Not all Demomen will welcome you with open arms after what they did at Goodsprings, for example the ones who captured Primm will still try to kill you (Cobb mentions that these are rare scumbags).

The Path to Correction (I Fought the Law)

The quest can be obtained from the leader of the bombers named Eddie, sitting at a table on the top floor of the NCR Correctional Facility administration building, surrounded by his bodyguards. Of course, you can approach him peacefully only if your relationship with the demolitions is not spoiled (if the character’s reputation among this group leaves much to be desired, disguise yourself and wear the armor of the demolitionists). To enter the prison, you will most likely have to give the guard Doz a hundred caps.

Eddie's first task: settle the problem with Chavez (Chavez), who has formed his own gang and does not recognize Eddie’s supremacy. To do this, you should go to the location of the demolition camp - south. The following options arise locally:

  • kill Chavez and his partners (the character’s reputation with the demolitionists will not decrease),
  • persuade Chavez to leave this place (eloquence of 30 is required).

Upon your return, you will receive a new task from Eddie: get rid of a suspicious dealer hanging around Jean Sky Diving School. With a character's intelligence of 6 or more, the merchant can be exposed (in fact, he is a bounty hunter) and persuaded to get away, the same is available with eloquence of at least 30. As is customary, there is another option - to kill the false merchant (without lowering karma) .

After the showdown with the merchant, go to Eddie for the following assignment: find out from Primm what the NKR is going to do in connection with the situation in the prison. Information in Primm can be obtained from either Lieutenant Hayes or old man Johnson Nash. The latter can be talked into conversation for 100 caps, with a barter of 30 or more, the amount requested by him can be halved, and with eloquence of at least 30, he can generally find out everything for nothing. The lieutenant will not say anything to a civilian; you can only try to quietly fish out papers with orders from his pockets. One way or another, you learn that the NKR is soon planning to recapture the prison and you have a choice:

Report to Eddie about the NCR's planned assault on the prison. Return to Eddie and talk to him, the battle will begin immediately. Eddie will thank you and offer you not to participate in the battle, except to shoot a few fighters on the way out. When you go out into the courtyard, you will see how NKR fighters hostile to you will break through the fence and burst into the prison territory (you can put on NKR armor before going out into the courtyard, but demolitionists will not appreciate this). For shooting the soldiers of this landing party, the character’s reputation with the NKR does not fall, but after the death of the last NKR soldier in the administration building, it will still decrease slightly. Eddie and his bodyguards can survive or die heroically.

Betray Eddie and help the NKR troops recapture the correctional facility. Tell Lieutenant Hayes that you are aware of the NCR's plans and are eager to help. He will direct you to Sergeant Lee, who is waiting at the top of the hill near the southern demolition camp. As soon as you tell the sergeant that you are ready, the assault will begin, eventually you will have to go into the administration building and kill Eddie.

Awards: property of those killed during the assault, in addition:

  • for demolitionists: buffout, psycho, mentats, 100 caps, 200 XP, slight increase in reputation for demolitions and decrease in NKR,
  • for NKR: 300 XP, a slight increase in reputation with the NKR (after talking with Sergeant Lee, if he survives the assault) and a decrease in demolition.

Note: if your reputation among the demolitions is so terrible that Eddie does not want to talk even with a character in disguise, then try to improve their attitude towards you by completing the Marathon quest.

I express my gratitude for the assistance provided in compiling this quest comrade. G00man(Vespa)

The city that I like (My Kind Of Town)

Quest ID: nVPrimmDeputyConv

In Primm, prisoners who escaped from the NCR Correctional Facility killed the sheriff, caught his assistant and captured almost the entire city, the surviving residents locked themselves in the Vikki and Vance Casino, and the commander of the NCR detachment sent to deal with the situation in prison, due to the small number of people, he is not going to interfere in anything. The quest is given by Johnson Nash at the Vicky and Vance Casino or by Deputy Beagle, who can be found tied up in the kitchen of the Bison Steve Hotel (if you look there first). You can help the townspeople restore order - free Beagle, clear the city of bombers and find a good sheriff. So, make your way at the Bison Steve hotel to the captured Deputy Beagle and free him so that he can go to all four directions or help you clear the hotel, as well as:

  • try to get him to tell everything he knows about Benny and company, about where they went from Primm (Speech 40),
  • try to fish out of his pockets the audio recording of the conversation between Benny and the Great Khans in Primm.

If it doesn’t work out, you can shoot him and remove the recording from his body (bad karma), and if you take Beagle as an assistant, you will have the opportunity to get into his inventory and quite honestly take the recording, but he will probably die in the shootout on the second floor of the hotel, so , perhaps the easiest way is to let the idiot go and question him later, in the casino. When you deal with the bombers in the hotel, return to the casino to Nash (or Beagle), he will say that the city needs a firm hand. The following options arise:

  • transfer Primm to the jurisdiction of the New California Republic,
  • invite one of the prisoners, Meyers, a former sheriff, to fill the vacant position,
  • reprogram Protectron Primm Slim to perform sheriff's duties.

Lieutenant Hayes from the NKR camp near Primm will say that he is extremely short of strength and will only send a detachment to maintain order in the city if reinforcements are sent to him. You will have to get to the Mojave Outpost and persuade Major Knight to give reinforcements to Heyes (you will need a barter of 20 or a good reputation with the NKR, to increase it you can complete several other quests at the outpost). As a result, prices at Primm's store will increase due to taxes, you will hear negative comments from individual citizens, and Beagle will be fired.

If you decide to invite Sheriff Myers to the post, then go to the NKR correctional facility, where for entry you have to pay a hundred caps to the guard Doze (Dawes) or nothing if you are one of the demolition people (if you have a bad reputation among the demolitionists, disguise yourself - change clothes). Myers is sitting at a table in the information center, he will agree to become the sheriff of Primm, but on the condition of receiving a pardon from the NCR. So you will have to go to the Mojave outpost to the same Major Knight. To obtain a pardon, you will need 200 caps or at least 30 eloquence, then go to Primm, where Myers will be waiting for you. Completing the quest this way will result in discounts on store prices and favorable opinions from the citizens of Primm, and Beagle will also be fired.

The Primm-Slimm reprogramming option is the fastest - this requires a science skill of 35 or 3 nuclear batteries and 4 conductors (in this situation, Beagle will remain a deputy sheriff).

Reward: 300 XP.

Marathon (Booted)

Quest ID: VNipton

The quest is given by Boxcars, who took second prize in a lottery organized in Nipton by representatives of Caesar's Legion. According to the terms of the lottery, the freight train got away with broken legs and is sitting motionless in the General Store of Nipton. You can help the poor fellow by giving him some med-X (plus karma) and learn from him about the townspeople who were taken into slavery. If you care about their fate, go northeast of Nipton to the Legion Raid Camp and free the two captured demolitions.

Everything is quite simple - you need to somehow eliminate the legionnaires and untie the prisoners. It is better to do this at night, because... at this time all the legionnaires are sleeping, except for the two on duty. The liberation process can be problematic for those players who do not want to spoil relations with the Legion, for which there are the following options:

  • use stealth boy,
  • take out two legionnaires quietly, using a varmint rifle with a silencer (according to the rule: one shot - one corpse),
  • patiently wait for the moment when the legionnaires turn away.

Reward: 100 XP, good reputation among demolitionists.

Note: Killing the Freight Train or the prisoners will cause the quest to fail.

Let's Fly (Come Fly With Me)

Manny Vargas, Novac's daytime sniper, in exchange for information on the quest Investigation (They Went That-a-Way), gives the courier an assignment: find out where the ghouls came from at the REPCONN test site, and evict them from there, so that the residents of Novak could freely drag all sorts of rubbish from there for sale.

On the way to the training ground, you will destroy wild ghouls and stumble upon the bodies of Bright's followers and super mutant shadows lying around. Upon entering the building, a voice similar to that of a ghoul will tell you over the intercom to climb the metal stairs to the second floor. After making your way through the crowds of wild ghouls, you will meet a man at the top, Chris Haversam, who is firmly convinced that he is a ghoul.

Chris will direct you to Jason Bright, the leader of the ghouls, who will tell you about his intentions to make the Great Journey to the Beautiful Distances he saw in his dreams. It turns out that Bright’s ghoul followers, under the leadership of technician Heversem, were preparing missiles for flight at the test site, when suddenly they were attacked by invisible “demons” and locked on the top floor, while unleashing wild ghouls from the first floor. Now the basement is occupied by super mutant shadows, and you are entrusted with the task of clearing it in order to free the way to space for Bright and Co.

You can clear the basement either by force, by killing all the shadows, or peacefully, by fulfilling the requests of the leader of the shadows, Davison, and the ghoul, Harland.

Additionally: Talk to Davison in his closet (but don't get too close to or stare at his idolized Brahmin skull, the Goddess). Davison will tell you that he brought his shadows here in order to find a large shipment of stealth battles, which should be stored somewhere here, according to pre-war invoices. However, among the ghouls there was a daredevil who barricaded himself in the warehouse and prevented its inspection, so the shadows locked him there. Davison will give you the key to the warehouse, go there and talk to Harland. It turns out that during the attack of the shadows, Harland was here with his girlfriend, she got scared and ran away somewhere downstairs, so he remained waiting for her, defending the warehouse, at the same time setting various traps. After this conversation you can:

  • sneak past Harland upstairs (a stealth boy or a pumped up sneak), to the shipment terminal, read the information that the same cargo of three hundred stealth battles got to the training ground by mistake and was sent back, then return to Davison,
  • shoot Harland, find out information and tell Davison,
  • fulfill Harland's request - agree to find his girlfriend who ran downstairs.

To fulfill the ghoul's request, you will have to go down to the prison, passing or killing super mutant shadows along the way. The prison is guarded by an invisible Shadow-jailer with an incinerator; keep in mind that if you kill him, then it will no longer be possible to agree on the peaceful departure of the shadows with Davison. The jailer has the key to the lower cells; a duplicate lies in the table in the upper right room. In any case - quietly sneaking or going straight through - you will find Harland's dead girlfriend in the cells, after which you can return and upset the ghoul. Harland will leave his position after learning about the fate of his girlfriend. Then you can go to the shipping terminal (be careful, the warehouse is full of traps!) and upset Davison with the news that there are no stealth battles. If you didn't attack the shadows, they will leave the basement (it looks like you can kill everyone except the Jailer), otherwise prepare for a fight with Davison.

Having solved the problem with the shadows one way or another, you can go up to Jason with the good news. All the ghouls will put on spacesuits and rush to the basement, you should go there too (don’t pass by the spacesuit with a helmet on the shelf in the basement, amazing appearance and +40 to radiation resistance). There you should talk to Bright, you will hear that the ghouls will not take Chris with them, because... he is still human and will most likely die from lethal levels of radiation. Bright and the ghouls will go to the missile site, and you will talk with Chris about what remains to be obtained to launch the missiles.

With eloquence of 50 or more, you can convince Heversem that he is human. If you want, you can also persuade him to take revenge on Bright for deceiving him - for which you will need 3 packs of sugar bombs, which he will mix into the fuel. If your character is a girl with the Black Widow perk, then you can encourage Chris to sabotage, regardless of whether he feels like a human or a ghoul. Please note that after persuading Heversem to take revenge, there will be no turning back. Finally, you will have to find traction control modules and nuclear fuel.

Old Lady Gibson, who lives in the Gibson Scrap Yard, has traction control modules. Modules can be bought for 500 caps, persuaded by a lady to give them for half price (barter 50 or eloquence 50), steal them, or pick at the lock of the drawer by the bed (hacking 50). If your character is a man with the Wife Killer perk, then he will get the modules for complimenting the old lady.

Lady Gibson does not have nuclear fuel, but she will tell you how someone, very proud of his anti-radiation suit, recently bought the last glowing jar from her and went to Clark Field. On the road near this place contaminated with radiation and golden geckos, you will see the body of a would-be tester, with him there will be a jar with a flammable substance, isotope-239, a suit and a diary. As an alternative, you can take the five souvenir rockets that Cliff Briscoe sells at Dinosaur's, the liquid in the souvenirs is fine. From Cliff you can literally buy a key to a slightly smelly storage room with rockets for next to nothing (14 lids with a barter of 30) or break into its door. There are a total of 160 missiles in the closet, in addition, on the third shelf there is a unique revolver "Rifle" (if you don't want to buy it).

Having obtained spare parts, go to the test site and talk to Chris about launching rockets. Now everything is done and all you have to do is go upstairs to the control panel to press the button. If the character's science skill is more than 55, it is possible to adjust the flight trajectory of the missiles: from a significant approach to the target (positive karma) to their collision at the start (negative karma), and with an intelligence of less than 4, you can try to press the buttons on the panel randomly. Having chosen something, press the button and admire the scene of a successful flight or a spectacular explosion.

Awards: 800 XP + 200 XP (for adjusting the flight path), good fame in Novak, spacesuit and helmet.

Having finished our business in Goodsprings or leaving some of it for later, we go to the nearest town, Primm, “Las Vegas for the poor.” It really is not distinguished by its size and well-groomed: bandits walk along the broken streets, and the modest NKR post throws up its hands: no weapons, no ammunition, no food, no strength, go figure it out yourself.

The easiest way to get to Primm is by highway, but it is also the safest route if you don’t want to clean up the local aggressive fauna. Along the way, you can pick up a couple of optional quests (they don’t need a description due to their simplicity and unambiguity), fight with demolitionists (or disperse peacefully if you get hold of their uniforms) and delve into the ruins, filling your backpack with all sorts of goodness and rubbish.

In Primm itself there are plenty of abandoned houses: all civilians are hiding in the casino (14). Let's go there.

Before taking on serious matters, you can get hold of a unique weapon. Having examined the broken window of the casino, we notice that it is missing. Let's talk about this with the security guard and casino guide, Protectron in the hat Primm-Slim(if he hasn't become sheriff yet). He will willingly talk about the gangster couple Vicky and Vance and will offer to examine the exhibits: a car riddled with bullets and a nine-millimeter submachine gun that Vance always carried in the trunk. The robot does not respond to the message about the missing machine gun: its files are damaged. If we pass the Science 50 check, he can delve into them manually and find a recording of the kidnappers' conversation. They mention the Westside.

Their shack is not marked on the map, but it stands secluded in the east, between the West Side and North Vegas. funny couple Sammy And Pauline, doesn’t even hide the fact that the machine gun is in their safe. If we have Speech 55, we can convince Pauline, and she will persuade Sammy to give up the key to the safe. But if we have Hack 100, we can just hack it silently, the guys won’t mind.

You won't be able to return the weapon to the display case, so you'll have to live with it. But it is in excellent condition and you will probably need it more than once until you get hold of something more powerful.

1 - NKR forward post - Long 95
2 — Rocks
3 — NKR sentry post
4 — Ruins - sniper point
5 - NKR checkpoint under the bridge
6 — Dilapidated bridge
7, 18, 20 — Ruins
8 — NKR tent camp
9 — California Sunset Outdoor Cinema (California Sunset Drive)
10 — Radioactive reservoir
11 — Gas station Poseidon
12 — Deputy Beagle’s Residence
13 — Sheriff Primm's Office
14 — Casino Vicky and Vance
15 — Bison Steve Hotel
16 — Roller coaster rails (El Diablo Rollercoaster)
17 — Passage
19 - Mojave Express Courier Company - Nash's residence
21, 22, 23, 24, 25 — Primm residential buildings
26 — Playground and swamps
27 — Water tower

Investigation (They Went That-a-Way)

In Goodsprings after completing the quest " Back in the saddle“They begin to subtly hint to us that it’s time to visit Primm, the plot line leads here. There are two ways to get the story quest. We go to the Vicky and Vance casino (14) and there we talk with the Mojave Express administrator in Primm Johnson Nash(he also gives the quest “ The city that I like"). Or we go straight to Bison Steve's hotel (15). There in the kitchen (7) we find an assistant.

There are different ways to get the information we are interested in.

If we decide to free Beagle, then before leaving the hotel, we will talk to him and offer to help clear out the remnants of the bandits from the hotel. If we pass a Speech check of 25, he will agree and become our companion until we leave the hotel. Offer to give him a weapon and his inventory will open for trading. All we need is to pull out the holodisk from him and only then give him the gun. This action does not affect karma in any way.

If we do not clear out the bandits, then after leaving the hotel we meet with Beagle on the street and with the Speech skill 40, the coward will tell us all about the Great Khans passing through the city in the direction of Novak.

If you have the hacking skill, we can pick out Beagle's pockets. Moreover, if we do this after liberation, we will receive negative karma, but if before that, there will be no punishment.

Finally, if we don't need Beagle at all, we can simply shoot him and take what we need from the corpse. This action will affect the ending of the game.

Continuation of the quest is in the section dedicated to Nipton.

Hotel Bison Steve

A - input/output
B - service passage (locked)
C - staircase to the second floor
D - closet
E - exit
1 - reception
2—managers’ workplaces
3 — gift and souvenir shop,
4 - large hall
5 - service corridor
6 - large banquet hall (den of bandits)
7 - kitchen
8 - hallway
9 - storage (very light lock)
10 — hall
11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20 - hotel rooms
13, 18, 19 corridor
21 - top floor

The city that I like

We receive this quest along with the story " Investigation" The problem is that the beautiful town of Primm has no sheriff. Assistant Beagle is not only a coward, a poor shooter and not eager to become a boss, but he also fell into the hands of bandits and is locked up in a hotel. The entire mission of maintaining at least some level of order is entrusted to the fragile iron shoulders of the robot guide, Protectron from the Primm-Slim casino. The choice of the new sheriff is entrusted to us, as the most objective one. Or, as the one who is easiest to send... But first, we are sent to free Deputy Sheriff Beagle. We need to do this to advance the “Investigation” quest.

If we freed Beagle, he will send us to the next stage of the quest. If they killed him or he died in the process of clearing the hotel, the quest progresses after returning to the casino and talking with Nash. Now we have to decide who will head the town police. We have three options, and this choice will affect the ending of the game.

Consequences: Upon taking office, McGee will immediately fire Assistant Beagle. The population of Primm is unhappy that with the arrival of the new sheriff, prices are rising and taxes are rising. At the end of the storyline, the city will be annexed by the NKR.

The science. We have before our eyes an experienced security guard who even has a cowboy hat. This is our friend Primm-Slim, the militant guide. Why not a candidate for the post of sheriff? Unless we upgrade it a little, which Nash will confirm to us. Let's go prepare the robot mentally. We will have two reprogramming options:

  • Normal reprogramming with Science 30 check.
  • Upgrade with 3 nuclear batteries and 4 conductors.

Consequences: Satisfied residents leave the casino and go about their business. The robot takes up its duties and first of all fires Beagle (if we didn’t have enough trash and we used the Science skill). Beagle remains in office if we have added spare parts to the robot. In both cases, Beagle will be unhappy that he is now commanded by some piece of hardware.

Experience. Former Sheriff Primm is in prison. You can get him out of there and let him continue to keep order. We head north from Primm, where an impregnable fortress clings to the eastern side of the mountain NKR correctional facility. As it turns out, there was a riot in the prison recently, and now former prisoners are running the show there. If you managed to gain a reputation with the demolitionists (helped Cobb capture Goodsprings), they will let you through without talking. If the reputation with them is neutral (during the battle with Cobb's gang, the Demomen were not killed), the head of security Doses can give you the key to the entrance for 100 caps. If your hands are stained with the blood of Doz’s spiritual brothers, he will be aggressive towards you. At the same time, the disguise will not deceive him, although other demolitionists both inside and outside the prison will mistake you for one of their own. So you will have to get through in other ways. There are several of them.

  • We simply shoot Dose, remove the key from the corpse, enter, kill everyone, trying not to catch Myers (he will immediately become hostile and it will not be possible to complete the quest the way we wanted).
  • We shoot Dose with a pistol with a silencer or quietly cut his throat and remove the key from the corpse. We dress up as a demolitionist and go inside, no one will see through us there.
  • We put on the Legion uniform, put on a straight face and calmly enter.
  • With good stealth skill, we sneak up on Doz and simply steal the key from his pocket.
  • There is a gray ledge on the rock on the right side of the prison. With enough practice, you can jump over a prison fence with it.
  • You can enter through the sewer. Look to the right, in the prison yard, for a row of toilets. If we sit down by the fence behind them, we will emerge... fortunately, the process itself will not be shown.

Having reached Myers, we hear that he is not very eager to be free. He demands an official pardon. There is nothing to do, we go to the Mojav outpost and ask for the poor prisoner in front of Major Knight. If you are on good terms with the NCR, he agrees immediately. Otherwise, the Speech skill 20 or 200 caps will help convince him. We return to Primm, where Myers has already moved, and tell him the good news.

Consequences: Immediately after receiving the pardon, Myers gets to work and the first thing he does is fire Beagle. Refugees leave the casino, and merchant Nash gives us a good discount on goods.

Correction path

Since we've entered the NKR correctional facility anyway, we might as well do a little work. On the second floor of the administration building you can find. He gives you several quests. If your reputation with the Demolitionists is damaged by completing the quest “Battle in the Phantom City,” Eddie’s quests can still be taken, you just need to get to him without killing any of the Demolitionists along the way.

If the demolitions are already hostile to you, you can try to get to Eddie under the cover of a stealth boy. In this case, you need to approach him, get up and immediately enter into dialogue before his guards come to their senses and start shooting at you. This operation will have to be done every time until the line is completely completed.

Another option is to dress up in a demolition uniform and clear out all the inhabitants of the prison using silent weapons, leaving only Eddie alive. Then save and quickly run to him and enter into dialogue before he sees through your disguise. After finishing the conversation, run away as quickly as possible.

First, we will be sent to deal with the demolitionist Chavez, who has completely gotten out of hand, robs Korovans and imposes customs taxes on peaceful passers-by. We find a gang of renegades and either kill everyone, or convince the leader to leave in an amicable way (Speech 30).

We inform Eddie about the results of the campaign and receives the following similar task: around the former parachute base, where the Demolitionists have now set up a camp for themselves, some strange merchant is hanging around, either sniffing out something, or getting lost. We are looking for a merchant. If we pass a Speech check (30) and have an Intelligence of 6, we learn from talking to him that he is a bounty hunter (and we get 30 XP). You can return to Eddie, or you can shake him for ransom for silence (Speech 30, 30 XP). You can then drive him away or simply kill him without affecting karma (20 XP).

Finally, Eddie asks us to find out what the NCR is going to do with the prison. We go to Primm and talk with Trader Nash or Lieutenant Heyes. Nash will willingly share secret information with you for 100 caps (50 with Barter 30 or free with Speech 30), for which you will receive 30 XP. Heyes will say that the order for the assault has been given, but you can find out this from Nash or simply by stealing military orders from Heyes. Once you receive the information, decide what to do with it.

You can return to Eddie and tell him everything you learned about, receiving as a reward 100 caps, 1 mentat, 1 psycho, 1 buffout and a portion of reputation with the Demolitionists. Eddie will tell you that the NKR fighters are already here, and will suggest that you shoot a couple on the way back. As soon as you leave the building, the assault will begin.

You will not lose reputation with the NKR by reporting the attack, however, all soldiers who are not attacking will be hostile to you, so you can get disrepute by shooting back if you kill one of them. If you change into an NKR uniform before leaving, the attackers will be neutral, and in return all the demolitions will turn on you. If the Demolitionists defend their fortress, talk to Eddie, he will thank you and you will receive the good reputation of the Demolitionists.

If you don't want to be friends with the Demolitionists, you can secure your retreat. We inform Eddie about the assault, after which we need to kill him in stealth mode, put on the NKR uniform and not take it off until leaving the territory.

Alternatively: as soon as you hear the siren, leave the prison building and hide around the corner, between the building and the column. This way you will not lose reputation with either the Demolitionists or the NKR.

You can betray Eddie by offering Lieutenant Hayes help in the assault. He will send you to talk about this topic with Sergeant Lee, you will find him southeast of the prison, on a hill. He will give you a short briefing and the assault will begin. The quest is completed when Eddie dies, and he usually dies in the last ranks of the prison's defenders. You receive a reward: 300 XP and good reputation of the NKR after talking with Lee. If Lee dies during the operation, you will not receive glory.

Other quests

Three in-game days after Primm gets the sheriff with your help, return to the city (this is the time to visit other locations) and go to the casino. A group of mercenaries led by Leila. Talk to her and you will find out that these are NKR deserters who fled for fear of the strengthening Legion. Interrupt them or persuade them to go seek their fortune elsewhere. To do this, pay them 100 caps (if you don’t have that many, they will agree to 50) or use Speech (check 50).

You can persuade them without checking by choosing the right lines in the dialogue: “Are you deserters?”, “I think I understand you,” “Why not just...”, “I think NKR...”, “It would be safer...”.

Deserters will leave, but don't rush after them! Just at this moment there is no one in the casino, and who could wish for a more favorable opportunity to rummage through the cabinets? Do not deny yourself anything, just keep in mind that for hacking safes and cash registers, your karma will be removed, and if Primm-Slim spots you, he will become hostile towards you.

Bring Ruby Nash, the merchant’s wife, the poisonous gland of a radscorpion, and she will prepare her signature casserole from it. If you like the taste, you can remove all her glands and exchange them for food.

And in the Nash house (19) you will find the wreckage of a robot that will give you a partner quest " ED-E, my love" Its passage is .

Part 1: Goodsprings

"Blow to the Head", "Back in the Saddle", "By the Fire"

I don’t see any point in talking about the beginning of the game, since it has already been shown an innumerable number of times. The only thing I can recommend is to look into the school building and crack the safe, which contains a lot of tasty things, including the caravanner’s shotgun. There are also some useful items in Victor's house and mailboxes.

"Ghost Town Shooting"

After Sunny completes your training, she will advise you to visit Trudy, the owner of the Prospector Saloon. Entering the saloon, we find her talking with one of the members of the demolition gang. From their conversation it becomes clear that the bandits want the caravan driver who escaped from them to be handed over to them. After talking with the owner, we have to make a decision: hand over the caravan owner (notorious in Goodsprings) or help the fugitive (graters with demolitionists). I chose the second option, since it is much more interesting and a plus in my karma with a discount in local stores. Before leaving the saloon, ask Trudy about the Khans; in the conversation she should mention that one of them accidentally broke her radio, and she will generously pay the one who returns it to working condition. The radio is on the shelves behind the counter and requires 40 repairs to fix it.

We receive the promised money (if barter is developed, you can bargain), and we go to the Poseidon gas station located there in Goodsprings. We find the caravan driver Ringo there (you can ask him to teach him how to play “caravan”), and offer him our help. Ringo agrees that the bombers need to fight back, but insists that he enlist the help of Sunny Smiles. Sunny Smiles will not need to be persuaded; she will immediately agree to help, and will point out several more people who can also support you in the battle with the bombers. Convincing them all is not necessary, but it is helpful. The first is Dr. Mitchell, who will help you with medicine (you can also rummage around in his house and get a couple more Stimpaks and a 9mm submachine gun (lies at the table, in the room where they were treated, repair skill is required).

Next is merchant Chet. If Barter Skill is 25, then Chet will agree to give out armor and weapons. Hammer Pete with developed explosives will help with dynamite. And finally, Trudy. You can persuade her if you have developed eloquence or secrecy (both around 45). If you don't have enough points for any skill, use the magazines. Having finished with diplomacy, we return to Ringo and report that we are ready, and suddenly the bombers suddenly attack. I won’t describe the shootout, I’ll just say that if Ringo dies, you won’t receive the “Paying the Bills” quest. After the battle, we examine the bodies of the demolition men and take away their uniforms, which will be useful in the future.

Little things:

  • Not far from the fire where Sunny taught us, you can meet a man begging to save his girlfriend from the clutches of geckos. As soon as you clear the way to the top where she was supposedly dragged, the rogue will run up to you and, declaring that he has cheated you, will attack.
  • In the cemetery, there is a snow globe on one of the graves.
  • All matters in Goodsprings have been settled, you can safely leave it. As soon as we leave the territory allocated for “training”, we will be asked to review the characteristics and perks for the last time. We agree or change and move on to the wasteland. Next stop Primm.

Part 2: Primm

The roller coaster, the city's symbol, can be seen as soon as you exit Goodsprings onto the freeway. It’s better to get to the city along the same road; there are fewer problems with aggressive animals.

At the entrance to the city, an NKR Soldier will meet us and tell us about the demolitionists who captured it. From the road you can get to Primm via a dilapidated bridge, which is mined by three anti-personnel mines. In the city itself, a bunch of bandits await us, easily destroyed with a 9mm pistol. I advise you to look into the sheriff's hut (on the left side of the bridge) and the Mojave Express bureau and take everything you like while the owners are not there. After which we boldly head to the Vicky and Vance casino. Local residents have dug in and ask you (in the person of Johnson Nash, the head of the local branch of the Mojave Express) to help get rid of the bandits before they accumulate the strength to storm and save the deputy sheriff. The bandits are located at the Bison Steve Hotel directly across from the casino. The hotel itself has two floors.

Immediately after entering, on the right behind the counter there will be a door to the back room with a bunch of useful things. And on the second floor there is a littered cabinet with weapons, the key to which is in the hands of one of the bandits. The sheriff is sitting tied up in the kitchen (ground floor). The rescued deputy sheriff will tell us where the great khans went and ask us to find a new sheriff for the city.

"The city that I like"

We need to find a guardian of the law for Primm. The new government in the city can become either the NKR or one of the former sheriffs, whom the NKR, for some political reasons, sent to a correctional facility. You can also reprogram a robotron in a casino to perform the duties of a sheriff (Science 30). The choice you make will affect the ending. When passing through, I chose NKR. To do this, you need to talk to Lieutenant Hayes (tent camp in front of the city). He will refuse, citing a lack of fighters, and will send for reinforcements to the Mojave checkpoint. We go there, we persuade the major to give soldiers (barter skill 20 is required). We return to the lieutenant and report success.

From the little things:

  • The casino has a robotron guide who can tell you the story of the criminal couple Vikki and Vance, and in particular about Vance’s submachine gun. We approach the display case, examine it, and having discovered the absence of weapons, we report this to the robotron. With advanced science, we find out that the robot was reprogrammed, and the submachine gun was stolen by a modern couple of followers of their cause. You can find them in a hut approximately in this area.
  • In the Express bureau there is a robotic eye ED-E which can be repaired and made your companion (science 55 and repair 65, or instead of repairing 2 sensors and 2 conductors, electronic waste).
  • As soon as you have completed all the tasks in Primm, I advise you to go to the correctional facility or the Mojave checkpoint.

Part 3: Mojave Outpost

"Show Sympathy", "Chasing the Prize"

The tasks given out in this location should not cause any difficulties.
Interestingly, having the “convinced bachelor” skill, you can persuade the major to give out a little help.
NKR Correctional Facility.

"The Path of Correction"

Before you go to this location, dress up in a demolition suit so that faction members do not attack you. The security guard at the entrance will say that you are not a “local”, since he knows everyone who was sitting here. Having paid him a hundred caps, we enter the territory of the institution and head to the administrative building to talk with Eddie, the local leader of the demolitions. He will give out a couple of simple quests to test our loyalty.

After them, we will receive the task of finding out about the NKR's plans for the prison. It's worth asking Johnson Nash in Primm about them. He will tell you that troops are going to storm the prison. We have two options for completing the task. We can help the demolitions, causing the wrath of the NCR (temporarily), but gain an endless source of gunpowder for making cartridges. Or, on the contrary, destroy the demolitionists, receiving gratitude from the NKR for their service. Depending on the option chosen, the ending of the game will change.

Little things:

  • When the massacre on the territory of the colony subsides, examine Eddie’s body, take the plasma pistol and the keys to the vault on the second floor of the administrative building, and do not forget to clean out the safe in his office.

Part 4: Nipton

New city, new problems. Already in good tradition, at the entrance we are greeted with bread and salt by another chatty NPC, fortunately this time just a crazy demolition man yelling about some kind of lottery. Meanwhile, in the city “the dead stand with scythes.” The reason for this mass execution was the vanguard of the legion led by a certain Vulpes. After talking with him, you can find out the details of what happened and receive the small quest “Cruel Hearts”.

There is another quest giver in the Nipton General Store. This is a demolition worker whose legs were broken by legionnaires. He can give out the quest “Marathon” to rescue captured demolitionists.

Little things:

  • I recommend checking out your local town hall. On the first and third floors behind the castles there are ammunition depots. Be careful, the building is full of Legion dogs.

Part 5: Novak

Having arrived in this quite cozy city (which got its name from the broken NO VACancy sign at the hotel with the dinosaur), we begin asking local residents about what is happening around us, including our stranger in a checkered suit. It is best to ask around the local psycho Nelay, as his answers will at least make you smile from ear to ear. It turns out that the stranger went to the observation deck inside the dinosaur and negotiated something with the sniper on duty there.

Manny Vargas, the same sniper, confirms that he met with our would-be killer, and agrees to tell us about his plans if we visit the REPCONN complex and evict all the ghouls from there who are interfering with the prospectors. Manny can also be simply persuaded with eloquence. Additionally, you can learn from him about another sniper Boone, who is on duty at night.
Boone can become our companion. To do this, you must agree to help him find those responsible for the kidnapping of his wife. We ask local residents about the story of Boone's wife, and learn from Nelay about strange people who came to the Dinolight hall.

We go there, crack the floor safe, and bring into the light of day a copy of the purchase and sale agreement for the legion of Boone’s wife. It follows from the contract that old woman Crawford is involved in this. We wake her up and ask her to go to the dinosaur under the pretext of looking at something. We stand next to her and put on the red beret (it will remain after the mission, and IMHO one of the best hats, +5% chance of a critical attack, +1 VSP), received from the sniper, thereby giving a conventional sign. We return to the sniper and report to him about our decision. Now you can persuade him to go with you.

Interesting things:

  • The village also has its own Chupacabra, which comes at night and shoots the local Brahmin farmers. You can meet him at night around midnight. Or during the day, here behind a stone.
  • In the hotel rooms you can find Bruce Isaac, a singer from New Reno familiar from past episodes. Also living there is Daisy Whitman, a former rotorcraft pilot.
  • “71 missions and only one lost aircraft. The engine stalled over the Klamath.”
  • A former NKR ranger lives in a house next to the hotel. If you cheer up the old man and fulfill his request by finding out about the fate of the rangers from Charlie's post, you can learn from him the special grip of the rangers.

Part 6: Repconn

"Let's fly"

We head to the main Repconn complex. Having entered the building, we answer the voice from the intercom. We go up according to the instructions, most quickly through the right side of the premises. At the top of the plant we meet a community of religious ghouls, whose leader asks to help them make a “great pilgrimage to the luminous distances.” To do this, it is necessary to destroy the monsters from the basement that disrupted the preparations for the pilgrimage. We get the key to the basement of the complex and go there. There are several ways to go. The first is to simply break in and destroy all the super mutants of the shadows. Second: we go into the room indicated on the map, talk with another crazy super mutant, and learn from him about the batch of stealth boys for whom he came with his friends. We agree to help.

We go to the room where the invoice for them supposedly lies, and we meet a ghoul there, hiding there from the shadows. There are also two options here: you can simply kill him and take the invoice without unnecessary suffering, or you can agree to find his girlfriend and then he himself will leave the premises, opening access to the terminal. His girlfriend was dragged away by super mutants and her body lies in the depths of the basement. You must get to it secretly, otherwise the shadows will attack the towns. We give the invoice to the mutant, and as soon as the mutants leave the basement, we return to Bright and report that everything is clear. He suggests meeting again in the basement. Having found him, we get the task to talk with Chris (a scientist from the shelter who considers himself a ghoul) and tell him the truth, we convince him that he is still a person, and we dissuade him from taking revenge on the ghouls (or we do not dissuade him). The rest of the quest is linear and not difficult. Don’t forget to adjust the trajectory of the rockets on the remote control on the launch pad before launch. Also in the basements you can find an astronaut suit, +40 radiation protection and a stylish appearance.

Part 7: Boulder City

Last stop before New Vegas. Just one quest. It is necessary to help the NKR deal with the great khans, who captured several fighters. The best thing is to resolve everything peacefully, through eloquence (a plus in relations with both the NKR and the khans). As a last resort, you can sneak up through the back door, and then depending on the circumstances. The conflict in Boulder City has been resolved, the identity of the unlucky killer has been established - it’s time to visit him. True, there is one “but”. Benny is hiding on the Strip, and getting there is not so easy. Therefore, let's not rush, but rather wander around the outskirts of Vegas and help the inhabitants of the wasteland (of course, not for free). Freeside (the slum area around the Strip) can alternatively be reached by the route described below:

Part 8: Trading Post 188

First of all, I suggest heading here. At the post you will meet the girl Veronica, who is the scribe of the Brotherhood. She herself will ask to be our companion. A group of Gunsmiths is crowding below; with weapons developed to medium, you can persuade him to show his goods. Also sitting under the bridge is a ragged boy with a strange metal device on his head. He calls himself a Foreteller, and can think about the future for a small sum (hello to the first Fallout with its fortune telling on cards).

Part 9: REPCONN Headquarters

Next, I recommend stopping by the REPCONN headquarters and getting a Q-35 “modulator” there, a prototype of an improved plasma rifle. The prototype itself is in the storage room on the first floor. To get there, you need to somehow deal with the security robots of the complex. You can hack the terminal at the security post, but the easiest way is to get the employee's ID card. To do this, you must agree to the excursion offered by Mr. Assistant (standing in the reception area). I recommend listening to the entire tour, as it’s simply interesting. And when it comes to the planetarium, you will need to go to the utility room on the second floor.

The map lies on the dashboard next to the skeleton, it’s hard not to notice it. We take it and head to the forbidden area, Mr. Brave will respond with a welcoming speech to your appearance and let you into the complex. In the utility room, behind the counter, there is a decent supply of plasma weapons and charges for them. The storage itself is locked with a password and a “Very Hard” level lock. Even if you can hack it, don't rush to leave the complex. Go to the third floor and take the report from the bodies of the Brotherhood of Steel members. There is an alternative passage to the vault. We go up to the second floor, go left, to the employee terminals and, having hacked them, add our image to the database.

Also there, in the next room, we print out an admission card to the third floor. In the center of the floor there should be two rooms behind locked doors. Behind one of them is another utility room with medicines. For the second terminal with data on the prototype and some ammunition. Not far from them there should be another blue door on the first floor, leading to the room above the storage. We go into it, jump into the hole in the floor, and take away the prototype, as well as ammunition and a textbook on energy weapons (lying on the safe). Don’t forget to pick up the report from the paladins’ bodies (this will be useful later). There are two ways to get to the third floor. In the first case, the robot will stop you and ask you for your password. With luck, 7 years will shout out ice cream and be able to wander around the floor without any problems. Otherwise, security robots will turn on. The second option is to use another door and, by hacking the “Very Difficult” security terminal, disable the security systems.

Part 10: Helios

Solar power plant with a skeleton in the closet. It will also be useful to take a look at it.

"Sun glare"

We go into the distant rooms of the power plant. There should be a freak in sunglasses and a scientist follower in the room. First, it’s better to talk to the freak, he will offer to set up the power supply and give you the password for one of the terminals. Then we ask the follower about the Archimedes project and convince him that we want to distribute the energy, as the freak advised us. It will give you the password for the other terminal. We go to the courtyard and restore communication on the terminals. After activating them, we go to the station tower. Immediately after entering, turrets will be waiting for us. You can run to the room opposite (be careful of the mines) and hack the terminal to turn them off. Then we go downstairs and crack the safe with pulse grenades and mines.

We return back and go deeper into the room. We destroy the protectrons (take scrap metal from one of them) and take the elevator up. We repair the generator (repair 35 and 1 scrap metal), redistribute the power supply to Archimedes, go out to the observation deck and adjust the reflectors (from 9 to 3 days). Uberweapons are ready for battle. The guidance module can be found from the boy Max (East Gate). Persuade him to sell you through barter for 20 caps (or you will have to buy for 1000) or steal it at night.

Part 11: Aerotech Business Park

On the way to the city, I suggest you make a small detour and look into the Aerotech business park. On its territory there is a refugee camp fleeing the legion. Captain Parker will ask you to find the recently missing father and daughter, and settle matters with Keith, a drug dealer and a sharpie all in one. A whale can be brought to light through eloquence or barter.


The quest takes place mainly on the Westside. Go there and talk about the missing people with St. James. From his words it will become clear that he is involved in this, but there is no evidence against him yet. We go to the Casa Madrid apartments, where the suspect and his accomplice rent a room. In James's room you can find a teddy bear, and in Dermot's room you can find a diary with records of all their affairs. The doors are locked with moderately complex locks, but you can pay the prostitute for a key at the entrance. With the evidence, you can try to beat the truth out of Dermot and James, but they will only attack you. Or you can just take it to the captain.


The quest is given by Frank Withers, standing in a tent. Frank Withers' family has been kidnapped by the Legionnaires, and he asks for their return. I don’t advise you to rush through it, wait for the quest “The Casino Always Wins II”, then you will be on your way. At this point you will be on neutral terms with the legion, so just talk to the guard and buy them back as slaves. Please note that if you complete the quest “An Eye for an Eye” by dropping nuclear waste on the camp before saving the family, then everyone will die. Returning to Aerotech, do not rush to tell Frank exactly where his family is, but rather bargain and demand more caps for information, or influence him, convincing him to change for the better.

Part 12: Sharecropping Farms

"Hard luck"

The quest is given by Private Ortega. She will complain about the plight of sharecroppers, in particular the constant shortages of water. It is not easy to complete the quest, so without a good supply of medicines (anti-radiation and rad-x), and normal weapons with decent ammunition, it is better not to undertake it.

We go to the Eastern Pumping Station and repair the terminal. According to the data obtained from it, it follows that there is an external source of radiation causing interruptions in the water supply. The source is located in the former shelter 34. We go there and find the 34th in a state of complete destruction. According to the residual data from the terminals, we learn that there was a riot in the shelter, during which the main life support systems were damaged. The lower levels were flooded, the reactor was damaged, and most of the inhabitants turned into ghouls. To get to the reactor, you need to open the door from the terminal in the clinic, and the entrance to the clinic is temporarily blocked by water. We go down to the lower rooms, find a flooded room, dive and search the dead ghoul guard for the password. You can simply hack the terminal, but they all require science 100. We turn on the pump from the terminal located in the room in front of the entrance to the armory. The previously flooded passage will open, and we will be able to enter the shelter clinic. On the way, don't forget to examine another dead guard with a password. In the clinic, from the terminal we unlock the passage to the reactor. Also in the clinic there is a Mark 3 autodoc, presumably needed for one of the Legion quests.

In the rooms near the reactor there is a very high level of radiation from 2 to 4 rad/s, so you need to act quickly. We clear the rooms near the passage to the caretaker's office. We go into it, having previously armed ourselves with something “heavier”. The passage to the reactor is blocked by a gulified caretaker and several turrets. Having gotten rid of them, we examine the caretaker’s body and take the password from his terminal. In the actions on the terminal, select to open the doors of the armory. We go down the passage to the reactor and play around with the technical terminal. service. We read messages about help on it. We have a choice - to save the trapped residents, leaving the reactor running (the shelter dwellers you saved will appear in the Aerotex business center and thank you) or help the sharecroppers with water by shutting down the reactor (good glory to the NKR). Having finished with the reactor room, we go to the armory and take away everything we can from there: automatic grenade launchers, carbines and a pulse gun that kills robots with one shot.

Part 13: Red Caravan

The once small trading company from the Hub has grown, following the NKR, to the size of a huge corporation. The caravan has its own representative office in Vegas. Alice McLafferty, who leads it, is ready to entrust you with several tasks.

"You can rely on me"

Your first order from the caravan will be to courier deliver the bill to Dr. Hildern at Camp McCarran.
Once you complete this task, Alice will assign you several more simple tasks that can be easily completed with developed eloquence.

Some difficulties may arise with gunsmith drawings. But you don't have to bring them. However, if you still want to, you can try to quietly steal them at night using stealth. Or you can just shoot everyone, ruining your karma a little.


You need to go to the Sunset Sasparilla plant and disassemble the bottle cap press into pieces.

Interesting things:

  • You can buy implants in New Vegas clinics for 4,000 caps. Each of the implants increases one of the special points or adds regeneration and the resistance threshold. You can install as many of them as you have stamina points.
  • I also advise you to look into this house near the clinic. In it you can find a sniper rifle in a locked utility room. Be careful, stretching.

Part 14: North Vegas

"Someone should keep an eye on it"

This quest can be obtained from Credon if you have developed speech and barter skills. First of all, Credon will ask us to deal with the recently arrived squatters. As always, you can persuade, bribe or kill. The latter will worsen relations with the NKR. In the next part of the quest you need to get rid of the bandits in the tunnels in the same way. And the last point we will be asked to resolve the conflict in the Hostetler family.

Mrs. Hostetler wants her daughter and her new friends to be followed. We go to North Vegas and find out that Alice and her friend Andy are often seen in a gray building. There are three thugs on duty in the building, from whom you can steal the keys to Andy's room. In the room itself, we take a note from the bedside table with the TV on top. At the exit from the building you will be met by Eddie himself; talking with him will not affect the further part of the task unless you kill him. We go to the Hostetler house, where Alice was planning to rob her mother. We can provoke her, then we will lose karma, but we can take 1000 caps from her mother’s body, or persuade her to resolve everything peacefully (if you advise her to run away from home, you will not be able to talk Mrs. Hostetler into paying you extra for your efforts).

Part 15: Thorn

Something like an arena for gladiator fights. Located under the West Side

"Take all"

Thorn's owner, Red Lucy, will ask you to get the eggs of the most dangerous creatures of the wasteland. Only a well-equipped character is recommended to undertake her assignments. There shouldn’t be any difficulties, other than strong enemies and the fact that you’ll have to run across the entire Mojave Desert. Please note that when you are asked to bring fire gecko eggs, the marker on the world map indicates the entrance to a cave that is not marked as a location. If you bring back the deathclaw eggs, Lucy will declare you Thorn's greatest hunter and invite you to relax with a cup of hot coffee)

Interesting things:

  • In the cave you can find the corpse of the Brotherhood of Steel, and next to it the unique automatic grenade launcher “Mercy”.

Part 16: Freeside

The slums of New Vegas, the territory of which is divided by three factions: the Kings, the Van Graffs and the Followers of the Apocalypse, familiar to us from previous parts. There is also a small Mickey and Ralph store and the Atomic Cowboy bar.

At first glance, it may seem that the kings are just another bandit group that abounds in the wasteland. But this is far from true. Located in the former transformation school, they are trying to restore order in Freeside. The king is the head of the entire gang and is the main quest giver. To get an appointment with him, you need to pay a few caps at the entrance, or talk to the guard.

"Soldier's Blues"

Right now the king needs such a person, whom no one yet knows on Freeside. He asks you to deal with the mercenary Oris, who recently began to receive almost all orders for security. It is necessary to find out what the matter is. To do this, we go to the Northern Gate and hire him. We follow him until he starts shooting at the thugs. As soon as the shooting subsides, you can try to examine the “corpses” (medicine 40), or, using perception 7, bring Oris to clean water, and resorting to barter - demand the money back.

Returning to the King, we receive the task of understanding the attack on the King’s people. The victims are located in the Old Mormon Fort (in the outer Freeside at the north gate). The victims will tell you that they remember almost nothing, except that they were people from the NKR. Additionally, we interview Julie Farkas, who will advise you to visit a dilapidated store in the western part at night. In this store, NKR distributes food aid to the residents of Freeside, but not everyone can receive it, but only those who name the keyword. We go to the Mickey and Ralph store (East Gate) and find a homeless ghoul there who is willing to share information for the caps. For 100 caps he sells the password “hope”.

We go to the store and say it at the entrance. Inside the building we find Major Kieren and find out her version of the night attack. Without spoilers, in a nutshell – there was a misunderstanding. We go back to the King to tell about what happened. As soon as we enter the building, we will be greeted by Pacer, the King’s closest friend, which is why he turns a blind eye to many of his not-so-good deeds. The pacer will ask that we not mention the misunderstanding when talking to the King. We refuse him and go to the King with a report. During the conversation, a gang member will interrupt you and report a shootout with the NKR in the area of ​​the old railway station. The king will ask to resolve this matter. We go to the station and convince the major to resolve the matter amicably by releasing Peyser. When the problem is resolved, the King will declare himself your debtor. You should not waste this opportunity on any nonsense like money, as it will be useful for the NKR quest.

If you have not completed additional tasks and have not investigated the affairs in the store, then you risk getting into a serious mess with the NKR.

Note: The King can always be found either near the stage or at home on the third floor.

"Dog life"

As a result of this quest, the cyberdog Rex will be among our companions. If you “talk” with Rex, the king’s robotic dog, and then with him himself, you can get this quest. The king will tell you that his dog looks very sick and will ask you to cure him.

We go to the Mormon fort and ask Julie about Rex's treatment. Julie will explain that the Rex's brain is in poor condition and the dog needs surgery, but it can only be performed in Jacobstown, since the followers do not have the necessary equipment. We go to Jacobstown and look for Dr. Henry, a former Enclave scientist. He'll do the surgery if we get him a new brain for Rex. There are three suitable brains: the devil's dog Violet (will increase speed), the legion's dog (could not be obtained due to bad relations with the latter) and the brain from the old lady Gibson's dog (bonus to damage from attacks).
During the quest, the dog must be with you at all times.

Followers of the apocalypse.

They settled in an old Mormon fort and are trying to bring light and goodness to the wasteland.

"It's about time"

Julie Farkas will ask you to cure two local residents of addiction, who could provide technical assistance to followers if they were cured. One of them is sitting in the ruins of a house opposite Mickey and Ralph, the second is in a dilapidated house next to the Silver Rush. First, you need to dissuade the pusher from selling drugs to them, and then get them a dozen portions of detoxin (with developed science, you can get by with a can of buffout, psycho, detoxin 2 pcs. and whiskey), or, using eloquence, convince them that followers will help them (but then someone then one of them will die).

Also, outside of the quest, Julie will ask you to negotiate the supply of supplies for the fort; to do this, talk to one of the twin owners of the Atomic Cowboy.

Interesting things:

  • There is a snow globe in the fort tower.
  • Arcade Gannon can also become your companion.
  • Followers can supply you with antiradin, a stimulant and rad-x of your choice once every 24 hours.

Silver Rush

The store belongs to the “dark family” of the Van Graffs. I completed the first two quests for them, since the third one given by Jean Baptiste went against my beliefs.

The first quest we are offered is to be a guard at the entrance - we must take it.

The second is a simple courier.

And the Third offers us to bring Cassidy, clearly not for good purposes.

We put on a stealth suit and steal from the display cases everything that is bad. First of all, one of two plasmolivers for the entire wasteland.
Atomic Cowboy

A small drinking establishment owned by the Garrett twins.


At Frances' request, collect debts from the cowboy's visitors. With good persuasion, you can get them to give up everything, even their clothes.

After the first part of the debts has been collected, Francis will send you to the Strip to kill McLaferty, who owes a large sum. It is not necessary to kill, you can force him to give up his hat and demand money for deceiving Francis about his death.

"Atomic Tango"

James Garrett needs specific workers to satisfy the most perverted clients. For fans of “extensive tissue necrosis and whipping,” you need a cowboy ghoul. There is one at the Mormon fort. It won't be easy to persuade Beatrix.

We also need a sexbot for the owner of the damned techno-fetishists. The robot itself can be found in the Robotics complex by walking all the way along the train station and turning left into a small passage through the garbage.

Before you go get the robot, stop by Mickey and Ralph, they will help you write a program for it (this will take some time). You don't have to do this if science is 80. In the complex itself you need to hack either the terminal, or simply find the access code in one of the cabinets. And yet, the robot can be tested before sending it to the customer;)

The latter, the talkative one, will agree without further questions.

Mickey and Ralph

They don't give out assignments. But you can persuade them to sell you something special from a weapon. Also, if you help Cachino in the quest “How Little We Know,” then in gratitude for the fact that Omerta began to buy weapons from them again, you will be given PIMPBOY 8BILLION.

Part 17: Camp McCarran

"Spy Mania"

Colonel Shue asks for Captain Curtis's help in investigating an information leak. After talking with the captain, we go and question Corporal Sterling and Lieutenant Boyd about the suspicious events. From the first we learn about a strange light at night on the airport control tower, from the second we get the key to the tower by asking about the burglars.

We wait until one o'clock in the morning and watch the entrance to the tower. As soon as Curtis enters it (he is a spy and he should not notice you), we follow you in and stop the data transfer - we shoot on the spot. We take the deactivation code from the body and return to Colonel Shu. Having learned that Curtis is a spy, he sends us to the monorail to check security. We have about a minute to get to the monorail and defuse the bomb (explosives/science or code) hidden behind the train's ventilation grille. Otherwise, the train will leave with the bomb and blow up the monorail.

Note: There is a note in Curtis's office with the coordinates of the sniper position. There you can find a scout sniper rifle.

"Don't let the grass grow"

Dr. Hildern needs the results of the research carried out in shelter 22. After the doctor talks to you, his assistant will ask you to find another mercenary, Kili, who was sent to the shelter earlier. Let's go there.

In the 22nd something was changed, and now it looks like a botanical garden gone mad. If there is a repair up to 80, then we repair the elevator. Otherwise, we go down to the lower levels and use shamanism with the caretaker and security terminals to open the door to the cave (another “pleasure”). The terminal with information about the experiments is located on the fifth level behind a locked lock (difficult). Kili is also on this level, in a cave. We save her and follow her to the second level. She will offer to destroy the deadly spores in the shelter. To do this, she has already pumped gas into the lower level rooms, and all we need to do is blow it up. We go downstairs, go into the room where we downloaded the files, select a grenade from a weapon (although you can just shoot it), throw it to the place where the gas accumulates and quickly close the door. We return to Keeley and convince her (science) not to destroy the research data.


Major Datri needs the heads of the three most dangerous Devils:


Talk to Little Brat, he'll tell you that Chef-Chief keeps a herd of Brahmins and takes great care of one of them. If something happens to her, he will fly into a rage and begin to attack everyone indiscriminately. I recommend using a sniper rifle.

Driver Nefi

You can make your task easier by making an agreement with Lieutenant Gorobets. The snipers will sit on the stone crushing plant, and all you have to do is lure the Chief to them.


You can find it at the Poseidon gas station.

"White's Search"

The missing corporal was investigating the disappearance of water from the water supply. Most of the quest is just running from one NPC to another. When sent to the Westside, there will be several options to pin down a follower: intelligence, good relations with followers, or through a boy. We agree not to tell the NKR about the theft of water (good reputation among the followers) and report to the colonel that White has disappeared on the Strip.


Lieutenant Gorobets wants someone (you) to convince Corporal Betsy to undergo treatment for psychological trauma. You need to talk to Betsy herself and try to persuade her with the help of eloquence or medicine. If this does not work, talk to the rest of the squad members. Once you have their approval for the course of treatment, return to the corporal and tell her about it.
Quests not noted in the journal.

Help Lieutenant Boyd

The NKR managed to capture one of the legion commanders alive and they need help with the interrogation. Requires either Intelligence 8 or Speech.

The Lost Ranger Anderson

Colonel Shu sent one of the rangers to kill the leader of the Devils. We go to the third shelter, and save the ranger (a room in the living quarters, not far from the emergency exit to the entrance to the shelter), we persuade him to return to McCarran, and we ourselves go to the technical rooms and kill the Motorcycle Racer. In this shelter you can also save squatters and get hold of weapons by opening the passage to the flooded premises from the caretaker’s terminal.

Problems in the kitchen

The local cook will ask you to repair the food synthesizer (repair 80 or spare parts), and also negotiate with the red caravan for the supply of meat in exchange for surplus vegetables.


Help the quartermaster with a few simple tasks, and he will give you access to a special product.

Part 18: Camp Forlorn Hope

"Medical History"

Dr. Richardson asks you to look into the missing medications. Private Stone is to blame for the whole story. You can prove his involvement using medicine (50), stealing an empty syringe from his pockets, or talking to Private Sexten about the loss (he will refer to Stone’s suspicious behavior). If your eloquence skill is high, we persuade Stone to surrender and get fame and karma. Otherwise, if we hand over ourselves, we will only get glory. Stone can also give us medicine if we cover up his case.

"Return of Hope"

Issued by Major Polatli. First, the major will ask you to get supplies for the camp. We talk with the quartermaster and learn from him that he sent people to Helios. On the territory of Helios we ask the lieutenant. She will answer that she gave out supplies and installed a tracking beacon in them. We go to the wind power plant area and pick them up. As soon as the supplies are in our hands, the legion detachment attacks.

The next point will be to help Dr. Richardson with the wounded. You need a medicine skill from 20 to 70. If medicine is not developed, you can use medicines and medical equipment (medicines can be bought, for example, in New Vegas clinics, and equipment can be found there in the tent).

And in the end we will be offered to participate in the cleansing of Nelson. Just kill all the legionnaires and their dean.


Issued by Sergeant Rice. It is necessary to distribute new radiogram encryption codes to ranger posts. After the codes are delivered, they will be asked to find out about suspicious reports from the posts. When it turns out that the information received is false, we will be sent to Camp Golf to talk to Ranger Henlen. You can only talk to him when he is sitting on the balcony (during daylight hours). We convince him to stop and no longer falsify reports from posts.

"Wherever I wander..."

Issued by Private Reynolds, on the way to the Tenachchicap Mine. It is necessary to free the captured soldiers held by the legion in this mine with a difficult to pronounce name. You can simply pick the locks (skill 60) or, after clearing the cave, take the key from the dean of legionnaires.

Interesting things:

  • Private Sexten invites us to compete with NKR fighters in destroying legionnaires and asks us to bring them their ears as evidence.
  • The power armor of NKR heavy fighters does not require the ability to wear it. You can get it quietly by getting rid of one of them.

Part 19: Camp Golf

“From victory to defeat – one step”

Issued by Sergeant McCready (central oblong tent). The sergeant asks you to bring the "trash" squad into combat mode. There are four options for completing this task. The methods proposed by Razz and Pointexter are easy to implement, but the ending will be sad. If you agree to train the "trash" at the training ground (talk to Meg), then to complete the task you will need a weapon skill of 50. Another way is to persuade the "trash" to be more united and respect each other (O'Hanrahan's method). You need to talk to Razz, Pointdexter and Meg, asking them to tell you about themselves. Eloquence 50 required.

Part 20: Bitter Springs

“Mountains, only mountains”, “A little more”, “Hospital blues”

Captain Gilles needs (yes again) our help. It is necessary to deal with night attacks, get supplies, ask the command for more soldiers to guard the camp and provide the doctor with the necessary medicines.

Behind the nightly attacks is one of the Great Khans, who is still unable to come to terms with the tragedy of Bitter Springs. You can find it in a cave on the western slope. If eloquence is developed, you can raise karma by dissuading him from taking revenge further. In the same cave we pick up a box of supplies. The other two are in the caves behind the camp tents. The doctor needs to bring 3 doctor's bags and psychology textbooks (purchased in the red caravan). We will be given reinforcements only if we solve the problems in those camps or have a good reputation.

Part 21: Camp Searchlight

"We are together"

Sergeant Astor will meet you at the entrance to the city and warn you that the Legion somehow obtained nuclear weapons and used them at the camp. Most of the fighters died, but many became wild ghouls. Kill them and bring personal insignia to the sergeant. Also in one of the houses you will find a completely reasonable ghoul fighter, persuade him to give you his token. You can also ask about him in the Forlorn Hope camp, and after learning about the special squad of ghoul rangers, tell him (karma+).

"An eye for an eye"

Once the previous task is completed, Astor will ask you to take revenge on the Legion and destroy the Cottonwood Cove camp. We go to Cottonwood Heights and, having found a tractor-trailer, open it so that barrels of nuclear waste cover the camp.

"Wheel of Fortune"

Miners settled in the basement of one of the houses. They want to examine the infested houses for anything precious. Their leader will ask you to help him. First you need to hack the terminal and find out where the anti-radiation suits were sent. We go to Nipton and ask the demolitionist in the store. He will tell you about the cave warehouse. We take the costumes from there and go back. Next, I advise you to stock up on antiradin. When you have the suits, go with the prospectors to the police station and fire department (here a giant female scorpion will be waiting for you and rad up to 5 rad/s).

Interesting things:

  • If you urgently need caps, stop by Searchlight Airport. There will be about 8,000 of them in two blue boxes near the planes.
  • Nearby you can find a crashed rotorcraft with a prototype of the Tesla-Biton gun (found in Fallout: Broken steel).

Part 22: Guardian Peak

As you approach the Guardian Mountain camp, you will receive a distress signal. From the radio message it will become clear that the camp was destroyed by mutants from the caves. Go to the very top and find the entrance to the cave, there will be the only surviving ranger in it. He will ask you to avenge your comrades by killing all the monsters. Cure him and send him to the camp (in my case, no matter the outcome of the conversation, he rushed to take revenge on the swampers). You can find a lot of weapons (especially explosives) in the cave.

Part 23: The Strip

The center of New Vegas, ruled by the mysterious Mr. House and three large families who own the casino. Not everyone can get to the Strip; you need to prove your solvency (2000 caps) or have a passport as a citizen of the republic (you can buy it at Mickey and Ralph). But particularly smart inhabitants of the wasteland (science) can “hack” the securitrons and force them to enter.

"The Call", "The Casino Always Wins I"

Once you get to the Strip, Victor will greet you and ask you to go to Lucky 38 to meet the boss. The mysterious Mr. Nobody-No-Home turns out to be in fact an eccentric pre-war millionaire who, seeing the inevitability of a nuclear holocaust, invested all his fortune in the defense of Vegas, and he “mothballed” himself, and began to control Vegas through a network of securitrons.

Mr. House will ask you to bring the chip to him. We boldly agree to this, having previously negotiated an increased remuneration for the work. Benny has the chip now, so in addition to the moral satisfaction of revenge, we will also be paid extra. At the exit from Lucky 38, an NKR messenger will run up to us and ask us to go to the mission to talk with Ambassador Crocker. Interesting points: Mr. House's robotic girlfriend will ask us to look for snow globes in the wasteland; for each such globe we will be paid 4000 caps. One of them can be found in Lucky 38. We go to the bar on the observation deck. Immediately after exiting the elevator, turn left and go along the wall to the cash register next to the green lamp, behind it there should be a ball. There is also another ball on the Strip in Vault 21, in the owner's room.

Benny is a member of the chairmen, and his headquarters, so to speak, is located at the Tops Casino. At the entrance, all weapons will be taken away from us, except for hidden ones, so a frontal attack will end in death (of course, we don’t have to give it back, but then the whole casino will be against it). Your best bet is to convince Benny to talk to you alone in a private room. As soon as he agrees, we run into the room ahead of him and, breaking into the wall safe, take the weapon from there. Note: in the casino there is a theater, the owner of which is looking for actors for a show. Bring him the ghoul comedian from Atomic Cowboy, the comedian from the Strip (standing next to the gate and trying to make jokes), the singer hiding in Novak and the guitarist (you can find him at the Sunset Sesparillas poster on the Eldorado Dry Lake). The latter is the owner of a unique revolver, which he will give to you if you have a barter skill of about 50.

Having dealt with him, we take the chip to House and get the continuation of the task “The casino always wins II.” House sends us to the legion camp for an audience with Caesar. But the audience is just a cover; House wants us to activate the Secutron army in the bunker under the old weather station. We set off for Cotonwood, from where we will be taken by ferry to the legion camp. Caesar is waiting for us with the task of destroying the bunker with secutrons. We also agree and go to the room behind the throne and take the slave accounting book from the table. We go down to the bunker, activate the army of robots and return to Caesar. He is 100% sure that we have completed his task, and gives us a reward. House will also be generous and give caps. Now you can go to the ambassador.


The quest is issued by Ambassador Crocker (the embassy itself is located at the farthest end of the Strip). The battle for the dam is coming, and the NCR wants to enlist the help of the bombers. But the whole problem is that they don’t let anyone in. Everyone who tried to get to them was met with howitzer fire. We set off along the road to the airbase to the entrance to the gorge. There must be a certain George standing in the way. He will advise you to turn back. You can bet with him whether we will be able to get through to the bombers (he will give us a passage diagram).
For example, I ran to this wall, and after waiting out the shelling, I moved towards the entrance, without any damage to my health.

At the entrance we will not be greeted very friendly and will be sent to the elder. And what a coincidence, but we are again that same person everyone needs from the outside. Elder Pearl is concerned about the future of her people. Since the bombers took up residence at the airbase, they have had no contact with the outside world, and most of them perceive the inhabitants of the wasteland as evil savages who are only suitable as targets. We must gain a good reputation among them, thus convincing them that it is possible to cooperate with the “savages.” To begin with, you can go to the museum of the history of the bombers (there is a snow globe on the shelf next to the fresco), and after listening to the lecture, we convince the guide of our sincere admiration for the culture of the bombers. Then you can go to the medical building and heal the injured bombers (medicine up to 60). There are also children running around the base, conversations with some of them can raise your reputation. And one girl will ask you to find a teddy bear (the witch lies between the large light boxes in the hangar with the airplane). The following quests will also raise your reputation.

"Bad Ants"

Raquel is given out (she met us after the shelling). It is necessary to kill all the ants in the generator room. Not difficult.

"Young Hearts"

Jack (local Kulibin), in love with a girl from the red caravan. True, he saw her only through binoculars, and does not know whether she will reciprocate his feelings. Apart from eloquence, nothing else is required.

"Boogie Woogie"

Repair the solar panels at the request of the Adept. If repairs are not developed (40), go to Helios and collect spare parts there.

"Into the sky!"

The last task of the bombers will be to fulfill their cherished dream. The adept will tell you about a bomber that fell into the lake shortly before the war. He plans to raise it and restore it using parts from the museum. But since none of the bombers left the air base for many years, we must do this. Before you go attach the pontoons to the plane, talk about the breathing mask with Jack. We go to the lake, dive and install two pontoons under the wings of the plane. Having got ashore, we use the activator and go to the elder for gratitude.

"The Queen's Gambit"

When matters with the bombers are settled, the ambassador will ask you to negotiate with the kings. If you have the support of the King, he will simply agree to try to resolve everything peacefully. Otherwise, the conversation with the King will not be successful. In this case, we go to Colonel Shu in McCarran and talk about the situation on Freeside. He will assign us soldiers to accompany us and send us back to the King with a “persistent” offer of cooperation. We convince him to take this step. As soon as the King agrees to this, Pacer will become indignant and attack you and the soldiers. We kill him and return to the ambassador. Crocker will thank us and send us to the Hoover Dam to see Colonel Casandra Moore.

Part 23: The Strip. Continuation

"For the Republic"

We go to the dam (there is a snow globe at the administration desk) and receive the task of going to the great khans and stopping the attempts of Caesar’s legion to lure them to their side. It is best to resolve everything diplomatically. The head of the khans is the Pope. We talk with him, and after an unsuccessful attempt to dissuade him, we leave the house, where Regis will be waiting for us. He will express his concerns about an alliance with the legion, and advise him to dissuade the Pope. To do this, you need to provide Regis with a slave register (the same one that lies on the table in Caesar’s tent). We also convince Jack and Diane (Khan Chemical Laboratory) and Melissa with eloquence. It’s easy to convince Mellisa, but it’s not easy to get through, since her group is holed up in a quarry full of death’s claws. It is better to make your way to them from the side of shelter 19. By the way, I advise you to look into it and get the quest “why shouldn’t we be friends?” (affects the ending), but before that, dress up as a demolitionist.

As soon as the “signatures” have been collected, we go to the Pope’s house and get rid of Karl by compromising him with eloquence or showing the Pope his diary (which lies in Karl’s chest). Dad agrees to break the alliance and we just have to convince him to go somewhere far away with the tribe.

As an option for completing this quest, we quietly kill the Pope in his chambers at night (sandman perk, grenade in his pants).
Kasandra's next task will be the Omerta family. The colonel suspects them of conspiring with the legion. We go to Gomora and ask the administrator about gossip, speaking eloquently (if you talked with Yes-Man about families, then you can refer to Benny). She will advise you to talk about business with Cachino. He will completely refuse to talk to us. We steal the diary from his pocket and begin to blackmail him. He will split and report that the bosses of Omerta have started a big deal and will send us to two of their assistants. We immediately go to Troika and convince him with eloquence to help us. If eloquence is not enough, then we ask Troika about his contract with Omerta, under what circumstances he came to them. It turns out that Omerta hushed up his case of the murder of a prostitute, but the circumstances of the murder themselves seem suspicious to us. We go to the bosses' rooms and crack the wall safe with a note that Troika was framed.

After this, Troyk will tell us about Omerta's plan to kill everyone on the Strip when the battle for the dam begins. Omerta needed him to deliver weapons to the Strip. Troyk will offer to destroy the warehouse in the basement using thermite, you can persuade him to do it himself, but it is better to personally go down to the warehouse and pick up a sniper rifle there.

Having learned that the warehouse was destroyed by someone, the bosses order to find and bring the saboteur Kachina. He tells us about this and offers us to kill the bosses. We persuade him to help us and go together to the office. The two leaders of Omerta decide to first find out who we are working for. We convince with eloquence that one of them betrayed the other, and when they attack each other, we deliver the decisive blow.

Advice: Before returning to Colonel Moore, we look into “Mickey and Ralph” and tell them about Omerta and get a pimpboy as a reward

Having learned that Omerta is finished, the colonel will order us to kill Mr. House. We go up to the Lucky 38 penthouse, open a hidden passage from the terminal on the field side of Mr. House. We go down the elevator and, using another terminal, administer “shock therapy” to what was once a person.

Again we go to the colonel and receive the task of getting rid of the Brotherhood of Steel. Their bunker is located in Hiden-Veli. If you have not been there yet, then do not take Veronica with you as a companion - she may simply disappear. It’s better to go there at night, then they will be waiting for us at the entrance and we won’t have to break the door. We will be taken to an elder who wants to make sure that we can be trusted. He will ask us to expel the ranger from the nearby bunker. We go upstairs and convince them that demolition bombers have often been seen in these bunkers and it seems that this is not very safe here. After this, Elder McCnamara will give us the quest “In the Ignorance.” Veronica can also lead you to the bunker through the quest “Too Much Worry,” but there is a chance that the quest will freeze.

"In the dark"

Elder McCnamara asks us to find the missing Brotherhood patrols. The patrol at REPCONN headquarters was mentioned in the previous post, the other two are relatively easy to find. While searching for the squad, not far from Black Mountain, the super mutant Neill will run up to you and advise you to quickly get out of here. If you talk to him, you can get the quest.


The next step is to find scouts. And in the end they will send you in search of filters for air purifiers. One of them is located in the cabinets of the food block of shelter 22 (you can only get there through the caves of the fifth level). The second one is in the technical rooms of shelter 3 (where the Motorcycle Racer sits). And the third one is in shelter 11. When you bring all the parts, the elder will thank us. We inform him that the NKR wants to get rid of the Brotherhood. McCnamara will invite us to act as ambassador and conclude a truce between the Brotherhood and the NKR. Note:

Do not under any circumstances help the paladin Hardin, otherwise if he becomes an elder, it will not be possible to agree on a truce.
You can also ask McKnamara to accept himself into the Brotherhood. He agrees, but on the condition that we install a radio bug on Black Mountain. We go there and clear the path to the mountain from super mutants. Once at the top, we head to the utility rooms and repair the robot Rhonda (science). Tabitha (the super mutant, the culprit of all the madness) will thank us and, without eating, give us the key to the warehouse. In the closet of the next room you can find a Mexican ghoul named Raul, who can become our companion (the password to the terminal from the door is in his electronic diary). The key to the radio tower room under the stairs. We install the radio bug and return for a set of power armor.

"You'll feel it coming"

President Kimball plans to arrive at the dam soon to boost the morale of the soldiers. We must ensure his safety. We go to the head of the rangers responsible for protecting the president and ask him to give us full access to all premises. After which we talk with the girl in the reception area and find out that her engineer boyfriend did not come to see her. We go to the ranger and report that we are fully prepared for the visit, after which we climb the tower and defuse the bomb mounted on the rotorcraft. We go down and steal a spare detonator from the “engineer” and take it to Ranger Grant. He will order the speech to be curtailed and the president will be safely evacuated by rotorcraft. While the President is fleeing, a Legion sniper will try to kill him, but misses and hits one of the Rangers. From his body you can pick up a suit and a 12.7mm pistol. You can also try to neutralize the sniper in advance, for example, by climbing a guard tower during the president’s speech.


The final quest of the game for NKR. Before you begin, I advise you to enlist the support of former members of the Enclave by completing Arcade Gannon’s personal quest.

The legion attacks the dam and we are tasked with knocking it off the dam and setting up the legate's camp. The task can be greatly facilitated by eloquence and science. To begin with, we reactivate the turbine from the terminal (science 60) in the dam premises in order to flood the tunnels through which the legion troops are making their way. Then we go up to the top of the dam and simply go towards the camp (at least we should be supported by the Bombers, the Brotherhood of Steel, black rangers and old men from the Enclave). Having reached the camp, we enter into a debate with the legate and, with eloquence of 80, we convince him to go out to fight one on one. If eloquence is 100, then you can convince him to surrender without a fight.


"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

“Blow to the Head”, “Back in the Saddle”, “By the Fire”.

I don’t see any point in talking about the beginning of the game, since it has already been shown an innumerable number of times. The only thing I can recommend is to look into the school building and crack the safe, which contains a lot of tasty things, including the caravanner’s shotgun. There are also some useful items in Victor's house and mailboxes.

"Shooting in a Ghost Town."

After Sunny completes your training, she will advise you to visit Trudy, the owner of the Prospector Saloon. Entering the saloon, we find her talking with one of the members of the demolition gang. From their conversation it becomes clear that the bandits want the caravan driver who escaped from them to be handed over to them. After talking with the owner, we have to make a decision: hand over the caravan owner (notorious in Goodsprings) or help the fugitive (graters with demolitionists). I chose the second option, since it is much more interesting and a plus in my karma with a discount in local stores. Before leaving the saloon, ask Trudy about the Khans; in the conversation she should mention that one of them accidentally broke her radio, and she will generously pay the one who returns it to working condition. The radio is on the shelves behind the counter and repairs are needed 40. We receive the promised money (if barter is developed, you can bargain), and we go to the Poseidon gas station located there in Goodsprings. We find the caravan driver Ringo there (you can ask him to teach him how to play “caravan”), and offer him our help. Ringo agrees that the bombers need to fight back, but insists that he enlist the help of Sunny Smiles. Sunny Smiles will not need to be persuaded; she will immediately agree to help, and will point out several more people who can also support you in the battle with the bombers. Convincing them all is not necessary, but it is helpful. The first one is Dr. Mitchell, who will help you with medicines (you can also rummage around in his house and get a couple more steampacks and a 9mm submachine gun (lies at the table, in the room where they were treated, the repair skill is required). The next one is the merchant Chet. If the Barter Skill is 25, then Chet will agree to give out armor and weapons. Hammer Pete, with developed explosives, will help with dynamite. And finally, Trudy. You can persuade her if you have developed eloquence or stealth (both are around 45). If you don’t have enough points from skills, use the magazines. Having finished with diplomacy, we return to Ringo and report that we are ready, and when suddenly Suddenly Demolitionists attack. I won’t describe the shootout, I’ll just say that if Ringo dies, you won’t receive the quest "Paying the Bills" . After the battle, we examine the bodies of the demolition men and take away their uniforms, which will be useful in the future.

Little things:

Not far from the fire where Sunny taught us, you can meet a man begging to save his girlfriend from the clutches of geckos. As soon as you clear the way to the top where she was supposedly dragged, the rogue will run up to you and, declaring that he has cheated you, will attack.

In the cemetery, there is a snow globe on one of the graves.

All matters in Goodsprings have been settled, you can safely leave it. As soon as we leave the territory allocated for “training”, we will be asked to review the characteristics and perks for the last time. We agree or change and move on to the wasteland. Next stop Primm.


"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

The roller coaster, the city's symbol, can be seen as soon as you exit Goodsprings onto the freeway. It’s better to get to the city along the same road; there are fewer problems with aggressive animals.

At the entrance to the city, an NKR Soldier will meet us and tell us about the demolitionists who captured it. From the road you can get to Primm via a dilapidated bridge, which is mined by three anti-personnel mines. In the city itself, a bunch of bandits await us, easily destroyed with a 9mm pistol. I advise you to look into the sheriff's hut (on the left side of the bridge) and the Mojave Express bureau and take everything you like while the owners are not there. After which we boldly head to the Vicky and Vance casino. Local residents have dug in and ask you (in the person of Johnson Nash, the head of the local branch of the Mojave Express) to help get rid of the bandits before they accumulate the strength to storm and save the deputy sheriff. The bandits are located at the Bison Steve Hotel directly across from the casino. The hotel itself has two floors. Immediately after entering, on the right behind the counter there will be a door to the back room with a bunch of useful things. And on the second floor there is a littered cabinet with weapons, the key to which is in the hands of one of the bandits. The sheriff is sitting tied up in the kitchen (ground floor). The rescued deputy sheriff will tell us where the great khans went and ask us to find a new sheriff for the city.

"The city that I like"

We need to find a guardian of the law for Primm. The new government in the city can become either the NKR or one of the former sheriffs, whom the NKR, for some political reasons, sent to a correctional facility. You can also reprogram a robotron in a casino to perform the duties of a sheriff (Science 30). The choice you make will affect the ending. When passing through, I chose NKR. To do this, you need to talk to Lieutenant Hayes (tent camp in front of the city). He will refuse, citing a lack of fighters, and will send for reinforcements to the Mojave checkpoint. We go there, we persuade the major to give soldiers (barter skill 20 is required). We return to the lieutenant and report success.

From the little things:

The casino has a robotron guide who can tell you the story of the criminal couple Vikki and Vance, and in particular about Vance’s submachine gun. We approach the display case, examine it, and having discovered the absence of weapons, we report this to the robotron. With advanced science, we find out that the robot was reprogrammed, and the submachine gun was stolen by a modern couple of followers of their cause. You can find them in a hut approximately in this area.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

In the Express bureau there is a robotic eye ED-E which can be repaired and made your companion (science 55 and repair 65, or instead of repairing 2 sensors and 2 conductors, electronic waste).

As soon as you have completed all the tasks in Primm, I advise you to go to the correctional facility or the Mojave checkpoint.

Mojave checkpoint.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

“Show compassion,” “Chasing the prize.”

The tasks given out in this location should not cause any difficulties.

Interestingly, having the “convinced bachelor” skill, you can persuade the major to give out a little help.

NKR Correctional Facility.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"The Path of Correction"

Before you go to this location, dress up in a demolition suit so that faction members do not attack you. The security guard at the entrance will say that you are not a “local”, since he knows everyone who was sitting here. Having paid him a hundred caps, we enter the territory of the institution and head to the administrative building to talk with Eddie, the local leader of the demolitions. He will give out a couple of simple quests to test our loyalty. After them, we will receive the task of finding out about the NKR's plans for the prison. It's worth asking Johnson Nash in Primm about them. He will tell you that troops are going to storm the prison. We have two options for completing the task. We can help the demolitions, causing the wrath of the NCR (temporarily), but gain an endless source of gunpowder for making cartridges. Or, on the contrary, destroy the demolitionists, receiving gratitude from the NKR for their service. Depending on the option chosen, the ending of the game will change.

Little things:

When the massacre on the territory of the colony subsides, examine Eddie’s body, take the plasma pistol and the keys to the vault on the second floor of the administrative building, and do not forget to clean out the safe in his office.


"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

New city, new problems. Already in good tradition, at the entrance we are greeted with bread and salt by another chatty NPC, fortunately this time just a crazy demolition man yelling about some kind of lottery. Meanwhile, in the city “the dead stand with scythes.” The reason for this mass execution was the vanguard of the legion led by a certain Vulpes. After talking with him, you can find out about the details of what happened and receive a small quest "Cruel Hearts" .

There is another quest giver in the Nipton General Store. This is a demolition worker whose legs were broken by legionnaires. He can give out a quest "Marathon" to rescue captured demolitionists.

Little things:

I recommend checking out your local town hall. On the first and third floors behind the castles there are ammunition depots. Be careful, the building is full of Legion dogs.


"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

Having arrived in this quite cozy city (which got its name from the broken NO VACancy sign at the hotel with the dinosaur), we begin asking local residents about what is happening around us, including our stranger in a checkered suit. It is best to ask around the local psycho Nelay, as his answers will at least make you smile from ear to ear. It turns out that the stranger went to the observation deck inside the dinosaur and negotiated something with the sniper on duty there.

Manny Vargas, the same sniper, confirms that he met with our would-be killer, and agrees to tell us about his plans if we visit the REPCONN complex and evict all the ghouls from there who are interfering with the prospectors. Manny can also be simply persuaded with eloquence. Additionally, you can learn from him about another sniper Boone, who is on duty at night.

Boone can become our companion. To do this, you must agree to help him find those responsible for the kidnapping of his wife. We ask local residents about the story of Boone's wife, and learn from Nelay about strange people who came to the Dinolight hall. We go there, crack the floor safe, and bring into the light of day a copy of the purchase and sale agreement for the legion of Boone’s wife. It follows from the contract that old woman Crawford is involved in this. We wake her up and ask her to go to the dinosaur under the pretext of looking at something. We stand next to her and put on the red beret (it will remain after the mission, and IMHO one of the best hats, +5% chance of a critical attack, +1 VSP), received from the sniper, thereby giving a conventional sign. We return to the sniper and report to him about our decision. Now you can persuade him to go with you.

Interesting things:

The village also has its own Chupacabra, which comes at night and shoots the local Brahmin farmers. You can meet him at night around midnight. Or during the day, here behind a stone.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

In the hotel rooms you can find Bruce Isaac, a singer from New Reno familiar from past episodes. Also living there is Daisy Whitman, a former rotorcraft pilot.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"Let's fly".

We head to the main Repconn complex. Having entered the building, we answer the voice from the intercom. We go up according to the instructions, most quickly through the right side of the premises. At the top of the plant we meet a community of religious ghouls, whose leader asks to help them make a “great pilgrimage to the luminous distances.” To do this, it is necessary to destroy the monsters from the basement that disrupted the preparations for the pilgrimage. We get the key to the basement of the complex and go there. There are several ways to go. The first is to simply break in and destroy all the super mutants of the shadows. Second: go to the room indicated on the map

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

we talk with another crazy super mutant, and learn from him about the batch of stealth boys for whom he came with his friends. We agree to help. We go to the room where the invoice for them supposedly lies, and we meet a ghoul there, hiding there from the shadows. There are also two options here: you can simply kill him and take the invoice without unnecessary suffering, or you can agree to find his girlfriend and then he himself will leave the premises, opening access to the terminal. His girlfriend was dragged away by super mutants and her body lies in the depths of the basement. You must get to it secretly, otherwise the shadows will attack the towns. We give the invoice to the mutant, and as soon as the mutants leave the basement, we return to Bright and report that everything is clear. He suggests meeting again in the basement. Having found him, we get the task to talk with Chris (a scientist from the shelter who considers himself a ghoul) and tell him the truth, we convince him that he is still a person, and we dissuade him from taking revenge on the ghouls (or we do not dissuade him). The rest of the quest is linear and not difficult. Don’t forget to adjust the trajectory of the rockets on the remote control on the launch pad before launch. Also in the basements you can find an astronaut suit, +40 radiation protection and a stylish appearance.

Boulder City.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the NKR side. Part one.

Last stop before New Vegas. Just one quest. It is necessary to help the NKR deal with the great khans, who captured several fighters. The best thing is to resolve everything peacefully, through eloquence (a plus in relations with both the NKR and the khans). As a last resort, you can sneak up through the back door, and then depending on the circumstances.

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