Minecraft mod for big villages

A truly interesting addition that changes and complements the gameplay. Millenaire - mod for villages for Minecraft 1.7.10 / 1.7.2 / 1.6.4 adds to the game new types of settlements generated in different biomes. They are inhabited by new inhabitants of different races. Players will meet Hindus, Japanese, Mayans and other nascent civilizations. Each village of a particular culture is distinguished by quests, the appearance of houses and general behavior. Hindus prepare clay and bake bricks from it, the Japanese grow rice and fish, and the Mayans hunt wild animals and build altars.

The villagers from this modification for Minecraft are quite smart and will communicate via chat. In the village itself, the city hall is located, in it there are tablets with various quests, for example: get a dozen pieces of rotten meat from killed zombies or get two hundred blocks of cobblestone. As the task is completed, the village is pumped and the inhabitants will rebuild new houses themselves. You need to hand over quests to the mayor, he is the tallest and is almost always in the city hall. He generously rewards players by giving rare items not found in ordinary Minecraft. Other residents can hunt, build houses, farm and just walk. Do not kill villagers or steal supplies from closed chests from the village's warehouses. The guards will catch you in an instant and send you back to spawn.

This addon actually changes the main goal of the game. If you are bored with ordinary nosed inhabitants, then by all means download the village mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 / 1.7.2 / 1.6.4 and start helping intelligent inhabitants develop in the game with you.

The nosed villagers are now a thing of the past. Meet Millenaire - a village mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 / 1.7.2 / 1.6.4 that adds new types of villages with intelligent inhabitants to the generation of the world. Players will meet with Hindu clay settlements, classic Japanese villages, medieval stone cities, ancient Mayan ruins and other buildings: lonely houses of rangers and foresters.

Reasonable residents from the Millenaire 1.7.10 mod is an unusual innovation in the Minecraft world. Their behavior is significantly different from the standard game mobs. In every settlement there are children, women and men of various professions. The townspeople always find something to do: build new houses, make stones, hunt and defend the village, fish, dig mines, grow plants, breed animals, and just chat with each other via chat overhead.

Thanks to the Millenaire mod, players can interact with the villagers and learn more about the lifestyle of the settlers in a particular village. The mayor can give the player quests, like getting a hundred cobblestones and two stacks of wood to build a new building, or hire a couple of guards and deal with a predator that terrorizes the villagers. For quests, the player will receive valuable items that cannot be obtained by ordinary craft. Also, do not kill residents or steal from chests. The guards will instantly react to the outrages and the player will have to go to the point of the last revival.

This modification truly transforms the game world and allows you to develop the player's interaction with ordinary residents. If you want to see more lively and intelligent inhabitants, then you should download the village mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 / 1.7.2 / 1.6.4 and play in a more lively pixel world.

Video review Millenaire

The Millenaire modification introduces an RPG component to Minecraft 1.7.10: many villages belonging to different nations are generated on the world map. It depends on you whether you will turn their settlements into ruins or contribute to the development by trading with the inhabitants and completing their tasks.

Basics of the game

Let's see what the mod adds and how to play it.

Search for settlements

As soon as you get close to the village, a system message will appear in the chat, which will indicate its name, type, as well as the direction and distance to it. If there is not a single settlement in the field of view, you can go for reconnaissance in any direction, periodically pressing the hot key V. In this case, the space within a radius of 2000 m from you will be scanned for the presence of still unknown villages.

For a settlement to develop, you need to be close to it - in the list it will be displayed as active.


Each settlement belongs to one of the following nations: Normans, Indians, Mayans, Japanese or Byzantines.

What culture the village belongs to depends on:

  • how the buildings will look like in it, and what materials they will be made of;
  • what plants will be grown there;
  • what food and drinks, armor and weapons can be purchased.

In addition to belonging to a particular nation, the villagers differ:

  • age (adults, adolescents and children);
  • origin (noble or simple);
  • specialization (trade or production).

Buildings will not work as long as no one lives in them. To increase the population, you need to wait until the night when the children are born (you cannot skip the night with sleep). After a while, the grown up child will become a teenager and will be able to occupy a production building.

Village types

Residents of different settlements can be friendly or hostile to the player. Peace settlements include specialized or player-created villages, independent cities, and large cities.
Types universal for all nations - agricultural, religious and military villages. They differ according to the buildings where the corresponding types of goods are produced.

Indians and Normans can also create larger settlements - cities with suburban appendages dependent on them.

Having earned a high reputation among representatives of one of the cultures, the player can build and lead his own controlled village. In such a settlement, the possibilities of all the indicated types of settlements are available.
Traveling around the world, you can also find single buildings, the inhabitants of which can trade with the player.
Sometimes there are bandit settlements hostile to the player and other NPCs. Their ragged inhabitants attack when approached and periodically attack nearby peaceful villages.

Reputation system

The attitude of the representatives of the nation to the player depends on his behavior. When trading and completing quests, his reputation improves, when attacking residents, it falls. Only bandits can be destroyed without consequences.
With the growth of your reputation, you will better get to know the culture of the nation and begin to understand the language of the inhabitants (their remarks will be displayed in Russian).


Residents build new buildings and improve existing ones on their own, but for this they need resources. Often, especially in the early stages of village development, these resources will not appear in the village unless the player sells them.
To trade, you need to enter the central building of the village. You can recognize it by the sign with the name of the settlement near the entrance. Inside the building there will be a wall with signs indicating what exactly is being built at the current moment, what resources are lacking. There you can also see a map of the village, details of its population and other useful information.

When you go inside, a merchant will come up to you, the necessary resources can be sold to her.

The head of the settlement also lives in the central building. In a dialogue with him, you can find out your reputation, get acquainted with the available quests, and with a high reputation, influence relations with neighbors or order the construction of your own house on the territory of the village.

Game currency

For trade within the mod, denier coins are used. They come in bronze, silver and gold. One silver coin is formed from 64 bronze ones, a gold one - from 64 silver ones.
In order not to clutter up several inventory slots, you can buy a money bag that can hold all types of coins.

Building a house in the village and improving the territory

It should be borne in mind that residents are building new buildings, choosing an accessible (no hills and gorges) place without dangerous blocks (water, lava, cacti). Such areas are marked in green on the settlement map.

If you build a house, storage, or just place other blocks inside the village, there is a good chance that the villagers will destroy them when creating the next construction site. Therefore, you need to build your own base either at a short distance from the settlement, or within the territory of the house purchased by the player. In the latter case, the building built by the residents can be altered, completely altered or destroyed.
If a notification appears in the central building that there is not enough space for a new building, check the map and improve the area. Rivers and other bodies of water (marked in blue) are enough to cover with one layer of natural blocks, for example, land. Areas with hills and gorges, very different in height, can be leveled: excavate the hills, and fill the depressions with one layer of blocks. The latter technique will also help to eliminate lakes with lava, where residents can burn, and cacti can be simply cut down.



For the mod to work, you need to install and copy the file downloaded from the link below to the .minecraft / mods folder.

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