Shulkers in Minecraft. What Ender Dragon looks like

There is a way to "win" in the game Minecraft, for this you need to destroy the Ender dragon, or as it is often called - the dragon of the end. This is the hardest challenge in the game.

To do this, you have to get to the End Island, located in the desert dimension, and kill the dragon living there. If you can kill the dragon, you will get a unique opportunity to explore the rest of his island, after which you can return back to your world.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to get to this island and defeat the dragon: first we have to find the Fortress, then activate the portal and go through it to complete the task.

Find the portal in the Fortress

Have you found the fortress yet? If so, then it was a good start. In it you need to find a room that looks like this:

The End Gate in the Fortress. Not active yet.

If you haven't found the Fortress yet, then craft several items with the name Eye of Ender. It will take about 15–20 pieces. Put them in your inventory and get ready for the long journey.

It should be noted right away that the Edge and Ender are synonyms. But it is more correct - Ender, since in the game the developers use this very term.

You can craft the Eye from Ender's pearls and fire powder.

Ender's pearl periodically drops out of the Enderman when he dies (since version 1.9, the Eye drops out of him immediately). It is not difficult to find them at any time of the day; at night they often come to settlements.

Usually the mob walks around aimlessly, often picking up blocks and placing them elsewhere.

Fire Powder is obtained by crafting a Fire Rod that drops from Ifrit.

Efreet spawners are located in the fortresses of the Nether.

So, you defeated everyone and received a sufficient number of Oko. Now go out into an open space and toss it up. You need to select the Eye in the quick access panel and throw it into the air, following it: it will fall to the ground in the direction of the nearest Fortress.

Usually the Eye can be picked up and thrown again, but sometimes it breaks.

The toss controls depend on the Minecraft version:

  • On PC / Mac, right-click on the block you want to drop the Eye on;
  • On PS3 and PS4, press L2 on the joystick;
  • On Xbox 360 and Xbox One, press LT on the joystick;

Walk in the indicated direction for a while, then throw the Eye again. Leave a trail of torches or other objects behind you to avoid getting lost, as the path may not be close.

Continue tossing the Eye of Ender to follow it until it constantly hovers over one point. Here is the Fortress. Having started excavation work and getting to the bottom of the Fortress, you need to travel along its gloomy corridors in search of a portal.

During your searches, you will find treasure chests, skeletons, zombies and other hostile mobs that will try to kill you.

The portal needs to be activated through Ender's eyes.

Prompt: if the Fortress is far from your home, you can build a railroad to reduce travel time.

Ender portal activation

After examining the Fortress and finding it, place one Eye on the empty blocks, this will activate the portal.

The number of empty blocks that need to be filled with OK is randomly generated.

Now you can safely go through the portal and fight the dragon of the End.

How to make a portal to Edge in Creative

Required components:

  1. white wool - 20;
  2. red wool - 8;
  3. black wool - 7;
  4. End portal frame blocks - 12;
  5. Eye of the End - 12;
  6. blocks of wooden steps - 3;
  7. sword or bow for killing chickens.

Step 1

Make a 5x5 block platform. You can use wool for it. The portal won't work without a platform!

Step 2

Note that the green end portal framing blocks, like the step blocks used for the example, can be positioned in several directions. Understanding this step is essential to complete the project and launch the portal.

Please note that here the blocks and steps are set at 90 degrees to each other!

Step 3

Now you can figure out how to position the first of the four sides. You can clearly see this in the picture below:

Arrange them three in a row. The steps are used to visually show the direction of rotation of the green blocks; they are not needed to build a portal.

Step 4

Rotate the blocks 90 degrees and repeat the process to create the next side of the portal.

Step 5

Create the third side of the portal.

Step 6

Create the fourth side of the portal.

The portal frame is ready.

Step 7

The Eye of Ender can now be placed in portal frame blocks.

Take the Eye in your hand and right-click on the block you want to place it in.

Step 8

Place 12 Ender's eyes in the blocks and the portal will work.

If the portal did not open, then you have mixed up the direction of installing the green blocks somewhere. Check their location.

Jump into the portal and enjoy the new dimension.

End Portal Properties

Unlike the Nether Portal, the End Portal is one-way. Upon entering it, the player will not be able to return and will end up on a 5 x 5 obsidian platform, which can be in the air or underground.

Breaking the active portal frame block does not deactivate it. This is only possible when using mods, since the portal frame is solid as rock. The portal cannot be deactivated in any way without.

The active part of the portal emits level 15 light, although there is no benefit from it without mods.

The active portal of the End can be obtained with the help of mods, it instantly teleports the player who touches it. On multiplayer servers, this is used as a trap, although most servers do not allow indestructible blocks.


Prepare for battle with the following equipment. You can place chests with equipment sets near the portal, if you die in the Edge, you can quickly take another set. You can also put a bed and sleep in it so that you can return to the End without traveling again from the base to the Fortress.

When you pass through the portal, you need to be prepared for a hard battle.

  • Armor: the best available, preferably reinforced diamond armor;
  • Shoes: there is a high probability of falling from a great height during the battle, so shoes with Zero Gravity may come in handy;
  • Sword: you can kill a dragon with different weapons, the best of which is a diamond sword, preferably enchanted with a high level of Sharpness;
  • Pickaxe: do not leave the house without her;
  • Bow and Arrows: more arrows, at least two quivers;
  • Food: useful for treatment;
  • Ladders: three or more for climbing;
  • Ender Pearls: useful for teleportation;
  • Blocks: one or two sets, made of cobblestones or other materials;
  • Potions (optional): healing and regeneration will never interfere in battle; it's dark in the End, so a night vision potion will help;
  • Pumpkin (optional): The land is full of Enders. If you wear a pumpkin instead of a helmet, you can avoid battles with them, but visibility will deteriorate;
  • A piston and redstone source (torch, lever, or button) for collecting dragon eggs after victory.
  • Glass vessels - for collecting dragon breath to create potions.

We leave for the Edge

When you are ready, enter the portal. You will find yourself on an obsidian platform in a strange place made of greenish Endstone inhabited by wanderers. You have to fight in a circle of obsidian columns called the Pillars of the End.

Spawn point on the platform.

If you find yourself in a small cave, dig a ladder to the surface. If you are on a flying platform away from the mainland (like in the picture), throw the Ender Pearl for teleportation or build a bridge with the blocks that you thoughtfully took with you.

There are sooo many of them here.

Do not look at the Enders (Enders), then they will not bother you. If you can't avoid looking, use a pumpkin instead of a helmet.

The dragon can attack in different ways: fireballs and breath. Both of these attacks leave a cloud of poison to stay away from. He also deals damage by hitting his head or wings, but the armor should keep damage to a minimum.

The dragon is healed when it flies near the end crystal, so first you need to destroy the crystal, and only then attack the dragon.

The main risk is that the dragon can throw the player into the air or drop it from a high pillar, the damage when falling will be great. Shoes with the "Weightlessness" enchantment will reduce damage, pearls of the End or a bucket of water can also help.

When the dragon approaches you, a blow to the head with a sword or arrow can make it stop attacking.

Destruction of the Ender Crystal

Each end pillar contains a crystal at the end. You need to destroy them before you enter into a duel with the dragon. Some of them can be shot from the ground with a bow.

The main danger is falling from a high pillar.

Two crystals are protected by an iron cage, you have to climb up and break the cage with a pickaxe.

Climb the ladder to the Ender Crystal in the cage.

Standing at the top of the stairs, a block below the pillar level, you can destroy the crystal without harm to yourself and aim well at the crystals on other pillars.

Hint: the dragon will attack you more often as the crystals are destroyed, so the hardest climbs should be done first.

Kill the dragon

When the crystals are destroyed, it's time to tackle the dragon. For about half the time, he flies over the exit portal from this world in the center of the arena. At this time, he can be attacked with a sword.

Stay behind the dragon to avoid being hit by your head and wings. After a while he will fly away, but will soon return. Continue this until the dragon is killed.

When the dragon Ender is dead

After that, several things will happen:

  1. You will get a lot of points;
  2. The exit portal to the normal world will become active (at the top of the pillar there will be a dragon egg);
  3. The Gates will appear, giving access to the outer islands.

If you bring empty glass vessels with you, you can collect dragon breath in them to create potions.

If you try to break the dragon egg, it will teleport to another location nearby. If you want to pick up an egg as a trophy, you need to act discreetly:

  1. Block the exit portal with blocks to prevent the egg from falling through it;
  2. Place the piston next to the egg so that when activated, it pushes it;
  3. Activate the piston with a red torch, button or lever.

Access to the outer islands

After the death of the dragon, a gate will appear on the border of the island, which can teleport you to another part of the Land, where there are many islands and cities to explore. But the gate is too small in size. How to get through them?

Answer: Throw Ender's pearl at the teleporter.

There is a lot to see on the other side of the gate. Ender City and Ship (can be found in it).

A real treasure trove. There is more than one such thing here.

When you get tired of this area, return to the place where the dragon died and jump into the portals to return home and "win" Minecraft.

You can respawn the dragon and do it all over again by creating four Ender Crystals and placing them around the exit portal.

Crafting an End crystal.

To craft a crystal, you will need the Eye of Ender, seven units of glass and a tear of Gast. And if there should be no problems with glass and eyes, then Gast's tear will make you sweat.

Ghasts will offend in Hell. Hunting them is a very difficult and dangerous activity, as they fly high in a cave or over lava.

That's all. Now you know how to find the End, how to defeat the Ender Dragon and what is needed for this. Good luck!

Last time we told you where to find the dragon Ender. But the main snag is not where to find him, but how to defeat him. Now we will tell you how to kill a dragon in Minecraft.

First of all, in front of the portal to the world of Ender, it is worth building a bed and sleeping. In case of death, you will not need to run through half the world back to the portal. The dragon is very strong, it has 100 hearts of health. He periodically regenerates health by flying near crystals on obsidian pillars. Killing a dragon without destroying the crystals is almost impossible.

Crystals are destroyed by either a direct hit or a shot. The dragon destroys everything in its path and can throw the player off the island. Therefore, to kill him you need to use a bow. It is best to use a bow with an enchantment for infinite arrows and damage. The "shoot and move" tactic will be the most correct decision in a fight with a dragon.

After the death of the dragon, the player will receive a huge heap of experience, raising the player to level 78, and a portal will appear in the usual biome. There is a dragon egg at the top of the portal.

A dark and desolate dimension in which the player in Minecraft spends the least time. All this is about the world of Ender or the world of the End, which appeared in Minecraft 1.0.0 for Android.

The player gets into it at the very end of the game, it is in it that the player has to kill the dragon of the End (Ender Dragon), thereby completing the passage of Minecraft. By itself Ender Mir is a deserted island, no more than 300 blocks in diameter... But in the latest updates, this world has been significantly updated. So now, at a distance of 700-900 blocks from the main island, additional islands will appear on which the End Fortresses will be located, but let's talk about everything in more detail.

Traveling to Ender World is not an easy task, especially in survival.

First, we need to collect 12 Ender pearls. They drop from, but the chance of falling out is extremely small, so it is worth enchanting the sword with luck 3 (Looting III), so you will collect these pearls much faster.

After you have collected 12 pearls, you will need to go to hell, where you will need to find a fortress. In the fortress there is an Ifrit spawner, which we have to find.

They do not spawn in every fortress, so you may need to find several fortresses. It will be boring for us to knock out 6 fire rods from the efreet, which we transform into 12 fire powders. Now we combine the pearls of the edge with the fiery powders and get the Eye of Ender. The hardest part of the cooking process was completed successfully.
Now you need to prepare for killing the dragon... Remember: after you get back into the world of the End, you can only get there by dying or killing the dragon.

Take diamond armor, diamond sword enchanted with sharpness, bow, food, snowballs. A bucket of water and a pumpkin are useful additions. They will help you in the fight against the Endermen, which are simply teeming with the Ender World. After all this preparation, we have to head to the fortress in which it is located.

Hint: if you do not know where the fortress is, then the eye of ender will help you. Just toss it into the air and it will fly towards the nearest fortress, thus you will find the nearest portal to the ender world in a short time. Now let's figure out what to do in the Ender World and how to kill the Ender Dragon.


Dragon Slaying is a unique process that will herald the logical end of the game in Minecraft. But for this you still need to defeat the dragon. First you need to destroy the crystals of the edge, which are located on the obsidian towers. Some of them, unprotected by gratings, we will be able to destroy with snowballs that we took earlier, and those that are protected by gratings can only be broken with a pick or sword, climbing the tower.

But you need to be careful, when destroyed, the edge crystal explodes and knocks the player back. Be careful not to fall down, otherwise it will be the stupidest death in your life.

After you have destroyed all the crystals, you can start killing the dragon itself. He has 100 HP, which is quite a lot for a vanilla one, but you won't have a lot of problems with him, he is easily killed both by shooting from a bow and with a blow from a sword in those moments when he attacks you from close range.

Thus, killing a dragon is not a particularly difficult process which is very easy to complete. As a reward, you will receive a souvenir such as a dragon egg and a huge amount of experience. Personally, when I was writing this article, I decided to check how much experience you can get experience and pumped from 0 LVL to 102.

Not a bad boost, agree? These are 3 items enchanted for 30 LVL. Roughly speaking, killing a dragon will allow you to make your armor as enchanted and unkillable as possible. In this, you can survive the explosion at close range, not to mention other mobs.

But is that really where all the potential of Ender World ends? Yes, it was a few years ago, but now Ender Mir has a sequel. Start building in any direction and at a distance of about 800 blocks you can find several other Islands, which are home to unusual plants, as well as Dungeons, which are inhabited by Shulkers.

Shulkers in Minecraft

Shulker is a unique and interesting mob in its mechanics, which shoots peculiar balls, which, when they hit you, will give the effect of levitation. You will start flying up and at the same time you will not be able to stop, and after passing the effect, you will fall down and die.

However, when you kill a shulker, a unique drop will drop from it. This is a kind of analogue of a chest, with the exception that if you break this one, then all things will remain in it. This is a cross between an ordinary chest and.

In addition, Elithras can be found in such dungeons. Elitra are an extremely fast way of getting around. Put them on your back and you can fly safely. Thus, you can see that the Ender World is not as empty as it used to be.


If for any reason you want to kill another dragon of the edge, then you can do it easily. To do this, you will need to make 4 Ender crystals. They are crafted quite simply: each requires seven glasses, Ender's eye and a tear. After that, simply place them on the sides of the portal to the Ender World and the process of restoring the rest of the crystals and the resurrection of the dragon will begin.

Attention: do not forget to pick up the dragon egg, as it will disappear from its place on the portal as soon as you start the process of summoning a new dragon.

Also, after summoning a new dragon, the portal to the ordinary world will not work until the moment you kill the new one. However, this dragon, unlike the previous one, will give much less experience. So on GamePedia it is said that only 500 experience points will drop from it, while 12 thousand experience points fell from the first dragon.

Thus, we have sorted out everything connected with the world of Ender, which is otherwise called the World of the End. Now you know how to make a portal to the ender world and you can easily find, activate it and destroy the dragon, thereby completing the storyline passage of Minecraft.

Why did I decide this was the end of the game? Because after killing the dragon and returning to the normal world, the credits will turn on! However, the Ender Dragon is the first, but not the only boss. Still there, but about him another time!

The Ender Dragon or the Ender Dragon is a Boss mob.

Lives in the edge dimension. In the game, he is only one and spawns in the Edge. However, you can spawn him yourself with the help of Ender Crystals. Ender Dragon can appear even in peaceful difficulty (the level of difficulty of the game, when there shouldn't be any hostile mobs).

What does Ender Dragon look like?

His appearance is terrifying - he is huge, black, his eyes are burning with purple fire. Due to the fact that it is so large, it can be seen from all points of the End or Ender.

Characteristics of the Ender Dragon.

Health - 100

Experience - 12000

What does Ender Dragon do?

Destroys almost all blocks on the way, just cannot destroy Obsidian.

The Ender Dragon has a couple of other names, it is also called Ender dragon, Boss dragon or Dragon of Paradise. There are also other Bosses - the Wither and the Ancient Guardian.

How to kill Ender Dragon?

In one of the places of the End or Enedra, there are obsidian pillars. They contain Ender Crystals, which heal the Ender Dragon as he flies past them. Therefore, in order to kill the Dragon Ender, it is better to first destroy these crystals, otherwise he will constantly heal from them. After destroying the Ender crystals, you can kill the Ender Dragon. To destroy the crystals, you can throw arrows at them from a bow, or climb a pillar and destroy them (be careful: when hit with a pickaxe, the crystals explode and you can die from this, or fall from the blast wave). Ender Dragon is not immortal, he, like any other mob, has a certain amount of health.

Be careful, if the dragon starts attacking you, it can knock the player very, very far. Hit him with a sword when the dragon flies close, and when he flies in the distance, shoot him. Ender Dragon has a high flight speed - aim ahead of time. Don't stand still, move. The dragon throws projectiles. In order not to run out of arrows - enchant the bow for infinity. Use your toughest armor. Use a regeneration potion. The dragon is not afraid of either fire or lava, the enchantment does not work on him. Throw snowballs at him - the damage is not great, only half a heart, but it will do as a fallback.

And one more note, when you fight the Ender Dragon, there will be Endermen or Enderwalkers nearby. There is no need to fight with them, it will not be useful. Dodge and avoid them. Do not look at them, do not attract their attention, then the Endermen will not attack.

After the Ender Dragon is killed, a portal will appear to the ordinary world, and on it there will be an Ender Dragon Egg (from which a dragon can hatch under certain conditions, for example, if you place the Egg in a warm place: next to lava) - this is a drop Ender of the Dragon. Also, his drop will be a huge amount of experience, with which you can pump from 0 to 78 level.

How to care for a little dragon?

When the dragon emerges from the egg, it needs to be fed with raw fish. He will protect his master. The dragon has many lives. When he grows up, he will be accustomed. The dragon can be flown, for this you need a saddle. He can be trained to perform various commands using bones. The dragon is healed with raw meat and fish.

How to control the Dragon?

The dragon can be controlled by the following keys: spacebar - take off, shift - sit down, w - forward, s - backward, a - left, d - right.

How to summon or create or make an Ender Dragon?

Minecraft has several game modes, one of them is Creative mode. If you play in this mode, then you will have access to the eggs of summoning, with which you can summon the Ender Dragon. Or you can create it yourself. There is a command / summon EnderDragon for this. How do I use this command? You need to open the command panel by pressing t. Then type the command / summon EnderDragon and press Enter.

The Dragon Mounts mod will allow you to train the Ender Dragon, you cannot do this in other ways.

What versions of Minecraft have the Ender Dragon?

Ender Dragon exists in Minecraft versions: 1.8.2, 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.5, 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

How to find the End Portal or the Ender World Portal?

In order to find the Portal to the End or the Portal to the Ender World, you need the Eye of Ender. It can be crafted. (Place a picture of the craft here) After that, release the Eye with the right mouse button, and it rises to a certain height, showing the direction in which the Portal is located.

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