Download launcher with cool mods

The moment has come when we can present you a new version of our launcher - 3.0. The new version is significantly different from the previous one. We can even call it revolutionary.

The new version was written from scratch, development lasted for two months. Our main task was to surprise you and we believe that we have succeeded. "Troika" has significant differences from all existing launchers, not only in appearance, but also in terms of functionality. We decided to "break" the template of a typical launcher. Let's now take a look at what we got.

The user interface of the new launcher is built on the new JavaFX technology. Therefore, you will need to upgrade to Java 8. Although this technology is present in the now obsolete Java 7, in Java 8 it has been significantly improved. But the launcher is displayed the same on all operating systems (with the exception of font rendering).

First glance
When you start the application, the first thing you will be greeted by is the "start" screen. You may notice that the window layout has become larger. This was needed to fit more user interface elements.

Login form
At the next stage, you will be greeted with a login form. Without it, nowhere) During development, its design has changed 3 times. The latest version came out the best. We want to warn you that there is one design idea awaiting you, which the screenshot could not convey.

Actually, this is where the departure from the template of a typical launcher begins in the absence of server selection (located in a different place) and the added automatic login function. Let's talk about the last point in more detail. In the "troika" we decided to move the login form into the background. This means that you will see her less often. By enabling the function of remembering the password, the launcher at startup will automatically go through the authorization process bypassing the login head start - you immediately get into your personal account.
The ability to use an e-mail address as a login has become available. In the future, we are going to completely switch to authorization using E-mail as a login. This will improve the security of your accounts.

Personal Area
After talking about the login form, we came to the most important thing - a personal account.

At first glance, it may seem simple to you, but we assure you that everything "the most necessary" is here. Just hidden well) Personal account is somewhat reminiscent of the one that was in Launcher 1.0.

The settings were made in the form of a sliding panel. You can open them using the "Settings" item in the service menu or using a special window button that allows you to do this while on any screen.

The first thing you will notice is that there are fewer settings compared to the previous version. Yes it is, but the functionality of the application has not deteriorated, but on the contrary - we have only improved some of the options.
Let's list the options that were in the old launcher:

  • Remember password - moved to where she belongs - to the login screen.
  • Upload client - deprecated option. Replaced by the new "Reset Client Configuration" feature.
  • Full screen mode - saved.
  • Offline mode - only the option is removed, but the function remains and is now enabled automatically.
  • Enable shader support - saved (the function appeared in version 2.7 released a year ago - see news).
So we come to the most important thing, which is the meaning of any launcher - downloading the client. And our client loader is not simple, but round) We preferred to abandon the typical progress bars (this is noticeable in the example of our server monitoring) in favor of circles. It turned out quite interesting. They even found a place to cram the cancel button. Speaking of the button, we are the first to add it. It is still not in any launcher. And the button is necessary - suddenly the user changes his mind about downloading the client. A typical launcher will have to restart it, and we have a button to stop the process (although technically speaking - the flow).

Having finished the discussion of design solutions, let's see what the "troika" brought us in the form of functionality.

New feature "Reset client configuration"
This feature has come to replace the outdated client pumping. Do you know why you needed this very pumping of the client? - To solve problems with incorrect configs due to which the game did not start. True, with such pumping, precious screenshots, texture packs were lost and we had to wait a long time for the client to load. With the new feature, it's all a thing of the past. The function is still engaged in downloading client files, but it does it selectively - only configs are cleared. Due to this, it works very quickly.

Shared library storage
All clients share a common repository for libraries and other resources. We took this idea from the Mojang launcher. This made it possible to reduce their weight due to the absence of duplicate files and to speed up the download of the client - fewer files need to be downloaded. It will take a long time to download only the first client. Let's say you first downloaded the HiTech client, then decided to play Magic - you just need to download its mods and you can play!

Transferring clients
To implement shared storage, we needed to change the client folder structure. For this reason, the new launcher will not find the clients of the previous one. We've added a feature to help migrate them so they work on the new one. This will save you from having to customize the client "for yourself" in a new way.

Offline mode
The launcher can work even without an internet connection as in the previous version. The only difference is that the mode now turns on automatically. The mode allows you to run a previously downloaded single player client.

Works everywhere
One of our principles is to support all platforms and we are not going to go astray.
This software has been tested on the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP (displayed crookedly, but works)
  • Windows 7
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • OS X Yosemite

For fans of the Minecraft game, we have many more interesting things, for example, there is a gorgeous

Minecraft is a world-famous sandbox, the number of regular gamers of which is already in the millions.

But in order to plunge into the world of this beautiful game with pleasure, you need a Minecraft client and a certain interface through which the game is launched.

Well, where without mods!

With the help of mods, each gamer can adjust the game world for himself - add something, remove something. You can find the client and the mods separately, but then you have to select the mods that match the client, which will take a lot of time. It's easier to download a minecraft launcher with mods.

Most gamers for the necessary files will undoubtedly go to the vastness of the Internet.

However, danger awaits there.

First, more and more fraudulent sites are being created. These are resources offering to download those other files that actually spread viruses and various malicious programs. By downloading a file on such a resource, you risk taking a long time to restore your computer or laptop. Secondly, virtual fraudsters try to steal your money.

You are offered to go through the registration procedure via SMS for downloading, after which you can find out the lack of funds in the account.

However, some honestly ask for money for downloading, but they don't want to part with their honestly earned cash. Do not flatter yourself if you managed to get a file without loss, most likely, it contains absolutely unnecessary information for you instead of the desired client.

If you want to download minecraft launcher with mods, you are in luck!

On our site you will have such an opportunity without risk and absolutely.

We take into account the fact that PC antivirus recognizes downloaded programs as potential threats, due to the lack of a license, therefore users are forced to disable the antivirus. We carefully check each file for malware even before you download it. All files on our site are free from viruses, you can safely download everything you need!

To download the minecraft launcher with mods, you just need to click on the button located here on the page, after which the download of the desired file will begin.

It should be noted that we do not charge any download fees. You will get the Minecraft client completely, which is very nice!

Press the button, download the Minecraft client and go on an incredibly exciting journey through the Minecraft world.

Minecraft is a sandbox game, it is a kind of cube world, everything here is woven from millions of cubes, even a character.

Here you have to extract minerals, turn them into objects and blocks, build your palace, tame the animals that inhabit this world, fight evil mobs, travel across the huge map of the game. Initially, you do not have any obligations and restrictions, you can just enjoy the game Minecraft at your pleasure.

The whole problem is in the Relevant Knowledge program, which, in fact, is a Trojan and collects your personal data by sending it to the Internet. Open Task Manager and look for a process named Relevant-Knowledge. If it is there, then to solve the problem, uninstall Relevant Knowledge using the standard Add or Remove Programs tool in the Start menu.

1. Delete the root folder with the game (path - C: \ Users \ Computer_name \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraftonly).
2. Disable any protections.
3. Start the launcher and try to log into any server.

If the game crashed again, then check the box "Start debug console" in the launcher settings, and start the server again. After the next flight, save the crash log to a file and contact our technical support at VK.

1. Reboot your computer.
2. Disable your antivirus and force the game to update.
3. Check your internet speed at
4. Run exclusively through MinecraftOnly Launcher.exe.
5. Do not open more than two MinecraftOnly client windows at the same time.

Update or roll back the driver to the video card. If this does not help, then you need to install a suitable driver for your video card. This is done as follows:

1. Open Device Manager (Control Panel> Device Manager> Display Adapters> Properties (right-click on your video card)> Details> Hardware ID).
2. Copy the first code to the second character & .
3. Go to the site DevID, paste the copied code into the search field and download the driver for your operating system by selecting original file.
4. Install the driver, restart your computer and you can play!

The principle of Anti-Virus operation is simple: it scans applications for malicious functionality (sending data, writing data to a file, etc.). If Anti-Virus notices such a function, it marks it as an unreliable program and blocks it. So why does Anti-Virus sometimes swear or even block the launcher? Viruses? No. First, Minecraft is written in Java and every Java application needs to be verified. But verification costs a lot of money, and is completely unnecessary for various plugins and mods. Also, the launcher checks the correctness of your data, checking it with the site, and then lets it into the game, and the Anti-Virus detects such moments as data drain and blocks it. And secondly, the game is located in the system disk, in the protected AppData directory, which is also tightly protected by Anti-Virus, and when the client starts, the mods are unpacked. When Anti-Virus sees unpacking of unknown files in the system directory, it blocks this process, and without explanation. The result is a crash.

If you still have doubts about the safety of our launcher, then we advise you to check it on

Download quickly for all versions of the game Minecraft. Find yourself in a wide variety of worlds with the help launcher for Minecraft FLauncher!

If you watch Loloshka and other youtubers on Minecraft or have been playing minecraft on servers for a long time, then you know what mods are in Minecraft. Each time you have to download assemblies, install them yourself, it takes a very long time, so download Minecraft launcher called FLauncher. Here you will not have to download and install for a long time assemblies of popular youtubers for Minecraft. You just press the install button and the launcher will do everything for you!

Assemblies that are already in Minecraft Launcher with FLauncher Mods:

Bloody story

New assembly from MrLololoshka, where there are many different mods, in particular JurassiCraft, Botania and BloodMagic, of course, which is why the assembly has such a name

Magical Adventures

Build with a huge number of forests, trees, villages, magic and more. Here you will not be bored, because you will always find something to do, exploring not only the ordinary world. Good luck on your magical journey.

Lord of the Rings

Find yourself in Middle-earth in the world of "The Lord of the Rings"! New biomes, mobs, ores, weapons, reputation and much more await you, if you are a lover of books, films of “The Lord of the Rings”, then just install this assembly.

A dozen adventures

A very diverse assembly from youtuber and MrLololoshka "letsplayer", the assembly is endowed with many mods, in particular magical and technical. The name of this assembly is not accidental. here are really a "dozen" of different mods on different topics. Every player will love this build!


Interesting assembly with DivineRPG and various magical mods, which is very suitable for players who like to both have fun and learn. Also in this assembly there is a twilight forest, where you will not be bored either. If you love DivineRPG, then install this assembly

How to install / run Minecraft Launcher with FLauncher Mods:

  1. Download the launcher installer - DOWNLOAD
  2. Run the installer launcher. After the installer has finished downloading, just run it. NO VIRUSES IN THE INSTALLER AND LAUNCHER!
  3. After installing the launcher, you will see a window where you can specify a nickname, select the version of Minecraft.
  4. Click on the "Assembly Installer" button and select any assembly that interests you.
  5. After choosing the assembly, click on the "Install" button. Wait for the assembly to download (assembly download speed depends on your internet).
  6. As soon as you have fully loaded the assembly, you can click the "Play" button. Everything! Now you can run and install assemblies with mods.

If you're bored of surfing the internet endlessly looking for a working pirate launcher? Or, having found a good client, you failed to assemble a decent assembly with mods for the new version of Minecraft, in which it is difficult to install any mod? In this case, pay attention to the assembly of the Minecraft client with a new working launcher with 19 mods. This launcher will not ask you to enter your username and password. You only need to download the minecraft launcher with mods, indicate your nickname in the game, and start playing on a local network with friends or online via the Internet. Or you can try to create your own works of art in this rather popular and very interesting multiplayer game, which has already conquered more than one thousand gamers from all over the world. Surely many players will be happy to know that the new launcher has already been completed and has started working successfully.

How to download minecraft with mods for free:

There are two download methods. You can immediately download a ready-made minecraft with mods for free. Or download mods for the game separately. In other words, if you already have a ready-made minecraft client with mods, then there is no need to download and configure each mod separately. You just need to install it and play. If you do not need a ready-made and customized game, then you simply select each mod separately, and then install them on your "empty" game.

So, what needs to be done for those who want a ready-to-download minecraft client with a mod.

First of all, you need to download the client by clicking the download button. After the download is complete, you should double-click on the file and start installing. Do everything as the installer indicates, and everything will work out for you. After installation, you can launch the game.

If you want to start downloading each mod separately, then first you need to select a mod, then install it, and start the game. But in this case, there can be problems. Therefore, it is best to download minecraft with mods already installed. Why complicate your life?

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