Voskobovich technology. Educational portal. The meaning of fairy tales in games

“Play is a huge, bright, gentle thing through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

More than 20 years ago, unusual games by Vyacheslav Voskobovich appeared in kindergartens (including ours) to develop the intelligence of children - the most famous of them: “geokont”, “game square”, “Folding boxes”, “Color clock”, etc. .

It all started with the fact that Vyacheslav Vladislavovich Voskobovich, the author of the games, an engineer and physicist by training, during the period of Perestroika (read: bare shelves in toy stores), decided to create interesting educational games for his own children.

The result exceeded expectations and over time turned into a gaming technology for the intellectual and creative development of children aged 3-7 years, “Fairytale Mazes Games,” which is successfully used in preschool educational organizations.

This academic year we decided to thoroughly introduce the gaming technology “Fairytale Mazes Games” by V.V. Voskobovich in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

I invite blog readers to get acquainted with our experience of working along this path; perhaps the information provided will be useful to teachers and parents of preschool children.

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues from the MBDOU MO Krasnodar “Center - Kindergarten No. 115” - teacher Tatyana Mikhailovna Morozova, deputy head of educational and educational institutions Tatyana Vasilievna Sikovich. It was in this institution, within the framework of the round table “Organization of cultural practices as a means of developing children's individuality and independence,” in May of this year, the game technology of V. Voskobovich was presented in full by teacher-tutor Tatyana Mikhailovna Morozova. The teachers and methodologists present got acquainted with a wide range of games, and Tatyana Mikhailovna invited us to “turn into children” and gave us a master class with the games of V. Voskobovich.

Features of Voskobovich's educational games

Wide age range of game participants.

Children of three and seven years old, and sometimes even high school students, can play the same game. This is possible because simple physical manipulation is accompanied by a system of ever-increasingly complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks.

Multifunctionality of Voskobovich's educational games.

Games can be used to solve a large number of educational problems. Unbeknownst to himself, the baby masters numbers and letters, recognizes or remembers colors or shapes, learns to count, navigate in space, trains fine motor skills, improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, and imagination.

Variability of game tasks and exercises.

For each game, a large number of different game tasks and exercises have been developed, aimed at solving one educational problem. This variability is determined by the design of the game and the combination of materials from which it is made.

The creativity of every game.

Educational games give both children and adults the opportunity to invent and implement their plans into reality. The combination of variability and creativity makes games interesting for a child for a long period of time, turning the gameplay into “long-lasting delight” (T.G. Kharko)

Methodical manuals

We purchased the necessary methodological literature for working with children of all age groups. I give the name and brief announcements.

1. Kharko T.V., Voskobovich V.V. “Fairy tale labyrinths games” is a gaming technology for the intellectual and creative development of children aged 3-7 years.

“The methodological manual contains conceptual provisions of the technology, a description of the necessary pedagogical conditions for organizing children's play activities, and tables “solving educational problems in games.” The book contains notes, scenarios, logical and mathematical games for each age group. The technology is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions and primary schools, tutors, and psychologists. Parents."

For each preschool age, starting with the youngest, 1 summary of a game situation is presented per month.

Tables are provided to help the teacher create a developmental environment - “Set of play equipment for a subgroup of children”

2. T.G. Kharko "Methodology of cognitive and creative development of preschool children "Tales of the Purple Forest" ( early and younger ages)

This methodological manual and subsequent ones present 4 summaries of game situations for each month.

“The educational content of the methodology “Tales of the Purple Forest” is built on the principle of complication, gradual and constant, as if in a spiral. The content is built at a fairly high level of difficulty. This helps to effectively realize the cognitive abilities of preschool children, because, as psychologists note, the absence of obstacles for a child to overcome makes development weak and sluggish.

The "Tales of the Violet Forest" method is the interaction of children and adults through the implementation of the plot of the fairy tales of the Violet Forest. In game situations there is a plot, roles and actions, but there is no imaginary situation due to the fact that the main emphasis is on children’s mastery of educational games and cognitive processes” (T.G. Kharko).

The more complex the game, the more sketchy the plot and vice versa.

3. T.G. Kharko "Methodology of cognitive and creative development of preschool children "Tales of the Violet Forest" ( middle preschool age)

"The methodology is developed in such a way that integration of various areas of the educational process occurs. In game situations, against the background of the prevailing logical and mathematical development, the issues of knowledge of the world of objects and nature are partially resolved. Children are given the opportunity to perform physical exercises, participate in experimentation, draw an invented object, imagine themselves character and tell on his behalf, show how he acts" (T.G. Kharko).

4. T.G. Kharko "Methodology of cognitive and creative development of preschool children "Tales of the Violet Forest" (for children 5-7 years old)

" The content of game situations contributes to the development of the processes of attention, memory, skills to analyze, compare objects, geometric figures, their signs and properties, find similarities and differences, see different images in familiar objects.

An entertaining problem-based game plot, into which logical tasks and search questions are organically woven, helps children overcome themselves and achieve results against the backdrop of a feeling of joy and satisfaction. As a result, such integration of methods and techniques effectively develops volitional regulation.

The method implements an activity-based approach to the development of children aged 5-7 years. They, mastering various content - mathematical, speech, about the world around them - manipulate various objects and get results from actions with them: an assembled figure, a constructed tower, an "embroidered" outline etc. This not only motivates children, but also promotes the development of fine motor skills of fingers and hands, eye-hand coordination.

5. “Across the seas, along the waves with Voskobovich’s educational games” Kuzmina O.V., Mikhalina A.V., Parnyak S.A.

A small manual - a guide - the experience of teachers of the tutor center based on the State Budgetary Educational Institution kindergarten No. 62 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. The authors, based on marine themes, have developed examples of technological maps for children from 2 to 7 years old.

as well as a card index of games in various areas of development. All this material is a kind of “constructor” for constructing classes for preschoolers and lessons for primary school students.

6. “Educational games of V.V. Voskobovich in working with children of preschool and primary school age” - Materials of the I (II and III) All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, St. Petersburg, 2013, 2015.

Creating conditions for implementation

gaming technology "Fairy tale mazes games"

To effectively solve educational problems using the “Fairytale Mazes Games” technology, the author of methodological developments, Tatyana Grigorievna Kharko, recommends equipping the group with at least one set of games and game aids. The composition of the kit depends on the age of the child and the stage of work, is designed for 8-10 children and is suitable for subgroup lessons.

All games and manuals are concentrated in one place - the “intellectual gaming center”. One of the design options is a three-dimensional or planar “Purple Forest”, populated by characters from fairy tales-methods for Voskobovich’s educational games.

Unfortunately, there is no room for volumetric modeling in our institution, and at this stage we have so far purchased one small set of the “Purple Forest” manual for one of the groups.

If you wish, you can make such a manual (working on the principle of the flannelgraph, which is well known to preschoolers) on your own, especially since now there is a huge selection of materials for creativity, and choose the size in accordance with the capabilities of the group room. I saw photographs on the Internet when a plain carpet was used for the base - the background, and then it was a matter of creativity: cutting out trees, a clearing, Lake Ice, characters from colored felt. (For reference, the cost of the small benefit “Purple Forest” is 7,900 rubles.)

A brief overview of V. Voskobovich’s games (there are more than 50 of them) is presented in the presentation at the link:

In search of the best price, we came to the conclusion that the cheapest way is to purchase games directly from Voskobovich Educational Games LLC (St. Petersburg). It was very easy to work with this organization - we agreed on all the documents, sent scans by email, originals by registered mail, and after 4 days we received the ordered games.

In the space of fairy tales and games

In November - December, our teachers prepared and conducted demonstration entertainment and classes on the intellectual and creative development of children of primary, middle and senior preschool age.

The teachers took the notes from the above manuals as a basis, supplemented them and creatively revised them in accordance with their tasks.

For blog readers - a short photo report.

Game situation “We are going on an expedition to the sea inhabitants”, senior group, teacher Albina Rafikovna Nasrulaeva.

"Igrovisor" - drawing a baby whale using dots

Lesson "Journey to the Violet Forest", preparatory group for school, teacher Tatyana Petrovna Trigub.
The storyline of the educational situation in a playful form was presented in the form of a presentation with images of the fabulous Purple Forest, its inhabitants characters - little Geo, his friend Lopushka, the spider Yuka, animation, inserts - diagrams, visual gymnastics, a reference slide for reflection at the end of the lesson.( By viewing the presentation in speaker mode with text, you can follow the progress of the lesson)

Lesson "Walk in the Violet Forest", junior group, teacher Maya Alekseevna Raikova.

Using the developmental environment "Purple Forest" during the lesson, the issues of forming sensory standards in children of primary preschool age were addressed.

In my opinion, the teachers managed to captivate the children, and the teachers liked working with the technology of “Fairytale Mazes Games” by T.G. Kharko, V.V. Voskobovich. It is clear that fully equipping groups with Voskobovich’s games is a matter of time and finances, and if the teacher is passionate, many of the games can be made with your own hands and with the help of parents.

Voskobovich Vyacheslav Vadimovich is recognized as one of the first authors of multifunctional and creative educational games, which in a playful form form the creative potential of a child, develop his sensory and mental processes, and also offer children an exciting journey with adventures into the world of educational fairy tales.

The history of the Voskobovich technique

Today, in children's institutions, teachers widely use the popular Voskobovich method for the comprehensive and creative development of children. Children who develop using this method start reading early, quickly perform various mathematical operations, know how to logically think and perform creative tasks. They also find it easy to study in primary school. They have excellent memory and can concentrate for a long time.

Principles of the Voskobovich technique

  • In this regard, one of the principles of Voskobovich’s technique is interesting tales.

Each educational game by Voskobovich is accompanied by a fascinating fairy tale that helps the child learn faster. remember the numbers, letters or shapes. In the plot of the fairy tale, the baby helps the heroes by performing various tasks and exercises. For parents without special education data methodological developments are this valuable find. After all, based on the plot of a fairy tale, you can easily play with your child, performing various creative tasks.

  • The second principle of Voskobovich’s technique is game with benefit.

The author's educational games are quite multifunctional. In a playful way you can learn to read or account, simultaneously developing logic, thinking, memory and other psychological processes. Thus, the value of the game lies in its ability to comprehensively develop and educate the child.

  • The third principle of Voskobovich’s author’s methodology is development of a child's creativity.

Games and tales of Voskobovich help develop imagination, fantasy and creativity. Completing non-traditional tasks of varying difficulty levels contributes to the formation of early creative thinking in children.

Specifics of Voskobovich's educational games

  • Educational games by Voskobovich are relevant for children aged two years and older. The game can begin with basic manipulation of elements and end with solving complex multi-level problems.

Voskobovich's games also take into account the interests of the child.

  • Children, through exciting gameplay, make new discoveries and getemotional satisfaction from completed tasks.
  • Most of Voskobovich's educational games are accompanied by special methodicalbenefits With illustrated fairy tales, in which you need to complete interesting tasks or answer posed questions. Good heroes of fairy tales help a child in a playful way to master not only reading basics or mathematicians, but also learn baby communication and mutual understanding.

It is important that children, when performing various tasks according to Voskobovich’s method, do not get tired quickly. After all, the child independently chooses the pace and load of the lesson, switching from one task to another.

Popular educational games by Voskobovich

All Voskobovich’s games have a different focus:

  • develop in a child imagination And logical thinking
  • teach reading
  • form math skills
  • aimed at design and modeling
  • skills development research activities and creativity

Construction game"Geocont"

Construction game“Geokont” is presented in the form of a plywood board with nails, which are located on it in a certain sequence. The game comes with a set of colored rubber bands and an illustrated manual containing creative tasks of various levels difficulties.

Children not only complete tasks, but travel with baby Geo and help him overcome various obstacles in the Purple Forest by constructing colorful geometric shapes. The manual describes the patterns of drawings that the kids should end up with..

  • "Geocont" introduces children to the world of geometry
  • develops fine motor skills of the hands
  • helps to study colors, sizes and shapes
  • child learns to model, fold diagrams according to a pattern, navigate the coordinate system, look for similarities and differences between drawings, think outside the box
  • develops psychological processes baby.

"Voskobovich Square"

This game is also called “Maple Leaf”, “Eternal Origami”, “Klondike”, “ Transformable square" etc. "Voskobovich Square" consists of 32 multi-colored triangles, glued to a flexible fabric base and located at a certain distance from each other. The main colors of the game are red, yellow, blue and green. For children aged 2 to 5 years, a two-color square is offered for games, and for older children, a four-color square has been developed. "Voskobovich Square" Can easy to transform, creating a variety of three-dimensional and flat figures: airplane, candy, house, crow, turtle, etc. Data figures You can assemble according to the proposed schemes or come up with your own images. Folding options there are about a hundred and more.

It should be noted that Voskobovich’s educational game is accompanied by a fascinating fairy tale “The Mystery of the Raven Meter” and educational aids. Mom Trapezium, grandfather Quadrangle, baby Square, dad Rectangle and other fairy-tale characters will help the child solve the assigned tasks.

"Voskobovich Square" forms in the child:

  • abstract thinking
  • modeling skills, ability to navigate in space
  • develops creative potential, perseverance, memory, attention

Puzzle "Miracle crosses"

"Miracle crosses" are a multifunctional aid for children's development mathematical and creative abilities. This game is presented in the form of a frame with various inserts, which differ from each other in shape and color. All geometric shapes are cut into separate parts. At the initial level, the child is asked to assemble fragments of figures into a single whole. Then the tasks become more difficult. The baby must using scheme, collect various images of figures and objects. For clarity, an “Album of Figures” is included with the game.

"Miracle crosses" help the child learn:

  • colors and shapes,
  • develop ability to compare and analyze
  • form concepts of whole and parts
  • learns to use diagrams to solve assigned problems.

The ship "Plush-Plush"

This educational game is made in the form of a bright boat with colorful flags-sails, which can be easily put on wooden yards. On the base of the boat there are numbers from 1 to 5. The bright flags have a rough surface. Due to this, during the game the child not only small develops motor skills of fingers, But and tactile sensations. At the ship match, the child must attach a certain number of flags, sorting them by color and size.

While playing with the “Plush-Plush” boat, the child meets Captain Goose and sailor Frog, who invite him into a world of exciting adventures.

The boat "Plush-Plush" is a multifunctional game that:

  • introduces the baby to various flowers
  • forms mathematical skills
  • instills skills in sorting items, taking them into account quantity and color

"Math baskets"

Given benefit invites you and your baby to the fairyland of mathematics. Child with funny characters digital animals will secure check, will understand compound numbers, will learn compare numbers And perform mathematical operations.

During the game, the kid helps his friends put mushroom inserts into baskets. At the same time, finding out who collected more mushrooms and who collected less. How many mushrooms do you need to put in the basket to make it full? The author's instructions describe more than ten games that you can play with your baby. Also child completes tasks during the game for development fine motor skills: Colors, outlines and shades the mushrooms. "Math Baskets" is a universal game for children aged two years and older.


Colorful game manual introduces kids to vowels and consonants, helps to master the principle of addition syllables. On the pages of the game "Foldings" a child will meet many fairy-tale characters with whom he can learn poems and sing songs. Included with the game Also CD with songs, which you can listen to periodically with your baby.

It should be noted that during the lesson with a child, various analyzers are involved: tactile, visual and auditory. As a result such activities for children:

  • memory improves
  • perseverance develops And attentiveness.

Lacing game “Chamomile”

Beautiful chamomile will help kids make up new words and read them. You can make 200 words from a keyword using a string. For children 2-3 years old, the game “Chamomile” is used as lacing to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Lacing game “Chamomile” develops in children:

  • intelligence
  • reading skills
  • enriches vocabulary and develops the ability to think creatively.

"Teremki Voskobovich"

“Voskobovich's Teremki” is recognized as a unique educational model for preparing a child for early reading. kids in a playful way they learn to connect letters into syllables, and the syllables convert into words. The manual includes 12 multi-colored tower cubes, on which various sounds are located. Each tower is equipped with a window or arch for vowels.

The baby is invited into the world of vowels by cheerful artists whose names begin with vowels: Orlequin, Harlequin, etc. To connect letters into a syllable, you need to put the corresponding chest in the tower and sing the syllable that was then formed. The baby also gets acquainted with the accent mark, soft and hard signs. Next, the child learns to compose and read the first words.

To this allowance Attached are detailed instructions with detailed descriptions of the games, teaching a child the basics reading.

"Teremki Voskobovich" enrich the child's vocabulary, develop his mental processes and creative abilities.

"Letter constructor"

The educational game “Letter Constructor” is an excellent assistant during the period when a child gets to know letters. The game includes a special plywood base with rubber bands that secure parts of the letters. Children are also offered 15 pieces of various shapes.

During the game, the child puts together graphic images different letters, turning them from one to another. He is helped in this by the fabulous inhabitants of the Violet Forest, who want to know about the secret of the magician Philemon Cotterfield.

"Letter constructor" helps the baby:

  • understand relationship between sound and letter
  • forms in him the correct graphic image of the letter
  • develops imagination And fine motor skills

"Reader on balls"

This educational game by Voskobovich is an effective technique for training and consolidation reading skills. This is a peculiar flip book allows you to form words of varying levels of complexity. If you bend the corners along the white lines, you can read words consisting of two or three letters - these are yellow balls. Words of three or four letters are formed on the red balls, etc.

Also, “Reader on Balls” allows you to create completely new words from the received words. In this way, you can create about 130 new words.

Game aid:

  • instills interest in reading
  • expands vocabulary
  • teaches design
  • helps to learn sounds and letters

How to play Voskobovich games with your baby correctly

If you purchased Voskobovich’s game and want to play with your baby, then you should read the instructions and methodological recommendations for it in detail.

  • During the game it is necessary develop child's speech, since children, in the process of completing tasks, mainly work with their hands and interact little with their environment. For this ask your child to comment your actions or retell the plot, ask him more often about fabulous tasks and options for completing them.

It should be noted that Voskobovich's games are static. In this regard, take short breaks and do warm-ups with your children.

  • Voskobovich's games require a certain level from the child perseverance, which is not always to the liking of kids. So get started play with the child for 10 minutes, then put the game down. After a while, you can return to completing tasks. Be patient during the game don't criticize your child in case of failure. Rejoice in victories baby and more often praise.

Voskobovich's technique involves a partnership between an adult and a child during the game. The baby is surrounded by ease intellectual and creative atmosphere.

Pros and cons of the Voskobovich technique

Many children's institutions have successfully tested Voskobovich's technique. kids, with whom we systematically played Voskobovich’s educational games, were able to quickly analyze and compare the received information. The children also had excellent plane orientation, easy to count, had reading skills, were able to distinguish geometric shapes and colors. In addition, the guys who studied according to Voskobovich’s method knew how for a long time concentrate yours attention to complete assigned tasks, always brought the matter to its logical conclusion end and had high level development memory, thinking, attention. The children completed all tasks with interest and great desire.

The only disadvantage of Voskobovich’s method is that it is impossible to make original games yourself. They are purchased by children's institutions and parents only in specialized stores.

Voskobovich technique video

Perhaps you have already tried Voskobovich's games with your child. Share your impressions and comments.

The process of modernization of the entire education system places high demands on the organization of preschool education, intensifies the search for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches to the process of education of preschool children.
The separation of the preschool education system into an independent educational level and the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is an important stage in the modernization of the entire educational system, ensuring the continuity of kindergarten and school. Having analyzed these regulatory documents, I came to the conclusion that the professional teaching community places fairly high demands on kindergarten graduates. Consequently, the success of a child in future school life will largely depend on how effective the development, upbringing and education of kindergarten students will be.
The preschool education system at the present stage is looking for ways to achieve high and stable results in working with children. Reacting to all changes in social conditions and requirements, preschool pedagogy searches for and creates more and more new approaches to the upbringing and teaching of preschool children. When organizing educational activities, teachers first of all pay attention to the choice of methods, techniques and technologies, and also rely on their effectiveness in practical activities.
The sociocultural situation in society and the processes of reorganization of the educational system are pushing teachers to realize the impossibility of working in the old way, using stereotypical techniques and a unified form of organizing children's activities. There is a need to use modern pedagogical technologies of education, in the light of a new perception of the realities of today.
Innovative (modern) technologies are a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational tools aimed at achieving a positive result through dynamic changes in the personal development of a child in modern sociocultural conditions. Pedagogical innovations can either change the processes of education and training, or improve them. Innovative technologies combine progressive creative technologies and traditional ones that have proven their effectiveness in the process of teaching.
There are several types of technologies.
1. Pedagogical technologies based on the activity approach.
Technologies of the activity approach include:
· Pedagogical technology – project method. Authors: J. Durie, W. Kilpatrick.
· Technology of developmental training.
· Pedagogical technologies of the “community” program. Authors: K. Hansen, R. Kaufmann, K. Walsh.
· Pedagogical technology for independent research activities of children.
· Pedagogical technology of children's experimentation.
2. Game pedagogical technologies.
One of such technologies is the Pedagogical Technology of Developmental Games by B.P. Nikitina.
· Technology for intensive development of intellectual abilities of preschool children “Fairytale labyrinth games” Authors: V.V. Voskobovich, T.G. Kharko, T.I. Balatskaya.
· Pedagogical technology “Dienesh Blocks”
· Pedagogical technology “Cuisenaire's wands”
· Pedagogical technology of training.
3. Pedagogical technologies of training and development.
These technologies include:
· Pedagogical technology of environmental education for preschool children.
· Pedagogical technology based on triz (theory of solving inventive problems).
· Pedagogical technology for forming the foundations of safe life.
Having studied these technologies, I chose the game pedagogical technology, namely the Technology for the intensive development of intellectual abilities of preschool children “Fairytale labyrinths of games” by V.V. Voskobovich.
I was attracted by the fact that the main idea of ​​​​the technology is the basis of the games and becomes as effective as possible, since the game speaks directly to the child with the kind, original, funny and sad language of a fairy tale, intrigue, a funny character or an invitation to adventure. Its peculiarity is that this game actually builds almost the entire process of a child’s learning and it has a wide age range of participants in the game from 2-3 years to high school.
Technology for intensive development of intellectual abilities of preschool children “Fairy tale labyrinths games”
(V.V. Voskobovich and others)
Voskobovich's original method is highly effective and accessible. It is easily and quickly mastered by both teachers and parents of preschoolers. During the game, a special atmosphere of trust is created between the child and the adult, which has a beneficial effect on the harmonious development of the baby.
The first games by V.V. Voskobovich appeared in the early 90s. More than 40 game aids have now been developed. The advantage of these educational games is the wide age range of game participants and their versatility. Children of three and seven years old, and sometimes even high school students, can play the same game. This is possible because simple physical manipulation is accompanied by a system of ever-increasingly complex developmental questions and cognitive tasks.
Games can be used to solve a large number of educational problems. Unbeknownst to yourself, the baby masters numbers or letters; recognizes and remembers color or shape; learn to count, navigate in space; trains fine motor skills of the hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination. For each game, a large number of different game tasks and exercises have been developed, aimed at solving one educational problem. This variability is determined by the design of the game and the combination of materials from which it is made.
Educational games give both children and adults the opportunity to invent and implement their plans into reality. The combination of variability and creativity makes games interesting for a child for a long period of time, turning the gaming process into “long-lasting delight.”
Goals and objectives of gaming technology by V.V. Voskobovich:
1. Development of a child’s cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things.
2. Development of observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.
3. Development of imagination, creativity, thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle).
4. Harmonious, balanced development of emotional, figurative and logical beginnings in children.
5. Formation of basic ideas (about the world around us, mathematical ones), and speech skills.
6. Development of fine motor skills and all mental processes.
Let's take a closer look at the games of Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich.
A clear idea of ​​how these general provisions manifest themselves in practice can be obtained by familiarizing yourself with at least the two most famous games - “Geokont” and “Voskobovich Square”.
Geokont - popularly this game is called “a board with nails.” But for the guys, this is not just a board, but a fairy tale “Little Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava” (the word “geometry” is encrypted in the title of the fairy tale), in which plastic nails attached to plywood (the playing field) are called “silver ". A coordinate grid is applied to the Geokont playing field. “Spider webs” (multi-colored rubber bands) are pulled onto “silver” nails, and the contours of geometric shapes and object silhouettes are obtained. Children create them following the example of an adult or according to their own ideas, and older children - according to a sample diagram and verbal model.
Voskobovich square ("Game square")
This game has many “folk” names - “Maple Leaf”, “Klondike”, “Eternal Origami”. All this is essentially true. The "game square" consists of 32 rigid triangles glued to a flexible base on both sides. Thanks to this design, the square can be easily transformed, allowing you to design both planar and volumetric figures. In the fairy tale "The Mystery of the Raven Meter" the square comes to life and turns into images: a house, a mouse, a hedgehog, a shoe, an airplane and a kitten. Two-year-old children, with the help of an adult, put together a house with a red or green roof and a piece of candy. Older children master the design algorithm, find geometric shapes hidden in the “house,” and come up with their own object silhouettes. A square can be cut in a certain way. For example, a cross cut gives unusual three-dimensional shapes. It is possible to manipulate its elements - a kind of finger theater. Games with the "Voskobovich Square" develop fine motor skills of the hands, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, and design skills.
An indispensable condition for the development of children's intelligence is an enriched subject-spatial environment; this technique pays great attention to this issue.

The Purple Forest is a methodical, educational environment in the form of fairy tales. Tales of the Violet Forest contain stories with wonderful transformations, adventures of funny characters and at the same time entertaining questions, problematic tasks, exercises in modeling and transforming objects. In essence, the Purple Forest is a sensorimotor corner in which the child acts independently: plays, designs, trains the skills that he acquired in joint activities with an adult; engaged in research and experimentation.

Enriching the educational environment of the younger group of kindergarten with Voskobovich’s games leads to the solution of several problems in organizing the teacher’s activities:

1. The subject space of the group room is enriched, while it becomes developing;

2. The process of motivating students is optimized in the process of organizing direct educational activities for children, both independently and together with the teacher;

3. Systematic, stage-by-stage use of gaming technology invariably produces sustainable positive results in the development of preschool children.

Three-year-olds do not confuse colors. They call the yellow color yellow, and the red color red, without confusing it with orange. By the end of the year, children distinguish orange from yellow, blue is not confused with green or purple, and blue is distinguished from blue and gray. Children have almost no problems with counting, knowledge of geometric shapes, or the ability to navigate on a plane.

Indeed, it is not bad when children, one might say, develop understanding before their eyes and form a fairly high level of cognitive development, since the full development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children always remains relevant. It is known that the comprehensive development of the intellectual sphere in preschool age increases the success of children's education and plays a big role in the education of an adult.

Preschoolers with developed mental operations, processes and functions remember material faster, are more confident in their own abilities, and adapt more easily to a new environment. Play, as the leading activity of a child in preschool childhood, helps turn learning into an exciting process, and therefore allows for the necessary natural development in the most attractive type of activity for preschoolers.

An important advantage of gaming activity is the internal nature of its motivation. Children play because they enjoy the gameplay itself.

Developing gaming technologies make learning an interesting activity for a child, remove motivational problems, generate interest in the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities, and therefore help in realizing the main goal of the educational activity of any teacher - creating conditions for the full development of the student.

Zvereva Olesya Borisovna,


MBDOU kindergarten “Childhood”

combined type

kindergarten No. 160

Nizhny Tagil


1. Brazhnikov A. Intellectual games as a way to attract children to reading. Moscow: Chistye Prudy, 2008.

2. Voskobovich V.V. Technology of intensive intellectual development of preschool children 3-7 years old “Fairy tale labyrinths games”. St. Petersburg: Scientific Research Institute “Girikond”, 2000.

3. Doubtful S.I., Doubtful K.E. Montessori home school. Moscow. “Karapuz Didactics”, 2005.

4. Tolstikova O.V., Savelyeva O.V., Ivanova T.V. Modern pedagogical technologies for the education of preschool children: a methodological manual. Ekaterinburg: IRO, 2013.

Technology "Fairy tale labyrinths games"
Early development methods usually have two paths: one - from a certain theoretical position to its practical confirmation (Waldor kindergarten), the other - on the contrary, from practical experience, through its generalization, to theoretical justification. Voskobovich's technology is precisely the path from practice to theory. Why technology and not methodology? In principle, these are very similar concepts. And the term “pedagogical technology” appeared in pedagogy quite recently. In methods, the substantive aspects are more represented, in technologies - procedural ones.

Game Features

Structural elements
In "Geokont" the design tool is a dynamic "elastic band", the distinctive properties of the "Voskobovich Square" are rigidity and flexibility at the same time, the structural element in the "Transparent Square" is a transparent plate with an opaque part, and in the "Cord-entertainer" it is a lace and a block.

Wide age range of participants
The same game attracts children both three and seven years old, and sometimes even high school students. This is possible because it contains both one- and two-step exercises for kids, as well as complex multi-step tasks for older children.

With one game you can solve a large number of educational problems. Unnoticed by yourself, the baby masters numbers and letters; recognizes and remembers color, shape; trains fine motor skills of the hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination.
Universality in relation to educational programs.
As practice has shown, games fit perfectly into the programs of educational institutions, for example, “Childhood”, “Development”, “Rainbow”.

Creative potential
What game does your child play with the longest? Of course, with the one that gives him the opportunity to turn his “ideas” into reality. How many interesting things can be invented and made from the details of “Miracle Puzzles”, multi-colored “webs” of “Geokont”, “eternal origami” of “Voskobovich Square”: cars, planes, ships, butterflies and birds, knights and princesses - a whole fairy-tale world! Games give adults the opportunity to be creative.

Fabulous "cut"
Children's interest in fairy tales is both an additional motivation and a model of mediated learning. The children are happy to play not with squares, triangles and trapezoids, but with the Non-melting Ice of Lake Ice and the multi-colored webs of the Yuk Spider; they do not study fractions, but solve the secrets of the Miracle Flower together with Baby Geo. New, unusual and non-standard always attracts the attention of children and is better remembered.

Let's get to know each other better
A clear idea of ​​how these general provisions manifest themselves in practice can be obtained by familiarizing yourself with at least the two most famous games - “Geokont” and “Voskobovich Square”.

This game is popularly called "board with studs." But for the kids, this is not just a board, but a fairy tale “Little Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava,” in which plastic nails attached to plywood (the playing field) are called “silver.”
A coordinate grid is applied to the Geokont playing field. “Spider webs” (multi-colored rubber bands) are stretched onto “silver” nails, and the contours of geometric shapes and object silhouettes are obtained. Children create them following the example of an adult or according to their own ideas, and older children - according to a sample diagram and verbal model. Primary and secondary school students use this game to prove theorems. After all, in the very title of the fairy tale the word “geometry” is encrypted.
As a result, children develop motor skills of the hand and fingers, sensory abilities (sensation of color, shape, size), mental processes (designing according to a verbal model, constructing symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, searching for and establishing patterns), and creative abilities.

"Voskobovich Square" ("Game Square")
This game has many “folk” names - “Maple Leaf”, “Klondike”, “Eternal Origami”. All this is essentially true. The "game square" consists of 32 rigid triangles glued to a flexible base on both sides. Thanks to this design, the square can be easily transformed, allowing you to design both planar and volumetric figures. In the fairy tale "The Mystery of the Raven Meter" the square comes to life and turns into images: a house, a mouse, a hedgehog, a shoe, an airplane and a kitten. Two-year-old children, with the help of an adult, put together a house with a red or green roof and a piece of candy. Older children master the design algorithm, find geometric shapes hidden in the “house,” and come up with their own object silhouettes.
A square can be cut in a certain way. For example, a cross cut gives unusual three-dimensional shapes. It is possible to manipulate its elements - a kind of finger theater.
Games with the "Voskobovich Square" develop fine motor skills of the hands, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, design skills, and creativity.

Basic principles of technology

Game plus fairy tale
The first principle of the "Fairytale Mazes Games" technology is game-based learning for preschool children. Its peculiarity is that almost the entire process of a child’s learning is actually built in this game. “Fairytale labyrinth games” are a form of interaction between adults and children through the implementation of a certain plot (games and fairy tales). At the same time, educational tasks are included in the content of the game.
Methodological fairy tales also provide additional gaming motivation. A system of questions, tasks, exercises, and tasks is organically woven into their plots. It’s very convenient - an adult reads a fairy tale, a child listens to it and, as the story progresses, answers questions, solves problems, and completes assignments.

The second principle of Voskobovich’s technology is the construction of such children’s play activities, as a result of which the mental processes of attention, memory, imagination, thinking, and speech develop. Constant and gradual complication of games (“in a spiral”) makes it possible to maintain children’s activity in the zone of optimal difficulty. In each game, the child always achieves some kind of “objective” result.
It is no coincidence that so much attention is paid to the development of intelligence in preschool children. At this age, they usually develop verbal, that is, “acquired” intelligence. The mother reads books to the child, looks at encyclopedias with him, and takes him to museums. As a result, he knows a lot and has heard a lot. School teachers call such children “trained.” But there is no guarantee that such children will study well in the future. And non-verbal, that is, “innate” intelligence, may be poorly developed in them. What is innate intelligence? These are mental processes of attention, the ability to analyze, synthesize, the formation of cause-and-effect relationships, fine motor skills, and memory. Voskobovich’s games are primarily aimed at their development, and one of the conceptual provisions of the “Fairytale Mazes Games” technology is the development of non-verbal intelligence in children.
The authors of the "Fairy Tale Mazes Game" technology are not supporters of early accelerated development of children. All material is sensitive, that is, most favorable for the perception of preschool children, taking into account their psychological characteristics.

The third principle of the “Fairytale Mazes Game” is the early creative development of preschool children. The game creates conditions for creativity and stimulates the development of the child’s creative abilities. The adult can only use this natural need to gradually involve the children in more complex forms of play activity.

Developmental environment - Purple Forest
In essence, this is a developing sensorimotor zone. It is made from plywood, carpet, painted on the wall, or fabric. The child acts here independently: plays, designs, and trains the skills that he acquired in joint activities with an adult. In the Violet Forest there are always fairy-tale characters - Invisible All, Raven Meter, Baby Geo, Lopushok and others.

Methods for implementing the technology
The features of the "Fairy Tale Labyrinths Game" are such that there is no need to rebuild the work of the institution or break the usual way of life at home. Technology is organically woven into existing orders. In the “adult-child” relationship, the position of the adult over the child is not assumed here, only a partnership relationship. The child is surrounded by a relaxed, cheerful, intellectual and creative atmosphere. It is woven from a feeling of external security, when the child knows that his manifestations will not receive a negative assessment from adults, and a feeling of internal relaxation due to the support of his creative endeavors.

Studies conducted in kindergartens using Voskobovich technology have shown that there are many children in groups with normal, high and very high intelligence. (The gradation of changes in intellectual development looks like this: below average intelligence, average intelligence, normal, high, very high, excellent). It is best for children to develop understanding, the ability to analyze and compare. Five- and six-year-old children know how to concentrate when performing complex mental operations and finish what they start. Three-year-old children easily distinguish and name yellow, red, blue, and do not confuse green, purple, blue, orange and other colors. I would especially like to note the high level of development of finger and hand motor skills of children's hands. In addition, the guys with whom we worked according to Voskobovich have no problems with counting, knowledge of geometric shapes, or the ability to navigate on a plane. They start reading early. The issue of children’s motivational readiness for school has also been resolved. Children who are gradually moving to the adult “form” of learning and have “played enough” in preschool childhood want to go to school and learn for the sake of learning itself. And, as a rule, they do it well and with interest.

Games to teach reading
"Voskobovich's Teremki" - basic development. There is a cube, there is a tower. We put the cube into Teremok - it turns out to be a merger. This is how words are formed. In total, the set includes 12 cubes, 12 towers. It is impossible to describe the entire game within the scope of this article. Let's focus only on two cubes - blue and green, the so-called cubes of the initial stage. What's on them? On five sides there is a letter and an image, on the sixth there is a hint where which letter is located. Each letter is represented by jesters, adopting its pose. In the letter A pose - Harlequin. If the jester represents the letter O, then his name is Orlekin. What if U? - Urlekin. Yarlekin, Yrlekin, Yurlekin are fairy-tale characters, with whom a child is for the time being more interesting than with a friend.
"Letter Constructor" allows you to construct any letter of the alphabet from elements. Elements can be attached to the field with an elastic cord or laid out on the table.
"Igrovisor" and the "Letter Labyrinths" application. “Walking” through the labyrinths with a marker, the child gets acquainted with letters and makes up words. Each letter has its own labyrinth.
Readers 1 and 2. Games to develop reading skills. We bend the corners alternately and get different words. There are 4 words on a small “patch” (reading area), and in total there are more than a hundred of them in each game.
Carpet "Larchik", strings ("stick" to the rug). It allows you to solve a wide variety of problems in a playful way. For example: “There were two trees growing in the forest - one tall, the other low. (We place a long and short rope close to each other on the rug). The tall tree loved to boast: “I am the tallest tree, I am the strongest.” And the low one the tree stood in the shadow of a tall one, sighed and kept silent. Once a wind reveler wandered into those forests. What tree did he notice? Tall. He began to swing it from side to side. (show on the rug). In the end, the tree broke and fell to the roots short (we bend a long rope to get the letter I). The last thing that the tall tree managed to shout was: “Help-and-and-and...” For a long, long time, the last sound carried the forest echo. Which sound? Sound I. And what kind of letter did we build - the letter I. Sound and letter - through a fairy tale, through an image, through children's hands. “Chamomile”, “Apple Tree”, “Sailboat”, “Snowman” - These are new items for 2004. Each of them allows you to write more than 20 words... with a string.

With mother and father
You can and should create a developing environment at home, and not necessarily in the form of a Purple Forest. Is it possible to play these games without the author's fairy tales? Of course you can. Adults just need to come up with their own way to attract the child's attention to the game. Today, dozens of games, manuals, and educational game complexes are offered with the Voskobovich Educational Games logo. This year, Vyacheslav Vadimovich and his colleagues plan to release the “parent” version of the “Fairy Tale Mazes Game” technology.

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