Oleg is well thought - we were not here. We weren't here. Cold World Read online we weren't here 2

Hello Myslin Oleg We weren't here (Lit-Rpg)


Fatal system error.

An original start. Blue screen and modest inscription in the upper left corner.

Of course, according to reviews, “New World” differs from all other virtual worlds, but not to the same extent. According to subjective feelings, I have been in this limbo for about ten minutes, content with the fascinating inscription in English. No body, no scenery, and a complete lack of interface. I’ll come out of the cocoon, file a lawsuit with the company and never set foot in this game again.

"Welcome to the New World!"

Finally. I will still demand compensation, don’t get away with it.

Wow! What beauty all around. The detailing is of amazing quality. I look around, mouth open. As an experienced gamer who has played through dozens of worlds and games, I can responsibly declare that I have never seen anything like this before. Finally, the game has surpassed reality itself in authenticity. And everything here is very beautiful, unnaturally beautiful. This doesn’t happen in life, but I still like it. What colors, what smells. Designers get an A+.

I look around more closely. A medieval city, a central square and a portal of movement, in the center of which I stand.

I turn my gaze to my dear self, and the player frame pops up:

Basic information about the character:

Name: Zdrav Race: Human

Main profession: Not selected

Character Stats:

Level: 1

Life: 6

Mana: 0

Defense: 1

Attack: 1

Damage: 1

Fame: 0

Basic abilities:

Strength 1

Agility 1

Intelligence 1

Stamina 1

Luck 0

Additional abilities: no

Professions: No

Recipes: Cooking: No

Alchemy: No

Herbalism: No

Inspected the equipment. The rags I'm wearing should go straight to the landfill.

Appearance is obviously important when receiving tasks, and the attractiveness of the Persian greatly contributes to this.

First of all, you need to get around the city, assess the situation, and ask the locals. Complete a couple of simple tasks, find or buy equipment.

While I was looking through the characteristics and assessing my modest capabilities, I somehow did not attach any importance to the surrounding environment. As soon as I finished, took the first step down from the portal, I suddenly discovered with surprise that there was no one on the square. Not a single soul. Well, what are we going to look for? At least someone.

After wandering through the streets and alleys for half an hour, he came out to the central square of the city. To a huge empty square. The city seemed to have died out. But in principle this could not happen.

Before the dive, I carefully read on the forums where and in what places I should take tasks, where it is better to shop and gain skills. So, half of the quests for beginners began in this square. Having looked closely, I found a herbalist's shop, a tavern sign, and a blacksmith's counter. Everything is as it should be. It was from the herbalist that I was supposed to receive the task of delivering a healing potion and receiving my first specialty. Earn a knife from a blacksmith by completing a series of simple tasks.

But the square was empty. Not a single NPC, not a single player. Although according to the description there is always a crowd of people here, even at night. And now it's obviously late morning.

Just in case, I tried the locked doors - none of them opened.

Mentally slapped himself on the forehead, turned on the chat... And again fell into a stupor. There is complete total silence on the air. Not a single message.

There weren't even regular system alerts or news. The chat was dead. It's getting weirder and weirder.

Maybe there was an attack, and everyone rushed to the walls to defend the city from the enemy? But why is there silence in the chat, because they are definitely within range. And the fuss on the walls is not noticeable, because I passed by when I was wandering through the streets.

After another half hour, after a fair amount of weaving, I made my way to the city gates. The gloomy expectations were justified - and there was not a soul here. The massive three-meter gate was closed, the opening mechanism was apparently inside the tower, the entrance to which, surprise, was closed.

This is not a game, but what the hell,” I cursed out loud. - The developers are crooked. Exit the game.

And... nothing happened. Repeating the code phrase twenty times, changing the intonation and volume. There was no result.

Opened the ammunition and characteristics panel. I couldn't find an exit button. It shouldn't be there, but I checked anyway. Exit from the game is provided standard, voice or mental. It is enough to say the code phrase and a window will pop up asking you to leave. A reliable and proven system that has been used in virtual games for decades.

System queries and contacting admins also did not bring results.

And here they have a bug. Now I will sit in the game for 12 hours until it automatically throws me back. As far as I remember, this is a built-in limitation of the cocoon. It is prohibited to play for more than half a day in a row. The player is obliged to leave the cocoon, and if his condition does not satisfy the acceptable values, then he will not be able to enter the game until the required characteristics are restored.

Or only after six hours of rest. Since I’ve already spent more than two hours here, I still have a lot of waiting left.

In principle, you can wander around the city during this time, but it’s terribly boring. No task to take, no character to shake. Nothing at all.

I'm already tired of admiring beauty. I was comforted by the thought of compensation that I would extract from the organizers of this mess.

There was no point in standing near the gate; I decided to take a walk around the city.

An original start. Blue screen and modest inscription in the upper left corner.

Of course, according to reviews, “New World” differs from all other virtual worlds, but not to the same extent. According to subjective feelings, I have been in this limbo for about ten minutes, content with the fascinating inscription in English. No body, no scenery, and a complete lack of interface. I’ll come out of the cocoon, file a lawsuit with the company and never set foot in this game again.

"Welcome to the New World!"

Finally. I will still demand compensation, don’t get away with it.

Wow! What beauty all around. The detailing is of amazing quality. I look around, mouth open. As an experienced gamer who has played through dozens of worlds and games, I can responsibly declare that I have never seen anything like this before. Finally, the game has surpassed reality itself in authenticity. And everything here is very beautiful, unnaturally beautiful. This doesn’t happen in life, but I still like it. What colors, what smells. Designers get an A+.

I look around more closely. A medieval city, a central square and a portal of movement, in the center of which I stand.

I turn my gaze to my dear self, and the player frame pops up:

Basic information about the character:

Name: Zdrav Race: Human

Main profession: Not selected

Character Stats:

Level: 1

Fame: 0

Basic abilities:

Agility 1

Intelligence 1

Stamina 1

Additional abilities: no

Professions: No

Recipes: Cooking: No

Alchemy: No

Herbalism: No

Inspected the equipment. The rags I'm wearing should go straight to the landfill.

Appearance is obviously important when receiving tasks, and the attractiveness of the Persian greatly contributes to this.

First of all, you need to get around the city, assess the situation, and ask the locals. Complete a couple of simple tasks, find or buy equipment.

While I was looking through the characteristics and assessing my modest capabilities, I somehow did not attach any importance to the surrounding environment. As soon as I finished, took the first step down from the portal, I suddenly discovered with surprise that there was no one on the square. Not a single soul. Well, what are we going to look for? At least someone.

After wandering through the streets and alleys for half an hour, he came out to the central square of the city. To a huge empty square. The city seemed to have died out. But in principle this could not happen.

Before the dive, I carefully read on the forums where and in what places I should take tasks, where it is better to shop and gain skills. So, half of the quests for beginners began in this square. Having looked closely, I found a herbalist's shop, a tavern sign, and a blacksmith's counter. Everything is as it should be. It was from the herbalist that I was supposed to receive the task of delivering a healing potion and receiving my first specialty. Earn a knife from a blacksmith by completing a series of simple tasks.

But the square was empty. Not a single NPC, not a single player. Although according to the description there is always a crowd of people here, even at night. And now it's obviously late morning.

Just in case, I tried the locked doors - none of them opened.

Mentally slapped himself on the forehead, turned on the chat... And again fell into a stupor. There is complete total silence on the air. Not a single message.

There weren't even regular system alerts or news. The chat was dead. It's getting weirder and weirder.

Maybe there was an attack, and everyone rushed to the walls to defend the city from the enemy? But why is there silence in the chat, because they are definitely within range. And the fuss on the walls is not noticeable, because I passed by when I was wandering through the streets.

After another half hour, after a fair amount of weaving, I made my way to the city gates. The gloomy expectations were justified - and there was not a soul here. The massive three-meter gate was closed, the opening mechanism was apparently inside the tower, the entrance to which, surprise, was closed.

This is not a game, but what the hell,” I cursed out loud. - The developers are crooked. Exit the game.

And... nothing happened. Repeating the code phrase twenty times, changing the intonation and volume. There was no result.

Opened the ammunition and characteristics panel. I couldn't find an exit button. It shouldn't be there, but I checked anyway. Exit from the game is provided standard, voice or mental. It is enough to say the code phrase and a window will pop up asking you to leave. A reliable and proven system that has been used in virtual games for decades.

System queries and contacting admins also did not bring results.

And here they have a bug. Now I will sit in the game for 12 hours until it automatically throws me back. As far as I remember, this is a built-in limitation of the cocoon. It is prohibited to play for more than half a day in a row. The player is obliged to leave the cocoon, and if his condition does not satisfy the acceptable values, then he will not be able to enter the game until the required characteristics are restored.

Or only after six hours of rest. Since I’ve already spent more than two hours here, I still have a lot of waiting left.

In principle, you can wander around the city during this time, but it’s terribly boring. No task to take, no character to shake. Nothing at all.

I'm already tired of admiring beauty. I was comforted by the thought of compensation that I would extract from the organizers of this mess.

There was no point in standing near the gate; I decided to take a walk around the city.

Maybe something interesting will be found. After a while, I expectedly got lost and felt tired and exhausted. A banner appeared before my eyes:


What they need doesn’t work, but everything else functions properly. It’s good that hunger and the need to eat appear in the player only upon reaching level 5. Otherwise I would be in pain by now.

You need to sit down, or at least, on this porch and relax.

I looked around, trying to determine where I had gone. Poor quarter, some wooden huts, cobblestone streets. Not as beautiful as in the center, but realistic and high quality down to the smallest detail. He went up the steps, tried the door - as expected, it was locked. I looked through the keyhole for some reason. There is no key in the keyhole, which means it is locked from the outside.

If we assume that the owner did not take the key with him, he hid it somewhere nearby. Under the rug or under the porch. There’s nothing I can do anyway, I’ll start searching. For a whole hour I was engaged in this most stupid activity, feeling like a hunter of black cats in a black room where they had never been. I tore off the railing during the search, broke down the step, dismantled the woodpile and, already in despair, decided to inspect the roof of the house. Maybe hidden under the tiles somewhere.

There were no stairs anywhere nearby, so I had to roll a barrel from the yard and, climbing onto it, continue the search.

It seems that my initially hopeless idea turned out to be a dud. Having torn off a dozen tiles and smeared himself in cobwebs and dust from head to toe, he spat in disappointment. I wanted to jump off the barrel, when suddenly my eyes caught on one of the boards. It was a little different in color from its neighbors, and also stood out a little from the series, catching the eye with uneven slits.

Yes! I tear off the tablet and find a massive bronze key under it.

You have found the key is simple.

You gain experience +5 (5/40)

You gain the Seeker skill +1 (Seeker apprentice).

You gain the Attention skill +1

An original start. Blue screen and modest inscription in the upper left corner.

Of course, according to reviews, “New World” differs from all other virtual worlds, but not to the same extent. According to subjective feelings, I’ve been in limbo for about ten minutes, content with a fascinating inscription in English. No body, no scenery, complete lack of interface. I’ll come out of the cocoon, file a lawsuit with the company and never set foot in this game again.

Fatal system error.

Welcome to the New World!

Finally. I will still demand compensation, don’t get away with it.

Wow! What beauty all around. The detail is amazing. I look around, mouth open. As an experienced gamer who has played dozens of worlds and games, I can responsibly say that I have never seen anything like this before. Finally, the game has surpassed reality itself in authenticity. And everything here is very beautiful, unnaturally beautiful. This doesn’t happen in life, but I still like it. What colors, what smells! Designers get an A+.

I look around more closely. A medieval city, a central square and a portal of movement, in the center of which I stand.

I turn my gaze to my dear self, and the player frame pops up:

Basic information about the character:

Name: Not selected.

Race: Human.

Main profession: Not selected.

Character Stats:

Level: 1.

Defense: 1.

Fame: 0.

Basic abilities:

Dexterity: 1.

Intelligence: 1.

Endurance: 1.

Additional abilities: no.

Professions: none.

Recipes: no.

Alchemy: no.

I inspect the equipment. The rags I'm wearing should go straight to the landfill.

Appearance is obviously important when receiving tasks, and the attractiveness of the Persian greatly contributes to this.

First of all, you need to get around the city, assess the situation, ask the locals. Complete a couple of simple tasks, find or buy equipment.

While I was looking through the characteristics and assessing my modest capabilities, I somehow did not pay attention to the surrounding situation. As soon as I took the first step, descending from the portal, I was suddenly surprised to find that there was no one on the square. Not a single soul. Well, let's look. At least someone should be here.

After wandering through the streets and alleys for about half an hour, I came out to the central square of the city. To a huge and... empty one. The city seemed to have died out. But in principle this cannot happen!

Before the dive, I spent time and checked in advance on the main game forum in which places you can take tasks. Who is better to buy from and acquire skills? So, half of the quests for beginners began in this square. Taking a closer look, I found a herbalist's shop, a tavern sign and an empty blacksmith's counter. Everything is as it should be. It was from the herbalist that I was supposed to receive the task: to deliver a healing potion. As a reward, get the first specialty. Earn a knife from the blacksmith by completing a chain of simple tasks, but... the square was empty. Not a single NPC, not a single player. Although according to the description there are always a lot of people here, even at night. Now, as far as I can tell, it's late morning.

Just in case, I tried the locked doors - none of them opened.

Mentally slapped himself on the forehead, turned on the chat... And again fell into a stupor. There is complete silence on the air. Not a single message.

There weren't even regular system alerts or news. The chat is dead. “It’s getting weirder and weirder.”

Maybe there was an attack, and the entire population rushed to the walls to defend the city from the enemy? But why is there silence in the chat, because the defenders should be within range. And the fuss on the walls is not noticeable, because I passed by them when I was wandering through the streets...

After another half an hour, after a fair amount of meandering, I made my way to the city gates. The gloomy expectations were justified - and there was not a soul here. The massive three-meter gate is closed, the mechanism for opening the heavy doors is apparently inside the tower, the entrance to which is a surprise! - locked.

- This is not a game, but what the hell! – I swore out loud for some reason. – The developers are crooked. Quit the game!

And... nothing happens. I repeat the code phrase twenty times, changing the intonation and volume. There is no result!

I open the ammunition and characteristics panel. There is no exit button here either. It shouldn't exist, but it was still worth making sure. Exit from the game is provided standard, voice or mental. It is enough to say the code phrase, and a standard window will immediately pop up asking you to go online. A reliable and proven system that has been used in virtual games for decades.

System queries and contacting admins also did not bring results.

And here's the bug. You will have to sit in the game for twelve hours until it automatically throws you back. As far as I remember, the built-in limitation of the cocoon is exactly this. It is prohibited to play for more than half a day in a row. The player is obliged to leave the capsule, and if his condition does not correspond to the acceptable values, then he will not be able to enter the game until the required characteristics are restored, or after six hours of rest. Since I have already spent more than two hours here, I still have a long time to wait.

In principle, you can wander around the city, but it’s boring. No tasks to take, no character to shake. Nothing at all. I'm pretty tired of admiring the beauty of the scenery. The only consolation is the thought of compensation, which I will collect from the organizers of this mess.

There’s no point in standing near the gate, so I decide to take a walk around the city – maybe I’ll find something interesting.

After a while, as expected, I got lost, completely lost my legs and was tired as a dog. A banner appeared before my eyes:

- Amazing!

What they need doesn’t work for them, but everything else functions properly. It’s good that players become hungry and need to eat only after reaching the fifth level. Otherwise, by now I would be struggling with an empty stomach in search of food.

You need to sit down, or at least on this porch, and relax.

I looked around, trying to determine where I had gone. A poor, unkempt neighborhood, some wooden huts, pavement paved with crooked cobblestones. Not as beautiful as in the center, but realistic and high quality, down to the smallest detail. He went up the steps, tried the door - as expected, it was locked. I looked through the keyhole for some reason. There is no key in the keyhole, which means it is locked from the outside.

If we assume that the owner did not take the key with him, then perhaps he hid it somewhere nearby. Under the rug or under the porch. There’s nothing I can do anyway, I’ll start searching.

I spent a whole hour on this stupid thing, feeling like a hunter of black cats in a dark room where they had never been. I tore off the railing during the search, broke down the step, dismantled the woodpile with firewood and, finally in despair, decided to inspect the roof of the house. Maybe hidden under the tiles?

There were no stairs anywhere nearby, so I rolled a barrel from the yard and, climbing onto it, continued the search procedure.

It seems that my initially hopeless idea turned out to be a dud. Having torn off a dozen tiles, smeared himself in cobwebs and dust from head to toe, he spat in disappointment. I wanted to jump off the barrel, when suddenly my eyes caught on one of the boards. It was a little different in color from its neighbors, and also stood out a little, attracting attention with its uneven cracks.

- Yes! “I tear off the tablet and find a massive bronze key under it.

You found: The key is simple.

Experience: + 5(5/40).

You gain a new skill: Search 1.

Attention: + 1.

First good news all day. I already thought that there were only troubles and bugs here. Although who needs these dubious achievements? In about eight hours I'll be saying goodbye to this game. And I'm sure it will forever.

Probably, the gaming past is taking its toll - the habit of hamstering everything that came to hand: the key, obtained by honest back-breaking labor, turned in the lock with a grinding sound, opening the way inside the house.

My disappointment knows no bounds. Having searched the room, I found absolutely nothing. The room is empty and useless. Only a roughly put together trestle bed, covered with dirty sackcloth, stands forlornly against the wall.

It didn't hurt and I wanted it! But I found a bed for myself. Now I’ll lie down, sleep and wake up already in a cocoon.

“I saw such a game in the coffin, and you along with it,” I turned to the ceiling.

* * *

You got enough sleep. Life: + 2(6/6). Movement speed: + 1 (for 4 hours).

How long did I sleep? He went out onto the porch and stared in surprise at the starry sky. Apparently, it is now deep night, or rather early morning. The sky in the east has already brightened. Strange. According to my calculations, my stay time had long expired, and the automation should have pulled me out of the game at midnight. After all, I got into the game yesterday morning.

We weren't here. Cold world Oleg Zdrav

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Title: We weren't here. Cold world

About the book “We Were Not Here. Cold World" Oleg Zdrav

Unexpected, non-standard plots in already well-known genres with strict boundaries are a real gift for readers. Needless to say, the LitRPG genre is quite new, not yet fully mastered, but its strict framework, as a rule, sets a very characteristic storyline. A certain real hero, getting into a computer game, enjoys life in a new world or fights for survival with the rest of the characters in the game or with people just like himself. Yes, it is interesting and exciting, but it is unlikely that the authors will be able to retain the attention of readers for a long time on such a plot. Sophisticated and greedy for original ideas, bookworms crave interesting new products.

Perhaps we can say that Oleg Zdrav laid the foundation for a series of books that will be strikingly different from everything that the reader had the pleasure of knowing before. His new creation was called “We Were Not Here. Cold world". A novel written according to all the established laws of its genre, but still having its own unique “zest”. The plot is based on the story of a player stuck in a virtual world. The strange thing is that there is no one in this game except the hero himself, therefore, his return to the real world is a big question. A lone noob, without equipment, abilities and basic knowledge, among other things, is almost deprived of opportunities to improve. As a pet, the hero gets an ordinary hamster at his disposal, but that’s all. And against the backdrop of such an unhappy beginning for the hero, the Ice Apocalypse loomed on the horizon, which will soon destroy 99% of all life. Although, perhaps, these are not yet the biggest problems of the unfortunate victim.

Bravo to the author! An excellent, unexpected plot, like a breath of fresh air. The hero is optimistic and inventive, persistent and purposeful. The environment is as realistic and three-dimensional as possible. The language of the narrative is literate and clear, however, for readers who are far from gaming slang, at some points it will be difficult to understand what is being said. But this problem will soon disappear, because the plot is incredibly dynamic and interesting, the necessary designations of specialized terms will very quickly become clear.

It is also worth noting that the book “We Were Not Here. Cold World” is only the first part of the cycle, and therefore an introduction to the main narrative. Therefore, after reading the book, the reader will be left with a considerable number of questions. In addition, the ending will also remain open.

Read Oleg Zdav’s fresh and original novel “We Were Not Here. Cold World”, enjoy the unexpected plot and wait for the continuation. Enjoy reading.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book “We Were Not Here. Cold World" by Oleg Zdrav in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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