Winter game for elementary school students. Winter game for primary school students Download computer games on the basics of life safety



Target: develop dexterity, stimulate attention.

Equipment: two arches, two benches, two fences, a staircase.

Game actions: at the signal of the leader, the first player from one team puts on a helmet, passes through the obstacle course, returns, passes the helmet to the next player. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Target: stimulate quickness of reaction, dexterity.

Equipment: two fire hoses.

Game actions: the children are divided into two teams and, upon a signal, first unfold the hoses, then roll them back to their original state. The winner is the team that completed the task faster.


Word play

Target: stimulate the development of coherent speech.

Game rules: compose a short story according to the plan (sample): correctly and clearly state your name, surname, your location, briefly describe the problem.

Game actions: compose a short story as the slides appear on behalf of one of the heroes of the situation or an outside observer.


Didactic game

Target: develop the ability to recognize familiar objects through glasses; stimulate the development of visual perception; develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with an object.

Game rules: find, remember and select the ones you need from a set of pictures.

Game actions: consider images of familiar objects through the "smoke" (curtain), remember them, then select the ones you need from a set of pictures.

Next assignment: sometimes rescuers have to work in special equipment - for example, protective goggles. Wear special glasses. Everyone will receive a card with a schematic image of a toy, according to which they need to find and save the game, which is located in a “smoky room.


Didactic game

Target: develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with a natural object; stimulate the development of visual perception.

Game rules: find an item by its schematic image.

Game actions: consider a schematic drawing, find a corresponding toy in the play area.


Didactic game

Target: develop the ability to recognize familiar objects from the image; stimulate the development of visual perception, memory.

Game actions: view images of familiar objects through a "noisy" file, recognize and name objects.

Game rules: name the object recognized in the picture, explain how he recognized it.

Q. Imagine that we are at a fire tower. Using binoculars, try to recognize the objects below, which are in smoke and fire.

Well done, guys, and Carlson is well done! The next training task: I will name the words, and you listen carefully. If you hear the name of an item that could cause a fire, say "oh".



Didactic game

Target: stimulate the development of speed of reaction and attention.

Game actions: name items in order, clap your hands.

Game rules: recognize words for fire hazardous items.

A set of words for the game: iron, magazine, TV, pen, toaster, chewing gum, cracker, diaper, dummy, cutlet, compote, fireman, cake, cuts, fire extinguisher, package, brush, helmet, sleeve, notes, paints, matches, bandage, drill, mask and dr.


Didactic game

Target: develop the ability to recognize images by their part, details.

Game actions: consider the details of the image, recognize and name the subject.

Game rules: quickly find out the subject by the details of the picture.


Relay game

Target: develop coordination, quickness of reaction, the ability to quickly navigate in space.

Game rules: perform the task in turn, take only one piece of fabric (fire).

Game actions: players are divided into two teams, line up in columns; Using the "stilts", the children take turns collecting pieces of red cloth, which symbolize fire, laid out around the hall, putting them in a bucket (located on the side of the hall opposite from the teams).


Relay game

Target: develop quickness, dexterity; develop the ability to work in a team.

Game rules: try not to spill water, act on a signal.

Game actions: the teams stand in a line facing each other, near the last participants there are 4-5 plastic buckets of water; upon a signal, the last player passes the buckets one by one to the children (one after the other) standing to the right (left) of him; the first player pours the buckets into a large bucket "with fire" (with the collected pieces of cloth) - "extinguish the fire".


Relay game

Target: to improve in a competitive form the skills of the main types of movements (walking on an inclined board, climbing on a gymnastic wall); develop speed-strength abilities, agility; to cultivate courage, the desire to come to the aid of the "victim".

Game rules: perform the task one by one, do not drop the toy.

Game actions: using a rope to climb the inclined board to the upper rails of the gymnastic wall; take a toy located on the top bar; with an added step, go to the adjacent span of the gymnastic wall; go down the gymnastic board ("slide down the hill"); move the toy to a safe place.


Relay game

Target: develop coordination skills, dexterity; build confidence in your actions; stimulate intelligence, quickness of reaction, consolidate knowledge about the purpose of the presented objects.

Game rules: move on exercise bikes strictly in a straight line, choose only the necessary items.

Game actions: players are divided into two teams; take turns on a stationary bike to the opposite side; select items laid out on the bench that may be useful to rescuers; go back, put the item in the backpack.



Combined relay

Target: develop strength, agility, coordination of movements.

Game rules: overcome obstacles one by one.

Game actions: climb the stairs of the sports complex; grasping the crossbar of the sports complex with your hands, without touching the floor with your feet, move to the opposite edge; go down the pole to the bench; walk along it, stepping over objects; overcome the tunnel and dry pool. The phone rings(alert).

C. Assistant teacher in the younger group found many objects dangerous for kids. Need help! Children come to the group.

Q. Our task?

Children. Find and neutralize.

B. In order to find items, everyone receives a card-scheme, which shows where to look for the item (on, under, behind, at). Items found by type of hazard are put into boxes (piercing, cutting, flammable, etc.).


Didactic game

Purpose: to develop the ability to navigate in space; train children in correlating the image of the location of the object with the symbol; develop the ability to classify objects according to different types of danger.

Game actions: search for objects in different places, placing them in the appropriate boxes.

Game rules: find a toy according to the symbol.

Q. Where did they come from? Maybe strangers came to our garden? What should we do with these items now? (We will take from withfight to give)


Training game

Target: to exercise in the ability to behave correctly in situations with a stranger, to form a model of behavior in such situations.

Game actions: children teach Carlson how to behave in a situation with a stranger.

Stranger. Hello guys. How wonderful you are! Help yourself to candy.

Carlson treats himself first. Children take (do not take) treats. If someone takes sweets (tangerines), the teacher asks the children if they did the right thing.

Stranger. I still have a lot of tasty things in my car! And then there is a cat and interesting toys ... Come with me!

Carlson is going to go with the Stranger.

V. Is Carlson doing the right thing? (Addressing a stranger.) Who are you? Who did you come to?

Strangerto the exit). I see you are good! Do not listen to them! I will take you to your mom, she asked to pick you up!

Carlson cries and obediently follows the Stranger.

(Break out loudshout, call for help.) Woman, leave Carlson alone! (Pushes the Stranger away, fortakes Carlson's hand.) We have a manager, go to her.

Children see off the Stranger and give boxes with dangerous items. Carlson's phone rings.

Carlson. Baby is calling me! Hello! Where are you? Guys, he's lost! Baby tell me where are you?

Baby(on speakerphone bodybackground). I'm lost. Played with friends ...

Carlson. Where can I find you?

Baby. My photos will help you. I will transmit them over the Internet.

V. Didn't receive email?

V. Yes, I just came. Get your message.

V. Guys, we received photos that will help us find the Kid. The Kid took pictures of the objects he met on his way, the places where he played: a sandbox, a tree, a flower bed, a broom, a first-aid station, etc. With the help of these landmarks, children find the Kid, explain to him in which places it is forbidden to play, and invite him to the service "Young rescuer".


Didactic game

Target: develop the ability to classify and explain the dangerous and safe situations depicted in the pictures.

Game actions: briefly explain the plot of the picture, its consequences.

Game rules: briefly and clearly describe the plot picture in accordance with its image.


Target: to teach children to distinguish dangerous life situations from non-dangerous ones; be able to foresee the result of a possible development of the situation; reinforce knowledge of the rules of safe behavior; foster a sense of mutual help.

Equipment: a set of didactic pictures depicting situations that are dangerous and not dangerous for life and health; cards of different colors (red, white and yellow), depending on the options of the game. The content of the pictures: the child climbs stairs, reads a book, jumps from a height, is not dressed for the weather, coughs on others, etc.

Children are asked to determine the degree of threat of the proposed (visual or verbal) situation to life and health, to raise a certain card, depending on the danger, to correctly lay out didactic pictures.

Having carefully listened to the teacher's story, children raise a red card if there is a danger, a yellow card if a danger can arise with a certain behavior, and a white card if there is no danger. Children should not interfere with each other, if necessary, supplement the answers of their comrades, not prompting or using prompts.


Target : to draw the attention of children to the fact that in each situation there can be two ways out: one is dangerous to health, the other is not threatening; foster a respectful attitude towards oneself and other people, protect others, not cause pain; develop thinking, ingenuity.

Equipment: a set of incentive items: chips, stars.

Children are given the task to find two ways out of the proposed situation (threatening and not threatening life and health) or to offer two options for the development of this situation. After listening to the teacher's story, the children continue it after the words: "The danger arises if I do ...", or "There will be no danger if I do ..." Children raise a red card if there is a danger, a yellow card if there is a danger for certain behavior, white - if there is no danger. Children need to listen

the answers of a comrade, not to interrupt each other, the desire to answer is expressed by a show of hands. Complete answers and significant additions are encouraged with a trick, an asterisk.


Target: to consolidate the knowledge and practical skills of first aid in children.

Equipment: pictures of medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).

The teacher plays up with the children the situation when a person cuts an arm, a leg, broke a knee, an elbow, then he teased, when a sore throat, a speck in his eye, a nosebleed. For each situation, a sequence of actions is worked out.



Equipment: subject pictures with the image of medicinal plants.

The game is played according to the lotto principle. Children have cards depicting medicinal plants. The teacher shows pictures with similar pictures. A child who has this plant talks about its use for healing. If he said correctly, he gets a picture. The winner is the one who is the first to cover his card.

Target: reinforce in children the idea of ​​how to help themselves and others to remain always healthy.

Equipment: playing field with pasted illustrations; dice, colored pieces or buttons.

The players take turns throwing a dice, on the edges of which from 1 to 3 circles are depicted, and move their piece forward as many moves as the number of circles on the dice. If the chip is on the red circle, then the child, before making the next move, must answer how to behave with a runny nose, cough, high fever, toothache. If the answer is incorrect, the child skips a move; if the answer is correct, he makes the next one. When the chip is on the green circle, the player tells how the movements, daily routine, vitamins, and water procedures are useful for a person. If the answer is incorrect, the child skips a move; if the answer is correct, he rearranges the piece three moves forward. The winner is the one who gets to the country of health first.

My choice

Children are offered plot pictures and corresponding texts to them. The teacher reads the text, and the children prove the correctness or inadmissibility of this act, explain which rules have been violated. If the child explains the action correctly, he receives a red chip, if not, a blue one.


Goals: to consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic signals, concepts: street, road, sidewalk, trees, houses; remember traffic rules.

Children are taught not to rush when crossing the road, to be attentive, to know and find the place of a pedestrian crossing, to understand traffic signals, road signs.


Target: consolidate knowledge of traffic rules; to practice the skills of correct communication, speech, social behavior.

Equipment: small chairs; steering wheel.

The driver is selected with the help of a rhyme. Simulation of situations: a woman with a child, a grandmother, a blind man.

Securing traffic rules. On the floor, there are stripes indicating the transition, at the traffic light there is a red light. Children are at the crossing. There is a yellow light at the traffic light. At the green signal, children walk along the passage, first looking to the left, then to the right.


Didactic game

Target: to acquaint children with traffic signals, to consolidate knowledge about the rules of movement by traffic signals.

Children and an adult examine the traffic light, fix the meaning of the colors. Then the adult invites one of the children to take on the role of a traffic light "and put on a traffic light badge. The rest of the Children depict cars and pedestrians, which must move according to traffic signals.


Didactic game

Target: to acquaint children with prohibitive, prescriptive and some warning signs.

Game options

"Miscellaneous among the common" Children are encouraged to sort the signs into groups and tell what they mean.

"We play ourselves" Children are offered cards with different traffic situations. The guys must choose the right road signs for the pictures, then justify their choice.

"City street" Children are invited to act as traffic police inspectors in a new city, where it is necessary to place road signs in order to avoid road accidents.

"Lest there be trouble"

Didactic game

Target: to acquaint children with the rules of behavior on the duck, on the road; to consolidate knowledge about road signs.

Children are offered a street layout with various types of signs and traffic lights, toys for playing up situations (crossing the street, driving a car, walking around the city, cycling).


Didactic game

Target: to acquaint children with such a place on the street as an intersection, with the rules for crossing at an intersection (regulated and unregulated); to consolidate knowledge of road signs.

Children are offered a layout of the intersection with various signs and traffic lights. An adult explains how to cross the street at a regulated and unregulated intersection.


Didactic game

Target: to give children knowledge about various types of road signs: prohibiting, warning, information and guidance, service signs.

Children are introduced to road signs (illustrations, posters, etc.)


Didactic game

Target: to consolidate the acquired knowledge of children about various types of road signs.

Children receive signs (warning, informational, directional, prohibition) and are grouped by 4-6 people in different corners of the room. In each, the teacher puts geometrically figures (circle, square, triangle) on a stand At the signal of the teacher "The signs scattered" Children disperse around the playground in groups or alone. At the new signal “Find your mark”, children run to a figure corresponding to the mark.

Game variant . When the children learn the game well, the teacher invites them to stop and close their eyes during the "walk". At this time, the teacher rearranges the figures. At the word "Home", children open their eyes, find a sign and run to it. The teacher notes which group gathered faster than others.


Didactic game

Target : to consolidate knowledge about traffic signals, rules of behavior in public transport ,.

Children stand along the wall of the room or the side of the playground in a column in pairs, holding each other's hands. With their free hands, do they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied? The teacher is in one of the corners of the room and holds in his hand three colored flags - yellow, red, green. The teacher raises the green flag, the children are running, the "tram" is moving. Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color of the flag has changed: if the green flag is raised, the movement continues; if a yellow or red flag appears, the children stop and wait for a green one to appear.

If there are a lot of people interested, you can make a stop where the children sit and wait for their arrival. tram. Approaching the stop, the "tram" slows down and stops, some passengers get out, others enter. The teacher raises the green flag: "Let's go!"

If the children are more familiar with the bus or trolleybus, you can replace the tram with these modes of transport.


Didactic game

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge gained about the rules of the road.

The site boundaries are delineated or marked with flags. At one end, the platforms are placed on chairs or benches "sparrows". At the other end, there is a place for a car (garage) "Sparrows" fly out of the nest - says the teacher: children jump off the benches and start running in different directions, raising their arms to the sides, jumping on two legs. A beep sounds and "cars" (assigned children) appear. "Sparrows" get scared and fly away to their nests (with each one taking its place). The "cars" return to the garage. The game is repeated with other "cars".

Children depicting cars can be offered a steering wheel. The teacher makes sure that the children do not run away from the boundaries of the site, and that the "cars" comply with the Traffic Rules (road markings, signs).

You can enter the game "pecking grains". The teacher says: "The birds wanted to eat and began to peck at the grain." At these words, the children squat down and tap their fingers on the floor or on the ground.


Didactic game

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road through "driving cars" on a specially prepared site; develop attention and endurance.

Children are placed along the wall of the room or along the edge of the playground. They are "cars". Each of the players is given a flag of any color (optional) or a colored circle, a ring. The teacher stands facing the players in the center of the room (playground). He holds three colored flags in his hand.

The teacher raises a flag of some color. All children with a flag of this color run around the site (observing the traffic rules, markings, signs), on the way they hum, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop and each go to his own "garage". Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color and the game resumes.

The teacher can raise one, two or all three flags together, and then all the "cars" leave their "garages".

The teacher can replace the color signal with a verbal one (for example, "Blue cars are leaving", "Blue cars are returning home").

"Birds and the car"

Purpose: to acquaint with the rules of the road.

Children-birds fly around the room, flap their arms (wings).

The teacher says:

The birds have arrived

The birds are small

Everyone flew, everyone flew, (Children run, smoothly waving their arms).

They flapped their wings.

So they flew

Waving their wings

They flew to the track, Sit down, tap their fingers on their knees.

The seeds were pecking.

The teacher picks up a toy car and says:

The car is running down the street

Puffs, hurries, blows the horn.

Tra-ta-ta, beware, beware

Tra-ta-ta, beware, step aside!

Children-birds run from the car.

"A train"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the Rules of the road through a trip on the "train" on a specially prepared site; develop attention and endurance.

The teacher offers to play the train: "I will be a steam locomotive, and you will be carriages." Children stand in a column one after another, holding onto the clothes of the person in front. “Let's go,” says the teacher, and everyone starts to move, saying: “Chu-chu”. The "train" travels in one direction, then in another, then slows down, finally stops and says: "Stop." After a while, the beep sounds again and the train sets off again.

Option 1

Children are built in a column along one side of the playground or along the wall of the room. The first one standing in the column is a steam locomotive, the rest are carriages. The teacher gives a beep, and the children begin to move forward (without a clutch); at first slowly, then faster, and finally, they switch to running (with slow movement, children can pronounce the sound "chu-chu-chu"). “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher beeps again, and the movement of the train resumes. The teacher regulates the pace and duration of the movement of children, puts the more active child ahead.

Option 2

When the children master the game well, that is, moving one after another, a complication can be introduced - after the train stops, the children go for a walk: picking mushrooms, berries, flowers, cones. Hearing the beep, the children run to the appointed place (to the wall) and line up in a column.

It is recommended to use aids in the game, for example, when the train goes over a bridge (on a gymnastic bench or on boards laid on steps, or between two slats drawn with Lines, laid cords, etc.).


Children become pairs: one is a horse, the other is a carter. For the game, the reins are given or the children hold on to the belt.

Let's go, let's go

With nuts, with nuts

To the grandfather for a turnip.

By the boy


On a hunchback.

With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm to the teacher's sentence “gop, gop ...” or click their tongue until the teacher says: “Whoa ...” When the game is repeated, the children change roles. After everyone is comfortable with the game, the teacher suggests raising your knees while running.

The game should start with one pair, gradually increasing the number of participants to 3-4 pairs.


The players become pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. One of the players - the catching one - stands on this line. Everyone in the column says:

Burn, burn, it is clear, So that it does not go out, Look at the sky - Birds are flying, Bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word "run", the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one to the right, the other to the left), trying to meet, and join hands. The catcher tries to catch one of the pair before the children have time to join their hands. If the catcher manages to do this, then he forms a new pair with the caught and stands in front of the column, and the one without a pair becomes the catcher. If the catcher fails to catch anyone, he remains in the same role.

The game ends when all players have run one time. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

The number of participants should not exceed 15-17 people, otherwise the children will have to stand motionless for a long time.


At a distance of 10-16 steps from the boundary of the site, the initial line is drawn), on which the players stand close to each other. At the opposite end of the site, the place of the driver is outlined in a circle (with a diameter of 2-3 steps). Turning your back to the players, the driver speak loudly. “Walk fast, don't yawn! Stop!" With these words, all the players move towards the leader. As soon as the driver said the word "stop!", Everyone stops, the driver quickly looks around. Someone who did not have time to stop in time after the word "stop!" and made an additional movement, the driver returns to the original line. Then he again, turns his back to the players and says: "Step quickly ...", etc. Everyone continues to move from the place where they were caught by the signal "stop!" Those that have returned to the starting line start moving from there.

This continues until one of the players comes close to the driver and stands in the circle before the driver says "stop", the one who managed to do this becomes the driver.

The game resumes with a new driver.

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Target:develop dexterity, stimulate attention.

Equipment:two arcs, two skamake-ups, two fences, stairs.

Game actions: at the signal of the leader, the first player from one team puts on a helmet, passes through the obstacle course, returns, passes the helmet to the next player. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Target:stimulate quickness of reaction, dexterity.

Equipment: two fire hoses.

Game actions: the children are divided into two teams and, upon a signal, first unfold the hoses, then roll them back to their original state. The winner is the team that completed the task faster.


Word play

Target:stimulate the development of coherent speech.

Game rules: compose a short story according to the plan (sample): correctly and clearly state your name, surname, your location, briefly describe the problem.

Game actions: compose a short story as the slides appear on behalf of one of the heroes of the situation or an outside observer.

Frames change on the PC screen, children talk to a toy phone about the situation


Didactic game

Target:develop the ability to recognize familiar objects through glasses; sti to mimic the development of visual perception; develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with an object.

Game rules: from a set of cars find, remember and choose the ones you want.

Game actions: consider images of familiar objects through the "smoke" (curtain), remember them, then select the ones you need from a set of pictures.

Next assignment: sometimes rescuers have to work in special equipment - for example, protective goggles. Wear special glasses. Everyone will receive a card with a schematic image of a toy, according to which they need to find and save the game, which is located in a “smoky room.


Didactic game

Target:develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with a natural object; stimulate the development of visual perception.

Game rules: find an item by its schematic image.

Game actions: consider a schematic drawing, find a corresponding toy in the play area.


Didactic game

Target:develop the ability to recognize familiar objects from the image; stimulate the development of visual perception, memory.

Game actions: view images of familiar objects through a "noisy" file, recognize and name objects.

Game rules: name recognized the object in the picture, explain how he learned.

B. Imagine we are on fireNoah tower. With binoculars on try to recognize the objects below that are in smoke and fire.

Well done guys and Carlson moboatman! Next trainingassignment: I will name the words, andlisten carefully. If you hear the name of an item that could cause a fire, say "oh".



Didactic game

Target:stimulate developmentspeed of reaction and attention.

Game actions: call items in order, clap your hands.

Game rules: recognize a word va denoting fire hazardous items.

A set of words for the game: iron, zhur cash, TV, pen, toaster, chewing gumka, clapperboard, diaper, dummy,cutlet, compote, fireman, cake,cuts, fire extinguisher, package,brush, helmet, sleeve, notes, paints,matches, bandage, drill, mask, etc.


Didactic game

Target:develop the ability to recognizeimages for their part, details.

Game actions: examine the details of the image, find outand name the subject.

Game rules: quickly find out subject by picture detail.


Relay game

Target:develop coordination,quick reaction, the ability to quickly navigate in space.

Game rules: fulfill task one by one, take onlyone piece of cloth (fire).

Game actions: players de fall into two teams, lining upgo into columns; using "gowhether "children take turns collecting timespieces of cloth laid in the hallred, symbolizingfire, putting them in a bucket (located on the opposite side of the hall from the teams).


Relay game

Target:develop quickness, catchbone; to educate the skills of workers thief in the team.

Game rules: try not pour water, act on cig nalu.

Game actions: commands stand in a line facing each otherfriend, near the last participantscosts 4-5 plastic buckets withwater; last player on signalpasses the buckets one by one to the children(one by one) standing to the right(to the left) from oneself; first player youpouring buckets into a large bucketfire "(with collected pieces fabrics) - "extinguish the fire."


Relay game

Target:improve skills in a competitive manner basic types of movements (walkingba on an inclined board, climbinggymnastic wall); developspeed-strength abilities,agility; cultivate courage, desire to help the "victim".

Game rules: task you fill one by one, do not drop the toy.

Game actions: via rope climb an inclined board to the upper rails of the gymnastic wall; take a toy, raslaid on the top barnot; step by step toadjacent gymnastic aislewalls; go down the anthemstatic board ("slide down the mountainski "); move the toy to safety new place.


Relay game

Target:develop coordination skills, dexterity; build confidence in your actions; stimulate a message striking, quick reaction, consolidate knowledge of purpose of the presented items.

Game rules: move on exercise bikes strictly straightmy, choose only the necessary items.

Game actions: players de fall into two teams; one by oneride a stationary bike to the prothe opposite side; selectlaid out on a bench in front meta that can be usefulrescuers; go back byput the item in the backpack.



Combined relay

Target:develop strength, agility, coordination of movements.

Game rules: overcome obstacles in turn.

Game actions: climb the stairs of the sports complexsa; clutching the penthe treasure of the sports complex, nottouching the floor with your feet, move to the opposite edge; sleepclimb down the pole onto the bench;walk along it, stepping oversubjects; overcome the tunnel anddry pool. The phone rings(alert).

B. Assistant teacher in the younger group discovered a lotitems dangerous for babies. Need help! Children come to the group.

Q. Our task?

Children.Find and neutralize.

B. In order to find the premeta, everyone gets a card-diagram showing where isthrow an object (on, under, behind, at). Nyethese items are put into boxes by type of hazard(stabbing, cutting, flammable etc.).


Didactic game

Objective: to develop the skill oriensimulate in space; exerciseny children in image correlationlocation of the itemwith a symbol; develop the ability to classify objects in different waystypes of danger.

Game Actions: Search Premet in different places, laying outin the corresponding boxes.

Game rules: find toysku according to the symbol.

Q. Where did they come from?Maybe strangers came toour garden? What should we do withthese items? (We will take from with fight to give)


Training game

Target:exercise in the ability tobehave correctly in situations with by a stranger, formiroto create a model of behavior in such situations.

Game actions: children teach Carlson, how to behave in a situationtion with a stranger.

Stranger.Hello rebyat. How wonderful you are! Hugobe happy with candy.

Carlson treats himself first. Children take (do not take) a treat. If someone will take sweets (tangerines), the teacher asks children, whether they did the right thing.

Stranger. In my car many more delicious! And there is alsotick and interesting toys ... Sing suck with me!

Carlson is going to go with Not familiar.

V.Is doing the right thing Carlson? (Addressing a stranger.) Who are you? Who did you come to?

Stranger(does not answer, grabs Carlson's hand and pulls to the exit). I see you are good wow! Do not listen to them! I will take you tomom, she asked to pick you up!

Carlson cries and obediently walks for the Stranger.

Q. Guys, what should you do if a stranger drags you along? (Break out loud shout, call for help.) Wives shina, leave Carlson alone!(Pushes the Stranger away, for takes Carlson's hand.) We have manager, go to her.

Children accompany the Stranger and give boxes with dangerous items. Is distributed Carlson's phone rings.

Carlson.Baby is calling me!Hello! Where are you? Guys, he's lostXia! Baby tell me where are you?

Baby(on speakerphone body background).I'm lost. Played with friends ...

Carlson.Where can I find you?

Baby.My photos will help yougraphy. I will transmit them over the Internet.

V. To us did not receive e-mail?

V. But how just now came. Get your message.

V.Guys, we got a photo graphs that will help us findKid. The kid took picturesitems found on its paths, places where he played: sand prostrate, tree, flowerbed, broom, paragraphfirst aid, etc.children find these landmarksThe kid, they explain to him in what places it is forbidden to play, and invitingare in the service "Young rescuer".


Didactic game

Target:develop the skill of classplay and explain dangerous andsafe situations depictedshown in the pictures.

Game actions: briefly volume to understand the plot of the picture, its afterbirth consequences.

Game rules: briefly and clearly describe the storylineteen in accordance with her image genius.


Target: to teach children to distinguish dangerous life situations from notdangerous; be able to foresee the result of a possible development of the situation; reinforce knowledge of the rules of safe behavior; foster a sense of mutual help.

Equipment: a set of didactic pictures depicting situations that are dangerous and not dangerous for life and health; cards of different colors (red, white and yellow), depending on the options of the game. The content of the pictures: the child climbs stairs, reads a book, jumps from a height, is not dressed for the weather, coughs on others, etc.

Children are asked to determine the degree of threat of the proposed (visualnoah or verbal) situations for life and health, raise op a certain card, depending on the hazard, correctly times to lay down didactic pictures.

After carefully listening to the teacher's story, the children raise a red card if there is a danger, a yellow card if there is a danger can occur with certain behavior, and white - if there is no danger. Children should not interfere with each other, if necessary It is possible to supplement the answers of comrades, not to prompt or use prompts.


Target : to draw the attention of children to the fact that in each situation there can be two ways out: one is dangerous to health, the other is not threatening; foster a respectful attitude towards oneself and other people, protect others, not cause pain; develop to develop thinking, ingenuity.

Equipment: a set of incentive items: chips, stars.

Children are given the task to find two ways out of the proposed situation (threatening and not threatening life and health) or before lay down two options for the development of this situation. After hearing the story educator, the children continue it after the words: "The danger arises if I do ...", or "There will be no danger if I do ..." behavior, white - if there is no danger. Children need to listen

comrade's answers, do not interrupt each other, desire to answer express by raising your hand. Complete answers and significant additional nenia are encouraged with a chip, an asterisk.


Target: to consolidate the knowledge and practical skills of first aid in children.

Equipment: pictures of medical supplieslie (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).

The teacher plays up with the children the situation when a person cuts an arm, a leg, broke a knee, an elbow, then he teased, when a sore throat, a speck in his eye, a nosebleed. By in each situation, a sequence of actions is practiced.



Equipment: object pictures depicting medicinal plants.

The game is played according to the lotto principle. Children have cards with an image the use of medicinal plants. The teacher shows pictures with similar figures. A child who has this plant talks about its use for healing. If he said correctly, he gets a picture. The winner is the one who is the first to cover his card.


Target: reinforce in children the idea of ​​how to help themselves andothers to stay healthy at all times.

Equipment : playing field with pasted illustrations; dice, colored pieces or buttons.

The players take turns throwing a die, on the edges of which the imageare from 1 to 3 circles, and move their counter forward by as many moves as the number of circles on the dice. If the chip ended up on a red circle, then the child, before doing the next blowing move, must answer how to behave with a runny nose, cough, high temperature, toothache. If the rebbe answers incorrectly knock skips a move, if correct, makes the next one. When the chip turns out to be on a green circle, the player tells how movements, daily routine, vitamins, water procedures are useful for a person. If the answer is incorrect, the child skips a move; if the answer is correct, he rearranges the piece three moves forward. The winner is the one who gets to the country of health first.

My choice

Children are offered plot pictures and corresponding techto them. The teacher reads the text, and the children prove the correctness or inadmissibility of this act, explain which rules have been violated. If the child explains the action correctly, he receives a red chip, if not, a blue one.


Goals: to consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic signals, concepts: street, road, sidewalk, trees, houses; remember traffic rules.

Children are taught not to rush when crossing the road, to be attentive, to know and find the place of a pedestrian crossing, to understand traffic signals, road signs.


Target: to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules; practice the skills of correctcommunication, speech, social behavior.

Equipment: small chairs; steering wheel.

The driver is selected with the help of a rhyme. Situation simulationtion: a woman with a child, a grandmother, a blind man.


Securing traffic rules. On the floor, stripes indicate the transition, on traffic light red light. Children are at the crossing. At the traffic light light. At the green signal, children walk along the passage, first looking to the left, then to the right.


Didactic game

Target:to acquaint children with traffic signals, to consolidate knowledge of rightsforks driving according to traffic signals.

Children and an adult examine the traffic light, fix the meaning of the colors. Then the adult invites one of the children to take on the role of a traffic light "and put on a traffic light badge. The rest of the Children depict cars and pedestrians, which must move according to traffic signals.


Didactic game

Target:to acquaint children with prohibitive, prescriptive and somewarning signs.

Game options

"Miscellaneous among the common" Children are encouraged to sort the signs into groups and tell what they mean.

"We play ourselves"Children are offered cards with different traffic situations. The guys must choose the right road signs for the pictures, then justify their choice.

"City street"Children are invited to act as traffic police inspectors in a new city, where it is necessary to place road signs in order to avoid road accidents.

"Lest there be trouble"

Didactic game

Target:to acquaint children with the rules of behavior on the duck, on the road; forto strengthen knowledge about road signs.

Children are offered a street layout with various types of signs and traffic lights, toys for playing up situations (crossing the street, driving a car, walking around the city, cycling).


Didactic game

Target:to acquaint children with such a place on the street as an intersection, withlami crossing at the intersection (regulated and unregulated); fixingknowledge of road signs.

Children are offered a layout of the intersection with various signs and traffic lights. An adult explains how to cross the street at a regulated and unregulated intersection.


Didactic game

Target:educate children about the different types of road signs: prohibitionadmitting, warning, informational and indicative, service signs.

Children are introduced to road signs (illustrations, posters, etc.)


Didactic game

Target: to consolidate the acquired knowledge of children about various types of paths signs.

Children receive signs (warning, informational, directional, prohibition) and are grouped by 4-6 people in different corners of the room. In each of them, the teacher puts geometrically figures (circle, square, triangle) on a stand. At the signal from the teacher “The signs scattered” Children disperse around the playground in groups or alone. At the new signal “Find your mark”, children run to a figure corresponding to the mark.

Game variant . When the children learn the game well, the teacher invites them to stop and close their eyes during the "walk". At this time, the teacher rearranges the figures. At the word "Home", children open their eyes, find a sign and run to it. The teacher notes which group gathered faster than others.


Didactic game

Target : to consolidate knowledge about traffic signals, rules of conduct v public transport,.

Children stand along the wall of the room or the side of the playground in a column in pairs, holding each other's hands. With their free hands, do they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied? The teacher is in one of the corners of the room and holds in his hand three colored flags - yellow, red, green. The teacher raises the green flag, the children are running, the "tram" is moving. Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color of the flag has changed: if the green flag is raised, the movement continues; if a yellow or red flag appears, the children stop and wait for a green one to appear.

If there are a lot of people interested, you can make a stop where children sit and wait for the arrival of the tram. Approaching the stop, the "tram" slows down and stops, some passengers get off, d others come in. The teacher raises the green flag: "Let's go!"

If the children are more familiar with the bus or trolleybus, you can replace the tram with these modes of transport.


Didactic game

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge gained about the rules of the road.

The site boundaries are delineated or marked with flags. At one end, the platforms are placed on chairs or benches "sparrows". At the other end, there is a place for a car (garage) "Sparrows" fly out of the nest - says the teacher: children jump off the benches and start running in different directions, raising their arms to the sides, jumping on two legs. A beep sounds and "cars" (assigned children) appear. "Sparrows" get scared and fly away to their nests (with each one taking its place). The "cars" return to the garage. The game is repeated with other "cars".

Children depicting cars can be offered a steering wheel. The teacher makes sure that the children do not run away from the boundaries of the site, and that the "cars" comply with the Traffic Rules (road markings, signs).

You can enter the game "pecking grains". The teacher says: "The birds wanted to eat and began to peck at the grain." At these words, the children squat down and tap their fingers on the floor or on the ground.


Didactic game

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road through "driving cars" on a specially prepared site; developpay attention and restraint.

Children are placed along the wall of the room or along the edge of the playground. They are "cars". Each of the players is given a flag of any color (optional) or a colored circle, a ring. The teacher stands facing the players in the center of the room (playground). He holds three colored flags in his hand.

The teacher raises a flag of some color. All children with a flag of this color run around the site (observing the traffic rules, markings, signs), on the way they hum, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop and each go to his own "garage". Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color and the game resumes.

The teacher can raise one, two or all three flags together, and then all the "cars" leave their "garages".

The teacher can replace the color signal with a verbal one (for example, "Blue cars are leaving", "Blue cars are returning home").

"Birds and the car"

Purpose: to acquaint with the rules of the road.

Children-birds fly around the room, flap their arms (wings).

The teacher says:

The birds have arrived

The birds are small

Everyone flew, everyone flew, (Children run, smoothly waving their arms).

They flapped their wings.

So they flew

Waving their wings

They flew to the track, Sit down, tap their fingers on their knees.

The seeds were pecking.

The teacher picks up a toy car and says:

The car is running down the street

Puffs, hurries, blows the horn.

Tra-ta-ta, beware, beware

Tra-ta-ta, beware, step aside!

Children-birds run from the car.

"A train"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the Rules of the road through a trip on the "train" on a specially prepared site; developpay attention and restraint.

The teacher offers to play the train: "I will be a steam locomotive, and you will be carriages." Children stand in a column one after another, holding onto the clothes of the person in front. “Let's go,” says the teacher, and everyone starts to move, saying: “Chu-chu”. The "train" travels in one direction, then in another, then slows down, finally stops and says: "Stop." After a while, the beep sounds again and the train sets off again.

Option 1

Children are built in a column along one side of the playground or along the wall of the room. The first one standing in the column is a steam locomotive, the rest are carriages. The teacher gives a beep, and the children begin to move forward (without a clutch); at first slowly, then faster, and finally, they switch to running (with slow movement, children can pronounce the sound "chu-chu-chu"). “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher beeps again, and the movement of the train resumes. The teacher regulates the pace and duration of the movement of children, puts the more active child ahead.

Option 2

When the children master the game well, that is, moving one after another, a complication can be introduced - after the train stops, the children go for a walk: picking mushrooms, berries, flowers, cones. Hearing the beep, the children run to the appointed place (to the wall) and line up in a column.

It is recommended to use aids in the game, for example, when the train goes over a bridge (on a gymnastic bench or on boards laid on steps, or between two slats drawn with Lines, laid cords, etc.).


Children become pairs: one is a horse, the other is a carter. For the game, the reins are given or the children hold on to the belt.

Let's go, let's go

With nuts, with nuts

To the grandfather for a turnip.

By the boy


On a hunchback.

With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm to the teacher's sentence “gop, gop ...” or click their tongue until the teacher says: “Whoa ...” When the game is repeated, the children change roles. After everyone is comfortable with the game, the teacher suggests raising your knees while running.

The game should start with one pair, gradually increasing the number of participants to 3-4 pairs.


The players become pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. One of the players - the catching one - stands on this line. Everyone in the column says:

Burn, burn, it is clear, So that it does not go out, Look at the sky - Birds are flying, Bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word "run", the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one to the right, the other to the left), trying to meet, and join hands. The catcher tries to catch one of the pair before the children have time to join their hands. If the catcher manages to do this, then he forms a new pair with the caught and stands in front of the column, and the one without a pair becomes the catcher. If the catcher fails to catch anyone, he remains in the same role.

The game ends when all players have run one time. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

The number of participants should not exceed 15-17 people, otherwise the children will have to stand motionless for a long time.


At a distance of 10-16 steps from the boundary of the site, the initial line is drawn), on which the players stand close to each other. At the opposite end of the site, the place of the driver is outlined in a circle (with a diameter of 2-3 steps). Turning your back to the players, the driver speak loudly. “Walk fast, don't yawn! Stop!" At these words I play everything other move towards the driver. As soon as the driver said the word "stop!", Everyone stops, the driver quickly looks around. Someone who did not have time to stop in time after the word "stop!" and made an additional movement, the driver returns to the original line. Then he again, turns his back to the players and says: "Step quickly ...", etc. Everyone continues to move from the place where they were caught by the signal "stop!" Those that have returned to the starting line start moving from there.

This continues until one of the players comes close to the driver and stands in the circle before the driver says "stop", the one who managed to do this becomes the driver.

The game resumes with a new driver.

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the presentation options. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

1. Explanatory note

The intellectual and creative game “Experts in the Basics of Safety” has been held annually since 2009.

Teams from all secondary schools and gymnasiums of the city of Angarsk take part in the game.

From 2009 to 2014, 1527 students and 96 teachers took part in the intellectual and creative game on music “Experts in the Basics of Safety”. Therefore, we can conclude that this event is in demand.

Goals and objectives of the game.

  • Increased interest among schoolchildren in the subject "Fundamentals of Life Safety"
  • Development of communication skills

Materials and equipment:

Sound reproducing equipment (microphones, amplifier, computer, multimedia)

Didactic material for each stage of the game

Answer forms at each step

Safety lane route sheets

Decorated classrooms, computer science room

Costumes for participants (opening, rewarding)

Form of carrying out: and Intellectual and creative play.

The game is played on the basis of the Regulation (Appendix I)

The event begins with the opening: the play "Beware of troubles while they are gone!" or from the solemn line (Appendix II).

The presenters voice the tasks of the game.

The teams are given route sheets. At each stage, there is a subject teacher who observes the work of the children, the objectivity of the scoring (the leaders are the characters of the play) and the correctness in the conduct of the corresponding stage. After work, all the resulting materials are handed over, the results of the game are summed up.

Preliminary tasks for teams:

  1. Go on excursions in the fire department, in the traffic police units.
  2. Review the theoretical material studied in the OBZH lessons.
  3. Prepare a presentation (stage "Business card") on the topic of life safety.

Game items (stages) can be placed in classrooms. They are drawn up in accordance with the name of the stage.

Game stages:

  1. Business card
  2. Interactive game "Safety and us"
  3. Gaishata
  4. Fire maze
  5. Visiting Aibolit
  6. The most dexterous

2. Technological stage

After receiving a set of route sheets, the game participants disperse in stages:

  • At the “Business card” stage, participants talk about their work in the field of life safety by means of amateur performances in any small stage form with the use of additional visual agitation, paraphernalia and technical equipment.
  • At the stage "Safety and us" they answer questions (30 questions), which they themselves choose from the proposed topics. (Appendix 3)
  • At the “Gaishat” stage, participants are asked to complete a series of tasks to test their knowledge of road signs, bicycle construction, and the ability to control their behavior as a cyclist or pedestrian in non-standard situations. (Appendix 4)
  • At the Fire Labyrinth station, participants are offered riddles and a game “Safeguard Fire Words” in which students, using prompts, turn the proposed “fire hazard” words into “safe” words by replacing, adding or excluding just one letter in them. (Appendix 5)
  • At the station “Visiting Aibolit” the test “First aid to the victim” was proposed. It is necessary to answer questions about the types of bleeding, ways to stop bleeding. Know trauma: cut, abrasion, bruise, burn. To be able to provide first aid for various types of injuries. Practical part: bandaging. (Appendix 6)
  • At the station "Most Agile" teams compete in the relay race, overcome obstacles.

3. Reflexive stage.(Appendix 7)

At the finish line (final line), an award ceremony is held. Teams receive certificates for prizes or participation.

Appendix I

about the intellectual and creative game of life safety "Experts in the basics of safety"

General Provisions.

The game is conducted by TSORO together with the municipal MO of teachers of the basics of life safety.

Goals and objectives of the game.

  • Increased interest among schoolchildren in the subject of the basics of life safety.
  • Development of communication skills.
  • Formation of collective cooperation skills.

Participants of the game.

Students of the 5th grade of secondary general education schools and innovative educational institutions have the right to participate in the intellectual game. One command from each institution. The team consists of 4 people.

Deadline for the game and submission of applications:

  1. The game will take place in May 2014. on the basis of MBOU "Secondary School No. 36". Information on the date of its holding will be announced later.
  2. Applications for participation are submitted to the CEDO to the methodologist T.B. Epifantseva. no later than three days before the start of the game.

Sample application.

Application for participation in the intellectual and creative game of music
MOU "Secondary School No. _______"

Director of MBOU ___________________________

The procedure for organizing and conducting the game.

  1. The holding and technical support of the intellectual game is carried out by the organizing committee, which includes: the methodologist of the CEPO, members of the IMC, teachers of the basics of life safety.
  2. Control over the fulfillment of tasks and compliance with the regulations is carried out by the teachers of the general education institution, on the basis of which the game is held.
  3. Registration of teams is carried out 30 minutes before the start of the game.
  4. Before the start of the game, each team receives route sheets indicating the sequence of passing the stages.
  5. The team works at the stage with its full complement. Number of stages - 6
  6. The results of the game are summed up by the sum of the points received by the team at each stage.
  7. When summing up, the following are determined:
    1. Winner
    2. Awardees
    3. Winners at every stage
  8. The results are summed up by the jury, which is appointed by the organizing committee. The jury includes OBZh teachers.
  9. Winners and prize-winners are awarded with certificates of AAMO UO.

Rules of the game

Stage names:

1. Stage "Business card"

It is carried out by the team members by means of amateur performances in any small stage form with the use of additional visual agitation, paraphernalia and technical equipment.

The duration of the performance is 3 minutes.

The use of phonograms with a recorded voice is not allowed, all participants perform live roles.

Phonograms are provided only on CD - disk, "flash drive".

The stage is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • creative initiative of the team;
  • mastery of performance, originality of the presentation of the material;
  • completeness of the disclosure of the topic, clarity and clarity of the presentation of the topic;
  • musical arrangement;

Evaluated on a 5-point system (for each criterion, you can get 5 points). Total: 20 points.

2. Stage “What is good and what is bad”

Participants are invited to answer 30 questions of a computer game. The team plays with its full complement.

Stage duration - 15 minutes. The accuracy of the answer is taken into account: the participants who give the correct answer the first time receive more points. Total - 30 points

3. Stage "Gaishat"

A) Give answers to the proposed quiz tasks. (11 questions).

B) Collect a road traffic sign

Stage duration - 10 minutes. (4 points)

Total: 15 points

4. Stage "Fire labyrinth"

A) Give answers to riddles (10 riddles)

B) Game “Safeguard Fire Words”. Using prompts, turn the proposed "fire hazard" words into "safe" ones by replacing, adding or excluding just one letter in them. (10 words)

Stage duration - 10 minutes.

(1 point for each correct answer) Total: 20 points

5. Stage "Visiting Aibolit"

A) Test solution - 10 questions: (bleeding and their types, cuts, abrasions, bruises, burns, first aid methods). - 1 point for each correct answer - 10 points

B) Dressings (sling, cap, etc.) All participants have a first-aid kit and dressing material. - 5 points

Total: 15 points

6. Relay "The most agile"

  • Swamp (walk on a sheet of cardboard, don't stumble)
  • Climbing through the hoops (5 pieces)
  • Scouts (“on their bellies” crawl over obstacles)
  • Sniper - Shoot down the pins with the ball

The stage is judged by the best passing time and penalty points scored by the team.

TOTAL: 110 points = relay results

Appendix 2

Play "Beware of troubles while they are gone"

Fanfare sounds

1st presenter:

Hello to you, our young friends,
Cheerful, brave, smart!

2nd presenter:

Athletes, dancers, artists,
Seekers and glider pilots!

1st presenter:

Future chauffeurs and craftsmen,
Locksmiths and doctors!

2nd presenter:

Astronauts, science fiction writers, romantics,
Physicists, chemists and mathematicians!

1st presenter:

We gathered here today
Show you your knowledge.
Safety for us
Arranges competitions!

2nd presenter:

The safety game is looking forward to us.
As soon as the greetings are spoken,
The competition for the guys will begin!

1st presenter:

The sun's ray makes us laugh and teases
We are having fun in the morning.
And the day gives us a resounding holiday
And the main guest on it is the game!

2nd presenter:

She is our big and smart friend,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged.
A cheerful, noisy dispute will start
Will help you learn new things!

1st presenter:

If you try
And study hard
That patience and work
You will be led to success!

2nd presenter:

After all, everything exactly happened in one fairy tale known to all of you.

Fabulous music sounds.

Where the sun rises red because of the clouds, because of the mountains,
There is a kingdom there - a state! That's my conversation about him.
The Tsar lived there, with him three daughters, mothers, nannies, servants are innumerable.
They brought the Tsar to the point! He stopped eating and drinking.

1st daughter (showing off):

Nian, tell me that I'm prettier! Dresses, rings, wigs,
There are lace, crinolines and fishnet stockings.

2nd daughter:

I have eyes that are saucers and eyelashes to eyebrows.
One has only to smile - the suitors are waiting at the door!

1st daughter(to younger sister):

Well, what are you going to tell us? Praise yourself too!
Tell us about USA lipsticks.


What's stuck, balabolki? Sit down better to embroider!
Here, take a needle.

The nanny holds out a kit for needlework, but the royal daughters refuse.

2nd daughter(offended and indignant):

You're crazy again!
Let the sister embroider, knit, weave lace,
Let him study English ... He will die anyway!

1st daughter(whimsical):

I'm out of the habit of work, I'll save my pens,
I will transfer all family concerns to you.


Your Nanny has become old. I have sciatica.
It's time for me to retire, my body aches, everything hurts!

3rd daughter(pitifully):

Our dear old lady, we will take care of you.
I'll whisper in your ear that we'll shake Daddy!

The daughters are whispering. The King enters.


These tsarist concerns were worn out for the whole day.


Hunt for supper!

Daughters(in chorus):

She has a newsletter!

Tsar: (surprised)

What is this new word?
We haven't heard that.


This means there is no Nanny ...


That is, there is no dinner either?
Everyone shakes their heads negatively.

1st daughter(ironically):

There will be crumpled robes and a stale bed ...

3rd daughter(mockingly):

Get ready, we will bend your fingers for a long time!


Shit, I won't listen anymore.
Don't yell at your father!
To keep everything in order, call the sage!

3rd daughter(offended):

Tsyts yes tsyts! We are princesses.
And they learned from an early age all the laws of politeness.
And I'll tell you "tete-a-tete": the nanny's day is already yesterday ...

2nd daughter(feeds the magazine):

On, home magazine "Vprok",
It is not in vain to look through the foreign catalog.

Jester(glances at the king, quietly):

Numb, he sat down on his huge throne.

The magazine is served. The king examines it carefully and indignantly discards it.

Changing confusion to anger,

He shouted to his daughters:


(After driving the princesses away, turns to the jester and points to the magazine)

What are the numbers?

Jester(shrugging his shoulders in confusion):

Tsar(groans, rolling his eyes)

Heart, Doctors come here,
I have never seen so many numbers with zeros together!


The magazine has the best products ...


Shut up, you're talking nonsense!
I've been saving up in barns for so many years! And what is all in vain? What a disgrace!


Now it's too late for us to resent
And shed tears, and lose heart.
We should hold onto the youth
So as not to lag behind in this life!


Well our kingdom is rich,
And I love my daughters.
All the chests are filled with gold.
OK! I'll give in to you!

Sings to the tune of the song "If I were a Sultan" from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus" muses. A. Zatsepina

I am a father, this is my house, I have power in it.
And I can have fun until morning!
I will buy gifts for everyone. I am very rich.
I will give each one an electrical unit.
Take the money, hurry to the market!
Buy a good product for your home!
For Dunyasha I bought a curling iron and tongs,
Microwave for Marusya in turquoise color.
I bought a TV, I'm not sorry for the money!
He filled up the whole kitchen with Tefal!
In mansions, I really love comfort,
And let my daughters create it for me!
Daughter Marusya ironing my trousers at the blackboard,
Dunya, mother-in-law and wife make pies,
On carpets they clean my stains with powder!
Stoko noise! So much smoke! Everything hiss around!
There are one hundred devices in one socket!
In a minute and all of us a skiff!


Such spoiled people!
Hands wash, wash, cook laziness.
Life brought them a yut on a platter,
Do not turn off the equipment for 20 hours a day!

1st daughter:

I sew robes on a Singer typewriter

2nd daughter:

I iron my linen with a Tefal iron


Include oven, washing machine, refrigerator,
And a lot of money burns out, it's just a pity.


100 devices in one socket at once!
What power, the voltage is over!
Do you remember how in a neighboring state
Did the palace burn down from the short circuit?

Daughters - printskssy - appear on the stage. The melody of the song "Over the Four Seas" sounds


Remember, you promised to buy us
Household appliances for us.
For a very long time, we remember how it is now,
I leafed through the catalog, counted the money.
For four "thousand" green dollars
You bought the appliances for your home that are in the world.
To clean, sew, cook and wash in the house,
To make it easy to keep the house in order.
Everything at once, plugged into the power grid,
Having closed everything, we were badly burned,
The house has burned down, everything has come to an end!
Too late remembered then
With just two digits a phone number
We need to remember that the trouble will go away for a long time!
The master told us: “Dial“ 0! ”!
It's so easy, only very, very late!


I want you to agree with me -
But the practice would be better for them!

Submits to the king a textbook on life safety

We will open the OBZH book now,
Let's tell you a safety lesson!


Alas, human speculation is evil,
And yet you convinced me
That there is a consequence without a cause
And there is no smoke without fire!

1st daughter(earnestly):

And yet, unfortunately, it happens!
When death is a hair's breadth,
In the fire of the fire, everything burns
And the stream will not always save the water!

2nd daughter(enthusiastically):

And to breathe us clean air
And do not wallow in ash,
Spend your life not in space on the stars,
And we need to live on Earth!


Adhere to the exact rules in life -
Life is short, and the supply of evil is great.
May the good mind rule the world
In order not to hear the terrible scream anymore!

And now we ask the commanders of the teams to receive route sheets with which it will be easier for you to travel around the country of Security.

The participants disperse according to the stages of the game.

Appendix 4

Stage "Gaishat"

Task 1. "Road signs"

From the proposed signs, it is necessary to select the signs indicated in the assignment: regulating only the movement of pedestrians, prohibiting, prescribing.

Task 2. “Bicycle device”.

The participant completes the task on the knowledge of the bike device.

Task 3. "Traffic"

The participant is offered several photographs of traffic situations. The participant indicates a certain number of incorrect or correct types of behavior for pedestrians or cyclists. The participant is offered 2 tasks for the sequence of passage of the intersection by vehicles, the number of which is no more than 3. One vehicle is a bicycle.

The participant is offered 2 tasks on knowing the signals of the traffic controller.

Appendix 5

Stage "Fire labyrinth"

Task 1. Riddles on fire safety

Everything eats is not full,
And if he drinks, he dies. THE FIRE

A log in the firebox is on fire
And he throws these "stars" at us.
One burning particle
Fire can turn. SPARK

The miner knocks with a hammer,
The black stone is being mined.
Then it burns in the oven,
Our house warms up in winter. COAL

What comes from the fire
Warming you, you, me? HEAT

The hostess fires the stove in the kitchen
Tell me when the fire is out
What's left of the wood?
Are you ready to tell me the word?

I am an insidious arsonist! ASH
You want fire - here you are!
I am the all-powerful oxidizer
(If only you will give firewood). OXYGEN

In a shirt in bright red
Reliable in work.
A device named OP-5

The student is obliged to know everyone! FIRE EXTINGUISHER

Climbs into the flames ahead
Fire-fighting equipment ... CROWBAR

Daughters sleep quietly in a plywood house.
The dormouse, the quiet one has a fire in their heads. MATCHES

The flame here is a wall, very scary to look at.
And around the strongest heat - the old house is engulfed ... FIRE

Task 2. Safeguard "Fire Hazardous" Words

Using the tips, turn the suggested "fire-hazardous" words into "safe" ones by replacing, adding or excluding just one letter in them:

FLAME - _ _ _ _ _ (primitive family). TRIBE

ISKRA - _ _ _ _ (fish delicacy). CAVIAR

BOSTER - _ _ _ _ _ _ (Catholic Church). KOSTEL

GAS - _ _ _ _ (eye) - _ _ _ (noise). GAM

CUTTER - _ _ _ _ _ _ (delicious meat product). HAM

GUNPOWDER - _ _ _ _ _ (mustachioed legume). PEAS

LUCHINA - _ _ _ _ _ _ (the old name of the mask). LITTLE

GAR - _ _ _ _ (chest for grain and flour). Chest

Peat - _ _ _ _ (the most festive cake). CAKE

ALCOHOL - _ _ _ _ _ (healthy occupation). SPORT

Appendix 6

Stage "Visiting Aibolit"

Task 1. Test

1. What is the correct way to provide first aid for an open fracture?

  1. Align the ends of the broken bone, apply a splint.
  2. Remove bone fragments and apply an ice pack.
  3. Apply a sterile bandage to the wound, give rest to the patient, apply a splint.

2. What material can be used as a tire?

  1. Textile
  2. Bandage, wat
  3. Piece of board

3. In what position to evacuate the victim with vivikha in the joints of the upper extremities?

  1. Lying

4. What kind of bandage is applied to the ankle joint if it is damaged?

  1. Spiral
  2. Spicate
  3. Eight-shaped

5. What is the characteristic of arterial bleeding?

  1. The entire surface of the wound bleeds
  2. The blood flows out in a pulsating stream, has a scarlet color
  3. The blood has a dark red color, flows out of the wound in a continuous stream

6. What medicinal plant can be used as a disinfectant for capillary bleeding?

  1. Plantain, birch leaf
  2. Valerian root, lily of the valley flowers
  3. Mother-and-stepmother leaves

7. The complex of cardiovascular resuscitation includes:

  1. Precardiac stroke, artificial respiration, chest compressions
  2. Change in blood pressure, blow to the back between the shoulder blades
  3. A blow to the left side of the chest, the imposition of sterile dressings on the wounds, the imposition of splints.

8.How to help a victim with pain in the heart area?

  1. Give one tablet of analgin or aspirin.
  2. Give a smell of ammonia.
  3. Give a tablet of validol or itroglycerin to be taken under the tongue, give inside 15 drops of Corvalol in 50ml. water.

9.How to provide first aid for frostbite?

  1. Rub the affected area with hard material or snow.
  2. Create conditions for general warming, apply a cotton-gauze bandage to the frostbitten area, give plenty of drink
  3. Make a light massage, rub the affected method with cologne

10. What is the correct way to put on a shirt on a victim with a left arm injury?

  1. Put clothes on the left hand, then on the right
  2. Put clothes on the right hand, then on the left
  3. It makes no difference how to dress the victim

Task 2. Practice.

Bandage application: sling, circular, creeping, cruciform, spike-shaped, circular, spiral, cap

Appendix 7


1st presenter:

You thought and had fun
And they even argued at times.

2nd presenter:

But they made very good friends
For our glorious game.

1st presenter:

Thank you all for your attention,
for the enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

2nd presenter:

For the fire of the competition
Ensuring success!

1st presenter:

So, the exciting moment of our meeting has come. Now we will find out: who achieved the greatest results in our game.

2nd presenter:

To summarize, we invite to the stage the head of the municipal methodological association of teachers of life safety in the city of Angarsk, Elena Aleksandrovna Bozhidomova

1st presenter:

And OBZh teachers Vera Viktorovna Yakushchenko

Extracurricular activity on life safety "Safety Territory".

Topic: Fundamentals of human life safety in hazardous and emergency situations.

Goals: to generalize the knowledge of students on the rules of behavior in extreme situations - to teach how to avoid and be able to prevent dangerous situations.

Teamwork skills, highlight, sequence of thinking, explain;

A culture of safe behavior, mutual assistance and support;

Preliminary preparation:

- Leading teacher of OBZH - Organizes and directs the activities of children.

As part of the preparation and conduct of the "Life Safety Week", students of grades 7-8-9 are invited to take part in an intellectual quiz on the basics of safety. The quiz includes the studied sections of the subject.

A jury is selected from teachers, educators or cells. the leaders of the participating classes.

The contests are divided into separate slides on the screen.

Quiet music plays, popular youth songs.

Each competition determines I. II. III. Place.


In each the class has 3 rows and the team captains are offered a lottery to draw the names of the teams "Rescuers" "Firefighters" "Volunteers"

Split groups

Presenter's introduction:

Today people live in comfortable houses, and not in caves, look out and get food in the windows, do not keep the fire, but use electricity and gas, fly into space and sink to the bottom of the oceans, and do not know who lives nearby BUT! Our life has not become safer from this!

We turned our house into a fortress and died from an electric household appliance; - we save ourselves from maniacs, but we can die from an insect bite;

- we tell people that they are lying and trustingly listen to the words of the scammers on the street.

The modern world is filled with dangers, they just became more diverse.

1. Competition of proverbs. Intellectual warm-up before the competition

2 when humanity was created he took care of shelter, fire and food and transmitted and

Example: NOT KNOWING THE FORD, DO NOT GO INTO THE WATER. -Saved and God protects.

Theme options for proverbs;

Competition number 2. Everyday dangers around us:

(all team members participate ) For each correct example 1b.

Assignment: within 3 minutes, remember as many safety rules as possible.

behavior in various situations:

at home, on the street, social ...

« Firefighters "Rescuers" "Volunteers"

Per addition for other teams 1b is added to the complementary team.

Competition no. 3

Safe behavior with strangers.

Select a task. - lottery by numbers from 1 to 9.

1 student per team selects 3 numbers.

And now we will remember how to behave with strangers on the street. The player takes out and reads 3 question. If he answered the question correctly, then the judges count +1 , and if wrong - sign 0 Add-on +1 pt from other teams.

Questions for the playing field.

    If a stranger approached you, how will you talk to him?(carefully, carefully, take a closer look, I'll look back if anyone is near other options ... ...)

    From the car they asked you "how to get to the children's clinic or hospital, maybe you will show it, otherwise the child is bad and points at him in the cabin"

    Describe what will alert you to a stranger? ... ( conversation, tattoos, jargon, appearance, etc. ………)

    If strangers come up to you and ask how to find a street or a house, what will you do? ( I don’t know, I’m busy, they call me sorry, I’m in a hurry, I’m not from this area ………….)

    We are from the lower floor and water is running from above - we need to check the condition of the pipes ... ... ( I have no keys to open the door, I will inform my parents, I will check the taps ... ...)

    They call the doorbell and say “I am a controller for the meters, I need to take readings and check the condition of the electrical wiring ……… ... What will you do?

    It seems to you that someone is following you. What will you do?

    You see how gypsy women surrounded the girl on the street and are wondering, and she begins to take off her jewelry and gives them ... ...

    On the street, adult adolescents molest the younger ones ……….

Competition no. 4

Literary security quiz.

( the whole team participates with the answers on the card.

Guys, you know a lot of fairy tales: modern and Russian folk. But now you need to remember the fairy tales where the violation of the OBZH led to sad consequences. Explain why. The teams are given 3 minutes for this task, after which the captains answer.


1. "Little Red Riding Hood",

Deceived by the gray wolf.

2. "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

don't open the door to strangers

3. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”.

listen elders do not drink anything from a muddy puddle.

4. "Sleeping Beauty"

be careful with piercing and cutting objects

5. "The Snow Queen"

you can not cling to the vehicle in front

6. "Masha and the Bear"

I went into a strange house, ate porridge, slept on the bed.

7. "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

I did not listen to the instructions of the goat mom.

8. "The sun and the crocodile"

Matches in the hands of children - chanterelles

9. "Buratino"

He was surrounded by scammers and ran away from home.

10. "The Tale of the Dead Princess"

Ate a poisoned apple

11. the film "Well, wait a minute"

Traffic violations in everyday life.

5. Contest of rescuers №5.

( 2 participants from each team: victim and rescuer)

There are situations when a person urgently needs to be provided with medical assistance, the state of his health in the present and in the future depends on it. Can we do it? We will provide first aid. The victim and the rescuer are team members.

On the table are closed tasks for each team:

Each team is given a "first aid kit": bandage, cotton wool, iodine, scissors, etc. For 3 minutes, participants must provide assistance to the victim:

The speaking team selects a closed lottery assignment. The start is given. Time is cut.

- forearm injury;

- injury to the lower leg;

- head injury.

- nose bleed.

The team with the least time has the best result! ... in terms of the amount of time!

Competition number 6 ... Collect a first aid kit for the victim.

Each team is asked to select a remedy from the list in the first aid kit when providing assistance: open lottery task :

- 1. wound of a limb with bleeding;

- 2. head injury:

- 3. bleeding in the chest area.

For each correctly chosen drug and action + 1B.

(ammonia solution)







(potassium permanganate)







Competition no. 7 ... Erudite Competition. « The Raised Hand Rule! »

(the whole team is involved in turn)

Brain gymnastics.

    Today is Monday, and Vasya bought a ticket on the ship for the day after tomorrow. What day of the week does the ship leave the port? Wednesday

    - A glazed opening in the side of the ship? porthole

3 -Before sailing, Vasya helped his mother to clean the house. What kind of soup did Vasya cook? Vasya has nothing to do with the sailing.

    -Why is the stop on the train - the tap is red, and on the plane it's blue?

( He's not there)

    - In what area can planes fly? ( atmosphere)

    - What is the name of the direction shown on the compass in degrees? ( azimuth )

    - What we will NOT buy in the store as a gift to the dearest person? ( health, love, understanding and other adjectives)

    - Why are ovens always whitewashed? ( smoked cracks are visible on white

    - Eyes - see, ears - hear, the tongue feels the taste, but what is the name of the feeling when we recognize the sharp, smooth, soft .. (touch …)

Competition # 8.: Establish compliance in rescue actions:

- the participants are invitedlotoreya with 3 situations:

Record the correspondence according to example 1-5; 3-4; 6-2, etc.

- At shipwreck

1 don't swim

By hand 1


Louder 3

3. Shout

behind the ship 5

4 unnecessary items

Hope 7

5. Don't lose

Throw away 2

6 take care

Clothes 4

7 don't fold

Forces 6

Combination:1-5, 2-1, 3-3, 4-2, 5-7, 6-6, 7-4.

- On fire:


Electricity 7


Neighbors 6

3. Shout

Fire extinguisher 5

4 overturn

Help 4


Firefighter 3


Windows 2

    turn off

Florist 1

Combination: 1-3, 2-5, 3-6, 4-1, 5-2, 6-4, 7-7.

- In case of a terrorist attack:

1. Help

Terrorists 7

2. To report

Rescuers 6

3. Call

Guidelines 5

4 .Remember

Children 4

5. Execute

Injured 3

6.Take away

Panic 2

7. Calm down

Assistants 1

Combination: 1-3, 2-6, 3-1, 4-7, 5-5, 6-4, 7-2.

Competition number 9. "Sit on a tree stump, eat a pie"

You need to get ready for the hike in advance, the main thing is to properly stock up on food. After all, there, in the forest or by the river, there will be no store and refrigerator. Products should be high-calorie and non-perishable. Otherwise, you can get poisoned.

Teams are offered (on sheets) a set of products, they need to select products suitable for further trips and mark them with a tick. The answer sheet is handed over to the jury.

Mark +

Grocery list








The products you need: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25,

The jury sums up the results of all competitions.


TEAM "Firefighters"

TEAM "Rescuers"



Proverbs competition.

Home security, streets, social.

Safe behavior with strangers.



Rescuers competition atinjury.

Rescue competition to collect up estrus.


Establish compliance.

“Sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.


While the jury is summing up the results of the contests, the team of the school "DUP" read a poem.


Don't let your uncle into the house
If your uncle is a stranger!
And don't open up to your aunt,
If mom is at work.
After all, a criminal, he is cunning,
Pretend to be a fitter.
Or even he will say
That the postman came to you.
He will show you the package
(And a pistol under my arm).
Or he put on a robe,
And there are five grenades underneath!
And the "old woman" is in a hurry after him
She has a gun in her bag.
Anything can happen in life
With the one who opens the door.
So that you are not robbed,
They did not grab, they did not steal,
Don't trust strangers
Close the door tight!


So that you don't shed tears

Rain stream

Never meet

You are shocked by the hand!

To be closer to the sun.

I climbed onto the roof in winter.

Slipped, slammed to the ground ...

A big snowdrift saved me!

Everyone needs to sew with a thimble,

To protect your fingers.

Although it is unprepossessing in appearance,

He will tame the needle!

Do not shout in your friend's ear

He may lose his hearing.

And don't talk to the deaf,

You will only write letters.

We live with electricity

Fun, great!

But poke your nose into it

Scary and dangerous!

Unbuttoned and without a hat

Nowadays it is fashionable to walk like that.

Only fashionistas will have to

Shedding tears from injections!

Run around the apartment with a fork

You can do hara-kiri!

Do not remember if it is,

You will eat a cutlet with a spoon.

Good! Spring is coming!

Ice falls from our feet.

Put your nose up

There is an icicle flying from the roof!

The most important thing, guys, is for you to understand that many accidents can be prevented by observing the most basic safety rules.











our duty officer,








our attendant CALLED

To the service number "01"!















From the performance of the Team DYuP "Iskra" of boarding school No. 5, Nizhneudinsk, at the regional competition "Young rescuer". Angarsk, 2011

Personality is formed in a person from a very early age. It is very important to convey to children the basic rules of safe behavior in all possible situations. In the preschool educational institution, a lot of time is allocated to familiarize with life safety. Various games on this topic are an integral part of the lessons.

The importance of games on the basics of safety in a preschool educational institution

Danger can lie in wait for any person anywhere. Adults have already developed a certain pattern of behavior in life-threatening situations. Small children are the most vulnerable in such moments. The task of adults is to tell the kids in the most detailed and accessible way about the dangers in the world, how to avoid them and how best to act if they nevertheless come. At home, the child receives the first knowledge of possible safety-threatening situations from the parents. Kindergarten workers should expand this knowledge and instill skills of correct behavior in unforeseen situations. Preschoolers need a special approach. They need to convey very difficult questions, show the importance of knowing the safety rules and help them remember them. The main activity of children is play. The information presented in the game is easier to convey to the child, and it is also convenient to visualize and act out actions to prevent or alleviate unsafe phenomena in life.

Danger can lie in wait for a child anywhere

The goals of the games will be to expand the understanding of possible precautionary dangers at home, in nature, in communicating with people, on the street, including on the road, instilling a model of safe behavior and obtaining skills to act correctly in the event of an adverse event.

All possible hazards can be summarized in several categories:

  • natural hazards (animal and insect bites, poisonous berries and mushrooms, thunderstorm, ice, etc.);
  • troubles arising from a person (robbers, kidnappers, fights);
  • household threats (electrical appliances, sharp objects);
  • fire hazard;
  • dangers on the street (road traffic);
  • health hazard (non-observance of personal hygiene rules, improper handling of medicines).

Types of games and a card index of topics for different groups

The games that children will use to learn the basics of safe behavior can be of different types:

  1. Didactic, which include:
    • games with objects (toys) - based on the direct contact of children with objects, develop sensory perception;
    • board-printed games that unfold on a specific playing field (loto, dominoes, etc.);
    • verbal - suggest speech actions of children, these can be games for ending phrases, guessing riddles, etc.
  2. Active - games in which you need to show physical activity, while training your physical skills.
  3. Theatrical, involving a theatrical performance on a specific theme.
  4. Training games that allow you to mentally be present in the situation being analyzed.
  5. Plot-role (children take on roles and participate and solve the task), etc.

When preparing for the games, you need to take into account the age factor. For children of early preschool age, orientation games are suitable, which can arouse interest in further learning the basics of safety (didactic games with objects or toys). In older groups, pupils are able to independently draw conclusions, understand the interconnection of events, therefore, games with complicated rules (board games) are recommended for them.

Children, by their nature, love to play, through play they get to know the world around them and try on various roles

Table: possible games for life safety in kindergarten

At what age is it recommended to carry outName of the gameTasksContent
From the first youngest groupDidactic game "Dangerous - flammable"Learn to distinguish between objects that are flammableThe teacher shows the children a lot of cards, which depict objects that are dangerous. The task of the players is to choose from the cards those on which fire hazardous objects are drawn (for example, an iron, matches, a stove, etc.)
"Assemble the car" (2-part, 4-part)Fix the names of the modes of transport and its constituent partsIn front of the children is a picture of a car (bus, truck). Material is issued: pieces-elements, from which you need to assemble a holistic image of the proposed transport, focusing on the picture in front of your eyes
Role-playing game "Transport"To form elementary ideas about actions on the roadwayChildren take on the roles of chauffeurs and pedestrians. Various situations are played out: take the doll to the store, deliver building material. You need to drive the car carefully, do not run over people
Outdoor game "Putting out the fire"Form elementary knowledge of fire safetyThe chairs are lined with toy fire extinguishers. The number of chairs with fire extinguishers is one less than the number of players. Children run around the chairs. At the signal from the leader, you need to take the fire extinguish in your hands and lift it up. The one who did not get to the toy comes out of the game. The winner will be the player who picks up the last fire extinguisher in the chair.
From the second youngest groupDidactic game "Tell me what's wrong"To accustom to the rules of traffic rulesChildren are shown pictures with plots of road situations. You need to tell what the character does wrong on it (crosses the road at a red light, in the wrong place, etc.)
Role-playing game "Bus"Teach public transport safetyRoles are assigned: driver, passengers, pedestrians. Various situations are played out (a woman with a child, a grandmother, a blind man, etc.)
Outdoor game "Bonfire"Clarify fire proceduresThe game is played in the playground. You need to take sand from the sandbox with a scoop (or other similar small container) and bring it to the place where the picture with the image of a fire lies
Outdoor game "Transition"Develop knowledge about traffic rulesA zebra is painted on the floor of the group. Traffic light shows red light. The players are standing. A yellow light turns on and the participants continue to stand. At the green light, you need to go through the drawn "zebra", looking first to the left, then to the right
Training game "I'm lost ..."Formulate rules of conduct if lost on the streetThe character Bunny comes to visit the children and tells the children that he got lost with his mother on a walk. Children, together with the teacher, tell Zaika how to act if suddenly he finds himself alone in different situations (on the street, on a bus, in a store), who can be asked for help and who cannot
"Save the Toy" outdoor relay gameFoster courage, desire to help the victimThe game takes place in the gym. Children take turns performing a combination of tasks expressing actions to save the toy (get the toy from the gymnastic ladder, run with it to a certain place). During the passage of the stages, the toy must not be dropped
From the middle group
"Put the edible fungus in the box"
  • Learn about the varieties of edible and poisonous mushrooms;
  • to learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones.
In front of the players, dummies of mushrooms are laid out. You need to collect only their edible species in the basket. Then one mushroom is taken from the basket, the players must voice its name
Role-playing "We are firefighters"
  • Consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules;
  • teach to work in a coordinated team.
Children represent a fire brigade. On a call about a fire that has happened, they rush to help in different situations (on the street, in an apartment, in the forest)
Didactic game "In the world of dangerous things"Continue familiarity with the dangerous properties of objectsThe teacher shows the children alternately different household items. If the item is safe, children should clap their hands. If dangerous - stomp your feet
Didactic game "We are friends with cats and dogs"Expand awareness of good pet handlingThe teacher shows the children cards depicting plots involving cats and dogs. Children should comment on the picture: mark correct and incorrect actions (for example, it is wrong to pull animals by the tail, beat with a stick, tease)
From the senior group
Didactic game "Draw a road sign"Consolidate knowledge about the types of road signsDuring the allotted time, children must draw a road sign hidden by the leader
Role-playing game "Ambulance"
  • Expand understanding of health care delivery;
  • teach first aid skills.
Children play out various scenes in which they, as a doctor, help the victims: with a cut in an arm, a bruised leg, knee, fever, a sore throat, and nosebleeds. You need to consistently provide first aid
Lotto game "Plants for Health"Reinforce the knowledge that medicinal plants can be helpful in maintaining and caring for healthEach player has his own set of cards with images of plants. The facilitator takes turns showing cards from his set. The player who has a card with the same plant must tell what it is called and what benefits it brings. If the answer is correct, the picture is given to the player. The winner is the one who first collects his set
"Telephone"Strengthen the skills of using the telephone in case of emergencyThere are toy cars of emergency vehicles on the table. Illustrations depicting various dangerous situations are considered. You need to choose the right type of car for each situation and give the phone number by which you need to call it
Training game "Stranger"Train the skills of correct behavior in situations with a strangerThe situation that happens to Carlson is being investigated. He met with an unfamiliar aunt, who offers him candy and invites him to go with her in a car. Children reflect on correct answers and behaviors by considering possible outcomes of the situation
Didactic game "To prevent trouble"
  • Consolidate knowledge of safe outdoor behavior;
  • repeat road signs.
The game uses a street layout with various road signs and traffic lights located on it. Various situations on the road are played out with the help of game pieces or any small toys
From the preparatory groupBoard game "Travel to the country of health"Consolidate knowledge about maintaining healthThe players roll one die at a time and make a move. Depending on on the circle with which image the chip got, you need to complete a certain task. For example, explain what to do when you have a cough, fever, toothache, or explain how movements, vitamins, swimming, etc. are beneficial. If the player answers incorrectly, the move is skipped. The winner is the one who is the first to reach the "country of health"
Mobile relay game "Territory of Risk"Improve understanding and handling of hazardous objectsThe game is played in the sports hall. Children take turns performing the actions assigned by the leader on the gymnastic ladder, bench, etc. Then the bell rings - "alarm signal". Many dangerous items were found in the group. Everyone receives a card with a diagram with tips on where to look for an item (above, below, behind, in). Found items are placed in boxes by category (sharp, fire hazardous, poisonous, etc.)
Word game "Rescue Service"
  • Consolidate knowledge of your personal data;
  • teach to describe the problem correctly.
The teacher takes turns showing pictures with different situations on the computer screen. For each picture, children should compose a short story on behalf of one of the heroes of what is happening or an outside observer. All these are children who speak into the receiver of a toy phone.
Role-playing game "Traffic rules"Consolidate and systematize knowledge of road safety rulesThe following roles are distributed among children: traffic police officer, car drivers, pedestrians. Situations are played out during which players should not violate traffic rules, a traffic police officer should monitor this

The age limits of the games indicated in the table are rather arbitrary. You should use this or that game, relying on the peculiarities of the development of children, the successful assimilation of the material, their interests. For example, the game "Draw a road sign", which is recommended for older preschool age, can be used in the younger group. But more thorough preparation for the lesson will be required, as well as the constant help of the teacher in correcting the drawings. The selection criteria largely depend on the teacher's instinct, because who, besides him, will better determine what will now be more necessary and understandable for the children, what type of game will interest them most.

Structure and timing of games

Each game has several stages:

  1. Familiarization of children with the content of the game, explanation of the rules. This can be showing pictures or objects, a short conversation in which the readiness of children to play is revealed (1-2 minutes).
  2. Game actions with a mandatory break for physical. just a minute.
  3. Summing up (1-2 minutes).

It should be noted that the timing of the game itself differs depending on the age of the children. The playing time in younger groups should not exceed 10-15 minutes, at this age it is still difficult to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time. In the older groups, the game takes 20-25 minutes on average. This is a conditional time frame. It must be remembered that everything depends on the characteristics of the game, the interest that the children have shown in it, the degree of their fatigue. The break for the motor warm-up usually takes 2-3 minutes.

Photo gallery: materials for the introductory stage of the game

A drawing showing a problematic situation of communication with strangers can be demonstrated in a preliminary conversation for the game.
It is easy to show its details on a toy fire engine, it will be successfully used at the introductory stage of a didactic game of collecting a drawing of a car from different parts Toy devices will help to clearly demonstrate their safe use A demo picture will tell you how to use the iron correctly A picture depicting a hazard when handling with a stove, will help children to better imagine the situation Drawing of a game with matches will help to help, what can happen if you use them carelessly Drawing will demonstrate to children that you cannot play with tablets Drawing will clearly demonstrate to children that playing with sharp objects is dangerous Visual material will help children better understand, what can happen in the event of an unsafe game Having seen the depicted dangerous situation, children will better learn how to act, for example, in the upcoming game, as well as in reality. was taken before With the help of animal toys, you can easily tell about the features of each of them, thereby preparing the child for the game about animals

Life safety games in the first junior group

The youngest preschoolers are familiar with the most common subjects. In the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to continue the development of ideas about the nearest subject, social and natural environment, as well as to give elementary ideas about the safe use of objects and rules of behavior. It is necessary, with the help of games, to form an interest in the problems of one's own safety, to acquaint with the initial knowledge about dangerous situations, solving educational problems:

  • to give initial knowledge about the natural world and possible threats in it (an animal can bite, there are poisonous plants);
  • to master the concepts of various transport: cars, public, water, air, their constituent parts, to give the concept of red and green traffic signals;
  • study objects and their properties;
  • to learn to perceive the words "you can", "you can not", "dangerous";
  • to give initial knowledge about proper nutrition, lifestyle, to accustom to the rules of hygiene;
  • to acquaint with the premises of the group, how to behave in the group, in the locker room, how to behave on the street (take dad or mom by the hand).

At an early age, children have a very developed sensory perception of the world, it is important for them to study the subject tactilely. For this, didactic games using various objects and toys are the best suited. At an early age, they often get to know the world around them through playing with dolls.

In a 2-3-year-old child, memorization of the material is based on an emotional attitude towards it. Therefore, in the process of playing, children will easily remember everything that arouses their interest, they should be participants in what is happening. This will help games where the child can reincarnate in certain roles. Kids will take on the roles of doctors, chauffeurs, and firefighters with joy and interest, thereby assimilating basic ideas about these professions. Role-playing games on the theme "Family" will emphasize the importance of parents in the child's life and help to understand their role in the family.

By acting out different traffic situations, children learn important material at the same time

When playing the game "Red - green", children, along with memorizing the color, learn to cross the road at traffic signals: if the teacher raises a red circle, you need to stand still, if it is green, you need to look first to the right, and then to the left and go forward ...

Do not overload the kids in the process of playing with unnecessary information that they will not be able to assimilate. At this stage of development, the main thing will be to master the initial ideas about the processes of the surrounding world and the fact that there is danger in it.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "The doll got sick" (Ekaterina Ashaeva)

We take the doll to the hospital

  • The child, in the role of a doctor, accepts the doll patient and begins the examination. Looks at her throat.

    Examines the doll's neck

  • The doll's throat is red and the doctor gives her vitamins.

    We give the doll vitamins

  • The child doctor then measures the body temperature with a toy thermometer. The temperature is elevated and the doctor invites his colleague for a consultation. The second child doctor listens to the doll to give advice on how to treat Masha's doll.

    We invite the second doctor and listen to the doll

  • One doctor decides to give the doll an injection and the other decides to give her a potion.

    We give the doll a potion and an injection

  • Then the orderly comes to the doll and makes her hot tea.

    Gives the doll hot tea

  • The whole group sings a song to the doll to raise the mood.

    We sing to the doll a song to raise the mood

  • The doll was very happy and practically recovered. She asks to take her driver back home.

    We take the doll back home

  • At home, the doll asks to rest in her bed.

    We put the doll under the blanket

  • Life safety games in the second junior group

    The children of the second junior group retain the study of subjects based on sensations, sensory perception. Therefore, tactile contact with the studied material is also important. In addition, interaction with people, especially with their peers, is of great interest in children. There is a mastering of the joint game. In this regard, role-playing games will be very useful. The main tasks for the period of the second junior group:

    • continue to master ideas about the natural world and interactions in it: do not pick flowers and herbs, do not litter in the forest, do not touch other people's animals;
    • study the structure of the roadway, introduce the concept of sidewalk, zebra, teach the necessary behavior near the road, hold the hand of adults, introduce the concept of a warning signal of yellow traffic lights and road signs;
    • to expand knowledge about domestic hazards;
    • expand knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in the room: open the door with the doorknob, go down the stairs, holding onto the railing);
    • teach the correct behavior during games: do not throw sand, do not swallow objects, do not taste toys, etc.;
    • to teach to ask for help from adults in case of extreme situations.

    Kids 3-4 years old are very active and it is difficult for them to stop their attention for a long time on one thing. It is important to conduct outdoor games, exciting plot-role situations, as well as simple didactic games. When analyzing different situations with the help of game actions, children acquire initial skills of behavior in an unfamiliar place (training game “I am lost”), in public transport (game “Bus”), etc.

    In the second younger group, children are introduced to the yellow traffic light

    Conducting the didactic game "Good and Evil Fire" in the second junior group

    The tasks of the game will be:

    • teach children to distinguish between "bad" and "good" fire;
    • accustom to the rules of safe behavior in the home;
    • develop mindfulness.

    To play the game, you need a playing field, divided into 2 halves ("good" and "evil" fire) and a set of pictures depicting various situations with the presence of fire.

    The game involves from 2 to 6 children. Place the cards face down on the table. Children take turns coming to the table and taking one card. You need to put it on the desired half of the playing field.

    Photo gallery: materials for the game "Good and Evil Fire"

    The playing field can be divided into 2 parts with images of green and red circles.The cards contain images of various situations where fire is dangerous or not dangerous.Cards can represent a situation where there is already a fire

    Life safety games in the middle group

    At the age of 4–5 years, children in everything strive to imitate the actions of adults, often overestimating their capabilities. The middle group should:

    • continue to get acquainted with the varieties of animals and plants, expand knowledge about possible threats in nature: dangerous insects, poisonous mushrooms and berries, as well as that there are medicinal, useful plants that will not cause harm;
    • continue to study the rules of behavior on the roadway, introduce new road signs and markings, study official modes of transport (ambulance, police, fire, Ministry of Emergency Situations);
    • to teach to monitor the state of their health (to acquaint with personal hygiene items);
    • continue acquaintance with objects and the rules of their safe use (fan, washing machine, fork, knife, electric kettle);
    • to teach vigilance when meeting strangers;
    • develop ideas about the causes of a fire and the rules of behavior when it occurs.

    The children of the middle group are actively improving their motor skills. Therefore, it is important to create conditions that will provide babies with physical activity. For example, in the group's premises, simulate a roadway, designate a sidewalk, a pedestrian crossing, a traffic light. Children in turn must wait for the permitting signal of the traffic light (it can be a green circle raised up by the teacher or any other structure), go to the edge of the sidewalk, look first to the left, then to the right, make sure that no cars are driving and then cross the road. Such actions in the game should create a habit of correct behavior in children. Also at this age, the first social contacts are established. Children love to play in groups of 2-4.

    Table: a fragment of a summary of a didactic game in the middle group

    Author and titleTasksPreliminary workContent
    Ulanova O. N.,
    "Let's introduce Dunno about the rules of the road"
    • Consolidate traffic rules;
    • develop social and communication skills;
    • to form a positive attitude towards safety rules on the road and an awareness of the need to comply with them.
    • Examination of illustrations on the topic of traffic rules;
    • solving riddles.
    1. Educator: “Children, let's welcome Dunno! He was in a hurry to meet us, but an unpleasant situation happened to him on the way. Dunno, tell us what happened to you? "
    2. Dunno: “I walked along the path near the road and played with the ball, and he took it and rolled off onto the road. I immediately ran after him. And I was almost run over by a car, and the driver began to scold me. "
    3. The teacher invites the children to help Dunno and repeat the rules of the road with him.
    4. Children explain to Dunno that it is forbidden to play with a ball near the road, but it must be done in the yard or on the playground.
    5. Then the teacher invites Dunno to talk about how to cross the road correctly.
    6. Children answer that the road must be crossed on the "zebra" and at the green traffic light.
    7. Dunno thanks the guys that they helped him a lot and promises not to break the traffic rules anymore. Children together with Dunno dance to the music.

    Life safety games in the senior group

    In the older group, children are able to consciously approach the study of safety rules

    At this age, children develop all skills: movements become more precise and coordinated, the development of mental processes provides self-control over their actions, but the guidance of an adult is still needed. A 5–6-year-old child is able to assess the circumstances, actions of the heroes of fairy tales or their peers. He has quite clearly formed preferences in communication with certain people, in this regard, the desire to play in small groups of 2-5 people is developed.

    Older preschoolers are very inquisitive, they have well-developed cognitive activity. The types of games may not differ from those already held in previous years, however, their content is significantly complicated, since children have much more opportunities. In the older group, there is a great interest in board, creative games.

    Game activity contributes to the solution of the following educational tasks:

    • to instill the foundations of ecological culture, to assimilate that not only nature can harm a person, but also a person to her, to increase knowledge about various natural phenomena (thunderstorm, tornado, earthquake) and the necessary actions in case of their occurrence;
    • improve and consolidate the basics of traffic rules, study new signs, consider possible difficult and dangerous road situations;
    • develop ideas about the spatial environment: remember the names of the nearest streets, know the way to kindergarten;
    • to expand knowledge about the rules of behavior during game actions (slide, sledges, skates);
    • to reinforce and enhance perceptions about dangers in everyday life and precautions;
    • repeat knowledge of the rules of conduct with fire, improve the skills of action in the event of a fire, remind the phone of the fire department;
    • train the skills of careful behavior with strangers, immediately call for help.

    Games will serve as a good consolidation of the knowledge gained from books, conversations, watched videos.

    Children will love to participate in the process of creating a board game

    Children will love being involved in making the game. You can come up with rules as you go. Here is a description of the game "Be careful with fire, fire is possible from fire" by Elena Shishkina. Purpose of the game: to consolidate fire safety rules.

    1. You need to draw a playing field, prepare chips, as well as cards with tasks. The playing field will consist of circles representing moves. On some of them, you need to make designations: a fire icon, a question icon and an arrow, a bucket of water.

      You need to prepare cards with a question mark, arrows and pictures of fire

    2. The first player rolls the die and makes his move.
    3. If the stop occurred at a question mark, you need to answer about the fire safety rules. On the sector with the image of fire, you need to guess the riddle of fire safety. If the answer is wrong, go back a few turns to the bucket of water and wait for the next turn. If the stop occurred on a circle with an arrow, you need to get a card with a number with your eyes closed and go as many steps forward as indicated on it.

      Children are divided into 2 teams, a captain is selected, you can come up with a motto for each team.

      1. Educator: “Guys! You will go to school very soon. And you have to prevent possible dangers on your own. Now let's check how well you know the safety rules that we studied, and play a quiz game. " Children are divided into 2 teams, come up with a motto.
      2. The teacher explains to the children the rules of the game: the leader asks the teams questions in turn. Before giving an answer, the team must confer and come to a common opinion. The team gets one point for the correct answer. If the answer is incorrect, points are not awarded, and the opposing team is asked to answer the same question.
      3. Warm-up "Traffic light" is carried out. At the signals of the leader, the children perform actions: red - sit down, yellow - get up, green - go.
      4. Then the first competition "Who is more attentive?" Before each command there is a set of cards with phone numbers. After the words of the leader, the teams must raise the required card. Questions: What telephone should I call the fire department (101)? If the police need help, then call ... (102)? When a person became ill, he was badly injured, then how to call an ambulance (103)? How to call the gas service (104)?
      5. The next competition consists in the fact that according to the named leading fairy tale it is necessary to explain what rules were violated by its heroes ("Kolobok", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Little Red Riding Hood", etc.).
      6. Physiotherapy is being held.
      7. Next, the teams are invited to guess the riddles. For example: “There is a striped path under Seryozha's feet. He will boldly walk along it, and all the people ("zebra") will follow him. " "She sews everything in the world, what she sews does not put on (the needle)."
      8. In the next competition, children are shown pictures of various objects. One team must show all dangerous items, the second - safe. The captains take turns naming one subject.
      9. The next task tests the children's first aid skills. It is necessary to bandage the hand of the "victim".
      10. Visual gymnastics.
      11. Then a competition to discuss situations on the road. The presenter shows pictures on the screen. The teams respond one at a time.
      12. The results are summed up, the results are announced. Awards (medals) are presented.

      A selection of videos on the topic of life safety games held at the preschool educational institution

      Videos demonstrating games conducted on the subject of life safety can be useful in preparing classes.

      Video: role-playing games within the project "My Family"

      Video: theatrical play in the middle group about fire safety

      Video: role-playing game "Hospital" in the first junior group

      Video: traffic rules game in kindergarten

      In a playful way, children can easily and easily explain important safety methods that everyone needs to know. For this, various types of games are used: didactic, role-playing, mobile. It must be remembered that it is easier to prevent danger than to deal with it. It is important to convey this to the little ones.

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