How to make a ladder for minecraft pe. How to make a ladder in minecraft

Since ancient times, people have tried to rise above those around them, climbing higher. They invented many different ways to climb into the sky, regardless of the dangers that it lurked. In this lesson, alas, we will not talk about flights, but about the first steps to it - stairs.

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Yes, the developers from the very beginning did not take care of making life easier for the hero by attaching a propeller to him or teaching him to jump like a flea, but they made his everyday life easier by introducing ladders into Minecraft.

That is why the ability to quickly build and use the ladder wisely can diversify the gameplay in the most unusual way. Let's think about how you can use this useful tool in an unconventional way.

  1. After building a house, do you need to climb onto the roof?
  2. Need to go down into a deep mine?
  3. Due to the fact that the stairs in Minecraft are waterproof, an excellent water sleeve will come out of it.
  4. In the pocket version, thanks to it, you can look beyond the border of the world, simply by placing it on the bedrock.
  5. There are many more different ways to use it, which you yourself will discover in the course of the game.

Regular staircase

To create a regular ladder in Minecraft, you need seven sticks. You will hardly have any problems with wood, so building stairs can be done anywhere. Place them as shown in the illustration.

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That's all. In order to climb it, you need to press the S key, but the hero will go down himself. If during the descent you need to stop and rest, you should press Shift.

A few things to know about stairs:

  • If you are standing on a ladder and digging blocks, they will break down twice as slowly.
  • If a small pool is made in the mine, then there is no need to go down. Jumping you will not break.
  • In version 1.1 in Minecraft, the stairs did not have signs of a solid block and it was impossible to stand on them, so stairs built by other players were inaccessible to the player. This has been fixed in subsequent versions.

Ladder with steps

Stairs with steps are built as a decorative element of multi-storey buildings. Crafting them usually comes from six blocks of different materials, stacked on a workbench in a specific order.

Video lessons

Today we will talk about how to craft a ladder in Minecraft. There are two types of it in the game: step and wall. A ladder is needed to go up to the upper levels of something. The wall version can be attached to the sides of many blocks, as for the stepped one, it is able to exist independently.


To solve the question of how to craft a wall-type staircase in Minecraft, we create sticks from the boards, then place them in an H-shaped way on the workbench. There are 7 blocks of source material going up the stairs - 3 blocks on the sides and 1 in the middle. Next, we will discuss where to find such a structure. First of all, the stairs to Minecraft - in the library, village and fortress. If we stand on this structure, the damage we inflict will be halved. From this we can conclude that the stairs in Minecraft are an extremely inappropriate place for battles. This structure is an incomplete block and therefore does not allow water to pass through. We use this property and create an air sleeve. Pressing Shift will prevent us from falling down the stairs. In the next section, we will discuss another version of this structure.

Alternative construction

Now we will analyze how a staircase is made in Minecraft of a different kind - consisting of steps. In this case, everything is as simple as with the first option. We create steps on the workbench. We place on it, for example, a cobblestone. We occupy the bottom row entirely with three blocks, on average we fill the first and second cells, as for the top, here we put the element only in the first cell. Thus, we get the semblance of a pyramid with steps. You can build a staircase near the walls, providing transitions between floors. We will also create a similar structure in the mine in order to descend with ease into it. A wall ladder is quicker to build, but not nearly as solid.

Learning to walk

From now on, we know how to craft a ladder in Minecraft. The use of such structures greatly simplifies the movement around the game space. There are other tricks that will allow us to move at extraordinary speed. Let's talk about them in more detail. Note that there are several ways to move. So we can run up stairs, ride horses, use vehicles. To move we use the movement keys. Without additional configuration, the buttons D, S, A, W, as well as the space bar are provided for these purposes. The first of these buttons provides movement to the left, the second - backward, the third - to the right, and the fourth - forward. You can jump using the space bar. When you double-tap W, we will go to run. If a newer version of the game is used, the specified mode is activated by pressing the Ctrl key. While running, the speed of our movement will increase, however, the intensity of the depletion of the hunger indicator will significantly increase. Acceleration is impossible with only three units of satiety. Now we will be able to move including the stairs. However, there are also mounts that greatly facilitate movement. From now on you know how to craft a ladder in Minecraft.

An ingenious invention, with the help of which heaps of problems that interfere with normal life are solved, is of no less value in the game than in real life. In the previous article, you clarified a lot of useful things. And in this one you will learn how to make a ladder in Minecraft and use it.

How is a ladder useful?

Of course, the developer did not introduce various cool little things into the game, for example, big jumps or the ability to just fly, but an ingenious, as noted earlier in this article, invention was added, with which life in Minecraft becomes noticeably easier. This applies to homes, and distant travel in mines, and just ordinary life. Even though he introduced it into the game only after Minecraft fans convinced him to take this wonderful step.

Knowledge of the recipe for creating a ladder together with the player's ingenuity and the skill of climbing it give a serious result, and this will distinguish an experienced player from a "noob". Most likely, you have ingenuity, moreover, even more than necessary. But let's still talk about where the ladder is useful and can come in handy in the life of a crafter.

  • The house is built, but what can you do to get to the roof, finish it and equip everything there? A ladder is the most optimal solution.
  • You have not crawled out of the mine for days, making annual reserves of resources, but the food is running out, and you have even lost the passage of time, and all around you are endless paths and passages into the darkness. What to do? A ladder is a great solution and will help you in this situation.
  • With the help of a ladder in the same shaft, you can easily create an air sleeve - it is resistant to water. This helps, for example, to calmly collect resources, otherwise the water will demolish you.
  • In Minecraft Pocket Edition (version for phones and tablets) it can be placed on a bedrock (bedrock). This helps to climb the wall - the border of the Minecraft world.

Of course, it is impossible to describe all the advantages, since there are very, very many of them in the huge world of the game. You yourself will face them while you explore the map.

Crafting stairs

The ladder is very easy to make - only 7 sticks of wood, and with it you are unlikely to have problems. Wood is an easy-to-find material and can even be broken by hand. Place the material as in the screenshot and the staircase will be ready.

To climb the stairs up, you need to hold down the "S" key, but to get off - nothing. Steve (original player name) can go down by himself. Sometimes there is a need to stop on the stairs, for example, to collect resources, just press "Shift".

  1. If you are standing on a ladder, the blocks will take twice as long to disintegrate.
  2. In version 1.1, it was not possible to stand on the stairs at all, and it was generally impossible to use the stairs built by other players. However, in the next version of Minecraft, this was fixed, and it became possible to use other people's stairs. Remember this!
  3. You don't need to use the stairs in the mine at all, if there is a pool under the stairs - jump boldly, you won't break.

Ladder steps

If you need to make a wonderful climb to your house, but do not want to put up the usual stairs, which were discussed above, then you can use the stairs-steps. The crafting recipe is shown in the screenshot below.


After reading this article, you have definitely become more knowledgeable about the world of Minecraft. Apply the skills from this article to build beautiful stairs and houses. Also do not forget to comment on this article and share it with your friends. Thank you for the attention!


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Today we will talk about how to craft a ladder in Minecraft. Structures of this type are created from various blocks. In particular, wood or stone can be used.

Materials (edit)

The question of how to craft a ladder is especially relevant if you need to climb trees, high mountains, or penetrate into hard-to-reach caves. If necessary, it is possible to create a decorative staircase in your home. First you need to collect the appropriate materials. The ladder recipe includes seven sticks.

We produce them. This will require tree blocks. Putting together a few. Place the tree on the workbench. We get boards from it. We make sticks from them. To this end, we place two boards on the workbench. Moreover, they must be located one above the other. Next, create 4 more sticks. We also need them.

Create stairs

To solve the problem of how to craft a ladder, we need seven sticks. We install all 7 on the workbench. We fill the left column with three sticks. Place 3 more in the right column. Place one stick in the center of the crafting window. Create a staircase. In the described way, we will immediately get 3 constructions we need. We move them to our inventory.


If the question arises about how to craft a ladder, you should also figure out where and how to put it. On such structures, you can move not only vertically, but also horizontally. So, we take the ladder in our hands. Next, click with the right mouse button on the area in which it should be installed. For example, such structures are perfectly positioned on flat blocks.

The ladder occupies one side of the selected block. Such structures cannot be placed on glass, icy surfaces, leaves and glowing stones. The ladder is not afraid of water. She is also not afraid of lava.

Variety of modifications

The Ladders modification allows you to add new types of ladders to the game. They are more useful and beautiful. The rope ladder can be easily positioned against the edge of a solid block. After installing the first part of the ladder, we can lengthen it (extend downward). In this case, a hard surface is no longer required. A sturdy ladder can be installed on the block or on one of its sides.

Additional steps, if necessary, are installed from above. The mechanical ladder extends when a redstone signal is present. When it disappears, the structure moves back. Ladders modification is suitable for different versions of the game. The installation of this add-on should be discussed separately. First, download Minecraft Forge.

additional information

If you are interested in the question of how to craft a staircase, you will also need additional information about this design. It should be said separately about the inhabitants of the village. They also know how to create stairs. This design will be able to soften the fall of our character, if necessary. It is advisable to create a large number of stairs at once.

The fact is that a separate structure is capable of occupying only one block. Ladders help you climb up to any height at top speed. In fortresses and libraries, you can also find such structures ready-made.

Ladders will not help you hide from monsters, since animals can also climb them. To create the usual structure of the type we are interested in, no additions are required, the official version of the Minecraft game is enough.


The climbing speed is very high. In this case, the descent is much slower. The Shift key will help you stay on the stairs. Similar designs can be used to drive vertical shafts to the surface. This is especially true if a character gets lost in a cave.

The staircase in Minecraft is a useful block product that allows the character to move up, down and more. You can even do it with your bare hands, but it's quicker to follow the instructions below.

How to create a staircase in Minecraft?

To get a strong and reliable assistant who will help overcome any vertical distances, we need to collect seven sticks. They need to be placed on the workbench, three on each side and one in the middle to get the finished product. In the latest versions of Minecraft, it will be possible to craft three ladders from seven sticks. You can speed up the process by equipping an ax. You can easily get sticks:

  • by connecting any two boards on the workbench;
  • by finding them in a bonus chest with a high chance (drops from one to three);
  • sticks will be dropped from destroyed bushes or killed witch monsters;
  • or from the garbage that is fished out during the fishing process.

How to get a ladder in Minecraft in another way?

Many things in Minecraft are created by natural generation, that is, they are produced by the game itself in a certain amount at specified locations. If you don't feel like crafting, or you often travel across dimensions, try to find the necessary items in the following places:

  • fortress libraries;
  • cities of the region;
  • villages;
  • igloo (between floors, from version 1.9).

Features of using stairs in Minecraft

Some properties of the finished ladder may not be known to the new player. The object is easy to attach to any block, the direction in which the character can move up the stairs depends on it. Here are other useful facts about using the ladder:

  • to stop moving around the object, press the Shift key;
  • since water does not pass through the stairs, using it it is easy to make an air sleeve;
  • use the stairs in the mines to quickly climb up;
  • when the character is on the stairs, the blocks are destroyed twice as slowly;
  • ladders are stacked in a stack of 64 pieces;
  • a ladder placed on a flat block occupies one side of it and is not afraid of lava;
  • the item cannot be placed on blocks of glass, ice, leaves, glowing rocks;
  • monsters also know how to climb stairs, be careful;
  • falling off a ladder will take less damage than usual (cushioning the fall).

A simple, but not always obvious way to get a ladder is to ask a friend or stranger for it. The Ladders mod adds a new and more attractive look to ladders.

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