Which team invites the player to the clan. A detailed description of how to create a clan in minecraft

With clans. Each player of our servers has the right to create his own clan, but not everyone knows how to create a clan in Minecraft, although there is nothing difficult about that. On the servers, to create your own clan, a certain amount of play money is required, on our $ 5,000, this is done so that the player who has just entered the server cannot immediately create a clan, but play a little and get used to it, find out, make friends and earn extra money.

Let's go back to how to create a clan. Well, you have collected the coveted amount of game currency, we are starting to create a clan server. We write a command to the chat / clan, look in the chat and see that the server has output 2 commands

- a command to create a clan
/ clan list - show a list of all clans on the server
So to create a clan we write / clan create [clan name] all! Now you know how to create a clan in Minecraft, as you can see everything is simple. Do you know how to write in colored letters in Minecraft?

How to make a clan colored in Minecraft

For many, you probably saw that the name of the clan is written in colored letters or just in colored text, but you yourself do not know how to make a clan colored in Minecraft. In fact, there is nothing complicated here either. The main thing is to know how to write in color letters in Minecraft. When writing colored text on Minecraft servers, the following symbol & is used to indicate a color, letter or number, for example, you want to write text in blue, take the word TEST for example, we write like this - & 1TEST in this case & 1 is blue. Here is the most convenient Minecraft color chart, it will be easier for you to write in colored letters on it.

I think everyone understands how to write in colored letters in Minecraft, so we figured out the color name of the clan.

Having created a clan, it's time to think about who to invite into it, but for this you need to know how to invite a player to the clan for minecraft. Only its creator can invite to a clan, there are no other ways to join it. To send an invitation to the clan, write
/ сlan invite [player's nickname]
the request has been sent and now everything depends on whether the player accepts the invitation or not. The player who was invited will receive a message like this.

/ сlan accept - accept the invitation to the clan
/ сlan deny - refuse the invitation to the clan
After that, you can access the chat of the private messages of the clan / cc message

How to leave a clan in Minecraft

As I already wrote, to get into a clan you need to receive an invitation from the creator of the clan, but how to leave the clan in Minecraft? Yes, very simply by writing the command / clan leave
/ clan leave - leave the clan

How to delete a clan in Minecraft

How to delete a clan in Minecraft and such a question often arises, only the creator of the clan is allowed to delete a clan, no one else has the right to delete it. To delete a clan, write the command / clan delete
/ clan delete - delete a clan

All available clan commands

To see all / clan commands, the / clan command prints out more commands after creation. than before the creation of the clan.
Commands available to the creators of the clan.
/ clan delete - delete a clan
/ clan leader [player nickname]- transfer leadership to the player
/ clan info - information about the clan
/ clan online - who is online from the clan
/ сlan invite [player's nickname]- send an invitation to the clan
/ clan kick [player nickname]- kick the player out of the clan
/ clan list - a list of all clans on the server
/ clan leave - exit | leave the clan
/ clan welcome [Message]- clan greeting
/ clan tag [Name] - change the name of the clan
/ clan addmoder - assign a clan moderator
/ clan delmoder - remove a moderator
/ clan msg - advertise the clan
/ clan ss [message]- clan chat message

The clan moderator has access to all commands except for deletion and leadership assignment.

That's all, now you know how to create a clan in Minecraft, how to make the name of a clan colored, how to invite to a clan and how to leave it.

Since ancient times, people have gathered in groups in order to more effectively achieve any goals. Since then, nothing has changed, and now few people work on their own - everyone has partners on all fronts: business, educational, sports and even gaming. Many people like to spend time playing a computer game, but at the same time they do not like the fact that everything is inanimate. Therefore, such people team up with friends and play in cooperative mode. But this is just one of the ways out - some PC games offer a multiplayer mode that allows a large number of people to play. However, the most interesting thing is to look at the massively multiplayer games, the popularity of which began to grow in the early 2000s and still does not subside. Someone might think that these games are no different from others, and he will be absolutely wrong. Why? How are massive multiplayer games different? What are clans? How to invite a friend to the clan? Or how to join a clan? If you are familiar with this genre, then you will have detailed answers to all these and other questions. But if you are just starting your acquaintance, then here you can find out some useful information.

MMO games

Particular attention should be paid to how to invite a friend or any user to the clan, but this will be discussed a little later. First, you need to understand in detail what constitutes a massively multiplayer game and how it differs from the multiplayer mode of any other game. So, first of all, it is worth noting that MMO games are standalone projects that are created exclusively for mass multiplayer. There is no pronounced plot here, but there is a huge world in which a large variety of monsters live, with which you can pump your character and find him more powerful weapons and quality items. One of the distinguishing features of the massive multiplayer game is the ability to join a clan. This should be discussed separately. You may be interested in how to invite friends to a clan, how to join a clan, how to organize it, and so on. This is done differently in different games, but the principle is approximately the same everywhere.

Clans in MMO games

So, it's worth starting with what a clan is, and then it will be possible to move on to more private issues - how to join a clan, how to invite another player to the clan, and so on. What is meant by this term? In a massive multiplayer game, each player is responsible for himself - he swings on monsters, improves the character's skills, arranges duels with other heroes. In general, he travels alone, and so do everyone around. However, given the fact of the existence of clans, you have a different scenario. You can join one of the clans or create one yourself. Accordingly, a clan in MMO games is a community of players who pursue common goals, help each other, make joint campaigns, and so on. It is very important to know how to invite a player to a clan, but it is even more important to know why it is needed.

Clan functioning

On a subconscious level, everyone understands that together it is more fun, easier, more effective, and so on. But what exactly are online clans good for? Soon you will learn how to invite a player to a clan, but why do you need this knowledge? So, as it has already become clear, a clan is a community of people who pursue similar goals. Most often, they make a selection based on the level of the characters, if they are not familiar with each other, in order to recruit only the strongest as assistants. But if these are friendly ties, then a strong clan can take on a weaker player - more experienced players will help a newcomer, and the clan will benefit as well - a newcomer can grow into a powerful warrior and ally. Often, clans divide the proceeds from campaigns on monsters and from the sale of found things, organize various events, and so on. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that massive multiplayer games become much more interesting and exciting when clans come into play. And now it's time to find out how to invite friends and experienced warriors to the clan (Minecraft, World of Tanks, World of Warcraft, and so on).

Joining a clan

How difficult the process of joining a clan will be depends on how well you play, how familiar you are with the founders or members of the clan, and a few other factors. To join a clan, you need to prove that you are worthy of membership. Sometimes players are taken on, sometimes they are just watched for a while, and it also happens that experienced fighters are accepted on the basis of their merit. And the higher your level, the more likely you will be accepted into the clan. If your level is not high enough, then you can only apply for some weak and small clan. But in this case, it is worth remembering that even the top clans once started small. By the way, some clans prohibit members from inviting others of their own free will - this can be seriously monitored. But in this case, how to invite a friend to the clan?

Creating your own clan

It may happen that you do not like any of the existing clans, and what to do then? You can try your luck and create your own clan, in which you can invite absolutely everyone. Naturally, this option is even less effective at first than joining a weak clan, since your clan will not have a large budget, there will be no recognition, and only beginner low-level players will join it. But on the other hand, the challenge will be worthwhile, so creating a clan is an interesting event that any player can try out. And then there will be no more questions about how to invite to the clan. "Tanks", "Dota" or any other game has its own invitation schemes, but they are all united by a common principle - the leadership has absolutely all the privileges. And if you are the leader of the clan, you will be able to invite friends without any problems.

Pros of clans

So, you've learned what massive multiplayer games are, figured out how to join a clan, how to create one in various games such as World of Warcraft or Minecraft, how to invite other players to the clan, and so on. It remains to summarize and find out which clans have pros and cons. The positive features include constant mutual assistance, a shared budget, training for beginners - in general, a collective spirit that makes the game much more effective, and most importantly, fun and exciting.

Cons of clans

In fact, clans don't have that many drawbacks, especially when it comes to large and powerful coalitions. The only drawback in this case can be called the possible - you will have to act first of all for the good of the clan, and then for your own good. Well, if you yourself organized a clan or joined a small one, then you may face a number of problems in its popularization.

Fighting against enemies in Minecraft multiplayer mode is much easier not alone, but with like-minded players who will protect from mobs and help them reach their goal as soon as possible. Such a team in the game acquired the names of the clan. You can create it within 24 hours - that is how much is given to confirm your participation in the clan.

Clan system principle

If the player nevertheless decided to leave the single player mode, and moved, as they say, to the "mainland", he certainly must decide - to play by himself, enter a clan or create a clan on his own. The essence of the clan system is the struggle for leadership. And this is the extraction of more valuable resources, constant clan wars, the extermination of bosses, etc.

Create a clan yourself

Having formed a talented group of players around you, you can safely begin to form your clan. You need to enter all the commands on the server with a certain plugin - Simple Clans, to find out if it is installed on the server, write the command / clan

All available commands will be displayed (the second page of commands is opened with the / more command), we are interested in the very first / clan create [tag] [name], do not forget to define in advance the color of the clan and its name. Tag is the short name for your clan.

& d before the tag on the screen is its color, the color can be put at least in front of each letter.

Available colors table

If you later want to change the name of the clan, just contact the administration. When the phrase is entered, we begin to invite clan members. This is done using the command - / clan invite [nickname]. Within a day, the invited player must confirm his status. After that, you, as the leader of the clan, can raise or lower the member's rank. All users who have joined the clan are equal. This approach does not lead to anything good, so clearly assign the roles of who is who.

Such a union in the sometimes harsh conditions of the game can be a real salvation and support. One of the obvious advantages of the one who joined the clan over the "loner" is getting a special starter kit with the necessary items at first: materials for crafting the most necessary things, food, etc.

In the game - and most of the Minecraft servers are built on it - such help in the first minutes of gameplay often plays a decisive role in saving the life of the "miner" on the very first night with their hordes) and in his further gaming success.

In addition, one cannot discount the fact that a clan is a group of like-minded people. Sometimes they are not even familiar with each other in real life, in virtual they are forced to unite for a common successful advancement in the game. This is important both in the fight against hostile mobs, and in confronting griffing (with which the joint efforts of several people are still easier to cope with), and especially where PvP is allowed - players inflicting damage to each other.

It is impossible to ignore another advantage. On many "minecraft" servers there is such a practice when the leaders of the clan distribute tasks to its members. By completing such assignments, gamers earn a certain reward - in the form of virtual money, which can be used to purchase something useful in the game, or ready-made items in the inventory (weapons, ammunition, food, etc.).

Clan Creation Principles

In order for such a function to be available on the server, it is necessary that its admins install the appropriate plugin. Often they choose SimpleClans for such purposes, which has already proven itself well on many playgrounds. If no plug-in of this type has been installed yet, you can contact the server administration using the feedback system with a corresponding request.

Usually, to create your clan, you only need one phrase in the chat - / clan create, followed by a tag with a color code (in the form of a number - it will set the shade in which the name of the group will be painted) and the intended name. If in the future you want to change something in such an inscription, then it can be modified thanks to such a command - / clan modtag, after which it will be necessary to indicate the changes being made.

Often, in order to avoid the formation of one-day factions, server admins establish strict rules: if no one joins the newly formed group within 24 hours, it is automatically destroyed. In addition, all this time it will be considered unconfirmed, and many useful options in the game will not be available to its participants.

In order to avoid the fact that the clan will actually be deleted at the very start of its existence, its owners should immediately invite at least one or two players there, whom they would certainly like to see there. This is done by the / clan invite command with the gamer's nickname. When the group has already acquired several members, its status should be changed to confirmed as soon as possible. For this, as a rule, they turn to the server administration.

Intra-clan operations

Within a clan, you can - and should - change the rank of members. This will allow you to systematize the players according to the degree of trust in them and at the same time establish a certain "trial period" for beginners. The latter are usually automatically assigned the untrusted rank. In order to increase them, the leader of their faction will need to enter the / clan trust command plus the nickname of the participant in respect of whom such actions are performed. He will then become a "trusted".

However, the gamer can be further increased in rank by making him one of the leaders of the group. This requires the consent of other clan leaders, as well as the introduction of the / clan promote command with a nickname separated by a space. To expel a player from the ranks of the leaders, it will be necessary to simply replace the word promote with demote in the above phrase.

Gamers can be assigned other ranks that do not have special functional significance, but serve as a kind of benchmark for other members of the clan. For example, enter / clan setrank, and then, separated by spaces, the nickname and the phrase "patron chief" (without quotes). Then the rest of the faction will know that this particular member should be contacted for ammunition.

The leader sets the place of teleportation for all members of the group (/ clan home set - but such a point is marked only once and can then be changed only by someone), moves its members there if necessary (/ clan home regroup - if you enter this command without the last word , then you can go to the specified coordinates yourself).

In addition, leaders can view the coordinates of their "classmates" and the distance to them (/ clan coords), the amount of their vitals (/ clan vitals) and a complete list with ranks (/ clan roster).

The groups sometimes declare war on each other, or vice versa - they conclude some kind of alliance agreement. In the first case, when you want to designate a clan as your opponent, you need to enter / clan rival add and its tag separated by a space, and in the second - a similar command, but instead of rival it will be ally.

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Playing "Minecraft" online is extremely interesting because it gives you the opportunity to compete in the skill of gameplay with others. At the same time, it is fraught with a large number of dangers, primarily from the side of virtual hooligans and robbers - griefers who can destroy buildings and harm the player. It is necessary to protect your own possessions from such arbitrariness.

You will need

  • - special plugins
  • - wooden ax
  • - any solid blocks
  • - special teams


Especially for those gamers who want to restrict the access of strangers to their virtual territory, the WorldGuard plugin was invented. Ask the administrator of the server you are playing on if it is installed there. If so, you can start creating and locking your own region. The latter will help you protect the home and the site on which it stands from the invasion of griefers. Try, however, to choose a larger territory, as the offenders go to numerous tricks - up to pushing the houses of other players out of the private area with the help of levers.

Take a wooden ax in your hand. If you do not have this tool, call it with a single command - // wand. Place a column of any inexpensive solid blocks (for example, sand or earth) on one of the corners of the region, the right to use which you are going to assign to yourself, and left-click on its uppermost cube, while holding an ax. Then select a point on the opposite side of the lot, but this time at the bottom. It will go as if diagonally from the first. Right-click on it - and the region will be inscribed in a certain parallelepiped or a cube of thin red lines in the form of a grid.

Want the selection to extend all the way from the admin (bedrock) to the edge of gaming heaven? Do this by simply typing // expand vert into the chat. Now fix the private. Do this thanks to the / region claim command, after which enter your name, separated by a space. Your region can be named as you like. The only limitation of your imagination in this direction is the absence of spaces. That is, you need to enter the name in one word. If your chosen name consists of several, you can highlight them in capital letters - for example, like this: MyCity.

Now, on your locked territory, no one outsider will be able to erect any buildings, open chests and other storehouses or break blocks without the permission of its owners. If you want, add other gamers to the list of the last - for example, your buddies. To do this, enter / region addowner, and separated by spaces - the name of the region and the nickname of the person you are going to grant with the above powers. If you just want to admit someone to your ownership as a user, replace the word addowner with addmember in this command.

Use special markers - the so-called flags - to establish the rules that will apply to your region. For example, you can allow or prohibit explosions of creepers and dynamite, damage from fireballs thrown by ghasts, set the time and rate of restoration of health hearts, etc. At the same time, try not to touch the value of the build flag - any such changes will lead to the fact that no one at all on your private territory can do anything with blocks and construction - including you. So be careful when specifying a value for the constants.


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And so, you came to play Minecraft online on our Minecraft servers with a launcher and mods, but you are bored to play alone or you came to play with friends - in any case You can create your own clan in Minecraft and develop together on the server. This instruction will cover the basic commands: working with players, binding territories to a clan, establishing relations (alliance / hostility / neutrality) with other clans.

All commands will be executed using the root command / clan (or / factions, / c, / f), if you type this command without arguments - get help on all commands of the clan plugin.

Creating a clan in Minecraft

The creation of a clan is a very important and responsible step: you must be financially ready for this, as well as decide on the name of the clan, since it is impossible to change it in the future.

Clan creation cost - 9,999.00 ... Platinum players have a discount 50%

Clan creation is carried out using the sub-command / clan create<название клана>, while you must take into account several conditions:

  1. Clan name must be no more than 32 characters
  2. Clan name must be unique and not be occupied by another clan
  3. You are a persistent and responsible person;)

You can also disband a clan using the / clan delete command, while the cost of creating a clan not refundable, however, do you need it?

If all the conditions are met, you will receive a message in the chat about the successful creation of the clan. The clan is created on all servers of our project automatically.

And so, you are ready for a new responsibility ^. ^

Inviting players to a clan

We've successfully created a clan in Minecraft, but what's a clan without players? Let's fix this oversight;)

First of all, you must take into account that the limitation of players in 1 clan is 8 players

You can invite a player to a clan using the / clan invite command<ник игрока>, wherein:

  1. The invited player must be on the server
  2. The invited player must not be a member of other clans
  3. The invited player cannot have his own clan
  4. The invited player must not be invited to another clan

After the invitation, the player will receive instructions in the chat to refuse / agree to join your clan. All members of your clan will see a notification about this.

You can also revoke the invitation with the command / clan revoke<ник игрока>or disband a clan member using the / clan disband command<ник игрока>

Forging relationships with other clans in Minecraft

Each clan is its own team of like-minded people and they should have connections with other people, both good and bad, right?

Please note that the limit on the number of relationships in 1 clan is 4 clans(You can expand by purchasing or a separate service at)

You can establish a relationship with another clan using the / clan relations command<тип отношения> <название клана>, conditions:

  1. You don't have to have any relationship now (if you want to change the type of relationship, break it off first)
  2. The owner of the clan with whom you are building a relationship must be on the server
  3. The clan with which you are building a relationship must confirm your initiative

After entering the team, subject to all conditions, the clan with which you are building a relationship will receive instructions to confirm your initiative.

In case of refusal / confirmation, the members of your clan will receive a notification, as well as the notification will be received by the players of the clan with which you are building a relationship.

To break / change the type of relationship, you can use the / clan break command<название кланы> .

Similar to the conclusion of the relationship, both clans must confirm their intentions to change / break the relationship.

Binding territories to a clan in Minecraft

Binding a region gives special privileges: all clan members have full access to the region without the need to add players to the region.

Keep in mind that the limit on the number of regions in 1 clan is 2 regions(You can expand by purchasing or a separate service at)

To bind a territory to your clan, use the / clan region add command<название региона>, but:

  1. You must be the owner of the region
  2. The region should not be tied to another clan
  3. You must execute this command in the world where the desired region is located

If the region is re-created, you (the owner of the clan) must remain the owner of the region.

To unlink a region from a clan, you can use a similar command - / clan region del<название региона> .

Also Supported multiserverity(different regions on each server)

Clan Player Ranks

Do you want someone to invite players to the clan for you or you do not have the opportunity to maintain the clan and you decided to transfer the clan to another player? For this there are rank, there are three types of titles in total:

You can only appoint a new clan owner every 60 days

To promote / demote players use the / clan promote command<ник игрока> <тип звания>, wherein:

  1. The promoted / demoted player must be on the server
  2. Your rights must be higher than the rights of the promoted / demoted player
  3. Clan owner can only be 1 person
  4. When another player is promoted to clan owner, you automatically demote yourself to a clan member

After completing the command, all clan members will receive a notification.

Clan greetings in Minecraft

Displayed when clan members enter the server, it is necessary for mass notification of your clan members

The greeting should be from 2 to 128 characters

You can change the greeting using the / clan greeting command<текст> .

In order to write a message to the chat, you must write a certain combination of characters before your message, example: #> Message

Also in the general chat in front of your nickname a prefix with the clan name is added

Clan information in Minecraft

To view information about the desired clan, use the / clan info command

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