Download weapon mods for minecraft version 1.34. Weapons for minecraft

So, today we will talk with you about how to make a weapon in Minecraft. This is a rather difficult question that requires a lot of discussion. Nevertheless, let's try to see what you may need in order to create a self-defense item for yourself as soon as possible. Let's start with the simplest.


Quite often, when asking how to make a weapon in Minecraft, players get the answer: "Make a sword and don't worry!" Indeed, the very first type of self-defense item is various swords.

The fact is that, in answering, you should understand that you will need certain resources. And the sword is crafted from the most affordable and common materials. For example, from wooden boards and sticks. Or from a stick and a cobblestone. It is enough just to combine these two resources - and you get different swords. True, depending on the material used, you will have different damage and durability. So try to use iron, stone, or diamond options. They are the most durable. True, these are not all ways to defend yourself.


But there are other possibilities for Minecraft. How to make a firearm? And in general, can this be done? Of course you can! True, if you have just started your acquaintance with the game, then you will have to postpone this lesson until better times. Why?

First, you do not yet have the necessary knowledge and skills to help you quickly and accurately make this or that weapon. Secondly, the lack of resources will force you to quickly abandon this venture. Nevertheless, if you are still interested in how to make weapons (firearms) in Minecraft, then let's see what is needed for this.

You will have to make a lever and a red torch. After that, stock up on at least 6 Redstone Blocks. Next, find some good material that you can use as a stand. Now find the release mechanism and charges. If you combine everything, you get a great machine gun. This is a very difficult structure, which is not so easy to explain in words. So you can watch a special training video that will tell you in detail and illustrate how you can make a real machine gun. But the possibilities of the game did not come to an end. What else can you build and use as self-defense?


If you want to attack from afar, then you should be interested in the question: "How to make long-range weapons in Minecraft?" We will answer this question!

In the game, such a weapon is a bow. Making it is not so difficult if you know what you need to stock up on. Depending on the tension, you will inflict different damage on enemies. So let's see how you can create this item.

So, the first step is to stock up on sticks. You will need 3 of them. Fortunately, sticks are a fairly common item and shouldn't be too difficult for you to find. After that, you need to get 3 units of threads. It drops out of spiders and when cleaning cobwebs. True, to get it, you first have to make a sword. When you have all the ingredients, just combine them. You have a bow. Now you know how to make a weapon in Minecraft. True, this view will not "work" now. Why? We completely forgot about ammunition! Let's learn to make arrows!


Well, now it's time to craft this item. What do you need to get for him? Naturally, the first item is a well-known stick. It turns out when processing wood, or rather, wood planks. Next, you will need a fairly rare item that drops out with a 10% chance when processing gravel. Stock up on it as much as possible.

The last material needed for an arrow is feathers. They are obtained by killing birds. The most beneficial source is chicken. As a rule, 2 feathers fall from it. Now that you have all the components in your inventory, just combine them. The output will be 4 arrows.

(Downloads: 45663)

Ferullo's Guns is exactly the one that fans of counter and other shooters might like. In fact, with the help of this mod, a whole range of different firearms appears in the game with which you can kill your opponents. Remember, you always wanted the game to be more varied in the field of murder weapons. Now, this is made possible with the help of Ferullo's Guns. The game will be available not only pistols and machine guns, but also sniper rifles with the ability to install a sight. This sight will be used with the "R" key. Thus, the game moves from ordinary survival to a more interesting process of exterminating hostile mobs.

In addition, with the addition of this mod, it is possible to create team competitions by playing in multiplayer mode. Players can split into two teams and fight each other to the death.

Thus, this mod significantly expands the boundaries of possibilities in and shows a completely new interest among players. Also, players begin to more closely monitor the actions of the mobs that are being attacked, which, subsequently, leads to the creation of tactics and battle modes.


Install MinecraftForge
Place all files from Place in resources folder in .minecraft / resources
Place all files from Place in minecraft.jar folder in .minecraft / bin / minecraft.jar

Currently very popular weapons in minecraft... Since the developers did not initially add it to the game, smart players and programmers began to create weapon mods for minecraft... Now there are just an uncountable number of add-ons that add weapons to minecraft. Ordinary players try to find the best and most stable versions of mods in order to properly study them and use them in the game. By installing one of these mods, you can forget about melee weapons forever, since evil players and mobs can be killed from rapid-fire machines, pistols and even from sniper rifles.

Everyone has the ability to use such modifications, the main thing is that there is a desire. As a rule, there are problems with installation with such mods. Below we will select the best weapon mods and try to deal with them in general.

Weapon mod for minecraft

The first of the mods I would like to note is Flan "s mod. This mod is the best in its genre. In addition to banal pistols and sniper rifles, it will add whole RPGs, 1 volley of which can destroy a large structure. In addition, the mod affects military equipment, where you you can ride real tanks with powerful machine guns, as well as airplanes and helicopters with rocket launchers.

In second place I would like to put Ferullo's Guns. It is not as big as its predecessors, but it will have enough weapons to start a war. There will also be machine guns, grenades, as well as the famous AK-47 and M4A16. Naturally, crafting in this add-on is much easier and cheaper.

Well, Balkon's Weapon, fixes the three best mods, will add mainly cold and throwing weapons. Of course, you will find ranged weapons there, but not as many as in previous mods. Balkon's Weapon is often installed on servers with mods, to diversify crafting and introduce new unusual weapons.

Overview of weapons in minecraft

The places for using such mods are simply endless. You can host shooting competitions with friends or just shoot powerful RPGs around the world. Perhaps someday the developers will add something like this to the game, but it will be a completely different story.

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