Dienesha blocks game description.


Parents at all times paid great attention to toys not of an entertaining nature, but of a developmental nature. From a very early age, it is important to work with your child: teach him to distinguish colors, seasons, count objects, improve memory and attention. Fortunately, today there are a huge number of developmental aids that combine learning and play. In this article we will look at Dienesh cubes and a set of Cuisenaire sticks.

Why are these developmental techniques so useful?

“I’m a humanitarian,” you can often hear from adults who are not good at mathematics. Often the problem lies not in ability, but in the fact that they were not introduced to this science at an early age. Mathematics can very well be an interesting, exciting and fun activity.

The Hungarian teacher Zoltan Pal Dienes and the Belgian teacher George Cuisenaire dispelled the stereotype about technical people and humanists by developing their own methods of early learning. They are a set of logical blocks that allow you to take a creative approach to the study of mathematical science, develop attention and logical abilities.

Dienesh cubes and Cuisenaire blocks help kids in a playful way to get acquainted with colors, geometric shapes, their sizes, to understand what “each” is, “in two”, what is more or less. These developmental aids will captivate little fidgets and even interest adults.

For what age are these techniques suitable?

Usually these sets are used for games with children from two to seven years old. But everything depends on the child’s development. If you think your baby is very smart, then you can try offering these blocks as early as one year. For various reasons, there are developmental delays, then these sets are suitable for a child and eight to nine years of age.

What do cubes develop?

Dienesh's logic cubes in an accessible and visual form introduce children to colors, shapes, sizes, thickness of objects, basic knowledge of mathematics and the basics of computer science. The child will learn all this by playing and performing various manipulations with blocks: laying out, breaking, rebuilding according to a given pattern, etc.

  • The set develops:
  • creative potential;
  • logical thinking;
  • (classification, comparison, analysis, generalization);
  • fine motor skills.

What's included in the dice set?

Dienesh developed his manual in such a way that there is not a single identical subject in it. They all vary in shape, size, thickness and color.

Dienesh cubes have:

  • four shapes (circles, squares, triangles and rectangles);
  • two sizes (small and large);
  • two types of thickness (thin and thick);
  • three colors (blue, red and yellow).

Games with cubes for little ones

After purchasing such a set, you should not immediately load your baby with various tasks. Let him get to know the cubes well: look at them, touch them, play with them the way he wants. They love tactile contact with objects.

After getting acquainted, you can move on to the next stage - studying the properties of the cubes. The first lessons may be based on the concepts of “same” and “not the same.”

Game "Find the figure"

Ask your child to find identical cubes. For example: “Please choose figures of the same color as this one (red).” Be sure to say the color and point to the cubes. This is important for children at an early age. Ask about other properties. For example, about the shape: “What is the name of this cube?” Use the same principle to study other Dienesh cubes. The photo demonstrates very well how clearly you can study the shape of a circle with children.

Similarly, introduce the concept of “not like that.” For example: “Find all the cubes that are not the same size as this one.”

Game "What's in the bag?"

Place several shapes in a bag. Ask your child to determine the size, shape or thickness of the cube by touch without looking.

Memory game

Lay out different cubes in front of your baby and let him examine them carefully. Ask your child to turn away. Change the sequence, add or remove one shape. Ask your child to find what has changed.

Dienesh's cubes: tasks for older children

Game "Carry On"

The adult lays out several cubes with one identical characteristic and asks the child to make the second row according to the pattern. For example, we take color as a sign: blue square, red circle, yellow triangle. The kid must keep this sequence of colors and lay out a row. For example: blue square, yellow circle.

Game "Hide and Seek"

Lay out several cubes in front of the baby and tell him that a kitten is hiding under one of them (a picture with his image). You can find it by asking leading questions. For example: “Is this a square cube?”, “Is this a yellow cube?” Give your child an example to make it clearer.

Game "Sorting"

It is useful to teach your child to clean from an early age. How? Usually the child is asked to help put the toys back in place. This can be successfully used when, after class, you need to remove the Dienesh cubes. Reviews from parents say that children are happy to help adults if they get used to it in time.

Divide the work with your child, tell him that let him collect all the yellow and small cubes, and you do the rest.

Developmental tasks of Cuisenaire rods

Cuisinaire's rods are a multifunctional mathematical tool. With its help in the game, the child learns to understand the concepts of “more and less”, “right and left”, “longer and shorter”, “higher and lower”, “between”, “through one” and so on.

The Cuisenaire set has several names: “colored numbers”, “numbers in color”, “colored rulers”, “colored sticks”.

This methodological manual is aimed at developing:

  • visual and effective thinking;
  • cognitive activity;
  • perception;
  • attention;
  • design abilities;
  • spatial orientation;
  • creative potential;
  • fantasies and imagination;
  • fine motor skills.

This set only complements Dienesh's cubes for children and allows for a comprehensive approach to learning the basics of mathematics.

What are Cuisenaire rods made of?

The set includes tetrahedral sticks that differ in size and color. They are notable for the fact that blocks of different lengths have their own color and numerical value. That is, the larger the stick, the larger the number it represents.

Cuisenaire sets vary in color, number of sticks and the material from which they are made. Today, plastic and wooden blocks are offered for sale.

The most popular is a simplified set of 116 elements. It includes sticks:

  • white - 25 pieces;
  • pink - 20 pieces;
  • blue - 16 pieces;
  • red - 12 pieces;
  • yellow - 10 pieces;
  • purple - 9 pieces;
  • black - 8 pieces;
  • burgundy - 7 pieces;
  • blue - 5 pieces;
  • orange - 4 pieces.

White color corresponds to the number “one”, yellow - “two” and so on.

Introducing the baby to chopsticks

Above we described how to study Dienesh's cubes in the first lesson with your child. For small children, these tips can and should also be used when getting acquainted with Cuisenaire sticks.

Place “colored rulers” in front of your child. Let him look at them and touch them. You can tell your child about the sticks, what size and color they are. Show the shortest block and ask to find the same one as yours. Do the same with the longest stick.

Lay out houses, paths, pieces of furniture, and geometric shapes with your baby. Offer to name the colors that were used to construct the figure.

What can you play with Cuisenaire sticks after getting acquainted?

Game "Fold the figure"

Invite your child to build various shapes from sticks: square, triangle, etc. When he gets good at it, make the task a little more difficult. For example, ask to lay out two blue squares, then three rectangles (blue, white and yellow). Ask to compare the dimensions of each element.

Memory game

Dienesh cubes and Cuisenaire sticks are similar in the tasks they perform, so the same games can sometimes be used with these sets. For example, an exercise to develop memory and attention.

Place a row of sticks in front of your child, ask him to look at them carefully and try to remember how they lie. Move or remove one block and then ask your child what changed.

Games “Learning to measure”

For example, give your child the task of finding a stick that is longer than the black one but shorter than the blue one. Invite your child to measure the table with one block or find three identical elements by touch. Ask them to lay out a path of sticks that will be equal to the length of the orange stick. You can come up with such measurement games yourself or together with your child.

You can also print out different diagrams of drawings from Cuisinaire sticks and fill them out with your baby. When finished, ask about the length of the sticks used.

Recommendations for parents when using educational cubes and sticks

  • Don’t leave your child alone to play with the developmental aid “Dyenesh’s Cubes” or “Cuisenaire’s Sticks”. A parent is the main assistant in learning something new.
  • Praise successes more often, encourage and stimulate interest in activities.
  • Don't blame yourself for failures. If your child is unable to complete a task, return to it later and show him how you would do it.
  • Use the principle “from simple to complex.” Gradually make the tasks more difficult and do not forget to return to the exercises you have already completed. The experience a child gains should not be “dead weight.”
  • Come up with tasks yourself and involve your child in this.
  • Fantasize. Make a fairy-tale character out of blocks with your baby and come up with a story about him.

Is it possible to make educational materials yourself?

It is quite possible to make Cuisenaire sticks and Dienesh cubes with your own hands.

Here you can go two ways: make a paper version or use wooden blanks. It's good if you have old cubes, this makes the task much easier. Simply paint them in the desired colors. If not, you will have to cut out the blocks yourself. A simpler option is to make it from thick colored cardboard and cover it with tape for reliability. You can glue magnets to one side of the cubes or sticks to make playing with them even more convenient.

Games with educational aids will help your child learn something new and fall in love with mathematics, which, unfortunately, is not easy for everyone. Also, colored sticks and logic blocks are an excellent option for family leisure or pastime at a children's birthday party, when little guests are already bored with all the usual activities.

Modern parents have access to many teaching aids with which they can develop their children from a very early age. Dienesh's logic blocks are very popular - a game with pictures, diagrams and special albums. This book helps preschoolers learn the basics of mathematics in a fun way. Find out what the material is and how to work with it.

What are Dienes blocks

This is the name of a special didactic manual for mastering mathematics, developed by a famous Hungarian scientist. Zoltan Gyenes devoted his entire life to this discipline. He tried to make it as understandable and interesting as possible for children. For this purpose, he specially developed the author's Dienesh system for the early development of mathematics by children.

The game manual is a set of 48 geometric shapes. They are represented by elements, among which there are no repetitions. The figures are divided according to the following criteria:

  1. Color. Blue, red, yellow.
  2. Size. Small, big.
  3. Thickness. Thick, thin.
  4. Form. Circle, triangle, square, rectangle.


Dienesh's logic blocks are designed for teaching mathematics in a playful way. Classes with them contribute to the development of memory, attention, imagination, and speech. The child develops the ability to classify material, compare, and analyze analytical information. The optimal age to start classes is 3-3 years. Working with Dienesh's logical blocks will teach your little ones:

  1. Identify the properties of objects, name them, explain what the differences and similarities are, and support your reasoning with arguments.
  2. Think logically.
  3. It's better to talk.
  4. Understand color, thickness, shape and different sizes.
  5. Be aware of space.
  6. Solve educational and practical problems independently.
  7. Persistently pursue goals, cope with difficulties, and take initiative.
  8. Perform mental operations.
  9. Develop imagination, creative and intellectual abilities, imagination, modeling and design skills.

How to work with Dienes blocks

Classes take place in several stages. Dienesh developed his method taking into account the psychological aspects of young children, so there is no need to be afraid that it will be too complex for the thinking of a preschooler. The following stages of development of mathematical abilities are distinguished:

  1. Free play. The goal is to teach the baby to solve unfamiliar problems using the “trial and error” method, trying out different options.
  2. The baby smoothly switches to playing according to certain rules. As classes progress, basic information becomes familiar, for example, “which shapes are the same.”
  3. Discussion, comparison of the content of mathematical games. It is necessary to select different options with related rules, but different game materials.
  4. Familiarization with the content of numbers. It is recommended to use maps, diagrams, tables.
  5. The last stage is the longest and is suitable for older preschoolers. It should offer different cards with definitions of rules that help to come to specific logical conclusions. Gradually, the baby will become familiar with such concepts as theorem and axiom.

Logic blocks

The figures themselves are the basis of Dienesh’s technique. They provide many exciting educational games for children of different ages. The main purpose of Dienesh blocks is to teach a child to understand the properties of objects. With their help, he will learn to distinguish and combine objects, and classify them. The presence of pictures and special albums will significantly diversify the number of games that you can offer your preschooler.


For classes, images are used that contain symbolic information about the properties of the figure. It looks like this:

  1. The color is indicated by a spot.
  2. The size is the silhouette of the house. A small one is designated as a one-story building, a large one as a multi-story building.
  3. The contours of geometric shapes correspond to the shape.
  4. The thickness is two images of men. The first one is fat, the second one is thin.
  5. In Dienesh's set there are cards with denial. For example, a multi-story building with a cross through it means that the desired figure is “not big,” that is, small.

Sets of cards can be used not only together with Dienesh blocks, but also for independent games. Working with them develops logic, the skill of decoding information using symbols. First, the child should be given the simplest game tasks to get acquainted with Dienesh cards, and then gradually complicate them. A set of images can significantly diversify classes and make them much more interesting.


You will need to purchase several such benefits for each age range. They should be selected according to the child’s level of development, and not according to how old he is at the moment. Sometimes at 3 years old a child has the development of a 5 year old, and sometimes vice versa. The albums contain various games with Dienesh figures, diagrams and drawings according to which you can put them together. You can complicate the tasks yourself, add variety to them, focusing on the child’s reaction.

Dienesha blocks for the little ones

Children from the age of two can practice logical figures. Many simple games have been developed for them. Their main goal is to teach the child to distinguish between the properties of an object and to group objects according to certain characteristics. Such activities will not only be useful, but also interesting for every child. Check out some of the most popular game options.


These are the simplest games for kids who are just getting acquainted with the Dienesh set. Example:

  1. Place the elements of Dienesh in front of the child.
  2. Let him group them according to different criteria. First he selects everything of the same color, then size, etc.

Gradually the game becomes more difficult. Invite your child to sort blocks according to two or more criteria. For example:

  1. Choose yellow rectangular blocks and blue square ones.
  2. Get all the flat figures of the same size.
  3. Choose thin round blocks.
  4. Sort out all the blue triangle shapes.


All children, without exception, adore this creative game. It is very simple, but fascinating. The child is asked to put together different figures from the elements of Dienesh, first according to the diagrams, and then without them, gradually complicating the task. Examples of objects you might be asked to construct:

  • house;
  • table;
  • house with windows;
  • herringbone;
  • shop;
  • stool;
  • sofa;
  • chair;
  • steps;
  • armchair;
  • machine.

Continue the series

The game is aimed at strengthening the child’s knowledge about geometric shapes, size, thickness, and color. Thanks to her, he will learn to find patterns. Task options:

  1. Place the elements of Dienesh on the table in front of the baby so that each next one differs from the previous one in one way. The child independently continues this series.
  2. Lay out a chain of Dienesh figures so that there are no objects nearby that are identical in two respects. Invite your child to continue this series.
  3. Place Dienesh figures in front of the baby by color: red, yellow, blue. He will continue the series, alternating shades in a given sequence.

Feed the animals

Place several of his favorite toys in front of your baby. Let him feed each one a pair of “cookies” (blocks). Offer some conditions, for example, the bear cub should be given only red food, and the kitten should be given square food. This game resembles sampling, but children perceive it much better. It’s rare that any child refuses to feed their pets.

Games with Dienesha blocks for the older group

When the child grows up, he will be able to click the exercises for kids like seeds, and the tasks will have to be complicated. Dienesh's method for preschoolers is designed for children 5-6 years old. The exercises are more complex; not only the cubes themselves are actively used, but also cards and game albums. The tasks are aimed at developing logical thinking in an adult child and the ability to explain the decision made. Study a few games as examples, based on which you can come up with many more exercises.


Give your child any figurine of Dienesh or offer to choose one yourself. Then, from the total mass of blocks, he will take out all those that coincide with the first one in one given property. Once he has mastered the game well, make it more difficult. Let the child select blocks that have two identical properties to the one taken initially. Then you can make the game even more difficult. The child must choose those blocks that do not have a single adjacent property with the first one.


This game is suitable even for several children. Rules:

  1. Each player receives an equal number of blocks. The order of participants is determined.
  2. The first one makes a move with any piece.
  3. The second one places a block whose one property matches.
  4. If there is no suitable piece, the participant misses a move.
  5. The first one to lay out all his blocks wins.
  6. The game can be complicated by changing the rules about the properties of the pieces being laid out. For example, you need to respond with a block that has two similar characteristics, etc.

Find the odd one out

The following game will help children learn to group three-dimensional geometric shapes according to various criteria. Rules:

  1. Place three figures in front of the child. One of them should not have a single property in common with the others.
  2. Let the child figure out which block is extra and explain why and how he came to this conclusion.
  3. Make the task more difficult. Lay out 6 blocks. The baby must remove the extra two.

Find a match

This game will appeal to children who have already mastered all the simple tasks well. Rules:

  1. Place several figures in a row in front of your child.
  2. Offer to select a steam room for each according to a specific property.
  3. Make the task more difficult. Let the child try to choose a pair based not on one, but on two or three properties.
  4. You can initially take, for example, 10 paired elements. Place them in a bag. Let the child make the pairs himself, laying out the Dienesh figures in two horizontal rows.


To play the game you will need several large sheets of colored cardboard. They serve as sketches of paintings. To compose the composition, additional cardboard parts are needed. The game teaches you to analyze the shape of objects, compare them, and develops creative and artistic abilities. Rules:

  1. Based on the sketches, the kids must “paint” a picture.
  2. They choose the preparation themselves. It shows schematically where which blocks should be located. Thin ones will only be outlined, and thick ones will be completely painted over.
  3. Let the children select the missing blocks and parts cut out of cardboard to the correct places in the “sketch”.


For this task you need cards with images of objects that will serve as goods, and logical elements. The game “Shop” develops memory, the ability to reason, justify your choice, identify and abstract properties. Rules:

  1. A preschooler comes to a store that has a variety of card products. He has three figures that perform the function of money. You can purchase one item for each.
  2. The child needs to buy an object that has at least one property that matches the money figure.
  3. You can gradually complicate the game by offering new rules.

Let's decorate the Christmas tree

The following game helps develop the skills of ordinal counting and diagram reading. For it you will need an image of a Christmas tree and 15 cards with symbols and blocks. Rules:

  1. The Christmas tree should be decorated with beads in five rows. Each will contain three beads.
  2. The number on the card is the serial number of the position of the thread from top to bottom. The circle painted on it shows which bead should go, and below it indicates which element will represent it.
  3. Let the child hang the first row of beads, and then all the lower ones, strictly following the diagram on the card.

Fairy tale “In the kingdom of blocks”

Fairy tale “In the kingdom of blocks”
Material: Dienesh blocks, one box for three people.
Target: introduce blocks and their properties, develop attention, the ability to identify, abstract properties (size, shape, thickness), imagination, creative thinking.
Game description: Children choose a color for their kingdom (yellow, blue, red). The presenter tells a fairy tale, and the children assign blocks to the roles of heroes and build their own kingdom from them.
“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. It was strong, big, thick and looked like a rectangle (children choose a block - a large thick rectangle). The king had a queen very similar to him, only thinner (choose a block - a large thin rectangle). They lived very happily, and they had two children, similar to them, only small (small fat and thin rectangles). And then one day..."
Options: The fairy tale can then be continued according to the children’s ideas or in accordance with the theme. (We went into the forest to pick mushrooms..., We adopted a pet... etc.)
In games with Dynesha blocks, it is very convenient to use cards with property symbols and logic cubes, presented in the “Let’s Play Together” didactic set, as additional material.


Many games with Dienes blocks and logical figures use cards with property symbols.
Introducing a child to property symbols is an important step in mastering the entire sign culture, literacy, mathematical symbols, programming, etc. The cards conventionally indicate the properties of the blocks (color, shape, size, thickness).
There are 11 cards in total. Of these, 11 are cards with negation of properties, for example: Not red.
Cards with property symbols can be used not only as an addition to Dienesh blocks and logical figures, but also as an independent material for games, like the world-famous “memory”.


Description of material: 5 cubes on the sides of which symbols of block properties are depicted (size, shape, color, thickness) and symbols for the negation of properties, as well as a digital cube (on the sides there are numbers 3-8).
Pedagogical possibilities of the material:
Logic cubes, like symbol cards, will help you come up with a variety of games with your children, and these games, in turn, will be useful for mastering the actions of substitution and visual modeling, encoding and decoding. Logic cubes are used in conjunction with Dienesh blocks and logical figures. The peculiarity of logic cubes is the possibility of “random” selection of properties (by tossing a cube), and children always like this.


Game "Spaceship"

Material: hoops of red, blue, yellow colors, a large triangle-rocket made of carpet or cardboard, cards with property symbols or logic cubes, Dienesh blocks.
Target: formation of the operation of classification and generalization of blocks according to one to four characteristics, development of logical thinking and attention.
Game description: the hoops are laid out on the floor in a row, a triangle-rocket is added. Using cards with property symbols or logical cubes (except for color), the condition for each of the hoops is determined.

Rules: To launch a spacecraft into orbit, it is necessary to fill all three stages of the launch vehicle with fuel, in accordance with the conditions.
Game options:
First option. Children are divided into teams, each of which fills out its own hoop; the conditions in the hoops are equal in difficulty.
Second option. Children independently choose the hoop they will fill and/or the condition by tossing the cube; the conditions in the hoops vary in degree of difficulty.
Third option. You can fill in any hoops; the conditions in the hoops can be either the same or different levels of difficulty.
Difficulty level:
Simple: the condition specifies only the color of the hoop, or another property is added (shape, size, thickness).
Medium: 2 types of property symbol cards are used, for example, shape and size, shape and thickness, etc.
High: All cards with property symbols including negation are used.
Additional material: sounds of a jet engine, riddles about space.

Game options by topic

Name of the game Purpose of hoops Item replacement Game action Additional material
1 Gardeners flower beds flowers Planting seedlings Poems, riddles on the topic
2 Space Traps for collection Space debris Garbage collection Poems, riddles on the topic
3 Fishing Containers for fish Fish Fishing Poems, riddles on the topic
4 City Area At home Development of areas Poems, riddles on the topic
5 Transport Train cars, trucks Cargo Loading cargo Rectangle made of cardboard, carpet - image of a steam locomotive
6 Harvest baskets Mushrooms, berries, vegetables, fruits Harvesting Poems, riddles on the topic

Hoop games with area suppression

Recommendation: In the first game with overlapping areas, you can first place the hoops separately, without crossing. Determine the conditions for each hoop. For example, one is yellow and the other is round. A situation will arise where a round yellow block can be placed in either one or the other hoop. If the children themselves can’t figure it out, invite them to solve the problem by sliding one hoop onto another.

Game "Gardeners"

Material: hoops preferably of the same color, cards with property symbols or logic cubes (except numbers), Dienesh blocks.
Target: formation of the operation of classification and generalization of blocks according to one to four characteristics, development of logical thinking and attention. Determination of areas of intersection.
Game description: the hoops are laid out on the floor. Using cards with property symbols or logic cubes, a condition is determined for each of the hoops; different properties must be used in order to create the opportunity for the areas of the hoops to intersect.
Rules: Children turn into gardeners who decide to plant beautiful flowers in their flower beds. Children take turns tossing cubes with different properties and determining which flowers will grow in the flowerbed. When the flowerbed is filled, we check that all areas are filled correctly, naming their properties. And then our flowers can get to know each other, tell about themselves, what they are like (color, shape, thickness), how they got into the flowerbed, their flower stories...
Difficulty level:
Simple: one intersection - two hoops are used, and the condition is specified by two properties (color and shape, or color and size, etc.).

Medium: 2-3 intersections - 3-4 hoops are used, and the condition is specified by several properties (color, shape, size, value, etc.).

High: three hoops with a common crossing area.

Game options by topic

Name of the game Item replacement Game action
1 Olympic rings Lights Lighting of the Olympic rings
2 Magic flower Petals Coloring petals
3 Caterpillar Specks caterpillar decoration
4 Confectionery factory Candies Laying out candies

Game "Treat"

Material: 9 images of bear cubs, favorite toys, cards with signs and property symbols, Dienesha blocks.
Purpose of the game: development of the ability to compare objects according to one or four properties, understanding of words: “different”, “same”, carrying out the logical operation “not”, ability to interact.

Game description:
Option 1. Bear cubs came to visit the children. What will we treat our guests to? Our cubs have a sweet tooth and love cookies very much. The two of them take turns treating one bear. The cookies in the left and right paws should be different. First, the first child treats, the other must choose a treat that differs in at least one property. Then the second one treats the bear, and the first one chooses a treat that differs in at least one property. At the end of the game, we will count how many times the bear cubs were treated, how many yellow (square, etc.) “cookies” the bear cub received.
Difficulty level:
Simple: the “cookies” must differ in only one property.
Medium: “cookies” should differ in only 2 properties.
High: “cookies” should differ only in all properties.

Option 2. Each child treats his favorite toy. The presenter determines, using cards with property symbols or logic cubes (except for numbers), which cookie to give to the toy in the right hand, and the child, according to the condition, selects a treat for the left hand.

Option3. Take a few of your child's toys. Let the blocks be your treat. Invite your child to distribute the figures to the guests so that the doll only has round figures (she likes to eat pancakes). You can treat toys in different ways: so that the hare gets all the big “carrots”, so that the monkey gets all the yellow “bananas”.
Difficulty level:
Determined by the number of properties.

Recommendations for parents: You can play a similar game “Gifts” at home. Come up with “gifts” for someone (mom, dad, etc.) that will be different:
by color (red roses - white lilies),
its properties (wooden spoon - porcelain cup),
intended purpose (rubber boots - rubber tires).

Game "Miracle Tree"

Material: Tree with branches without leaves, cards with property symbols or logic cubes (except numbers), Dienesh blocks
Target: Development of the ability to classify blocks according to three characteristics and the ability to highlight the main characteristics. Develop logical and imaginative thinking.
Progress of the game: The teacher suggests decorating a magic tree depending on the theme and time of year, on which instead of leaves there can be anything, as in the fairy tale “The Miracle Tree” by K. Chukovsky.
Option 1. Children can throw logic cubes and determine the color, size, handicap, thickness of the figures.
Option 2. Each branch has conditions of varying degrees of difficulty. The child himself chooses the branch that he will decorate.
Difficulty level:
Determined by the number of properties on each branch (color, shape, size, thickness).

Additional material: K. Chukovsky “Miracle Tree”

Game "Artists" (Let's play together)

"Sketches of paintings" - sheets of large colored cardboard
additional cardboard parts to compose the composition of the picture;

block set
Purpose of the game:
development of the ability to analyze the shape of objects
development of the ability to compare by their properties
development of artistic abilities (choice of color, background, location (composition).

Game description:
Children are invited to “paint pictures” based on the sketches. One picture can be “painted” at once
several people. Children choose a “sketch” of the painting, paper for the background, details for the future painting, and the necessary blocks. If the part is only outlined in the sketch (the outline of the part), a thin block is selected, if the part is painted, a thick block is selected.
So, for example, for a sketch of a picture with elephants, a child will take additional details: 2 elephant heads, the sun, a lake, the top of a palm tree, a cactus, an animal and blocks.
At the end of the work, the artists come up with a title for their paintings, arrange an exhibition of paintings, and the guide tells visitors to the exhibition what is depicted in the painting.

Game “Let's decorate the Christmas tree with beads” (from the series of games “Let's play together”)

Material: Image of a Christmas tree, 15 cards with symbols, set of logical figures

Target: Development of the ability to identify and abstract properties. Ability to “read a diagram.” Strengthening ordinal counting skills.

Progress of the game: We need to decorate the Christmas tree with beads. There should be 5 rows of beads on the tree. There are three beads in each row. The number on the card indicates the serial number of the string of beads (we start counting from the top of the tree). Let's hang the first row of beads (cards with the number 1). The filled circle shows us the place of the bead on the string. The first bead is a small yellow circle, the second is a large yellow square, the third is small
yellow triangle. We hang the rest of the beads in the same way.

"Shop" from the series of games "Let's Play Together"

Target: Development of the ability to identify and abstract properties, the ability to reason, and justify one’s choice.
Material: Product (cards with images of objects) Logical figures.
Progress of the game: Children come to the store, where a large selection of toys is presented. Each child has 3 logical figures “money”. One “money” can only buy one toy.
Purchase rules: You can only buy a toy that has at least one property of a logical figure. The rule can be complicated by choosing a toy based on two properties (for example, a large square, a blue square, etc.)

Outdoor game "Cat and Mouse" from the series of games "Holiday in the Land of Blocks"

Target: develop the ability to “read” cards with symbols of properties, identify the necessary properties, stimulate the motor activity of children.
Materials: tokens on ribbons with property symbols for Cat and Mice.
Progress of the game: Children (4-9 people) choose mouse tokens and put them over their heads and stand in a round dance. In the middle is the cat “Vaska” (you can select him using V. Levin’s counting rhymes). Next to him are the cat tags.

The round dance moves with the words:
-The mice dance in circles,
The cat is dozing on the bed.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
Vaska the cat will wake up
And the round dance will disperse.

On the last word, the cat quickly puts on one of the tokens and turns to the “mice.” So that they can see him. A token is information for mice about which “mice” the cat will kill. The rest of the mice are not afraid of the cat, they can have fun and tease Vaska. The caught mouse becomes a “cat” and the game continues.
Note: Cards with property symbols can be used as tokens.
Difficulty levels: You should start the game with the simplest color property, then complicate it by changing the properties and combining them. For example: a cat catches red and round mice.
A high level of complexity is the presence of logical negation.

"Wonderful bag"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of geometric shapes and the ability to guess objects by touch.
Progress of the game: All figures are put into a bag. Ask your child to touch all the round blocks (all the big ones or all the thick ones). Then all square, rectangular, triangular.

"What's extra?"

Target: Exercise children in grouping geometric shapes by color, shape, size, thickness.
Material: Dienesha block set.
Progress of the game: Place three pieces on the table. The child needs to guess which of the figures is extra and according to what principle (by color, shape, size or thickness).

“Wonderful bag” -2

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes, their size and thickness, and the ability to guess objects by touch.
Material: Bag, set of Dienesh blocks.
Progress of the game: All figures - blocks are put into a bag. The child takes a figurine out of the bag and characterizes it according to one or more characteristics. Or names the shape, size or thickness without removing it from the bag.

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes. Develop the ability to distinguish figures based on one, two, or three characteristics. To develop speech activity and quick thinking in children.
Material: Dienesha block set.
Progress of the game: Place any figure in front of the child and ask him to find all the figures that are not the same as this one in color (size, shape, thickness).

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes. Develop the ability to find similarities between figures based on one, two, three, or four characteristics. To develop speech activity and quick thinking in children.
Material: Dienesha block set.
Progress of the game: Place any figure in front of the child and ask him to find figures that are the same in color, but not the same in shape, or the same in shape, but not the same in color.


Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes and colors.
Material: Bag, set of Dienesha blocks, colored thread for beads.
Progress of the game: Lay out a row of shapes in front of the child, alternating them by color: red, yellow, red... (you can alternate by shape, size and thickness). Offer to make beads like these. Continue the row according to the pattern.

"Find a Pair"

Material: Dienesha block set.
Progress of the game: Invite the children to find a pair for each figure, for example, by size: a large yellow circle will be paired with a small yellow circle, a large red square will be paired with a small red square, etc.

"Find the treasure"

Target: Improve children's knowledge about geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness. Develop thinking.
Material: Dienesha block set.
Progress of the game: We lay out 8 logical blocks of Dienesh in front of the child, and while he does not see, under one of them we hide a “treasure” (coin, pebble, cut out picture, etc.). The child should ask you leading questions, and you can only answer “yes” or “no”: “Is the treasure under the blue block?” - “No”, “Under the red?” - "No". The child concludes that the treasure is under the yellow block and asks further about the size, shape and thickness. Then the child hides the “treasure”, and the teacher asks leading questions.
Then the children themselves can play this game, competing to find the treasure.

“Compare - where is more”

Target: Improve children's knowledge about geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness. Strengthen counting from 1 to 10, practice the ability to equalize multiple blocks. Develop thinking.
Material: Dienesha block set.
Progress of the game: 3 Dienesh blocks are laid out in one row, and 4 in the other. Ask your child where there are more blocks and how to equalize them. The number of blocks depends on the age of the children and their level of development.

"Arrange the figures"

Target: Exercise children in classifying blocks according to two, three, four characteristics. Develop thinking.
Material: Dienesha block set.
Progress of the game: We lay out 5-6 any figures in a row. We invite children to build the bottom row of figures so that under each figure in the top row there is a figure of a different shape (color, size, thickness).

"What changed"

Target: Improve children's knowledge about geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness
Develop thinking.
Material: Dienesha block set.
Progress of the game: In front of the child, several figures are laid out on the table that need to be remembered, and then one of the figures disappears or is replaced with a new one, or two figures are swapped. The child should notice the changes.

"How many?"

Target: Develop the ability to identify properties
geometric shapes (color, size, thickness). Practice counting from 1 to 10 and practice asking questions. Develop thinking, attention, memory, speech.
Material: Dienesh logical blocks.
Progress of the game: Children are divided into two teams. The teacher arranges logical figures in any order and invites the children to come up with questions starting with the words “How many...”. For every correct question - a chip. The team with the most chips wins. Question options: “How many large figures?” “How many red figures are there in the first row?” (horizontally), “How many circles?” etc.

"Round dance"

Material: playing field with a picture of a circle or colored braid, a set of blocks.
Progress of the game: The teacher offers to build a round dance from magic figures. The round dance will turn out beautiful and smooth. The blocks are laid out in a circle. One block is taken randomly, then a block is added in which one feature of the previous block will be present. The last block must match the first block in one way or another. In this case, the game ends - the round dance is closed.

"Find me"

Target: Development of the ability to read the code designation of geometric shapes and find the corresponding code.
Material: A set of blocks, 3 copies of code cards (2 with a regular code, 1 with a negative code).
Progress of the game: Children are divided into two groups. One takes cards, the other takes blocks. The children of the first group take turns reading (decoding) the cards; the child from the second group, who has the corresponding block, comes out and shows a geometric figure.
Possible words to use:
“Blocks, different blocks, yellow, blue and red,
They are familiar to all of us, find me!”


Target: Exercise children in classifying blocks according to two criteria; color and shape.
Material: playing field with a spiral image or colored braid, a set of blocks.
Progress of the game: The teacher offers to build the children a house for a snail from magic figures. The house will turn out elegant and beautiful. Laying out the blocks begins from the middle of the spiral. One block is taken randomly, then a block is added in which one feature of the previous block will be present.

“Resettlement of the tenants” - 2

Target: Develop the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes by characteristics, the ability to read code designation. Practice counting. Develop spatial orientation, attention, logical thinking.
Material: A set of blocks, a 4-story house depicted on whatman paper, code cards.
Progress of the game: The blocks live in a box, it’s cramped and dark for them. Let's move them into this cozy 4-story house. For each figure there is a floor and an apartment number indicated on the code card. Children resettle residents.

“Resettlement of the tenants” - 1

Material: A set of blocks, a 4-storey building, depicted on whatman paper with two features - color and shape.
Progress of the game: The blocks live in a box, it’s cramped and dark for them. Let's move them into this cozy 4-story house. For each figure, a floor and an apartment number are determined. As children move into blocks, they name the apartment number and floor. For example, we will place a red circle on the 4th floor in apartment No. 3, etc.

Game "Floors"

Target: Develop the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes by characteristics. Practice counting. Develop spatial orientation, attention, logical thinking.
Material: Set of blocks.
Progress of the game: We suggest placing several figures in a row - 4-5 pieces. These are the residents of the first floor. Now we build the second floor of the house so that under each figure of the previous row there is a piece of a different color (or size, shape).
Option 2: part of the same shape, but a different size (or color).
Option 3: we build a house with other details in color and size.

Game "Domino"

Target: Develop the ability to identify the properties of geometric shapes.
Material: Dienesh blocks.
This game can be played by several participants at the same time (but no more than 4). We divide the blocks equally between the players. Everyone makes a move in turn. If there is no piece, you need to skip the move. The winner is the one who lays out all the pieces first.
How to walk?
Shapes of a different size (color, shape).
Shapes of the same color, but a different size, or the same size, but a different shape.
Figures of a different size and shape (color and size).
The same shapes in color and shape, but of a different size.
We walk with figures of a different color, shape, size, thickness.

Didactic game "How much?"

Material: logical figures.
Purpose of the game: develop the ability to ask questions and develop the ability to identify properties.
Game description: Children are divided into two teams. The teacher arranges logical figures in any order and invites the children to come up with questions starting with the words “How many...”
A chip for every correct question. The team with the most chips wins.
Question options: “How many large figures?” “How many red figures are there in the first row?” (horizontally), “How many circles?” etc.

Didactic game " ARTISTS "

"Sketches of paintings" - sheets of large colored cardboard
additional cardboard parts to compose the composition of the picture;
block set
Purpose of the game:
development of the ability to analyze the shape of objects
development of the ability to compare by their properties
development of artistic abilities (choice of color, background, location (composition).
Game description:
Children are invited to “paint pictures” based on the sketches. One picture can be “painted” at once
several people. Children choose a “sketch” of the painting, paper for the background, details for the future painting, and the necessary blocks. If the part is only outlined in the sketch (the outline of the part), a thin block is selected, if the part is painted, a thick block is selected. So, for example, for a sketch of a painting with elephants, a child will take additional details: 2 elephant heads, the sun, a lake, the top of a palm tree, a cactus, an animal and blocks.
At the end of the work, the artists come up with a title for their paintings and arrange an exhibition
paintings, and the guide tells visitors to the exhibition what is depicted in the painting.

Didactic game "SHOP"

Material: Product (cards with images of objects) Logical figures.
Purpose of the game:
development of the ability to identify and abstract properties
development of the ability to reason and justify one’s choice
Game description:

Children come to the store, where a large selection of toys is presented. Each child has 3 logical figures "money". One “money” can only buy one toy.
Purchase rules: you can only buy a toy that has at least one property of a logical figure. The rule can be complicated by choosing a toy based on two properties (for example, a large square, a blue square, etc.)

Didactic game "What changed"


Improve children's knowledge about geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness

Develop thinking.

Material: Dienesha block set.

Progress of the game: Several figures are laid out on the table in front of the child that need to be remembered, and then one of the figures disappears or is replaced with a new one, or two figures are swapped. The child should notice the changes.

Didactic game "Round dance"

Target: classifies blocks according to two or three characteristics: color, shape; color – shape – size.

Material: set of Dienesh logic blocks.

Progress of the game.

The teacher offers to arrange magical figures in a cheerful round dance. The round dance will turn out beautiful and elegant.

The blocks are laid out in a circle. Any block is taken at random, then a block is added in which one sign of the previous block will be present, and so on. The last block must match the first block in one way or another. In this case, the game ends - the “round dance” is closed.

Didactic game “Second row”


Develop the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, find a figure that is different in one way.

Material: A set of Dienesh logic blocks.

Progress of the game: Place 5-6 of any shapes in a row. Build a second row under them, but so that under each figure in the top row there is a figure of a different shape (color, size); the same shape, but different color (size); different in color and size; not the same in shape, size, color.

Didactic game “Find the treasure”

Tasks : Improve children's knowledge about geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness. Develop thinking.

Material: Dienesha block set.

We lay out 8 logical blocks of Dienesh in front of the child, and while he does not see, under one of them we hide a “treasure” (coin, pebble, cut out picture, etc.). The child should ask you leading questions, and you can only answer “yes” or “no”: “Is the treasure under the blue block?” - “No”, “Under the red?” - "No". The child concludes that the treasure is under the yellow block and asks further about the size, shape and thickness. Then the child hides the “treasure”, and the teacher asks leading questions.

Then the children themselves can play this game, competing to find the treasure.

Didactic game “Game with one hoop”

Tasks: Develop the ability to split a set according to one property into two subsets, and perform the logical operation “not”.

Material: Hoop, set of logic blocks of Dienesh.

Progress of the game: Before starting the game, they find out which part of the game sheet is inside and outside the hoop, establish rules: for example, arrange the pieces so that all the red pieces (and only them) are outside the hoop. After placing all the figures, two questions are asked: what figures lie inside the hoop? Which pieces were outside the hoop? (The answer is assumed: “all non-red pieces lie outside the hoop”). As the game repeats, children can choose which blocks to put inside the hoop and which ones outside.

Didactic game “Game with two hoops”

Tasks: Developing the ability to split a set according to two compatible properties and perform logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”.

Material: 2 hoops, a set of Dienesh logic blocks.

Progress of the game: Before starting the game, you need to find out where the four areas are located, defined on the game sheet by two hoops, namely: inside both hoops; inside the red but outside the green hoop; inside the green hoop, but outside the red hoop and outside both hoops (these areas need to be circled with a pointer).

1.then the rule of the game is called. For example, arrange the figures so that all the red figures are inside the red hoop, and all the round ones are inside the green hoop.

2.after solving the practical problem of arranging the figures, the children answer the questions: which figures lie inside both hoops; inside the green but outside the red hoop; It is advisable to play the game with two hoops many times, varying the rules of the game.

Note: In options 5 and 6, the common part remains empty. We need to find out why there are no figures that are both red and green, and also why there are no figures that are both round and square.

Didactic game “Let’s move into houses”

Tasks: Develop the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, and classify.

Material: Set of logical blocks of Dienesh, tables with images of paths and houses

Progress of the game: In front of the children is table No. 1. The child needs to help each figure get into its house, focusing on the signs.

Didactic game “On your branch”

Tasks: Develop the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, and classify figures according to several criteria.

Material: Set of 24 figures (four shapes, three colors, two sizes). Each figure is the bearer of three important properties: shape, color, size, and in accordance with this, the name of the figure consists of the name of three properties: red, large rectangle; yellow, small circle; green, large square, etc.

Progress of the game: The picture shows a tree on which the figures should “grow”. To find out on which branch which figure will “grow”, take, for example, a small green rectangle and start moving it from the root of the tree up the branches. Following the color pointer, we must move the figure along the right branch. We've reached a fork. Which branch should we follow next? On the right, which has a rectangle. We reached the next fork. Further, the Christmas trees show that a large figure should move along the left branch, and a small one should move along the right one. So, we will go along the right branch. This is where a small green rectangle should “grow”. We do the same with the rest of the figures. The game is played in a similar way with the following picture.

Didactic game "Chain"

Target: Development of the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, find a figure based on a given characteristic.

Material: Set of logical blocks of Gyenish.

From a randomly selected figure, try to build the longest chain possible. Options for constructing a chain:

    So that there are no figures of the same shape (color, size, thickness) nearby;

    So that there are no figures nearby that are identical in shape and color (in color and size, in size and thickness, etc.);

    So that there are figures nearby that are the same in size, but different in shape, etc.;

    So that nearby there are figures of the same color and size, but different shapes (the same size, but different colors).

Didactic game “Help the fairy-tale hero”


    Exercise children in grouping geometric shapes

    Develop observation, attention and memory


- Divide the figures between fairy-tale characters so that:

Pinocchio ended up with all the blue squares

So that Pencil gets all the yellow ones

So that Dunno gets all the yellow and big ones

Didactic game "Floors"

Program tasks : Develop the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes by characteristics. Practice counting. Develop spatial orientation, attention, logical thinking.

Material : Set of blocks.

Progress of the game:

We suggest placing several figures in a row - 4-5 pieces. These are the residents of the first floor. Now we build the second floor of the house so that under each figure of the previous row there is a piece of a different color (or size, shape).

Option 2: part of the same shape, but a different size (or color).

Option 3: we build a house with other details in color and size.

Game - Fairy Tale “In the Kingdom of Blocks”

Material: Dienesh blocks, one box for three people.
Goal: to introduce blocks and their properties, to develop attention, the ability to identify, abstract properties (size, shape, thickness), imagination, creative thinking.
Game description: Children choose a color for their kingdom (yellow, blue, red). The presenter tells a fairy tale, and the children assign blocks to the roles of heroes and build their own kingdom from them.
“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. It was strong, big, thick and looked like a rectangle (children choose a block - a large thick rectangle). The king had a queen very similar to him, only thinner (choose a block - a large thin rectangle). They lived very happily, and they had two children, similar to them, only small (small fat and thin rectangles). And then one day..."
Options: The fairy tale can then be continued according to the children’s ideas or in accordance with the theme. (We went into the forest to pick mushrooms..., We adopted a pet... etc.)
In games with Dynesha blocks, it is very convenient to use cards with property symbols and logic cubes, presented in the “Let’s Play Together” didactic set, as additional material.

Didactic game "Spaceship"
Material: hoops of red, blue, yellow colors, a large triangle-rocket made of carpet or cardboard, cards with property symbols or logic cubes, Dienesh blocks.
Target: formation of the operation of classification and generalization of blocks according to one to four characteristics, development of logical thinking and attention.
Game description: the hoops are laid out on the floor in a row, a triangle-rocket is added. Using cards with property symbols or logical cubes (except for color), the condition for each of the hoops is determined.

Rules:To launch a spacecraft into orbit, it is necessary to fill all three stages of the launch vehicle with fuel, in accordance with the conditions.
Game options:
First option. Children are divided into teams, each of which fills out its own hoop; the conditions in the hoops are equal in difficulty.
Second option. Children independently choose the hoop they will fill and/or the condition by tossing the cube; the conditions in the hoops vary in degree of difficulty.
Third option. You can fill in any hoops; the conditions in the hoops can be either the same or different levels of difficulty.
Difficulty level:
Simple: the condition specifies only the color of the hoop, or another property is added (shape, size, thickness).
Medium: 2 types of property symbol cards are used, for example, shape and size, shape and thickness, etc.
High: All cards with property symbols including negation are used.
Additional material:sounds of a jet engine, riddles about space.

Game “Let's decorate the Christmas tree with beads”

Material: Image of a Christmas tree, 15 cards with symbols, set of logical figures
Goal: Developing the ability to identify and abstract properties. Ability to “read a diagram.” Strengthening ordinal counting skills.

How to play: You need to decorate the Christmas tree with beads. There should be 5 rows of beads on the tree. There are three beads in each row. The number on the card indicates the serial number of the string of beads (we start counting from the top of the tree). Let's hang the first row of beads (cards with the number 1). The filled circle shows us the place of the bead on the string. The first bead is a small yellow circle, the second is a large yellow square, the third is small
yellow triangle. We hang the rest of the beads in the same way.

Outdoor game "Cat and mouse"

Goal: to develop the ability to “read” cards with symbols of properties, identify the necessary properties, stimulate the physical activity of children.
Materials: tokens on ribbons with property symbols for Cat and Mice.
How to play: Children (4-9 people) choose mouse tokens and put them on over their heads and stand in a round dance. In the middle is the cat “Vaska” (you can select him using V. Levin’s counting rhymes). Next to him are the cat tags.
The round dance moves with the words:
-The mice dance in circles,
The cat is dozing on the bed.
Hush, mice, don't make noise, don't wake up Vaska the Cat.
Vaska the cat will wake up
And the round dance will disperse.
On the last word, the cat quickly puts on one of the tokens and turns to the “mice.” So that they can see him. A token is information for mice about which “mice” the cat will kill. The rest of the mice are not afraid of the cat, they can have fun and tease Vaska. The caught mouse becomes a “cat” and the game continues.
Note: Cards with property symbols can be used as tokens.
Difficulty levels: you should start the game with the simplest color property, then make it more complex by changing the properties and combining them. For example: a cat catches red and round mice.
A high level of complexity is the presence of logical negation.

Didactic game "Find me"

Goal: Develop the ability to read the code designation of geometric shapes and find the corresponding code.
Material: A set of blocks, 3 copies of code cards (2 with a regular code, 1 with a negative code).
Progress of the game: Children are divided into two groups. One takes cards, the other takes blocks. The children of the first group take turns reading (decoding) the cards; the child from the second group, who has the corresponding block, comes out and shows a geometric figure.
Possible words to use:
“Blocks, different blocks, yellow, blue and red,
They are familiar to all of us, find me!”

Didactic game "Snail"

Purpose: To train children in classifying blocks according to two criteria; color and shape.
Material: playing field with a spiral image or colored braid, a set of blocks.
Progress of the game: The teacher offers to build the children a house for a snail from magic figures. The house will turn out elegant and beautiful. Laying out the blocks begins from the middle of the spiral. One block is taken randomly, then a block is added in which one feature of the previous block will be present.

Didactic game "Dominoes"

Goal: To develop the ability to identify the properties of geometric shapes.
Material: Dienesh blocks.
This game can be played by several participants at the same time (but no more than 4). We divide the blocks equally between the players. Everyone makes a move in turn. If there is no piece, you need to skip the move. The winner is the one who lays out all the pieces first.
How to walk?
Shapes of a different size (color, shape).
Shapes of the same color, but a different size, or the same size, but a different shape.
Figures of a different size and shape (color and size).
The same shapes in color and shape, but of a different size.
We walk with figures of a different color, shape, size, thickness.

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