What's interesting to build in minecraft. What can you build in Minecraft? Minecraft: tips, instructions. How to learn to build beautiful houses in Minecraft

Oddly enough, but it is this question that most often arises before users. Sometimes you really want to do something new and unusual, so here you will find out what you can build in Minecraft by studying the instructions and useful tips. You already know that any self-respecting player will confidently say that the genre of the game is a sandbox. This means that while playing, you can create anything using the available materials, and there is no specific task other than survival.


If you wish, you can travel the world, go hunting, fishing, gardening or contact other players online. There are no restrictions - neither in space, nor in possibilities. There is even a game mode in which all resources for buildings, food and tools are fully available in unlimited quantities.

It is because of the wide range of possibilities that the game attracts more and more people around the world, and a considerable number of them prefer to devote most of their time to such activities as the construction of buildings and other structures that are pleasing to the eye and allow them to improve their architectural skills!

Any activity, even a game that initially seems like a trifle, requires detailed knowledge of all the nuances. If you decide to devote your free time to construction in Minecraft, you must, first of all, know all the little things in more detail. Having studied the basics and basics, you can start thinking about what, after all, is available to build. The process of creating buildings in the game is elementary and understandable to everyone. The whole world is a system of blocks: trees, grass, earth, stones, minerals and even water are blocks of an ideal cubic shape, and it is from these cubes that you have to build.

Something can be obtained with ease with bare hands, for example, wood or earth, but for something special tools are needed: a pick for a stone, an ax for rare wood species, a shovel for earth. The resulting blocks can be placed side by side and stacked on top of each other: this is how the outlines of your future building will appear. Each material has its own specific structure and color, which allows you to take the process seriously. So, gradually you can go into the process with your head and show your imagination to the fullest.

Basic construction

On the one hand, the construction of beautiful buildings, sculptures and three-dimensional paintings from blocks is important, however, on the other hand, on the very first game night the player will need, first of all, a roof over his head, so it is necessary to construct comfortable buildings. It is because of this that professional players first think not about beautiful tall buildings, but about a functional shelter.

The goal - to create such a shelter - is feasible simply and fairly quickly, because an ordinary basic box house does not require a lot of effort and resources to create, and it does not take much time to build it. It is enough just to put four walls, a couple of windows and a door, to make a floor and a roof - you're done!

Of course, such a building will look scanty and uncomfortable, but it will protect you during the first game nights during the invasion of evil game mobs. Thus, the base house will fulfill its primary function of protection. The question of appearance is a secondary matter, and it will be possible to start thinking about it later, when there are enough resources and time for its modernization.

Making your home more comfortable

Gradually, it will be possible to build new, high walls of more attractive materials around the base building, remove old ones, build a cozy porch, divide the dwelling into rooms and insert wide windows so that the house becomes a cozy nest and a place for storing valuable resources that can be folded into spacious chests.

So, new housing will soon become a familiar place, and you can feel like a professional builder and designer. A huge advantage of the Minecraft game is the absence of any time or space frames, speed missions and other components of any other game. Gradually, the fact that it will please the eye will be added to the protective function of your home.

How to make a portal in Minecraft?

Undoubtedly, any player needs a house. However, all game construction should not be limited to a couple of houses and the arrangement of the found cave with minerals. Along with the dwelling, there are many other options for possible buildings, differing from each other in shape, size and a number of functions they perform.

Gradually, you realize that the world in Minecraft is huge and it is quite difficult to move between locations without special means. Along with the emergence of new territories, an excellent structure appeared in the game - a portal that allows you to instantly move from one world to another. In addition, there is a special mod that allows you to build portals in order to be transported from one specific point on the map to another, for example, home.

The first official addition to the existing worlds was the introduction of Hell. It is impossible to build any separately existing world, therefore, to access even the Land, one cannot do without a portal. In this case, the portal acts as a connecting link between the worlds - a kind of bridge between them.

The main component for its construction is obsidian, which cannot be found without efforts. Obsidian is mined only with the strongest type of equipment, for example, a diamond pickaxe, for which the search and extraction of diamonds can also become a separate long-term adventure.

After extracting obsidian, it is necessary to find a site suitable in size for the construction of the portal. The obsidian frame - the basis of the future portal - consists of four blocks lined up horizontally and five, standing one on top of the other vertically. To activate the portal and possibly move to Ender, it is necessary to set fire to the base of this obsidian frame, for which a lighter is used.

To create a lighter, you must have one iron ingot and one flint. As soon as you light the base, you will notice how the portal is covered with haze. It is in it that you need to get up to start teleportation. The process itself lasts a few seconds and resembles a short dizziness.

Thus, you find yourself in Ender, where a huge amount of resources that do not exist in the ordinary world become available: a bright glowing stone, a hellish brick that slows down the movement of sand of souls and flammable blocks that make up all Hell as a whole. In addition, when you get to the Edge, you will get acquainted with various mobs, which also do not exist in the ordinary world. Some are purely hostile, others are neutral, but killing them will allow you to get many different useful materials and resources.

There are also portals to Paradise, the materials for the construction of which, oddly enough, must be sought in Hell. The box for such portals is no longer built from obsidian, but from a glowing stone. The scheme of using the portal to Paradise is similar to the previous one.

How to build a village?

Many rookie players find it impossible to meet people other than themselves in a single player game. Actually, it’s not like that and they are wrong. In the ordinary game world, there are villages modeled by the system, which, thanks to the Russian translation, began to be called cities by force of habit. However, in the original English they remain "village".

In such villages, mobs are always living - villagers. If you plan to stay in the village or just stay there for a considerable amount of time, gradually you will begin to notice that over time, the villagers begin to form their attitude towards you. The better it is, the more profitable the deals with them will be for you.

All villagers are good traders, so it is very important to maintain friendly relations with them, because otherwise, it will become impossible to establish trade relations with them due to the extremely high prices. When unacceptable violent actions are committed against the villagers, their defender, the tall golem, comes into play.

So, you can find such a settlement on the map, just by making a short trip around the world, but you can create it yourself. To build an entire full-fledged village in Minecraft, you do not need to look for a large amount of materials - you just need to have enough special seeds. These seeds need to be planted and ordinary villagers will emerge from them. It is enough just to leave them for one or two nights, and they will take over the construction of the whole village. What to do with this village next is entirely up to you.

The knowledge of how to build entire villages in the Minecraft game is, of course, useful, but this is not enough. Having a whole complex of structures, it is important to know how to properly protect it and protect residents from any kind of dangers. There is a need to protect not only your own house, but also other important objects and points on the map. The main difficulty of this mission is the inability to move as quickly as possible between objects, especially if the distance between them is especially huge. In this case, it is necessary to set traps for mobs.

The trap system is simple. You will need a mechanism, red dust, some imagination, and any kind of switch. You can create mechanisms that will explode, shoot, set off alarms, and more. It is important to correctly connect the switch, which will take over the activation of the entire trap mechanism as a whole. It can be a lever, a button, a stretch, or a pressure plate. It is necessary to combine both important elements with red dust, and the trap is ready! The mechanism of its action is extremely simple: the ill-wisher accidentally activates the mechanism and will be destroyed.

Farm building

It is important during the game to pay attention not only to health, but also to the hunger scale. The less hungry you are, the faster regeneration occurs, so it is very important to eat on time. Food for food can be obtained in nature on their own: to kill livestock for meat, fish or do gardening.

Many are wondering how to build a farm in Minecraft. There is no definite answer to it, because each player relies solely on his own experience in constructing systems that are not required of any precision and strict instructions.

There are many guidelines that can be followed when placing different objects on specific types of trusses. Any kind of farm will fully provide you with food or the necessary resources, if you know how to create and maintain it correctly. It is important to know that all animals need to be fed periodically in order for them to reproduce, and all agricultural crops need regular watering or a close location of a water source.

Create your own castle

As with the question about farms, there is no clear answer on how to build a castle in Minecraft. But the desire to have your own castle awakens in every lover who knows the taste of the game. Of course, not everyone should take on such a structure that requires responsibility and a lot of time, but only those who are well aware of what they are doing and how much effort will need to be spent. However, the process is worth the result - a beautiful stately castle.

When building your own castle, it is important to take into account the architecture and the fact that without some elements the building itself will not take place as a castle. The first such element is the defensive tower. There should be several of them. Its shape, color and size will again completely depend on your imagination.

However, it should be borne in mind that you should get a tall and narrow vertical structure, which will allow you to have an excellent view from its highest point. This overview will allow you to most accurately shoot at the enemy. A convenient weapon in this case is a bow and arrow. Some mods may allow neutral creatures to be sentinels.

As for defensive structures, in general, it is extremely difficult to manage with one or two towers. That is why it is important to build an entire wall for defense. And although most mobs are not able to climb over a wall two or more blocks high, you should not forget that your game character will also not be able to overcome such a height, so do not forget about building a gate.


Any decorative structures are also important! Not all buildings in Minecraft can be useful. Some of them do not carry any benefits, but they may, however, be whole masterpieces of art, the creator of which will not be ashamed to show them to others. Thanks to such structures, any insipid building becomes pleasing to the eye!

Now you just have to grab hold of your imagination and start creating and creating. We hope you found this article helpful, so we welcome your comments. Share the news with your friends! Thanks!


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Minecraft, despite the fact that it has the simplest graphics and simple plot, was able to quickly gain popularity among users. The game has no boundaries in freedom of action. Here everyone can experiment and implement their ideas. You can build anything you want: a portal, a house, mechanisms, entire civilizations, etc.

For example, such a house:

Here they are mainly engaged in the extraction of the necessary resources. They are needed in order to carry out construction, and to carry out battles. New players often have a question about what can be created in such a game? If you don't set a goal, understand everything, it will be difficult to understand how to play. To build something, you always need to have resources. Some of them can be obtained by destroying old objects.

You need to have the tools with which to carry out the construction. The first tools here will be wooden products.
When creating them, you need to destroy the tree. To do this, find several trees and strike at their trunks to get wood. Crafting will be an addition to the tools in such a game. To work with it, you need to create a special workbench from the boards (in this case, there is a chance to make tools such as a pickaxe or an ax). For axes, see the article on how to make an ax.
In this case, you can create a furnace, and already in it you can produce glass and coal. See here How to make a stove. Each craft has its own size. For example, if we talk about a workbench, then its dimensions are 3X3. Naturally, the sizes of objects that will be made here should not exceed such values. The game contains over 170 recipes with schemes for building various objects (for example, weapons). Each recipe needs its own resources.
Crafting here allows you to make some types of resources yourself. If desired, you can form different types of weapons. This game is used by many schools where students can create different civilizations from cubes. With the help of special architectural materials, it is possible to build even Ancient Rome.
Minecraft helps to memorize lessons and also allows you to get pleasant pleasure from the game process. When creating an object from cubes, it makes it possible to find a huge number of sub-options for classes. Moreover, there is a chance to fight all sorts of monsters and defend against them.

All this is included in the Minecraft universe. Beginners will first need to build special structures for protection. If this is not done, then most likely the player simply will not survive. It is easier to fight different monsters if you have many types of weapons.
There are also methods of struggle, to which many guides are devoted. It has always been a joy for gamers to "crumble monsters" since the days of arcade games. Minecraft is able to bring a lot of pleasant sensations to the player.
In such a game, treasure seekers will feel good, since they have something to do here. All dreams can come true here. Especially this game will appeal to those who wanted to mine gold as a child. Among other things, the game makes it possible to create various cars. In this case, it all depends on the fantasy of the player.
If the construction is carried out on a multiplayer server, then other players can help each other with advice. There are special polygons in the game, on which objects are created according to a template.
Buildings are constructed thanks to a game mode called "Creativity". When creating a new world, press the button and select "Creative".
First you need to practice and only then proceed to masterpieces. You can give advice here. Before you start creating something in the game, it is best to draw a plan on a piece of paper - what will be built. A beautiful object of the multiplayer version can always become a decoration of the server.

Many people want to build not a box, but a normal house, but they lack the necessary resources. In this article, you will learn how to build a really beautiful and modern high-tech starting house in Minecraft. All the material from which you need to build a house is very easy to get.

How to build a beautiful house in Minecraft

For construction you will need:

  1. Black concrete;
  2. Gray concrete;
  3. White concrete;
  4. Oak planks;
  5. Birch boards;
  6. Dark oak planks;
  7. Glass blocks;
  8. Glass panels;
  9. Oak leaves (or any others);
  10. Birch steps;
  11. Buckets of water;
  12. Dark oak door.

How to build

  1. First, make a rectangle (in the future a pool) of black concrete, five by seven blocks wide. Then dig in 2 layers of earth and on the bottom layer fill everything up with oak boards.

The beginning of the construction of the foundation of the starting house

  1. Next, place eight blocks of white concrete around the edges of the pool. After that, make a strip with a total length of 21 blocks. Do this on both sides and connect them together. Next, make a shape out of black concrete as shown in the screenshot.

At the beginning I had a small joint, I made one block more. Do not pay attention to this, I will correct it further

  1. Then make the windows 6 blocks long and 5 blocks high. After that, connect them in the same way as in the screenshot. Also build blocks on the sides. On the side where the pool is, build up by two blocks, and on the opposite side by one.

  1. Extend the wall by two blocks from the back. Then step back four blocks and seal the wall completely. Then step back one block to the back, make two passes opposite each other.

  1. Next, make a crossbar from the back side, retreating one block. Then also on the front, only back off three blocks.

  1. From the front, make the ceiling five blocks long (not including the crossbar). Do the same on the bottom side.

  1. On the front side, you need to make a rectangle three by four long. Fill it up with water. In the pool, you can also fill everything with water so that there is an endless source.

  1. Next, start filling the front openings with glass panels and the side openings with glass blocks.

  1. Then make at the top, near the waterfall, a line of oak planks 9 blocks long, so that two go beyond the wall. Then make this design. Make the columns five blocks high (not counting the construction line).

  1. On the front, make windows nine by six blocks in size.

  1. Make a large frame at the back, dividing it into two parts. At the bottom, close up with oak boards so that there are no cracks.

  1. On the front side, make the following frame:

  1. Close up the window openings with glass panels along the entire perimeter. Make a roof at the top (you don't need to make a new layer, just start making a roof, at the end of the top line of windows).

  1. Cover the floor of the second floor with dark oak planks.

  1. Further, at the end of the room (to the right relative to the frontal side) make a full width "hedge" of oak leaves, two blocks high. Then make a line of 6 oak planks. At the bottom, make a staircase two blocks wide. After that, make a railing out of glass panels so that at the end there is an opening in one block.

This is what the finished house will look like:

Your friends can live in such a cozy house, in any quantity, starting from two people. The house is built very easily, if you wish, you can build it from any material. This two-story house is small compared to other structures your friends can build, the materials for this house are not very large and can be easily obtained and made.

How to learn to build beautiful houses in Minecraft

You don't need to know a lot in order to build beautiful houses. It is important to know the following:

  1. First, come up with a plan for your future building. You can draw it on a piece of squared paper.
  2. Don't build simple boxes. Make a corner house or other custom shape. To do this, combine several boxes into one structure and start improving it. You can make the columns from oak or any other wood, and leave the wooden blocks in the background. In general, start creating;
  3. Use several types of blocks;
  4. Try to highlight every detail;
  5. Make an unusual roof. You can make a fireplace with a chimney.

This article is more likely aimed not at the process of building a city itself, although we will talk about construction, but about optimizing the process of building a city itself. Because building a city in Minecraft is a very time consuming activity, then interest must be maintained during this work. This material will touch upon topics that will speed up the construction without resorting to any modifications or third-party applications.

To begin with, I would recommend dividing all the work into stages. This allows you to achieve at least some goals in order to keep your inspiration in good shape. Building a city in Minecraft can be divided into several main stages.

The first stage of construction is planning.

During this stage, the future construction site is formed, surfaces are leveled, urban zones or districts are marked. Also, during this stage, you can sketch out the roads so that you can more easily navigate in the future city. Let the roads now be approximate and more schematic, but it will be easier to work with them later. Here I would recommend using the "fill" command, which allows you to instantly fill rectangular areas with the blocks you want. It is enough to know the coordinates of the opposite corners and the name of the block. If you need to delete a lot of blocks, then put "air" as a placeholder.

The second stage is the development of a building style.

Here we need to decide in what style we will build buildings. For this we will build several houses. Three or four will be enough. If you have plans building a modern city in Minecraft with high-rise buildings and skyscrapers, where there are typical, repeating floors, you can use the "clone" command, which allows you to clone areas. Thus, you can copy the floors and complete the building as high as you want, while maintaining the overall style and saving a lot of time. When we have several buildings ready, we will already represent the general style of the future city and the main materials from which future buildings will be built.

Further, the construction of the city depends on the number of districts or zones of the city

Each new area can be considered as a separate stage. What advice can there be? First, the city must have some kind of center with trade, administrative buildings, and so on. Several areas should be dormitory, where mainly residential buildings will be built. We must not forget about residential buildings, as some people often make the mistake that the city is filled with shops, offices, motels, bars and others, and there are almost no residential buildings. Secondly, residential areas can be further distinguished from each other by the level of income of those who will live there. That is, luxury apartments, housing for the middle class and poor streets, where small huts are piled on top of each other. Thirdly, do not forget about the industrial zone, where either factories or other industries will be located, depending on the chosen style. Fourthly, somewhere on the outskirts of the city there must surely be fields and livestock farms that must provide the residents of the city with food. If a river flows near the city, then a fishing camp can be built. Yes, and the port area can be created when there is an exit to the water nearby. And if you remembered about the port area, then how can you not mention the warehouse area, where, apart from warehouses, there should be almost nothing. In general, there are a lot of ideas about what areas should be in the city.

Speaking about specific buildings, it is fashionable to remember the following: the central square, a church, a hospital, a gas station, a fire station with a tower from which you can see the whole city or area for which this station operates. A police station for a modern city, or a palace guard house for a medieval city. In any city, of course, there should be shops, stalls and markets. A church, temple or other similar place is a frequent feature of almost any city. The post office building, which is usually located in the center. Various monuments, parks, alleys will undoubtedly decorate the adjacent buildings. You can also envisage a cemetery. Of course, it will not be located in the city itself, but somewhere outside it or on the outskirts, but you should not forget about it. Sometimes military corps may be located in cities. Or there may be some kind of military base on the outskirts. An airport for a modern large settlement is simply a must. Casinos, restaurants, cafes, bars, taverns and other entertainment establishments. Hotels, inns and taverns are also necessary to receive guests. Perhaps your city will have some special structures - architectural monuments or simply unique buildings. An example of this is the pyramids of Ancient Egypt or the modern skyscraper in Dubai. You can also insert something from fictional worlds into the city: Tony Stark's tower, Batman's castle with its underground cave and other famous things. Perhaps on their basis you will compose something completely new and your own. I probably missed a lot when listing the options, but just look at the map of any major city to see a lot of examples of what a city needs.

The last step is to complete unfinished buildings, connect everything with roads as it should, and arrange the roads themselves in a better quality. Maybe add some kind of transport: cars, buses, carriages, carts. In the latter, be sure to harness the horses. Decorate empty spaces with trees, shrubs, lamp posts and flowers. And enjoy the finished city! Now you understand that the answer to the question how to quickly build a city in Minecraft not so simple.

Video: building your city without mods

To whom this is not enough, he may think about underground communications. Or it will be a system of sewerage and water supply, or catacombs and ancient burials, or both combined. And later it will be possible to start building the next settlement. Perhaps you started construction from a small town, and later decide to build an entire capital for your world. Or from a small fantasy town, you decide to move to an underground city of dwarves and an elven settlement towering on huge trees. Hope my advice was helpful and you now know how to build a city in minecraft without resorting to third-party apps or mods.

Are you dreaming of creating impressive buildings that will be remembered among the players in Minecraft, but do not know where to start? Below you will find tons of ideas and a ton of inspiration for realizing your plans, finding the resources you need, and developing your creativity. Just get started from the first step!


Part 1

Buildings and constructions

    Build a maze. You can build an underground labyrinth for yourself or people on the server. If you want to make it more scary, launch the Herobrine mod and activate it in the maze. We are not responsible for the result of your fright!

    Build a Temple named after Yourself. Make a temple to worship yourself! Of course, you can build a temple or church to worship anyone or anything, but it is also interesting to build them for performing rituals for yourself.

    Build a freeway. Clever Minecraft players have figured out how to use the minecart system to build a highway. Experiment with creating your own scenic highway, or search for such plans in the search engine.

    Build a castle. Of course, the first thing we build in Minecraft is a hideout ... so what better proof of mastery than building an epic castle? Its construction in hard-to-reach places, for example, on a mountain, will be considered a special chic.

    Build a farm. Killing mobs for resource extraction is useful, but boring. A more interesting way is to breed mobs. There are many instructions on how to do this on the internet, so you can choose the option that works for you.

    Build a celestial fortress. Start taking off and building your epic heavenly home! It may not be just a house, but a whole castle. You don't need any tutorials to build this great building, just creativity and some skill!

    Build a museum. Building museums is fun and easy. Search the internet for matching pictures or official plans for real museums!

    Make miniature games. For example, you can create your own version of Five Nights at Freddy's or Clash of Clans!

    Get into pixel art. Pixel art will help you create your own character or even a video game hero.

    Part 2

    Worlds and environments
    1. Adventure Time! Once Bilbo Baggins went on a journey, and now it's your turn. Build a complex world with all the attributes of fantasy, be it a haunted forest or mountains full of dangers. When you're done, you can go on your epic hike and write about your adventures.

      Build a pirate ship and island. Build a large island with a tavern, a pirate port and a ship sailing across the open sea! You can also erect interesting structures on it, for example the Temple of Destiny.

      Build a spaceship and create the universe itself. Use obsidian blocks in Creative Mode to create a huge black space, then use plugins or codes to generate huge planet-like spheres. You can then create an inhabited spaceship traveling between planets.

      • Fill a glass ball with lava to create a sun!
    2. Build a volcano. Make a huge volcano filled with lava. Bonus if you can build yourself a villainous lair inside a volcano. Glass can be used to trap lava and keep light in your hideout.

      Create large trees with buildings inside. Build trees, as in Avatar or the Sacred Moon, the satellite of the planet Endor in Star Wars, at the largest possible scale, and then fill the roots, trunk and branches with houses and transitions. Then invite your friends to throw an Ewok party!

    Part 3

    Utility models and inventions

      Build a train system. You can use the tracks, carts, redstone system, and physics in the game to build a fully automated train system. You can do it in a mine, or even build a real train and train station for people visiting your world.

      Build an elevator. You can use redstone and command blocks to build an elevator in your buildings. It's surprisingly easy to do, and you'll find many different instructions on the internet.

      Build a sorter. By using hoppers, you can create systems that sort your things quickly and efficiently. This is useful not only in mines, but also in your hideout. Information on building various types of such systems can be found on the Internet.

      Build street lights. By using daylight switches with a converter, you can build light-sensitive street lights that turn on when it gets dark. Use this to protect players and important paths from aggressive mobs at night.

      Build a trap for mobs. Mob traps are often large and cunning devices that trap and automatically kill mobs, usually by drowning them. There are many different designs to suit any budget, so there will definitely be plenty to choose from. Many workshops can be found on YouTube.

      Build a trap for griefers. Haven't you been hit by griefers yet? Let's start building a trap for them! Look for instructions - there are many ways to do it!

    Part 4

    Real world inspiration

      Build copies of national monuments. Create complex detailed copies of famous landmarks, monuments, and other structures. Set them up so that your players or friends can travel around the world in just a few minutes if they want.

      Recreate the setting from your favorite TV show. Take inspiration from your favorite TV series and create your own version of the scene. You can, for example, build a school, like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Finn's tree house from Adventure Time.

      Recreate your city or area. Recreate the area where you grew up. Build your school, local parks, your home and other places where you spend time.

      Recreate the setting from your favorite book. Use your imagination to the fullest and recreate the setting of your favorite books - for example, The Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit or Moomin Dol. Let your imagination know no bounds!

      Recreate your room. Take one room and recreate it on a large scale. Make one block equal to 5-10 centimeters. As a result, the doors will be as tall as a skyscraper. If you want, you can build yourself a house within these walls and live like Gulliver in the land of giants!

    Part 5

    Crazy stuff

      Make cannons for mobs. On the internet, you can find many plans for building such a cannon. Explosive objects using redstone and TNT launch sheep directly into the world of Ether! Why don't cows fly?

      Build a TARDIS. You can use Command Blocks to create the iconic device from Doctor Who, a blue police box that's much larger on the inside than on the outside. You can find helpful guides on YouTube and all over the internet.

      Build the Titanic. Build yourself a replica of the Titanic, then have fun on board with your friends. You can of course make a regular cruise ship too. It might even be safer!

      Get some pixel art. You can jump back into the world of 8-bit characters like Mario or Zelda and use Minecraft to create huge pixel art objects! Get creative and create an environment that you and your friends will enjoy. 8-bit music (chiptune) will add a special twist: welcome to the nineties!

      Make a work game or computer. If you are truly unique and willing to put in a decent amount of time, figure out how to make work computers and other complex mechanical devices. On the internet you can find examples of 3D printers, working computers and even Pacman games!

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