Which lotto chip is called “grandfather”? Lottery jargon: as experienced participants of the “Russian Lotto” put it. Names of barrels. Origins

Today in none of the civilized countries there is a person who does not have an idea about lotto. And of course, each of us is able to say, even half asleep, what the name of the barrel with number 90 is. The historical homeland of the game is Europe. The Russian name “lotto” comes from France - “Loto” and from Italy - “Lotto”. In countries where the English-speaking population rules, lotto is called “Bingo”, which means “Victory”, “There is”, in the CIS countries it bears the name acquired during the reign of the tsars in Russia - “Russian Lotto”.

"Russian Lotto" - a game-universe

Lotto became most widespread in Russia in Soviet times. This is the time when everyone, young and old, knew what the name of the barrel with number 90 was.

Soviet families preferred to spend their leisure time playing lotto. One has only to remember how in the 90s, a successful alternative to television in many families was playing lotto, to which entire evenings were devoted. The opportunity to involve all family members in general leisure, regardless of age and level of erudition, was the main reason for the popularity of the game.

What's so great about the game?

Today, playing lotto is not just an interesting, exciting pastime, but also a chance to win a valuable prize. Many of us cherish the hope of winning the desired, but practically unattainable, separate housing or vehicle in the lottery. Several years ago, with the launch of such mass lotteries as “SuperLoto” and “Your Lotto”, Russian lotto received a chance for a new life, and every Russian-speaking TV viewer, even those who did not know this before, remembered what the name of the barrel was with number 90 and his 89 friends.

Names of barrels. Origins

The names of the barrels in Russian lotto reflect all the richness of centuries-old Russian imagination. Here are some of them:

  • “grandfather” (90), “grandmother” (80);
  • "pretzels" (88);
  • “axe” (7), “hatchets” (77);
  • “back and forth” (69);
  • “half a hundred” (50);
  • “We ask for half” (48);
  • “curly” (33);
  • “I eat alone” (41);
  • “swan” (2), “geese-swans” (22);
  • "point" (21);
  • “drumsticks” (11);
  • “for three” (3);
  • "stake" (1).

Each of the above names of barrels in lotto has a certain logical explanation. For example, “grandfather” (90) is the “oldest” among the barrels, and its name fully reflects this, “swan” (2) - the number “two” looks like a swan with its long neck, “swan geese” (22) , which means goose and swan (the goose also has a long arched neck); “axe” (7) is a graphic representation of the number “seven” like a hatchet, “hatchets” (77) are two sevens, i.e. two hatchets, and so on.

Playing lotto is not only excitement and adrenaline, but also a kind of test of attentiveness. If you get distracted and miss just one named number, your winnings can literally “float away” from your hands.

Rules of the game

The intrigue is maintained from the first to the last moment of the gameplay. Either one person or several participants at the same time can win.

The number of players is not limited and tends to infinity. One of the players is the leader. Usually this is a person who accurately remembers the original names of the barrels in Russian lotto. The presenter can also take part in the game as a full-fledged player with game cards. The presenter is solemnly presented with a bag of kegs with denominations from one to ninety. An obligatory part of preparing for the game is the process of reproducing in the players’ memory what name the barrel with number 90 and its brothers have. Before the game starts, the kegs in the bag are thoroughly mixed.

Each player receives (according to old customs) from one to three cards. The cards have three rows of numbers. Each row has 9 cells, 5 of which are occupied by numbers, and you have to play with them.

Order of play

The presenter, without looking, takes one barrel out of the bag, names it out loud and puts it aside, at this time the players check whether there is such a number on their cards, and if so, cross it out.

It should be remembered that the same number can be repeated in several available cards, and you need to cross it out in all of them.

Traditionally, the winner is the player who crosses out all the numbers on one of their cards. But there are other options for the game, as mentioned above, when there can be several winners. In the “Short Lotto” version of the game, the winner is the one who crossed out all the numbers on one of the lines of any card in hand. If the game is played in the “three by three” mode, then the winner will be the one who first closes the bottom line of any of the available cards. When one of the players closes the top line, everyone except the one who closed doubles their bets. When the middle line is closed, the player takes a third of the bet.

Semyon Semyonich! Drumsticks! For the first time! Swan geese! - everyone who was born in the Union probably remembers these rollicking cries. These are the names of the kegs and the real jargon of seasoned lotto players. Let's talk about the classics?

About the origins

Lotto came to the Russian Empire in the 18th century, almost two centuries behind Europe. It was in European Italy of the 16th century that the word lotto was first used, which translates as “lottery”, “participation in the lottery”, “draw a winning ticket”, “he was lucky”. Having appeared in our country, the tabletop immediately captivated the circle of the nobility, subsequently spreading among other segments of the population.

In 1926, the poet Igor Severyanin wrote in a sonnet of the same name: “Foxtrot, cinema and lotto - That’s where the flock of people rushes!” Lotto was indeed a very fashionable leisure activity among the entire society, regardless of gender, age, status and education. They began to call him “Russian” because of the wooden barrels that first appeared in Russia.

Wooden barrels in the lotto game first appeared in Russia

Lotto became truly iconic during the period of the USSR, when entire families, friends and neighbors gathered around the same table. They put different things at stake: from interest and sweets, to buttons and kopecks. They played often and in large groups: lotto firmly occupied a central place on the shelves with popular board games of that time.

At the peak of its popularity, in 1994, the game appeared on television screens in the format of the Russian Lotto television lottery.

According to lotto rules

Lotto is: 24 cards, each of which contains 15 random numbers (5 in a row); 90 plastic or wooden barrels with numbers on the ends; and a bag from which the “screamer” “in the dark” takes out the treasured numbers.

From two to thirty people can play lotto, depending on the number of cards. The barrels are poured into a bag, from which the leader, who can also be a player, takes one and loudly calls the number indicated on it. If players have a named number on their cards, they cover it. According to the rules of the “short lotto”, the winner is the one who is the first to cover all the numbers in one of the horizontal rows of his cards. The winner of the “simple lotto” is the one who covers all the numbers on one card.

According to the rules of "Russian Lotto"

Some Russian Lotto draws involve more than a million tickets, and each of them is unique.

They play the lottery in three rounds:

  • 1st round

The winning tickets are those in which all five numbers on any horizontal line match the numbers of the barrels drawn from the bag before others. “Stop the game!” - say the presenters of “Russian Lotto” when a winner appears in the round.

You must match all five numbers of any horizontal line
  • 2nd round

The winning tickets are those in which all 15 numbers in one of the cards match the numbers of the barrels drawn from the bag before the others. If 15 numbers on your ticket are closed in one of the fields in the first 15 moves, you have won the Jackpot!

  • 3rd and subsequent rounds

The winning tickets are those in which the thirty numbers that match the numbers of the barrels drawn from the bag before others match. The winners of the “Russian Lotto” are added to almost every barrel. The opportunity to win remains until the last round!

In the jargon

Particularly chic when playing lotto is the use of jargon, which seems to separate experienced participants from beginners. It is certainly unknown who and when came up with the unusual associative series, but the fact remains that over time, the jargon of lotto players gained great popularity and spread throughout the country.

The point of using jargon is to add color, mischief and dynamism to the game. The jargon has become so firmly established that it is still relevant today. Thus, the permanent host of the Russian Lotto program, Mikhail Borisov, does not at all shun jargon, adding zest and fun to the Sunday broadcast. And more than that! The legendary giver of good luck himself gives some of the barrels their own names. We invite you to remember them.

Keg number Name
1 Col, Peter I
2 Again a deuce?, Two comrades served
3 Three, 3rd millennium with Russian Lotto
4 All four wheels
5 Excellent student
6 Dot below Button below
7 Kocherezhka
8 Wedding rings
9 Dot below Button below, Aivazovsky - 9th shaft
10 Bulls-eye, Skull, Fedor Cherenkov, Chervonets
11 Drumsticks
12 Shakespeare, 12th Night, Dozen
13 Baker's dozen, Vakhtangov
14 Olympics in Sochi
15 Captain at fifteen
16 Sixteen all around
17 Where are my seventeen years
18 For the first time
20 Goose on a plate, Swan Lake
21 Point, Blackjack
22 Ducklings
23 Two swats, three swats
25 Twenty five again
30 I have no mind
33 Curls
36 Normal temperature
38 38 parrots, Petrovka, 38
43 Stalingrad
44 Chairs; 44 cheerful siskins lived in an apartment
45 Baba berry again, Victory Day
47 Baba berry at all, Silver (in the periodic table)
48 Pele
50 Half a hundred
51 The Fab Five and the Goalkeeper
53 Cold summer of '53
55 Gloves ( Instead of felt boots, I put gloves on my heels)
56 Thaw
61 Gagarin
63 Valentina Tereshkova
64 Chessboard (number of squares on a chessboard)
66 Felt boots
69 Back and forth
77 Hatchets
79 Gold (in the periodic table)
80 Grandmother, Olympics in Moscow
81 Grandmother with a hockey stick
82 Grandma said in two
88 Matryoshka dolls, Ants
89 Grandfather's neighbor
90 Grandfather

*The starters used in a traditional board game are shown in bold. In italics - ringleaders invented by Mikhail Borisov.

Russian Lotto is one of the most exciting games that can be played by 2 or more people. Both adults and children enjoy playing it, and simple rules allow even kids to be involved in this entertainment. Lotto is ideal for a family evening, as it gives all players a lot of positive emotions.

The word "lotto" appears to be of French origin ("loto") or Italian origin ("lotto"). It combines gambling using special cards with numbers printed on them (usually rows and columns).

The rules of the game “Russian Lotto” are simple and clear. You can play lotto at home or any other place, the main thing is that you have a suitable “company”.

There are several types of rules for the Russian Lotto game:

Before the start of the game, the participants agree on which Russian Lotto game they will play.

1. Simple LOTTO- The one who is the first to cover all the numbers on one of his cards wins. He takes the bank. Typically, when playing simple LOTTO, each player receives three cards.

2. Short LOTTO- The first one to cover all the numbers in any one line wins. Typically, when playing short LOTTO, each player receives one card.

When one of the players fills any top line, the rest double their bets into the pot;

When one of the players fills any middle row, he takes half of the pot;

When one of the players fills out any bottom line, he is declared the winner and takes the entire bank.

In a three-on-three game, it is possible to create unequal conditions between players who have made unequal contributions to the bank. Any player can double or even triple his contribution and receive not one, but, accordingly, two or three cards. This is possible because it is considered that a “card is played” and each card has equal rights and responsibilities, regardless of how many cards the player has.

At the beginning of the game, the leader is chosen, he may receive cards and participate in the game on an equal basis with others, or he may not receive them, this is determined by an agreement between the players.

The presenter blindly takes one barrel from the bag at a time, after which he announces its number. There is a special terminology for announcing numbers in LOTTO:

Composition of the Russian Lotto game

Wooden barrels 90 pieces, with numbers on the ends from 1 to 90;

There are 24 cardboard game cards, each card has three rows of cells, each row contains five numbers from 1 to 90 in random order;

Plastic or cardboard counters (markers) for covering cells with numbers;

Opaque pouch for storing wooden barrels.

Rules of the simple game “Russian Lotto”

Each player receives three game cards and places them in front of them in a convenient order. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the barrels out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who received a number or numbers cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes one of the lines on his cards, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the leader takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The first player to cover all the numbers on one of the cards wins.

Rules for playing short Russian Lotto

Each player receives one game card. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the barrels out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who received a number or numbers cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes four out of five numbers in any line, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the presenter takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The first player to cover all the numbers on any line wins.

In Russia, lotto acquired its final form and became what we know it now. Lotto began to be made in the form of small wooden barrels with numbers, which finally formed the image of the “Russian lotto”, since a barrel in Russia is always associated with a barrel of wine, and with a barrel of honey, and with a barrel of sauerkraut in villages, and of course with a tub of ice water in a Russian bath.

Lotto was not deprived of Russian folk humor. And some of the numbers on the barrels acquired their own names. Here are some of them:

1 - count;
2 - pair; swan
3 - trinity; for three persons
4- on four sides
5- nickel
7- poker, axe, seven spans
8 – steering wheel
9 – Victory Day
10 - hourly;
11 — drum sticks;
12 - dozen;
13 - damn dozen;
20 – swan lake, goose on a plate
21 points
22 - ducklings;
24 – swan on a chair
25 - again 25;
27 – swan with an ax
29 - twenty girls
33 three-three, curly, curls
36 – three dozen
38- 38 parrots
40- forty forty
41 eat alone
44 — chairs;
45 - Baba Berry again, on the way
48- we ask for half
50 - half a hundred; anniversary
55 — gloves; dog ears. Petr Petrovich, pensioner
60 – pensioner, five dozen
66 — felt boots; ninety nine
69 - back and forth;
70- ax in the lake
77 – hatchets, Semyon Semenych
80 - grandmother;
81- grandma with a stick
85- perestroika
88- rolls. Rolls fresh from the oven
87- grandma with an ax
89 - grandfather's neighbor, almost there, all except one.
90 – grandfather, “grandfather”.

Not enough books? Read it!

February 26, 2010

The territory of Russia falls into 11 time zones. And, as you know, for convenience, their borders are combined with the borders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Except for the Sakhalin region, which is included in two time zones, and Yakutia, which is included in three.

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