The command for transferring money to minecraft. Transferring money to a friend in Minecraft: procedure

When you play Minecraft, you can create a variety of items, as well as mine a wide variety of different resources. However, you cannot buy and sell them for money, as there is no such concept in the game. Only the rules of natural exchange apply here. If you play on a multiplayer server, you can exchange those items or materials that you need for what another gamer needs. In the single player game, a system is implemented that is more close to the monetary one, since there you can bargain with city dwellers using emeralds as currency. However, it is still much better to install a special modification that adds full-fledged money to the game - you can earn it. Of course, everything is not so difficult here - work most often means performing any actions that you would have to do one way or another. The lumberjack is paid for the procurement of planks, the miner is paid for the prey, the hunter is paid for killing the game, and so on. But how do you handle the money you earn? How to transfer money in Minecraft?

Balance view

There are quite a few actions in the game that you can take with the new currency. And before trying to figure out how to transfer money in Minecraft, you need to understand the principle. So, first you go to work - no one limits you in your work. - do more actions required of you. But it is quite difficult to control your balance from memory, because the game interface does not display how much money you have in your account. For this there is a special command - money, after the introduction of which you will see exactly how much money you have now. And only then you can already think about how to transfer money in Minecraft to someone.

Transferring money to another player

What is trading in Minecraft with the mod installed? One bidder transfers the money and the other transfers the goods. Accordingly, you need to learn how to transfer money in Minecraft in order to be able to trade and receive the things you need for your honestly earned money. Again, everything is decided - money pay, only this time the syntax is a little more complicated. After the command itself, you need to write the nickname of the player to whom you want to transfer money, and then also the amount that you will transfer. Here you need to be extremely vigilant so as not to send money to another player, or to not send an amount of ten, or even a hundred times more than you wanted. This is how trading takes place in Minecraft when money is added to it. However, this is far from all that you can do with currency. You have yet to find out on the server in the city treasury, which is also very important.

Transfer of money to the treasury

On servers with a currency system, there are often cities ruled by mayors - they are the most important game figures. They can distribute professions between gamers, create projects for the construction of new buildings, and so on. And the fact that you know how to transfer money to "Minecraft" to a friend will not be enough - now you will need to make contributions to the city treasury. This is done using the town deposit command, after which the required amount is indicated.

Receiving money from the treasury

The city's treasury is constantly replenished, but it must be used for the benefit of the population. For this there is a special command - town withdraw, which can only be used by mayors and other managers of a particular city. Having withdrawn money from the account of the settlement, you can further dispose of it for the benefit of the city itself and its population.

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On multiplayer Minecraft game resources, you may have many situations in which you will earn virtual money that can be useful in the gameplay. For example, you take on some work (digger, miner, warrior, blacksmith, etc.) or win something in casinos that exist on a large number of servers (thanks to special plugins installed there by admins). In addition, if you have accumulated a surplus of any valuable items or materials, you usually store them in chests, at the risk of losing such wealth due to other users' griffings. However, for sure you will often flicker the idea of ​​selling such resources at a profit and purchase with the freed up funds something you need at a particular game moment.

In any case, check your own cash balance first. To do this, use the console through which you usually send messages to the chat. Press Т to call it. Now put in one simple word - / money. The English language designation of money will help you see the amount of funds available in your account. After making sure that you have enough of them, you can transfer some of them to someone else from other users - when such a need exists. How exactly to do this depends on the specific circumstances and the installation of certain plugins on the server.

If iConomy is installed on the resource where you are playing, you can easily give part of your money to another participant thanks to a special team. Write / money pay in the chat, and then the recipient's nickname and the amount transferred to him - and the funds will be credited to his game account almost instantly. You can also pre-check the status of its balance. To do this, enter a similar phrase on the console, but without specifying the amount and the word pay - / money and the player's nickname. Right there on the screen you will see the numbers you need.

If you have administrator rights on the server with iConomy, you will have more options in terms of transferring money than ordinary users. Enter / money give on the console indicating the recipient's nickname and the amount - and the player you want to do good will receive money, but you will not have a decrease in the amount of funds on your account. If instead of give you enter set, a certain gamer will have a balance at the desired level. It will be just as easy for you to withdraw any amount from the player. Just enter the above command, replacing give with take, and the system will take the amount of funds you named from the gamer.


With The Money Mod installed, use other commands than those listed above. To check your balance, enter / balance in the chat, and if you want to see its previous state, enter / load. In this case, however, you will be allowed to transfer money exclusively to the server store - when purchasing various items. To do this, type another command - / buy and specify the ID of the item you are purchasing. See the assortment of the outlet itself after entering the chat / shop. Prices for items are usually random and do not depend on the owners of the server, but on the whim of those who created The Money Mod.

Between players in Minecraft, in addition to purely human relations, commodity-money relations can exist. Often they resell various resources to each other or perform other actions, as a result of which it may be necessary to transfer a certain amount of funds to someone. However, not everyone knows how to do this.

You will need

  • - chat
  • - special mods and plugins


  • On multiplayer Minecraft game resources, you may have many situations in which you will earn virtual money that can be useful in the gameplay.

    For example, you take on some work (digger, miner, warrior, blacksmith, etc.) or win something in casinos that exist on a large number of servers (thanks to special plugins installed there by admins). In addition, if you have accumulated a surplus of any valuable items or materials, you usually store them in chests, at the risk of losing such wealth due to other users' griffings. However, for sure you will often flicker the idea of ​​selling such resources at a profit and purchase with the freed up funds something you need at a particular game moment.

  • In any case, check your own cash balance first. To do this, use the console through which you usually send messages to the chat. Press Т to call it. Now put in one simple word - / money. The English language designation of money will help you see the amount of funds available in your account. After making sure that you have enough of them, you can transfer some of them to someone else from other users - when such a need exists. How exactly to do this depends on the specific circumstances and the installation of certain plugins on the server.
  • If iConomy is installed on the resource where you are playing, you can easily give part of your money to another participant thanks to a special team. Write / money pay in the chat, and then the recipient's nickname and the amount transferred to him - and the funds will be credited to his game account almost instantly. You can also pre-check the status of its balance. To do this, enter a similar phrase on the console, but without specifying the amount and the word pay - / money and the player's nickname. Right there on the screen you will see the numbers you need.
  • If you have administrator rights on the server with iConomy, you will have more options in terms of transferring money than ordinary users. Enter / money give on the console indicating the recipient's nickname and the amount - and the player you want to do good will receive money, but you will not have a decrease in the amount of funds on your account. If instead of give you enter set, a certain gamer will have a balance at the desired level. It will be just as easy for you to withdraw any amount from the player. Just enter the above command, replacing give with take, and the system will take the amount of funds you named from the gamer.
  • Minecraft doesn't have a full-fledged currency that players can use to trade with each other. The rules of natural exchange apply here, that is, only resources are used. As a last resort, you can use emeralds as currency, but still this is just an improvisation. However, this problem can be easily solved by installing a special modification. It not only introduces currency into the game, but also adds a variety of operations that you can perform with it. Naturally, when such a mod is installed on the server, players start to have questions, for example, how in "Minecraft" or how to check the status of their account? You can find the answer to all these questions in this article, since they can be solved very simply - with the help

    Balance check

    It is unlikely that anyone will think first of all about how to transfer money to Minecraft - everyone thinks about themselves first. Therefore, the most important command for this modification is money. When you enter this command and activate it, your current balance will be displayed on the screen. Thus, you will always know how much finance is in your account. And, based on this, you can plan your costs. Naturally, this is not the only command you can use.

    Checking the balance of another player

    Given the fact that this plugin is not incredibly advanced and was created by amateurs, you should understand that it will not be close to reality. Therefore, at any time you can check not only your balance, but also the balance of other players. To do this, it is enough to add the player's nickname to the money command, and you will receive information about how much money he has on his account. On the one hand, this is good, since you cannot be deceived or misled - you can always check the account of the player with whom you are going to trade. But on the other hand, your balance will always be monitored by other players, and there is no getting away from it. So, it's time to solve the most interesting question - how to transfer money to Minecraft.

    Transfer of money

    The money that was added to the game through the modification is used in most cases directly for trading between players - they are not suitable for anything else. Therefore, it is important for other players to know, because the process is not automatic. The gamer gives you an item that you would like to have, and in return you must transfer money to him manually. Accordingly, you need to know the money pay command, which transfers funds to the player's account, whose nickname you write after this command. Naturally, you must understand that this method is extremely risky. Any of the participants in the transaction can cheat, so it remains only to rely on the decency of the players. But now, with the knowledge of how to give money in Minecraft, you can start serious work. Naturally, remembering to hire a couple of bodyguards to avoid being cheated.

    Other commands

    In fact, these three teams are the key ones for the player. However, there are many more commands in total - you can learn them with the combination money help, which will display all existing commands on the screen. There are quite a few of them, but, unfortunately, most of them are available only to administrators. Therefore, you will have to figure out how to make money in Minecraft on your own, because with the introduction of this modification, this issue is most acute for many gamers. It is quite possible that you come across a server on which this system is optimized as much as possible, and then you can get the most out of the game.

    Money usually appears in Minecraft when it comes to playing on servers and other multiplayer resources. Then gamers, if the admins install the appropriate plugins on this playground, have the opportunity to earn material rewards in various ways and, accordingly, spend it on useful resources.

    So, players can be hired to work and receive a salary prescribed by the rules for completing certain tasks. For this, by the way, they do not need to study in any virtual university to acquire a specialty. It will be enough to take on yourself - with the help of the appropriate commands in the chat - the duties of a warrior, blacksmith, builder, designer, etc. (more than a dozen available professions) and simply complete game missions that correspond to the declared occupation.

    Another possible source of income is setting up your own store (using a regular chest) to sell various valuable resources to the rest of the server users. Thus, a player who has in stock a lot of diamonds, emeralds, expensive armor, etc., will be able to get good money for them, which he will then spend in the same way on what he needs at a particular moment of the gameplay - but already at the outlet another gamer or administration.

    In addition, often the creators of one or another server organize for its users a kind of casino, where it is possible, by spending the available funds, to get a randomly dropped prize. Of course, there is also a risk of wasting money (if the slot machine does not give out anything in exchange for money), but it all depends on the player's luck.

    Checking the balance in the game

    In any case, he needs to control the virtual cash flows passing through his account. This is especially important on servers, where the conditions for survival and successful play are quite tough, first of all - at first, when the resources available to gamers are limited. In such a situation, the possibility of a reasonable spending of capital will be the key to further advancement in the gameplay.

    Usually, in order to view his monetary balance, the player uses certain commands by entering them into the chat (it is called by pressing T). For this purpose, it is served by the word / money. Entering it into the console, the gamer will see the specific amount in his account, and then he will already decide how to dispose of it.

    If there are certain Permissions (usually issued by those who have administrator rights on a given multiplayer resource), the player will also be able to spy on the monetary balance of another user. To do this, he should enter the slightly above command / money, but at the same time specify the nickname of the one whose account state he wants to know through a space. However, this is only possible if the iConomy plugin is installed on the server.

    If the admins have installed Money Mod, the commands for viewing the balance will be slightly different. So, with the help of / load, the player will see how much money he had in his account during the previous save (which is done by typing / save into the chat). He will be able to see the current situation in this regard after using the / balance command. Thus, it will not be difficult for him to control his own virtual expenses.

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