Little nightmares heroes. Little Nightmares are nightmares for the adult audience. What to visit in Little Nightmares

The Swedes from Tarsier got overwhelmed, and instead of bright and kind games for children, they made a horror movie where these same children are eaten and boiled alive in boiling water


Tarsier is a tiny independent studio located in the Swedish city of Malmö. Over its almost ten-year history, she managed to work on additions for the first and second, over, as well as a re-release for PS4.

Needless to say, many were surprised, to put it mildly, when, in May 2014, the authors of pretty and good-natured arcades announced a dark game about a little girl surrounded by monsters, tentatively titled Hunger. After some time, everyone safely forgot about this project, until in August 2016 she became interested in it. Namco... The game got a publisher, and the name was changed to.

Tells the story of a starving little girl named Six who is unlucky enough to find herself in a gruesome, surreal underwater complex. The womb - as the complex is called - is something like an elite resort for fat and ugly creatures who while away their leisure time eating dishes from animal meat, fish and human flesh. Therefore, it is not surprising that the poor fellow immediately grabs the opportunity to get out of the Womb, as soon as she has one. It’s a pity that she doesn’t know what hidden corners of her own consciousness this perilous misadventure will lead.

It seems that the game world itself resists the presence of the Sixth, trying to drive the unfortunate woman into a state of panic horror. Some worms swarm in the shadows with an eerie squelch, water drips from the ceiling, and a disgusting grinding and loud monotonous breathing of something large and clearly unfriendly can be heard from behind the walls. Each location is intimidating in its own way, whether it's a library with dusty bookshelves, or a kitchen littered with meat and severed fish heads.

Some rooms are flooded with an unpleasant light from lamps that have turned yellow over time, while others have to be illuminated by the tiny flame of the small lighter Six carries in the pocket of her raincoat. I must say, sometimes you don't want the light to burn at all: it allows you to see the bloody prints of someone's hands on the walls or traces of a fierce struggle.

The constantly growing feeling of anxiety and horror is reinforced by the musical accompaniment, which literally screams about the inevitability of a painful death. But only it warns of danger, gaining precious seconds for the Sixth, necessary for salvation.

And you will have to run and hide often. The monsters are huge and the girl has no chance to somehow resist them. You have to rely on a trick: to distract them by dropping clay pots, turn on the dusty TV in the next room at full volume, or just sit in the shade, holding your breath, and hope that the scab will just pass by. It is worth losing vigilance or hesitating for a second, the grotesque creature will immediately overtake the Sixth, sending her back to the nearest conservation. This is a kind of cat and mouse game.

One of the key advantages lies in the fact that she can tell everything about herself without further ado. The world of the game itself, the terrible creatures inhabiting it and even the musical arrangement without any plot videos and dialogues tell an interesting and intriguing story. The players will have to guess and understand many details of the plot themselves, since the game is in no hurry to share details either at the beginning or even at the very end. And after the end credits, you will definitely have a lot of questions.

To bookmarks

The game was originally called Hunger, and the main driving force was the feeling of hunger. But in the process of development, the work of the Tarsier studio changed: endless hunger and the idea of ​​a small person in a big and scary world remained, but something else was added. Something big and scary. Secret.

Worm in the Womb

From the promotional materials, we can find out that this is happening in the Womb - a small underwater city that pops up every few years and receives guests. The guests are all fat, weak-willed creatures, obsessed with only one thing - to eat. It sounds rude, but there is no other way to call it: they are all as disgusting as their food is disgusting. You are what you eat.

It can be assumed that this is an allusion to the modern society of endless consumption.

In addition to the guests, the attendants of the Womb and the mysterious Mistress, there are also Nomes - funny little creatures with caps on their heads who need to be looked for and hugged. Why - the game does not tell, but it seems to be important.

The game does not say anything at all: how fashionable it is now, you have to reach everything yourself. This is partly why, towards the end, Little Nightmares becomes similar to Bloodborne: no, there are no Lovecraft monsters and ancient castles, but the atmosphere of mystery and constant danger does not allow you to relax - it seems that you are about to accumulate enough insight points and see vile creatures hanging from the walls ...

The womb resembles a dollhouse, so the locals are also like dolls. Utterly disgusting dolls

The sixth is dressed in a bright yellow raincoat, while everything around is gray and gloomy. She is Chekhov's little man at the feast of the all-powerful. None of the nomes are able to overcome themselves and challenge those higher in the food chain. But she can. She is a catalyst. And she's hungry.

The Womb itself is a kind of Entertainment Land from The Adventures of Pinocchio, but a thousand times more creepy. Only Six does not mess around and turn into a donkey. She is constantly hungry, but for some reason rejects the food that is prepared for the guests of the Womb, preferring to eat rats.

Almost any item in Little Nightmares can be picked up. But if you throw, for example, a bottle directly in the chef's face, nothing will happen.

The main ideas of Little Nightmares lie on the surface, but after passing (and the game ends before it can begin) there are many blank spots. There is no powerful subtext like Inside, but there is a mystery. Will someone be able to solve it, or it will be revealed later, in the supplements - a question.

I don't feel like eating after Little Nightmares

The Chosen One

First of all, Little Nightmares is compared to Limbo: a defenseless child in the center of the story, danger around every corner, logical riddles where you need to jump somewhere or drag something.

Some riddles, however, are not built on logic, but rather on dexterity, and this raises problems. Under-jumping, over-jumping, accidental jumps in the wrong direction - you know. It's still not like Limbo, here you can move in three dimensions. The girl grabs the ledges not automatically, but with a separate button, as in the ancient parts of Tomb Raider: this does not benefit the game. Especially considering the occasional rare checkpoints.

The development of the environment is one of the best in such games, but most of the objects do not carry a semantic load

But when enemies appear, the game becomes more inventive. No, you can still accidentally jump in the wrong place and get on the kitchen table to the cooking brothers, for example, but in addition to this, stealth is also connected with various distracting maneuvers. The attendants of the Womb go about their business, but as soon as they see (or hear) a little girl, they immediately rush in pursuit, so you need to act smart.

Some puzzles unfold in several locations at once: in one - get the key, hide from the cook, slip past, open the lock in another. The variety of interactions with the world also plays an important role in perception. The world of the game is thought out, every object is in its place, and every movement of the Sixth is perfectly felt. The technical solutions don't stick out, Little Nightmares feels like a whole piece, both narratively and mechanically.

I want to know a little more about this world than the game allows

There is not a single line of text in the game - the entire narrative is presented exclusively through the game world, sounds and its characters. The action is staged accurately and elegantly: the dynamics grows gradually, the mechanics replace one another. But the game ends only after accelerating.

Too many questions remain unanswered. The symbol of the game is an eye constantly watching the Sixth, a sort of Sauron's eye, but who is there - on the other side? What are the goals of the Mistress of the Womb? And who is Six: another chosen one who must end the injustice? The first five died, is it a cyclical story?

Ultimately, Little Nightmares is just another beautiful and well-crafted horror puzzle game that hides simple thoughts behind a curtain of mystery, but doesn't explain anything to anyone.

Write a message

It was called "Hunger" and therefore the main driving force in the game was the feeling of hunger. And although the new work from the Tarsier studio changed during the development process, some details of the original idea remained. For example, endless hunger and the idea of ​​shoving a small harmless person into a gloomy big world.

The independent Swedish studio Tarsier is primarily known for its adventure platformers, which include games such as LittleBigPlanet, Statik, Tearaway Unfolded - in general, fans of this genre will not have to present such projects in more detail.

However, a new project called Little Nightmares is both similar and different from past games. The developers claim that the meaning of their new project was born from two different ideas: a dollhouse and a vile feast. That is why the game Little Nightmares was born that way, merged together.

Womb in Womb

The womb is an eerie, mysterious and incredibly disgusting place where the harmless main character of the game turned out to be. You can only understand what it is if you get out of it. From the inside, the Womb looks like a prison, hellish kitchen and just an abandoned place. But if we rely on the promotional material, then we can say that the Womb is a small underwater city that rises to the surface every few years and receives new "guests". Guests are fat, weak-willed creatures who are obsessed with only one thought - to eat. And yes, it sounds rude, but there is no other way to describe it: all these "guests" are disgusting, and what they eat is just creepy.

"The slippers are obviously big for the heroine, but for this comrade - just right."

There are more monsters surrounded by Six than in any ordinary house - not every day is a feast held! Moreover, the most harmless of these monsters are "leeches". They will always try to strangle the little girl in cold blood, of course, if they catch up. The huge and clumsy friends of the local cook will instantly send Six to dismemberment, and the long-armed Watchman, at best, will put her in a cage with other lifeless "specimens".

So, in addition to the guests, service personnel and the unknown Mistress, there are also Nomes - funny, cute and harmless little creatures with caps on their heads, whom you need to look for and just hug during the passage. Why do this - the game will not tell, but, apparently, it is important. The rest, as they say, think out for yourself.

However, you should not be surprised at such a presentation of the plot, because it will tell nothing at all: how it has become fashionable now - you have to figure out everything yourself. Partly Little Nightmares in this regard is similar to Inside, or even, where the same atmosphere of secrecy and constant danger remains. In such games, it seems that now insight points will already accumulate and everything will fall into place, but no, this will not happen.

“There will be plenty of horrible places in Little Nightmares. Here, for example, is a place with shoes from the less fortunate captives of the Womb. "

The World of the Womb resembles, rather, the world or the city of Rapture from the series. As for the style, it again looks more like the no less gloomy Inside. Therefore, a significant part of the game will have to be spent in gloomy and eerily colored locations, where the only bright light is the yellow cloak of the main character. However, like the boy's scarlet shirt from. In the end, even the layout of these games has similar features: the presented world is divided into pieces, like some kind of doll house.

"Perhaps this is some kind of allusion to modern society, which is endlessly consuming something."

Recently, it has become fashionable again to make horror platformers with an oppressive atmosphere and unusual visual style. Remember at least the same one that fell in love with gamers and critics. The developers faced a rather difficult task - to make a game that does not copy other puzzle platformers, and at the same time give gamers an unforgettable experience.

Horror without explanation

Before we start talking about the game itself, I would like to tell a little about the background of this project. The fact is that initially Little Nightmares was called and did not have an official publisher. But after some lull, the game changed its name and got financial support from Bandai Namco, who saw a great future in the project.

The game itself is made in such a style that we have to find out everything ourselves - where we need to think out the story, turn on the imagination and pretty much practice the fantasy. From the very beginning, no one explains anything to us. Before us is the main character named Sixth and a dark unknown world, which is the Womb - an underwater ship that conceals many secrets and hides dangerous monsters. Little Nightmares does not have any intros, notes or other materials that can explain the essence of what is happening, and this is amazing, because no script or spectacular video can compare with the raging imagination that simply boils from everything seen in the game.

The main character of the game is a little girl who is literally “small”. Everything around is very huge, and the Sixth can easily fit even in a small suitcase. The inhabitants of the in-game world are also generally of impressive size, which is why it is easy to guess that as soon as we catch the eye of his enemy, he can easily crush us. Apparently, this part of the game migrated from the LittleBigPlanet series, to which Tarsier Studios once had a hand.

However, the atmosphere in Little Nightmares is not at all as fun and friendly as in the Sackboy games. Here, from the very first minutes of the passage, we understand that the world of the game is saturated with evil and suffering, and we are only a small dessert in it, which will be easily swallowed if no measures are taken.

Hide and seek or death

It is impossible to fight enemies in the game, instead of which most of the time we must either run away from them, or move stealthily, hiding behind various objects, so as not to catch our eye. In this, the game is very similar to Inside, already mentioned above, where the meeting with the enemy almost always also ended miserably for the main character. Speaking of enemies, one cannot fail to mention their appearance - the monsters are diverse and drawn in a very unconventional manner. When we see opponents, we immediately get the impression that we are asleep and see some kind of nightmare that does not have any meaning under itself, but is very anxiety-provoking.

The Little Nightmares artists did their best, because in addition to memorable opponents, the game also has interesting locations where you can move in three-dimensional mode, but with a side view. From this sometimes, of course, it is difficult to pass some moments, given that from time to time you can inadvertently perform a false action.

There is a lot of stealth in the game, but besides it there are also puzzles. They are quite simple and cause more disappointment than positive impressions. There is practically no need to turn on the brain, since basically puzzles imply a search for a certain object or some kind of illogical interaction with it. In general, unfortunately, there is nothing interesting in puzzles.

You shouldn't expect variability from Little Nightmares, it's simply not in the game. The passage is straightforward, except perhaps for the behavior of opponents. Enemies will always behave in different ways, which forces us to adapt to the situation. For example, if earlier we were hiding in a certain place, and then we climb back there, the enemy will no longer fall for this trick twice and will easily find us.

The musical accompaniment in Little Nightmares, as such, is absent, but instead of it we often hear the chants of the characters, which only enhances the overall atmosphere. With the surrounding sounds, everything is in perfect order, both in terms of sounds made by enemies, and when interacting with objects.

New gaming experience

Control is a serious disadvantage in the game. Very often the heroine does not listen to us when we want to perform a certain action. Considering that sometimes you need to react as quickly as possible in order not to fall into the hands of the enemy, a bad connection with a character causes a fair amount of annoyance. When playing on a gamepad, there are much fewer such shortcomings, but there is no complete absence of them.

In terms of the picture, Little Nightmares is something amazing. It's not even about the technical side of the graphics, but about the visual style, in which everything is done perfectly. The world of the game is so carefully and thoughtfully created that immersion in the gameplay occurs immediately. The game seems to know what we can really surprise, and constantly does this throughout the passage.

Unfortunately, the passage does not last long - 3-4 hours, depending on the desire to explore the location. However, the hours we spend in the game are stored in memory and allow us to get a completely new experience. This is not to say that the game is completely devoid of flaws. These include, first of all, a short duration, weak puzzles and inconvenient controls in places. However, you close your eyes to all this when you are imbued with the strongest atmosphere of the game.

Little Nightmares seems to fence us off from the outside world for several hours and plunge us into a children's nightmare, the way out of which depends only on our ability to overcome obstacles. The game cannot be called completely scary, but it is certainly alarming, since traveling around the world is always accompanied by live skirmishes with enemies and new unforgettable experiences.

A small game that can be completed with smoke breaks and coffee in a few hours. It has a bit of arcade, a bit of stealth, a bit of puzzles and a little scary.

In the dark fairy tale Little Nightmares, you will recall your own childhood nightmares, as well as how to defeat them. No other way! Otherwise, Six will not be able to get out of the Womb, the submarine.

Read in the note:

General information about the game Little Nightmares

Little Nightmares was created by a small Swedish studio Tarsier Studios. This is the first project of the company. Damn lumpy did not work out, although the masterpiece of the level of Limbo or Inside, perhaps, does not hold out (and this is despite the fact that some elements of the game are borrowed).

The sixth is a girl wearing a yellow hooded cloak. She finds herself in the Womb. She knows little about the world around her. However, the gameplay is built in such a way that even without dialogues and explanations, everything is immediately clear: to help only yourself, not to pay attention to others.

The sixth can do a lot - climb up, swing to jump somewhere, interact with objects (carry small ones with you, move more), sneak, jump, slide on the bottom and run headlong.

The game is linear, so there are no incredible difficulties in Little Nightmares.

Who will meet at Little Nightmares

What to visit in Little Nightmares

  • Womb Is a submarine that usually crawls across the ocean. Only once a year does it rise to the surface to take on a new batch of disgusting guests. Only in the Worm can they get enough ...
  • Kitchen- in the womb. Brothers-cooks live and work here. They prepare meat dishes by adding blood and tears to them. You shouldn't find out how and from what the brothers cook ...
  • Living room- arriving guests find themselves in the living room. Here they eat and get fat every day.
  • Prison- no Womb is complete without a prison. It is located in the farthest and darkest part of the Womb. There are unfortunate people here who do not hope for salvation.
  • Lair- this is a warehouse of lost things.
  • Hostess rooms- the hostess lives separately. She is resting in her rooms. Nobody knows what is in these rooms and what the hostess is doing.

Reasoning about the plot

Who is this girl? Why does she look different from others and how she got into the Womb. There are no answers to all these questions in the game. Because the fans themselves think out the plot. In the very first version of the game called Hunger, for example, it was said that the girl is the servant of the Mistress. Something she didn’t like, so she takes cruel revenge. She clearly knows where to go and what to do - for the player it comes down to a linear passage, all the way forward.

The portraits in the rooms of the Mistress, similar to the figure of the Sixth, suggest that this is possibly the daughter.

What does the name Sixth mean? There are no answers to this either. After all, there are many more than six children (Noms) in the game. The sixth is probably the number of the new mistress of the Womb. By the way, unlike the previous one, she is not afraid of not broken mirrors.

Little Nightmares Walkthrough

Chapter 1. This chapter, as they say, introduces the course. Here leeches will meet, doors are energized. Someone kindly will feed the sixth when she starts having stomach cramps ...

A girl in a yellow raincoat wakes up somewhere in an abandoned room. Look around using lighting. The lanterns on the floor can be set on fire for achievements.

Approach the ventilation hatch and pull it towards you. The door will open. Move forward to the end and jump down.

Climb the stairs up and move straight into a certain bedroom. Someone hanged himself in the next room. Move the chair to the door, jump on it and pull the handle. Place the chair sideways to jump onto the handle.

You can play with toilet paper here, leave it. However, this does not carry any load ...

In a room where something is spilled on the floor, go to the refrigerator and open it. Climb up the grate and run through the corridor where some leeches or slugs are hanging.

In the little room, pull the lever and the doors will open. Run on. Run into the room, the grate will close behind you.

Remove the board and make your way further. The boards are damaged and Six will fall down. But it will not die. Below it is dark, damp and a huge number of leeches. We must run past them. Push the door and run inside. Jump over, climb, cross the board and climb again.

You can jump over leeches. Thus, Six will avoid their attacks and death.

Run across the boards to the mechanism with the handle. A passage will open behind the back. Race as fast as you can until it closes.

In the new room, release the gnome from the hatch (optional) and move into the burrow. Jump down, run forward and climb the ropes. It is undesirable to fall here. Just don't release the button until Six is ​​in.

Open the door. You will find yourself in the toilet. Close the door you came through. The opposite door-lattice is energized, you need to pull the lever (pull the box with toilet paper) and run forward through the children's room (the time, while there is no electricity, is limited), where the train is rolling. Without electricity, however, he will not drive. The path can be cleared - there the cubes get in the way.

Go along the prison corridor, where there are some doors on the side. In a small hall, an eye is watching the room - it illuminates a certain area that cannot be reached. In this case, the Sixth dies. Walk past the eye along the wall.

The Sixth has a little time to hide under the light of the eye in the shadow.

Climb onto the shelves along the grates.

A monster will enter the bedroom. We must go around it under the beds. In the back of the room, someone is sleeping on the beds - sneak. Jump over the shelves and make your way along the narrow corridor.

The sixth will want to eat. She's hungry. Fortunately, a piece of sausage will be thrown to her now.

From time to time the Sixth becomes ill from hunger.

Jump onto the boxes and crawl through the hole in the grate. You are at a great height - if you drop the box, it will not fall immediately, the noise comes after a few seconds. So jumping down is not worth it.

Climb carefully along the boxes against the wall to the very top. In the center, the chain is up - climb it.

Climb even higher on the grates. Pull the wall lever. He will raise the platform on a chain. And then you need to pull the lever twice and have time to jump onto the platform, because it will go. Jump onto the platform and go to the room with the boxes. Some drawers slide out (on the right - bottom and second). Climb up them. Jump and pull the switch. The electricity will turn off again.

Crawl through the grate, it is now safe. Throw off the load, a loop will appear.

Go downstairs (or just jump - Sixth will die, but the save will appear at the bottom). Run past the leeches.

You are back in the room with the eye. We must pass by and not get caught in the light. The cart moves left and right, you can walk behind it. Run at the end, for the cart or minecarriage moves faster.

In the new hall, rush forward along the sliding platforms, jump over, and then jump onto the cube, and from it to the exit. If you fall here, you will have to solve the puzzle with a trolley and light again.

The grate closes behind you. There is no turning back. Go forward.

Chapter 2. In this chapter you will have to meet with the Watchman with long arms. He will arrange a real chase for Six.

Climb the stairs to the very top and climb through the hole in the wall. The room here is more inhabited than those found in the first chapter.

Move the suitcase to the closet, from which the switch sticks out. Jump over to the bed and climb up the boxes. Jump down to get the key. Jump to the floor with the key. Push the movable wall and not forgetting the key, go to the secret room.

Insert the key into the elevator lock and open it. Pick up a teddy bear inside and throw it into the button. Take the bears and move on. Throw it at the button in the elevator. The elevator will go somewhere. The bear is no longer needed.

Run past the fans. Six has hunger spasms again. In the next room in a box is a piece of meat that rats chew. Hunger, however, is not an aunt. We'll have to eat such a dish.

But when the Sixth is satisfied, someone evil and terrible will shut the cage together with the poor girl. Perhaps this is the Watchman. How to escape? The only way to get rid of the cage. Beat your sides until the cage falls and opens.

Nearby is another cage, in which someone is also sitting. Pull her to the rope handle. Climb up and pull. The door will open. Swing on the rope and jump. Your task is to slip through the door (as soon as the Sixth releases the handle, the door closes).

Climb up the closed lattice. Crawl through the hole and jump down.

Run as fast as you can through the room into the hole in the wall. The Watchman hangs out here, who doesn't like girls in yellow raincoats.

Pick up the handle, insert it into the base of the post and twist. A hole will open. Jump down quickly, for the Watchman enters the room. Crawl along the passage of some kind of sewer. Jump down to the "children's boots graveyard". Make your way to the suitcase and jump on it. We must be in time, because someone is crawling to the Sixth. Similarly to the next safe position.

From the penultimate suitcase, you need to make a jump and then run to the saving point. Without a jump, the Sixth will die (she simply will not have time to run).

In the next room, go up the stairs and rush forward into the elevator. The Watchman follows the Sixth. In the elevator, hide in a box near the wall. The watchman will move the elevator somewhere, and then leave.

Exit the elevator and push the toy box. You will move it away from the movable beam in the floor. Jump down. Make your way to the bottom. About halfway through, wait for the Watchman to leave.

Go up, grab the monkey toy and throw it into the back of the room. The noise will attract the Watchman, and the Sixth, meanwhile, will be able to crawl through the hole in the wall into the next room. Climb up the boxes. Move the box at the top and crawl into the next hole.

At the end of the path, jump down. Push the door and go inside to hide. The watchman, though terrible, is blind. Take the shoe with you. When there is a noise, run. The rest of the time, stand or sneak quietly.

Throw the shoe into the button. The door will open. Run as fast as you can past the grandfather clock to the library. Climb the stack of books (far) upstairs and jump onto the shelves. Keep climbing up and jump to the piano on the rope. Jump from the piano to the shelves and crawl up again.

Here again the Long-armed Watchman wanders. When he leaves, sneak forward to climb up the books again. Take a die and discard it so that the Guardian runs away. And yourself quietly crawl forward along the shelves between the cabinets.

On the other side of the shelving room, up again. Jump onto the suitcase. Pick up the handle and move it closer to the wall (behind the suitcase). Then turn on the TV and hide behind the suitcase. The Watchman will come and stop near the TV.

If you do not first move the lever, then the Watchman will not stand on it. In this case, it seems that you will not be able to pass without death ...

Take the handle and return to the room with the shelving. Insert the handle into the hole in the base of the post and twist. The piano on the rope rises, jump back. Only quickly, for the Watchman will appear.

Into the hole in the hall where the gears revolve. Drag the minecart to the area where steam is escaping. Jump over the dangerous area. Drag the cart further to unlock the door by pulling the handle.

Run through the hole into the engine room with some pipes. The Watchman's hand will appear in one of the places. Sneak past her.

Chase again, the Watchman catches up. Hurry up and jump through the hole in the wall. The sixth will be in the room with the trolleys. Keep running. We must have time to slip through the door, which closes and mangles some kind of steel cage.

The screenshots are quite dark. Nevertheless, it is still clear that the Sixth emerges from the battle with the Guardian as the winner - she cuts off his hands.

Climb the boxes. The watchman is trying to catch you by touch. Jump down to about the center of the room, in the middle of the Guardian's spread arms. And pull the pin out of the wall. Be sure to repeat this action! The wall will cut off the Watchman's hands and he will lag behind the girl.

The task with the hands of the Watchman is one of the most difficult at the moment. If something is done wrong, the Sixth dies.

After that, a hole in the wall will open. Climb over the boxes and jump into the hole.

Chapter 3. In this chapter, Sixth will meet with the Cooks, eat a rat-shaped delicacy and ride the elevator.

The sixth is in a narrow tube. Climb up. Jump from the bag onto the flying key and be carried across the abyss. Do not release the key until you have moved to a safe area.

The poor girl will want to eat again. She has become completely brutal. That's why she had a snack with a rat. Jump over containers. A plate is leaning against one of them, push it and move yourself.

Go through the door and push the cart in the room. You are in stock. And next to it is the kitchen where the Chef operates. You need to sneak under the table on which the Chef is preparing something and further into the next room through a hole in the wall. It is necessary to guess the moment when the cook will turn away and run. After all, if he grabbed the Sixth, he would throw her into the furnace.

In the next room, climb onto the sideboard, from there onto the boards. Move the item on the boards so you can get through. And cross the kitchen over the top.

Climb over the grates and into the vent. Run past the combined bathroom and into the bedroom. Here the second Chef is sleeping. Sneak past him and climb onto the closet. Hide there. At this moment, the Cook will wake up and leave. Get down, but not on the floor, but on the battery. Pull off the key that is hanging on the wall.

Pull the elevator lever to open the door, grab the key and take the elevator downstairs.

All the same kitchen, make your way again so that the Cook does not notice the Sixth. Open the lock on the door with the key and run into the room. Jump onto the table and from it through the hole in the wall into another room.

Interestingly, there is a huge amount of sausages and sausages in the room, but Six is ​​already fed up with a rat. Such a strange girl.

Jump into the food service mechanism and go up to the upper room, the refrigerator. Climb onto the closet, and then feel like an acrobat, jumping over the hooks hanging above the floor. You need to drop a piece of meat and jump off yourself. Drag this piece to the mechanism that feeds the meat into the huge meat grinder that stood on the table in the lower room. Another piece of meat is on the table. Move it the same way.

The sixth will need exactly 3 pieces of meat. With less, it just won't reach the sausages. Very small ...

Go back in the same way that you got into the refrigerator room. Next to the bench, then to the table and pull the lever. The meat will fall into the meat grinder. Turn the grinder lever. A "rope" of sausages will appear. Jump on it, swing and into the air vent in the wall.

The girl in the yellow raincoat will spend most of her time in the kitchen in the third chapter.

Crawl over the fan. Cross another refrigerator room. As soon as you pull the lever of the elevator, the cook will arrive. Urgently run to the refrigerator room and hide in the drawer.

When the Chef reaches for the meat, run out, rush to the elevator and go up. In the corridor, urgently hide in the fan - the Sixth will jump to it. The Cook will appear soon.

Follow the Chef into the room and sneak under the tables along the wall. At the last table, the Chef will turn and come up to this table - take a seat. Climb through the hole in the wall into the adjacent kitchen. Press the button to grind the meat and immediately run back to the hole in the wall. The cook will rush to the noise.

Your task is to steal the key from the Cook's table. Run with him to the elevator and get down.

Open the lock with the key and run into the room. Hide in the box next to the waste container. The cook will go to another room. Crawl out, open the hatch in the wall (to open - to the box, then to the hatch, it will open, again to the box and into the hatch) and jump down.

Crawl out into the kitchen, but not in the first hole, but in the last one - this will allow you to quickly cross the kitchen and go unnoticed. Here Cooks are busy with dishes. Hide under the yellow table in the center of the kitchen. While the Chef is standing with his back, sneak into the next room.

Jump onto the table and pull the lever above the table. Hide immediately under the table on the opposite side. The Cook will come running.

Go back to the room where the Chefs wash the dishes. It's better to sneak behind the chef's back, not run. Then into the hole in the floor and along the corridor under the kitchen.

Crawl onto the crockery shelves through the fan hole. When the hook crawls, grab it and fly over the kitchen. The sixth, of course, will be noticed and hunted. One of the Cooks is already waiting for you and if you delay, he will grab Six. So you need to jump a little early, onto the dishes, and then rush under the table. Then further to the boxes, to the box and quickly grab the hook. This is the only way to escape.

Jump down onto the pipe that sticks out of the wall and make your way through the vent.

Chapter 4. In this chapter, Sixth will see guests who are fat and constantly eating meat. And for some reason the guests will want to devour the Sixth. You might think that such a small fry would saturate such carcasses.

Run along the pipe and climb the rope ladder up. You will find yourself outside the Womb, you will see how guests arrive. Climb the chain, the stairs to the very top. Walk the steel beam forward into the womb.

Jump down and remove the board to crawl further. Continue forward, then up. The guests ignore Six in a yellow raincoat. Nobody raises the alarm. The Mistress of the Womb watches the guests. Luckily, she doesn't notice Six.

In the living room, make your way from above through the three chandeliers to the other end of the room. Run through the dining room. Here the Guests are already eating ...

Climb through the crack in the door. Unfortunately, there are two bottles nearby. The sixth will knock them over. This will attract the attention of one of the Guests and he will crawl after her. Fortunately, everyone else doesn't care. They continue to eat meat. Run without stopping. In the next room in the impudent climb onto the table and then climb the mountain of plates. The guests will not reach the Sixth. From the plates to the hook, swing and into the rectangular hole in the wall.

In the next room the Guests continue to devour meat. Run it. At the last table, jump onto the stool and onto the table. Now is a very difficult moment, because the Sixth will have to run across the table and dodge the Guests who want to catch the girl and eat. They don't seem to care what meat they eat.

Jump onto the box at the edge of the table and climb up. From time to time it is necessary to move left and right, because the stairs (or rather, some beams) are uneven here. In the upper room they are eating again. Jump over the fence (approximately in the middle of the room near the fence there is a box, it will help the Sixth jump). Keep running. The guests will notice the Sixth and try to grab her. Jump over (fly with a lamp) over obstacles, fences.

In one of the sections of the Sixth, you will have to go for a trick. One of the Guests will crawl towards it, the carcass of which will not be able to run around. But you can go back to the beginning of the room, jump on the boxes. The guest will hit his head on these boxes and lose his orientation for a while. At this moment, you need to run through the guest to the hole in the wall.

The life of the Sixth will be further complicated by the fact that the Cook, from whom the girl escaped in the last chapter, will also arrive on this floor. In the toilet, hide under the sink or in the drawer next to the door. The cook searches for the fugitive and examines every room in the Womb.

After a while, the Chef will leave the toilet, you can get out of the box. After leaving the Chef will slam the door so that a can will fall from above. With this jar, you need to break the mirror (throw it) and go through the opening formed.

Climb up the grate. And go along the pipe that stretches over the room. Jump off it onto the box on the table and then onto the floor. Take the elevator and go up. Run forward. A sliding door will open in the room and a fat guest will crawl behind Six. And the second one. And the third one. So you have to run very quickly.

The sixth does not want to be a dinner for guests. Therefore, she will have to run quickly ...

In the room, the cabinets will start to fall, so you will also have to jump over them. Next, you will have to run across the table where guests are feasting. At the edge of the table, grab the lamp and jump over. If you do not land successfully, you will have to repeat the flight from the Guests ...

Climb through the crack in the door. After such feats, the Sixth will want to eat again. And what do you think she will eat this time? The fungus, the creature in the cap, offers her a sausage. But Sixth pounces on this particular fungus. I’m completely out of my mind.

It remains to climb onto the box and into the hole in the wall. You are almost near the Mistress's chambers.

Pick up the item to throw it at the elevator button. Enter the elevator.

Chapter 5. In this chapter we will learn what the hostess is really afraid of. And is she worthy to remain the mistress, or are there more worthy candidates? ..

The sixth is in the room of the Mistress of the Lair. By the way, unlike the Guests, she is very slender. Apparently, he is in good shape. Cross the room and go up the stairs. On the way, pay attention to the door with the lock: the next task is to get the key to the lock.

The hostess also sings ... She preens in front of the broken mirror. Sneak past into the bedroom. Jump onto the bedside table, drop the vase. It will break. The key is in her.

Return with the key to the locked door. The hostess is gone. Unlock the lock and enter the room. The door slams shut. Run forward.

And here is the Mistress. She, by the way, is some kind of witch ... More likely through the hole between the tables. It is important - do not "encrypt" right away in order to speed up. This should be done almost next to the tables ...

The hostess is afraid of unbroken mirrors. Therefore, she is unworthy to remain a mistress.

Make your way across the entire dark room. Remove the board from the wall. Grab a mirror on the table. And come back. In the final skirmish, an unbroken mirror will save Six. It is necessary to be inside the illuminated area, hide behind a mirror and direct it to the Mistress. She is frightened by her appearance and bounces off so quickly that the wind blows the Sixth off her feet. Get up and repeat these mirror manipulations several times. The mistress will die.

The sixth will get hungry again. Who do you think she will have a bite to eat this time?

Well, the ending is a cut-scene ... What can you say about it? I remembered Zakharov's film "Kill the Dragon": the only way to get rid of the dragon is to have your own. Hello new mistress ...

In Search of Nomes

In the game the Sixth will meet 13 Nomes (12 rescued + 1 eaten) - they are evenly spaced in the first four chapters, three pieces per chapter. Finding them is one of the achievements in the game. For the meeting to be considered complete, Nome must be handled.

Room No. 1. Chapter 1. Open the refrigerator. Nom will jump out of it and run away into the hole in the wall. Follow him into a small room. There is a lantern and Nom next to it.

Room # 2. Chapter 1. In a room with a fan, lift the cover in the wall. Nom got stuck there. He will run away and stop near the cages behind the room with the eye. Get to the cage and then follow Nome through the hole in the wall. There will be a lantern and Nom in a room filled with some boxes.

No. 3. Chapter 1. In a room with a rectangular hole on the floor, Nom is sad in a cage, free him, then run after him to take on the handles.

No. 4. Chapter 2. Scare off the nome on the table and light a lantern there. You will have to run after this nome. First, he will run away to a small secret room. Move the chair at the table to open the passage with it, run around the secret room and run after the fearful nome back to the stairs (where the Sixth came from). Nome is somewhere on the edge of the stairs.

Room number 5. Chapter 2. When you go up the stairs, you will notice Nome. He is sitting in the corridor. Move to the side to get to the corridor and follow Nom.

Room number 6. Chapter 2. In the library, climb under the table next to the bookcase. Nom will jump out from there. Run after him. He hides behind one of the stacks of books.

Room number 7. Chapter 3. Nome stands in the toilet in a dark corner.

Room number 8. Chapter 3. When the Sixth goes down on the elevator, Nome will sweep along the corridor into the room with food supplies. He will hide in the bank. This jar must be broken and hidden under the bottom shelf of the cabinet. When the Cook leaves, you need to take Nome on the handles.

Room number 9. Chapter 3. Nome sits under the table, on which there is a huge meat grinder. Use the flashlight to see Nome.

No. 10. Chapter 4. After jumping onto the pipe, immediately inspect the passage at its base. There will be a lantern and Nom in the secret room.

No. 11. Chapter 4. In the dining room, where the guests eat meat, you will see how Nom overtakes you. He will run through the hole in the wall. The sixth is larger than Nome, so she will have to push aside the stool that blocks the way. In the small cage, as usual, there is a lantern AND Nom.

No. 12. Chapter 4. One of the Nomes stands next to the sleeping Guest and examines him. Sneak up to Nom and take him in your arms.

No. 13. Chapter 4. Well, the last dwarf, as you already know, the Sixth had a snack. Tired of her running after them.

Achievements for the Steam version of the game

Achievement "Song of the Sixth"

This achievement is performed in the second chapter, where you had to climb the bookshelves and jump on the tethered piano. To get an achievement, you just need to run the keys of the piano back and forth ...

Achievement "Povarenok"

This achievement can be done in the third chapter in the kitchen. What is required for this? To do this, you will need a piece of bread that you can take from the overhead boards in the corner (throw it down), a piece of cheese that lies on the box behind the bottles, the head of a fish that is lying under the table. Throw cheese, fish and bread alternately into the cauldron, which is on the fire in the fireplace. You need to throw at those moments when the Chef moves away from the table to the stove. The Chef of the Womb will, of course, notice Six during her manipulations and chase. You can hide from it in the area of ​​the hole between the wall dividing the kitchen into two rooms.

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