How to leave a clan for minecraft 1.5 2. How to leave a clan in a computer game

With clans. Each player of our servers has the right to create his own clan, but not everyone knows how to create a clan in Minecraft, although there is nothing difficult about that. On the servers, to create your own clan, a certain amount of play money is required, on our $ 5,000, this is done so that the player who has just entered the server cannot immediately create a clan, but play a little and get used to it, find out, make friends and earn extra money.

Let's go back to how to create a clan. Well, you have collected the coveted amount of game currency, we are starting to create a clan server. We write a command to the chat / clan, look in the chat and see that the server has output 2 commands

- a command to create a clan
/ clan list - show a list of all clans on the server
So to create a clan we write / clan create [clan name] all! Now you know how to create a clan in Minecraft, as you can see everything is simple. Do you know how to write in colored letters in Minecraft?

How to make a clan colored in Minecraft

For many, you probably saw that the name of the clan is written in colored letters or just in colored text, but you yourself do not know how to make a clan colored in Minecraft. In fact, there is nothing complicated here either. The main thing is to know how to write in color letters in Minecraft. When writing colored text on Minecraft servers, the following symbol is used & to indicate a color, a letter or a number, for example, you want to write text in blue, take the word TEST for example, we write like this - & 1TEST in this case & 1 is blue. Here is the most convenient Minecraft color chart, it will be easier for you to write in colored letters using it.

I think everyone understands how to write in colored letters in Minecraft, so we figured out the color name of the clan.

Having created a clan, it's time to think about who to invite into it, but for this you need to know how to invite a player to the clan for minecraft. Only its creator can invite to a clan, there are no other ways to join it. To send an invitation to the clan, write
/ сlan invite [player's nickname]
the request has been sent and now it all depends on whether the player accepts the invitation or not. The player who was invited will receive a message like this.

/ сlan accept - accept the invitation to the clan
/ сlan deny - refuse the invitation to the clan
After that, you can access the chat of the private messages of the clan / cc message

How to leave a clan in Minecraft

As I already wrote, to get into a clan you need to receive an invitation from the creator of the clan, but how to leave the clan in Minecraft? Yes, very simply by writing the command / clan leave
/ clan leave - leave the clan

How to delete a clan in Minecraft

How to delete a clan in Minecraft and such a question often arises, only the creator of the clan is allowed to delete a clan, no one else has the right to delete it. To delete a clan, write the command / clan delete
/ clan delete - delete a clan

All available clan commands

To see all / clan commands, the / clan command prints out more commands after creation. than before the creation of the clan.
Commands available to the creators of the clan.
/ clan delete - delete a clan
/ clan leader [player nickname]- transfer leadership to the player
/ clan info - information about the clan
/ clan online - who is online from the clan
/ сlan invite [player's nickname]- send an invitation to the clan
/ clan kick [player nickname]- kick a player out of the clan
/ clan list - a list of all clans on the server
/ clan leave - exit | leave the clan
/ clan welcome [Message]- clan greeting
/ clan tag [Name] - change the name of the clan
/ clan addmoder - assign a clan moderator
/ clan delmoder - remove a moderator
/ clan msg - advertise the clan
/ clan ss [message]- clan chat message

The clan moderator has access to all commands except for deletion and leadership assignment.

That's all, now you know how to create a clan in Minecraft, how to make the name of a clan colored, how to invite to a clan and how to leave it.

The Factions plugin allows players to create their own faction (clan).

Basic commands.

  • / f help- Show help window.
  • / f list- a list of clans on the server.
  • / f show clan_name- detailed information about the clan.
  • / f create clan_name - Create a clan.
  • / f tag clan_name- Change the name of your clan.
  • / f open / close- Change the mode of joining the clan ( open- anyone can join, close- only invited players can join).
  • / f join clan_name- Join the selected clan.
  • / f invite player_name- Send an invitation to the player (available to the head of the clan or his deputy).
  • / f join clan_name- Join a clan.
  • / f leave- Leave the clan you are in, or delete the clan if you are its founder.
  • / f kick playername- exclude a player from the clan. Clan moderators (deputies) can exclude regular players. Clan moderators can be excluded by the Clan Administration (head).
  • / f mod playername- Set or remove moderator rights for the selected clan member (to perform this action, you must be a clan administrator). Guild administrators should choose their deputies (guild moderators), for cases when the clan leader is offline.
  • / f admin player_name- Transfer administrator rights to another clan member.
  • / f title player_name title- Set or remove a player's title (displayed when looking at information about a clan).

Guild bank

To annex guild territories you need money 1 "chunk" (16 × 16 blocks) = 3000 caps.

  • / f money b- View guild balance.
  • / f money d amount- Put the bank to the guild cover.

Faction territories.

On the territory of a clan, only its members can break and build blocks.
Only clan members will have access to items such as wooden doors, hatches, chests, stoves, dispensers, and buttons.

  • / f map- View a map of the nearest territories drawn by symbols in the chat. On it you can see the surrounding "chunks".

"+" On the map - your location, "-" - free "chunk".
The green "/" is your clan's chunk.
The purple "\" is the territory of your allies.

  • / f claim- Attach the chunk of the territory in which you are to your clan.
  • / f unclaim, declaim- Exclude the chunk you are on from the clan's possessions
  • / f desc description- Change clan description. (Displayed when the player enters the clan territory).

Each player has an indicator called "strength", which is used to determine the size of the territory that the guild can conquer.

The join / exclude zone in Minecraft is "chunk".

"Chunk" (from the English. Chunk - cell) is a method that Notch uses to divide endless cards into parts. The dimensions of one "chunk" are 16 blocks wide, 16 blocks long, from the "bottom" of the world to its "ceiling".

If you annex a territory next to another faction, you must start from its border. The ability to annex territories is available only to Clan Administrators and Moderators.

The "strength" of a clan is the sum of the forces of all members of the guild equal to the maximum number of chunks that it can capture.

In the event of the death of any member of the faction, the faction loses 1 strength, and it does not matter at all how you died, whether you were killed by the enemy, or drowned. The player's strength is restored over time when a person is online (time is added up).

ATTENTION: the strength decreases in the faction when the person is off-line.

The maximum size of the "strength" parameter for each player is 15 points, the minimum is -20. If the clan loses its strength (the sum of the forces of all guild members falls) and the clan's "strength" indicator becomes lower than the indicator of captured chunks,
the enemy can seize her land, but only in the size of the difference between these indicators.
For example, two clan members, with a strength of 15 each, created a territory equal to the sum of their strength - 30 chunks. One of them drowned, the faction lost 1 strength.
The sum of their forces has changed and became equal to 29. The enemy can capture an area of ​​1 "chunk", but only located on the border of their territory. Claim the rest of the land enemy
cannot, since 29 chunks are owned by the faction.

Rights and access to "chunks"

  • / f owner playername- allows you to restrict the access of members of the faction to certain chunks. Usage example: You want to make a pantry in one of the chunks, which will be available only to a few members of your clan.
  • / f ownerlist- view the list of owners of the chunk you are on.

Clan relationships

  • / f ally clan_name- Conclude an alliance with a clan (If both clans are ready for an alliance). You can never harm the members of an ally clan, wherever they are, since the fire between these clans is always disabled.
  • / f neutral clan_name- Neutrality. You can never kill a member of a clan that is neutral to you on his territory.
  • / f enemy clan_name- Declare war on the clan. You can always inflict damage on the enemy clan, as well as players who are not part of any of the teams. If you are on your territory, the damage from your enemies will be only 70%.

Other possibilities

  • / f home- return (teleportation) to the clan home-point.
  • / f sethome- Set the clan home point (available only to the clan administrator).
  • / f noboom- enable / disable explosions on the territory of your clan.

Chat system

Each clan has a private chat that is visible only to guild members.

  • / f chat- Change chat mode: Public (p), Allies (a), Faction (f).

Colors that indicate the demarcation of players in the chat: guildmates are marked in green, allies in purple, neutrals in white, and enemies in red.

1 asterisk in front of the nickname (*) - Guild moderator.
2 stars in front of the nickname (**) - Guild administrator.

Admin Commands

  • / f disband clan_name- Disband the clan.
  • / f safe radius- Attach the territory for the safezone (safe zone).
  • / f autosafe- Automatically annex the territory for the safezone (safe zone).
  • / f safeunclaimall, safedeclaimall- Disband all safezones.
  • / f war radius- Attach territory for the warzone (hostile zone).
  • / f autowar- Automatically annex territory for the warzone.
  • / f warunclaimall, wardeclaimall- Disband all warzones.
  • / f peaceful clan_name- Toggle the indicated faction's “peaceful” status
  • / f permanent clan_name- Make the clan permanent. A permanent clan will not be deleted when there are no members in it.
  • / f bypass- Enable administration bypass mod: Build / break anywhere.
  • / f lock- See all recorded materials.
  • / f saveall, save- Save data on fractions to disk.
  • / f reload file- Load all data from disk, or only data in special files. (available files: config file, factions, players)
  • / f config- Change any parameters in conf.json directly and immediately.
  • / f version- Find out which version of the plugin is used on the server.

Massively multiplayer online games have become incredibly popular in recent years. Over the past ten years, players have gradually moved from offline to online, choosing their favorite games and competing in them with other gamers. The popularity of MMORPGs can be easily explained by the improvement in the quality of both the computers themselves and the Internet connection. If earlier on the network it was possible to play only the simplest games, now in Internet battles you can contemplate such beauties that no one dreamed of ten years ago. However, one of the most compelling aspects of massive online gaming is the clan system. Naturally, no one forces you to participate in this, you can always independently swing and move up the career ladder, but at the same time you can join the clan at any time. However, before that, you should understand what a clan is, how to join, and most importantly, how to leave a clan. With the last point, many players in various projects have special problems.

Clans in games

So, before moving on to the vital question of how to leave a clan, you need to figure out why you should join at all. A clan is an in-game organization that unites under its banners players with the same goals, as well as with a desire to help each other in difficult situations, train less experienced players, go together on raids on powerful bosses, and so on. By joining a clan, you accept its terms and conditions, acknowledge the leadership of the clan leader and agree to do everything in accordance with the charter. Naturally, in return you will receive a huge variety of privileges. And, of course, playing with other gamers is always much more fun, especially if you managed to find a clan whose subject matter you are interested in, or maybe people you know are in it. In any case, this is a real success. But what if the atmosphere in the clan does not suit you, if you want to change it? How to leave a clan?

Features in various games

If you want to learn how to leave a clan, you need to prepare yourself for the fact that there will not be a universal recipe for all games. In each project, you can leave the clan in different ways. Moreover, this action in various games may be accompanied by its own characteristics. In one game, you can simply leave the clan without any consequences, while in the other you have to wait a while before you can perform any other actions with the clans (for example, joining a new one). Therefore, it is advisable that you study in more detail the information about the clans, relating specifically to the game in which you are taking part. Now it's time to consider leaving the clan in some of today's most popular multiplayer games.

How to leave a clan in Minecraft

Sandbox "Minecraft" suddenly became incredibly popular and gradually took over the Internet thanks to the broadest multiplayer capabilities. There you can even join clans or create your own. However, many gamers have a question about how to leave the Minecraft clan? In fact, in this game everything is nowhere easier - the system is minimalistic, like the game itself. You just need to call the console and write the command leave clan in it, after which you will automatically leave the clan in which you are a member. Immediately after that, without any delay, you can join a new clan or create your own.

Leaving a clan for World of Tanks

Things are a little more complicated if you want to know how to leave the WoT clan. Here everything is more serious, because the developers are very attentive to the issue of clans. It is here that you will have to wait two whole days after you leave your clan to join a new one or create your own. Your account will have a window on the right that will show you a message. Its content will tell you that you will need to leave the current clan in order to create your own or join a new one. Everything is noticeably simplified due to the fact that the words "leave the clan" will be clickable, and it is on them that you will need to click to take an action. Naturally, this will be followed by a waiting time, during which you will not be able to perform any clan actions, including joining a new clan or creating your own.

Leave the clan in "Warface"

As for the popular team shooter Warface, everything is much simpler here than in World of Tanks. How to become free in "Warface"? How to leave a clan in this game? You don't have to notify anyone, follow any set rules, or wait a while before you can join the clan again. In your account, you just need to go to the "Clans" tab, where you can select the clan you are a member of. Its window will open, in which there will be a list of members, and under the list there will be a button inviting you to leave the clan. After pressing it, you will become a free lone warrior.

The online games World of Tanks, Minecraft, Stalker, Warface and others are very popular. They are interesting because playing them means competing with live players. The collective nature of the game sometimes sets the task not only of how to unite in a group, but also how to leave a WOT clan or another game?

What are clans

It is most preferable to play these games as part of a team. Not a single player, even a very strong player with a well-trained and armed character, will be able to win the battle. In the first stages, the unification takes place right during the battle. But the teamwork of such groups is far from ideal. And the transmitted information is rather scarce, and it is difficult to make a decision based on it. We need a normal connection.

The next step is to unite a small group. Two players can unite, for example, in World of Tanks declare themselves a platoon, and enter the game together. Even a small, but interacting according to a single plan, a group (even two tanks) can radically affect the outcome of a battle. The game becomes more interesting and, equally important, more effective. But it is no longer so easy to create a larger association. But you can join an existing group. True, before this move, no one thinks about how to leave the clan later, if such a need arises.

Membership in a clan opens up many opportunities, especially for a beginner. The trouble is that the likelihood that a newcomer will be taken into a decent, fighting clan is extremely small.

What the clan gives

The clan gathers people with different levels of experience. There is a very great opportunity to gain experience from more skillful comrades. To this end, clans often conduct training battles within the clan. The strategy and tactics of combat are explained to beginners. The strengths and weaknesses of the various characters in the game are indicated.

This is a game of a completely different level, there really is nothing for beginners to do. They will only be an extra burden in battle. But experienced players will have an amazing opportunity to meet face to face with the masters of the game. With such bonuses, even in bad weather, not a single player will think about how to leave the clan - there is simply no need for him.

But membership in a clan also imposes some obligations. Most importantly, you need to be in the right place at the right time. The entrance to the game must be entered at the same time with everyone. This is not always convenient for people living in different time zones. This is especially true in such a vast country as Russia, and even with a mass of compatriots living outside its borders.

In addition, not all experienced players are eager to tinker with the "kindergarten". And if a clan is assembled in a hurry, from people who do not want to strain too much, inactive, all additional pleasant moments disappear. And then being in such a clan strains even a beginner, who may have a desire to find a more suitable clan.

Then the problem of how to leave the WOT clan will become urgent. However, the same applies to any other online game. To do this, you need to log in to the official website, go to my profile, open the tab my clan, and there you can find the line: leave the clan. By clicking on this button, the player becomes free from all the advantages and disadvantages of being in a clan.

Good luck on the battlefields!

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